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Книги в оригинале на языке - русский

  • 24 декабря 2014, 14:54
Скачать книгу Куми та кумки. Анекдоти давні і сучасні автора Олексій Кононенко

Жанр: Анекдоты, Юмор


«Автор цих анекдотів – народ» – не втомлюється повторювати Олексій Кононенко у своїй семибарвній-семи-струнній серії із 7 книг «Антологія українського анекдота «Українська веселка». Він не один рік збирав, упорядковував і супроводжував авторськими текстами ці збірники і веселих, і сатиричних історій та примовок.

Український народний гумор має віковічне коріння, на якому виростає та рясно родить і сучасний сміхограй. Тут є і так звані «мандрівні» сюжети, і дружні «позички» з гумору інших народів, є посилання на конкретних співтворців деяких гуморинок і тематичні варіанти анекдотів.

Книги цієї серії мають яскраві своєрідні теми, і кожну із них адресовано широкому колу читачів.

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  • 24 декабря 2014, 14:51
Скачать книгу Azathoth автора H. Lovecraft

Жанр: Зарубежное: Прочее, Зарубежная литература


The modern world has been stripped of imagination and belief in magic when a man gazing from his window upon the stars comes to observe secret vistas unsuspected by normal humanity. One night the gulf between his world and the stars is bridged, and his mind ascends from his body out into the boundless...

  • 24 декабря 2014, 14:51
Скачать книгу The Book автора H. Lovecraft

Жанр: Зарубежное: Прочее, Зарубежная литература


"The Book" is an unfinished short story H.P. Lovecraft, believed to have been written in late 1933. It was first published in the journal in 1938, after Lovecraft's death. In the story fragment, the narrator is given an ancient book by a strange bookseller, and when he takes it home and examines it, weird and sinister events...

  • 24 декабря 2014, 14:50
Скачать книгу The Horror at Martin's Beach автора H. Lovecraft

Жанр: Зарубежное: Прочее, Зарубежная литература


Sailors kill a 50 foot creature at sea after a lengthy battle. The creature bears strange anatomical irregularities such as a single large eye and rudimentary forelegs and six-toed feet in place of pectoral fins. After inspection by marine biologists, it is revealed to be just a juvenile. The captain who captured the creature tours the coast and profits from the corpse of the deceased creature. As the captain attempts to finish his business at Martin's Beach, a group of swimmers are attacked. The captain and others attempt to rescue the victims but it is too late. The good samaritans and the captain are hypnotized and pulled into the water by the creature's apparently vengeful mother, to the horror of an onlooking...

  • 24 декабря 2014, 14:50
Скачать книгу The Horror at Red Hook автора H. Lovecraft

Жанр: Зарубежное: Прочее, Зарубежная литература


Circles and pentagrams loomed on every hand, and told indubitably of the strange beliefs and aspirations of those who dwelt so squalidly here. In the cellar, however, the strangest thing was found-a pile of genuine gold ingots covered carelessly with a piece of burlap, and bearing upon their shining surfaces the same weird hieroglyphics which also adorned the...

  • 24 декабря 2014, 14:50
Скачать книгу The Hound автора H. Lovecraft

Жанр: Ужасы и Мистика


The story focuses around the narrator and his friend St. John, who have a deranged interest in robbing graves. They constantly defile crypts and often keep souvenirs of their nocturnal expeditions. Since they reside in the same house, they have the opportunity to set up a sort of morbid museum in their basement. Using the objects they collect from the various graves they have robbed, they organize the private exhibition. The collection consists of headstones, preserved bodies, skulls and several heads in different phases of decomposition. It also included statues, frightful paintings and a locked portfolio, bound in tanned human...

  • 24 декабря 2014, 14:50
Скачать книгу Hypnos автора H. Lovecraft

Жанр: Зарубежное: Прочее, Зарубежная литература


Hypnos is a first-person narrative written from the perspective of an unnamed character living in Kent, England. The narrator writes that he fears sleep, and is resolved to write his story down lest it drive him further mad, regardless of what people think after reading...

  • 24 декабря 2014, 14:50
  • 24 декабря 2014, 14:49
Скачать книгу The Music of Erich Zann автора H. Lovecraft

Жанр: Зарубежное: Прочее, Зарубежная литература


A university student is forced, by his lack of funds, to take the only lodging he can afford. In a strange part of the city he had never seen before, on a street named "Rue d'Auseil", he finds an apartment in an almost empty building. One of the few other tenants is an old German man named Erich Zann. The old man is mute and plays the viol with a local orchestra. He lives on the top floor and when alone at night, plays strange melodies never heard...

  • 24 декабря 2014, 14:49
Скачать книгу Nyarlathotep автора H. Lovecraft

Жанр: Зарубежное: Прочее, Зарубежная литература


The story describe the appearance of Nyarlathotep as a "man" of the race of the Pharaohs, who claims to have been dormant for the past twenty-seven centuries, and his subsequent travels from city to city demonstrating his supernatural powers. Wherever Nyarlathotep went, the story relates, the inhabitants' sleep would be plagued by vivid...

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