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  • Текст добавлен: 13 сентября 2023, 15:21

Автор книги: Mr. Valerii Kochnev

Жанр: Философия, Наука и Образование

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16. Technological man. Homo neotericus. Neoteric concept

The main philosophy of green development is the philosophical and ethical fundamental principles of the technological person, who is the main actor in the implementation of the project, the adoption of the philosophy of the new person and new technologies, which are the logical basis for creating a model in which the person is the most important actor. The moral goal of technological man can be defined as the following specific tasks:

1. Reduce the anthropogenic impact on the environment.

2. Reduce the global economy’s dependence on the fossil fuel culture.

3. Reduction of natural resources used by the world economy, including human labor.

These goals can be summarised in one goal: the creation of new civilisations in the 21st century with the aim of conserving the Earth’s resources and achieving sustainable development.

A number of concepts were taken from the ancient and medieval ascetic tradition and the totality of their ideas will serve as the main firmware for the implementation of the model. The main thing is that you need to be able to transform the concepts of asceticism and asceticism into the software of the project and put them in the appropriate places in the internal structure of the project. This view is based on the idea that the ascetic tradition as a system of ideas about ethical self-regulation is more complex and multi-level than it might seem. His ideas can be seen as an example of an ethical system. In theology, they are often referred to as the moral value system. The ascetic tradition is an ethical system with a moral meaning because it contains ideas such as humility and belief in the importance of community. A moral system is a system of norms based on an ethical model.

As a result, we are experiencing a new everyday life where ordinary people follow the trend, receive positive reviews from others and become equally important members of the cult. This is not just an empty case, it is everyone’s contribution to increasing the popularity of very valuable, positive emotions, a good example of how to build a common basis for promoting a topic that was previously limited to a very narrow circle, and a good example of how to increase social trust by creating a vertical a communication system that expands horizontally. We want to live in a way that does not harm society, the environment, and this includes the use of traceable, cyclical, balanced and environmentally friendly products and services, as well as including new qualities, new technologies, mainly for personal ecology, wellness, creative and aesthetic goals to form a whole system of new standards and contribute to the strengthening of such standards both in the industry and among consumers. The individual becomes a fundamental element of the movement aimed at reducing human impact on the environment and harmonising with the environment in an attempt to popularise such a movement as the philosophy of a completely new type of human HOMO NEOTERICUS.

The development of the concept of NEOTERIC, the basis for the emergence of such a culture, the emergence of a new philosophy, the emergence of a new culture of neotherism, the development of a new way of thinking and lifestyle. Looking at current ideologies and cultural situations, we can conclude that the neotheric movement is the right choice, the right direction. A new approach to life, a new way of thinking, a new way of looking at things, a new way of doing things in everyday life, whatever.

A holistic system and a single social direction of neotherics is understood as a new way of thinking and life, a new culture and philosophy being the basis. In the world of neotherics, a new direction is being observed, based on the development of the features characteristic of this system, on the core values, and on the development of the unique creative and artistic elements characteristic of this system. It can be said that the neotheric movement is a profound reflection of life itself.

The motto of the neotheric movement is: developing an essential, different, creative way of life for life. To be able to make such changes in life requires a new mindset, a new culture and a new way of thinking. Neotherics is a set of values, a new, creative and admirable way of living and thinking that expands feelings, consciousness and creativity.

The emergence of the neotheric concept is based on the need for joint action, which is the basis for the emergence of individualism. The ultimate goal of this movement is the emergence of a new culture, a new society and a new worldview, a new way of thinking and a new way of life. At the heart of all development within the neotheric movement is the development of a new way of life, a new culture. NEOTERICS is a holistic system that matches the modern world and is oriented towards the future. This is a movement that promotes values, elements and ideas from different areas and aspects of humanity, from different spiritual and cultural spheres. At the same time, it does not impose on people the values and ideas inherent in the neotheric system. Therefore, the neotheric movement is a free platform, open to all people and all cultures, all lifestyles, all styles, all religions and all philosophies. Neotherics is a new way of thinking, a new way of life, a new philosophy and worldview. It is a philosophy that has equality of the sexes, equality of all people, equal access to opportunity in general, and equal access to education. It is a philosophy of tolerance and acceptance of all people and cultures in the world. Neotherics is a philosophy and a path. This new thinking, new perception and understanding of life itself, new perception and understanding of the environment and the world, new perception and understanding of the universe by neotherics occurs through the development of their insensitivity and insensitivity. In neotherics – a new philosophy and way of life, a new cultural concept, a new philosophical basis and a new perception of space and time, as well as a new approach to the world and a new perception of the basis of life, oneself, with a new way of thinking based on new experience, new research, new ideas and concepts. The philosophy of neotericism is based on the philosophy of the neotheric movement, on the basis of the neotheric movement and on the basis of new philosophical and cultural trends.

