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Автор книги: Сборник

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The Wishing Ring[111]111
  The Wishing Ring – Кольцо, исполняющее желания


Once upon a time there lived a young farmer. He worked very hard, and yet he was quite poor. One day he ploughed his field. Suddenly a strange woman appeared before him. And this is what she said to him:

“Why are you working so hard, and all for nothing[112]112
  and all for nothing – и всё без толку

? Listen to me. Go straight on for two days until you come to a great oak. This oak stands by itself[113]113
  stands by itself – стоит в стороне

and is higher than all the other trees. Fell it, and your fortune is made[114]114
  your fortune is made – найдёшь свою удачу

.” And she disappeared as suddenly as she appeared.

The farmer took his axe and started on his way. He went straight on for two days. At the end of the two days he came to a place where he saw a great oak which stood by itself and was higher than the other trees.

“Now I see that the woman told me the truth,” said the farmer to himself. “I must do what she said.” And he began to fell the tree at once.

When the tree came down, a bird’s nest fell on the ground. Two little eggs in the nest were broken. From one of them came a gold ring, from the other a wonderful bird. The bird grew and grew until it was very large. It became so large that the farmer was frightened. But the wonderful bird spoke to him in a very kind voice.

“You have set me free[115]115
  you have set me free – ты освободил меня

,” said the bird, “and I want to thank you for it. I shall give you the ring that was in the other egg. It isn’t an ordinary ring. It is a wishing ring. If you turn it on your finger, and say to yourself a wish, your wish will come true[116]116
  your wish will come true – твое желание исполнится

. But you can only have one wish. After that the wishing ring will become an ordinary ring. So you must think carefully before you say your wish.”

And with these words the bird flew away. The farmer put the ring on his finger and started on the way home. In the evening he came to a town and went to a goldsmith who had many gold rings in his shop. The farmer showed him the ring and asked what it was worth.

“Next to nothing[117]117
  next to nothing – почти ничего

,” answered the goldsmith.

The farmer laughed aloud and said, “You don’t understand anything. It is a wishing ring. It is worth more than all the rings in your shop put together.”

That goldsmith became silent; he was greedy enough. Though he was very rich, he always wanted to have more money. So he asked the farmer to stay at his house for the night.

“It will bring me good fortune[118]118
  good fortune – удача

,” he said, “if a man with such a wonderful ring spends the night here.”

The goldsmith gave the farmer some bottles of wine to drink and talked to him like a friend. But he was a false friend, indeed! At night, when the farmer was fast asleep, he took the ring from his finger, and put another one in its place, which looked just like the wishing ring.

In the morning the goldsmith could hardly wait[119]119
  could hardly wait – не мог никак дождаться

until his guest left his house. As soon as the farmer went away, he hurried to his shop, closed the shutters, locked the door, turned the ring on his finger and said, “I wish to have a hundred thousand sovereigns[120]120
  hundred thousand sovereigns – сто тысяч соверенов (соверен – золотая монета в 1 фунт стерлингов)


As soon as he said these words the sovereigns began to come raining down[121]121
  the sovereigns began to come raining down – соверены посыпались дождём

. The sovereigns fell on his head, his shoulders, his arms; they fell all over his body. He tried to get to the door, but the rain of gold made it impossible. Soon the gold covered all his body. He couldn’t move, and it still rained. At last the floor could bear the weight no longer, and the goldsmith and the gold fell into the cellar.

When the neighbours heard the terrible noise, they came running and broke open the door. But they were too late. The greedy goldsmith was already dead.

So they sighed and said, “What a misfortune it is to have so much money!” And they all put in their pockets as much money as they could carry and went away.

Meanwhile the farmer came home and showed the ring to his wife.

“We are lucky people,” he said, “our fortune is made. But we must be careful. We must choose the right wish.”

His wife was delighted.

“Let’s wish for some more land,” she said. “There is a nice bit of land between two of our fields. What do you say to that? I think it’s the best wish we can have.”

But the farmer answered, “I am sure we can wish for something better than that. If we work hard for a year, we shall perhaps be able to buy this bit of land.”

So they worked very hard for a year and as the harvest was good, they had enough money to buy that bit of land easily.

“You see,” said the farmer to his wife with a smile, “we have that bit of land now, and we still have our wish.”

