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  • 4 мая 2015, 18:22
Скачать книгу A Joust of Knights автора Morgan Rice

Жанр: Боевое фэнтези, Фэнтези


In A JOUST OF KNIGHTS, Thorgrin and his brothers follow Guwayne’s trail at sea, pursuing him to the Isle of Light. But as they reach the ravaged isle and the dying Ragon, all may be just too late.

Darius finds himself brought to the Empire capital, and to the greatest arena of them all. He is trained by a mysterious man who is determined to forge him into a warrior, and to help him survive the impossible. But the capital arena is unlike anything Darius has seen, and its formidable foes may be too intense for even he to conquer.

Gwendolyn is pulled into the heart of the family dynamics of the royal court of the Ridge, as the King and Queen beg her for a favor. On a quest to unearth secrets that can change the very future of the Ridge and save Thorgrin and Guwayne, Gwen is shocked by what she discovers as she digs too deep.

Erec and Alistair’s bonds deepen as they sail further upriver, into the heart of the Empire, determined to find Volusia and save Gwendolyn – while Godfrey and his crew wreak havoc within Volusia, determined to avenge their friends. And Volusia herself learns what it means to rule the Empire, as she finds her precarious capital embattled from all sides.

With its sophisticated world-building and characterization, A JOUST OF KNIGHTS is an epic tale of friends and lovers, of rivals and suitors, of knights and dragons, of intrigues and political machinations, of coming of age, of broken hearts, of deception, ambition and betrayal. It is a tale of honor and courage, of fate and destiny, of sorcery. It is a fantasy that brings us into a world we will never forget, and which will appeal to all ages and...

  • 4 мая 2015, 18:22
Скачать книгу A Dream of Mortals автора Morgan Rice

Жанр: Боевое фэнтези, Фэнтези


In A DREAM OF MORTALS, Thorgrin and his brothers struggle to break free from the grips of the pirates, and to continue their search for Guwayne at sea. As they encounter unexpected friends and foes, magic and weaponry, dragons and men, it will change the very course of their destiny. Will they finally find Guwayne?

Darius and his few friends survive the massacre of their people – but only to find that they are captives, thrown into the Empire Arena. Shackled together, facing unimaginable opponents, their only hope for survival is to stand and fight together, as brothers.

Gwendolyn wakes from her slumber to discover that she and the others have survived their trek across the Great Waste – and even more shocking, that they have come to a land beyond their wildest imagination. As they are brought into a new royal court, the secrets Gwendolyn learns about her ancestors and her own people will change her destiny forever.

Erec and Alistair, still captive at sea, struggle to break free from the grips of the Empire fleet in a bold and daring nighttime escape. When odds seem at their worst, they receive an unexpected surprise that might just give them a second chance for victory – and another chance to continue their attack on the heart of the Empire.

Godfrey and his crew, imprisoned once again, set to be executed, have one last chance to try to escape. After being betrayed, they want more than escape this time – they want vengeance.

Volusia is surrounded on all sides as she strives to take and hold the Empire capital – and she will have to summon a more powerful magic than she’s ever known if she is to prove herself a Goddess, and become Supreme Ruler of the Empire. Once again, the fate of the Empire hangs in the balance.

With its sophisticated world-building and characterization, A DREAM OF MORTALS is an epic tale of friends and lovers, of rivals and suitors, of knights and dragons, of intrigues and political machinations, of coming of age, of broken hearts, of deception, ambition and betrayal. It is a tale of honor and courage, of fate and destiny, of sorcery. It is a fantasy that brings us into a world we will never forget, and which will appeal to all ages and...

  • 4 мая 2015, 18:22
Скачать книгу A Rule of Queens автора Morgan Rice

Жанр: Боевое фэнтези, Фэнтези


In A RULE OF QUEENS, Gwendolyn leads the remains of her nation in exile, as they sail into the hostile harbors of the Empire. Taken in by Sandara’s people, they try to recover in hiding, to build a new home in the shadows of Volusia.

Thor, determined to rescue Guwayne, continues with his Legion brothers on his quest far across the sea, to the massive caves that herald the Land of the Spirits, encountering unthinkable monsters and exotic landscapes.

