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  • Текст добавлен: 7 июня 2023, 18:21

Автор книги: Радмила Шарифьянова

Жанр: Языкознание, Наука и Образование

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Beginner Level:

What is the recommended amount of sleep for teenagers?

Sample answer:

Teenagers should aim for 8—10 hours of sleep per night.

Intermediate Level:

What are some factors that contribute to the lack of sleep among teenagers? Explain in detail.

Sample answer:

There are several factors that contribute to the lack of sleep among teenagers. One factor is a shift in their circadian rhythm during adolescence, which causes them to naturally feel more awake and alert later in the evening and wanting to sleep in late in the morning. However, school schedules and extracurricular activities often require early wake-up times, leading to sleep deprivation. Additionally, the use of electronic devices before bedtime can disrupt sleep by emitting blue light that interferes with the body’s production of the sleep hormone melatonin, making it harder to fall asleep.

Advanced Level:

Why is getting enough sleep important for teenagers’ physical and mental health? Explain in detail.

Sample answer:

Getting enough sleep is crucial for teenagers’ physical and mental health. It can improve mood, concentration, and memory, while also reducing the risk of obesity and other health problems. Lack of sleep can lead to fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating, which can negatively impact academic performance and social relationships. Additionally, sleep plays an important role in regulating hormones that are necessary for growth and development during adolescence. Overall, healthy sleep habits are essential for teenagers’ well-being and long-term health.

Building Self-Esteem in Teenagers

Self-esteem is an important aspect of a teenager’s mental health and well-being, influencing their confidence, decision-making abilities, and overall happiness. However, many teenagers struggle with low self-esteem, which can be linked to a variety of factors.

One factor that contributes to low self-esteem in teenagers is social comparison. Teenagers may compare themselves to their peers, celebrities, or idealized versions of others on social media, leading to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt.

Another issue is negative self-talk. Teenagers may engage in internal dialogue that is critical or harsh, perpetuating negative beliefs about themselves and their abilities.

Despite these challenges, there are strategies that can help teenagers build self-esteem. These include practicing self-compassion, setting realistic goals, engaging in activities that provide a sense of accomplishment, and seeking support from trusted adults or mental health professionals.


– Self-esteem – самооценка

– Mental health – психическое здоровье

– Confidence – уверенность

– Decision-making abilities – способности принимать решения

– Overall – общий

– Happiness – счастье

– Low self-esteem – низкая самооценка

– Social comparison – социальное сравнение

– Peers – сверстники

– Celebrities – знаменитости

– Idealized – идеализированный

– Inadequacy – неполноценность

– Self-doubt – неуверенность в себе

– Negative self-talk – негативный внутренний диалог

– Critical – критический

– Harsh – суровый

– Perpetuate – усиливать, поддерживать

– Beliefs – убеждения

– Engage in – заниматься чем-то, участвовать

– Sense of accomplishment – ощущение достижения

– Support – поддержка

– Trusted adults – доверенные взрослые

– Mental health professionals – специалисты по психическому здоровью


Beginner Level:

What is self-esteem?

Sample answer:

Self-esteem is how a person feels about themselves and their worth as a person.

Intermediate Level:

What are some factors that contribute to low self-esteem in teenagers? Explain in detail.

Sample answer:

Social comparison is one factor that contributes to low self-esteem in teenagers. They may compare themselves to their peers, celebrities, or idealized versions of others on social media, leading to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. Negative self-talk is another issue, where teenagers engage in internal dialogue that is critical or harsh, perpetuating negative beliefs about themselves and their abilities.

Advanced Level:

What are some strategies that can help teenagers build self-esteem? Explain in detail.

Sample answer:

There are several strategies that can help teenagers build self-esteem. Practicing self-compassion is important, which involves treating oneself with kindness and understanding rather than criticism. Setting realistic goals is another key strategy, where teenage should choose achievable tasks that align with personal values and interests. Engaging in activities that provide a sense of accomplishment is also important, as this can help build confidence and self-worth. Seeking support from trusted adults or mental health professionals can provide guidance and help with coping strategies for low self-esteem. Overall, building self-esteem requires a combination of self-awareness, self-care, and external support.

