Электронная библиотека » Arsentiy Krasilnikov

Книги автора Arsentiy Krasilnikov

  • 17 мая 2023, 19:15
Скачать книгу Model for Integral Assessment of Students’ Physical Health. Teaching and Methodological Manual автора Arsentiy Krasilnikov

Жанр: Прочая образовательная литература, Наука и Образование


This manual provides additional support for the «Theory and Methodology of Physical Education» course for bachelor’s and specialist programs. It contains theoretical material and is highly relevant for developing new competencies in independent physical...

  • 3 мая 2023, 16:40
Скачать книгу Control and correction of schoolchildren’s physical health: modern approaches. Educational book автора Arsentiy Krasilnikov

Жанр: Медицина, Наука и Образование


The book «Control and Correction of Schoolchildren’s Physical Health: Modern Approaches» is a useful resource for educators working in schools of all levels. It describes methods for monitoring and correcting the physical development of students using...

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