Текст книги "Англо-русский словарь юридических терминов"
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Англо-русский словарь юридических терминов
Справочное издание
Под редакцией Е. А. Дегтяревой
[email protected]
Данный глоссарий является юридическим терминологическим словарем, составленным к учебному комплексу по английскому языку для юристов International Legal English (издательство Cambridge University Press). Настоящий глоссарий можно считать как переводным (в основном слова и выражения переведены с английского на русский язык), так и толковым (отдельные термины сопровождаются пояснениями и комментариями). Глоссарий содержит более 2200 терминов и устойчивых словосочетаний, характерных для таких областей права, как договорное право; право, регулирующее деятельность акционерных обществ; вещное право; трудовое право и др.
Задача глоссария – дать возможность лицам, изучающим юридический английский язык с помощью учебника International Legal English, правильно понимать основные правовые понятия, формулировки, термины, а также отдельные общеупотребительные слова и знать их русские эквиваленты. Глоссарий способствует усвоению юридической лексики в сфере коммерческого права, что позволит обеспечить высокое качество перевода аутентичных текстов.
Глоссарий разработан с разбивкой по темам согласно 15 разделам учебника International Legal English. Слова расположены в алфавитном порядке с указанием номеров страниц учебника, на которых они употребляются. Статьи глоссария снабжены пометами, отражающими различия в британской и американской терминологии. Во второй части глоссария приводится алфавитный индекс по всей тематике учебника.
Глоссарий предназначен для студентов юридических вузов и факультетов, а также юристов, работающих в международных организациях. Предлагаемый вашему вниманию глоссарий окажется полезным и для тех специалистов, которые по роду своей деятельности имеют дело с переводом различных документов правового характера с английского на русский язык.
Выражаем глубокую благодарность заведующей кафедрой английского языка № 1 МГЮА имени О. Е. Кутафина профессору Г. Н. Ермоленко и заведующему кафедрой права Европейского союза МГЮА имени О. Е. Кутафина профессору С. Ю. Кашкину за ценные рекомендации и практическую помощь в редактировании словаря.
Авторы приносят искреннюю благодарность И. В. Бланковой за подготовку глоссария к печати.
Юридическим латинский
abandon 140
absorb 49
abstain from 66
abuse 108
abuse of a dominant position 205
abusive pricing practices 206
acceleration 65, 139
acceleration clause 165
accept 173
accept an offer 64
accept the benefits 94
acceptance 64
acceptance of electronic records 170
acceptance of goods 120
acceptance of offer 272
acceptance of offer by conduct 272
acceptance of the terms of a contract 125, 272
access 138
accommodate disabled persons 106
accomplish 52
accomplishments 197
account 43 account for 210, 277
account of profit 149
account of the circumstances 28
accountancy firm 27
accountant 180
accounting records 23
accounting requirements 26, 27, 28
accounts receivable 184
accrue 166
accrue (obligations) 27
accrue benefits 38, 40
accrue capital / interest / profits 40
achieve a high score on an exam 197
achieve a useful, concrete, tangible result 153
acknowledge (the terms of sale) 125
acknowledgement 132
acknowledgement of deposit 165
acquire 67, 94, 178
acquire a right 178
acquire innocently 67
acquire the proceeds 178
acquired company 49
acquirer 49
acquires knowledge of the rights 94
acquiring company 49
acquisition 49, 213
acquisition of controlling shares 49
acquisition of shares 44
act of God 66
act ultra vires 20
action 12, 149, 262
actionable 78
activist attorney 215
actor 204
actual damages 78
adduce evidence 128
adequacy 265
ad hoc 13
adjourn 56
adjudicate a matter 212
adjustment 106
administrative receiver 194
admittedly 89
adopt 57
adopt bylaws 23, 264
adopt parallel behaviour 205
adversarial 114
adversary 276
advertisement 106
advise on the availability of trade mark / name 155
advising 65
Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) 114
