Текст книги "English grammar with Kudjo. Понятная и забавная грамматика для детей и взрослых. Part 1"
Автор книги: Larisa Lubimova
Жанр: Языкознание, Наука и Образование
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Unit 5
Past Continuous Tense
Прошедшее продолженное время
Это время используется для обозначения действия, которое длилось в прошлом. Чаще всего эта длительность чем-то зафиксирована. Например, у нас есть конкретное время в прошлом или другое действие произошло в этот момент: At 5 pm yesterday Kudjo was reading a book about people. When he was reading, the light went off.
Время Past Continuous часто используется для создания фона или атмосферы повествования.The sun was shining.The birds were singing. The cats were mewing. Kudjo left the house for a walk.
Из примеров уже понятна структура предложения. Она очень похожа на конструкцию Present Continuous, но только глагол to be стоит в форме прошедшего времени – was/were:
подлежащее + was/were + глагол с окончанием ing.
Look at Kudjo
What was he doing at 2 pm yesterday?
He was walking. He was standing on a bench. He was supporting his favorite football team.
Напишите, кто что делал вчера в это время, используя Past Continuous:
For example,
At 5 am we were sleeping.
1 At 7 am I was*****.
2 At 9 am my family were *****.
3 At 11 am my dad was *****.
4 At 2 pm my mum was *****.
5 At 4 pm I was *****.
6 At 6 pm my friend was *****.
7 At 7 pm my neighbors were *****.
8 At 11 pm I was *****.
9 At 2 am everybody was *****.
Давайте придумаем, что каждый делал в тот момент, когда приземлились инопланетяне на вашей улице. Используйте глаголы– подсказки в форме Past Continuous:
For example,
When aliens landed in our yard, we were having lunch.
1 play football
2 cook
3 swim in the pool
4 chase a cat
5 play hide-and-seek
6 grill salmon
7 water strawberries
8 eat raspberries
9 sunbathe
Отрицательное предложение строится таким образом:
подлежащее + was/were + not + глагол с окончанием ing.
He wasn’t frolicking.
В разговорном английском мы используем сокращенные формы wasn’t/ weren’t
Найдите нужный глагол и поставьте его в отрицательную форму: play, fight, walk, look, bark, read, watch, have, hide
That time yesterday…
1 Kudjo ***** a book, he was sleeping on the sofa.
2 Kudjo ***** his favorite series, he was sleeping and having dreams.
3 Kudjo ***** in the park, he was sleeping at home.
4 Kudjo ***** lunch, he was sleeping fast.
5 Kudjo ***** at all, he was sleeping and snoring.
6 Kudjo ***** with another dog, he was sleeping and dreaming about it.
7 Kudjo ***** a bone, he was sleeping with the bone under the pillow.
8 Kudjo ***** football, he was sleeping like a log
9 Kudjo ***** out of the window, he was sleeping under a blanket.
Вопросительные предложения строятся по такому же принципу, как и вопросы в Present Continuous:
(вопросительное слово) + was/were + подлежащее+ глагол с окончанием ing?
What were you doing at 8 o’clock last night?
Поставьте вопрос к выделенному слову:
1 Kudjo was chasing a crow.
2 Kudjo was helping me cook dinner.
3 We were walking in the park.
4 They were fighting because of a ball.
5 Kudjo was lying on the rug.
6 I was writing the book.
7 Kudjo was barking loudly at a garbage-truck.
8 He was sleeping under the table.
9 Kudjo was jumping around a tree to catch a squirrel.
Маркерами для этого времени являются слова и выражения, фиксирующие процесс:
when, while, as, at + время в прошлом. Самый главный маркер while используется для соединения двух одновременных действий:
He was sleeping curled up in a ball while I was working.
Соедините обе части предложения:
1 While I was cooking lunch,
2 When we were walking in the forest,
3 Kudjo was taking a nap
4 I was making up these sentences
5 Kudjo was playing with a ball next to the pool
6 While I was watching a documentary about dogs
7 As I came in,
8 While other dogs were fighting because of the bone,
9 Kudjo was sitting and waiting
a when Kudjo came up with his ideas.
b Kudjo found a hedgehog.
c when a fire alarm went off and frightened him.
d Kudjo was listening to an audiobook about the first people.
e Kudjo was licking clean his bowls.
f while I was looking for his leash.
g Kudjo stole it.
h Kudjo was lying in bed under my favorite duvet.
i when the ball fell in the water.
