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Текст книги "Children of the gods"

  • Текст добавлен: 16 октября 2020, 12:00

Автор книги: Irina Ritter

Жанр: Современные детективы, Детективы

Возрастные ограничения: +18

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Текущая страница: 3 (всего у книги 10 страниц) [доступный отрывок для чтения: 3 страниц]

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Chapter 8

Tatiana Petrovna now the third hour of rummaging through mountains of trash on the side of a ravine that went down to the river. The locals dumped here all that was not needed. There were old Soviet refrigerators, broken washing machines and rusted, the mountain of rags and old shoes, glass jars broken, rotten boards, unwanted Newspapers, magazines and old books, broken children’s toys and even the chassis of the car “LADA”. She’s a big thick stick dug into the debris, trying to find something similar to Nadina’s things that were specified in the guidance. Suddenly she noticed a small ashes. Seen here, something burned. From the ashes protruded from the sleeve of white fabric. Tatiana tugged at the sleeve – it was half-burned children’s blouse. The woman looked at the blouse and noticed in the gate area two maroon spots. Tatiana sat on the ground next to the ashes – heart pounding as if ready to jump out of my chest. A little after sitting and recovering, the woman decided that it is necessary first to show a find to the girls-volunteers, with whom she had recently met together to decide what to do next.

She called Luba Sitnikova and detailing the place where he was, waited. The girls arrived about fifteen minutes later. They looked at the blouse and the place of discovery, and about an hour spent on the study of debris within a few meters from the ashes. Finding nothing interesting, we decided that we need to show blouse girl’s mother:

– Even to go to it you want to do after yesterday! – resentfully said Luba.

– What happened yesterday? – was surprised Tatyana Petrovna.

– Yesterday we spent the whole day with Lena, to find and bring to her the woman-the psychic. Went to Baba Luce, and then into the next village to the Svetlana. She can see by the pictures -if someone is alive and what happened to him. Svetlana said that she needs to talk with her mother Nadia or take her thing, to see the place where the girl need to look. We brought straight home to Svetlana Timofeeva, but Margaret even leave us abandoned! said Lyuba.

– What the psychic told you about Nadia? Dead or alive?

Said that the girl is dead – died the day of loss. And another said that the guilty man from the environment of the family. We wanted to talk with her mother, but she yelled at me on the phone and said that we did not go on all sorts of wise old women.

– I wonder why the mother refused the help? – Tatyana Petrovna was taken aback by such news. Is it because she needs to find her daughter or I don’t understand something? But if it really is someone of your friends?

The mother is very strange behavior…From the beginning.

– Let’s go to their house and show blouse relatives. Look – identify or not. And then we’ll take it to the police. – invited Lena.

“I agree,” replied her friend.

Fifteen minutes later the three of them stood at the gate Nadinola home. After exchanging greetings with all, and knew why her the guests have arrived, Margarita has invited women to come into the house. Tatiana Petrovna gave she found the blouse and told how and where it is found. The girl’s mother carefully examined the thing and negatively shook his head.

No, Nadia was not like this blouse. It’s not her.

– Are you sure? disappointedly asked Tatiana.

Yes, this blouse is not my daughter.

– I think we need to take a blouse to the police, just in case. It stains similar to blood and tried to burn. – taking discovery from the hands of Marguerite and folding it in a package, said Luba.

– What’s your name? – asked Margarita to Tatyana Petrovna. – I think that I saw somewhere.

– Tatyana Petrovna Berezikov! I live near here, two streets from you! We met several times, simply were not familiar. I’m looking for a Producer, every day. I live with my mom – take care of her, it hurts me and gets up from the bed. Make her feed and on the search!

– Well, now we know. Thank you for helping to find my daughter, – tells Tatyana Petrovna Margarita.

If I find or know what I’m gonna call you, okay? Let’s work together to find Nadia. I have a car, so if where we should go, maybe in the next village or somewhere else, then you do not hesitate to ask. Sit down and let’s go! The main thing is to find your daughter!

Guests said goodbye and left the house. Tatiana beamed with pride from its significance. Margarita she liked, and she was ready now to move mountains for her.

I’ll call the police by dialing a number on mobile said Luba.