affect the lives, prospects and livelihoods of debtors and creditors 194
affidavit 12, 262
affiliate / affiliated company 104
affirm patentability 151
affirmative act 99
affix 56
afford 176
afford a creditor control (over) 176
afford legal protection 148
aforesaid 83
aggravated damages 111
aggregate 42
aggregate amount of consideration received by the Corporation 42
aggregate par value of all issued shares having par value 42
AGM (annual general meeting) 20, 38
agreement template 69
alienability 164
alienation 176
all possible precautions 142
allege 13, 20, 269
allocation of resources 204
allot 56
allotment 56
alter 49
alter bylaws 21, 23
alteration 49
amalgamation 61
amass wealth 204
ambiguity 133
ambiguous 93
amend 67
amend bylaws 23
amend share capital 44
amend the constitution 40
amendments to the regulations 44
American civil practice and remedies statute 191
amount 178
amount to 271
ancillary 65
animosity 269
annual return 27
annual turnover 211
answer 12, 262
answer to the annual meeting 38
anticipate 91, 123, 179
anticipated loss 80
anticipated proxy fight 28
anticipatory breach of the contract 88
anti-competitive 204
Anti-monopoly Office 207
antitrust charges 211
antitrust enforcement 215
antitrust laws 204
antitrust suit 215
anxious 194
apparent authority 120
appeal (a decision) 11
appease 27
appellant 11
appellate court 10
appliance(s) 178
applicability of statutes 186
applicable 120, 123
applicable legislation 120
applicable standard 123
applicant 106, 165
application 18, 151, 153
application of administrations 194
area 152
argue a case 262
arrangement 176, 181
as a last resort 194
as the case may be 121
as well as 178
asap (as soon as possible) 111
ascertain 79, 128, 130
ascertain damages 79
ascertainable 128, 130
ascribe to 67
ask for damages 111
aspects of employment contract 106
assert 98
assess 81, 265
assess fair use 157
assessment 88
asset 35, 67, 306
asset protection 193
asset protection plan 193
assets 176
assets less liabilities 201
assign (rights) 93
assign 64, 178
assign a security interest 178
assign a transferable record 170
assign the copyright 162
assignee 64, 93, 135, 163
assignment / assignation 92, 93, 178
assignment for the benefit of creditors 178
assignment of rights 64, 65
assignor 93, 135
associate 17, 157, 196, 262
assume 27
assurance of payment 277
at issue 86
at short notice 181
at sb's discretion 59
at stake 277
at the discretion of 23, 28
at the full hearing 110
at the request of an applicant 165
attach to (property) 177
attach to sb's salary 193
attachment 177, 276
attachment lien 190
attachment of the security interest 177
attain 191
attain the status of lien creditor 191
Attempt is unavailing 98
attest 50
attorney 18, 180
attorney's fee 68
attribution 170
auditor 21, 22, 180
auditor's report 21
authorize 194
authorize capital 20, 34
authorized 156
authorized capital 20
authorized share capital 34
authorized shares (US) 34
automatic stay 200
availability 155
available 79
average 262
award 78, 111
award a contract 210
award damages 78
awareness 108
awkward question 38
background 198
bad cheque 192
bailiff 11, 83, 190
balance 166
balance sheet 21, 200
bankruptcy 180, 190
bankruptcy procedure 193
bankruptcy trustees 180
Bar 15
bar a patent on sth 153
bar examination 15
bar from patentability 150
bargain 68
bargaining power 81, 276
barriers to entry 204
barristers' chamber 15
basic industry 211
battle of forms 133
be absorbed into 49
be assigned a landmark case 151
be at stake 277
be bound by (the terms) 272
be delivered by courier 171
be engaged in 210
be entitled for payment 164
be excluded from the statute's effect 170
be freely transferred by endorsement 164
be freely transferred physically or through signature 164
be immuned from normal defences to payment 164
be in credit 185
be in default 178
be in material form 149
be in the pipeline 108
be inconsistent with each other 184
be involved in a financial difficulty 178
be liable for 13
be liable on the note 172
be one's area of expertise 143
be reached by a lien 276
be represented on the board 38
be returned by courier 171
be secured by the assets of a company 165