Напишите, что происходило вокруг вас, когда вы вчера вышли на улицу.
Можете использовать глаголы-подсказки в Past Continuous:
For example, snow – It was snowing heavily outside.
1 run
2 play
3 walk
4 sing
5 chase
6 shout
7 bark
8 drive
9 blow
Поставьте глагол в форму Present Continuous или Past Continuous:
1 Listen! Kudjo / bark/ at something or somebody.
2 He /dig/ under the tree when I saw him.
3 I /sleep/ very fast and didn’t hear him jump onto my bed.
4 I /buy/ some treats for Kudjo when he took a toy from the shelf.
5 Shhhhh. Kudjo is /kip/.
6 Don’t open the drawer. I /hide/ Kudjo’s toys there and he mustn’t see them.
7 We /talk/ about flying to France when Kudjo came up with his passport in his teeth.
8 Kudjo /eat/ my dinner while I /talk/ on the phone in the next room.
9 I didn’t see Chilly because he /shelter/himself under Kudjo.
Найдите ошибки в 7 предложениях:
1 We walking home yesterday when a big fat rat ran into Kudjo.
2 He breaked his leg last winter in a skating-rink.
3 Kudjo was walking me in the park when you called.
4 We are having grilled meat or fish almost every day in summer.
5 Kudjo is try to find something to eat now.
6 When we were on a sea holiday, Kudjo sleeped in the fresh air.
7 Where did you flew last June?
8 I didn’t bought anything for my pet yesterday
9 They were arguing very loudly when Kudjo started barking at them.
Кстати, если вы помните, мы используем Present Continuous с маркером always, чтобы показать недовольство. То же самое происходит в Past Continuous. Например, He always splashes water while drinking звучит нейтрально, а вот He was always splashing water показывает, что нас это раздражает.
Определите в каких предложениях лучше поставить Past Continuous, чтобы выразить недовольство, а где лучше просто Past Simple.
1 Kudjo always / jump/ and /run/ around when he was little.
2 Kudjo always /roll/ in the dirt when he was a puppy!
3 Little Kudjo always /jump/ onto big dogs and they didn’t like it!
4 Little Kudjo always /run/ to everyone to kiss them.
5 Kudjo always /whine/ when he was alone!
6 When Kudjo was little, he always /tear/ new sheets!
7 Kudjo always /ask/ me to let him out when it was necessary.
8 Kudjo always /steal/ food from the table!
9 Kudjo always /smile/ when he was a puppy.
Отметьте правильный вариант:
1 He ***** what to do. He is a clever dog.
a is knowing
b knowed
c knows
2 Kudjo ***** when a mosquito bit him.
a was sleeping
b is sleeping
c slept
3 Kudjo ***** a cat while the cat ***** a rat.
a is chasing/chases
b was chasing/was chasing
c chases/chases
4 Kudjo the piano, but he wants to.
a doesn’t play
b wasn’t playing
c didn’t play
5 At 3 am yesterday Kudjo ***** a dream about the planet of Akita dogs.
a had
b was having
c is having
6 Kudjo *****,***** and ***** away.
a came /was looking around/ran
b was coming/was looking around/ran
c came/looked around/ran
7 Kudjo ***** with a bulldog when somebody splashed water over them.
a was fighting
b fought
c is fighting
8 Kudjo ***** on the window sill to enjoy the blizzard outside.
a lies
b is lying
c lied
9 Kudjo ***** about his birthday and was very surprised to see a cake with 8 candles.
a wasn’t remembering
b doesn’t remember
c didn’t remember
Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple и Past Continuous:
1 Когда Куджо очень голодный, он вылизывает свою миску до блеска.
2 Когда Куджо был маленький, он часто играл с большими собаками в догонялки.
3 Куджо не любит грязь и лужи, потому что ненавидит мыть лапы после прогулки.
4 Вчера в это время Куджо лежал на диване и слушал классическую музыку.
5 Он проснулся, потянулся и посмотрел на меня.
6 Начался дождь в то время, когда мы гуляли вдоль реки.
7 Почему он идет так медленно? – Потому что он не хочет идти домой сейчас.
8 Пока Куджо гулял, я сидела на скамейке и читала книгу.
9 Что Куджо делал, когда ты вернулся домой? – Он лежал перед дверью и ждал.