Neotheric philosophy is an independent system of philosophy.

This is a reflection of life itself based on the innovative elements of modern society. It is a reflection of life itself based on the core values of humanity, which are expressed in ways that are characteristic of this system. In this movement, in this direction, there is a development of a new way of thinking, a new way of looking at things, a new way of acting, a new way of life, as well as a new philosophy, a new culture. In this movement there is a new way of understanding things, which is the result of the development of new philosophical ideas and the establishment of philosophical principles and concepts with which this new philosophy operates. Earlier, in the Middle Ages, philosophy was based on religion and Catholicism, for neotheric life itself is the basis for the emergence of a new culture, a new life, a new social order and a new way of thinking.

The word «neoteric» consists of the prefixes «neo» (new) and «terik» (earthly, earthly, earthly). In Greek, the word «terik» means earth, it comes from the word «terra» (earth). Terik is terrestrial, it is land, land, land, located on the surface of the planet Earth. In neotheric philosophy, the words «neo» and «terik» are used as complements to each other.

The neotheric system is a system based on a new way of thinking, a new way of life, a new philosophy, a new culture and ideology, a new worldview, a new consciousness. Conditions for a new idea, the existence of new people, a new sustainable way of life, a new perception of society, the world, a new perception of time, a new perception of what is not yet, a new perception of environmental impact and a perception of impact on society, a perception of sustainability, a new perception of social development, daily life, the development of civilisation, human progress, the development of the individual and society.

A critical assessment of the new world, the new world of knowledge, the new world of thought or the new world of speculation.

Consciousness, a new world of action, communication, experiences, decision-making, understanding, measurement, the world of a new kind of understanding and a new kind of understanding of the world, a new world of the world, the idea of the world and the idea of the new world.

A new idea is the result of combining the ideas of past creative people and the ideas of future creative people. This is a new idea, which has not yet been in the past, which has not yet been shown in the present, and which is not yet in the future.

This kind of new idea is the historical beginning of a new stage of civilisation. This is a new idea that radically changes the world and even creates a whole new world. In addition to the idea of development, the classic example of a new idea is the idea of freedom, which made the French Revolution possible, and the idea of democracy, which made the American Revolution possible.

In ancient Greece, the ideas of freedom and democracy were originally ideas, not reality. In fact, there was little reality in them in the ancient Greek world. The founder of the concept of the «new» Homo sapiens, Dr. Victor E. Frankl, noted that a person does not understand the meaning of his life, and this was one of the consequences of this concept. Because he does not know what gives meaning to the actions he performs in his daily life, he cannot understand what makes his life meaningful, what gives meaning to each of these actions. Humanity needs to solve the problem of existential meaning, which is the key to the future of the species. This person will live like an ordinary person with his neighbour, but he will be different from everyone in that he will stand out in a positive way, able to find meaning, meaning in his every action, and also possessing a moral compass that allows him to use all his unique talents and skills in a certain way. He will live in harmony with the environment, himself, his neighbour and those around him in the spirit of the philosophy of sacred asceticism with a new view of the world, with the development of the ability for a more active, intelligent life and what is characteristic of every person.

This will benefit all humanity, which is Homo Neotericus. The pursuit of new technologies, new business models, and new philosophies can be one way to focus on giving meaning to life. As a philosophy, it aims to create a new kind of person by redefining how we think and act.

