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Автор книги: Лиана Димитрошкина

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Liana Dimitrokshina
Autismas a malicious generic program. Causes of its occurrence. Successful experience of the experimental group


The first of May in Tuapse was very windy, very sunny and very hot. My husband and I got wet while dragging our belongings into a huge hotel; on top of that my hair turned into a crow's nest. I was just about to find a quiet corner to pin up my hair as a woman with wide open eyes ran up to me:

“You are Liana Dimitrokshina, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I am. Good morning”, I answered politely, hastily grabbing the most rebellious curl.

And suddenly the young woman burst into tears.

“I'm studying your program MАu-Therapy for the second month, Liana Ivanovna. My son had compulsive movements just like many other autistic kids, he pulled out his hair and his head was like a big open sore! And now it is getting soft. It all stopped! Such a pity that I did not take pictures, you would have feedback with results, documented in square centimeters. Thank you so much. I’ve tried everything! Oh God we had gone through it all!”

The hairpin fell down on the floor and the curl dropped over my eyes. The students of the coaching school gathered around rushing to get the keys to their rooms. The final two-week training of the coaching school started the next day and I was teaching the Systemic Family Constellations course. My husband was filling in the hotel check-in form; I left him my passport and suggested to the young woman:

“Let's step aside. What is your name?”

“I’m Helena. Liana Ivanovna, we tried family constellations, and gestalt therapy, ericksonian hypnosis, theta healing, authorial psychological programs. We consulted healers, went to Matrona and other holy places.”

We sat down on the round armchairs at the back of the hotel lobby. Students of different ages were bustling all around, the huge windows were flooded with sunlight, people were chatting and laughing – after months of online training people recognized each other, hugged, exchanged their phone numbers.

“I love Matrona so much. I fly to Moscow or through Moscow for my studies about two times a month. And every time I go to visit her. I believe you came on our course not without her blessing.”

“You know, my husband and I reached such a level of hopelessness, despair, tiredness and frustration. We believed in nothing. But we decided to try your course, too, out of stubbornness. Despite the fact that it is for mothers.”

“It's very reasonable. As a wise man once said, out of 10 surrenders there is only one loser. I do not like giving up either. I fight to the end. I’m a chess player, and in the past that lengthened my parties significantly. I managed to win many times, even when it appeared like a hopeless situation.”

“So we decided – let's try! And can you believe it! It has not even been two months and there is already such progress! Your course is unique!! So many insights, so much internal work, the transformation system is perfectly set up. And on top of it there is daily feedback which increases the efficiency significantly. Now that I am two steps away from a psychologist's degree myself I understand when you say that autism is not a disease of the child but of a whole family”

“Yes, that's why it is impossible to help a child by just treating the child. But, if you work on the malicious generic programs, the first results come very soon.”

“And most importantly, they do not diminish.”

“Yes, it's a great consolation. When malicious generic programs are worked out, they stop having an effect and children actually recover. Although all classes are online, with mothers…”

How the MАu-Therapy program was born

At present I am a member of the professional psychotherapeutic league, the author of nearly 30 books on the psychology of family relationships, the founder of three huge projects for women.

But back in 91, I worked as the deputy director of a small company. The night before my husband and I had a big quarrel and in the morning we had breakfast in silence after which each went about his own business. I made my way to the fourth floor, unlocked the door and… dropped the bread and potatoes. Some papers were scattered on the trampled floor, the TV-videocassette recorder– the microwave vanished into thin air, closets wide open. The first thought was – we were robbed!!! Even my daughter’s cartoons had disappeared. But then I noticed that my skirts were still there. My second husband left me, and took everything that was not nailed.

I sobbed for three days, feeling bankrupt and like a complete failure. How is it that, I'm so successful in my job, I'm already a deputy director, the company is growing exponentially, I own an apartment, a car, gold and diamonds, furs… But when it comes to men nothing is working out. Another husband, another asshole.

And then I figured it out.

If two men are so bad, maybe I'm not that good either. Maybe I'm also an asshole.

That's when I began to study the psychology of family relationships. I have learned so much! Now I have more than 30 professional skills: I'm a Gestalt psychologist, a specialist in family constellations by Bert Hellinger and Idris Lahore, a student of Coline d’Aubret, a Chairwoman of the Federation of Constellation Facilitators of France. My expertise includes art therapy, narrative therapy, I'm a certified RPT processor, EMOS, kinesiology in psychology as well as dozens of other certificates and licenses. Several student psychologists and coaches from Konstantin Dovlatov's coaching school have been studying my lectures. But most important are my own results.

