Автор книги: Mr. Valerii Kochnev
Жанр: Философия, Наука и Образование
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12. Fifth industrial revolution. Virtual green economy
As a means to bring the idea of the polyvalent model to as many people as possible, the goals of the model are to redefine the meaning of digital technologies and philosophical ideas embodied in the overall concept of the polyvalent model, in the hope of achieving positive changes in people’s minds, their relationships. This idea echoes the content of the book «Virtual Green Economy» by Dragan Manasevich from IMADR published in 2015, in which he stated that it is possible to build a virtual green economy based on modern financial and legal technologies, in which science and education, healthcare, agriculture, business, the industry will be organised in accordance with the needs of the society of the future, i.e. We are talking about the fifth industrial revolution. In the future, the virtual green economy can become a new world economic system, a new global economic paradigm, a new world economic model, which will become the main economic model of sustainable development, a green economy model and an important model for the subsequent development of sustainable development in the world.
In order to find a new economic model based on sustainable development, it is necessary to take into account the need for a new economic approach, which can be implemented through the creation of one of the necessary conditions for this. The new paradigm is the basis for creating a new sustainable economic model that provides the basis for a new economic system that can be used to create ideal conditions for sustainable growth.
The virtual green economy will be the basic, comprehensive and leading world economic model of sustainable development, providing a system and system structure, covering the entire world economic system, it will be a new economic model of sustainable development.
As a means of creating sustainable green development enterprises in close contact with the mass population, the polyvalent model is an excellent tool and indicator that can be used to provide ordinary people with a better understanding of such polyvalent models in various green development sectors so that they can change, give them a lot of attention and realise their significance and value. It is important to attract a large mass of people in order to influence their inner meanings so that they change. Although it is unlikely that all of them will be deeply aware of this trend and will only follow it, the fact remains that a polyvalent model can significantly improve happiness.
The purpose of the polyvalent model is to spread the concept of Green Sustainable Development, support the development of science and technology, and contribute to the field of scientific research, as well as benefit to society and people.
To make the polyvalent model successful, it is important to think about the value of the model to people and to the world, in order to realise the goal of making it a common practice on this planet. A polyvalent model is not something that can be accurately completed in a short period of time. It will take a long time to get the desired result. In order to maintain efforts, there must be great patience towards oneself and towards each other, one must make great efforts to change oneself, to change the world.
We must take the lead in transforming ourselves and the world if we are to create a better world in the future.
Obviously, the effort will not be as big as we would like if we focus on only one or two components of polyvalent projects at the same time, instead of working together on several components at the same time. It has long been quite obvious that a large number of monovalent private initiatives, high-tech projects, the development of their components have a narrow function in a certain circle. They are isolated and really have no place in any conceptual system. It should be noted that there are a number of off-the-shelf high-tech solutions that are in use today and are gaining in importance, but at some point none of them seems stable with support in place. The polyvalent model is an attempt to get out of the impasse of the system. This is an example of a well-thought-out qualitative simplification and reduction in the cost of high technologies, their systemic mixed use, expanding their effectiveness with a new architecture and structure of a digital database-oriented multi-user database and a multi-user system for integrated accounting and storage of partner project data, with their digitisation and registration new projects, accessibility and progressively building truly useful intellectual property based on tangible working projects with a database of patents and intellectual property rights with the possibility of simultaneously registering new patents and intellectual property rights. Creation of conditions for the implementation of public projects in the field of green and sustainable development and the phased implementation of strategic development plans.
Possibility of smooth inclusion of projects of any origin for their joint development and implementation.
The theoretical basis of the polyvalent model will be new theoretical approaches that take into account the complex structure of the modern socio-economic system, the role of the financial sector, the principles of the formation of money and the formation of wealth, the systemic nature of ecology, the need to develop high technologies in the context of the formation of effective systems, the formation of hierarchies of modern society, the formation of components energy transition systems and how this is achieved through the consumption of cheap and clean energy. The mechanism for the transition from energy to a new approach based on renewable energy sources is proposed as a complex symbiotic chain with unlimited potential. This is an effective way to most simply, conveniently and inexpensively provide the population of the Earth with energy, create a new economy and minimise harmful emissions of all kinds into the environment.
