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Книги издательства Sophia Publishing

  • 21 декабря 2013, 04:36
  • 21 декабря 2013, 03:17
Скачать книгу The tale of the moon-elves автора Любовь Талимонова

Жанр: Зарубежные детские книги, Детские книги

Picture book for 8-12 years old children.

This fairy-tale is about two little Moon Elves who travel across the whole Solar System to look for a King for their planet. The book gives a playful and adventurous introduction to astronomy.

The book is illustrated by the...

  • 21 декабря 2013, 03:17
Скачать книгу The Lullaby Tales автора Любовь Талимонова

Жанр: Зарубежные детские книги, Детские книги

For 5-10 year old children.

The book consists of 15 short fairy tales which describe natural phenomena in metaphorical style. It helps to develop children’s imagination. These tales foster children’s interest towards the nature and teach them to love, respect and protect the beauty of nature.

The book is illustrated by the...

  • 21 декабря 2013, 03:17
Скачать книгу Tales of the constellations автора Любовь Талимонова

Жанр: Зарубежные детские книги, Детские книги

This book consists of 43 short fairy tales. This series of tales describes the 88 known constellations of our night sky.

In the book the tales are collected and written by an astrologer, Lee. She travels across the world and presents people with her tales. These tales remind children and adults that the planet Earth with its inhabitants is just a little part of the universe. In these tales, people, birds, animals and scientific instruments are turned into the constellations. In each tale the good people, birds and animals understand one another. And only wicked creatures cannot live in harmony. The tales teach children to distinguish between good and evil.

The author composed the tales on the basis of prehistoric megalithic culture to provoke the readers’ interest towards the history, archaeology and science equally with the interest towards astronomy and the beauty of the night sky. The book is suitable for older children and adults. There are many colour illustrations. This book contains the preface by Russian cosmonaut A. Soloviov.

The book is illustrated by the...

  • 17 декабря 2013, 18:20
Скачать книгу The happiness of the Tuata автора Любовь Талимонова

Жанр: Зарубежные детские книги, Детские книги

The tale for 6-10 years old children.

The book tells an entertaining story about fairy folk Tuata, who live on an island peacefully and happily. The well-being of the island is safeguarded by a magic stone. One day this stone brakes into pieces and happiness abandons the Tuata folk. To get the happiness back, seven brave and adventurous Tuatas embark on long journey to find a new magic stone. The Tuatas are guided by a Fairy. On their journey the Tuatas and the Fairy overcome numerous difficulties and get to know many new creatures during their journey. The tale helps to develop interest in ancient history and mythology.

The book is illustrated by the...

  • 17 декабря 2013, 18:20
Скачать книгу A journey through Time автора Любовь Талимонова

Жанр: Современная русская литература, Современная проза

The book is a philosophical story about sense and principles of life. Rich and colourful illustrations give an impression that the reader himself is travelling round the ancient temples of Beorgia, learning a history and lifestyle of the ancient city-state.

For children and adults.

The book is illustrated by the...

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