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Автор книги: Татьяна Минакова

Жанр: Иностранные языки, Наука и Образование

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2.3.5 Тексты для студентов специальности «Документоведение и документационное обеспечение управления» Задание 1. Прочитайте и запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

Application Form – анкета;

Inquiry Letter – письмо запрос;

Covering Letter – сопроводительное письмо;

Resume – резюме, письменная сводка личных, образовательных, профессиональных данных;

Curriculum Vitae (CV) – жизнеописание, предназначено для кандидатов на высокие должности;

Letter of Offer – письмо-предложение;

Letter of Order – заказ;

Letter of Acknowledgement – подтверждение заказа;

Reminde Letter – письмо-напоминание об оплате;

Thank-you Letter – благодарственное письмо;

position – должность;

application – заявление, обращение;

job – работа;

promising – падающий надежды, многообещающий;

effort – усилие, попытка;

creative – творческий;

competitive – конкурентоспособный;

responsibility – ответственность, обязанность;

obligation – обязательство;

skillful – умелый, опытный;

entrepreneur – предприниматель;

reference – рекомендация, отзыв;

experimental period – испытательный срок;

environment – окружающая обстановка. Задание 2. Прочитайте тексты и переведите их письменно

Text. Application Form

Text. Format for letter of Inquiry or Covering Letter


Dr., Mr., Ms. Title

Company, Institution


Dear Sir/Madam:

State your reason for writing.

You will either inquire whether any positions are available or you will say which position you are applying for. If you are applying for a specific position identify the source of the information (a person, a newspaper, including date, etc.)

Describe your educational background and professional experience. Focus on those things from your resume that best relate to the position you are applying for.

Say you are enclosing your resume and/or other supporting material. State your willingness to provide more information and to be interviewed.

Thank them for their consideration. Say you look forward to hearing from them.

Yours faithfully, (signature)

Your name




Text. Covering Letter (sample)

Mark Diamond

4701 Pine Street, #K-13

Philadelphia, PA 19143

Tel. l-(215) -748-3037

April2, 2002

Dear Mr. Marinichenko:

I am a first-year student in the M.B. A. program at the Wharton Business School in Philadelphia.

I understand that you are heading the independent Ukrainian airline. I have heard from my friend Mr. Bill Eastmann, a student at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business that you might wish to have an American M.B.A. student work with your airline this summer as an intern. I am very interested in the possibility of such an internship during the summer of 2002.

My professional experience has given me an in-depth knowledge of the air transportation industry. I have, in particular, worked for American Airlines, the Federal Aviation Administration, and Kurth & Company, Inc., an aviation consulting firm where I was Manager of Airline Analysis. My responsibilities included the study of schedules, fares, equipment selection, and financial results. Notably, I prepared numerous feasibility studies for both jet and turboprop routes, including passenger and cargo flights, for proposed transatlantic and transpacific services.

I wish to place this experience at the disposal of your airline. I believe strongly that my knowledge of the deregulated air transportation industry in the United States could be quite beneficial to your carrier. I have enclosed a copy of my resume. If my background and qualifications are of interest to you, please telephone me on (215) 748-3037. I would be interested in meeting you in mid-April in New York to discuss further the possibility of such a summer position, and your requirements.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,
Mark Diamond (signature)
Mark Diamond

Text. Resume

38 Park Avenue, Ар. 50
New York, N.Y. 11298
Tel. (312)493-8332

Text. Curriculum vitae (CV)

Objective: Senior position in engineering management

– Business oriented; able to understand and execute broad corporate policy.

– Strength in analyzing and improving engineering and administrative methods.

– Effective in facilitating communication between management and project team.

– Proven ability to manage both large and small groups and maintain productivity.

– Successful in negotiating favorable design and construction contracts.

Text. Thank-You Letter

Mrs. Lori Roberts

Director of Personnel

Johnston Corporation

Austin, Texas 78777

Dear Mrs Roberts:

Thank you for your time and attention during my interview with you last week. I appreciated the opportunity to discuss my qualifications and aspirations with you.

I hope that all questions were answered to your satisfaction, however, I would be happy to supply any further information you may need.

I am very interested in the growth potential of the position , we discussed, and I hope уоu will consider me as a serious candidate.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Jeanne Nguyen

1730 Green Street

Austin, Texas 7S776


Text. Inquiry Letter (sample)

Pet Products Ltd. 180 London Road

Exeter EX4 4JY


25th February, 2005

Dear Sir,

We read your advertisement in the 'Pet Magazine' of 25th December. We are interested in buying your equipment for producing pet food. Would you kindly send us more information about this equipment:

– price (please quote CIF Odessa price)

– dates of delivery

– terms of payment

– guarantees

– if the price includes the cost of equipment installation and staff training.