This is a new philosophy that allows humanity to pursue its common goals – to innovate, conduct business and find meaning in their lives. As a result of all these actions, people will be able to expand their consciousness and horizons, as well as receive spiritual fulfilment with the fact that others need them and that they are doing something to help them. The new Homo sapiens is an optimistic person who knows that he can change the world and help others, who copes with the problems facing humanity, who looks at the world with new eyes and wants to become a better version of himself. The potential future of Homo sapiens is not limited to what it has achieved in the past, but to the future impact it can have on the world at large. The new Homo sapiens lives not for himself alone, but for the good of all and for himself. He is a citizen of the world, promoting and supporting a new humanism.

This can be done using a model that includes five main pillars: 1) a new change in consciousness; 2) a new model of thinking; 3) a new model of society; 4) a new model of personality; 5) a new model of business corporations. Each of these pillars is essential in order to be effective in the others. As a result, this philosophical approach must be seen as a guide to a new way of life in which each person is given space to find their own meaning and purpose. It is a way to involve all members of our society in a joint search for a better world with the understanding that this is the only way to achieve the goal of global peace and prosperity.

The ability of a person to find the meaning of life and act in accordance with it, to perform actions that bring him closer to the goal – this is what distinguishes Homo sapiens.

The challenge facing humanity is the challenge to creativity and innovation, in particular the ability to shape the future for the benefit of all people. Two sides of the same coin, in the sense that the need for the evolution of a species and the need to be able to create a new world for future generations are based on the fact that a person does not know what the meaning of his life is, he does not know what the purpose of his existence is, he does not know how to cope with the existential anxiety that is a constant companion of his daily life. One is impossible without the other.

Similarly, creativity is at the heart of all innovation, and innovation is the key to creativity. There is something in a person that allows him to wake up in the morning and say to himself: «Today I will create,» because he has a fundamental need to create, a fundamental need to create the world.

In this new way of thinking and acting, the concept of Homo neotericus is an evolutionary step in the evolution of Homo sapiens.

17. Philosophy and meaning of the new economy of the polyvalent model. New markets

Mankind needs to change its attitude to nature and to the world, community and economic relations. He also needs to change his attitude towards the past and the future. We may also need to change our relationship to the present.

Humanity needs to change its attitude towards itself. This may include a change in self-image and self-perception. This can be done by changing the personality, which may require a change in education. For example, changes in the education of children may be required. Mankind needs to change its attitude towards the past. This can be done by changing the way we look at history, the way memory is used, and the way knowledge is taught in schools. Humanity must change. Man is the center of the system, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the entire system. The system is unity.

This is a complex of all the main and additional elements that, when interacting with parts, give the result that is needed.

To achieve this goal, the main mechanism is the promotion and popularisation of an adapted form of secular asceticism as a philosophy that helps to determine the meanings and connections between various areas of green, sustainable development and their general directions, philosophy, semantic content and argumentation of the advantages of a polyvalent model, its prospects and growth. The technology of the model represents an alternative path and is based on a new vision of the world and life in it, has attributes to indicate development, learning, increasing the number of people involved in efforts to achieve the ultimate goal. The development of a single comfortable space with branched horizontal connections, a system of incentives aimed at encouraging a more responsible attitude to life, a conscious approach to the choice of goods and services that meet the requirements of various sectors of green and sustainable development, as well as a conscious decision-making process are some of the main factors success of the polyvalent model.

It is necessary to develop a similar model based on the principles of green sustainable development, as well as to develop a new approach to design.

To develop this idea and disseminate it to the masses, it is necessary to create a polyvalent model that can be implemented in any area of the economy. The key question is how to place this model in a flexible and complex market, as well as in the face of competing structures, and promote it. The experience gained in this model and the accompanying methods can be used to give rise to other and possibly more successful models. The essence of the philosophy of the polyvalent model lies in the process of achieving one’s goals, believing in the project, finding the common good in society, in the form of companies, bodies, and individual employees.

