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Текст книги "Золушка / Cinderella"

  • Текст добавлен: 30 августа 2019, 14:40

Автор книги: А. Пахомова

Жанр: Иностранные языки, Наука и Образование

Возрастные ограничения: +6

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The Ugly Duckling

It was lovely summer weather in the country. The corn-fields and meadows were surrounded by large forests, in the midst of[121]121
  in the midst of – посреди

which were deep pools. In a sunny spot stood a pleasant old farmhouse, and from the house down to the water side grew thick bushes. Here sat a duck on her nest, watching for her eggs to hatch; she was beginning to get tired, for the little ones were a long time coming out of their shells[122]122
  the little ones were a long time coming out of their shells – птенцы никак не хотели вылупляться из скорлупок


At last one shell cracked, and then another, and from each egg came a living creature that lifted its head and cried, “Peep, peep.” “Quack, quack,” said the mother, and then they all quacked as well as they could, and looked about them on every side at the large green leaves. “How large the world is,” said the young ducks, when they found how much more room they now had than while they were inside the egg-shells. “Do you imagine this is the whole world?” asked the mother; “Wait till you have seen the garden. Are you all out?” she continued, rising; “No, the largest egg lies there still. I wonder how long this is to last, I am quite tired of it;” and she seated herself again on the nest.

An old duck visited her and asked “Well, how are you getting on?”

“One egg is not hatched yet,” said the duck, “But just look at all the others, are they not the prettiest little ducklings you ever saw?”

“Let me see the egg that will not break,” said the duck; “Maybe it is a turkey’s egg. I once had to hatch a few, and after all my care and trouble with the young ones, they were afraid of the water. Let me look at the egg. Yes, that is a turkey’s egg; take my advice, leave it where it is and teach the other children to swim.”

“I think I will sit on it a little while longer,” said the duck.

Please yourself[123]123
  please yourself – как знаешь

,” said the old duck, and she went away.

At last the large egg broke, and a young one crept forth crying, “Peep, peep.” It was very large and ugly. The duck stared at it and exclaimed, “It is very large and not at all like the others. I wonder if it really is a turkey. We will find it out when we go to the water.”

On the next day the weather was good, and the sun shone brightly. The mother duck took her ducklings down to the water, and jumped in with a splash. “Quack, quack,” cried she, and one after another the little ducklings jumped in. And the ugly duckling was also in the water swimming with them.

“Oh,” said the mother, “that is not a turkey; how well he uses his legs, and how upright he holds himself! He is my own child. Come with me now, I will take you into grand society, and introduce you to the farmyard. But you must keep close to me.”

When they reached the farmyard, the mother duck told them: “Come, now, use your legs, and let me see how well you can behave. You must bow your heads prettily to that old duck over there. Do you see she has a red flag tied to her leg? That means that everyone is anxious not to lose her[124]124
  everyone is anxious not to lose her – никто не хочет её потерять

. Come now! Spread your feet wide apart, just like his father and mother, in this way; bend your neck, and say ‘quack.’”

The ducklings did as they were bid, but the other duck stared, and said, “Look, new ducklings, as if there were not enough of us already! And look at that one; we don’t want him here,” and then one of the older ducks bit the ugly duckling in the neck.

“Leave him alone,” said the mother; “he is not doing any harm.”

“Yes, but he is so big and ugly,” said the duck “and he must be turned out[125]125
  he must be turned out – его необходимо выгнать


“The others are very pretty children,” said the old duck, with the rag on her leg, “all but that one.”

The mother replied: “He is not pretty; but he swims as well or even better than the others. I think he will grow up pretty,” and then she stroked his neck and smoothed the feathers, saying, “I think he will grow up strong, and able to take care of himself.”

“The other ducklings are graceful enough[126]126
  graceful enough – достаточно хороши

,” said the old duck. “Now make yourself at home.”

And so they made themselves comfortable; but the poor duckling was bitten and pushed and made fun of, not only by the ducks, but by all the poultry. “He is too big,” they all said. The poor little thing did not know where to go, and was very sad because he was so ugly and laughed at by the whole farmyard.