be subject to pre-emption rights (about shares) 34
be termed a fixed charge 34
be typified by debentures 35
be under an obligation 142
be within the public domain 152
be wound up by the court 21
bear costs 38
bear responsibility 271
bear risks 36
bearer 164
become due 166, 178, 190
beneficiary 102, 165, 176
beneficiary of the security interest 176
benefit 64, 94, 102, 103, 150, 176
benefit from 104
"benefit of the bargain" damages 78
bid 210
bid rotation 306
bid suppression 306
bid-rigging 208
bill 9
bill of exchange (BE, B/E) 165
bill of sale 183
bind 176
bind third parties 176
binding (contract) 125
bitumen 207
board of directors 20, 23
bona fide 124, 164
bona fide holder for value 164
bona fide purchaser for value 164
bona fide sale 124
bonus issue / capitalization issue 21
book debt 128, 184, 185
boom (in work) 108
borrow money secured by the company's assets 35
borrower 176
boundary 138
boutique firm 18
breach 121
breach EU competition rules 211
breaching party 78
breach of contract 9, 78
breach of duty 23
breach of warranty 121
breaching party 78
brief 12, 125, 263
bring a claim against sb 108
bring an action 88
bring an enforcement action against sb 149
bring relief 215
bring sth in line with sth 44
bring to a close 197
broadly speaking 190
burdensome 20
business 52, 185
business activity 204
business conditions 207
business entity 104
business interruption 131
business litigation 180
business method patent 150
business method patent controversy 152
business practice 208
business reorganization 180
business system 153
business-to-business website 74
buy back shares 44
buy shares through the new issue 265
by conduct 64
by delivery 164
by the same token 278
by virtue of 25, 128
bylaws 20, 23, 24
by way of 83
C corporation 22,25,264
call a meeting 43
call to the Bar 15
cancel 66
cancel a contract 79
cancel a licence 193
cancel pre-emption rights 265
cancel shares 44
cancellation 49, 66, 122
cancellation of a contract 122
capability 138
capital gain 52
capital structure 48, 264
capitalisation 34
capitalisation of interest on the assets 43
capitalised terms 67
career guide 193
career option 194
carry out reorganizations 201
carry voting rights 44
cartel 204
case 14, 162
case bonanza 108
case citation 13
case (for) 200
case law 8
case management 109
caseload 202
case-specific factors 27
cash dividend (US) 21
cash payments 164
cash reserve 44
categorical description 183
cause controversy 9
cause of action 12, 89
cause the loss 80 cease 194
certificate of incorporation / articles of incorporation (US) 20, 23
certificate of deposit (CD) 164, 165
chair of the committee 43
chair of the tribunal 109
chairman of the board 38
challenge 115, 277
challenge a patent 151
challenging 14, 262
challenging career option 194
changes to company law 44
charge 35, 124, 140, 176, 271
charge discriminatory prices 207
charge interest 166
cash payment 164
chattel 120
chattel mortgage (US) 35
checklist 53
cheque (UK)/check (US) 164
chief administrative officer 28
Christie's 211 circular (noun) 43
CISG (the United Nations Convention on Contracts for International Sale Goods Act) 121
civil law 8, 108, 268
claim damages 66, 91, 131
claim property 124
claim rights over 271
claim under sb 163
claimed invention 153
class rights 54
clause 65
clause at issue 81
claw-back 27
clerkship 19
client events 196
close on the property 143
closing argument 96, 97, 98, 99, 100
closure 199
coal industry 204
co-determination 39
collapse (of the debtor-creditor relationship) 190
collateral 177
collateral contract 102
collateral purpose 21
collect book debt 185
collect damages 88
collect rents 276
collective bargaining 107
collocation 171
collude 211
collude on bidding prices 206
column 128
come into force / effect 44
come into play 120
command of English 277
commence 68, 166, 181
commence an action 68
commencement 124, 199
commercial exploitation 148
commercial litigation 262
commercial loan officer 180
commercial paper 164
commissioner of the work 163
commit competition law violations 208
commitment 266
commodity 121
common 180
common law 8
common seal 56
