Текст книги "Деловой английский язык"
Автор книги: А. Бабашев
Жанр: О бизнесе популярно, Бизнес-Книги
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Making the Most of Your Experience
How many times have you been asked the question, «What do you do for living? » There is a tendency for people to answer this question by saying, for example, «I'm a secretary» or «I'm a salesgirl» In everyday conversations these answers are acceptable, but in an interview the interviewer will be more interested in your skills than in your former titles. On your resume you must try to put more emphasis on things you can do and have done rather than on what you are or were called while doing those things.
At job interviews an applicant is expected to explain past work experience clearly. A good applicant is prepared to speak specifically about skills as well as experience.
For example: «I worked for eight months as an assistant to the manager at WXYZ radio. I learned to keep records carefully, to file rapidly, and to take information over the phone accurately». The fact that the work was unpaid and part-time is of secondary importance. What counts most are the skills acquired. It almost always pays to explain work experience in this way. Beginning with basic questions such as your own abilities, interests, and needs is a very different plan than taking the first available job. Choice of occupation is one of the biggest decisions we ever make. It pays to make it carefully.
Kinds of Interviews
There are many different kinds of employment interviews, but generally there are two basic types: the screening interview and the selection interview. A screening interview is often based on an employment application. In a screening interview, a personnel clerk or a staff person may review the company's application form you filled out to make sure that you have provided all essential information. Questions will usually require you to provide yes/no questions or give short answers providing specific information. Generally the screening interview is meant to be a check to make sure that all applicants meet minimal requirements before further interviewing is done. In a selection interview you may be interviewed by one or even four or five individuals. These may include a personnel manager or supervisory staff from the section for which you are applying. Questions in a selection interview may ask for specific information or may be open ended. The more experience you have in analyzing different styles of interviewing, the more flexible and adaptable you will be in dealing with actual interviews.
Interview Technique
Every interviewer is different; each has his or her own style. Some are professionally trained, but many are not. In general, however, interviewing styles fall into two broad types: directive and nondirective. An interviewer with a directive style will generally ask a number of pointed questions that are aimed at getting specific information. In a nondirective style interview, the interviewer tends to ask questions that allow the interviewees the opportunity to express themselves more openly.
An interview may be compared to a dance in which the interviewer is supposed to be the lead partner and the interviewee is supposed to be a follower. Most of the time the trick is to adjust yourself to the pace and style set up by the interviewer. If the style is directive, you should try to provide concise, accurate information without going on and on. If you have been asked a simple question, try to stick to it rather than trying to provide your whole life history. On the other hand, if you are being interviewed in a nondirective style, try to elaborate by providing specific examples and explanations.
Occasionally, you may be interviewed by an inexperienced or poorly trained interviewer. Remember that not everyone is equally skilled in the art of interviewing. Many people who interview do so only now and then as a minor responsibility rather than as their major job. When you are dealing with an unskillful interviewer, it may be necessary for you to redirect the interview. You should make this switch only after you realize that the interviewer's line of questioning is missing important information about you and your background. Just as in a dance in which a lead person fails to lead and it may occasionally become necessary for the other partner to lead, so too in an interview it may be necessary for you to redirect.
√ Подготовка к собеседованию
Собеседование при приеме на работу в различных организациях может проходить абсолютно по-разному. В одной компании оно может длиться около 10 минут, в другой – представлять собой несколько часов интенсивного общения. В любом случае вам необходимо произвести благоприятное впечатление и показать отличное знание языка.
Первое впечатление, созданное вами при входе в кабинет, может оказать большое влияние на результаты собеседования. Вы должны вести себя спокойно, уверенно и дружелюбно. Первый вопрос, задаваемый менеджером по кадрам, обычно направлен на установление контакта (“breaking the ice”). Поэтому не удивляйтесь, услышав такой вопрос:
How are you today? – Как дела?
Did you have any trouble finding us? – Вы с трудом нас нашли?
What do you think of the weather today? – Как вам погода сегодня?
Ответ в такой ситуации должен быть вежливым и кратким.
Например, How are you today? – Как ваши дела?