“Then perhaps we shall wish for a cow and a horse?” offered his wife. “Our life will be easier then. We shall not have to work so much.”

“My good wife,” said the farmer, “let’s not waste our wish, just for nothing[122]122
  just for nothing – просто так, впустую

. I think we shall get a horse and a cow even without it.”

So they again worked day and night for a year and the harvest was good again. At the end of the second year they had enough money to buy a horse and a cow. The farmer was very pleased and said, “Again we have got what we wanted, and we still have our wish. What lucky people we are!”

But his wife did not agree with him. She was very angry with her husband.

“You cant’ say that!” she cried. “I really can’t understand you. I wonder at you. You always complained that we had to work so much. You always wanted to have many nice and useful things. And now when you can have anything you desire, you work from morning till night and make me work as much[123]123
  and make me work as much – и меня заставляешь тоже усердно работать

. We work and work and work. All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.[124]124
  All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. – Работа утомляет.

And the best years of our lives go by. You might be a great man – a king I dare say! You might have your cellars full of silver and gold. And you are nothing, just because you cannot decide what to wish and cannot use your wishing ring.”

“Stop worrying about this wish,” the farmer answered firmly. “We are both still young, and life is long. Remember there is only one wish in the ring. It is very easy to make a mistake. And if we make a mistake, we shall be so unhappy. We shall never forgive ourselves. No, no! We must keep our wishing ring. It has already brought us good fortune. We must not use it yet. Be reasonable, my dear. Cheer up and try to choose the best wish.”

What the farmer said was true. The ring really brought them good fortune. But they both still worked hard all day. And in the evening the farmer usually sat on the steps, smoked his pipe and talked with his neighbours.

The years went by, their children grew up, but the farmer still kept his wish. Sometimes his wife spoke to him about it, but he always answered,

“No, no, my dear. We have still a lot of time. We must not use our wishing ring yet.”

At last she saw that she couldn’t make him use the ring and gave up speaking about it[125]125
  and gave up speaking about it – и прекратила всякие разговоры о нём

. Though the farmer often looked at his ring and even turned it on his finger, he never said a wish. Thirty, forty years went by. The farmer and his wife grew old, their hair was white as snow.

And so they lived happily on till one day, when they both died together, at the same time. Their children and grand-children stood around them and cried. The youngest son wanted to take the ring from the father’s finger as a remembrance; but the eldest son said,

“No, don’t take the ring. Let our dear Father keep it. He liked it so much. And Mother also often looked at it. Perhaps she once gave it to Father, when they were young.”

So they left the ring on the finger of the old farmer, who always thought it was a wishing ring, though it was not. And yet the ring had brought him as much happiness as a man could wish. Indeed, a bad thing in good hands is better than a good thing in bad hands.

Legends of king Arthur and his Knights

Chapter 1,
in which Uther Pendragon fell in love with lady Igraine, a wife of another man, Merlin helped Uther have what he wanted, and Uther and Igraine had a child by the name of Arthur

It was in the days[126]126
  It was in the days… – и так случилось во времена…

of Uther Pendragon, when he was king of all England, that there was a mighty duke in Cornwall that held war against him for a long time. That duke was called the Duke of Tintagil. One time king Uther sent for this duke[127]127
  Sent for this duke – отправил (гонцов) пригласить этого герцога

, asking him to bring his wife with him, because she was known to be a fair and wise lady, and her name was Igraine.

When the duke and his wife came to the king, the great lords that were in the king’s council helped them make peace. The king liked Igraine very much, and fell in love with her, and desired to lay with her. But she was a good woman, and did not accept the king’s offer. She came to her husband the duke and said, “I suppose that we were sent for so that I be dishonored. I advise you that we depart from here immediately, and ride all night to our own castle.” She also said that it would be wise to not tell the king and the lords that they were leaving.

So they departed. When king Uther learned that they left, he was very angry. He called his council and told the lords that the Duke of Tintagil rode away with Igraine. They advised the king to send for the duke and his wife to catch them and call them back, and if they didn’t want to come back, then the king had a reason to start a war against them.

They sent the messengers, and the messengers caught the duke and his wife midway. The duke said that neither he nor his wife[128]128
  Neither he nor his wife – ни он, ни его жена

would come back. King Uther was very angry to hear that message. He sent the messengers again to warn the duke that he should prepare for a war, and that in less than forty days, Uther would take his biggest castle from him.