Over time, it got worse and worse. Even his brothers and sisters were unkind to him. The ducks pecked him, the chickens beat him, and the girl who fed the poultry kicked him with her feet. So at last he ran away.

He flew farther, until he came to a large moor, inhabited by wild ducks. Here he remained the whole night.

In the morning, when the wild ducks rose in the air, they stared at their new comrade. “What sort of a duck are you?” they all said, coming round him. He bowed to them, and was as polite as he could be, but he did not reply to their question.

After he had been on the moor two days, there came two wild geese. “Listen, friend,” said one of them to the duckling, “not far from here is another moor, in which there are some pretty wild geese, all unmarried. It is a chance for you to get a wife; you may be lucky, ugly as you are.”

But the ugly duckling didn’t want to stay with the geese. So he went away. Eventually, he reached a poor little cottage. It seemed ready to fall[127]127
  It seemed ready to fall – казалось, что он был готов завалиться

, and only remained standing because it could not decide on which side to fall first. By this time, a storm has started, and the duckling could go no farther. He sat down by the cottage, and then he noticed that the door was not quite closed. There was a narrow opening near the bottom large enough for him to slip through, which he did very quietly.

A woman, a tom cat, and a hen lived in this cottage. The tom cat, whom the mistress called, “My little son,” was a great favorite[128]128
  a great favorite – любимчик

. The hen had very short legs, so she was called “Chickie short legs.” She laid good eggs, and her mistress loved her as if she had been her own child. In the morning, they found the duckling.

The old woman’s sight was not very good. She saw the duckling and thought it was a fat duck that had strayed from home[129]129
  strayed from home – отбившийся от дома

. “Oh what a prize!” she exclaimed, “I hope it will have some duck’s eggs. I must wait and see.” So the duckling was allowed to stay for three weeks, but there were no eggs. The hen and the cat didn’t like him and never listened to anything he said. So the duckling sat in a corner, feeling very sad. The sunshine and the fresh air came into the room through the open door, and then he began to feel such a great longing for a swim on the water[130]130
  a great longing for a swim on the water – сильное желание плавать

, that he could not help telling the hen.

“It is so delightful to swim about on the water,” said the duckling, “and so refreshing to dive down to the bottom.”

“Why you must be crazy!” said the hen. “Ask the cat, he is the cleverest animal I know, ask him how he would like to swim about on the water, or to dive into it.”

“You don’t understand me,” said the duckling.

“We don’t understand you? Who can understand you, I wonder? Do you consider yourself more clever than the cat, or the old woman? Are you not in a warm room, and in society from which you may learn something? I advise you to lay egg and make yourself useful[131]131
  make yourself useful – сделать себя полезным


“I believe I must go out into the world again,” said the duckling.

So the duckling left the cottage, and soon found water on which it could swim and dive, but was avoided by all other animals, because of its ugly appearance. Autumn came, then winter approached. All this was very sad for the poor little duckling. One evening, just as the sun was setting down, there came a large flock of beautiful birds out of the bushes. The duckling had never seen any like them before. They were swans. They uttered a singular cry, as they spread their glorious wings and flew away from those cold regions to warmer countries across the sea. As they rose higher and higher in the air, the ugly little duckling felt strange. He stretched out his neck towards them, and uttered a cry so strange that it frightened himself[132]132
  uttered a cry so strange that it frightened himself – издал звук настолько странный, что испугал сам себя

. He knew not the names of these birds, nor where they were going, but he felt towards them as he had never felt for any other bird in the world.

The winter grew colder and colder; the duckling had to swim about[133]133
  to swim about – плавать по кругу

on the water to keep it from freezing, but every night the space on which he swam became smaller and smaller. He became exhausted at last, and lay still and helpless, frozen fast[134]134
  frozen fast – замерзший

in the ice.