Navigating Teenage Stress: Tips for Coping and Thriving

As teenagers transition from childhood to adulthood, they face many challenges. One of the most pressing is managing stress. Whether it comes from academic pressure, social expectations, or personal struggles, stress can be overwhelming. However, with the right tools and mindset, teens can learn how to cope with stress and even use it as a catalyst for growth.

First and foremost, it’s important for teens to recognize when they’re feeling stressed. Common signs include irritability, difficulty sleeping, changes in appetite, and physical symptoms like headaches or stomachaches. Once they’ve identified these signals, they can take steps to manage their stress. Some effective strategies include:

– Exercise: Physical activity releases endorphins, which can improve mood and reduce stress.

– Sleep: Getting enough sleep is crucial for overall wellbeing. Teens should aim for 8—10 hours per night.

– Mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing, can help teens stay present and calm.

– Social support: Talking to friends or family members can provide a valuable outlet for stress.

It’s also important for teens to set realistic goals and prioritize self-care. This means recognizing their limits and taking breaks when needed, rather than trying to do everything perfectly all the time. In addition, teens can benefit from seeking professional help if they’re struggling with chronic stress or mental health issues. A therapist or counselor can provide guidance and support.

By learning how to manage stress effectively, teens can develop resilience and thrive in the face of challenges. While stress is an inevitable part of life, it doesn’t have to be a barrier to success and happiness.


– Transition: переход

– Pressing: насущный

– Catalyst: катализатор

– Irritability: раздражительность

– Appetite: аппетит

– Mindfulness: осознанность

– Outlet: выход, способ облегчения

– Realistic: реалистичный

– Self-care: забота о себе

– Chronic: хронический

– Resilience: устойчивость, стойкость


Task 1 (Beginner level):

Match the following words to their definitions:

1. Transition

2. Pressing

3. Catalyst

4. Mindfulness

5. Resilience

a. The ability to recover quickly from difficulties.

b. A change from one state or condition to another.

c. Urgent or important.

d. Something that causes an event or change to occur.

e. The practice of being present and aware in the moment.

1. b
2. c
3. d
4. e
5. a

Task 2 (Intermediate level):

Answer the following questions based on the text:

1. What are some common signs of stress in teenagers?

2. What are some effective strategies for managing stress?

3. Why is it important for teens to set realistic goals?

Sample answers:

1. Common signs of stress in teenagers include irritability, difficulty sleeping, changes in appetite, and physical symptoms like headaches or stomachaches.

2. Effective strategies for managing stress include exercise, getting enough sleep, practicing mindfulness techniques, and seeking social support.

3. It’s important for teens to set realistic goals to avoid burnout and prioritize self-care. This means recognizing their limits and taking breaks when needed, rather than trying to do everything perfectly all the time.

Task 3 (Advanced level):

Write a paragraph discussing your personal experience with stress as a teenager. What strategies have you found helpful for coping with stress, and why do you think they work?

Sample answer:

As a teenager, I often struggled with stress related to academic pressure and social expectations. Some effective strategies I’ve found helpful for coping with stress include exercise, mindfulness meditation, and talking to a trusted friend or family member. Exercise helps me release tension and clear my mind, while mindfulness meditation helps me stay present and calm. Talking to someone I trust provides a valuable outlet for my stress and helps me gain perspective on my problems. Overall, I think these strategies work because they help me manage my stress in healthy ways that promote overall wellbeing.

The Benefits of Volunteering for Teenagers

Volunteering can be a wonderful way for teenagers to give back to their community while also gaining valuable skills and experience. Whether they’re volunteering at a local food bank, animal shelter, or community center, teenagers can make a meaningful impact on the world around them.

One benefit of volunteering is that it can help teenagers develop empathy and compassion. By working with people or animals in need, they can better understand the challenges faced by others and gain a greater appreciation for the contributions they can make to their community.

In addition, volunteering can provide teenagers with opportunities to learn new skills and gain experience in areas that interest them. For example, a teenager who volunteers at a local library may develop strong research and organizational skills, while a teenager who volunteers at an animal shelter may gain experience in animal care and behavior.

Volunteering can also be a great way for teenagers to meet new people and build social connections. By interacting with other volunteers and community members, they can develop communication skills, teamwork abilities, and leadership qualities.

