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Книги издательства Ltd. «Prospekt»

  • 28 мая 2022, 12:49
Скачать книгу English verb tenses for lazybones автора Елена Васильева

Жанр: Иностранные языки, Наука и Образование

One of the most effective skills in studying English is the ability to feel confident in using different grammar structures. The reference guide helps to find your way through the maze of numerous English verb forms in a short time. Such categories as...

  • 26 мая 2022, 21:56
Скачать книгу English grammar: 100 main rules автора Елена Васильева

Жанр: Иностранные языки, Наука и Образование

As soon as you started learning English you have to study basic grammar rules that help understand the language structure and as a result communicate effectively. In the reference guide 100 most common grammar rules are put together and explained in a...

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