Текст книги "Живая педагогика. Энциклопедия Живого знания. Том 28"
Автор книги: Ким Шилин
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Глава 3 Живой университет как духовно-творчески самосовершенствуемый организм путем ревитализации науки в живое знание – повышения творческого потенциала человека
Живой Университет будет готовить кадры качественно нового уровня. Эта смена творчески-структурно-организа-ционной парадигмы детерминируется изменением общей ситуации в мире. Концептуальным основанием замысла принимаются Диалоги: Айтматов-Икэда, Икэда-Садовничий, Икэда-Тойнби и др. Основной диалог: Икэда Д. – Садовничий В. НА РУБЕЖЕ ВЕКОВ. ДИАЛОГИ ОБ ОБРАЗОВАНИИ И ВОСПИТАНИИ (МГУ, 2004, 272 с.). В их работах сконцентрирован исторически богатый опыт наших культур. Предлагаемая концепция является объединением, обобщенным выводом этого опыта – при сохранении-развитии самобытности каждой из наших великих культур. Конкретно это означает диа-синтез систем образования Японии – России (представленных опытом Университетов Сока-МГУ).
Вывод: японский буддизм развивает преимущественно Женский творческий потенциал, а Россия – Интеллигентно-Мужской творческий потенциал, объединившись, они выводят наши творческие потенциалы на качественно новый уровень обоеполушарного творческого мышления, что должно вдвое-втрое повысить творческие потенциалы наших стран. Практический опыт имеется (проф. В.И.Козлачков). Смысл-суть концепции Живого университета – в эко-синтезе культур как Стратегий совершенствования духовно-творческого потен-циала человека. Основная помеха этой аккультурации науки – существующее, привычное предметное разделение труда-знания-наук, что непосредственно и разъединяет человека и биосферу, а людей как профессионалов – между собою. Выход – аккультурация науки при особом акценте на математике как подсистеме и цивилизации, и культуры, что обязывает нас рассматривать свой «предмет» непременно в контексте Живого целого, системы «Человек-Биосфера», в которой Человек становится основным Сотворцом системы. Тогда и система наук, и учебное знание будут и человека станут средствами воспитания-формирования личности как всецело ц е л о с т н о г о человека из частично-одномерно-узкого профессионала-предметника, что делает его соучастником «цивилизованного» эко-гено-суицида. Поэтому нам и необходима фундаментальная аккультурация цивилизации, начиная с системы «наука-образование», с создания Живого университета, предпосылки которого можно видеть в Университетах Сока (Япония) – МГУ. Они очень хорошо взаимодополняют друг друга: один из них ориентирован на лучшее в прошлом, на традиции, другой – на лучшее будущее; один из них можно условно назвать «Женским», другой – интеллигентно-«Мужским, один – обобщает традиции Востока (но не чужд и достижений Запада и России), другой стремится к синтезу всех традиций… Таково наше видение реальной ситуации и выхода из нее. В общем, созрело ощущение жесткой необходимости перемен. Основное из них – ревитализация рацио-научного знания из антитезиса-антипода Живого знания в его форму – в соответствии со сменой творчески-структурно-организационной парадигмы образования, детерминируемой изменением общей ситуации в мире. А она – «круто» – переломная, что позволяет наметить решение нашей проблемы, которая представляется большинству педагогов нерешабельной [1,6, 8—11].
1. В опыте отечественного образования мы считаем наиболее ценным способность подлинно русской интеллигенции идти «против течения», против устаревших общепринятых мнений; это и необходимо сохранить в российском образовании, развиваемом в систему совершенствования творческой индивидуальности Творца Жизни.
2. Наиболее опасным в современной российской образовательной политике мы считаем:
а) слепое подражание экофобному Западу и
б) недооценку экофильного опыта Востока.
3. Необходима, по вашему мнению, Новая, Экософски обоснованная стратегия развития системы «наука-образование», определяющая Общую Стратегию политики России. Наш творческий коллектив разработал и издал контуры такой концепции в форме «Энциклопедии Живого знания» (выходит 25-й том, в работе еще 2 тома).