Overall, volunteering can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience for teenagers, offering benefits that extend far beyond the hours spent volunteering.

– Empathy: эмпатия
– Compassion: сострадание
– Contributions: вклад
– Research: исследование
– Organizational: организационный
– Animal care: уход за животными
– Behavior: поведение
– Social connections: социальные связи
– Teamwork abilities: навыки работы в команде
– Leadership qualities: лидерские качества
Task 1 (Beginner level):
Match the following words to their definitions:
1. Empathy
2. Contributions
3. Organizational
4. Behavior
5. Social connections
a. The way someone acts or behaves.
b. The ability to understand and share the feelings of others.
c. The act of giving or doing something for a cause or person.
d. Relating to the structure and management of an organization.
e. Personal relationships with other people.
1. b
2. c
3. d
4. a
5. e

Task 2 (Intermediate level):

Answer the following questions based on the text:

1. What are some benefits of volunteering for teenagers?

2. How can volunteering help teenagers develop new skills?

3. What qualities can teenagers develop through volunteering?

Sample answers:

1. Some benefits of volunteering for teenagers include developing empathy and compassion, gaining new skills and experience, and building social connections.

2. Volunteering can provide teenagers with opportunities to learn new skills and gain experience in areas that interest them. For example, a teenager who volunteers at a local library may develop strong research and organizational skills, while a teenager who volunteers at an animal shelter may gain experience in animal care and behavior.

3. Through volunteering, teenagers can develop communication skills, teamwork abilities, and leadership qualities.

Task 3 (Advanced level):

Write a paragraph discussing a time when you volunteered and what you learned from the experience. How did it impact you personally, and what skills did you gain?

Sample answer:

Last summer, I volunteered at a local food bank for several weeks. It was an eye-opening experience, as I had never realized how many families in my community struggle with food insecurity. By working alongside other volunteers, I developed stronger teamwork and communication skills, as we all had to work together efficiently to sort and distribute food to those in need. I also learned a lot about organizing and coordinating large-scale events, as the food bank held several fundraisers and donation drives during my time there. Most importantly, however, I gained a greater sense of empathy and compassion for those in my community who are facing difficult circumstances. The experience made me more mindful of my own privilege and inspired me to continue volunteering in the future.

The Importance of Financial Literacy for Teenagers

Financial literacy is a crucial skill for teenagers to develop as they prepare for adulthood. By learning how to manage their money effectively, they can avoid common financial pitfalls and set themselves up for future success.

One important aspect of financial literacy is understanding the basics of budgeting. This means learning how to create a budget, track expenses, and save money for short– and long-term goals. By developing these skills early on, teenagers can avoid debt and build a strong foundation for financial stability in the future.

Another crucial component of financial literacy is understanding how credit works. This includes knowing how to establish and maintain good credit, as well as how to avoid high-interest debt. With this knowledge, teenagers can make informed decisions about credit cards, loans, and other financial products.

Finally, it’s important for teenagers to understand the value of investing. While it may seem daunting at first, learning about stocks, bonds, and other investment options can pay dividends in the long run. By starting to invest early, teenagers can take advantage of compound interest and potentially grow their wealth over time.

Overall, developing financial literacy is an essential step for teenagers on the path to adulthood. By learning about budgeting, credit, and investing, they can build strong financial habits and set themselves up for future success.


– Literacy: грамотность

– Pitfalls: ловушки, проблемы

– Budgeting: планирование бюджета

– Expenses: расходы

– Debt: долг

– Financial stability: финансовая устойчивость

– Credit: кредит

– High-interest debt: долг с высокими процентами

– Investment: инвестиция

– Compound interest: сложные проценты

– Wealth: богатство


Task 1 (Beginner level):

Match the following words to their definitions:

1. Literacy

2. Pitfalls

3. Budgeting

4. Debt

5. Wealth

a. The state of being financially stable.

b. The ability to read and write.

c. Problems or difficulties that may arise.

d. A plan for managing money.

e. A large amount of valuable possessions or money.

