Текст книги "Mentors"
Автор книги: Алексей Дарковский
Жанр: Современная русская литература, Современная проза
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Aleksei Darkovsky
Author’s note
Who are mentors and what purpose do they serve in our lives? Probably, each of us at least once asked this question.
For someone, the closest people – parents or foster parents, sisters, brothers, grandmothers and grandfathers become the mentors. Often, being an adult, a person finds someone who is able to instruct and lead, for example, a friend, colleague, husband or wife. There are people who might not have advisers – they are going through life steadily and independently. And some never had a wise mentor, although they wanted so much to find him or her…
Of course, the first mentors we meet when we come into the world. Family becomes the mainstay of the defenseless baby. And then, everything depends on the twists of fate and, surprisingly, on the personality of the growing-up child.
The line of this story is based on a real history of relationships at different life stages. Such stories can happen to anyone. But did each of us wonder – who helped me to become a person? Who defined my hero? Who pointed me to my virtues and talents?
Perhaps you have already found your mentors long time ago and thank them with all the heart. Or are you still looking for people who would share their precious experiences with you? Anyway, this book will help you to find much to learn and be surprised of.
Chapter 1
Recollecting the days of childhood, you involuntarily catch yourself thinking that parents were the only mentors at that time. Perhaps, for someone, they remained so for the rest of life. Some listened more to Mom, others – to Dad, for someone – both parents become idols and authorities forever.
But life goes on and we transit from home to kindergarten. A colorful society of peers is around and there are no moms and dads. Instead of them appear nursery teachers. Little children, unwittingly, look in them a substitution of their parents. Boys try to liken a mother to a teacher, and girls – a father. If it is possible to find this similarity, the child unconsciously considers the teacher to be a new mentor. And children who do not see any relative feature in the teacher are constantly crying and asking their parents to take them home as soon as possible.
Perhaps, dear reader, you will object that there are many teachers and each of them considers himself to be the boss over the children. But does each of them deserve to be called a mentor?
The question is accepted! Moreover, I recall one case that, perhaps, will become an irrefragable answer.
It was in summer of the distant 1989. In our group there was a teacher being with whom we felt like behind a stone wall. When it was necessary, she suggested and praised, and for the cause she called over the coals. But one day our beloved mentor went on vacation, and we were put to another teacher.
At first everything was going fine. Dinners, classes, walking. On one of these walks, we, children, wanted an adventure. Well, what’s wrong with that, the children adore everything new and unusual. We climbed on a tree, but one boy has broken. It is good that he landed successfully – on his back. We got scared and surrounded the injured friend.
And what about the new teacher? She talked to another teacher and continued to do so. She did not even come to us. Of course, we were then too small, and did not particularly understand the behavior of adults. But one of the boys, named Aleksei, muttered:
– Our teacher would not allow such a thing!
Of course, we cannot guess the train of thought of another person and understand why he or she acted one way or another. But this case confirms my idea – people cannot bear to be a mentor – they become to be those.
Surprisingly, but both of these women remain in the memory of Aleksei. One woman as a mentor, the other one as her antipode. It is most likely that the second teacher saw the fall from the tree and just did not want to bother.
Meeting with the second possible mentor is not limited by a kindergarten. At the end of kindergarten period, many of us were joined creative circles for singing, artistic gymnastics, martial arts, swimming. It is a way parents tried to provide us with skills that could become a hobby or even a future profession.
In the life of little Aleksei a swimming class appeared. At first he visited the so-called “paddling pool”. The higher stage was considered to be the “great water”. But it was not easy to cross over there. Children were selected by experienced coaches.
Aleksei could not even imagine that simple swimming teaching would transform to something more. Then he only diligently showed his skills, swimming from one edge of the “paddling pool” to another. He swam to the edge, raised his head and saw a woman standing right above him. She was his future coach in competitive swimming.
– Well, will you join to my team? – she asked cheerfully. I will teach you a competitive swimming!
– I will go, – he answered immediately.
On the one hand, the boy was filled with enthusiasm. It was interesting for him: what and how he will be taught. On the other hand, he felt a slight shiver from fear and excitement. It is so deep, almost five meters! How does he do it, will not he drown?