Unit 6
Past Simple and Past Continuous, Used to
Основная разница между этими двумя временами заключается в том, что одно из них завершенное Past Simple и отвечает на вопрос что сделал, а другое несовершенное Past Continuous и может отвечать на вопрос что делал.
В одном предложении Past Continuous выражает длительный процесс, который был прерван действием в Past Simple.
Например, When we were playing football, Kudjo caught the ball and bit it through.
Поставьте глагол в форму Past Continuous или Past Simple:
1 At 8 o’clock last night Kudjo /watch/ a new Xmas comedy Dog Home Alone.
2 Kudjo /eat/ his breakfast when a fly /land/ on his food.
3 While I /read/ a new book, Kudjo /lie/ next to me and /listen/.
4 When he /run/ after a badger-dog, he /see/ a beautiful bull terrier.
5 Kudjo /lie/ next to the fire-place when I /come/ in.
6 Kudjo /have/ his birthday party when two other dogs /come/ to him.
7 After the walk he /take/ a shower and /go/ to bed.
8 The dogs /bark/ so loudly that all the cats /wake/ up.
9 We /stroll/ in the center when we /meet/ a horse.
10 When he /stand/ near the fountain, Kudjo /see/ a frog.
Поставьте глагол в форму Past Continuous или Past Simple, обращая внимание на то, как меняется форма глагола в ответе в зависимости от вопроса:
1 What were the dogs doing when I called you? – They /eat/.
2 What did they do when I called you? – They /stop/ eating.
3 Where was Kudjo running when I saw him? – He /run/ to the pet shop.
4 What did Kudjo do when I saw him? – He /run/ into the shop.
5 What was Kudjo doing when you came in? – He /lie/ in my bed.
6 What did Kudjo do when you came in? – He /jump/ off the bed immediately.
7 Where were the dogs going when a cat met them? – They /go/ to the cafe.
8 Where did the dogs go when a cat met them? – They /run/ after the cat
9 What were you doing when Kudjo woke up? – I /have/ my morning coffee.
10 What did you do when Kudjo woke up? – I /go/ for a walk with him.
Придумайте что произошло, когда Куджо остался один дома, и закончите предложения:
1 Kudjo was looking for something tasty when…
2 Kudjo was trying to reach the shelf with treats when…
3 Kudjo was playing computer games when…
4 Kudjo was listening to an audiobook when…
5 Kudjo was rollerblading around the flat when…
6 Kudjo was trying to catch a fly when…
7 Kudjo was lighting candles when…
8 Kudjo was playing with his ball when…
9 Kudjo was barking and whimpering when…
10 Kudjo was waiting for me to come when…
Поставьте нужный глагол в правильной форме Past Continuous или Past Simple: learn (2), play, slip, get, leave, bump (2), begin, chase, find, run
1 Kudjo ***** on the ice while he was crossing the street.
2 It ***** to rain when we were wandering around.
3 Kudjo ***** hide-and-seek with himself when I found him under the table.
4 What happened while Kudjo ***** a rat last night?
5 The rat ***** into a cat and the cat ***** into Kudjo.
6 While we were walking in the park, Kudjo ***** a huge bone.
7 While I ***** Doggish, Kudjo ***** English.
8 As soon as it ***** dark, we decided to return home.
9 A cat ***** away when it saw Kudjo coming up.
10 Just as we ***** home, Kudjo remembered to take the key.
Не забудьте о глаголах состояния, которые не используются в форме Continuous. Это правило касается и Past Continuous и эти глаголы мы ставим в форму Past Simple, даже если очень хочется показать процесс:
appear (= казаться), believe, belong, cost, look (= выглядеть), forget, hate, have (=обладать), know, like, love, mean, need, prefer, realize, remember, see (=видеть, понимать), seem, smell (= пахнуть), sound, suppose, taste (= быть на вкус), think (= по мнению), understand, want, etc.
Переведите эти глаголы и напишите рядом форму, в которой они могут использоваться– Simple (S) или Continuous (C):
For example,
видеть – see -S
1 знать —
2 сидеть —
3 нюхать —
4 понимать —
5 стоять —
6 хотеть —
7 смотреть-
8 помнить —
9 пить —
10 ненавидеть —
Поставьте глагол в правильное время Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous:
1 Kudjo /stand/ on the top of the mountain when he /see/ an eagle.
2 Kudjo hardly ever /stay/ alone. He /need/ to know I am next to him even when he /sleep/.
3 Last morning he /wake/ up very early, /run/ around the flat, /rattle/ his empty bowl and /sit/ down in front of my bed.