When the duke heard this warning, he started to prepare his castles for war. The duke had two strong castles, the bigger one was called Terrabil, and the smaller one was called Tintagil. The duke put his wife Igraine in the castle of Tintagil, and he put himself in the castle of Terrabil, which had many secret exits and passageways. Then in all haste[129]129
  In all haste – в великой поспешности

came Uther with a great army, and laid a siege to the castle of Terrabil. And there was a great war, and many people were slain.

But then Uther fell sick, because of his anger and his love to Igraine. A noble knight named Sir Ulfius came to king Uther and asked why he was sick.

“I will tell you,” said the king, “I am sick because of anger and love to fair Igraine.”

“Well, my lord,” said Sir Ulfius, “I will find Merlin, and he will prepare a remedy that will cure you.” So Ulfius departed, and after great adventures he met Merlin.

“Who are you seeking?” Merlin asked him.

Sir Ulfius took a little pause to think.

“I will tell you who you are seeking,” said Merlin. “You are seeking Merlin, and you should seek no further, because I am he. If King Uther rewards me, and swears to do exactly as I say, I will give him what he wants so much.”

“I can promise you,” said Sir Ulfius, “that he will reward you and do as you ask, as long as you ask reasonable things of him.”

“Ride back to Uther,” said Merlin, “And I will not be long behind[130]130
  Will not be long behind – прибуду вслед за тобой


Ulfius was glad to hear that, and rode in all haste back to king Uther Pendragon, and told him that he had met Merlin.

“Where is he?” said the king.

“Sir,” said Ulfius, “He will be here soon.”

As he said that, he saw that Merlin was standing at the entrance to the pavilion. Then Merlin came to the king, and when the king saw him, he said he was welcome.

“Sir,” said Merlin, “I know what you wish with all your heart, so if you swear to me as a king that you will do as I say, you will have what you wish.”

The king swore on the Four Evangelists[131]131
  Swore on the Four Evangelists – поклялся именами четырёх евангелистов (авторов канонических Евангелий – Матфея, Марка, Луки и Иоанна)


“Sir,” said Merlin, “This is what I want from you:the first night that you will lie with Igraine, you will conceive a child. When this child is born, he will be delivered to me to nourish. This will bring great glory to you and your child, if he proves worth it[132]132
  If he will prove worth – если он окажется достойным


“Let it be so[133]133
  Let it be so – да будет так

,” said Uther. “You will have the child.”

“Get ready,” said Merlin, “Tonight you will lie with Igraine in the castle of Tintagil. You will look like her husband the duke, Sir Ulfius will look like Sir Brastias, one of the duke’s knights, and I will look like Sir Jordanus, another of the duke’s knights. Do not talk a lot with her nor her men, just say that you are sick. Go to bed, and rise in the early morning, and I will come to bring you back.”

They rode to the castle of Tintagil. The duke saw them depart from the siege of Terrabil, so came out to fight with the king’s men. That night he was killed even before Uther came to Tintagil.

After the death of the duke, king Uther laid with Igraine, looking like the duke three hours after the duke was dead. In the early morning Merlin came to Uther to take him back. Uther kissed lady Igraine and departed in all haste.

When the lady heard that her husband the duke was killed that night, she wondered, who came to her chambers looking like the duke. She mourned privately, but didn’t tell anybody. Soon, the lords of king Uther asked him to end the war between him and Igraine. He was happy to do that, and he made Sir Ulfius to be the messenger.

“Now we will do well,” said Ulfius. “Our king is a strong man, and he doesn’t have a wife, and my lady Igraine is a fair lady. It would be great joy for us all and it might please the king to make her his queen.”

So king Uther took Igraine as a wife and made her his queen.

But the queen was pregnant, and soon everyone could see that. So the king came to her and asked who the father of the child was. She didn’t want to tell him.

“Tell me the truth,” said the king, “And I promise I will love you even more after that.”

“I will tell you the truth,” said Igraine. “The same night my lord was killed, a man came to me at the castle of Tintagil, and he looked exactly like my lord, and with him were two men looking like my lord’s knights Sir Brastias and Sir Jordanus. So I went into bed with him, as I should have with my lord, and that night we conceived a child.”

