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  • Текст добавлен: 6 августа 2017, 00:20

Автор книги: Юрий Низовцев

Жанр: Социальная фантастика, Фантастика

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Just time is a necessary condition for any event. The course of events can be different in various conditions, but it cannot be stopped – he had no beginning and has no end, – because if time was stopped, just zeroing, or rupture of infinity will be occurred and consciousness will be disappeared together with beingness. This is further proof that time is created and hold in beingness by consciousness as necessary for him the process of acquisition of the information from the surrounding.

Therefore beingness with consciousness as own top echelon develop in time infinitely, but this process isn't continuous, or smoothly, and just as "now", manifesting itself discretely and sequentially via the finite.

We know only that development of consciousness happens in conditions of Earth together with the person, human civilizations which are finite, unlike consciousness.

This means that consciousness goes far beyond human communities and only temporarily, but timely attends them. People, civilizations disappear, and the consciousness remains, having changed, having enriched and having become stronger through them.

However, how beingness together with the top echelon – by consciousness – can infinitely develop, i.e. – without any limit and the beginning? To understand this fact people, at least, in the majority cannot. Therefore the most numerous religion – Christianity – in the basis put the beginning and a doomsday. Curiously, as the science at the present stage of development came besides, having designated as the beginning of the Universe "Big Bang", and as the end – collapse of the Universe. In itself this is quite absurd, because to explain what was before the beginning of the world and be after the end of the world is impossible, as impossible to explain why everything began sudden, and why everything be over. Here, of course, without God, on who you can write off a lot of things not to manage.

Beginningless and endless, but not cyclical development of consciousness in beingness automatically removes this problem. However, new problems arise. In particular, the problem of the infinite arises, i.e. – infinite development of consciousness. The human considers that there is a limit for everything and no other way.

So what is concealed behind boundless development of consciousness is it possible and how it occurs?

Boundlessness in itself in beingness is quite possible. For example, number of combinations in chess in case of 64 cells makes 10 in the 120th degree, whereas the number of atoms in the Universe between which there are different conversions and combinations, makes 10 in the 80th degree. The modern science claims that the uncountable quantity of universes appears and disappears, like bubbles. So number of combinations of the infinite number of objects is also infinitely. Therefore the course of events in which the consciousness acts, formally can go endlessly.

Specifically, the infinity for each individual consciousness, more precisely, soul, which is external manifestation of consciousness, isn't the continuous process of eternal development towards permanent improvement of consciousness doing this individual consciousness by wise infinitely.

Boundless wisdom in itself, perfection mean loss of interest to life which is the complete opposite of wisdom in the incessant errors, following to feelings, but not mind, preference not of knowledge of structure of atom or laws of development of universes, and live conversation with similar of itself, or discovery, expression of itself, and following from it love, hatred, concern, fear, hopes, ignorance, nonsense, aspiration to unattainable etc.

This contradiction seeming fatal is resolved by consciousness by dipping over and over again from the infinite perfection in usual finite, troublemaking life, with all its troubles and rare happy moments where consciousness together with own body becomes again by young, cheerful and enterprising, and then – by old, sad and fatally sick.

It is known that the cognitive scope becomes wider with extension of a circle of knowledge. So any calm and limit in knowledge for consciousness isn't foreseen. However consciousness develops in the set of separate, but connected souls not so much for the purposes of knowledge, – how many for life in different changing worlds, i.e. not only in order to know but also – to feel: to worry, to die, to be born, to rejoice, to grieve, to live in misery, to be ill, to make mistakes, to take offense, to look for ways to an output from created situations, to love and suffer, generally, to express itself by all possible methods and to assume on itself the expression of consciousnesses similar to itself. All this is higher than wisdom and knowledge which in itself are fruitless and which can be applied in life not necessarily to goodness and happiness to each living being.

Therefore any soul lives in operating finite object temporarily, but inseparable with it, without remembering own former lives, according to the usual dissatisfaction expressing in desires and needs for knowledge, feelings, searches. Soul can evaluate and compare all this with accumulated in past lives of the appropriate cycle of development after death of each finite object for correction of the forward movement and development.

After completion of passing of a certain level, for example, the level of lives in civilizations, similar earth civilizations, and practical exhaustion of opportunities for development in these conditions, the soul does a pause and passes to another cycle in other conditions, for example, in the conditions of not biological existence.