Our company specializes in distributing pet products in Ukraine. We have more than 50 dealers and representatives in different regions and would like to start producing pet food in Ukraine. If your equipment meets our requirements, and we receive a favourable offer, we will be able to place a large order for your equipment.

Your early reply would be appreciated!

Yours faithfully,


Export-Import Manager

Text. Letter of Offer (sample)

Mr. Fred North

Purchasing Manager

Broadway Autos

November 11, 200__

Dear Mr. North,

Thank you very much for your enquiry: We are of course very familiar with your range of vehicles and are pleased to inform you that we have a new line of batteries that fit your specifications exactly.

The most suitable of our products for your requirements is the Artemis 66A Plus. This product combines economy high power output and quick charging time and is now in stock.

I enclose a detailed quotation, specifications and delivery terms. As you will see from this, our prices are very competitive. I have arranged for our agent Mr. Martin of Fillmore S.A. to deliver five of these batteries to you next week, so that you can carry out the laboratory tests. Our own laboratory reports, enclosed with this letter, show that our new Artemis 66A Plus performs as well as any of our competitor's product and, in some respects, outperforms them.

If you would like further information, please telephone or telex me: my extension number is 776. Or you may prefer to contact Mr. John Martin of Fillmore S.A. in M___________his telephone number is 0177 99 02.

I look: forward to hearing from, you

Yours sincerely, (signature)

Fred Stock

Text. Letter of Order (sample)

Men's Clothes Dealers Ltd. 142 South Road

Sheffield S20 4HI


21th March, 2005

Dear Sirs,

Our Order for Silk Shirts

In response to your letter of 17th March, we thank you for sending us your catalogues of men's silk shirts. We are sure there will be a great demand for them in Ukraine.

We are enclosing our Order No.142, and would ask you to return its duplicate to us, duly signed, as an acknowledgement.

Yours faithfully, (signature)

Vladimir Smurov

Export-Import Manager

Enc. Order № 6.142

Text J. A Reminder Letter (sample)

Carsons Inc. Bay Avenue

San Francisco


Dear Mr. Carsons:

According to our records payment of our invoice No. 3823, sent to you in April, has not yet been made.

As specified on all our estimates and invoices our terms of payment are 30 days. Your invoice has now been outstanding for 90 days. In the case of unsettled debt of this duration it is our company policy to take legal action.

We would naturally prefer not to have to go so far. Would you please send us a check by return. In case you have lost or mislaid the original I am enclosing a copy of our invoice.

We look forward to receiving your payment by return.

Yours sincerely,

Pierre Lacoste

Credit Controller Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы анкеты

1 What is your name (second name, surname)?

2 Where do you live? What is your adress?

3 Do you have a driver’s licence?

4 What is your marital status?

5 Have you a higher education?

6 What languages do you know?

7 What was the last place of your job?

8 What was your last position?

9 What were your duties?

10 Where do you live?

11 What are your personal references?

2.3.6 Тексты для студентов специальности «Статистика» Задание 1. Прочитайте и запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

to measure – измерять;

to compile – составлять;

to increase – увеличиваться, расти;

to assess – оценивать;

to convert – превращать, переводить;

to serve – служить, выполнять;

to determine – определять;

to cover – покрывать;

to include – включать;

approach – подход;

consumer – потребитель;

retail sales – розничная торговля;

convenient – удобный;

evident – явный, очевидный;

frequent – частный;

diverse – разнообразный;

recent – недавний;

regarding – относительно (предлог)

innovation – нововведение;

inflation – инфляция;

heterogeneous – разнородный;

fluctuation – колебание;

series – ряд;

to erode – разрушать;

to revise – пересматривать;

proportion – часть;

base period – базовый период;

urban – городской. Задание 2. Прочитайте текст А и переведите его письменно

Text A. The Index Number

Index numbers are a very useful statistical tool. Many indexes, for example consumer price index .appears on the nightly television news, on the front of local newspapers, in The Wall Street Journal, and in other business publications.


Consumer prices rose in May to 117.5 % of the 1982-84 average from 117.1 % in April…This was the smallest gain in the three months as clothing prices leveled off after increasing sharply earlier this year, the Labor Department reported…Although many economists still expect inflation to accelerate later this year, the May report suggests that price increases at the consumer level may remain moderate the next few months, except for anticipated jump in food prices.

Index number is a percent that measures the change in price, quantity, value, or some other items of interest from one time to another. The index number allows us to express a change in price, quantity, or value as a percent.