“You’re telling me the truth,” said Uther, “Because it was I who came to lay with you that night. And I am the father of the child.” And he told her how all of that happened as Merlin planned. She was happy to know that Uther was the father.

Soon Merlin came to the king.

“Sir,” he said, “You swore that you would give the child to me to nourish.”

“As you wish,” Uther said.

“I know a lord of yours in this land,” said Merlin, “his name is Sir Ector, and he is a true and faithful knight, and he owns many parts in England and Wales. Send for him, and tell him that in the name of his love to you, he should put his own child to nourishing of another woman, and that your child should be nourished by Sir Ector’s wife. And when the child is born, have him secretly brought to me unchristened, through the back door of the castle.”

Uther did as Merlin said. He called Sir Ector, and granted him great rewards. Sir Ector swore to do as the king told him. When the child was born, Uther commanded two knights and two ladies to bring the child, bound in a cloth of gold, through the back door of the castle and give him to the poor man they meet outside. So the child was brought to Merlin, and Merlin took him to Sir Ector and brought a priest to christen the child, and he called him Arthur.

And Sir Ector’s wife nourished the child as her own.


1. Выберите верный вариант:

a) Why did the duke of Tintagil and Igraine leave king Uther’s keep?

1. Because they didn’t like the food.

2. Because they didn’t want Uther to dishonour Igraine.

3. Because they didn’t want to stay for too long.

4. Because they were afraid of the war.

b) What was the lords’ advice to king Uther?

1. To send messengers to ask the duke to come back to Uther.

2. To declare a war to the duke and lay siege to his castles.

3. To send knights to catch the duke and Igraine midway and bring them back by force.

4. To come to the castle of Tintagil at night, dressed as the duke.

c) Where did the Duke of Tintagil put his wife for the time of war, and where did he go himself?

1. He put Igraine to the castle of Tintagil, and himself to the castle of Terrabil.

2. He put Igraine to the castle of Terrabil, and himself to the castle of Tintagil.

3. He stayed with Igraine in the castle of Tintagil.

4. He stayed with Igraine in the castle of Terrabil.

d) How did the Duke of Tintagil die?

1. He fought with King Uther and was killed by him.

2. He went out to fight the siege while Uther was away and got killed.

3. He died from sickness after a peasant shot him with a crossbow.

4. He was killed by a spell that Merlin put on him.

e) When Merlin made a deal with Uther during the siege, what did he ask to do with the future child of Uther and Igraine?

1. He asked that the child be given out to a poor man outside the back door of the castle.

2. He asked that the child be christened and named Arthur, and then named the prince of England.

3. He asked that the child be killed as soon as it was born.

4. He asked that the child be given to him to nourish.

f) How did Merlin make Uther have what he wanted?

1. He made him look like the Duke of Tintagil and brought him to the castle of Tintagil at night.

2. He put a spell on the Duke of Tintagil that killed him, and then arranged a marriage between the King and Igraine.

3. He put the guards at the castle of Tintagil to sleep with his magic and sneaked Uther in.

4. He made Igraine come out of the castle of Tintagil to Uther’s pavilion.

g) What instructions did Merlin give Uther shortly before his son was born?

1. To send the child to Merlin so that Merlin nourished him himself.

2. To make the child his rightful heir and raise him as his son.

3. To send the child to Sir Ector, and take Sir Ector’s child in exchange.

4. To make a deal with Sir Ector, and then to take the child to Merlin unchristened so that he could pass him to Sir Ector.

Chapter 2,
in which Uther Pendragon died, Arthur pulled a sword from a stone and became King

Two years after Arthur was born, king Uther Pendragon fell gravely sick. Meanwhile a great deal of his enemies gathered forces against him, and started a great battle, and slain many of his people.

“Sir,” said Merlin, “You cannot win a war lying here sick; you should go to the field of battle. Even if you have to ride in a horse-litter, but you must be there in person[134]134
  In person – лично

, and then will you have your victory.”

Uther did like Merlin told him. He gathered his men and, travelling in a horse-litter, led them to battle. And that day Sir Ulfius and Sir Brastias did many great deeds of arms, and king Uther’s men won the battle and slain many of his enemies. And then Uther returned to London and made great joy of his victory.