Pauses, which each soul has to do for rest after the life tiring her, can to be implemented as in an equilibrium civilization with her uniform life without problems and burdens [6], and in own blissful measurement. But this pause means suspension in development through fight, burdens, deprivations, different temptations where only every soul and can find and express itself, define a level of the wisdom, courage, a creative power, abilities sincerely to love, as well as a level of own egoism, cowardice, courage in collisions with similar itself. Therefore every soul cannot again not to plunge into resisting worlds where her dissatisfaction by itself finds due application in different aspirations by which may be to oppose all around. However every soul should overcome all hindrances – for this purpose she is here. Objectives should be solved, even if for this purpose she will need millions of years and hundred thousands of lives. This dissatisfaction, expressing in fundamental aspiration to change itself without what there can't be a development or that we call by liberty [5], doesn't allow to immortal soul to stop forever on own path. Not important how paltry can be a soul on difficult section of the way, anyway she will overcome any difficulties and begin to look for new ones. And so all it will go to no end.

Consciousness, soul can pass levels of beingness, to which she can be applied, and anyway develop in them as the top echelon of beingness even if number of these levels is limited, infinitely in various order in compliance as with own desires, needs, opportunities, and according to the shortcomings, omissions which any soul anyway tries to correct.

All this in infinite combinations reality indeed can last infinitely not only because the number of combinations and transformations of beingness, especially in vital realities of relations of consciousnesses operating in finite objects like the human, has no limits but also because it is impossible completely to satisfy the desires and to eradicate the shortcomings. For this reason consciousness as personal, and General, i.e. Supreme mind of all set of connected souls, can't have a limit in the development.

Difficult to understand what each soul, being certain link of the quite material beingness, as, however, and any other component of beingness, is never born, i.e. doesn't appear as if from nowhere, as well as doesn't die, or doesn't disappear in anywhere but only changes in eternal process of change of beingness, i.e. in time, or in events (co-beingness), comprehending, unlike all remaining objects of beingness, own changes and aiming to them.

Consciousness and self-consciousness of soul mean that she is not usual "brick" of beingness which takes strictly certain place in general "laying", but each soul is free, i.e. does that will wish. However, having wished, she gets to these or those relations with surrounding, and she should consider these relations, first of all, with same souls, as she.

Each soul as not born and not dying being has individuality inherent only her. She goes in time over and over again into these or those measurements, passes different levels of beingness, becoming that the wise and the considerable, that again – the young, the silly, the inexperienced, but the fresh and full of strength, but, in general, incessantly changing, she doesn't forget own persons from past lives conferring her with anything incomparable individuality. All of them are accumulated not only in the soul, but also join general measureless "piggy" of Supreme mind, or all single assembly of souls. So each soul, living the especial individuality, as if delivers to single Supreme mind own particle of life, i.e. not only all knowledge, abilities, thoughts, but also feelings of different shades, ever emerging in her on her way.

Chapter 2

Time as manifestation of process of obtaining information about the environment surrounding the carrier of consciousness.

It is known the approach, in compliance with which, owing to continuous movement, understood in broad sense as relocation in space and development in time, material objects change the states. States of objects change along with that and in case of interactions with other objects.

From here follows that time envelops as simple relocation of objects in space practically without change of their structure, and their structural changes that is manifested in different interactions and can be perceived by consciousness in the form of designations, data, traces, signals recognized, or decrypted by consciousness of changes of the material objects, or information which, in turn, can be transferred to other consciousnesses directly or indirectly.

Information, or decrypted data, displays, designations are direct and clear in a certain degree for consciousness reflection of change of states of material objects.

For example, observation of a volcanic eruption creates direct knowledge of the object and its change perceived by consciousness in certain frames, information can also be mediated, in particular, transferred in a type of the text description of the same volcanic eruption or in the form of the television picture of eruption in this or that foreshortening.

Briefly, information can be defined as data on a state of material objects which consciousness is capable to recognize when scanning surrounding by the means, which are at his disposal. The initiative in this process belongs to consciousness of the human, but not objects surrounding him.

For example, the text in unfamiliar language will be simple "noise", certain data for consciousness, but not designations which give in to decryption and awareness. And if decoding of the text is impossible for various reasons: in particular, owing to impossibility to decrypt some dead languages, this text can't be carried to information so as message in which any consciousness could find sense, the text doesn't bear.