4 This time yesterday Kudjo /sleep/ and /have/ sweet dreams.
5 Kudjo /learn/ the Cattish language now.
6 Kudjo occasionally /eat/ raw meat and he /enjoy/ it.
7 Kudjo /dig/ a deep pit when somebody /bite/ on the nose.
8 Kudjo /see/ a new French bulldog and /come/ up to say hello.
9 Kudjo /watch/ a cartoon about cats when the light /go/ off. It /make/ him furious.
10 Stop barking! You always /bark/ at our neighbor’s dog!
В английском языке есть оборот used to, который обозначает постоянное и регулярное действие или состояние в прошлом. Глагол в такой форме выполняет функцию глагола в Past Simple, но отличается тем, что подчеркивает то, что это действие относилось к прошлому и сейчас все по-другому: When he was little, he used to destroy all his toys. Now he takes care of them.
Кстати, оборот used to не используется для цепочки действий и для действия, которое произошло только один раз, в отличии от глагола в Past Simple.
Перефразируйте слова Куджо, используя оборот used to:
For example,
We are not friends with Chilly anymore. – We used to be friends when we were puppies.
1 I don’t eat carrots anymore.
2 I don’t taste everything I see anymore.
3 I don’t sleep in my mum’s bed anymore.
4 I don’t tear sheets anymore.
5 I don’t chase cats anymore.
6 I don’t whimper anymore.
7 I don’t lick everyone that I meet anymore.
8 I don’t steal mittens and gloves anymore.
9 I don’t like fireworks anymore.
10 I don’t smile all the time anymore.
Отрицательная и вопросительная формы оборота used to строятся точно так же, как и для глагола в Past Simple при помощи вспомогательного глагола did:
He used to smile a lot.
Did he use to smile much?
He didn’t use to smile much.
Напишите что вы раньше делали/не делали, используя глаголы-подсказки и оборот used to:
For example,
I used to eat a lot of ice-cream, but now I don’t mind.
I didn’t use to like soup, but now I do like it.
1 eat
2 like
3 go
4 watch
5 listen to
6 hate
7 have
8 spend
9 use
10 play
Поставьте глагол в форму Past Simple, Past Continuous, used to в воспоминаниях Куджо:
I /run/ and /jump/ a lot when I was a little puppy. I /have/ too long legs and every time I /fall/ down when I /run/ very fast. But I never /whimper/. I /have/ a friend named Chilly. We /do/ everything together. We even /eat/ and /sleep/ together. But once we /have/ a row and /stop/ being friends forever. How it /happen/? Well, we /have/ fun in our yard when suddenly that beautiful Malinois /run/ up to us and… it was the end of our friendship. We /become/ rivals as soon as we /see/ her. Of course, she /choose/ me, which /make/ me happy and proud. But I /lose/ my best friend, which /make/ me feel upset.
Поставьте к каждому маркеру соответствующее время или несколько времен Present Simple (PS), Present Continuous (PC), Past Simple (Past S), Past Continuous (Past C):
1 at 2 pm yesterday
2 always
3 ago
4 while
5 at the moment
6 usually
7 now
8 occasionally
9 often
10 in 2023
Отметьте правильный вариант:
1 Kudjo ***** clumsy when he was a little puppy.
a used to be
b was being
c is
2 Kudjo ***** over a fence when he got stuck there.
a jumped
b was jumping
c used to jump
3 Kudjo ***** when he was left alone.
a whimpers
b used to whimper
c is whimpering
4 Kudjo ***** a lot of stray dogs in the center of the city.
a use to meet
b met
c was meeting
5 Kudjo ***** to play frisbee.
a is wanting
b used to want
c wants
6 Kudjo *****when he hurt his paws.
a wasn’t crying
b didn’t cry
c didn’t used to cry
7 What ***** on Sundays when Kudjo was little?
a were you doing
b do you do
c did you use to do
8 Where ***** when Kudjo was little?
a do you live
b were you living
c did you use to live
9 While I ***** online meeting, Kudjo was making faces behind me.
a had
b was having
c used to have
10 Kudjo ***** his eyes and ears when fireworks went off.
a is closing
b was closing
c closed
Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, used to:
1 Куджо никогда не боялся фейерверков в детстве, но сейчас очень боится.
2 Вчера в это время мы шли по зимнему лесу, когда вдруг увидели лося.
