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Текст книги "Sentence Builder"

  • Текст добавлен: 25 января 2023, 14:22

Автор книги: Александра Егурнова

Жанр: Языкознание, Наука и Образование

Возрастные ограничения: +18

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Subject Clause

Theoretical Part

1. A subject clause is a clause which performs within a complex sentence the same function that the subject performs within a simple sentence (the agent or target of the action) and answers the questions who? or what? The main clause having no subject is deficient in its structure and meaning unless joined with the subordinate clause.

Whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with income (who?).

Тот, кто любит богатство, никогда не удовлетворен своим доходом.

It is crystal clear that if you lose weight, you will have a happier, healthier, better life (what?).

Несомненно, что, если ты похудеешь, твоя жизнь станет счастливее, здоровее и лучше.

2. Complex sentences with subject clauses may be of two patterns:

a) when a subject clause precedes the predicate of the main clause:

That she will never agree to marry him was absolutely clear to everybody.

То, что она никогда не согласится выйти за него замуж, было совершенно ясно каждому.

b) when a subject clause is placed at the end of the sentence (then it is introduced by the formal it):

It was wonderful that we could see each other.

Как хорошо, что нам удалось повидаться.

Note. In exclamatory sentences the formal it may be only implied.

How lovely (it is) that the sun has come out!

Как чудесно, что выглянуло солнце!

3. Subordinate subject clauses are introduced in the following ways:

a) by means of the connectives what, whatever, who, whom, whoever, which, whose, when, where, how, why, because. (A connective what is used only without formal it). Subject clauses of this type cannot be joined asyndetically, as the opening words signal the subordinate status of the clause:

Because I ask too many questions does not mean I am curious.

То, что я задаю слишком много вопросов, не значит, что я любопытен.

b) by means of the conjunctions that, whether, if. (A conjunction that is used only with formal it):

It is better that she should see everything with her own eyes.

Будет лучше, если она увидит все своими собственными глазами.

Note. Subordinate subject clauses beginning with the conjunctions whether/if should not be mixed with subordinate clauses of time and condition. In subordinate subject clauses a predicate can be expressed by the verb in any of the Future tenses.

If he will call you is hard to predict (a subject clause).

Трудно предсказать, позвонит ли он тебе.

If he calls you, don’t forget to give him my regards (a conditional clause).

Если он позвонит, не забудь передать ему мой привет.

c) asyndetically (only with formal it):

It is a pity you should have forgotten about mother’s birthday.

Жаль, что ты забыл о мамином дне рождения.

4. Subject clauses are not separated from the principal clause by a comma except we have two or more subject clauses coordinated with each other.

Who his father was, and why he deserted his family, were the questions that often pressed on the girl’s mind.

Кем был ее отец и почему он бросил свою семью, эти вопросы часто угнетали девушку.

Language Focus

Exercise 1. In the following sentences find the subjects and explain what they are.

1. Being the first woman president of Harvard did matter to a lot of people. 2. Her mother, who never worked outside of the home, was not one to encourage Faust to higher ambitions. 3. It was anticipated that probably I would marry and be a wife and mother. 4. That Faust's mother didn't live to witness her daughter’s success is a pity. 5. That the cost of an education at the elite private university does not prohibit talented applicants from attending makes sense. 6. For students from families with incomes under $60,000 a year, there is no parental contribution expected at all. 7. American higher education is seen as a model in many other countries. 8. What they wanted to talk with me about was the liberal arts and humanities. 9. To become president of an Ivy League university takes years of hard work. 10. It is essential that education should prepare people for a lifetime, not just a single career. 11. What they saw as characteristic of American higher education is imaginativeness, curiosity and creativity. 12. Faust’s responsibilities as president of Harvard have taken her to many corners of the globe. 13. She is a noted scholar of the American South and the Civil War. 14. Her mother seemed quite angry to have limited options for herself.

Exercise 2. In most of the lines in the following text, there is an unnecessary word. For questions 1-28, find the unnecessary words and write them on the lines provided. If you think a line contains no unnecessary word, put a tick (√) next to it.