This model is intended to provide a basis for national and international collaboration to implement the model. Because of the complexity of this model, a complex network of national and international support must be built to make it successful. To implement this model, it is necessary to take into account that

the successful implementation of this model depends on maintaining the unity and integrity of the human population, which is a key condition for the success of this model. In the polyvalent model, several main tasks are solved, including:

The main goal is to improve the quality of life of people through the development of a realistic and well-structured program of economic transformation in the field of sustainable and green development. Ensure an integrated approach to sustainable development issues through the joint efforts of public, private and public organisations. As a result of the transformation process, the key mechanisms are: Creation of a green economy, a financially and socially secure, democratic and prosperous, healthy and happy society. Development and development of human capital in all areas of life, so that it becomes a key engine of change. This goal can be achieved by creating conditions for the development of the above factors. The main transformation tool for ensuring the transition to a green economy is the formation of the population’s responsibility for sustainable and green development, communication of the concept of ownership and the mechanism for its development, and the implementation of investment projects in the field of sustainable and green development. This polyvalent model can be used as the basis for a new way of thinking, a new way of doing things, and a new way of life to achieve the highest possible quality of life. The model can serve as an opportunity to open a new dialogue and create a new community of civilised people who will work together to change their lives and the world.

There are a number of mechanisms that can be used to achieve the goal, including the promotion and popularisation of an adapted version of secular asceticism as a philosophical approach to determining the meaning of various directions of green and sustainable development and their common chain. A polyvalent model can be defined as a philosophy, content and argumentation of the advantages of the model and its prospects for growth, as well as its advantages. The technology offered by the polyvalent model has the appropriate attributes to signify development, learning, increasing the number of people involved in efforts to achieve the ultimate goal. Development of a single comfortable space with branched horizontal connections, a system of incentives aimed at encouraging a more responsible attitude to life, a conscious approach to the choice of goods and services that meet the requirements of various sectors of green and sustainable development, as well as an informed decision-making process. There is a concept of positive social models that should be embodied, both socially and territorially, in the form of positive social models. There should be a model and technology that could be applied to generate new business ideas, polyvalent models focused on a sustainable future, disseminate information about the movement to reduce pollution and harmonise with Nature, eliminate the impact of our life on the environment, popularise the green trend and secular asceticism in everyday life as a philosophy of a new type of person, as well as the creation of a new community of responsible people, a new economy that will make it all possible.

Supporting the polyvalent model in line with the changes in the outside world and in the new way of doing business by actively participating in the development of the Green Economy. Lots of information on the harmful effects of the methods used in modern life, such as chemical fumes from cars, exhaust from various types of mechanical equipment, agrochemicals, artificial fertilisers, synthetic wood preservatives, etc.

A comprehensive solution to such problems is needed, which enables each person to develop environmentally friendly habits, thereby reducing environmental pollution in their daily lives.

Based on technological innovation, a new environmentally friendly and profitable polyvalent model creates a unique technological mechanism that is not developed anywhere else in the world.

To create a polyvalent model, it is necessary to understand the boundaries of the current management system in various sectors of the economy.

The current model is based on the principles of centralised management and highly developed technological capabilities, as well as the use of materials that can be used in different ways, regardless of whether these materials are virgin or recycled. To create a new polyvalent model, a decentralised management system is needed, which will be based on a different approach to the use of materials, as well as a different approach to economic, social and ecological systems. The polyvalent model is based on the use of the most advanced energy technologies and provides for the legal use of the accumulated potential of alternative and renewable energy sources. All polyvalent models will be created in various ways, different from traditional and fundamentally new. It is not only about the possibility of using «alternative» energy sources, but also about the opportunity to use the potential of the market, which will help transform the economy, eliminate the costs of traditional products and services, create new lines of business and new directions of sustainable development. Given these considerations, polyvalent models are associated with the creation of an industry for the production of green hydrogen based on renewable energy sources based on existing technology; production of bioplastics from organic waste and biowaste with renewable sources; production of materials from scrap tires using existing technology; development of a line of equipment for the processing of waste plastic, natural rubber and scrap metal; the development of a line of equipment for generating energy from geothermal sources and other similar projects will be developed in a number of sectors of the economy, including agriculture, construction and the production of consumer goods. Creation of a new sector of the economy, not associated with any major technology sector, which will be aimed at the development and growth of a new sector of the economy, involving the use of alternative green energy.

This new principle will allow us to create a new market of participants with our own products and services.

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