common sense 11
common share / stock (US) 34, 264
commonly encountered 176
communication site 138
Companies House 48
company (Br.) 20
company health 20
company secretary 20, 21
company's performance 32, 46
compatible with 87
compel 78
competency statement 137
competition 204
competition law 18, 204
competitively priced bid 210
competitor 210
complaint 12
complementary bid 306
comply with 61, 67, 83, 140, 268
comply with the provisions 43
composition of matter 150
comprehensive mechanism 200
comprise 196
comprise a patentable subject matter 153
comprise an invention 152
compulsory 46
compulsory winding-up 49
concentration 214
concern oneself 204
conciliation 114
concurrent ownership of property 137
condemnation 138
conduct 64
confer 92, 105
confer a benefit on sb 102, 105
confer a right 92
confer the full range of rights 153
confident 199
confidentiality 65
conflict of interest 21
conflict resolution 39
conform to specifications 131
consensual lien 190
consensual security interest 177
consent 140, 171
consequential damages 131, 132
conservation easement 138
conservator 95
consideration (for shares) 23, 265
consideration 64, 65
consistent (with) 123, 184
consolidation 48
constitute a patentable subject matter 148
constitute acceptance of the terms of a contract 125, 272
constitute perfection 177
constitutional amendment 48
constrain management 39
construct a deal 194
construction (of the contract) 102, 103, 105
construe 101, 105, 107, 130
construe as 133
consumer 121
consumer products 263
consumer rights advocate 215
consumer secured transactions 180
consummate a merger 278
contain an express provision 162
contemplate 67
contend 61
continuation of employment 106
continuing education 180
contract 64
contract formation 120
contract of good faith 270
contract template 65
contractual remedy 80
contribute (money, services) to 23, 196
control over the alienation of a security interest 176
control the management 39
controlling interest 49
controlling shareholders 46
controversy 9, 152
convene 60
conversely 115
convert the plaintiff's claim into money damages 83
convey 96, 101, 105
convey an idea 96
convey the importance of a point 101
convey title to property 105
convict 65
convoke 60
cooperative conflict resolution 38
copyright 148, 157, 162, 163
copyright in a work 148
copyright law 157
copyright protection 149
copyrighted material 157
core values 196
corporate finance 35
corporate governance 28
corporate law 263
corporate restructuring 196
corporate tax 262
cosiness 39
cost 167
counsel / legal counsel 122, 138
counter offer 64
courier 171
course of business 121
court confirmation 49
court costs 68
court of last resort 11
court-supervised restructuring 200
covenant 66, 142
covenant not to compete 67
covenant of quiet enjoyment 142
covering/cover letter 197
cramdown 200
create a claim upon real estate/real property 191
create a security interest 176
create a trust 204
created by operation of law 177
creative work 148
credibility of witnesses 98
credit 164, 184, 185
credit agreement 43
credit and collection manager 180
credit function 164
credit rating 99
credit standing 66
creditor 190
criteria 98
critical 128
critical provision in the clause 128
cross-border cooperation activities 196
cross-border insolvencies 200
Crown Court 10
crucial 80
crucial point 93, 269
cumulative dividends 42
currently in the pipeline 181
Customs & Excise 185
CV (curriculum vitae) 16, 98
cyber squatting 148
damage 109, 111
damages 78, 111, 123, 131, 132
damages for loss of business profits 131
date 178
date of employment 106
day-to-day affairs / operation (of the company) 21
DBA ('doing business as') 22
deadline 43, 84, 108, 268
deadline for filing 187
deal 149
deal can go through on time 172
deal (in) 121, 176
deal (with) 176
deal in the property 176
deal stage 266
deal with the debtor's assets 176
debenture 35, 164, 165, 184
debenture holder 164
debt 190
debt due to the plaintiff 192
debtor 190
debtor-creditor 190
debtor-creditor law 190
debtor-in-possession 200
debtor-in-possession (DIP) powers 200
decedent 135
decision 153
declare dividends 42
