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Книги в оригинале на языке - русский

  • 12 апреля 2016, 13:00
Скачать книгу Старі гультяї автора Іван Нечуй-левицький

Жанр: Иностранные языки, Наука и Образование


«Старі гультяї» Івана Нечуя-Левицького – соціально-побутове оповідання, в якому автор розкриває традиційну для його творчості тему родинних стосунків, поділу спадку***. Перу автора належать й інші твори на подібну тематику, зокрема, повість «Кайдашева сім’я», «Дві московки» та...

  • 12 апреля 2016, 12:21
Скачать книгу Дві московки автора Іван Нечуй-левицький

Жанр: Иностранные языки, Наука и Образование


«Дві московки» Івана Нечуя-Левицького – повість, присвячена селянській тематиці***. Доля двох сестер Марини і Ганни складається нещасливо – одну змушено покинув чоловік, інша померла самотньою у чужому місті. «Дві московки» належить до найвідоміших прозових творів автора, серед яких також «Микола Джеря», «Кайдашева сім’я» та...

  • 12 апреля 2016, 12:21
Скачать книгу Микола Джеря автора Іван Нечуй-левицький

Жанр: Иностранные языки, Наука и Образование


«Микола Джеря» Івана Нечуя-Левицького – соціально-побутова повість, у якій автор порушує болючу тему кріпацтва***. Микола виявив непокору панам, через що змушений був покинути рідні краї і родину і скитатися усе життя. Твір є одним з найвідоміших зразків великої прози Нечуя-Левицького, серед яких також «Кайдашева сім’я», «Хмари» та...

  • 11 апреля 2016, 14:00
Скачать книгу Yellow balloon автора Alexander Plechko

Жанр: Учебная литература, Детские книги

«Yellow balloon» – детская книга на английском языке для детей от 3 лет. Это добрая история о храбром Мишке, о его мечте и о том, как важно порой делать хорошие поступки. Красочные иллюстрации и легкий для восприятия и понимания текст помогут маленьким читателям в изучении английского...

  • 1 апреля 2016, 18:01
Скачать книгу Arena One: Slaverunners автора Morgan Rice

Жанр: Иностранные языки, Наука и Образование


“From Morgan Rice, #1 Bestselling author of THE VAMPIRE JOURNALS, comes a new trilogy of dystopian fiction.

New York. 2120. American has been decimated, wiped out from the second Civil War. In this post-apocalyptic world, survivors are far and few between. And most of those who do survive are members of the violent gangs, predators who live in the big cities. They patrol the countryside looking for slaves, for fresh victims to bring back into the city for their favorite death sport: Arena One. The death stadium where opponents are made to fight to the death, in the most barbaric of ways. There is only one rule to the arena: no one survives. Ever.

Deep in the wilderness, high up in the Catskill Mountains, 17 year old Brooke Moore manages to survive, hiding out with her younger sister, Bree. They are careful to avoid the gangs of slaverunners who patrol the countryside. But one day, Brooke is not as careful as she can be, and Bree is captured. The slaverunners take her away, heading to the city, and to what will be a certain death.

Brooke, a Marine's daughter, was raised to be tough, to never back down from a fight. When her sister is taken, Brooke mobilizes, uses everything at her disposal to chase down the slaverunners and get her sister back. Along the way she runs into Ben, 17, another survivor like her, whose brother was taken. Together, they team up on their rescue mission.

What follows is a post-apocalyptic, action-packed thriller, as the two of them pursue the slaverunners on the most dangerous ride of their lives, following them deep into the heart of New York. Along the way, if they are to survive, they will have to make some of the hardest choices and sacrifices of their lives, encountering obstacles neither of them had expected – including their unexpected feelings for each other. Will they rescue their siblings? Will they make it back? And will they, themselves, have to fight in the...