– Wait, I have the phone number of the investigator who runs this business, -stopped her Lena, and began to search in his phone number. – I found it, write!

Lyuba dialed the number the investigator and waited.

– The investigator of Prosecutor’s office Vyacheslav Lobov, listen to you! – answered at the other end of the phone

– Hello! We’re volunteers. We are looking for Nadia Timofeev. Today we accidentally found half-burned children’s blouse. Close to the river in the ravine, someone tried to burn. There is a local junkyard. The blouse has stains similar to blood. We showed Mama Nadi, but the blouse she didn’t identify. What do we do? – asked Luba at Lobau.

– Tell us exactly where you are. We’re moving – you see the place and to remove your blouse for the examination.

– We are now at the house Timofeev. Let’s meet and then go together to the place, okay?

– Well, wait, we’re moving!

After about half an hour to the house a car drove up Timofeev Prosecutor’s office. From it came a man of about forty, small in stature, full with big brown eyes, dark, already graying hair and large aquiline nose. Was dressed in a simple dark gray suit, gray tie, beige shirt and black shoes. Under his arm he had a black leather briefcase:

Investigator Lobov! – reaching out to Tatyana Petrovna, the man said.

– Tatyana Petrovna Berezikov!

The investigator in turn said Hello to Anyone and Lena.

– Well, show what you found!

– Here, look, Luba pulled the blouse out of the package, then handed it to Lobau.

The investigator carefully examined the blouse and folded back in the bag, ordered to go to the place where she was found.

On the spot ashes around him and worked the investigation team: they were looking for something, collected in bags, about something talked. Tatiana and the girls stood back. When finished, Lobov went to their company and asked:

– So, you say that the mother didn’t identify thing?

– No, said that this is not the Nadina blouse. – said Tatiana Petrovna.

We still, just in case, will ship for examination – you never know. You have my phone – if anything, you can call us! – said goodbye man.

Thank you! Be sure to call! almost simultaneously all three of them replied.

Chapter 9

Returning home, Tatiana took off his shoes and sank wearily into a chair. “Another day wasted” – she thought disappointedly. – “Where can we find it? Where? Where could she be?”

– Well, Tanya, Nadya did not find? asked her room Vera Ilyinishna.

– No, they haven’t found.

Bad business, bad…

Night, feeding and laying to sleep the Vera Ilinichna, Tatiana went to Classmates to the search for Nadia. It has become a habit. As soon as they had a free moment she came to the group to read comments and news. Controversy, it seemed. did not stop for a minute. The great length of our country for all time zones and the participation of people from abroad created a feeling that the people just live here. This time, like every night, the group was broadcasting Savchenko. He called the address to which you want to find the girl:

– The offender is present among the volunteers, – assured Michael that he constantly moves and knows where we searched, and no where else. He’s got everything under control. It helps in search and tries to lead in the wrong direction. I gave you the address – and take a look.

– We’ve been looking for, ' answered the girl under the name Music of the Wind – there’s nothing there.

Were you looking for in the house, why did you go in? I told you that you need to look at the house. I have to go with dogs – you will not find. Send me photos of the city – and I know I can specify a place.

Tatiana decided to enter into discussions with Michael, thinking that nothing to lose – if he will really help find the child:

– Listen, Misha, I go every day to the search, I have a car, tell me what place you want to take pictures. We girls will make photos and send you. Or maybe better make a video?

– I have already said – it’s Nadia from home within five minute walk, from the bridge over the river. There all so cleverly hidden that the one who knows – this place will not find. The girl in the water is. It turned black and stretched out. He made it tonight in the dark. Now you will not find – he will perepryatat. The criminal is always on the move. I told her mother, but she doesn’t listen to me.

– Okay, tomorrow we shoot a video and send you the video.

– I’ll wait!

– I think that it is not necessary here to write the address. It’s better in PM, if anyone should. Because whoever did this probably all reads and will be able to prepare to move the body. – suggested one of the participants of the forum.

– Do not even doubt that he’s reading! He tries to be aware of everything! – continued the other.

– We still don’t know who the perpetrator is. Even if in a personal writing. What if he pretends to be a volunteer and sniffing out information? So it’s not going to help. – concluded third.