Самое существенное, о чем вы можете рассказать во время собеседования, это ваше образование и опыт работы. Образование включает в себя вашу учебу в вузе и специальные курсы, которые вы прошли в последнее время. Опыт работы включает любую деятельность, напрямую или косвенно связанную с должностью, на которую вы претендуете.
Если вы уже получили образование, то рассказывать о своей учебе нужно в прошедшем времени.
Если вы еще являетесь студентом, то нужно использовать настоящее длительное время (Present Continuous):
Когда вы рассказываете о компании, в которой вы работаете в данный момент, необходимо использовать настоящее время (Present Continuous или Present Perfect Continuous):
Все вопросы, задаваемые вашим потенциальным работодателем во время собеседования, можно условно разделить на следующие группы:
√ Письмо после интервью (Follow-up letter)
В большинстве западных компаний является нормой получение письма благодарности от соискателя после собеседования. В России подобная практика пока не получила широкого распространения. Поэтому такое письмо может быть дополнительным плюсом в вашу пользу.
После окончания собеседования обязательно уточните точное имя собеседника, его контакты или возьмите визитную карточку. Письмо благодарности должно быть составлено по правилам ведения деловой переписки на английском языке и отправлено факсом или по электронной почте.
Отправка такого документа дает вам несколько преимуществ:
· вы можете показать себя вежливым, ответственным человеком
· продемонстрировать способности по работе с деловой корреспонденцией
· обратить на себя внимание работодателя
· усилить положительное впечатление
· добавить важную информацию, неупомянутую во время собеседования
· высказать мнения о вопросах, обсуждавшихся на собеседовании
Exercise 1. Приведите в соответствие термины и их определения:
a) directive style
b) nondirective style
c) screening interview
d) selection interview
e) elaborate
f) redirect
1. explain fully
2. a check to see that an applicant meets minimal qualifications
3. the actual process of determining whether the applicant is to be hired
4. asking for specific information, thus narrowing the range of response
5. asking for general information, thus broadening the range of response
6. changing the lead
Exercise 2.
A) Ответьте на вопросы, заданные в директивном стиле:
1. Do you drive?
2. How long have you lived in this area?
3. Which do you prefer, books or people?
4. How far do you live from work?
5. Have you done much traveling in recent years?
6. Do you like to travel?
7. Have you ever had to supervise?
B) Ответьте на вопросы, заданные в недирективном стиле:
1. What did you like most about your previous job?
2. Why did you choose marketing as your major?
3. Tell me about yourself.
Exercise 3. Выделите открытые и закрытые (на которые следует отвечать однозначно) вопросы. Обозначьте их О и 3 соответственно.
1. Why did you leave your last job?
2. Which do you prefer when you start a new project, a lot of direction or little guidance?
3. Do you enjoy going to parties?
4. What goal do you have for the future?
5. Describe the kind of boss you would like to work for.
6. Which subject was more difficult for you, Russian or math?
7. When you supervise people, how do you try to motivate them?
8. Can you work under pressure?
9. Will you accept $ … per month to start?
10. Do you have any problems with your health?
11. Will you work overtime?
12. What kind of salary are you looking for?
13. Do you drink alcohol?
14. Tell me about your childhood.
15. Do you like a variety of tasks throughout the day?
16. How often do you entertain people?
17. What is your strongest point?
18. What is your major weak point?
19. Which is more important to you, the money or the job?
20. What was your best subject in college?
Exercise 4. Приведите в соответствие термины и их определения:
a) rapport
b) skills
c) qualifications
d) self-perception
e) career expectations
f) salary range
1. the ideas that you have about yourself
2. the ideas you have about your employment future
3. a comfortable feeling established between people
4. the things that indicate you are able to do something
5. the upper and lower limits of what you can be paid
6. what you hope to be able to accomplish in your field of work
Exercise 5. Переведите советы специалистов на русский язык:
DOs and DONT's for Job Seekers
DO mention any experience you have which is relevant to the job.
DO talk and think as far as possible about the future rather than the past.
DO indicate, where possible, your stability, attendance record and good safety experience.
DO assume an air of confidence.
DO approach the employer with respectful dignity.
DO try to be optimistic in your attitude.
DO maintain your poise and self-control.
DO try to overcome nervousness and shortness of breath,
DO answer questions honestly.