Coming for the first training session, he changed and went with all the guys to a small hall for a warm-up. In just a half an hour, he already swam in the pool, forgetting about his fears. Undoubtedly, that was the merit of the coach.
Yes, it is possible that many coaches use this system. But she worked not only on the physical skills of children, but also trained their characters. Involuntarily her persistent words are recalled.
– You do not elaborate all the time, not do everything that I tell and show you, – she told Aleksei.
Another coach would probably spit on it. The boy does not want to work hard, let him flounder, as he wants. But she did not give up.
Now, after a little over twenty years, it is hard to say what they could achieve together. But everything remained as a draft. The coach left (in her own volition or she was forced to do so, it will remain a mystery), and our team of budding swimmers has disintegrated.
Of course, the swimming class, where Aleksei met a wonderful coach, was not the only place where he can meet new masters. In this period of his life, a huge influence on the child is exerted by the school.
School time
Every year, when we come to a class reunion, we try to pay more attention to our teachers. Whatever, we spend a quarter of our entire life at school.
We not only acquire new knowledge there, but provide ourselves with friends as well. The school is preparing us for adulthood gradually. It provides us with new mentors – a first teacher, a form master, and subject teachers. Sometimes even classmates or guys from high school become mentors.
The main support for most children in primary school, of course, is the first teacher. Aleksei was not exception. Fate gave him an excellent teacher. But it was not long time for the teacher to run the class. Her help was needed for other children, future first-grade students with a gymnasium emphasis. But she remained in Aleksei’s memory forever as an example for admiration.
Further school life was very interesting, but Aleksei never met such a mentor as the first teacher was among school personnel. Maybe he did not look for a mentor at that time, and was “cooked” in what he had. Although, wait, there was one interesting case…
It happened about a year and a half before the end of school period, in 1999–2000. Senior students studied in a vocational training facility designed to teach adolescents some of the professional skills. For example, there it was possible to train and pass driving examinations completely free of charge.
It would seem that only lazy people would not avail itself of that opportunity! But Aleksei and his school friend could appearsuch lazy persons. Well, here’s the thing. The guys did not want to make much effort, but, at the same time, they desired to get a quick result. They prepared a lot of cribs and became the best in the theory of traffic code. They never once thought that they could not use the cribs on the real exam. And even if they contrive to pass the test, knowing nothing, they could commit many accidents in which innocent people will suffer.
As a result of such machinations, Aleksei and his friend were “sitting pretty”, but such a “sitting” was useless. And then they were selected among the other guys to represent the school in city competitions.
Aleksei did not go there shying away from defeat. But his friend went to the competition, where he has failed dismally. However, it did not change anything. Subsequently, both careless friends were given right kicking from the teacher of industrial training.
“How so? – a teacher, probably, thought. – The best students, “A” students, and suddenly have embarrassed so much at the citywide competitions? Something is wrong here!”.
And he decided to check out teenagers by changing the rules of the game. Situations were similar to those that were offered at the competitions, but ticket numbers are different.
I remember our conversation at that time as if it was yesterday. The teacher was hoping, right up until the last minute, for the prudence of his students. But, alas, it turned out that the excellent knowledge of the theory was a shameless deception.
At that moment, Aleksei was very, very ashamed. His deception was announced to everyone. I was ashamed of the teacher, pupils, and most of all – of myself. After all, it turned out that it was worth nothing! Perhaps, his school friend felt the same.
It was a kind of turning point in the formation of character. I had to pull myself together and get knowledge honestly, without cribs that promised a good result. After all, there was not only driving examination, but entrance examinations to the university as well.
Chapter 2
Perhaps, many of us, entering secondary special or higher educational institutions, try to find a mentor. For example, it might be any subject teacher or research advisor with high professional and personal qualities. Such a person can help a student to determine his future.
Someone is really lucky – it become possible to meet a wise and demanding mentor or even several ones. Subsequently, these people play a significant role in the formation of the professional activity of the young man. Other students do not even try to find a mentor, they just get education.