– I heard from the locals that yesterday and today I collected DNA samples from all men living far from home, Timofeev. And also all ex-prisoners and the mentally ill. Has anyone heard anything about this? asked the woman under the name Ariadne.

– Yes, it’s true. To us yesterday came from the police and took DNA samples. We live on the same street Timofeevym. Took all the men in the house. – confirmed the other participant groups.

– And take these samples? asked her Ariadne.

– Give a stick wrapped with cotton wool and you need it to drive on the reverse side of the cheeks. Then all the samples are put in separate jars and sign.

– It is clear. Thank you.

A few days Luba, Lena, and Tatiana Petrovna were engaged in shooting video. They went around and tried not to miss anything. When the video was ready, Luba sent it to Mikhail Savchenko. Left to wait, when he will scan and show you the place where you have to look for the girl. All this time the search did not stop. About a week later, Michael showed up and pointed out the place on video where to find. Lena took a friend’s dog and together they went in search of: looked through literally every square meter on a few times, climbed all the bushes, but nothing was found. Spent a lot of time and effort. After several days of fruitless Tatiana Petrovna angry and tired went online on the group page:

– You’re a fucking quack! – he turned to the Archangel Michael, we girls spent a lot of time on your nonsense! We were shooting video for you – you promised that will show place!

– I showed you the place! – began to defend myself a psychic.

– Yes there we all rummaged – there’s nothing there! We dog walked. Looking for a few days! And you’re just on someone else’s grief want to earn popularity! Chase people to check out your nonsense!

– So badly needed! – did not calm down Michael.

I know from friends in the police about you! Have someone check you out!

– I already checked in Tomsk! Nothing on me! And then the apology requested. I work with the UK.

– What do the police still not found the girl, if you are working with the UK?

– I said everything! I have a place – look!

– Quack! God will punish you for what you people around by the nose lead! You can’t wear the crown on this matter!

– You are not a search engine – you just grandma, and I want the search engines!

– Yes you will be missed.

The next day Tatiana called the Lobau investigator and told him about Mikhail Savchenko, who is sitting in group on search of Nadia Timofeeva under the name Archangel Michael, heard the answer just killed:

– Yes, the police monitoring group in the Internet. We review comments, in case something interesting appears and check the participants. Michael this we know – he’s from Tomsk. This man is just sick. He has a diagnosis of mental retardation. He often lying in the hospital. So don’t pay any attention to him! If you find anything – call us!

– Yes, of course, up-to-date!

Tatiana felt empty, “God, what a fool! So much time spent on some fucking! Well, he’s okay – sick, but I was what she thought?”

Time passed, and the girl was never found. Tatiana Petrovna every day never stopped to look. The girl began for her as a mother. To find almost nobody came because there was snow and people have lost hope of finding Nadia. Most spoke about the need to wait for spring when the snow melts and then again to start looking. Or the girl will find randomly somewhere in the forest, mushroom pickers or fishermen in the spring on the river or lake. Relatives of the accused that they did not come in search of us all. Tatiana defended Margaret and family on the Internet as could:

– How dare you blame the mother! She’s got such grief! God forbid anyone to go through this! To lose an only child!

But what does everyone think about the relationship of mothers and relatives of those who did not remain indifferent: – answered the woman-volunteer, which from the beginning were looking for Nadia in the squad. so many people constantly going on a quest, especially in September. Hundreds and hundreds of people! To be honest, mother never saw. She may, of course, was there, but navryadli. She could go just once to the crowd, to say something, I don’t know, but at least to appear… Our group that all came in the morning, left in the evening. But, for example, my friend, Is tough and not looking… all day, all night looking for. Two, three o’clock calling – they are Still looking, at eight in the morning I called – they are Already looking for… And so on for three days. Day of rest – and again. And though once someone Rodney would come to the stadium for the next collection and simply said “THANK you”!

Chapter 10

New year came nearer, and Nadia Timofeeva was not found. As the head of the investigation Department of the RF IC investigative measures to find a fifth-grade girl does not stop and will be conducted to obtain the result.

Today criminal case upon loss of Nadi has more than 80 volumes. Surveyed about a thousand spaces, which surveyed approximately two thousand people. To date, no specific suspects, the girl’s location was not established.