DO know importance of getting along with people.
DO indicate your flexibility and readiness to learn.
DO be well-groomed and appropriately dressed.
DON'T be untidy in appearance.
DON'T apologize for your age.
DON'T write incorrect information on your resume to make it look better.
DON'T go to an interview without a record of former employment.
DON'T arrive late and breathless for an interview.
DON'T discuss past experience which has no application to the job situation.
DON'T hesitate to fill out applications, give references, and take physical examinations or tests on request.
DON'T keep stressing your need for a job.
DON'T beg for consideration.
DON'T mumble or speak with a muffled voice.
DON'T display a feeling of inferiority.
DON'T display 'cocksureness'.
DON'T be one of those who can do everything.
DON'T express your ideas on compensation, hours, etc. early in the interview.
DON'T hang around, prolonging the interview, when it should be over.
DON'T make claims if you cannot 'deliver' on the job.
Exercise 6. Разыграйте в лицах следующее интервью:
Рабочие ситуации:
1. Обменяйтесь в группе своими резюме (если Вы их уже подготовили) с другими студентами. Внимательно изучите резюме друг друга. Представьте себя в роли интервьюера во время реального собеседования. Какие вопросы Вы будете задавать для получения необходимой информации, которая позволила бы Вам принять на работу своего товарища? Затем поменяйтесь ролями и побеседуйте с другим студентом в роли претендента на работу.
Используйте в качестве подсказки следующие вопросы, разделенные на категории:
Позволяющие создать доверие
How are you today?
Did you have any trouble finding us?
What do you think of the weather lately?
Позволяющие выявить необходимые навыки и судить о квалификации
Which courses did you feel were most helpful? Tell me about your experience. What did you do on that project? Can you operate Word XP?
Позволяющие оценить личные качества
What do you do during your free time? Tell me about your childhood. How much and how often do you drink? Do you enjoy pleasing others?
Вопросы самооценки
What do you consider your strong points to be? What are your greatest weaknesses? How reliable are you? Are you an achiever?
Вопросы о зарплате
What kind of salary are you looking for? How much do you expect to earn? What would we have to pay you?
Вопросы о карьере
Where do you expect to be in five years? What are your career goals?
2. Напишите письмо-благодарность после интервью.
The Organization
According to an old saying, you can judge the personality of an organization by the switchboard operator. Organizations, in the end, are people – people playing roles. The roles differ in many ways. A superior, for instance, may have far greater power and authority than subordinates. Those with the greatest authority are said to be at the top of the hierarchy. The hierarchy of authority also establishes a chain of command, the route by which instructions and communicated between employees – who you speak to, for instance, when a problem arises. A hierarchy is actually composed of relationships between people. These relationship are based, in part, on who holds the power to make decisions. Job descriptions usually mention these relationships. Sometimes, however, rank is communicated less formally. Either way, in order to communicate successfully with coworkers, it is important to recognize these relationships within the organization.
Communication is a two-way street. We listen and we speak. Listening well is as important as speaking clearly. If you have learned English as a foreign language and are working for a joint venture, your colleagues learn to understand your way of speaking. However, those who do not know you may not understand your pronunciation as easily. Fortunately, there are several quick ways to improve your pronunciation. First, remember to listen to yourself speaking. Just remembering to speak carefully is a good start. When giving information on the phone, remember to be especially clear. Speak slowly. Pronounce each word carefully, one sentence at a time. You will be amazed how much more easily you are understood.
Active listening to get information
Good listeners listen actively. Then try to understand completely all that is being said. They make sure they understand. They are not afraid to ask questions. On the phone, for example, a good listener asks for details:
– Will there be any charge for the workshop?
– No, it's free.
– How many hours will it take?
– Three hours – from nine until noon.
Do you ask questions after listening? Asking questions is a sign that you are listening carefully.
Taking messages
After you have written down a phone message, read important details back to the caller.
– So the meeting starts at nine on Wednesday.
– Yes, quite right.
– Good. We'll be there.
Checking details is a form of active listening. It is especially important to be accurate when taking messages for others. Getting the message right in the first place is quicker and easier than calling back later for details
Messages should be delivered promptly, especially when a message has been left to return a call. The original caller expects a reply.