My third husband and I have been happily married for more than 20 years, and our relationship is going from strength to strength, year after year. A big house, grandchildren, a cat, a dog…

And over the years I began teaching women how to become happy. My School of Woman's Happiness http://school4woman.ru has welcomed more than two thousand students. There are hundreds of women studying at the Institute of Family Happiness http://pozitivelive.ru. And now dozens of women are on the MAU-Therapy program http://PobedimAutism.ru – a program for mothers of autistic children. The program itself came about following extensive analysis of the statistics provided by my students based on their results. It turned out that some of them had managed to remove 'autism' and 'neurodevelopmental delay' as a diagnosis. In fact, many managed to do that. My projects contain tens of thousands of final feedback reports and more than 300 thousand reports on task completion. Even big institutions don't have such extensive statistics. Here is screenshot of the Statistics Center of one of my projects, the School of Woman's Happiness.

In the autumn of 2016, I reported the results of the MAu-Therapy program test group at the Psychotherapists' Congress of Russia. You can imagine how important it is today. The number of autistic children grows exponentially, and, by the way, you will understand why this happens after reading this book. I handed out all my business cards, and next time I'll bring another package. My colleagues agreed with one voice that it is a new dawn, which requires the most extensive statistics. That’s what I'm doing now, and the pilot program has started.

Of course, I'm a little afraid, an experiment is an experiment, and I'm not even a professor. To comfort me, my coach sent me a table which showed Einstein, Rutherford, Fleming – none of them even had a PhD. Inventors rarely have doctorate degrees. I once studied the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving in my distant engineering past; my first education is in system engineering. I actually developed an entire program made-up of 400 assignments, lasting just over a year.

The program which gets rid of Malicious Generic Programs, one of which is autism.

So, those who have just met me can conclude that I am neither a newcomer, nor a dreamer who came up with this the day before and came to show off. I am working and this book is about my experiments and my work. I have something to show the world.

Please, find 8 minutes to watch a video review.

«My son socialized within 2 months»


Marina Vendelovskaya talks about her son’s situation and the beginning of her journey in our project.

This was very recent, she had been studying for just 2 months and in the video you can hear about her son’s results. Here is the transcript of Marina's story:

«Hello, my name is Marina Vendelovskaya, I am from the Voronezh region, and this is my video report on Liana Dimitrokskina's course „MAu-Therapy“.

I started the MAu-Therapy program by accident, and, I should say right away that it was a lucky accident. My son Daniel is a late-in-life baby. I have two adult daughters; they are both successful and independent. But the boy had problems from the get-go. He had several surgeries right after birth (the labor was difficult) and is autistic; he has developmental delay, very weak memory and attention deficit disorder. This is our greatest misfortune in life.

When I started Liana Ivanovna’s course I didn’t know her and didn’t really expect any impressive results, as we had tried everything. The most surprising thing is that on this course I am working on myself, but it is my son who is changing. These changes were noticeable from the first few classes. In the first few weeks I noticed my son becoming more peaceful, more cheerful, more connected to me and his father, less secluded. This inspired us immensely! I continued my studies and at the moment I have completed just 2 out of 9 trimesters of Liana Ivanovna’s course.

So, what do we have now?

Firstly, I want to say that one of the most important things for us is socialization. Our child goes to school (he attends a regular school) when he was always an outcast. Children bullied him, teachers dismissed him; frankly speaking, going to school was torture for him. And now, when I completed 2 trimesters, only 2 out of 9, the situation has changed drastically. Our child goes to school with great pleasure. He has the same classmates who thought nothing of him but now they are great friends. He gets along wonderfully with the kids in the neighborhood, even initiating some games. Children come and call him to play outside, they go hiking, and they have many activities together. And when my son comes home from school – he is always cheerful, joyful, and eager to talk and share his day with us. Before he never said “we”, he always said «they» – “they” wrote the test, “they” were doing something today. «We» appeared just on the second week of my studies. Our son came and said “we”. This is very important for us. I believe this is very important for every parent.