Exercise 3. Read the text about Olde Towne Pet Resort in Springfield, Virginia.  Peruse the given statements and select the word from the box below that best completes the sentence.

whoever     that     what     how     when     that     whatever

that     why     how     if     because     that     who

1. … pet ownership in the United States has reached an all time high is an issue of the day. 2. … a dog was just a dog kept outside in its little dog house out in the backyard has become a past experience. 3. It is not surprising … Ms. Atashbarghi says she too has been guilty of what some might call puppy love. 4. … this puppy will be considered part of the family is still to be seen. 5. … pet food manufactures may say does not discourage many pet owners from feeding the animals people food. 6. It surprises no one … popular this well-to-do hotel for animals has become among the Washington area’s pet owners. 7. … refuses to leave their pets home alone can bring them to «Doggie Day Camp» to come for a day or stay for the night. 8. … brings his dog to the center may be sure there are many different activities and services to choose from. 9. … much you will be charged depends on the size of the room and the number of services chosen. 10. … the center seeks to provide pets with the same kind of care they receive at home is very essential for their owners. 11. … they like the best is that pets can even have their nails done. 12. … some dogs like to be tucked in at night, before they go to sleep, doesn’t amaze Sadaf. 13. … there is also a webcam means owners can see their pets while they are separated. 14. … Ms. Atashbarghi is planning to open a second pet resort in Sterling, Virginia indicates that her business has been successful.

Exercise 4. Match the parts of the given complex sentences and translate them.

Exercise 5. Define the type of the clause (subject, conditional, time) and choose the correct form of the verb.

1. When future generations hear/will hear these songs of pain and progress and struggle and sacrifice, I hope they will not think of them as somehow separate from the larger American story. 2. If autistic children form/will form an attachment, it predominantly will be to inanimate objects. 3. Whether projections of demographic shifts are reliable and prove/ will prove to be valid in the future is still to be verified. 4. When their profit targets are/will be reached or surpassed senior executives will receive bonuses. 5. When the mining of minerals brings/will bring about the destruction of landscapes and wildlife habitats in this area is not hard to predict. 6. If the smoke from burning fuels is/will be released into the atmosphere it will cause pollution. 7. Until the cubs have/will have grown up foxes stay in closely knit family groups. 8. When too many firms enter/will enter competitive markets, their share of profits will fall. 9. If each reflex involve/will involve some stimulus that causes a response is doubtful. 10. When consumers don’t/won’t have everything they want, they will have to choose what they want most. 11. Whether coaching and preparatory courses yields/will yield results is still to be examined on test scores. 12. Whether the goalkeeper or one of the other players retrieve/will retrieve the ball from the goal makes little difference. 13. When a criminal case goes/will go to trial, the defendant may elect to have it heard either by a jury or by a judge. 14. Even if they don’t/won’t come into physical contact electrically charged particles will exert a magnetic force on one another.

Exercise 6. Make complex sentences with subject clauses from the sentences below.


Today, the Space Needle is the most popular place for visitors to Seattle. And it remains the internationally known symbol of the city.

That the Space Needle has become the internationally known symbol of Seattle makes it the most popular place for visitors to the city.

1. The red clover is high in protein content. It is an extremely important leguminous hay and pasture plant of the eastern United States. 2. Unlike most Europeans, many Americans are used to eating bacon and eggs for breakfast every day. It is remarkable. 3. The financial manager's job is to shop around among the many sources of finance. He ought to find the best interest rates available. 4. All matter has kinetic energy because of its motion and mass. An axiomatic assumption in physics holds that. 5. Gardeners transplant bushes and flowers by moving them from one place to another. It is a well-known fact. 6. Fruit flies do not have to leap to take off. The scientists have established the cause of it lately. 7. Eskimos migrated from Alaska to Greenland in two great movements. Historians postulate when it happened. 8. Many people go to the Olympic Games. Each of them is hoping to be entertained by world-class sports. 9. Charles Kettering patented something in 1911. It was the first successful spark-based starter for automotive vehicles. 10. The planet Mercury rotates more slowly than any other planet except Venus. It surprises me. 11. Much information can be retained in short-term memory. The amount of it depends almost exclusively on how it is arranged. 12. Educational toys and games give children an opportunity to enjoy themselves. It is indisputable. 13. Humorous misunderstandings are often used in children's poetry and rhymes. They are a result of a word used in ambiguous contexts. 14. Water fire extinguishers must never be used for fires that involve electrical equipment. It is crucial.