Showing Politeness
То show politeness, English speakers use a variety of expressions. Here are a few examples.
– Please spell the company name. – It's Ross Electronics: R-O-S-S.
– I'm sorry, but could you repeat the area code?
– The code is 09722.
– I'm afraid that I missed the date.
– It's August 1st.
– Excuse me, but could you repeat the time for the meeting?
– It's at 2:00 on Tuesday.
– Would you mind repeating the message?
– Sure…
– I'm sorry, but I didn't catch that.
– I'm sorry, but I didn't understand the last phrase. It's noisy in the office today.
– Could you please speak up?
Phrases for politeness are often said with emphasis. Intonation, the rising and falling pitch of speech, is one form of emphasis. When you say the phrases yourself, try to repeat the information and emphasis as you heard it.
Exercise 1. Приведите в соответствие термины и их определения:
a) superior
b) subordinate
c) hierarchy
d) job description
e) authorities
f) communication
1. the activity of giving information to other people
2. a person whom you report
3. statement of employment duties and responsibilities
4. the people who have the power to make decisions
5. a person who works below you in an organization
6. a system of grades or levels within organizations
Exercise 2. Company departments
Many big firms have lots of different sections and it can be helpful to know which part of the company does what. Look at the following company departments. Which department does which job?
Which department does which job? Match each job from the column on the left to a company department from the column on the right.
Телефонные штампы.
Exercise 3. Напишите перевод следующих фраз:
Exercise 3. Дополните предложения в диалоге:
Как спрашивать разрешения
Как просить сотрудников о помощи
Рабочие ситуации:
1. Вы – секретарь президента Alpha Electronics. Вас просят заказать конференц-зал для важной встречи директоров Вашей корпорации. Встреча должна состояться в центральной гостинице города.
– Позвоните директору гостиницы и закажите конференц-зал.
– Представьтесь.
– Укажите нужные дату и время: 12 мая с 2 до 5 часов.
– Запросите длинный стол со стульями на 12 человек.
– Закажите также доску и обслуживающий персонал, чтобы разносить чай и кофе.
2. Вы – менеджер центральной гостиницы, отвечающий за организацию конференций и семинаров. К сожалению, на этот день нет ни одной свободной комнаты.
– Объясните, что конференц-зал освободится только 13 или 14 мая.
– Проинформируйте собеседника, что аренда зала будет стоить 90 долларов в день.
– Скажите, что 50-долларовый залог необходимо внести за две недели до начала встречи. Спросите адрес и номер телефона офиса.
Handling the Telephone
Making a phone call is not always easy – especially if you do not know the person on the other end of the line very well. Phone messages must be accurate and complete. Taking them tests both writing and listening skills, especially when a caller is speaking quickly. Asking callers to repeat a message can help. Even people who have spoken a language all their lives ask each other to repeat things. There's really no need to be embarrassed about asking.
Requesting Repetition
When making requests, English speakers show politeness in several ways. Speaking with a friendly tone of voice usually does the trick. Sometimes there are even conflicts related to tone and register. They tend to occur more often in telephone communication than in face-to-face communication. When using the telephone, many people are not cautious in monitoring their tone and often express irritation in their voice that they would normally try to conceal when speaking face to face. There may be many reasons for this. Telephone conversation is less personal than face-to-face conversation. Since we cannot get nonverbal feedback from the person we are talking to, we may tend to express our irritation and displeasure more openly when using the telephone. It shows how important tone and register are in minimizing conflict with colleagues, potential customers, or people in other organizations.
Do not forget that the person you are talking to may be having difficulties too. Remember that the other person:
– Wants to understand you easily, so try to speak clearly;
– Cannot see your reactions, so always confirm that you have (or have not) understood each point that has been made;
– Cannot see you and does not know what a nice person you are, so make sure you sound polite and agreeable;
– Cannot spend much time, so make sure your call is brief;
– Is getting an impression of your company while talking to you, so make sure that you sound efficient.
This chapter provides phrases for taking messages and requesting information by phone.
Informing the Caller
Oftentimes at work we answer calls for co-workers. The caller, of course, is usually given a reason if someone cannot come to the phone. Several phrases are commonly used as explanations. Some are specific; others are not. Here are several examples:
– He's just stepped away from his desk.