In the Southern Isles, Alistair sacrifices herself for Erec – and yet an unexpected twist might just save them both.

Darius risks it all to save the love of his life, Loti, even if he must face the Empire alone. But his conflict with the Empire, he will find, is just beginning. And Volusia continues her rise, after her assassination of Romulus, to consolidate her hold on the Empire and become the ruthless queen she was meant to be.

Will Gwen and her people survive? Will Guwayne be found? Will Alistair and Erec live? Will Darius rescue Loti? Will Thorgrin and his brothers survive?

With its sophisticated world-building and characterization, A RULE OF QUEENS is an epic tale of friends and lovers, of rivals and suitors, of knights and dragons, of intrigues and political machinations, of coming of age, of broken hearts, of deception, ambition and betrayal. It is a tale of honor and courage, of fate and destiny, of sorcery. It is a fantasy that brings us into a world we will never forget, and which will appeal to all ages and...

  • 4 мая 2015, 18:22
Скачать книгу A Land of Fire автора Morgan Rice

Жанр: Боевое фэнтези, Фэнтези


In A LAND OF FIRE (BOOK #12 IN THE SORCERER’S RING), Gwendolyn and her people find themselves surrounded on the Upper Isles, besieged by Romulus’ dragons and his million man army. All seems lost – when salvation comes from an unlikely source.

Gwendolyn is determined to find her baby, lost at sea, and to lead her nation-in-exile to a new home. She travels across foreign and exotic seas, encountering unthinkable dangers, rebellion and starvation, as they sail for dream of a safe harbor.

Thorgrin’s finally meets his mother in the Land of the Druids, and their meeting will change his life forever, make him stronger than he has ever been. With a new quest, he embarks, determined to rescue Gwendolyn, to find his baby, and to fulfill his destiny. In an epic battle of dragons and of men, Thor will be tested in every way; as he battles monsters and lays down his life for his brothers, he will dig deeper to become the great warrior he was meant to be.

In the Southern Isles, Erec lies dying, and Alistair, accused of his murder, must do what she can to both save Erec and absolve herself of guilt. A civil war erupts in a power struggle for the throne, and Alistair finds herself caught in the middle, with her fate, and Erec’s, hanging in the balance.

Romulus remains intent on destroying Gwendolyn, Thorgrin, and what remains of the Ring; but his moon cycle is coming to an end, and his power will be severely tested.

Meanwhile, in the Northern province of the Empire, a new hero is rising: Darius, a 15 year old warrior, who is determined to break off the chains of slavery and rise up amongst his people. But the Northern Capitol is run by Volusia, a 18 year old girl, famed for her beauty – and famed also her barbaric cruelty.

Will Gwen and her people survive? Will Guwayne be found? Will Romulus crush the Ring? Will Erec live? Will Thorgrin return in time?

With its sophisticated world-building and characterization, A LAND OF FIRE is an epic tale of friends and lovers, of rivals and suitors, of knights and dragons, of intrigues and political machinations, of coming of age, of broken hearts, of deception, ambition and betrayal. It is a tale of honor and courage, of fate and destiny, of sorcery. It is a fantasy that brings us into a world we will never forget, and which will appeal to all ages and...

  • 4 мая 2015, 18:22
Скачать книгу A Reign of Steel автора Morgan Rice

Жанр: Боевое фэнтези, Фэнтези


In A REIGN OF STEEL (BOOK #11 IN THE SORCERER’S RING), Gwendolyn must protect her people as she finds King’s Court under siege. She strives to evacuate them from the Ring – but there is one problem: her people refuse to leave. As a power struggle ensues, Gwen finds her queenship under challenge for the first time – while the greatest threat to the Ring looms.

Behind the McClouds lie the threat of Romulus and his dragons, who, with the Shield destroyed, embark on a catastrophic invasion, nothing left to stand between them and the complete annihilation of the Ring. Romulus, with Luanda at his side, is unstoppable while the moon lasts, and Gwen must fight for survival – for herself, for her baby, and for her people – amidst an epic battle of dragons, and of men. Kendrick leads the Silver in a valiant battle, and he is joined by Elden and the new Legion recruits, along with his brother Godfrey, who surprises everyone, including himself, with his acts of valor. But even so, it may not all be enough.