Live University – the Ecologic-standard forecast
«Nation I.Q. defines today its place in world tables of ranks.»
the chancellor of
the Moscow State University
The given attempt of construction of qualitatively new look-ahead-theoretical system of its innovative-creative development of Russia and world – is aspiration to construct Ecosofy of global culture of new, eco-harmonious type – on the basis of the best that was in the history of our cultures. The essence of the matter is a normative prediction when under demanded idea-concept of harmony-with-nature and the world the facts-trends and potentialities of which the Scenario-strategy-program of creation of the future is under construction «steal up» in the past-present. Without such non-standard and a laborious work available trends-potentialities cannot be realized. The structure of the projection of the «education-science» of Russia, the world is constructed in accordance with the classical triad of Hegelian logic: (1) thesis (East Japan) – (2) antithesis *) (West) – (3) synthesis (Russia as Eurasia, its classical culture, eco-normative forecast.) Although the thesis and antithesis are also considered as points of the normative projection, very selectively – with special emphasis on the fact of what is created (in theory at first, and then – and in practice) scenario of creating eco-harmonious future. Thus, the past-present, are not taken in its full scope, not as they were and still are, and how they will be moments of eco-harmonious future [2—3, 7-8].The Russian intellectuals inclined to such a vision of the future. And exactly Russia is motherland of the ideas and concepts-exit from the total global-eco-disaster. This crisis concerns the whole of Western civilization, including not only the economy but also politics-philosophy-logic-science-… For the Life at all does not give in to any rational, logic and mathematical calculation [3,5]. That’s why Life is not present in mathematics or in science, or modern, science-oriented education system, or even the entire system of our relationship with nature. That’s why the crisis turns into eco-catastrophe, and in the whole system crisis that began with the financial part… But in this case you need to rotate the science-math … «Face-to-life» make the very Life of Life Creativity axiom of a human society, to enter into life science, logic, mathematics as their most fundamental categories, developing them in their eco-harmonious or Alive analogues: the Living Science (Living knowledge), Living logic, Living mathematics… This is – the idea of a global eco-harmonious synthesis of science in a whole-living knowledge. And more broadly, the world’s cultures into the «family culture» on the principle of complementarity-handshaking creativity [11].
At first – what we need is eco-harmonious synthesis of two great cultures: the Arab-Muslim and Russian, the synthesis, which can serve as an exit strategy of humanity from the global environmental crisis to the next level. This is especially important in a modern innovative, environmentally-transition period. From Russia’s perspective, such work is essential to strengthen the friendly, loving, friendly, or ecophic relations with Muslims, Russians and the Islamic world in the global arena. Such projection can serve as a model for relationship consolidation of Russia’s relations with the world the East, and not excluding the West. This increasing trend of globalization will contribute to a peaceful movement for peace noospheric future. This concept can even imagine as one of the options for the creation of the Strategy of the Noosphere. This is work for improvement of the civilization culture in a new, creative, global level of depth in their relationship and the Russian Islamic cultures. In essence, this is a new strategy of mutual development not only of Islam and the cultures of Russia, but throughout the world as a whole, the new eco-cultural version of the globalization of education (Developed in the system to improve the artistic personality) that can transform the economic-centric version of globalization (with the implicit subordination of the interests of U.S. business last) in the global eco-synthesis of cultures around the world (starting with the synthesis of educational systems) (for details see [14]).
To implement these ideas is required global language of CREATIVITY future as a result of eco-dia-synthesis of 5-language types of Creativity Life in linguistic and cultural future. Language is taken in this case, in its dynamics, as the process-general-purpose Creativity Life and Creativity of the language of human nature. This process:
1) double-faced: unites global development of Language-culture of mankind in process of individually-personal spiritually-creative perfection of language of the person (on unity model of filo – and ontogenesis) and
2) Has a 5—4-basic aspects of phase corresponding to the historical 5-faces of the main stages of the creative personality, «squeezes» in the 4th stage of the regulatory predictive-face language as a means of improving the spiritual and creative personality.
Thus, language serves a qualitatively new incarnation main effective means to move people, of humanity to a new level and dimension in the new space-organization: in the space of human creativity, the Creator of modern life. The entire previous history of language, linguistic and cultural, in a new way to Ecosophy and meaningful transition becomes narrower and regulatory outlook for further meaningful improvement of Man as the Creator of Mankind, or the councilor community, co-creator of Life (for details see [16—17].)
This attitude towards language and language itself brings us much closer to understanding the creation of living reality, in what is included and revitalize, now slain nature: economics, technology, and for what revitalizes the natural history and philosophy-logic-science… This is the most paradoxical conclusion from our concepts: Creativity is primarily Creativity of Creativity LANGUAGE, but because – conclusion: natural-language easier to create your Creativity and a future than just create a new little use for this objective, especially economic, but also a rational-scientific means; this is because the creation of self-image improved, and the subsequent self-creation will be easier to implement this self-image. Such language leads to the synthesis of the functions of language, and then to the linguistic and cultural rights as a creative personality of the Creator of Life:
1) Language of Nature creates human language as a means of self-creation by man in his creative experience and creative potential of wildlife, the synthesis of linguistic and cultural experience of the previous evolution of life. The experience of northerners is priceless, it is constrained in their linguistic and cultural development strategies in the creative potential of the next generation and the fundamental basis of the other creative potentials.