“Because of this, we cannot build any particular version. We are working on a whole range of versions that exist. Today again conduct search activities on the way girls. But I think the amount of information produced will lead to any result”, – said the head of the SU.

Increasingly, investigators are now engaged in the processing of technical information – recording cameras, car recorders, mobile phones. “All persons who fall under our attention, we process for the full program. It quotes the holding of examinations, undelete files and recover information from phones and computers.”

A criminal case will be investigated until you find the culprit. The suspension of such cases are not subject. “Such cases could be investigated, three, five, seven years. This practice in Russia. Today may not exist some methods of treatment of certain technical information, biological materials. But progress does not stand still. Today we disclose crimes that three or four years ago it was impossible to open”. – told the chief investigator.

The task of the investigation is to collect as many traces and technical information, then she was at the investigator’s disposal. If the girl is there, this material will need to search for evidence of the involvement of certain persons.

In search of Nadi investigators to literally dig the ground, remove the top layer of soil in places where there could be a girl. The search is conducted across the country. Orientation on Nadia sent to all regions of Russia. Investigators say the search will continue until you bear fruit.

Chapter 11

Vladivostok is preparing for the New year. All the shops and supermarkets were decorated with garlands, tinsel and decorations. In the town square for the residents of the city authorities set a huge tree and built a fairy town. Tamara Sosnowski arrived in the Hypermarket “V – Laser” in his brand new silver car “Nissan Murano” to purchase products for new year’s table. The Parking was Packed with cars – people rush to buy everything early, because last two days in the shops will be overcrowded. Hardly parked, Tamara went for the truck. The truck also turned out to be not so simple – there was no free. People hunted out from the audience of buyers in order to catch its prey – free cart. But since most of the trucks were loaded from top to bottom, they are transported to the machines, there to spread all the goodness in the trunk. So hunters had to chase them across the Parking lot and try to catch it before it will make more agile opponent. You would have thought that the people of the whole year did not eat and now decided to get drunk to satiety.

Finally he draws his cart, Tamara took her purse a list of what you had to buy and went to the trading room. The hall was Packed with buyers who went with full carts, which then sort of created an impenetrable tube. And buy had a lot, because all your family Sosnowski – Tamara herself, her husband Eugene, son Nikita and daughter Anfisa was going to go to celebrate New year to the cousin Tamara Olga in Zelenogorsk. Olga Volodina is a cousin of Tamara lived in Zelenogorsk with my family: my husband Andrew and their fifteen-year-old son Maxim. I had to stock up not only products, but also buy presents for everyone.

In the middle of the trading floor were exposed the most popular Christmas products: champagne, vodka, whisky, liqueurs, vermouths different, Christmas gifts in sets. From boxes of chocolates were laid out picturesque pyramids. In the produce Department was filled with the excitement – citizens mountains bought bananas, pineapples, tangerines, oranges, kiwi and grapes for new year’s table. Apparently believing in the proverb “how to celebrate New year so spend it”, people were hoping that the richer will be the new year’s table, the richer their lives will be in the coming year. Having walked two hours through the store and having a cart full of various sausages, pork, cheese, eggs, fruits and vegetables, chocolate and booze, selecting all the gifts, and after standing still for nearly an hour in the queue, Tamara finally out to freedom. Leg ached unmercifully!

Only forty minutes through the tube Tamara got to my house and called her son:

– Nikita, go out and help me take the bags home.

Son of Tamara Nikita just this year graduated from high school and enrolled at the Pacific naval Institute, the faculty of coastal forces and weapons of naval aviation. In this Department are trained officers coastal units of the Navy and naval aviation units in the specialty “Operation of radio-electronic equipment of cruise missiles and naval aircraft”. Fifteen-year-old daughter Anfisa was still in high school. Anfisa, like all girls at her age were more interested in boys and socializing with friends. But, however, not to say that Anfisa was not thinking about who would like to become after finishing school. Anfisa here for two years already dreamed of becoming an archaeologist and even visited the archaeological club at the Institute of history, archaeology and Ethnography of the peoples of the Far East.