What else? About his attention deficit. He is much more attentive and responsible now. If before he couldn’t even remember the lessons he had, the homework he was given, never writing anything down, then now he is worried about being ready for a test, when that test will be and if he needs to bring something to school. We were terrified to leave him alone at home before whereas now that’s not a problem. What’s more, aside from the chores we give him sometimes he takes initiative to do something nice for his parents, to please us, he could make something to eat or wash the dishes or something else we didn’t ask for. Aside from this he’s got new interests now, he’s become more interested in various things. He draws very well and he started reading more.

His speech has started improving. He used to mumble before and this interfered with his communication. Now he speaks much clearer and we see that he is more careful and conscious of his speech, he’s become more confident.

Also, he used to have constant compulsive spontaneous movements, whether he touched his face, or pulled some grimaces, or poked his stomach with his fingers. This has almost disappeared.

Before we also had a problem with sleepwalking; he would walk at night, jump up, run somewhere. I slept very lightly so we could catch him, to avoid something bad happening. Now this has also stopped.

I would also like to say that he gets sick less despite his main diagnosis which unfortunately is very troublesome for us. Now he is even allowed to attend physical education classes, although in the past he was always exempted from sports. And he is delighted, very happy that he can engage with his peers. You know, there is so much to say, so many things that I get lost, it's just impossible to tell you everything.

I'm just happy that I started Liana Ivanovna's course. This course is so extensive, so gigantic, such colossal work, and it shows. Believe me, I’m not a newbie in psychology, I myself engaged in Systemic Family Constellations, Metaphoric Cards and I teach courses and provide training so I can appreciate this huge amount of work and how extensive this course is.

There is also a side-effect – a very remarkable side-effect, it’s not just my son’s health which is improving, but our family’s relationship too. Although my husband and I always had a wonderful relationship, and I thought it cannot get better, it turned out that it is possible; it went from good to amazing. So to sum up, those who want to have a healthy child, a healthy son, and a happy, cheerful, joyful family – I advise you to start the "Mau-Therapy” course and be healthy and happy. Let there be a lot of joy in your life. Thanks to Liana Ivanovna, I am forever grateful.»

80 % of autistic kids are boys so it’s hardly surprising that in the first few months our test group consisted of mothers of boys.

But with time mothers of girls started coming too and all the girls showed results. We can’t say they are statistically reliable yet since we haven’t had many but the trend is clear and favorable.

Why Google and Wikipedia agree that autism is incurable

Now let's talk a little bit about why we haven’t learned how to treat children's autism.

Have you ever seen an apple rotting on a tree? It hasn’t fallen yet, it’s sick on the apple tree. And now attention, question. If the apple is sick on the apple tree do you have to treat the apple or the tree? The apple tree plus maybe the soil under it.

The apple tree.

And when we talk about apples, it's obvious.

But the same thing happens with children. They are just apples from an apple tree, and here they are, children-apples, they come and we start treating them. How can you cure an apple? It’s the tree that we should be treating. That’s why no one has been able to find a way to treat children. Because you need to treat the entire family.

Someone might say: this is shifting responsibility to those around; why should I treat the parents when it’s the child who is sick.

And this is such a typical reaction.

Why are you suggesting to treat me, the mother, am I the one who is sick? It’s the child who is sick. Treat the child! What am I? Someone crazy or slow? It’s my child who is inhibited / hyper aggressive / like this and like that.

No, my darlings. It's not the apple which is ill. The whole tree is ill. The whole family. If you've ever heard about Systemic Family Constellations and have an idea about what it is then you might understand what I'm talking about. Those who have not heard about this please go online where you can find all the information for free. You can download my first book about family constellations, “Housewife Dara" written in 2003 at http://www.koob.ru/dimitroshkina/hozyaika_dara. It’s written in an interesting, artistic way, vividly describing the ‘behind the scenes’ life of a constellation facilitator.

There are inexorable systemic mechanisms.

What kind of system am I talking about? I am talking about the family system now.

Where there is your dad, mom, parents, their parents, their parents, their parents, and the tree goes on and on. Do you know how many direct ancestors you have? If you count for a 100 years – it's about 5 generations – 32 people. And for 200 years there are 1024 people in your family tree. And for 400 years there are over a million, 1048576 people.

How to calculate the number of your ancestors for 400–500 years?