Consciousness in the general context means not only consciousness of the person, but also consciousness of any living being as the certain structure capable to perceive these or those fragments of surrounding him reality both integrally, and separately. Only those fragments of surrounding in the form of data are selected by consciousness which the consciousness is capable to recognize and, further, to use these decrypted data, or information for own needs instinctively for the lowest consciousness and partially consciously, partially instinctively for the highest , in this case human consciousness.

Information, or the deciphered data, designations, clarification and etc. are transmitted from the material objects through the material objects, for example, light, to the material objects, for example, to instruments for finite perception by consciousness of information. That is without the material objects, including itself consciousness, information doesn't exist. It arises only in case of selection by consciousness from general "noise" of those data which the consciousness is capable to recognize.

In other words, information arises only in consciousness by means of available for it, more precisely, at the carrier of consciousness of feelings, but not differently, being the quite material copy of object or the objects which are available through feelings for consciousness and. which human consciousness can understand. Information can't be qualified as something non-material and independent, as far it is copies of data about objects selected and decrypted by consciousness from the boundless environment surrounding consciousness, some kind of "noise". The consciousness processes these deciphered copies of fragments of the material objects into images, meanings, emotions which are also the quite material components of consciousness entailing the subsequent actions of the carrier of consciousness. On their basis together with memory he interacts with environmental objects every moment of own "now".

Thus, all interactions of the being having consciousness are carried out in this end-to-end, irreversible process only on condition of arrival in his consciousness of the appropriate portions of information, each of which is processed, being laid down in a certain duration, making a row of sequential moments from the birth to death of the carrier of consciousness.

Actually, consciousness consists of the images, thoughts and feelings reinforced by memory, being by virtue of the impalpability, apparently, the material copy of local mind of other measurement, from other matter which is fixed in the local live carrier of our measurement and develop together with him during earth life.

Difference of the higher consciousness of the living being from the lowest consists in his self-consciousness – ability not only to understand own presence in the world as separate being, but also ability consciously to change this world both according to the ideas, and with the feelings, spontaneous desires, changing thus and own content fullness. Similar process is unavailable to neither animals, nor robots with any computer programs owing to absence at them of awareness of itself, so, freedom expressing in aspiration to the infinite development owing to an inescapable dissatisfaction with itself.

Asymmetry in case of transfer of information from objects to consciousness, unlike material or energetic interactions of objects of our three dimensional measurement, is explained partly by that consciousness has other qualitative nature, it is not the material object of three dimensional measurement of our Universe. Therefore it can't exchange directly by substance or energy with objects of three dimensional measurement, but consciousness is capable through feelings of the carrier of consciousness unilaterally, restrictedly, selectively, but to perceive copies of data about environment, suitable for it, and then to process them for own needs or purposes.

In other words, asymmetry of selection by consciousness of information from the environment, or receiving information by consciousness without loss of substance and/or energy by source of information is explained by one-sided scanning by consciousness of environment via own carrier during which the consciousness as if views objects of scanning without their change thanking only to copying of those data about them which the consciousness is capable to decrypt. Otherwise, if when receiving information by consciousness occurred the energetic and/or substance exchange of the same as it occurs in case of usual interactions of the material objects, both sides would change significantly up to their destruction, losing own original properties, and life wouldn't be possible in so unstable world. It occurs at the level which isn't associated with life. In particular, in case of quantum impacts of the instrument of observation on micro object, it becomes impossible to define its original properties owing to impact of radiation of instrument on it.

The difference between human consciousness and consciousness of other living beings in selection and information processing consists in that the person understands part of information and uses it not at the reflex and instinctive level as, for example, animals. At this he realizes himself in this process, and the part of the received data uses consciously, making out of current and accumulated data mental projects as self active subject, i.e. the subject who changes environment according to these projects but not just only adapting to it as all remaining live beings.

Itself integral and changing from a moment to a moment picture, which is folded every moment in human mind, is perceived and understood by him as his present, or current time. This "now" inflows as it seems to the human, from some unknown to him the future, and flows away somewhere back irretrievably – in the past, and in this time passes his life.

Anyway, it is clear that "now" provides interaction of the person with surrounding, or gives him life.

However the past and the future exist only in human imagination, manifested in the present moment. The edge between the past and future seeming to people as the invisible, the impalpable, the non-material, is the quite material present, or "now" of the person created by him. This present or own time of the person so the real that comprises in itself all his life. He lives just in it, but no in the last and no in the future.