Exercise 7. Use each of the compound sentences below as the model for a new sentence of your own. Ask your group to translate them.


How he is going to get across the border is the greatest difficulty.

How they are planning to lift the piano to the fifth floor is an insurmountable problem.

1. That he was prepared to die for her that day revealed his blind and unrequited love for her. 2. It is necessary that each student should write an essay before taking an oral exam. 3. What they learnt from him was that they were never going to have it so good again. 4. It had seemed certain that their meeting was fortunate. 5. Whether I help you or not depends on your behaviour, my boy. 6. Whoever makes trouble during the World Cup will be severely dealt with. 7. That some of the famous athletes shave their heads is cool. 8. It was demanded that I should tell them all that had passed at the conference. 9. Whatever the little girl said or did became immediately known to her parents. 10. It seemed necessary that his friends should be kept away from interfering with his work. 11. What the country needs at the present point in time is new and better leadership. 12. That the price of petrol is rising again doesn't surprise me. 13. How they could get through it all, had often amazed Mrs. Eden. 14. Whoever moved to this haunted house next would need to keep the presence of mind. 15. It was unlikely that he would take any steps against his brother. 16. What nominee is saying is welcomed by his supporters. 17. It was all wrong that someone so young should be so ill. 18. It is advisable that she should have someone to look after her. 19. It was agreed that he should be the first to pilot a new jet. 20. That he would get into a pretty mess was clear from the very beginning.

Exercise 8. Compose your own complex sentences with subject clauses from the words below. Ask your group to translate them.

Model 1:

It is apparent that the asteroid belt took shape early in the formation of the solar system, about four and one-half billion years ago.

is/was apparent, clear, critical, disconcerting, disgusting, distressing, due (to), evident, essential, important, indisputable, inevitable, obvious, remarkable, significant, striking, suggestive, true, undeniable, vital, worrying.

Model 2:

It is a fact that the Treasury Department continually works to change the design of bills to make it difficult to copy.

be+noun a fact / a factor, an accident, a reason, a consequence, a miracle, a result (of), a problem, no reason (for), the fault (of), a source (of), a measure (of), a pity.

Model 3:

It surprises the world market that Indonesia’s economy has become a bright light amid global economic gloom, with strong growth drawing new attention from international investors.

verb surprises, amazes, amuses, angers, astonishes, bothers, deters, disgusts, disturbs, enriches, helps, illustrates, impresses, influences, infuriates, makes us (verb), matters, offends, reflects, reveals, shows, stuns, upsets, appeals (to), indicates something (to), means something (to), occurs, suggests (to).

Model 4:

It is acknowledged that food can have a powerful impact on showcasing a culture and can help to generate increased tourism.

be+Participle acknowledged, appreciated, believed, challenged, doubted, disputed, found true, recognized, remembered, understood, verified, well-known.

Exercise 9. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Странно, что никто никому ничего не говорил, но все знают обо всем. 2. Очевидно, что нельзя заставить ребенка хорошо учиться только тем, что ругать его все время. 3. Тебе не кажется подозрительным, что он с тех пор больше ничего не написал? 4. То, что беспокоит меня сейчас, это состояние здоровья моей матери. 5. Есть ли жизнь на других планетах нашей Галактики, до сих пор неизвестно. 6. Как будет продаваться книга, зависит от ее сюжета и автора. 7. Давно известно, что молния есть не что иное, как электрическая искра. 8. Несомненно, что друзья должны держаться вместе в разных обстоятельствах. 9. Кто спас жизнь тонущей девушке, осталось неизвестным. 10. Сомнительно, является данная выплата вполне законной. 11. Весьма возможно, что ты встретишь их по дороге в университет. 12. Что ей было нужно, так это то, чтобы он сказал ей, как сильно он ее любит. 13. Что он выдумал эту историю с начала до конца еще надо доказать. 14. Трудно сказать, когда эта яблоня принесет первые плоды. 15. Важно, чтобы письмо было отправлено сегодня. 16. То, что она забыла меня так быстро, стало для меня шоком. 17. Никому не ясно, почему взорвался атомный котел. 18. Согласятся ли они с тем, что аренда будет оплачена на следующей неделе, еще неизвестно. 19. Неизвестно, когда будет изобретено лекарство от рака. 20. Многих людей удивляет то, как быстро могут бактерии размножаться при благоприятных условиях.