It’s very easy. Take the number two and multiply it on the calculator by as many times as how many generations you want to count – because I guess none of your ancestors hatched from an egg, so each had exactly 2 parents, mom and dad. 100 years – 5 generations, so you need to multiply 2 five times by 2. Two in the fifth degree – is 32. Two in the tenth degree – is 1024. Two in the twentieth degree – 400 years – is 1048576. Well, in order to formalize, a million must be made not in 400 years maybe. But in 465, for example, or 388. The difference, in fact, is not fundamental, 20 years for one generation, or 25, or 18, or 27. Or even 14, as it was Shakespeare's Juliet. Remember Pushkin: “My Vanya was younger than me and I was 13 years old.” (Eugene Onegin, Chapter Three)

Well, if you continue this exercise with a calculator, you will be surprised to find that in about 800-1000 years the number of your DIRECT ancestors will exceed a billion. So, what do you think, do all these people influence your life somehow or is it nonsense?

Levels of problem occurrence

The first level of our problems is the level of knowledge, this is a personal level. This is the past and the present of your life; what you can remember, understand and study.

One of my projects, the School of Women's Happiness, http://school4woman.ru is mostly built on solving these personal levels. The level of knowledge. For example, what the languages of love are and how to deal with them. Let’s say that your language of love is care and your husband’s is reflected in presents; he brings you presents and you say he could’ve at least passed me my coat or helped around the house instead of trying to pay me off. This is a level of knowledge and it’s easy to repair. This depth is the minimum.

Here, for example, concerning the level of knowledge. Imagine a situation where a girl goes to a psychotherapist. The girl has a shaved head, a piercing in her nose, a military style jacket and a rollup. She says something about her professors not liking her. So we start talking to the person from the level of knowledge. We gently explain that look you need to put some make up on, shower, put on a dress, and throw away the rollup. This is the level of knowledge.

Then the other levels follow.

Second level. The past which we can remember.

We can ask this girl, “When did you first start wearing military style jackets?” She answers, “When I was 13 years old I was almost raped in the park and after that I shaved my head and wear this padded jacket.” And so we begin our work with the consequences of this trauma. We remove the fear of being beautiful and attractive, and so on.

Third level. The things we can ask about.

If the therapist has sufficient qualifications, they can go even deeper. Not all 13-year-old girls go to the park at night, wearing a mini-skirt. We are looking for something that was in her earlier childhood, which compelled her, prompted her to look for trouble. Maybe we cannot remember it but we can return to it using various regressive methods. Maybe when the girl was 3 years old and in kindergarten she realized the differences between her and her potty friend when they had no pants on, maybe she was caught by the nanny there and subconsciously she developed a need to avenge the ban with disobedience. So when her mother forbade her to go to the park at night with a mini skirt she did just that out of spite, acting out on her kindergarten trauma.

The fourth level. Perinatal.

There is also the perinatal period, which we can at the very least ask about. This is when your mother was pregnant with you, and maybe something happened there as well.

Since the most protected time in the life of any person is when he is inside his mom.

The mother surrounds him from all sides, he eats, and drinks, and breathes through his mom. And, for example, the mother loved to watch horror films during her pregnancy. It happens, people like to get scared. Here the unborn baby can create a connection, literally at the gene level, – if it's scary, it's safe. A strange connection, but it happens very very often.

But there is a fifth level. The level of the family system.

The causes of autism lay on a much deeper level, the system level.

And this is the question which I get asked sometimes – does the level of knowledge affect the birth of autistic children? Not at all. Absolutely not. The causes of autism are at a deeper, system level.

What does this mean?

Have you heard about the power of the subconscious?

To be honest, this is a problem all specialists have; we think that everyone understands us. We seem to think that everyone knows that there is a subconscious, superconscious, Higher Self; there is a limbic system, a neocortex, a paleo cortex. I thought the same until my editor pointed out that it’s an illusion. So I’ll give you half a page of theory. I will not be a smartass; I will just explain it using simple words as much as I can. Because this is important.

Because an autistic child doesn’t appear in a simple family, but in a family overloaded with interweaving.

Now I'll give you a little bit of theory. Just a little bit, with very simple and understandable words. I don’t think you bought this book to be impressed by the scholarly lady who wrote it. That’s why I prefer using a metaphorical language. It’s much easier and clearer to explain really hard things using metaphors.

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