3 Пока я работала, Куджо сидел рядом и ждал.
4 Раньше мы часто ходили гулять на Красную площадь, но сейчас мы живем далеко от центра.
5 Время от времени Куджо становится очень упрямым и делает странные вещи.
6 Он сейчас сидит перед своей миской и с нетерпением ждет ужина.
7 Раньше Куджо любил играть с другими собаками, но теперь он предпочитает проводить время только с людьми.
8 Почему люди заводят питомцев?
9 Что ты раньше любил делать по выходным, но сейчас уже не любишь?
10 Куда ты шел, когда мы с тобой столкнулись?
Unit 7
Future Simple Tense and be going to
Будущее простое время и конструкция собираться что-либо делать
Future Simple Tense используется для
1. действий, в которых мы не совсем уверены или еще не решили окончательно: I’ll probably write a new book. (I’m not sure yet.)
2. для выражения обещаний: Ok. I’ll buy you a new ball. I promise.
угроз: I’ll punish you.
надежд: He’ll pass the exam. I hope so.
страхов: I’m afraid, he’ll bite me.
прогнозов: You’ll be rich and fat next year.
спонтанный решений: Don’t worry. I’ll go with you.
3. для действий, которые произойдут в будущем независимо от наших желаний: She’ll be 50 next year.
Это время обычно сопровождается такими выражениями как expect, hope, believe, I’m afraid, I’m sure, I know, I think, probably, etc.
Форма утвердительного предложения:
подлежащее + will + глагол.
I think people and animals will live on different planets in the future.
В разговорном английском мы используем сокращенную форму: I hope he’ll come back one day.
Найдите подходящий глагол и поставьте его в форме Future Simple: bite, close, be, make, understand, help, keep, snow, come, speak, bring
1 I’m hungry. I ***** a ham sandwich for myself.
2 Kudjo ***** 8 in January.
3 Don’t worry. I ***** your secret.
4 I think it ***** tomorrow.
5 We probably ***** back home very soon.
6 It’s getting colder. I ***** the window.
7 I hope you ***** English fluently one day.
8 I believe people ***** their pets better in the future.
9 I guess he ***** you something yummy.
10 I’m afraid Kudjo ***** your dog. Don’t let your dog jump at him.
11 I ***** you look for your cat. Don’t worry.
Отрицательное предложение в Future Simple строится так:
подлежащее + will not + глагол.
I hope people will not destroy our planet.
Обратите внимание, что мы редко используем полную отрицательную форму will not, чаще всего ставим сокращенный вариант won’t: I’m sure Kudjo won’t bite you.
Поставьте отрицательную или утвердительную форму глагола в Future Simple
1 Kudjo’s old bowl is too little for him now. I think we /need/ to buy a new one.
2 We don’t need an umbrella. It /rain/.
3 Nobody can beat Kudjo in this game. You /win/.
4 Don’t whimper! I /buy/ you a new toy now. Maybe later.
5 I guess we /find/ something exciting to do at home.
6 This restaurant is not dog-friendly. They /let/ us have lunch there.
7 I don’t think we /go/ to the park today.
8 I’m afraid we /play/ now. I must work.
9 I’m sure my dog /hurt/ your puppy. He never does.
10 I think we probably /throw/a party for you.
11 I hope he /come/. He is too noisy and naughty!
Вопросительное предложение в Future Simple выглядит так:
(вопросительное слово) +will + глагол?
Where will people live in the future?
Вспомогательный глагол shall используется только в вопросительных предложениях с I и we, чтобы выразить идею или предложение что-то сделать:
Shall I help you?
Where shall we go tonight?
Предложите свою помощь или идею в следующих ситуациях, используя Shall I…? Shall we..?
For example,
It’s too stuffy here. – Shall I open the window?
1 I’m thirsty.
2 It’s a bit cold here.
3 I can’t read this text. I don’t know English.
4 I don’t know what to do now. I’m bored.
5 I can’t open the tin with my food.
6 I don’t know what to cook for lunch.
7 I’m starving.
8 I can’t hear my audiobook well.
9 I don’t know who to invite for my birthday party.
10 I’m exhausted. I can’t go further.
11 I don’t know what to present to him.
Сигнальными словами времени Future Simple являются любые указания на будущее время и сочетания, выражающие мнение: tomorrow, next week (month, year, summer, Monday, weekend…), in 2020…
I’m sure, I believe, I expect, I hope, I suppose, I think, I’m afraid, I wonder, I fear, I worry, I promise, I guess or perhaps, possibly, surely, probably, maybe.