The main feature of the polyvalent model is that it includes a number of innovations, including the main innovation – the «monovalent» system has been transformed into a polyvalent one. However, the main innovation is not in this, but in the fact that it is a multifunctional system, which is a single, integrated, closed and synergistic whole. This system has the main elements:
The first is a «monovalent» system, essentially an intelligent machine. It is a non-human, non-material, non-biological system with a high level of intelligence with the ability to self-learn and automatically equip with new functions. The second is the mechanical device, the product of the system. It consists of a number of separate elements, each of which retains its specific functions.
It is important to be aware that COVID-19 and the crisis, restrictions, the de-globalisation process, as well as other destructive factors cannot and should not undermine the process of green and sustainable development.
According to some experts, in the first decade of the 21st century, the state of the world economy and the world as a whole will be characterised by the following processes:
· decrease in the level of economic globalisation;
· partial displacement of the sphere of influence of the world economy;
· change in the structure of world trade;
the emergence of new centres of technological development,
· emergence of new centres of technological and production leadership;
· formation of new centres of the financial system, transport and logistics;
· strengthening of regionalism;
· creation and strengthening of regional economic blocs;
· formation of a new generation of nuclear and electronic technologies;
· fragmentation of the world economy into geopolitical blocs.
The strategic actions of highly developed countries are aimed at the development of the world economy, the creation of new markets, the creation of new competitors, the destruction of the old, the destruction of the main market of late modernism and the formation of a new one.
The destruction of the old world development model, which is happening in modern reality, leads to the destruction of the world market as a whole, to the destruction of the environment and to the destruction of the future man for the sake of profit – this is a process taking place in the modern world, and it is necessary to create a fundamentally new approach to sustainable development.
Today, development projects face new challenges as a result of disruptions in supply chains, increased exposure to investor hype and bias, and a higher level of overall project risk.
To implement the concept of sustainable development theory in a sustainable way will require new ideas, meanings and ways of communicating in the existing conditions, which can be used in the process of developing the sustainable development process to see the positive side in things that were not previously considered or seemed unusual or difficult to match and fit into the trend of sustainable development. New models of projects based on the principles of sustainable development are required as an important method to achieve and consolidate the goals of green and sustainable development in the modern world. You can use the theory of sustainable development as a methodology for developing a program for sustainable development and the process of creating a sustainable community. Philosophy and theory of development, in which the concept of sustainable development is based on physical and non-physical factors interacting with each other, determining the internal and external environment of the project, as well as the way to achieve and maintain a state of dynamic equilibrium, which is the result of the interaction of environmental factors and factors of nature and society.
In addition, the theory of sustainable development is a one-sided development theory that does not consider the internal and external environment of the project, which is the result of the relationship of various factors, therefore, in this regard, the theory of sustainable development development is very limited in scope.
Polyvalent development is a theory of development that allows us to develop various factors of sustainable development, which include economic factors, social factors, environmental factors, cultural factors, political factors and many other factors that are interrelated.
Therefore, polyvalent development is a global and holistic theory of development.
Polyvalent development can be used in the process of creating a sustainable city, a sustainable region or a sustainable country. The theory of polyvalent development is more than just a theory of sustainable development.
At the same time, any theory of sustainable development must also be integrative, because any sustainable development project must be developed comprehensively, and any theory of sustainable development must be integrated.
The theory of polyvalent development differs from other theories in its complexity, since it is an integrative theory and at the same time is a theory of integrative development. The theory of polyvalent development is the theory of sustainable development in its most complete form.
Polyvalent development is a solution and a response to all the problems of sustainable development, which mainly consist in the lack of overcoming the contradiction between the natural, social and organisational environment and the formation of an integral and integral system of sustainable development.
One of the main differences of polyvalent development is that it is a flexible, versatile and mobile development paradigm, able to adapt to any situation, to any place, to any crisis context and complex environment; polyvalent development is the most optimal and most flexible theory.
Within the framework of polyvalent development there can be:
1. polyvalent social enterprise,
2. polyvalent social economy,
3.polyvalence of social innovation, multivalence and multiculturalism in social change projects,
4.polyvalent social capital, polyvalent social self-determination, polyvalent social security, polyvalent social market economy.
This is the only element of this theory, the rest is just forms and tools for implementing projects.