2) The language of human as a means of reproduction of the best examples of work of the best Masters, Women Maternal-linguistic and culture of Japanese and East as a whole; equally important aspects of creativity in general. This, maternal devotion to his creation – the essence of all creation.
3) The rational language of strong, risk-averse and violent aggressive man-consumer (Aristotle, the Greeks, the world) of western lingua-civilization. Language development for themselves and outside themselves by creating a new subject of one-sided development. Western experience is very dynamic, but highly controversial, combining the universal and the selfish interests of the ruling strata and aggressive male minority is subject to withdrawal of claims to universality, while maintaining the promise as a significant, but Non-driven principle.
4) Language self-intelligent male creative potential inherent in the classical linguistic and culture of Russia, finished-able «to go against the tide.» Timely urgent.
5) Language in council-synthesizing Creativity, primarily for the typical older generations. Their main task: creating a common language – imagery and conceptual instrument (Dictionary) = Linguistic and cultural preservation-at-discrimination language these types of creative potential and creative types and combining them into one living whole-perpetrated while maintaining their «positive polarization.» Highest level of lingvo-culture of the eco-harmonious future. This eco-dia-synthesis 5 types of LANGUAGES and lingvo-cultures of Creativity of the Life will allow competently and to formulate and decide in a new fashion as well the TRANSITION problem rational – community persons in cathedral community of creative individualities of Creators of the Life that allows to develop already direct «technology» of self-improvement of the rational – person in creative individuality of the Creator of a global Life [4, 16—17].
Lexicographic image of rational and verbal, formal appearance PORTRAIT differs slightly, but in their creative ecosophic-being and its Alive logic – is fundamentally: sketch is constructed by word rational concepts that play a secondary role in the economic-centric-fetish-control manipulation of the masses, by nature, and should be a new fundamental eco-pertaining social role and economic development, reducing the fetishization of him and his administration to manipulate the masses, and nature – through subject-separating (increasing dull,) of science-philosophy of logic. That means that UNTIL NOW LANGUAGE PLAYS IMPLICITLY FUNDAMENTAL, ECOPHOBY-CATASTROPHIC, BUT NOT UNDERSTOOD ROLE in FORMATION BUSINESS by RATIONAL-CONCEPTUAL LANGUAGE of the EDUCATION SYSTEM of the RATIONAL-SELFISH PERSON. And near to IT EXISTS SO and the FUNDAMENTAL ROLE of LANGUAGE: UNIFICATIONS-HARMONIZATIONS of ALL SYSTEM of ECO-SOCIAL DIALOGUE that is peculiar to Japanese and as a whole to the East. But remains as well in classical culture of Russia [15—17].
And our idea of change of a description us Ecophy-dictionary «sketch» with its is figurative-art concepts such sketch of the future which is created only from better qualities of the man/person of different and all epoch-types and from tendencies-potentialities of their further, already purposeful self-creation-creation is under construction. This leap in development of the person-society-biosphere is reached on the basis of rapprochement of lingvo-cultures of the East and Russia – at reference book based Ecophy the western lingvo-civilisation on the third place in this eco-synthesis. In this case we as though «step» through the West lingvo-civilisation «straight» in the eco-harmonious future, first of all, on an education system level of development in system of direct perfection of the rational-person in creative individuality of the higher, four-dimensional level, as is carried out by Ecosophy of conceptual language of Live knowledge developed by us.
So, distinction – in character and language functioning, in a method of the eco-relation to the person-nature, indirect necessity language: the use of rational-concepts strengthens the rational-selfish beginning in the person and creates as a result the rational-selfish person. Accordingly the sketch of the eco-harmonious future is under construction is figurative-art concepts already purposefully on the basis of eco-synthesis of cultures of the world, than and spiritually-creative individuality of the higher, four-dimensional level is created. This process, organized by qualitatively new system of means of language of Live knowledge, has 2 stages:
1) self-creation by Teachers of – for the sake of creation of following generations and
2) the help to them in their self-creation it is direct in Creators of the Life.