Tamara Sosnowski to his thirty-nine years considered myself a pretty successful woman. She was a beloved and loving husband, two good kids smart, your small business. After high school in the nineties, Tamara enrolled and graduated from the Vladivostok state University of Economics and law. After it came to bookkeeping course. And for several years worked as an accountant in a private firm. Husband of Tamara for many years was engaged in sale of cars from Japan on a car market “the Green corner”. Together they managed to earn a few apartments in Vladivostok. And now Tamara Sosnowski was engaged in delivery of apartments for rent. This allowed her more or less free to spend their time. Tamara tried to follow him, she said, not to turn into an old woman before my time. Three times a week they are with their best friend violet went to the fitness club. Violetta she knew from the time studying at University. Tamara herself was a tall, slender woman with long to the waist, thick and wavy hair, which she painted in dark cherry color. Her face was light, barely noticeable makeup. Since childhood, Tamara struggled with freckles, but now they were almost not noticeable, although out of habit the woman was trying to hide under a layer of powder. Despite its high growth, she loved shoes and boots with high heels, was a little annoyed with her husband. But with his passion Tamara couldn’t.

– Well, Alan’s coming with us to Zelenogorsk? she asked the son, descended down to help take the bags home.

– Yes, we’re going together, ' replied Nikita’s mother.

Alena was a girl named Nikita and they planned to get married soon, due to the fact that she got pregnant from him. Tamara certainly wasn’t happy about this, but to put pressure on the son not became. Tamara herself gave birth early, it was very hard in the nineties to raise a child. Now, thank God, money was easy and therefore at the family Council with the husband and parents of Alena thought it best to help the young, and do the first abortion dangerous because then all remain without a child.

All apartments have been booked for new year holidays and a week to relax. Tamara and I went through all the bags of food and gifts and dressed in a house dress, I decided to drink coffee and sit on the Internet. She took out of the fridge sausage and mayonnaise, a few slices of bread from the packaging and made themselves sandwiches. Pouring in your favorite Cup with the muzzle red cat coffee with cream, the woman opened the laptop and sat in the kitchen for a large glass table. After ten minutes of virtual reality brought Tamara a call with her cell phone is called Violetta.

– Hey, girl! Happy New year to you! – twittered merrily Violetta.

Hey! And you too happy New year! So, how are You doing? – highlighting the word You said, Tamara.

– We’re great! Cool and Dennis celebrate the New year in the company of friends, and we go to Nicholas restaurant!

– Listen, now I wish to have you all finally back to normal!

Thank You, Tom!

We all camp in Zelenogorsk to Olga going. And Alena with us. Soon the wedding!

– Yes, Tom, will you soon grandma! – laughed the friend.

– Tell me about it!

– Zelenogorsk? I had forgotten it! Do you remember what I told you about Nadia Timofeev?

Yeah, you said that in Zelenogorsk autumn girl went missing, they never found her?

– No, did not find. And you don’t have a local anything to find out about family Timofeev? Maybe your sister knows, or has friends who know Timofeev? – asked Violetta.

– Well, I certainly will try if I can – I know something. What you need to know about them?

– Yes, everything, everything you can! It will come in handy!

Violetta worked as an accountant, but felt that her true calling is psychic and magic. She in my spare time sat on the Internet in groups in search of people and tried to solve the mystery of their missing. About Nadia Timofeev Tamara heard Violetta in the fall. Girlfriend was so excited about that fact that it might seem that Nadia is her close relative. Somehow on Sunday, Violetta came to visit Sosnowski and a Cup of tea told Tamara about his phone call with the mother of the missing girl. It was obvious that it is simply bursting with the desire to share with a friend what happened:

You know, I called Timofeeva Margarita, is taking the candy from the vase and making a meaningful pause, waiting for response from Tamar, said Violetta.

Is the mother of the missing girl you’re looking for?

– Yes.

– What did you say to her? – asked Tamara.

– So let’s – you start to realise that you have lost an only child. No, of course God forbid this actually happens! Just imagine for a little experiment. Are you looking for him for many days and even weeks. You’re grasping at every little hope of finding the child alive. Time passes, and the child is not found and not known where he is and what happened to him. In my head you painted the most terrible pictures. And here you are calling people and talking on the phone next, ' violet reached into my purse for a Notepad and gave it to Tamara, pointing at the text written on one of the pages, – I wrote you our conversation with her that you read it and tell me what you think about it.

Tamara picked up the notebook and began to read to himself:

– Hello, Margarita!