Thor, meanwhile, embarks on the quest of his life in the Land of the Druids, trekking across a fearsome and magical land, a land unlike any other, with magical rules out of its own. Crossing this land will require every ounce of strength and training he has, will force him to dig deeper within, to become the great warrior – and Druid – he was meant to be. As he encounters monsters and challenges unlike ever before, he will have to lay down his life to try to reach his mother.

Erec and Alistair journey to the Southern Isles, where they are greeted by all of his people, including his competitive brother and envious sister. Erec has a dramatic final meeting with his father, as the island prepares for him to ascend the throne as King. But in the Southern Isles, one must fight for the right to be King, and in an epic battle, Erec will be tested as never before. In a dramatic twist, we learn that treachery hides even here, in this place of noble and great warriors.

Reece, embattled and surrounded on the Upper Isles, must fight for his life after his vengeance on Tirus. Desperate, he finds himself united with Stara, each wary of the other, yet untied in a quest to survive – one that will culminate in an epic battle at sea and will threaten the entire island.

Will Gwen cross the sea to safety? Will Romulus destroy the Ring? Will Reece and Stara be together? Will Erec rise as King? Will Thor find his mother? What will become of Guwayne? Will anyone be left alive?

With its sophisticated world-building and characterization, A REIGN OF STEEL is an epic tale of friends and lovers, of rivals and suitors, of knights and dragons, of intrigues and political machinations, of coming of age, of broken hearts, of deception, ambition and betrayal. It is a tale of honor and courage, of fate and destiny, of sorcery. It is a fantasy that brings us into a world we will never forget, and which will appeal to all ages and...

  • 4 мая 2015, 18:22
Скачать книгу An Oath of Brothers автора Morgan Rice

Жанр: Боевое фэнтези, Фэнтези


In AN OATH OF BROTHERS, Thorgrin and his brothers emerge from the land of the dead, more driven than ever to find Guwayne, and set sail across a hostile sea, leading them to places beyond their wildest dreams. As they come ever-closer to finding Guwayne, they also encounter obstacles unlike ever before, obstacles which will test them to their very limits, which will call on all their training and force them to stand together as one, as brothers.

Darius stands up to the Empire, boldly waging a guerilla war, amassing an army, as one freed slave village after the next rallies to his cause. Facing off against fortified cities, against an army a thousand times his size, he summons all of his instincts and courage, determined to survive, determined to win, to strive for freedom at any cost, even at the cost of his life.

Gwendolyn, with no other choice, leads her people into the Great Waste, deeper into the Empire than anyone has ever journeyed, on a quest to find the legendary Second Ring—the last hope for the survival of her people, and the last hope for Darius. Yet along the way she will encounter horrific monsters, worse landscapes, and an insurrection from amidst her own people that even she may not be able to stop.

Erec and Alistair sail for the Empire to save their people, and along the way stop at hidden islands, determined to raise an army—even if it means dealing with mercenaries of questionable repute.

Godfrey finds himself deep inside the city of Volusia and deep in trouble as his plan goes from bad to worse. Imprisoned, set to be executed, finally, even he can see no way out.

Volusia forges a pact with the darkest of sorcerers, and driven to even greater heights, she continues her ascent, conquering all who stand in her way. More powerful than ever, she will take her war all the way to the steps of the Empire Capital—until she is up against the entire Empire army, an army that dwarfs even her own, setting the stage for an epic battle.

Will Thorgrin find Guwayne? Will Gwendolyn and her people survive? Will Godfrey escape? Will Erec and Alistair reach the Empire? Will Volusia become the next Empress? Will Darius lead his people to victory?

With its sophisticated world-building and characterization, AN OATH OF BROTHERS is an epic tale of friends and lovers, of rivals and suitors, of knights and dragons, of intrigues and political machinations, of coming of age, of broken hearts, of deception, ambition and betrayal. It is a tale of honor and courage, of fate and destiny, of sorcery. It is a fantasy that brings us into a world we will never forget, and which will appeal to all ages and...