Exercise 10. Retell the following story using as many subject clauses as possible.

Through Writing, Afghan Women Find Freedom

In the virtual space created by The Afghan Women’s Writing Project (AWWP), women have the freedom to write about whatever they want and they can receive mentoring by a volunteer team of teachers and authors. Zahra A., who is in her 20s, is excited about telling her story through the project’s web site. “She’s a daughter of uneducated farmers who place a high value on education for their children in the face of community and extended family disapproval,” says American novelist Naomi Benaron, who is Zahra’s mentor. “She puts despair on the page, but she’s eternally hopeful.” Zahra teaches English at an orphanage and writes about Afghan girls’ life experiences and aspirations. Masha Hamilton, an American journalist and novelist, founded The Afghan Women’s Writing Project in 2009, ten years after her first visit to Kabul. She was inspired, she says, by all the strong, smart Afghan women she encountered, who are eager to learn and express themselves. “It’s important for a certain kind of survival to tell your own story, to tell it out loud. When you tell your story, you see it in different ways, and then you make changes that are right for you,” Hamilton says. “We don’t teach English. They write in English as the best they can. We fix it up. We work with them on their creative story-telling abilities.” Over the past three years, the number of women taking part in the project has grown steadily, as the women share their experiences with their friends and family. “We have about 100 writers now," says journalist Susan Postlewaite, who edits their stories and poetry. “We’re adding more writers. Our oldest writer is 45; our youngest writer is about 14.” These women often face enormous risks to write their stories. Postlewaite says some of them hide laptops under their burqas while walking through Taliban-controlled territory. Recently, AWWP moved out of cyberspace into an actual building in the capital city, Kabul, where women can come, use the Internet and inspire one another. “I feel I’m not alone and there’s a need for change,” says Mahnaz, 20, who joined the group three years ago. In her poem “Legitimizing Inequality,” she explores how women become victims of cultural and religious beliefs. Mahnaz says AWWP opened the door for her and other writers to have a voice and be a force for change.

Exercise 11. Make up a story, which explains the meaning of the following idiom: “Whoever loves money never has money enough.” Find a proper place for at least 5 complex sentences with subject clauses.

Predicative Clause

Theoretical Part

1. A predicative clause is a clause which performs within a complex sentence the same function that the predicate performs within a simple sentence (the action of a verb). Attention should be paid to the peculiar structure of the principal clause; it contains only part of the predicate – a link verb, which together with a predicative clause forms a compound nominal predicate.

All I wanted was that they finally stopped talking about me.

Всё, чего я хотела, – чтобы они перестали обсуждать меня.

The main issue is how we are going to fix the situation up.

Главный вопрос – как мы сможем уладить сложившуюся ситуацию.

2. Subordinate predicative clauses are introduced in the following ways:

a) by means of the connectives what, who, which (conjunctive pronouns); when, where, how, why (conjunctive adverbs). Predicative clauses of this type cannot be joined asyndetically, as the opening words signal the subordinate status of the clause:

The thing is which way will lead us to the castle.

Вопрос в том, какая дорога ведет к замку.

That was why I left.

Вот почему я ушел.

b) by means of the conjunctions that, whether, if, as if:

She felt as if the ground was slipping from under her feet.

Она чувствовала, будто земля уходит из под ее ног.

The truth is that we are committed to sinking or swimming with the dollar.

Правда в том, что мы всецело зависим от доллара.

c) asyndetically:

The problem is we don’t know what to do.

Проблема в том, что мы не знаем, что делать.

Note. In a complex sentence with a subject clauses and a predicative clause, the principal clause is represented only by the link verb:

What they are concerned about is why we are here.

Что их беспокоит – так это то, почему мы здесь.