In other theories of development, the word «sustainable development» is used in the name of the theory, but these theories do not contain a single real formula for implementing the concept of sustainable development.
In other theories of sustainable development, the concept of sustainable development is realised through the development of a solar energy project in the Sahara Desert, or the creation of a national park, or the creation of a hunger elimination project, or the development of a fruit tree planting project, or the development of a small-scale fishing village development project, etc. So, in other development theories, the concept of sustainable development is implemented through projects, the development of which is based on the following principles:
First, the uncertain development of society and the economy of society;
Secondly, the unsustainable development of the environment.
13. Polyvalent space. Features of the investment process
A theory based on the implementation of new scientific ideas, concepts, options and approaches to integrate knowledge and innovation with business culture and communication technology, which will lead to the creation of a new civilisation. In addition, polyvalent development contains solutions to the most complex problems not considered by other theories of sustainable development. For example, polyvalent development contains solutions to the problems of so-called «world homogeneity» and «global monoculture». The polyvalent approach to development is the practical mathematics of sustainable development.
Polyvalent development is a new worldview that can be implemented on the basis of an existing worldview.
Polyvalent development is a global scientific project based on universal scientific ideas, concepts, options and approaches.
Polyvalent development can be applied in various fields, ranging from business and economics to politics, science, and sociology.
In fact, this is a polyvalent model in which a number of diversified areas and technologies, diverse existing projects that meet the requirements of sustainable development are combined into a single basic structure to consolidate a wide range of values in a single system of values through the use of a polyvalent model as an effective mechanism for implementing the ideas of sustainable development now and in the long run.
The polyvalent model forms attractive semantic concepts and formulations: «Polyvalent space» is a space in which the basic principles of sustainable development are applied and determined by the needs of the population.
«Polypragmatism» is a method of sustainable development and the driving force behind everything new.
Polytechnic is a method of putting sustainable development into practice and creating new products.
«Polyeconomy» is the formation of sustainable development and its application.
«Multi-organizational» is the formation of a multi-organizational management and a specific culture.
«Polytechnon» is a technology that makes it possible to implement polypragmatism and polyeconomy in practice, to ensure the formation of polyorganizational management systems and polytechnon.
«Polysystem» is a system of values and their implementation in the form of a new type of person and modern ethical responsibility.
The idea of green sustainable development is so general that it is possible to attract and develop other projects in different directions within the framework of one polyvalent project model, whether it is a large complex mechanism or a small gear, but all of them will eventually be used as the basis for implementing the general idea of green sustainable development. It also means using a model where there is not a replacement of one technology for another, but the replacement of existing projects with projects of a new type, based on the values of sustainable development.
There are several advantages associated with polyvalent models, such as better stability, risk reduction, the use of cross-technologies in a single intellectual property space, mutual preferences, support, and other features that arise when an extended list of components from different industries is involved in a common project to ensure it success, reducing risks, promoting open interaction, joint decision-making and other positive features, including the exit from the node of the issue of superiority.
The question of primacy: «Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?» It is important to understand that the development of science-intensive products, the development of science-intensive technologies themselves, the scale and availability of conditions for their use, the potential market for their application, incorporation, and many other factors force them to be divided into investments. streams for use in practically independent directions, which, at the same time, cannot be considered separately and function in isolation.
As a result of selective and sometimes biased investment decisions on the part of investors, a significant part of projects relate to one-vector topics that are initially limited in application or applied to systems and conditions that have not yet been created, which in turn nullifies further development or becomes the subject of financing schemes in the form of «science for science’s sake» type grants that stop further development.
There are several reasons for the underdevelopment of one or another technique. One of them is the lack of applications of this technology, which, in turn, is caused by the lack of an appropriate system environment or the lack of conditions for the use of certain systems. Another reason is the lack within a certain highly developed area of knowledge.
A topic not developed in other fields, such as information technology, or in a specific branch of engineering.
The situation is aggravated by the fact that the developers of some technologies are not interested in the development of other technologies, and vice versa. This line of development is fragmentary and cannot be considered as a whole.
Factors leading to fragmentation include the fact that technology development is funded from various sources, including private companies, grants, industry programs, military programs, and so on. The choice is made within each of the individual development vectors, as a result of which funding is directed primarily to projects that are most likely.