Early in the morning, a peasant, who was passing by, saw what had happened. He broke the ice and carried the duckling home to his wife. The warmth revived the poor little creature; but when the children wanted to play with him, the duckling thought they would do him some harm. He clapped his wings in terror, and splashed the milk about the room. Then the woman clapped her hands, which frightened him more. The children laughed and screamed, and tried to catch him; but luckily he escaped. The door stood open; the poor creature hid in the bushes, and lied down very tired in the snow.

A lot happened during the winter. When it had passed, the duckling found himself lying one morning in a moor. He felt the warm sun shining. He felt that his wings were strong, and so he flapped them against his sides, and rose high into the air. He flew onwards, until he found himself in a large garden. It was early spring and everything here looked beautiful. Three beautiful white swans were swimming in the pond.

The duckling remembered the lovely birds. He flew to the water, and swam towards the beautiful swans. But he was afraid to speak, so he lowered his head down to the surface of the water[135]135
  lowered his head down to the surface of the water – опустил голову к поверхности воды


But what did he see in the reflection below? He was no longer a dark, gray bird, but a graceful and beautiful swan!

Into the garden came some little children, and threw bread into the water.

“See,” cried the youngest, “there is a new one;” and the rest were delighted, and ran to their father and mother, dancing and clapping their hands, and shouting joyously, “There is a new swan!”

Then they threw more bread into the water, and said, “The new one is the most beautiful of all; he is so young and pretty.” And the old swans bowed their heads before him.

Then he felt quite ashamed, and hid his head under his wing; for he did not know what to do, he was so happy.

Англо-русский словарь


ableadj способный, в состоянии

aboutprep о, об

absentadj отсутствующий

acceptv принимать

addv добавлять

advicen совет

afraidadj испуганный

afterprep после

againprep опять, снова

against – об, против

ago – тому назад

agreev соглашаться

aheadadv вперед

airn воздух

all – все, всё

aloneadj один, одинокий

alongadv вдоль

alsoadv также

alwaysadv всегда

ambern янтарь

amongadv среди

and — conj и, а

angryadj сердитый

another — adj другой

answern ответ; v отвечать

anyadj любой

anythingpron что-нибудь; что-либо

appearv показываться, появляться

appearancen внешность

appearancen появление

approachv приближаться

apronn фартук

archbishopn архиепископ

arise (arose, arisen) – v подниматься

armn рука

arosev поднялся

aroundprep вокруг

arrivev приезжать, прибывать

asconj так как, поскольку, как

askv спрашивать, просить

atprep у, при

atev ел

away – прочь


back — adv назад

badadj плохой

badev предложил

bagn сумка

bankn берег

basketn корзина, корзинка

bathn баня; v купаться

be (was / were, been) – v быть

beautifuladj красивый

beautyn красота

becauseadv потому что

become (became, become) – v становиться

bedn кровать

beforeadv раньше, прежде

begv просить, умолять

beganv начал

begin (began, begun) – v начинать

behindadv позади, сзади

believev верить

belongv принадлежать

belovedn возлюбленный; возлюбленная

bestadv лучше всего

betteradj лучше

betweenprep между

beyondprep вдали, за

bid (bade, bidden) – v предлагать

bigadj большой

birdn птица

bite (bit, bitten) — v кусать

blistern волдырь

blown удар

bonen кость

bookn книга

boughtv купил

boyn мальчик

bracen зд. пара

bramblen куст ежевики

brann отруби

breadn хлеб

break (broke, broken) — v ломать

breastn грудь

bride — n невеста

bring (brought, brought) – v приносить

broke — v сломал

brothern брат

broughtv принёс

build (built, built) – v строить

bundlen связка

burn (burnt, burnt) – v жечь; гореть

buryv хоронить

but — conj но

buy (bought, bought) – v покупать

byprep посредством, около, у


callv звать, обращаться

calmadj спокойный; v успокаивать(ся)