But then he was even more sick. For three days and three nights he couldn’t talk, so his lords and barons were in great sorrow and asked for Merlin’s counsel.

“There is no cure for that,” said Merlin, “It is in the hands of God. But come to Uther tomorrow morning, and God and I will make him speak.”

The next morning all the lords and barons came with Merlin to Uther’s chamber.

“Sir,” said Merlin, “Is it your will that after your death your son Arthur will become king of this realm?”

Then Uther Pendragon turned so that everybody could see him and spoke.

“I give him God’s blessing and mine”, he said, “and bid him pray for my soul, and righteously and worshipfully claim the crown, or he will lose my blessing.”

Having said that, he yielded up the ghost[135]135
  Yielded up the ghost – испустил дух (устар.)

, and then he was buried as a king should be. The queen Igraine made great sorrow, and with her all the barons.

Then a troubled time came to the kingdom. No one knew about Arthur, and everybody was thinking that they could start a war and claim the crown for their own. Then Merlin went to the Archbishop of Canterbury, and counseled him to send for all the lords of the realm, and all the knights, so that they would come to London by Christmas. And since Jesus was born on that night, as a merciful king of mankind, he would show some miracle to reveal who should be the rightful king of this realm.

So the Archbishop, by the advice of Merlin, sent for all the lords and knights, asking them to come to London by Christmas. So on Christmas, in the greatest church of London, everybody came to pray. And when matins and the first mass[136]136
  Matin and the first mass – заутреня и первая месса

were done, everybody could see in the churchyard across the altar a great stone, and in the middle of it stood an anvil of steel a foot on high[137]137
  A foot on high – в фут вышиной (1 фут примерно равен 30 см)

, and there was a sword between the stone and the anvil. And letters that were written in gold about the sword said this: “Who pulls this sword out of this stone and anvil, is the rightful king of all England.”

The people told it to the Archbishop, but he forbade trying to take the sword out before the Christmas high mass was finished. After that, a great many knights and lords tried to get the sword, but no one could move it.

“He who could pull the sword is not here,” finally said the Archbishop, “but God will make him known. But this is my counsel that we let ten honourable knights guard the stone at all times.”

So they put ten knights to guard the stone at all times, and sent criers all over the realm to say that everyone is welcome to come to the church on New Year’s Eve to try and take the sword. On that day, a big jousting tournament was held, so all the barons and knights went there. Sir Ector decided to come as well, bringing with him his son Sir Kay that was made knight shortly before that, and his nourished brother[138]138
  Nourished brother – молочный брат

Arthur. When they were riding to the jousts-ward, Sir Kay noticed that he had forgotten his sword at home. He asked young Arthur to go and bring this sword to him, because he wanted to fight in the tournament.

Arthur went back, but everybody left home, so he could not get in and bring Sir Kay’s sword. He didn’t want to come back with empty hands, because he didn’t want his brother to miss the tournament.

“I know a sword nearby,” thought Arthur, “that I can bring to Sir Kay so that he would have a sword to fight with.”

So Arthur went to the churchyard. No one was guarding the stone and the anvil, because all the knights went to the tournament. Arthur took the sword by the handles and easily pulled it from under the anvil.

“Now I have a good sword for Sir Kay,” he said.

So Arthur brought the sword to his brother. Sir Kay immediately recognized the sword. He came to Sir Ector and said, “See, father, this is the sword from the stone. Therefore I am the rightful king of this land.”

Sir Ector recognized the sword, too. He took Arthur and Sir Kay back to the church, and asked Sir Kay to swear on the Book and answer, where did he get the sword.

“My brother Arthur gave it to me,” said Sir Kay.

“How did you get this sword?” Sir Ector asked Arthur.

“Sir, I will tell you,” Arthur replied. “When I came home, I saw that no one was there, so I couldn’t get Sir Kay’s sword. I didn’t want him to miss the tournament[139]139
  To miss the tournament – пропустить турнир

, so I came here and pulled this sword from the stone without any trouble.”

“Did you see any knights guarding the sword?” Sir Ector asked.

“No,” Arthur said.

“Now,” said Sir Ector to Arthur, “I understand that you must be the rightful king of this land.”

“Why me?” said Arthur.