1. b
2. c
3. d
4. e
5. a

Task 2 (Intermediate level):

Answer the following questions based on the text:

1. Why is financial literacy important for teenagers?

2. What are some key components of financial literacy?

3. How can investing help teenagers build wealth over time?

Sample answers:

1. Financial literacy is important for teenagers because it helps them avoid common financial pitfalls and set themselves up for future success.

2. Key components of financial literacy include understanding budgeting, credit, and investing.

3. Investing can help teenagers build wealth over time by taking advantage of compound interest and potentially earning returns on their investments.

Task 3 (Advanced level):

Write a paragraph discussing a financial decision you made as a teenager and what you learned from the experience. How did it impact your financial habits going forward?

Sample answer:

When I was in high school, I made the decision to get a credit card to build my credit history. While I was able to use the card responsibly at first, I soon found myself accumulating more debt than I could handle. It was a wake-up call for me, and I realized that I needed to develop stronger financial habits in order to avoid falling into debt. I started tracking my expenses more closely, creating a monthly budget, and setting clear financial goals for myself. Over time, these habits helped me avoid debt and build a strong foundation for my financial future. The experience taught me that while credit can be a valuable tool, it’s important to use it responsibly and develop strong financial habits early on in life.

The Importance of Time Management for Teenagers

Time management is a crucial skill for teenagers to develop as they balance academic responsibilities, extracurricular activities, and social lives. Learning how to manage their time effectively can help them stay organized, reduce stress, and achieve their goals.

One key aspect of time management is setting priorities. This means identifying what’s most important and allocating time accordingly. For example, if a teenager has a big project due next week, they may need to prioritize that over spending time with friends on the weekend.

Another important component of time management is creating a schedule or planner. This can help teenagers visualize their commitments and make sure they’re not overscheduling themselves. By breaking down tasks into smaller, more manageable parts, they can avoid feeling overwhelmed and stay on track.

It’s also important for teenagers to learn how to say «no» when necessary. While it can be tempting to take on too many commitments, saying yes to everything can lead to burnout and decreased productivity. By learning how to set boundaries and manage their time effectively, teenagers can avoid this pitfall.

Overall, developing strong time management skills is essential for teenagers as they navigate the challenges of adolescence. By setting priorities, creating a schedule, and learning how to say «no,» they can stay organized, reduce stress, and achieve success.

– Time management: управление временем
– Responsibilities: обязанности
– Extracurricular activities: внеклассные мероприятия
– Priorities: приоритеты
– Allocate: распределять
– Overscheduling: перегрузка расписанием
– Burnout: выгорание
– Productivity: продуктивность
Task 1 (Beginner level):
Match the following words to their definitions:
1. Time management
2. Responsibilities
3. Priorities
4. Overscheduling
5. Burnout

a. The state of being exhausted, both physically and mentally, from work or stress.

b. The act of managing one’s time effectively.

c. Things that a person is expected to do or take care of.

d. Things that are considered more important than others.

e. The state of having too many commitments or activities.

1. b
2. c
3. d
4. e
5. a

Task 2 (Intermediate level):

Answer the following questions based on the text:

1. Why is time management important for teenagers?

2. What are some key components of effective time management?

3. How can saying «no» help with time management?

Sample answers:

1. Time management is important for teenagers because it helps them stay organized, reduce stress, and achieve their goals.

2. Key components of effective time management include setting priorities, creating a schedule, and learning how to say «no.»

3. Saying «no» can help with time management by avoiding overscheduling and preventing burnout.

Task 3 (Advanced level):

Write a paragraph discussing a time when you struggled with time management as a teenager. What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them? What strategies have you developed since then to improve your time management skills?

Sample answer:

When I was in high school, I often struggled with time management as I tried to balance schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and a part-time job. I found myself frequently feeling overwhelmed and stressed, which made it difficult to stay focused and productive. To overcome these challenges, I started using a planner to keep track of assignments and commitments, and I made a conscious effort to set aside dedicated study time each day. Additionally, I started practicing better self-care habits, such as getting enough sleep and taking breaks when needed, which helped me stay focused and energized throughout the day. Since then, I’ve continued to prioritize time management in my life, and I’ve developed strategies like prioritizing tasks and breaking them down into smaller parts to make them more manageable. These habits have helped me stay organized and productive, even when facing multiple commitments or unexpected challenges.

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