canv мочь

carev заботиться

carpetn ковёр

carryv нести

cast (cast, cast) — v бросать

castlen замок

catch (caught, caught) — v ловить

caughtv поймал

caven пещера

cedaradj кедровый

ceilingn потолок, свод

certainadj точный, определенный

changev менять

charmv очаровывать

charmedadj очарованный, восхищенный

cheern восторженный крик

childn ребёнок

childhoodn детство

chopv отрубать, отрезать

cindern уголь; зола

cityn город

cleanv чистить

clearadj чистый

closev закрывать(ся)

clothesn одежда

coachn карета, экипаж

coachmann кучер

coarseadj грубый

coinn монета

coldadj холодный

colourn цвет

come (came, come) – v приходить, приезжать

commandn команда, приказ

concernv касаться, беспокоиться

conferv жаловать, даровать

continuev продолжать

convincev убеждать, уверять

cost (cost, cost) — v стоить

couldv мог

countryn страна; adj деревенский

couragen смелость, храбрость

courtn двор (короля)

courteousadj вежливый, учтивый

courteouslyadv вежливо

coverv покрывать

creaturen создание, творение

crossv пересекать

cryv кричать

cunningadj хитрый

cupn чашка

curev лечить


daggern кинжал

dangerousadj опасный

darev осмеливаться

darkness — n темнота

dartv метнуться

daughtern дочь

dayn день

deadadj мертвый

deadlyadj смертельный

deathn смерть

decidev решать

declarev объявлять

deepadj глубокий

delicious — adj очень вкусный

didv делал

diev умирать

differentadj различный

difficultadj трудный

dirtn грязь

dirtyadj грязный

disappearv исчезать; пропадать

discoverv открывать; обнаруживать

dishn блюдо

distancen расстояние

division — n разделение

do (did, done) – v делать

donkey — n осел

doorn дверь

dotev впадать в слабоумие

downprep внизу, вниз

downstairsn внизy

dozenn дюжина

draught — n сквозняк

draw (drew, drawn) – v рисовать; тащить

drawbridgen подъемный мост

dreadfuladj ужасный

dreamn мечта, сон

dressn платье; v одеваться

drink (drank, drunk) – v пить

drownv тонуть

dryadj сухой

duringadv в течение

dwellv обитать


eachadj каждый

ear — n ухо

earlyadj ранний; рано

earthn земля

easyadj лёгкий

eat (ate, eaten) – v есть

eggn яйцо

eldestadj старший

elseadj другой; ещё

embracev обнимать

embroideredadj расшитый

emptyv опустошить

enchainv завораживать

end — n конец

enoughadv достаточно

ensurev убеждаться; закреплять

enterv войти

entertainmentn развлечение

entrancen вход

estaten поместье, имение

evenadv даже

everadv всегда; когда-либо

everyadj каждый, всякий

everyonen все

everythingn всё

eviladj злой

exactlyadv точно

excusen причина; отговорка

exitn выход

expectv ожидать

extremely — adv крайне, необычайно

eyen глаз


facen лицо

fall (fell, fallen) – v падать

faminen голод

faradj далёкий; adv далеко

fathern отец

faultn вина

fearv бояться

feastn празднование, торжество

feel (felt, felt) — v чувствовать

fellv упал

fellown малый, приятель

fetchv приводить, приносить

fewadj немногие; adv немного; мало

find (found, found) — v находить

fineadj хороший, прекрасный

fingern палец

finishv заканчивать

firen огонь

firstadj первый; сначала

floorn пол

flutterv порхать

followv следовать за, преследовать

foodn пища, еда

fooln дурак

foolishadj глупый, дурашливый

footn стопа, ступня

forprep для; потому что

forehead — n лоб

forestn лес

forget (forgot, forgotten) – v забывать

forgivev прощать

forgotv забыл

fortune — n удача

foundv нашёл

fragrancen аромат

friendn друг

frightenedadj испуганный

fromprep из, от

fulladj полный


gallantlyadv галантно

gardenn сад

gaten ворота

gatherv собирать(ся)