Compiling index numbers, such as the producer price index (PPI), is not a recent innovation. An Italian, G.R. Carli, has been credited with originating the first index numbers in 1764. They were incorporated in the report he made about price fluctuation in Europe from 1500 to 1750. No systematic approach to collecting and reporting data in index form was evident in the USA until about 1900. The cost-of-living index (now called the consumer price index) was introduced in 1913, and the list of indexes has increased steadily since then.

Why convert data into indexes?

An index is a very convenient way of expressing a change in a heterogeneous group of items. The consumer price index (CPI), for example, includes in itself about 400 itemssuch as golf balls, lawn mowers, hamburgers, funeral services, and dentists' fees. Prices are expressed in dollars per pounds, box, yard, and many other different units. Only by converting the prices of these many diverse goods and services to one index number every month can the federal government keep informed of the overall movement of consumer prices and inflation.

Converting data into indexes also make it easier to assess the trend in data sets composed of large numbers, for example, suppose 1989 retail sales were $185,679,432,621.87 and 1982 sales were $185,500,000.000.00. The increase of $179,432,621.87 looks significant, Yet if the 1989 sales total were expressed as an index based on 1982 sales, the increase would be less men one tenth of 1 percent!

Consumer Price Index

Consumer price index (CPI) is one of the most important indexes. It measures the change in prices of a fixed market basket of goods and services from one period to another. In January 1978 the Bureau of Labor statistics began publishing CPIs for two groups of the population. One index, for all urban consumers, covers about 80 % of the total population. The other index is for urban wage earners and clerical workers and covers about 32 % of the population.

In brief, the CPI serves several major functions. It allows consumers to determine the degree to which their purchasing power is being eroded by price increases. In that respect, it is a yardstick for revising wages, pensions, and other income payments to keep pace with changes in prices. It is also an important economic indicator of the rate of inflation in the USA.

The index includes about 400 items. About 250 part-time and full-time agents collect price data monthly. Prices are collected from more than 21,000 retail establishments and 60,000 housing units in 91 urban areas across the country. The prices of baby cribs, bread, beer, cigars, gasoline, haircuts, physicians' fees, taxes, and operatingroom charges are just few of the items included in what is often termed a typical "market basket" of goods and services.

Originated in 1913 and published regularly since 1921, the standard reference period (the base period) has been updated periodically. The base period prior to the present (1982-84) period were 1967,1957-59,1947-49,1935-39, and 1925-29.

The reason for frequent changes in the base period is obvious. It changes because the consumers always change the manner of spending money. The automobile has replaced the horse as a mode of transportation. In the 1910s and 1920s a relatively small part of the income of wage earners and clerical workers was spent on higher education. Now the typical family spends a sizable amount on the higher education of its children, and the CPI reflects all changes in costs of tuition, books, and home computers. In addition to changing the base period, the Bureau of Labor statistics conduct an extensive consumer expenditure survey from time to time to determine what items are to be included in the CPI and the relative weights to be put on CDs, bananas, gasoline, rent, and so on.

The CPI is not one index. There are consumer price indexes for New York City, Chicago, and a number of other large cities. There are price indexes for food, apparel, medical care, and other items. A few of them are shown below Table 1 for April 1988 (the prices of 1982-84 =100 %).

Table 1 – Price Indexes (%)

Source: U.S. department of labor, Monthly Labor Review, June 1988.

A perusal of this listing shows that the weighted price of all items combined increased 17.1 % since 1982-84, medical care increased the most (36.9 %), and transportation went up the least (7.2 %). Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту А

1 What is a very important statistical method?

2 What do index numbers show?

3 Who was the first to compile index number?

4 When did American statisticians begin to compile indexes?

5 What do index numbers make easier to show?

6 What is Consumer Price Index used to?

7 How many CPI indexes are there?

8 Has base period been changed since 1913?

9 Why is base period changed?

10 What does the Bureau of Labor statistics set up to find out the items of the CPI?

2.4 Тексты IV семестра
2.4.1 Тексты для студентов специальностей «Маркетинг», «Таможенное дело», «Товароведение и экспертиза товаров» Задание 1. Прочитайте и запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

brand – марка (изделия);

take for granted – принимать на веру;

branding – присвоение товару марочного названия;

advertising – реклама;

identify – определить;

trademark – торговая марка, торговый знак;

manufacturer – производитель;

promote – продвигать;

middlemen – посредники;

distribute – распределять;

battle – битва;

competition – конкуренция;

benefit – получать выгоду;

narrow – сужаться;

due to – из-за, вследствие;

packaging – упаковка;

store – хранить;

damage – повреждение;

spoiling – порча;

purchase – покупка, покупать;

meet one’s needs – удовлетворять нужды;

afford – позволять;

percentage of sales – процент продаж;

place – размещение распространение (товаров);

to make available – предоставлять что-либо;

to require – требовать;

utility – полезность;

possession – владение, собственность;

channel of distribution – канал распределения;

to handle – регулировать, управлять;

objective – цель;

attitude – позиция, отношение;

to be aware of – знать, осознавать;

to adjust – регулировать;

flow – поток;

transaction – сделка;

ensure – обеспечивать;

recruit – нанимать на работу;

pushing – продвижение товара на рынке;

pulling – привлечение внимания покупателей к товару посредством акций. Задание 2. Прочитайте тексты А, В, С, переведите их письменно