decline 215
deduct 83
deed 164
deed poll 102
deem 66, 95
deeply 183
de facto 13
de-facto merger 58
default 66, 79, 166, 176, 267
default in performing 66
defendant 11
defences 164
defer 52, 269
deference 142
defraud 191
delay 66, 83
delegate 20, 64, 93
delegation of duties 64
delegator 93
deliberately 97, 269
deliver a restructuring 200
delivery 120, 122, 164
demand 165
demand promissory note 166
demand replacement 79
demanding career option 194
demanding rules 27
demise 104
demised premises 104
Department of Enterprise Trade and Investment (DETI) 194
Department of Justice 211
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) 194
deposit 165
depositing 176
depositing of personal property with a creditor 176
depositor 165
deregulate 44
derive from 9
descendant 134
design right 148
designated member 27
deter from 79
determination 194
deterrent to sth 80
develop a keen interest 197
developer 263
dichotomy between 'exit' and 'voice' 32
digital signature 73
direct(ed) placement 35
directive 9, 108
disability (C,U) 106
disable 106
disbar 15
discharge one's duties 93
discipline the management 38
disclaim liability for damages 132
disclaimer 120, 121, 131
disclaimer clause / disclaimer of warranty 120, 121
disclose 90
discount 265
discretion 59
discretionary 46
discriminate between applicants for employment 106
discrimination 108
discriminatory dismissal 106
disincentive 215
dismiss a case 40, 262
dismiss a charge 40
dismiss a claim 40
dismiss an appeal 127,128
dismiss an employee 40
dismiss an exception in total 151
dismiss a suit 81
dismissal 106
dispose of 61, 109, 270
dispose of property 191
dispute 9, 263
disapply 56
dissolution 58
dissolve 178
distinctive registered mark 148
distraught 194
distributable reserves 44
distribution 52
dividend 34
division of share capital 34
doctrine 155
document under seal 164
documentary evidence 165
domain 148, 152
domain name 148
domestic supplier 205
donation 64
downloaded software 7
down payment 173
draft 57, 80, 105, 164
draft a document 12
draft a security agreement 180
draft an agreement 43
draft a brief 262
draft version 97
drafter 179
drafting 65
draw 165
draw inferences of fact from evidence 99
draw one's account 185 draw up 84
draw up a promissory note 164
draw up an instrument 178
draw up the constitution 40
drawee 165
drawer 165
drawing of salary 27
drawn on a benk 165
drive down the market price 265
drop out 133
dubious 29
due 66, 83, 166, 190
due and payable 178
due diligence 266
due respect for 47
duress 64
duty of care 21
duty of confidentiality 20
duty owned by sb to sb 21
easement 134
easement appurtenant 136
easement by necessity 136
easement in gross 136
EC (European Community) competition law 204
e-commerce 169
economics 204
economies-of-scale 278
economy 204
educator 157
EEA (European Economic Area) 214
effect 125, 128, 169
effective 128
effectiveness (of the agreement) 128
efficacy 163, 278
elaborate 272
elect 95
elect and re-elect the board 38
electronic negotiable instrument 169
electronic record 170
electronic signature 170
electronic transmission 170
eligible for 153
emphasize 180
employ 18
employee 94
employee representation 39
employee share scheme 44
employer 94
employment 106
employment contract 106
employment history 95
employment lawyer / practitioner 108
employment offer 106
employment tribunal 18, 107
enable 56
enact 103
enactment 140, 205
encompass 135
encounter 125, 176
encounter a problem 171
encourage cosiness 39
encourage worker commitment to the firm 39
encrypt online documents 73
"end of the line" cases 194
endorse 57, 165
endorsed in blank 165
endorsement 164
end up 191
enemy alien 65
enforce (a contract, contractual provisions, terms, conditions) 64, 92, 94, 102, 104, 130
enforce 81, 177
enforce one's rights 138
enforce the obligations of the debtor 190
enforce the performance of the debtor's obligations to the creditor 177
enforceability 80, 93
enforceable 64, 80, 102, 170
enforceable contract 170
enforceable liquidated damages 80
enforceable right 102
enforcement action 149
engane (an attorney) 81
engage in certain activities 107