“Hello,” with some strain in his voice the woman replied.

– I’m calling you just to support you. You have no idea how many people are actually on your side and experiencing your grief as their own. Nadya has become for many like a native. People stand up and go to sleep thinking about her. Every day waiting for news that she was found alive, returned to his mother. I’m sure she thinks about you every minute. Nadya loves you and is waiting with you meeting. You should not lose hope that all will be well. Nadya from the word hope. And you don’t lose it for the sake of his daughter. You will find Nadia and hug your mummy!

Tamara finished reading. In his eyes there were tears. She tried to calm down, but the feelings didn’t listen to her.

– Wait, I’ll take the scarf, you got me all upset, she said the violet and went into the bathroom. A little calmer, Tamara returned to the kitchen.

Well, how do you text? You know I checked it on a few people who were allowed to read at work. And all have the same reaction. Is the reaction normal people that have submitted that have lost a child. I word for word on the phone said that the mother Nadi. And how do you think she reacted?

– How? – asked Tamara.

– You know, she listened to me and said, “What do you want? What do you want? How did you know Nadia likes me or not and what is she thinking? What do you want?” And said it all not just so, and with such aggression, you just can not imagine! I just was in shock! I called and wanted to support it, and in response to such reaction. I decided to check how others will react to the same words. All reacted like you. Relatives behave very suspiciously from the beginning, on finding no one has seen them. Strangers took vacation at own expense and drove them to look for another girl, and the relatives holed up at home. I more and more think that they are involved in the disappearance. I don’t see Nadia alive, I wrote this in the group from the beginning, but she pounced on me. I see one head, and there is nothing below. There is something very terrible happened, but it’s not pedophilia. And family and mother all know. Nadia came to me and tried to explain to me, but I still cannot understand it.

Everyone has different takes mountain. Maybe she’s just in shock. For us it is, and it is a terrible reality.

I don’t know, I don’t know…

– And what do you know? How did this happen?

In fact, so many strange… only questions and no answers.

– For example?

– Well, for example, why did it happen on the day of arrival the mother watch? Neither later nor earlier? Why girl on this day cried in school? The teacher said that because of the film about the war. But I don’t believe it. It’s something else…

– What else?

– Nadia last year, in fourth grade met from school and saw them off, and this year she allegedly asked her not to meet. Kind of like she is ashamed in front of her friends. The mother herself said in an interview that where Nadia went from home to school and back is a dangerous neighborhood. And that their mother attacked a few times there. It turns out there is an adult it is dangerous to walk, and they the child quietly let go. Especially because there was someone to meet. Tell me, you personally, if you knew that your child goes through such a dangerous area, you would have listened to him and did not meet?

I guess not, wouldn’t listen to. If something happens – who’s to blame then? Only themselves. You could go near the baby, but as long as she was in sight.

– So do I!

– And how do they explain that it is not open to a search?

– They say they look at night!

– What the hell?!

Here, here! Mother sent a request to the Center of Vinogradov, but when there came the reply – she refused to cooperate!

– What the Center Vinogradova?

– They have the best psychics and psychologists. They recently helped solve a case of a missing eleven-year-old girls. The girl was looking for three weeks the whole village and could not find. Stepfather was the most active in the search. Then the stepfather and mother were sent to the Center of Vinogradov and psychologists of the center of their split. It turned out that the stepfather raped and murdered his stepdaughter. The head of the center called the police and told everything. And when the mother and stepfather came home, they were waiting. The stepfather broke the Opera and he showed where he buried the girl. He buried it in his barn and covered it up with gravel and spices that dog smell. But that’s not all. When the stepfather took the girl’s mother was screaming and crying, “I’m going to miss him!” She was worried about his daughter, that he killed her. The main thing that man was there! Here such still there are mothers…

– The horror!

– So I think, why the family refused the services of the center? Not because I’m afraid that there rasclat?

– What the mother explains the decision?

She explains that doesn’t believe in psychics. If I lost my child, I would believe though hell with horns, if only it helped to find my child. I would have clutched at any thread! And some strange stuff…

– Yes, indeed, it is strange that…

I looked Nadine page “Vkontakte” – in her “relationship” status is “in Love”! In eleven years!

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