3. In general, predicative clauses are not separated from the principal clause by a comma except we have two or more predicative clauses coordinated with each other:

The fact is that he has no alibi, and that the evidence is against him.

Дело в том, что у него нет алиби, а все улики указывают на него.

Language Focus

Exercise 1. In the following sentences find predicative clauses and explain how they are connected with the principal clause.

1. Researchers at Ohio State University say sheep probably respond more to good care than any other animal. So the first thing people should ask themselves is whether they have enough time to give sheep the attention they need. 2. One of the best places to hear jazz is New York City. Which is why the International Association of Jazz Education sometimes holds its yearly conference there. 3. Many people consider themselves number one, the most important person. They are always looking out for number one and taking care of number one. It is as if they are the one and only person on Earth. 4. It was a thickly-wooded area west of Fredericksburg, Virginia. That was where the Union army had lost a battle to the Confederates one year before. That was where the two armies would fight again. 5. Experts say one reason is because more people are smoking cigarettes in developing countries. 6. At issue is whether Mister Hussein should be tried before an Iraqi court or an international court. 7. But, the fact is, the American people are focused on our economy, and they are asking the question: where are the jobs?» 8. The government first banned shipments in December of two thousand three. That was when the United States reported its first case of mad cow disease – bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or B.S.E. 9. I am working in Pakistan for a very good Chinese company. My problem is how I am to live a life in China being a white guy. 10. The summer of nineteen-sixty-nine was a special time in history. That was when men from Earth – American astronauts – flew their Apollo Eleven spacecraft to the moon, landed and returned home safely. 11. This is how the case developed: In nineteen ninety-eight, officials in New London, Connecticut, announced plans to redevelop an area of the city. Soon, the drug company Pfizer decided to place a research center in New London. 12. Supporters say this will reduce health care costs for all Americans. For opponents, the question is whether the federal government has the right to tell people what they can or cannot do. 13. Another explanation is that «OK» was invented by a political organization that supported Martin Van Buren for president in the eighteen hundreds. 14. It was outrageous enough to be posted on VK, but it was actually more outrageous than that, and I felt as if I was about to curl up and die. 15. Another question is, who has the right to sell Iraq’s oil? 16. Former president Bill Clinton said it was as if somehow school boards «could legislate differences in algebra or math or reading.» 17. The whole point of the interview was if he was the right person for the advertised position. 18. Our subject this week is what the writer O. Henry called the one day that is purely American – Thanksgiving.

Exercise 2. Find and correct the mistakes in the following abridged dialog. If a sentence is correct, put a tick (√). If it has a word that should not be there, write this word on the line.

Exercise 3. Peruse the given statements and select the word from the box below that best completes the sentence.

whether     that     what     how     when    where    which   who

why     how     if     as if     when   where   that

1. There were times when I missed having a father in my life. There were times when I was lonely and felt … I didn't fit in. 2. The worry is … any decrease in lending could hurt a global recovery. 3. He said the question was … it would be right to stop people from communicating «when we know they are plotting violence, disorder and criminality.» 4. At first, she said Chicago. That was … the Lincolns were going to live after they left the White House. 5. These systems are designed to reduce labor and increase milk production. Here is … they work: Cows are trained to follow a series of paths that lead to milking stations. Only one cow at a time can enter a station. 6. In the early nineteen hundreds, there was a dance hall in New Orleans called The Big Easy. But the nickname did not become famous until the early nineteen seventies. That was … a Louisiana newspaper writer began calling New Orleans by this name. 7. The concern is … extended contact with radiofrequency electromagnetic fields may increase a user's risk for glioma. 8. People believed for a long time that the heart was the center of a person's emotions. That is … the word heart is used in so many expressions about emotional situations. 9. The message was: “… hath God wrought?” 10. Baby boomers were born between nineteen forty-six and nineteen sixty-four. That was … the birth rate in the United States rose sharply, or boomed, after the end of World War Two. 11. Missus Astor gave tens of millions of dollars mainly to places and people in New York City. She said it was the sensible choice because that was … the money had been made. 12. The next decision is … area of the huge museum to explore first. It would take days to fully explore the museum. 13. Earning the organic label requires controlled conditions. The question is … fish that swim wild and free – like Alaskan salmon – could meet the proposed requirements. 14. Apple says this latest OS X upgrade has over two hundred new features. But one big difference is … the company will sell it. 15. JON HUNTSMAN: "But the question each of us wants the voters to answer is … will be the better president, not who is the better American.”