enhance economic efficiency 204
enjoyment 142
enshrine 108
ensuing 28, 29
ensure 176
ensure enforceability and negotiability 169
ensure payment 176
entail 15, 48, 190
enter a judgment (against) 191
enter a voluntary arrangement 194
enter into 61
enter into a contract 65
enter the market 208
entire agreement 65, 66
entitle the shareholder to voting rights and dividend 35
entitlement 35, 106
entrepreneurial drive for success 52
entry 139
entry of appearance 109
envisage 108, 114
environment 73
equation 64
equity 46, 200
equity funding 264
erroneous 185
error in the goods 123
escape obligations 64
escheat 134
essence 58
essential right 149
essential terms of a contract 64
essentially 269
establish the agenda of a meeting 43
estate 134
estate agent 136
estate pur autre vie 134
estimate 142
et alia (et al.) 13
et cetera (etc.) 13
ethnicity 108
EU Directive 9
European commissioner 211
European Community Merger Regulation 213
evaluation 211
event 181
evidential 128
examine the company's accounts 21
examiner 153
exception 151
excerpt 178
excess 10
exclusive possession 134
execution lien 190
executive officer 67
exemplary damages 79, 111
exempli gratia (e.g.) 13
exempt 170
exercise a right 40, 95
exercise authority 40
exercise caution 40
exercise effective control (over) 38
exercise influence 40
exercise pressure / power / force 40
exercise restraint 40
existing shareholders 37, 264
expand patent protection to sth 151
expand the practice of banks and other lenders 185
expanding 193
expectation damages 78
expert witness 18
expertise 143
expiry 155
expiry of the registration (to expire) 155
explicitly 65, 66, 125, 271
exploitation 148
expose to 102
exposure to risk 276
express contract 64
express obligation 47
express warranty 120, 121
expressly 269
expressly authorized 156
extraordinary general meeting 20
facilitate 164
facilitate free alienability of negotiable instruments 164
factual 186
favoured status 190
fail to disclose one's representative capacity 172
fail to perform obligations 78
failure 65, 155
failure to give such information 155
failure to make payment 65
failure to perform 80
fair deal 149
fair use (US fair dealing) 149
fair use doctrine 155
fall away 185
fall below thresholds 214
fall foul of 278
fall within the definition 168
far-reaching changes 169
fasten (to) 177
fasten to the property offered as security 177
faulty 131
feasible 271
featured speaker 180
federal lands 138
fee simple 134
fee tail 134
feedback 97
fiduciary duty 21
field questions 53
file 262
file a complaint 262 file a document 12
file a fine petition 207
file a motion 262
file a patent application 151
file an action 262
file an instrument 178
file corporate documentation 21
file for bankruptcy protection 134
file for protection 200
filing and notice deadline 43
filing fee 28
fill sb in (informal) 269
financial gains 36
financial institution 167
financial statement (US) 21
financing measures 134
fine 206
finish (of the goods) 131
fire 107
firmly 183
first-in-time rules 190
fiscal 47
fiscal number 143
fit and proper person 194
fixed charge 35, 176
fixed dividend 34
fixed rate of interest 165
fixed-term contract 76
fixtures 178
floating charge 35, 164, 176, 195
floating lien 176
flow of information 38
follow-up 87
follow-up to a telephone conversation 210
for the benefit of the third party 64
for value 165
for value received 166
force majeure 65
foreclosure on the real estate 276
foregoing 67, 140
foreseeability 78
foreseeable 78
form 149
form a company 20
formal insolvency procedures 194
formal writing 134
formation of a contract 64
formulation 148
foster 121
framework 122
franchise 105
franchise agreement 71
franchisee 71, 105
franchisor 105
fraud 20, 21, 64, 79
fraudulently 73
free rider 38
freedom from defects 129
freehold estate 134
freeze assets, a bank account 276
friendly takeover 48
full hearing 110
full partner 17, 262
full-service firms 196
funds held on deposit 165
furnishings 178
further period 155
futile preparations 91
gain control of 48
gain international experience 196
gain leniency 211
gain particular expertise 143
gap 128
gap in evidence 128