Text A. Branding

There are so many brands – and we’re so used to seeing them – that we take them for granted. Brands are of great importance to their owners. They help identify the company’s marketing mix – and they help consumers recognize the firm’s products and advertising.

Branding means the use of a name, term, symbol, or design – or a combination of these – to identify a product. It includes the use of brand names, trademarks and practically all other means of product identification.

Brand name has a narrower meaning. A brand name is a word, letter, or a group of words or letters.

Trademark is a legal term. A trademark includes only those words, symbols, or marks that are legally registered for use by a single company.

Manufacturer brands are brands created by manufacturers. These are sometimes called “national brands” because the brand is promoted across the country or in large regions.

Dealer brands are brands created by middlemen. These are sometimes called “private brands”. Some of these are advertised and distributed more widely than many national brands.

The battle of the brands is the competition between dealer brands and manufacturer brands. The “battle” is just a question of whose brands will be more popular – and who will be in control. Customers benefit from the “battle”. Price differences between manufacturer brands and well-known dealer brands have already narrowed due to the competition.

Packaging involves promoting and protecting the product. Packaging can be important to both sellers and customers. Packaging can make a product more convenient to use and store. It can prevent spoiling or damage. Good packaging makes products easier to identify and promotes the brand at the point of purchase and even in use.

A new package can make the important difference in a new marketing strategy – by meeting customers’ needs better. A better box, wrapper, can, or bottle may help create a “new” product.

A good package sometimes gives a firm more promotion effect than it could possibly afford with advertising. The package is seen in stores – when customers are actually doing the buying. The package may be seen by many more potential customers than the company’s advertising. An attractive package may speed turnover so much that total costs will drop as a percentage of sales.

Packaging costs as a percentage of a manufacturer’s selling price vary widely – ranging from 1 to 70 percent.

Text B. Place

1 Offering customers a good product at a reasonable price is important to a successful marketing strategy. But it is not the whole story. Managers must also think about Place – making products available in the right quantities and locations – when customers want them.

2 Place often requires the selection and use of marketing specialists-middlemen and facilitators – to provide target customers with time, place, and possession utilities. But many variations are possible. Specialists are involved and they come together to form a channel of distribution – any series of firms or individuals who participate in the flow of goods and services from producer to final user or customer.

3 Some producers prefer to handle the whole distribution job themselves. They don't want to rely on independent middlemen – who have different objectives. And some just want to control a large organization. In any case, there are often great advantages in selling direct to the final user or consumer. Direct-to-user channels are not uncommon. Many industrial products are direct. This is understandable since there are fewer transactions and orders are larger. Service firms often use direct channels. Marketing managers must choose among direct and indirect channel systems.

4 Typically, producers have to use middlemen – like it or not. Although a producer might prefer to handle the whole distribution job, this is not economically possible for many kinds of products. This means that they must either join or develop one of the indirect channel systems.

Text C. How to recruit middlemen

A producer has a special challenge ensuring that the product reaches the end of the channel.

To reach its target market, a producer may have to recruit middlemen.

The two basic methods of recruiting middlemen are pushing and pulling.

Pushing (a product through a channel) means using normal promotion effortspersonal selling, advertising, and sales promotion – to help sell the whole marketing mix to possible channel members. The producer in effect tries to develop a team that will work well to «push» the product down the channel to the final customer.

By contrast, pulling means getting consumers to ask middlemen for the product. This usually involves highly aggressive and expensive promotion to final consumers or users – perhaps using coupons or samples – and temporary bypass of middlemen. Such an approach is risky. But if the promotion works the middlemen are forced to carry the product to satisfy customer requests. Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы по текстам А, В, С

1 Why are brands so important for both their owners and customers?

2 What is branding?

3 What is a trademark?

4 How is branding connected with the quality of a product?

5 In what cases is not a brand used by well-known firms?

6 What is the battle of the brands?

7 Does packaging involve promoting and protecting the product?

8 What does a good packaging give firm?

9 What does the term “place” mean?

10 Must marketing managers choose among direct and indirect channel systems?

11 What are the two basic methods of recruiting middlemen?

12 What is the difference between pushing and pulling?

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