We will mark at this that each of the sequential moments making lifetime of the person and which comprise in itself his life, is the quite material process of selection, copying, transmission of the prepared packets of the deciphered data about objects, processing of these packets, and discontinuity (discreteness) of this process is caused by the technical pause separating every moment of own time of the human.

The information packets, received through feelings, only in the processed form, that is, having transformed to images of environment, thought and emotions, make a moment, quite specific and various on filling and duration, so as the volume of the arriving information can change depending on a state of environment, from a state of the consciousness, from opportunities of fetch from memory of additional information. Each such moment, merging in consciousness with subsequent and so on, is represented to the person as his present time of life.

It follows that not time "falls down" from nowhere on the person, and human consciousness itself creates own time which therefore the person himself intuitively calls by the present.

Technical pauses between sequential moments of manifestation in consciousness of images environmental, as well as emotions and thoughts accompanying them, consciousness doesn't register.

Therefore all sequential moments are merged in the uniform changing pattern which the person as consciousness in the carrier and, at the same time, the acting subject, can not only watch but within which he can interact with the surrounding.

It is also necessary to mark that any quite real moment of own time of the person can't separate from each other what isn't present in reality. For the person of an event happen only in his "now", and the past and the future arise only in his imagination manifesting itself just in the "now" in the form, respectively, of databases and projects.

The human thinks that actually there are the past and the future separated by the present as far he doesn't understand the mechanism of formation of present and considers it by a product of the general temporal process in which really the future, the present and the past exist.

Actually, only one moment makes "now" of the person, but their irreversible sequence is represented to the person as current of time which comprises the current of his life, events happening to him.

There is in each of these moments an integral selection at all levels of consciousness of data from environment which the consciousness is capable to recognize, and their processing, making finally "the shot" by clear for consciousness, on the basis of the accepted information with these or those corrections of already accumulated information to databases of the person. Further process repeats. Procedure, thereby, is on techniques by the discrete, but on perception it by consciousness – the continuous.

This one-sided on directivity (asymmetrical) process of pulling by consciousness of information, or process of obtaining copies the surrounding, consists, thus, of three main phases: selection of fragments of environment (it is made by consciousness of the person partially consciously, but, generally by the automatic scanning covering and decrypting all available to consciousness out of the surrounding for preparation of next information packet), from which information will follow; copying and transference of information in the appropriate centers of consciousness of the person; its processing consisting in conversion of information packet into images, meanings and emotions during which the instantaneous assessment of data is produced resulting the part of information is discarded or remains as hidden, and the rest is manifested for consciousness of the person like the shot after which follows the similar shot with anyway the changed contents. These "shots" are merged in consciousness in the moving picture so as the interval between them isn't fixed by consciousness and all process seems to the person as the continuous. Formation of each "shot" can fluctuate rather slightly on duration. Process goes from the birth to death of the person, without being interrupted even during a dream or a faint. Information arrives as outside, and from the organs containing in the human and the processes proceeding in them.

This information procedure is the discrete, the automatic for all live. As a result, the adaptation of all live to the environment is carried out. However the person together with this is capable also to target selection of information, i.e. to perception of the objects interesting him for conscious transformation of these objects according to in advance planned projects.

"Now" is represented to us as continuous process because it is similar to movement of the movie with sequentially distributed shots with a certain speed. Thereby the total impression of the surrounding environment, which changes in a certain order, is created. This impression is comprehended and interpreted by the person in a different way, depending on quality of individual consciousness. Formation of "now", or own time of the person differs from usual perception in that the last creates a individual sensual image according to the appropriate task of consciousness, and the remaining at this is discarded. "Now" covers everything that consciousness is capable to decrypt and use for itself in limits, which are possible for him, without fixing only one or several objects. Process doesn't interrupt even in a dream – consciousness, which "feeds off" by information, functions in live object always, scooping information from within and outside of a body-carrier, leaving a body only after his death. Set of the live objects on the planet, forming the unidirectional moving of information, creates opportunity for course of information process on all available channels counting on the general consumption. Significant information in human communities is fixed anyway and stored for the guaranteed access.

The unidirectional movement, which we call by the present time, or lifetime, without similar asymmetrical action of uncountable consciousnesses in beingness, wouldn't exist in a form known to us for each consciousness.