gavev дал

get (got, got) – v доставать; добираться

giftn подарок, дар

give (gave, given) – v давать

gladadj довольный

gladen озеро

glance — n взгляд

glass — n стекло; adj стеклянный

go (went, gone) – v идти

goblinn зд. черт

godmothern крестная

goldn золото

goldenadj золотой

goodadj хороший, добрый

good-byeint до свидания!; прощайте

gotv достал, получил; добрался

grain — n зерно

greatadj большой, огромный

greenadj зелёный

grewv рос

griefn печаль

groundn земля

guardn страж; v охранять

guttern канава


hadv имел

hair — n волосы

halfn половина

halln зал

handn рука

handfuln горсть, пригоршня

handsomeadj красивый; хороший

hangv висеть

happenv случаться; происходить

happilyadv счастливо

happyadj счастливый

harmn вред, ущерб; v вредить; причинять

harvestn урожай

hasten спешка

hastily – в спешке

have (had, had) – v иметь

hepron он

headn голова

hear (heard, heard) – v слышать

heartn сердце

heavyadj тяжёлый

heeln пятка, каблук

helpv помогать; помощь

herpron её

hereadv здесь

herselfpron себя

hilln холм

himpron его

himselfpron себя

hispron его

hit (hit, hit) – v ударять, бить

holdv держать

holyadj святой

homen дом, домой, дома

honorableadj зд. престижный

hopev надеяться

horsen лошадь

housen дом

howadv как

howeveradv однако

hugv обнимать

hunger — n голод

hungryadj голодный

huntsmann охотник

husbandn муж


Ipron я

icing — n глазурь

idleadj праздный, ленивый

ifconj если

imaginev воображать, представлять

immediatelyadv немедленно, тотчас

impossibleadj невозможный

in — prep в

inclinationn наклон

indeedadv действительно; в самом деле; вот

inheritancen наследство

innocentadj невинный; невиновный

insideadj внутренний, внутри, внутрь

instantlyadv немедленно

instead ofadv взамен, вместо

intoprep в

invitev приглашать

itpron оно, это

itspron его, её


jarn кувшин

jeweln драгоценный камень

joyfuladj счастливый

jumpv прыгать

justadv точно, просто, только


killv убивать

kindn сорт, вид

kindly – любезно

kingn царь

kingdomn царство

kissv целовать

knewv знал

know (knew, known) – v знать


landn зд. округа, владения

lanternn фонарик

largeadj большой

lastadj последний

laughn смех; v смеяться

lay (laid, laid) – v класть

lazyadj ленивый

leapv прыгать, скакать

learn (learnt, learnt) — v изучать

leave (left, left) – v оставлять

leftadj левый

let (let, let) – v позволять

lie (lay, lain) – v лежать

lifen жизнь

liftv поднимать

lightv зажигать

likev любить, нравиться; как, подобно

listenv слушать

littleadj маленький; adv мало

livev жить

longadj длинный; adv долго

lookv смотреть

lose (lost, lost) – v терять

loudadj громкий

lovev любить; n любовь

lowadj низкий

lumpn комочек


madadj сумасшедший

madev сделал

magicadj волшебный; n магия

magnificentadj великолепный

maidenn девушка

majesty — n величество

make (made, made) – v делать

mann мужчина, человек

mankindn человечество

manyadv много

marblen мрамор

market — n рынок, базар

marquis — n маркиз

marriage — n свадьба

marryv жениться, выходить замуж

mastn мачта

master — n хозяин, повелитель

mayv может

mepron меня, мне

meadow — n луг

meanwhileadv тем временем

meet (met, met) – v встречать

menn мужчины; люди

mermaidn русалка

metv встретил

middlen середина

milln мельница

millern мельник

minepron мой

minuten минута

miserableadj жалкий, несчастный

momentn момент, миг

monthn месяц

moreadv больше

morningn утро

mothern мама

mountainn гора

mournv скорбеть, печалиться

movev двигать

mowv косить

mowern косарь

muffn муфта

mumblev бормотать

musicn музыка

musiciann музыкант

muslinn муслин (ткань)

mustv долженствовать

mypron мой, моя, моё, мои

myselfpron себя, меня самого

mysteryn загадка, тайна

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