gas utility company 206
gather information 187
general creditor 191
general damages 78
general partnership 22
generality 140
genuine occupational qualification (GOQ) 106
German Cartel Office 206
get clearance 213
get everything watertight 270
get rid of shares 38
gift 64
give (a creditor) priority over (other creditors) 177
give business efficacy to the contract 163
give effect to 9, 128
give no weight to sth 80
give proper effect 142
give value 183
give weight to evidence 99, 269
given 270
go around: when there is not enough property to go around 190
go through 172
good documentary evidence 165
good faith 88, 120, 164
good faith effort 88
good information 38
good title 120
goods (US good) 120, 121
grant 134
grant a collateral 177
grant a patent 148
grant a perpetual license 163
grant an interest in debtor property 177
grant an order 268
grantee 134
grantor 134
habitation 140
hand down a landmark decision 151
handle 110
handle a case 138
handle a claim 109
handle a matter 263
handle disputes 178
happening 178
hardware and software requirements 74
harass the defendant 191
hard-bitten 194
hardware and software requirements 74
have the effect of appeasing 27
hazards of business 193
health 106
health and safety law 106
heat exchanger 128
heir 95, 135
held liable to pay damages 78
hence 64
herald 112
here 99
hereafter 178
hereby 67, 163
hereditament 134
herein 66
hereinafter 166
hereof 66
hereto 66
hereunder 66
herewith 178
hesitant to do sth 82
hidden interest in property 177
hiding: to be in hiding 192
high court 10
high profile case 208
high-value contract 271
hinge on foreseeability 78
hire 106
hiring process 106
hold all the cards 276
hold harmless sb from and against loss 123
hold in trust 128
hold liable 78
hold off a challenge 38
hold rule 80, 81, 90
hold shares 264
hold shares in treasury 44
hold the contract as prospectively binding 88
holder 148, 164
holder for value 164
holder in due course (HDC) 164
holder of a debenture 195
holder of a licence / licence holder 194
holder of title 120
holding in the company 265
holding of the court 152
holiday / leave entitlement 106
holiday 106
horizontal 205
horse-trading 267
hospitality 199
hostile takeover 49
housing 140 hurdle 108
id est (i.e.) 13
identities of the parties 106
identity 106
ill-conceived exception 151
illegal substance 271
illegality of the subject matter 64
immaterial 81
immediately due and payable 178
impair 66
impede competition 278
implement 56
implement actions 201
implementation of planned EU directives on employment 108
implication 105, 180
implied by conduct 13
implied contract 64
implied obligation 47
implied term 162
implied warranty 120, 121
imply 105
impose 79
impose a claim (on) 191
impose duties on 92
impute 278
in a good workmanlike manner 123
in consideration for 68
in consideration of 67
in contrast to sth 36
increasingly 194
in default of the terms, conditions or covenants 166
in deference to 142
in essence 58
in excess of the mandatory minimum share capital 34
in excess of. 10, 83
in full force and effect 125
in good faith 28, 29, 164
in lieu of 165
in order to be invoked against third parties 190
in plain language 168
in proportion to one's holdings 35
in recent years 194
in the course of business 120
in the course of the interview 198
in the ordinary / normal course of business 185
in the principal amount (of) 178
in the realm of 164
incapacity 95
incidental beneficiary 92
incidental damages 123, 131
including but not limited to 47, 95
inclusive of expenses for. 83
income statement (US) 25
incompatible with 52
incorporate 52
incorporation 21
incorporator 263
increased dividend 36
incur (liability) 27
incur costs 44, 270
incur expenses 78, 140
indebtedness 176
indebtedness secured by the property 176
indefinite contract 64
indemnification 122
indemnify 123
indemnity 266
indicate acceptance of offer 272
individual capital account 43
individual drawing account 43
induce into 65
inducement 64
infer 92
inference 99
information 163
informed decision 30
infringe (on) the right 149
infringement 18, 263
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