The studentship of our hero has provided him with several meetings with wonderful teachers. Not many of them allow Aleksei to learn the vital postulates and instructions, without which you will never become yourself.
One of the young guy’s mentors was, now deceased, teacher of theory of state and law, Grand PhD in (Juridical) sciences, Professor.
At that time, just a couple of months after graduation, Aleksei did not think that the first days of studying at the university would be a tough challenge.
He will always remember the lesson that he had been given by his future mentor. It was in the fall of 2001, in the freshman year. Students finished the awareness-raising seminar and had to prepare reports on the topics proposed by the teacher. Full of enthusiasm, our hero went to the nearest scientific library to assiduously feast on knowledge. It seemed to him that he had prepared a good material for the report.
This is the first statement he remembers ever since. The teacher interrupted him with a strict phrase:
– Learn to give a speech, my dear colleague, learn!
In general, it seemed to Aleksei that he talked a terrible nonsense during the report. He was surprised that he had not been expelled from the classroom.
It was necessary to put himself together and get prepare for a new speech that was much better. Only one thing he regretted later: the acquaintance with the fine mentor was disappointingly brief. It is possible that, in the sky, Professor is glad that the summing up was nevertheless completed under the guidance of his colleague, the teacher of history of the state and law of Russia, PhDin historical sciences, Associate Professor.
Whether you have an opinion, dear reader, that the description of the studentship of our hero in this book is limited only to knowledge obtaining? Did not it seem that, in university, Aleksei was interested only in mastering professional skills, finding a mentor and writing a student diploma paper research?
No, it was not so! A studentship is one of the most beautiful periods of life. In college, university or academy, we not only get knowledge, but also find new friends and, possibly, even future spouses. Here we participate in such various phenomena of studentship as competitions, holidays, parties, in general – have fun. In addition, we learn to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Often college practice helps to find a future place of work or duty.
We are trying to find such a shelter from the very beginning of studentship – on the introduction practical training, work experience internship or pre-graduation practice. Aleksei chose another path. For him, the regional labour inspection was the place of passing the pre-graduation and, in fact, final practice.
Never after he failed to meet so many communications from citizens asking for help, as in this inspection. Problems were standard, namely non-payment of salaries and delays in returning labour record books. The future lawyer tried to help everyone who asked for help. After all, it couldhappen to anyone. Nobody is insured against the negligence of managers.
It was a very useful experience. It allowed not only understanding the problems existing in the observance of labor legislation, but assessing his own efforts as well. To help people who were powerless in face of their employers was difficult, but interesting.
At the end of the practice period, as you may have already realized, dear reader, our hero was offered to stay, but as an employee of the labor inspection.
He refused, because he made another choice for himself. But, despite this, he did not lose contact with the head of pre-graduation practice. You cannot part with someone who once appreciated you.
Chapter 3
Opening of a career
Our hero has made another choice for himself. He joined the district inspection of the Federal Tax Service. His position was called “the first category specialist in Tax Audit Department”.
Probably, one of the readers will notice: “He could find a proper job! And why did he not accept the offer received at the practice post? And, in general, a lot of legal work, where prestige and salary are higher!”.
It is impossible to disagree with you! But everyone chooses where and how to start a professional career. Moreover, the choice is not so great for a rising lawyer. Little more employers choose us and a bit less we do.
To be honest, a tax audit is quite a complicated matter. It was beyond the effort of yesterday’s student to draw expert conclusions. Maybe, that is why Aleksei moved to Legal Department soon. There, each employee, depending on the position, was engaged in the entrusted site. So, the chief and his deputy contested very voluminous disputes with large enterprises, specialists of lower level were involved in solving intermediate problems. And an inexperienced newcomer was assigned the simplest job. And it was right – after all, a well-considered alignment of forces makes the work process more efficient. In this way the priorities are determined by the best bosses who have the qualities of mentors.
Scarcely two weeks have gone since the beginning of Aleksei’s work in Legal Department, his knowledge and skills obtained at the university have already begun to be checked.
And again, he recallsin his memory the words of Professor that were heard in the university freshman year: “Learn to give a speech, my dear colleague, learn!”