Exercise 4. Match the parts of the given complex sentences and translate them.

Exercise 5. Make complex sentences with predicative clauses from the extract below.


Tattoos are rather popular among men (now, big thing).

A big thing now is that tattoos are rather popular among men.

Tattoos and Beauty Products in Kenya

1. A growing number of Kenyans get tattoos (not a very common situation, still). 2. The older generation thinks about this skin taint (predictable). 3. A lot of Kenyan mothers would frown. What some people really needed was a tattoo. 4. In the past the people who had tattoos were considered very bad and accused of having an unpleasant character (attitude). 5. Nowadays more and more people are getting tattoos (getting used, result, such a novelty). 6. There are several reasons for getting a tattoo. Some people believe it is a form of embellishment or a status symbol. Kenyan men think it makes the human body look more beautiful. 7. At present the African men go to beauty salons (rumor, the press). 8. Manicures and pedicures and beauty therapy in general – some of them prefer today. 9. It seems such a development is increasing (interesting thing). 10. Why this is happening (question, such a ticklish, arising, state of affairs). 11. Basically women used to spend their free time (how, in fact, using beauty products, such as, going for services, pedicures and manicures). 12. Today you find men in a salon and many men seem to be accepting this (experience, interesting).

Exercise 6. Complete the second sentence using the word(s) in bold. Use two to five words including the word given. Do not change the word(s) given. The first sentence has been done for you.

More than two hundred million children worldwide are forced to work, mostly on farms.


Estimates are that more than two hundred million children worldwide are forced to work, mostly on farms.

One man who was there said: «A bright star had gone out of the sky.»

as if

One man who was there said …………………………. a bright star had gone out of the sky.

Financial markets offer no guarantees. The Securities and Exchange Commission exists.


Financial markets offer no guarantees. ……………….. the Securities and Exchange Commission exists.

Over time, the church grew, especially after nineteen eighty. The new minister was a clergyman named Lon Solomon.


Over time, the church grew, especially after nineteen eighty. ………………..…………….. a clergyman named Lon Solomon became the new minister.

Some colleges reported big increases in the number of applications. They say high school seniors are applying to more schools than in the past.


They say ……………….. high school seniors are applying to more schools than in the past.

He discovered that lung capacity in these children was far weaker than in those kids who live at least 1500 meters away from a thoroughfare.


………………………………. lung capacity in these children was far weaker than in those kids who live at least 1500 meters away from a thoroughfare.

6 Many measles wards have become empty in hospitals in Africa.


………………………… many measles wards have become empty in hospitals in Africa.

Blood transfusions can save lives. But they can also spread diseases. At least two people in Britain became infected with the human version of mad cow disease.


Blood transfusions can save lives. But they can also spread diseases. Researchers ……………………… at least two people in Britain became infected with the human version of mad cow disease.

Players might see the training room as not the place even for well-qualified women.


They say ……………………. players might see the training room as not the place even for well-qualified women.

The main building is Independence Hall. Colonial leaders declared independence and later debated the creation of a government.


The main building is Independence Hall. ……………………… colonial leaders declared independence and later debated the creation of a government.

Exercise 7. Compose your own complex sentences with predicative clauses from the words below. Ask your group to translate them.

Model 1:

The thing is I don’t remember how I left her place.

noun+be (+connective/conjunction): a fact, an aspect, a reason, a miracle, a result, a news, a problem, a thing, a principle, a policy, an issue, a matter, a point, a challenge, an outcome, a sign, a case, a concern, a worry

Model 2:

Today graffiti scenes appear more often in Barcelona. That is how the artists use their free time.

particle+be+connective/conjunction: that, this

Model 3:

Having broken the wedding photo, the bride felt as if she had lost something that would never reappear again.

feel+as if

Model 4:

What I see is how the waves are breaking on the shore and how the breeze is stirring petals of the flowers.

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English.

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