Выразите свое мнение, используя маркеры Future Simple: I’m sure, I believe, I expect, I hope, I suppose, I think, I’m afraid, I wonder, I fear, I worry, I promise, I guess or perhaps, possibly, surely, probably, maybe.
For example,
Will humans ever meet aliens? – I fear they won’t. I don’t believe in extraterrestrial life.
1 Will computers ever take over the world?
2 When will humans live on another planet?
3 Will dogs live on the planet only for dogs?
4 Will people drive flying cars?
5 Will all animals disappear?
6 Will we have holidays in space?
7 Will we be cloned and never die?
8 Will robots replace humans?
9 Will there be only one country with one president?
10 What will happen to our nature?
11 Will we eat special pills instead of food?
Поставьте правильную форму глагола в Future Simple:
1 Don’t drink too much coffee. You /sleep/.
2 Wait! I /be/ ready in ten minutes.
3 anybody /come/?
4 I’m afraid we /go/ shopping today. I’m short of time.
5 we /watch/ the movie “Hachiko’ today?
6 I’m sure the winter /be/freezing and snowy.
7 I expect nobody /want/ to take your toy without your permission.
8 I guess he /mind/ if we take him for a walk with us.
9 I /bring/ you something tasty?
10 I promise I /break/ your laptop.
11 In the future dogs /have/ their own pets.
Для выражения будущих действий мы также используем оборот be going to.
1. Он используется, чтобы говорить о будущих вещах, которые вы собираетесь сделать, планируете или решили сделать. I am going to take my dog to this party.
2. Он используется для предсказания будущих действий, для которых у нас есть доказательства того, что они должны произойти.
Look out! The glass is going to crash!
Предложения с этим оборотом строятся так же как и предложения в Present Continuous:
I am going to have lunch.
Are you going to have lunch?
I am not going to have lunch now.
Поставьте подходящий глагол в форме be going to:
get up, do, go, cook, meet, attack, bite, Skype, watch, eat, do
1 She can’t stop her dog! He ***** us!
2 Kudjo looks furious. He ***** your dog!
3 Kudjo is looking for a new recipe. He ***** something delicious for dinner.
4 you ***** to bed before midnight tonight?
5 Kudjo ***** his friends at the weekend?
6 We ***** any movies tonight. We are too busy.
7 We ***** out next Friday night.
8 you ***** the shopping tomorrow? We’ve run out of milk and meat.
9 you ***** anybody tonight?
10 We ***** early tomorrow. We have a lot to do in the morning.
11 Kudjo ***** anything special next Saturday. You can visit him.
Ответьте на вопросы, используя be going to:
1 What are you going to do tonight?
2 What are you going to do this weekend?
3 Are you going to watch anything interesting tonight?
4 What time are you going to wake up tomorrow?
5 Are you going to buy a pet in the future?
6 What is something that you are going to learn this year?
7 What are you going to do on your next birthday?
8 Are you going to play any sports this week?
9 Are you going to live in the same town or city forever?
10 What is the next thing you are going to talk about with your best friend?
11 What are you going to do in 10 years’ time from now?
Поставьте соответствующий глагол в форме be going to или Future Simple: stay, rain, read, fill, leave, buy, work, see, live, throw, take
1 – Look! What is he doing? – He **** your car for a joyride.
2 – I’m dying for a drink. – Are you? I ***** your bowl with fresh water right now..
3 – Don’t forget to invite your friend to the party. – Don’t worry. I ***** him a message on the snow as soon as I go out.
4 – Can we play after lunch? – I’m sorry, but I ***** this afternoon.
5 – What a perfect day! The sun is shining… – But look at those clouds over there. It *****.
6 – You look so happy! What’s the matter? – We ***** a party tonight!
7 – Do you have a toothache again? – Yes, It’s terrible! But I *****the dentist today..
8 – What are your plans for the weekend? – Nothing special. I suppose that we ***** at home as usual.
9 – Do you think we can meet next month? – No, we can’t. We ***** in the country all summer.
10 – Shall we go to the movies this weekend? – Great idea. I ***** tickets.
11 – Why are you switching on the light? – Because I ***** for a while.