  • 4 мая 2015, 18:21
Скачать книгу Плыть, ехать, бежать. Путь к олимпийскому пьедесталу в триатлоне автора Алистер Браунли

Жанр: Зарубежная прикладная и научно-популярная литература, Зарубежная литература


Эта книга – рассказ триатлетов Алистера и Джонатана Браунли о том, как они пришли к своим олимпийским медалям 2012 года. Весь их путь: совместные тренировки, соревнования, травмы и успехи, периоды усталости и подъемов. Все, что они чувствовали в больших и малых гонках и, конечно, на Олимпиаде. А кроме того, их секреты: как именно они занимались, что важно в составляющих триатлона – плавании, велогонке, беге, как строились тренировки.

Мы рекомендуем эту книгу тем, кто стремится к высоким достижениям в спорте (особенно тем, кто занимается триатлоном). И тем, кто мечтает когда-нибудь увидеть своих детей на олимпийском пьедестале.

На русском языке публикуется...

  • 4 мая 2015, 18:21
Скачать книгу Почему у Грузии получилось автора Лариса Буракова

Жанр: Публицистика: прочее, Публицистика


Правда ли, что в Грузии получить водительские права и зарегистрировать компанию можно меньше чем за полчаса? Почему ликвидация контролирующих органов и отмена многих разрешений в строительстве не привела к массовым разрушениям домов или пищевым отравлениям? Куда исчезли все воры в законе, которыми Грузия была известна еще с советских времен? Каким образом удалось избавиться от очередей, бюрократии и коррупции в учреждениях? К сожалению, жители России в массе плохо представляют себе, что происходит в этой некогда братской республике. Виной тому не только сложившиеся отношения между нашими странами, но и отсутствие достоверных сведений о нынешней Грузии. Российский экономист Лариса Буракова, которая не раз была в этой стране и встречалась с авторами реформ и их опонентами, описывает произошедшие здесь за последнее время перемены и восполняет этот информационный...

  • 4 мая 2015, 18:20
Скачать книгу Пелевин и поколение пустоты автора Сергей Полотовский

Жанр: Биографии и Мемуары, Публицистика


Книга-расследование критика Сергея Полотовского и журналиста Романа Козака – первая попытка описать жизненный путь Виктора Пелевина, одного из самых влиятельных и загадочных писателей современной России. Кто прототипы самых известных героев пелевинских произведений? Что скрыто в книгах Пелевина между строк? И каков истинный смысл его романов? В конечном счете все эти вопросы приводят авторов к одному главному: какова роль писателя в современном мире, когда настало время айпадов и андроидов, интернет-телевидения и фейсбука?

Чтобы написать первую биографию Виктора Пелевина, авторы в течение года исследовали произведения писателя, разыскивали и интервьюировали людей, которые учились, работали и путешествовали с ним. А также поговорили о Пелевине и современной литературе со множеством замечательных людей, среди которых Леонид Парфенов, Сергей Шнуров, Владимир Сорокин, Лев Рубинштейн, Михаил Елизаров, Марат Гельман, Александр Генис, Захар Прилепин и многие...

  • 4 мая 2015, 18:20
Скачать книгу 100 дней счастья автора Фаусто Брицци

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература, Современная проза


Не каждому дано знать, какой день станет последним в нашей жизни. Но Лучио Баттистини, сорокалетний тренер по водному поло, живущий в Риме с женой Паолой и двумя детьми, точно знает дату своей смерти. Больше того: он сам ее назначил, когда у него обнаружили рак печени, который он иронично прозвал «дружище Фриц».

У Лучио ровно сто дней.

Сто дней, чтобы остаться в памяти детей хорошим человеком, насладиться путешествием с друзьями и, главное, снова завоевать сердце Паолы, разбитое нелепой изменой мужа.

Сто дней, чтобы ощутить, как прекрасна и удивительна жизнь.

Сто дней...

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