– She's in a meeting.
– The boss is at lunch until 2:00.
– They are with a client.
Each of these phrases tells the caller why someone cannot come to the phone at the moment. They cover many situations without explaining any detail. The caller simply learns that the person is busy or unavailable. Explanations of absence are normally followed by offering to take a message. Common phrases include: Would you like to leave a message!
Could I take a message?
Should I have him call you back!
Can I tell her you called!
Who should I say called!
The caller may wish to leave additional information. If so, a more complete message is required. Sometimes it is necessary to ask callers for more information or to repeat what they have already said.
Requesting Specific Information
Complete telephone messages usually include important details such as names, telephone numbers, appointments, and addresses. For example, you might request the caller's telephone number. Be specific. Request only the information you need.
– Would you mind repeating the phone number?
– The number's 298-4713.
– Which room was that?
– It will be room 241.
– Could you please spell your last name?
– Sure. H-E-N-D-E-R-S-O-N.
Here is the example of the message:
To: Bob Stanley
Date: 12 Sept.
MESSAGE: Mr. Alan Murphy called from Kyiv. Ukraine. Please call him today before 3 p.m. or any time tomorrow at 044 2115762 about rearrangements for meeting. Message taken by: S.F.
√ Фразы и правила
Общение по телефону является одним из важнейших элементов в изучении делового английского. Наибольшую сложность в диалоге по телефону на иностранном языке вызывает отсутствие живого общения с реальным собеседником. Из-за этого возникают проблемы в понимании, волнение, затруднения в выражении собственных мыслей.
Большой проблемой является высокая скорость, с которой говорят носители языка. Как же заставить собеседника говорить медленнее и более понятно?
1. Просто вежливо попросите собеседника говорить помедленнее.
2. Когда вы получаете важную информацию, записываете адрес или номер телефона. Если не понимаете что-то или не успеваете записывать, вслух повторяйте каждую фразу за говорящим.
3. Если вам что-то остается неясно, не говорите, что вам все понятно. Не стесняйтесь переспрашивать до тех пор, пока не разберетесь во всем. Помните, что вашему собеседнику тоже важно, чтоб вы поняли все нюансы разговора.
4. Если собеседник продолжает быстро разговаривать, попробуйте перейти на ваш родной язык. Несколько быстро произнесенных фраз на незнакомом языке напомнят ему, насколько вам сложнее общаться. Возможно, в этом случае он постарается вам помочь.
Telephone clichés
√ Общение с автоответчиком
Возможны ситуации, когда вам нужно срочно передать информацию, но к телефону никто не подходит. Чтобы быть уверенным, что оставленная на автоответчике информации будет правильно понята, воспользуйтесь следующими советами:
Представление : Hello, this is Nick. OR Hello, My name is Nick Black (more formal).
Время и причина звонка : It's ten in the morning. I'm phoning (calling, ringing) to find out if … / to see if … / to let you know that … / to tell you that…
Просьба : Could you call (ring, telephone) me back? / Would you mind…? /
Оставить свой номер : My number is… / You can reach me at… / Call me at…
Прощание : Thanks a lot, bye. / I'll talk to you later, bye.
√ How to pronounce E-mail and Web-site
Иногда возникают ситуации, когда необходимо продиктовать по телефону адрес электронной почты или адрес сайта. Необходимо знать, как правильно называются символы, используемые в интернете.
Exercise 1. Pronounce the following E-mails and Web-sites in English and Russian:
Exercise 2. Прочитайте и переведите диалоги:
Getting Through
Fixing Appointments
Changing Appointments (personally)
Returning a Call (personally)
Рабочие ситуации
1. Составьте сообщение на автоответчик.
2. Составьте диалоги по заданным образцам:
Imagine you are calling a company and want to speak to someone who works there. Use the following phrases:
Imagine you work as a receptionist and you receive a call for someone who isn't there. Use the following phrases:
Imagine you've dialed the wrong number. Use the following phrases:
Once again, imagine you are making a telephone call. This time you are arranging an appointment to see someone. Use the following phrases:
Imagine you are booking a flight and a hotel over the phone. Use the following phrases:
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