Текст книги "The Happy Little Pigs"
Автор книги: Diana Malivani
Жанр: Жанр неизвестен
Возрастные ограничения: +6
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Текущая страница: 1 (всего у книги 1 страниц)
Diana Malivani
The Happy
Little Pigs
An Illustrated Story in Verse
Translated from Russian into English by
Mark Herman and Ronnie Apter
Illustrated by the Author
Book Design:
BOOKNOOK.BIZ – www.booknook.biz
Cover Design:
DIGITALspin – www.bookcoverart.webs.com
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Copyright © 2015 by Snoutie Agency Limited (UK)
(Registered in England & Wales, Number: 08496424)
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United Kingdom
One Day in the Lives of the Happy Little Pigs (an Illustrated Story in Verse)
For a little girl named Michelle
The Author would like to express her deep gratitude to her husband for his support and assistance with this book
Table of Contents
The Happy Little Pigs
The Author
Other books by the Author
The Happy Little Pigs
Beside a shady river bank,
Where oaks grow tall and stout,
Stood a cozy cottage,
The household of the Snouts.
The father – an imposing Boar,
His wife – Madame Oinklette,
The stylish loving mother
Of their piglet octet.
Eight charming children -
A rapidly growing crew -
Each little nose turned up,
Each tail a curlicue.
Each pink child delightful,
Their parents’ pride and joy,
One piglette, a little girl,
And seven mischievous boys.
Piglet eight was the smartest:
At school he learned to write
And count up to a hundred.
That little boy was bright!
The seventh was athletic:
Not one to rest, he’d rather
Race around on roller skates
And play ball with his father.
Piglet six was the boldest,
So brave he dared to poke
A wolf, then swim across the river
And clamber up an oak.
Piglet five was portentous,
Serious and urbane,
Giving advice to all he met
As he walked along with his cane.
Piglet four was the plumpest:
He ate and ate and ate.
He’d race to sit at the table
And ravage plate after plate.
Piglet three was the kindest:
He always helped his mother,
His father, and his sister,
And played with his baby brothers.
Piglet two was creative:
His poetry excelled.
He loved to look at the sky
And loved to draw pastels.
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