The main thing in it is shift of accent from language of subject knowledge and process of development of knowledge of this type on language of creative individuality which is more successful, than modern the rational-selfish person, limited and limiting the professional knowledge, can freely change it, create-open new, Live knowledge, pass to the decision of again arisen problems… Extremely important also that self recreation is internally self-adjustable process almost independent of restrictions of the society and the leader to creation by persons of this type of their council community, independent of restrictions and «the» state too [6, 15—17]. The Moscow State University-Moscow-Russia-world can-should become such council.
This new, eco-harmonizing strategy can form the good conceptual basis for decision strategy as well the climatic problems, especially become aggravated last summer. Russia-with-world in new quality of cooperation and co-creativity between the people and the Nature allows to raise the question this experience also about transition of relations. For Live universities of Russia will prepare shots of qualitatively new level. This change of creatively-structurally – organizational paradigm is determined by change of the general situation in the world. And she – «abruptly» – critical that allows to plan the decision of such problem which is represented to the majority of scientists impossible to resolve (see more in detail [1,6, 8—11]).
1. ВВЕДЕНИЕ В ВОСТОКОВЕДЕНИЕ. ОБЩИЙ КУРС». Под ред. Е.И.Зеленева и В.Б.Касевича. – СПб., 2011. – 584 с.
2. Карл Маркс, Ким Шилин. Экософия Творчества Жизни – инновационная Стратегия развития человека-мира (второе рождение Маркса – в России). Энциклопедия Живого знания. Т. 19. – М., 2009. – 112 с.
3. К. И. Шилин. Живая метаформальная логика Творчества. // ЭЖЗ. Т. 3. – М., 2004. – 344 с.
4. З. Г. Лапина, Чжоу Хун, Шилин К. И. Экологическое воспитание – творческая индивидуальность будущего. // Энциклопедия Живого знания. Т. 6. – М., 2002. – 256 с.
5. К.И Шилин. Живая математика востокотворчества. Экософски-социологическая аксиоматика. // Энциклопедия Живого знания. Т. 12. – М., 2007. —236 с.
6. К. И. Шилин. Японцы и русские – гении-Творцы глобальной культуры Японо-Руссии эко– гармоничного будущего // Энциклопедия Живого знания. Т. 13. – Оренбург, 2008. – 496 с.
7. З. Г. Лапина, К. И. Шилин. Экософия духовной культуры будущего. // Энциклопедия Живого знания. Т. 14. – М, 2007. – 628 с.
8. К. И. Шилин. Стратегия новой культуры – Японо-Руссии эко-гармоничного будущего. // Энциклопедия Живого знания. Т. 15. – М., 2009. – 444 с.
9. К.И Шилин. Проект: Живой Университет Ноосферного будущего. Энциклопедия Живого знания. Том 21. Введение. – М., 2009. – 48 с.
10. З.Г.Лапина, К.И.Шилин. Живой университет Японо-Руссии будущего. – Гармония климата планеты (Эко-культурологические основания) //ЭЖЗ. Т. 21. Ч. II. Тайны Японо-Руссии. – М., 2010. – 124 с.
11. К.И.Шилин, А.П.Ларина. Живая лингво-культура: синтез лингво-кульур Востока-Запада-России // ЭЖЗ. Т. 23. Живое знание. Ч. 2. – М., 2010. – 56 с.
12. К.И.Шилин, А.П.Ларина. Живая психология Востока. Экософски-нормативно-прогнозное доосмысление концепций К. Маркса и С.Л.Рубинштейна. // ЭЖЗ. Т. 23. Ч. 1. – М., 2010. – 48 с.
13. К.И.Шилин. Гении будущего. – М., 2011. – 236 с.
14. К.И.Шилин. Исламо-русские суфии. Академический словарь. – М., 2010. – 181 с.
15. Т.П.Григорьева. Японская художественная Традиция. – М., 1979.
16. К.И.Шлин. ЯЗЫК как Универсальное средство творчества жизни. // ЭЖЗ. Т. 23, Ч. III. Живое Знание. – М., 2010. – 52 с.
17. З.Г.Лапина, К.И.Шилин, А.П.Ларина. Релятивистская теория лингво-культуры. // ЭЖЗ. Т. 24. – М., 2010. – 196 с.
19. Япония. Как ее понять. Очерки современной японской культуры. – М, 2008. – 317 с.
Об авторе
Ким Иванович Шилин —
доктор социологических наук,
кандидат философских наук,
вед. научн. сотр. Лаборатории
«Экология культуры Востока»
ИСАА МГУ им. М. В. Ломоносова,
автор концепции Экософия Живого Знания
(Энциклопедия Живого Знания в 45 тт.)
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