In the absence of investment opportunities in the main pay-for-pay area (ready-to-pay technologies), scientists and engineers are forced to undertake research into areas that require significant financial investments or the development of new technologies and new systems either their adaptation to new conditions, or the development of new materials, or the development of new knowledge in existing systems in one of the areas for which there is no funding; or they should be doing basic research. This results in a lengthy development process that requires much more time and effort.
In addition, a significant portion of investment funds for physical and technical research and development is in the form of sponsorship or donations, which are largely «untouchable» for the state, cannot be estimated in advance and are used at the discretion of the government. Due to the fact that many high-tech development projects require to a large extent long-term financial investments, such investments are not always used for the most promising projects, but rather for those that are basically «pleasant to the eye», at the same time not quantitative enough in its scalability.
An example of the bias of the project is the situation with the Green Pine radar, which was developed in the USSR in the early 1960s, but turned out to be practically useless due to the fact that its parameters and characteristics were not developed on the basis of the existing radar system, but on the basis of a foreign an analogue that did not reflect the real state of the opposing side.
The problem of priority and the question of the chicken.
These are fresh technologies that do not yet have a market and, as a result, are not commercialised, which is a classic example of technological waste and waste. Financing these projects, which are aimed at creating advanced technologies that have not yet passed commercial maturity and are capable of producing the desired results, is usually the main activity of «investing in high technologies».
The main criterion for evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of the investment process is the ability to bring a high-tech product to the market and create demand for it in the market (the so-called «market pull» strategy). This is an alternative to the «technology creation» strategy. All of the above indicates that high-tech investment methods should be based on the existing market demand for high-tech goods and services. The product itself is defined as useless, i.e. products whose value lies in the added value they provide (work products) and services whose value lies in the added value they provide (service products).
The work product is the main value of the product and benefits the work process as a result of the preceding process. It is not a process, but the result of a process.
The main source of the work product, service product and service product supplier are the main sources of income. The supply of the work product is provided by the supplier of the service product.
This is the foundation on which development is built and will be the basis for its sustainable development through a multilateral approach with the goal of and for the protection of the environment.
Investing in high technology for the development of products and technologies cannot be made without generating income from products and services, since the overall strategy for creating high-tech products and services for this market is based on market demand.
And vice versa, in the absence of a clear understanding of the viability of certain projects, large corporations can simply block and reduce funding in certain areas, regardless of positive results or in the case of control of the investment process and the investor himself.
The risk of such a situation is most strongly felt at the initial stage of the project development and is determined by the amount and volume of invested funds.
In a situation where significant funds are poured into one project with a one-vector research orientation, it becomes obvious not only the unrealistic nature of the project development, but also the impossibility of its further development, due to the lack of support, both material and moral, the participation of the scientific and business community and as a result, the establishment of new directions.
An example of this is the development of high-temperature superconductor technologies, which require large investments.
In order to attract blended investments in green sustainable development, it is necessary to rethink the role of new polyvalent models in the context of a smooth transition from fossil fuels to clean energy and formulate a new framework for using high technologies for the benefit of people and for the sake of people so that models are more stable, safer and more efficient in general.
Since this is a polyvalent model, and therefore not a classical one, it probably looks more like a system where the basic element is a person, and a person is the basis for development, continuous improvement and the existence of a system that is necessary for his survival.
To do this, it is necessary to make the necessary investments in the development and continuous improvement of one’s own body and mind, one’s own self-organisation, one’s own qualifications, one’s own competencies, professional skills, one’s own health, which is the biggest problem for most people today. One of the most important modern problems is the lack of demanded jobs. One of the reasons for this can be sought in the fact that it is necessary to hire specialists with new knowledge and competencies, which are not yet available, and for this it is necessary to implement a training program to employ specialists with new knowledge and competencies. In this regard, the components of the polyvalent model «Professional University» and «Employment of specialists» are relevant, which can be implemented with the participation of new potential employees and employers, the purpose of which is to ensure the acquisition of knowledge and skills by both new applicants and persons with work experience, solving the problem creation of new jobs, which will significantly increase the competitiveness of economic entities, have a positive impact on the creation of new jobs and the implementation of new polyvalent models.
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