He tried, but the serious speech was still too far…
How exactly to speak, and what follows, he learned at one of the trials. Yes, then he failed in a suit. Could the result be positive? Definitely! He succeeded to take revenge, but only in ten years, and that is another story.
Time passed, and our hero gradually gained experience. Of course, he made mistakes, sometimes inexplicable for himself.
Perhaps, one of you thought that a young lawyer accepted bribes during his activities? I have to disappoint you! The competence of the lower positions does not include making important decisions. And the bribes do not do any good. Stumbling at the very beginning of a career, you may incur a lot of trouble.
Of course, sometimes you are not satisfied with some moments in the work – for example, salary or lack of career growth. A professional advancement depends not only on your abilities, but on the desires of other people, who are not always interested in it as well. But, in any case, it is much better to find yourself in a new field, rather than to risk, endangering yourself and your beloved people.
Chapter 4
Perhaps, my dear reader, you have already guessed that Aleksei decided to leave the ranks of the tax service. He had been working there a little over two years after graduating from the university.
For some people such a time will seem too short, for others, on the contrary, it is too long, and thirds would not go there at all. But Aleksei had the choice and he made it.
The decision was not spontaneous. It is nothing to hide, there were problems that he had created himself. Partly, they provoked his departure. But, like they say, if you lose don’t lose the lesson. At the same time, he did not regret that he left the tax service, since he continued sticking to the same type of activity given in the fiscal body.
Of course, it was not easy to find a job on the same field. But at some point a free “window” of neutral time appeared. He had necessary to act – now or never. And Aleksei decisively dialed the phone number.
– Hello, do the vacancy of Senior Lawyer is still current? – he asked.
– Yes. And where are you working now? – asked a female voice at the other end of the line.
– In the tax inspection.
– Then come, we will talk. – she suggested.
He passed the checkpoint, then walked through the territory and entered a three-floored brick building. There, in the office on the second floor, he met the future direct boss – the woman who talked with him on the phone.
The conversation took a little more than one and a half hours, and then they went to Director General of the enterprise. It was a scientific and production company specializing in chemical engineering. Soon Aleksei became its regular employee, namely Senior Lawyer on tax matters.
At that time, namely, in late 2008 – early 2009, most commercial structures were not easy in terms of taxes. He always had to avoid inspections of fiscal bodies. Only a few businessmen understood that they should not fight, but start with themselves.
It is hard to say why the choice of this company was in favor of our hero. On the position of Senior Lawyer qualified specialists with very extensive experience were expected.
Maybe, the answer lies in the way he introduced himself.
– Are you sure to cope, because you have a little work experience? – asked his future chief.
– Definitely. – he said calmly.
Maybe the readers will say that Aleksei has assumed impossible obligations. But how can you immediately determine the boundaries of your opportunities? After all, it is not just an experience. It is important who works with you and what goals do they pursue.
He was lucky – he had the strength of his colleagues. At first, there were few like-minded people and then many people listened to them, even those who werenot expected.
But the expectations given to him at the very beginning had to be met and he tried not to fall below the level that he had set himself.
Years of experience in the commercial structure helped him to look at life differently, acquire new knowledge in areas not limited by the scope of his profession. In addition, he met talented and successful people. All of these helped him to achieve the results that were expected by others.
Big deal, the skeptic reader would tell, what do he say to us here! For sure, he bribedto all people… What’s the use of dissemble? Sometimes it happened. But the result came out not always. And if you took the obligation by such an act, then how?
Thinking about this, you will understand that not everything depends on us, everything could not be the way we want it to be. You may take an obligation to someone, but you fail to fulfill it. Anyway, you are the only who need to bite the bullet.
A person has trusted you, and you let him down. It is not pretty! Of course, you can iron out everything, change it. Maybe, you will be forgiven, but they could not trust you anymore.
Besides, there are always be vicious tongues, dissatisfied by everything in the world, and then, they will start to remind your mistakes any possible time. So what to do?
The answer is simple – if you have been trusted, you shall appreciate that. And do not betray those who relied on you, think straight before you do anything.
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