“Sir,” said Sir Ector, “It is the will of God, because the man that can pull this sword from the stone should be the rightful king of this land. Now let me see if you can put the sword back into the stone and then pull it out again.”

“With ease,” said Arthur, and put the sword back into stone.

Sir Ector tried pulling the sword out, but couldn’t, and neither could Sir Kay. Then Arthur pulled it out again with ease. Sir Ector and Sir Kay kneeled before Arthur.

“Alas,” said Arthur, “my dear father and brother, why do you kneel before me?”

“No, lord Arthur, it is not so,” said Sir Ector, “I was never your father, and you are not of my blood, but of higher blood that I thought.”

And then Sir Ector told him everything, how king Uther asked him to nourish a child as his own, how Arthur was secretly taken to him, and how it did all happen just as Merlin had said.

Then they called the Archbishop of Canterbury, and told him everything. The Archbishop called, as Merlin had told him, a few trusted knights to guard Arthur day and night, so that he wouldn’t be killed. Those were Sir Baudwin of Britain, Sir Kay, Sir Ulfius, Sir Brastias, and many more with them. He then sent messengers to summon the barons to London on Easter.

When the Easter day came, the Archbishop called all the knights and barons, and in front of them, Arthur put the sword back to stone, and then no one could take it out, and then Arthur took it out again with ease.

“So this is the rightful king of this realm, by the will of God and the law of men.”

And then everybody kneeled at once before Arthur, both rich and poor, and asked Arthur for mercy because they had delayed him so long, and Arthur forgave them, and took the sword between both his hands, and offered it upon the altar where the Archbishop was, and so was he made knight of the best man that was there.

And so the coronation was made. There Arthur swore to his lords and the commons to be a true king, to stand with true justice from that day to the end of this life. Many complaints were made to Sir Arthur about great evil things that were done since the death of King Uther, of many lands that were taken from lords, knights, ladies, and gentlemen. So King Arthur made it so that the lands were given back to people that owned them.

After that the king made officers. He made Sir Kay seneschal of England; and Sir Baudwin of Britain was made constable; and Sir Ulfius was made chamberlain; and Sir Brastias was made to guard the northern passes, because that was where most of the king’s enemies came from.


1. Выберите верный вариант:

a) Why did Sir Ector and Sir Kay kneel before Arthur?

1. Because they thought he was the rightful king.

2. Because he held a sword and they were unarmed.

3. Because he told them to do so.

4. Because he looked very scary.

b) How did Sir Ector react when Sir Kay showed him the sword from the stone?

1. He bowed to Sir Kay as the King of England.

2. He took the sword and called himself the King of England.

3. He asked how did Sir Kay get the sword.

4. He was glad that Sir Kay now had a sword to fight in the tournament.

c) What happened to the knights guarding the stone, so that Arthur could take the sword?

1. Arthur gave them money to send them away.

2. They were sent away.

3. They went to see the tournament.

4. Arthur fought with them and slew them.

d) What did the Archbishop of Canterbury do when he learned what happened?

1. He said that Arthur was too young to be the king.

2. He called trusted knights to guard Arthur and sent the messengers to summon the barons on Easter.

3. He called trusted knights to guard Arthur and sent the messengers to summon the barons on Christmas.

4. He called trusted knights to guard Arthur and sent the messengers to summon the barons on New Year’s Eve.

e) What was Uther’s last will?

1. That Merlin becomes king.

2. That the barons choose a new king.

3. That the man who can pull the sword from the stone will be king.

4. That his son Arthur will be king.

f) “And then everybody kneeled at once before Arthur, both rich and poor, and asked Arthur for mercy because…

1. They have delayed him so long.”

2. The barons wanted to kill him.”

3. The barons took all the kingdom’s lands.”

4. They were scared because he promised to slay everybody.”

g) Why did Arthur take the sword from the stone for the first time?

1. Because he wanted to be king.

2. Because Sir Ector asked him to.

3. Because Sir Kay forgot his sword at home and asked Arthur to bring the sword from the stone.

4. Because Sir Kay forgot his sword at home, but Arthur couldn’t get it, so he decided to take the sword from the stone.

2. Соотнесите имена рыцарей с должностями: seneschal of England, constable, chamberlain, warden of the northern passes

1. Sir Brastias 2. Sir Kay 3. Sir Ulfius 4. Sir Baudwin

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