  • 1 апреля 2016, 18:00
Скачать книгу Once Gone автора Blake Pierce

Жанр: Полицейские детективы, Детективы


Women are turning up dead in the rural outskirts of Virginia, killed in grotesque ways, and when the FBI is called in, they are stumped. A serial killer is out there, his frequency increasing, and they know there is only one agent good enough to crack this case: Special Agent Riley Paige.

Riley is on paid leave herself, recovering from her encounter with her last serial killer, and, fragile as she is, the FBI is reluctant to tap her brilliant mind. Yet Riley, needing to battle her own demons, comes on board, and her hunt leads her through the disturbing subculture of doll collectors, into the homes of broken families, and into the darkest canals of the killer’s mind. As Riley peels back the layers, she realizes she is up against a killer more twisted than she could have imagined. In a frantic race against time, she finds herself pushed to her limit, her job on the line, her own family in danger, and her fragile psyche collapsing.

Yet once Riley Paige takes on a case, she will not quit. It obsesses her, leading her to the darkest corners of her own mind, blurring the lines between hunter and hunted. After a series of unexpected twists, her instincts lead her to a shocking climax that even Riley could not have imagined.

A dark psychological thriller with heart-pounding suspense, "Once Gone" marks the debut of a riveting new series – and a beloved new character – that will leave you turning pages late into the...

  • 1 апреля 2016, 18:00
Скачать книгу Arena Two автора Morgan Rice

Жанр: Иностранные языки, Наука и Образование


Having just escaped from the treacherous island that was once Manhattan, Brooke, Ben, Logan, Bree and Rose make their way up the Hudson river in their stolen boat, low on fuel, low on food, and desperately needing shelter from the cold. On their tails are the slaverunners, who will stop at nothing until they capture them and bring them back.

As they make their way upriver in this post-apocalyptic, action-packed thriller, on their way to try to find the mythical city in Canada, they will need to use all their ingenuity and survival skills to stay alive. Along the way they will encounter crazed survivors, roving gangs of predators, cannibals, wild animals, a desolate wasteland, and an unstoppable blizzard. They sustain injuries, get sick, and the Hudson freezes over as they do their best to salvage what they can and avoid the slaverunners' pursuit. They find a small island and think they have found respite – until events don't go their way. It is not until they board a mysterious train to nowhere that they find that things can always get worse.

Along the way, Brooke's feelings for Logan intensify, as do her feelings for Ben. Torn between these two boys, caught between their jealousy, she is unsure how she feels – until events choose for her.

As they find themselves thrown back into an arena, they are shocked to discover that Arena Two is even worse. Thrown into a barbaric fighting stage, equipped with weapons, pitted against other teenagers – and against themselves – Brooke and the others will be forced to choose what's important, and to make the most difficult sacrifices of their lives. Because in Arena Two, no one survives....

  • 1 апреля 2016, 17:40
Скачать книгу Any Means Necessary автора Jack Mars

Жанр: Политические детективы, Детективы


When nuclear waste is stolen by jihadists in the middle of the night from an unguarded New York City hospital, the police, in a frantic race against time, call in the FBI. Luke Stone, head of an elite, secretive, department within the FBI, is the only man they can turn to. Luke realizes right away that the terrorists’ aim is to create a dirty bomb, that they seek a high-value target, and that they will hit it within 48 hours.

A cat and mouse chase follows, pitting the world’s most savvy government agents versus its most sophisticated terrorists. As Agent Stone peels back layer after layer, he soon realizes he is up against a vast conspiracy, and that the target is even more high value than he could have imagined – leading all the way to the President of the United States.

With Luke framed for the crime, his team threatened and his own family in danger, the stakes could not be higher. But as a former special forces commando, Luke has been in tough positions before, and he will not give up until he finds a way to stop them – using any means necessary.

Twist follows twist as one man finds himself up against an army of obstacles and conspiracies, pushing even the limits of what he can handle, and culminating in a shocking climax.

A political thriller with heart-pounding action, dramatic international settings, and non-stop suspense, "Any Means Necessary" marks the debut of an explosive new series that will leave you turning pages late into the...

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