At this, only people, unlike all remaining objects of the material world known to us including live objects, are capable to comprehend this objective process, though and in the distorted form.

The result of this distortion is their representation that the processed information postponed in their personal memory, the general databases as well as that information which was discarded as erratic or unnecessary, is their real past, and the arriving information – their real future. Besides, the present time is represented to them as an imperceptible moment between the past and the future, and set of these imperceptible moments – as the current time.

If we return to reviewing of formation of own time of the person as, substantially, to information process, the known fact of accelerate and deceleration of time becomes explainable.

Really, time can be decelerated and be accelerated in consciousness depending on the maintenance of moments. For example, almost not changing maintenance of moments, or packets of accepted information (events almost no) creates effect of deceleration of time – day stretches infinitely; the various maintenance of moments creates effect of an acceleration of time – day passes imperceptibly.

Thus, sequentially coming copies of these or those data from the material objects, surrounding consciousness of the person, supply him information "food" which he permanently "digests", comprehending and emotionally experiencing it. The result of this repeatable procedure out of three specified phases in every moment makes own lifetime of the person in which he sees, hears, feels all remaining, thinks, acts and which is his "now". If to take every instant, more precisely, the process of formation of information packet passing during less than a millisecond in nervous fibers and neurons of a brain with its processing in consciousness, this process is the quite material, it is only represented to the person as ephemeral boundary between the past and the future.

Perhaps, it will seem to someone paradoxical, but these discrete, sequential information moments reflecting respectively all external events, which the consciousness is capable to accept, are his true time, or "now".

Consciousness dwells in this present time within external, world time. The present time is characteristic only for living beings. In this discrete on processing present time just can be manifested such interaction of object with the environment as life. And the fundamental distinction, for example, of the amoeba consuming and processing information from the objects surrounding it similarly of the human, from the person, consists only that the person comprehends himself in this process, separating himself from remaining in appearing at him, as the result, images, thoughts, emotions, but not simply automatically reacts on impact the environment adapting to it. However the person doesn't feel discreteness of this information process. As a result, he doesn't comprehend the independence, individuality of this process arising because of its asymmetry, irreversibility by compared with changes, happening with lifeless material objects. Though, in essence, thanks to this asymmetry the human falls out of a row of other material objects becoming live and comprehending being.

Therefore the ordinary person supposes that he is only in the external world time. This time is watched by him as the real, it flows for him continuously and he conditionally divides time for convenience of life on intervals between some phenomena which he names periods of time. The most explicit and significant periods of time for the person are those, which are connected to natural cycles: the days reflecting a complete revolution of Earth round its pivot-center, as well as night, day, seasons, the annual cycle reflecting a complete turnover of Earth round the Sun. World time, external for the person, in fact, in real human life reflects periodic changes of the material objects. In this regard it exists objectively, more precisely, in its relative units, for example, it is possible to estimate changes of the material objects and till origin of living beings on Earth.

Actually, external time is changes of the material objects felt by human consciousness on which it can't influence at all. However the person can select, recognize and record in the consciousness in addition to objects, which are not dependent of him, remaining objects of own direct surrounding. Thereby, the human consciousness can form own time reflecting all changes available to his feelings. The person is forced to correlate this own time with something steady. All periodic changes, independent of him, are by this steady.

However all events occur really in own time of the person. But owing to their flowability and stimulated comparison of these events with external time, their automatic binding to external time is made in human consciousness.

There, where the human thought doesn't penetrate, events, as those, are absent – they couldn't be fixed – it is only possible to assume that there are both reversible and irreversible changes of the material objects. And these assumptions are based only on the fact that we can imagine and understand, i.e. to conclude in time. Of course, it is possible to designate changes by time so as it seems that they should have duration, but this duration, as Aristotle noted fairly, there is nobody to digitize. Besides, it isn't known that represents beingness by itself out of human consciousness. Parmenides, for example, supposed "beingness as pure present, motionless, homogeneous, perfect …" [2]. We perceive and represent beingness as one, for other beings it can manifest as other. And that it is actually, it isn't possible to define, owing to its infinite variety. It is only possible to select by means of consciousness as if own part of beingness, i.e. that consciousness of the person is capable to recognize in beingness, and to consider this part of beingness by the changing world. Consciousness can include then in this time, external in relation to it, changes of beingness, and, thereby, determine their duration.

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