Поставьте глагол в форму Future Simple или be going to:
1 They’ve already decided on their next summer holiday. They /visit/ their family in France.
2 Kudjo thinks that the cats’ concert /be/ boring.
3 The weather forecast is good for the next few days. It /snow/ a lot.
4 Kudjo can’t come to you tomorrow. He /look after/ a little bunny.
5 In the future humans /turn into/ biorobots.
6 Today’s household chores are very easy. I know we /do/ them very quickly.
7 If we go to France, Kudjo /take / care of our little baby girl.
8 It’s very late! We /miss/ the flight!
9 Look at that cat at the top of that tree! It /fall/ down.
10 It’s very hot here. I /open/ the window?
11 It’s a secret! OK I /not tell/ anyone.
Сделайте правильный выбор Future Simple или be going to:
1 Kudjo will/is going to be 8 years old this January.
2 I think Kudjo is going to/will love this series about a dog-detective.
3 I’ve decided. I will/am going to buy a present for Kudjo’s birthday and make some meat muffins.
4 I expect that Kudjo will/is going to help me with the book.
5 We will probably /are going to have a walk in the center of the city.
6 In the future dogs will/are going to have bigger heads.
7 Kudjo is lying very close to the edge of the sofa. He is going to/will fall off.
8 I wonder What Kudjo will/is going to do with my hat. He is trying to hide it under the bed now.
9 Watch out! You are going to/will bump into an old lady.
10 I believe Kudjo won’t /isn’t going to be happy to have a cat at home.
11 Are we going to/will we/shall we have chicken for dinner?
Как вы думаете, какие обещания сделал Куджо на Новый год?
Используйте глаголы подсказки и напишите их в форме Future Simple или be going to:
For example,
I promise/roar – I promise I won’t roar at unknown dogs.
1 I think/stop
2 learn
3 I promise /bark
4 do sports
5 eat
6 walk
7 I believe/ play
8 be polite
9 I swear /obey
10 protect
11 whimper
Отметьте правильный вариант:
1 Kudjo is ***** on the sofa right now and *****very quiet, sleepy and cute.
a lies/looks
b is lying/looks
c is lying/is looking
2 Once Kudjo ***** a lot of raw meat from the table and ***** it very fast even without chewing.
a stole/swallowed
b stealed/swallowed
c steals/swallows
3 Kudjo ***** and ***** all the toys he had when he was a puppy.
a used to tear and bite
b teared and bit
c tore and was biting
4 Look! Kudjo ***** this huge doberman!
a is going to bite
b will bite
c bites
5 I guess Kudjo ***** a good father when he has puppies.
a shall be
b is going to be
c will be
6 Yesterday when I ***** up, Kudjo ***** next to my bed.
a woke/was sleeping
b was waking/slept
c waked/slept
7 Now he is too choosy and ***** fruit and vegetables, he ***** eating only meat and fish.
a didn’t use to eat/enjoyed
b doesn’t eat/enjoy
c doesn’t eat/enjoys
8 In the future all dogs ***** human languages.
a are going to speak
b are speaking
c will speak
9 When Kudjo heard fireworks, he ***** about the walk and ****** home.
a used to forget/rushed
b forgetted/ rushed
c forgot/rushed
10 Next weekend Kudjo ***** me cook Xmas dinner.
a is going to help
b will help
c helps
11 Once, he ***** to a pet shop, ***** a big toy from a shelf and immediately ***** it in half.
a used to come/take/bite
b comed/taked /bit
c came/took/bit
Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, used to, Future Simple и be going to:
1 Когда Куджо был маленьким щенком, он много бегал, прыгал и играл со всеми собаками, которых он встречал.
2 Теперь он спит целыми днями и бегает только за крысами.
3 Вот и сейчас он лежит на коврике и спит и ему снится что-то вкусное.
4 Он так дергает лапами во сне, что вот-вот упадет с дивана.
5 Когда Куджо был щенком, он ел очень много и даже иногда воровал мясо со стола
6 Теперь он ест мало и никогда не берет еду без разрешения
7 Вот и сейчас он смотрит на свои миски и не хочет даже подойти к ним и понюхать, что там
8 Я думаю, он съест все после прогулки.
9 Когда Куджо был маленьким, он ходил каждые выходные в зоомагазин и выбирал себе игрушку.
10 Вчера в магазине он стащил и сгрыз игрушку, пока я разговаривала с продавцом
11 Он надеется, что я подарю ему много игрушек на день рождения
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