Текст книги "Загадки на английском языке"
Автор книги: Наталья Ильина
Жанр: Иностранные языки, Наука и Образование
Возрастные ограничения: +6
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Наталья Ильина
Загадки на английском языке
Общение на любом языке требует большого словарного запаса, который накапливается в течение нескольких лет. Отсюда следует, что изучать язык следует начинать с раннего детства. Это вызвало поиск новых приёмов, позволяющих детям эффективно и качественно, а главное с интересом изучать иностранные языки. Учитывая тот факт, что интерес является лучшим стимулом к обучению, необходимо стараться использовать каждую возможность, чтобы разгрузить ребёнка посредством игровой деятельности в процессе обучения языку.
Огромную роль в процессе изучения языка играют загадки. Они являются эффективным средством воздействия на повышение уровня мотивации изучения, повышения уровня знаний в лексике, грамматике, фонетике и так далее. Загадки требуют от ребенка сообразительности, поэтической выдумки. Загадки учат детей говорить ярко, образно.
Назначение загадки состоит в выработке у внимания к свойствам окружающего мира, пополнения словарного запаса детей, знакомства с лексическим значением слова, развития слуховой, а позднее зрительной памяти, выработки орфографической зоркости.
Расширяя кругозор детей, знакомя их с окружающим миром, развивая и обогащая речь, загадки имеют неоценимое значение в формировании способности к творчеству: логического мышления (способность к анализу, синтезу, сравнению, сопоставлению), элементов эвристического мышления (способность выдвигать гипотезы, ассоциативность, гибкость, критичность мышления). Процесс отгадывания, по мнению современных педагогов, является своеобразной гимнастикой, мобилизующей и тренирующей умственные силы ребенка.
Отгадывание загадок оттачивает и дисциплинирует ум, приучая детей к четкой логике, к рассуждению и доказательству. Отгадывание загадок можно рассматривать как процесс творческий, а саму загадку – как творческую задачу.
При обучении английскому языку очень часто загадки используются для передачи национально-культурного опыта и знаний, с дальнейшей реализацией полученного в процессе обучения.
Наш сборник сделает изучение английского языка увлекательным и творческим процессом.
Загадки по темам
We are we are we
Are we are we are we are
Many in our hill.
I spend all my time
Picking ants up with my tongue.
It is a busy life.
I sleep by day,
I fly by night.
I have no feathers
To aid my flight.
A very pretty thing am I,
Fluttering in the pale-blue sky.
Delicate, fragile on the wing,
Indeed I am a pretty thing.
Wingless we went in,
But we emerged as fliers —
And oh, such colors!
I have no hatchet
And yet I fell a forest
My teeth are my tools
Brown are their toes,
Striped are their clothes,
Tell me this riddle
And you can pull my nose.
Busy craftsmen in their homes
Cluster on the honeycombs.
Black, but not a raven,
Horned, but not a bull,
Six legs without hoofs,
Flying and buzzing all around,
Landing and digging in the ground.
My first is in chocolate but not in ham,
My second is in cake and also in jam,
My third at tea-time is easily found,
My whole is a friend who is often around.
He is a boastful, puffed-up fellow,
Wearing spurs, eyes gleaming yellow.
As he proudly struts about
He is in charge, there is no doubt.
Four stiff-standers,
Four dillydanders,
Two hookers,
Two lookers,
And a flip-flap.
Eight were standing
Two were cracking
Two were looking.
Raucously we caw.
Your straw men do not fool us.
We burgle your corn.
My first is in window but not in pane,
My second is in road but not in lane,
My third is in oval but not in round,
My whole is known as a sign of peace,
And from Noah is Ark won quick release.
Old Mister Puddididdle
Played in the muddy puddle,
He had yellow socks and shoes
And a cap of greens and blues,
He was often in a muddle.
Now guess the riddle.
We are wrinkled hulks
With astonishing noses
Our ears block the sun.
From nests in the clouds
We survey our dominion
With telescope eyes.
Flip flop fleezy,
When it is in, it is easy.
But when it is out,
It flops all about.
Flip flop fleezy.
Alive without breath,
As cold as death,
Never thirsty, ever drinking,
All in mail never clinking.
Long legs
Short thighs
Bald head
And bullet eyes.
If I give a little clue
You will soon see what I mean,
Because my legs are long and thin,
Only one is often seen.
She is a long-necked animal.
Her name starts with G.
She stretches up high
To eat leaves from a tree.
My first is in dog but isn't in cat,
My second is in glove but not in hat,
My third is in flame but isn't in smoke,
My fourth is jester but not in joke.
My whole makes no fuss about what it will eat,
And is known to be nimble on its four feet.
What has:
Six legs, two heads,
Four ears, two hands,
But walks
On four feet?
(Horse and rider)
What always goes to bed with his shoes on?
A shoemaker makes shoes without leather
With all the four elements put together.
Fire and water, earth and air,
Every customer takes two pair.
As I went over Lincoln Bridge,
I met Mister Rusticap,
Pins and needles on his back,
A-going to Thorny Fair.
I, the hoverer,
Sip the nasturtium's nectar
And sing with my wings.
Boneless, translucent,
We undulate, undulate,
She jumps, jumps, jumps!
Her name starts with K.
She has a pocket in front
Where her baby can stay.
Safe inside my pouch
Sleeps the future of my kind —
Delicate and frail.
A button-shaped nose
And rwo turted ears,
I live far away
Across the sea,
I look like a bear
But live among leaves
Of the eucalyptus tree.
It has two eyes,
A button nose,
It lives in trees,
And it eats leaves.
My first is woman,
My second a bird,
My whole is an insect
I give you my word.
My tail is long, my coat is brown,
I like the country, I like the town.
I can live in a house or live in a shed,
And I come out to play when you are in bed.
If not for the cat,
And the scarcity of cheese,
I could be content.
You would scarcely believe
That one dwarf could heave
A whole mountain range
On our lawn. That is strange!
How foolish I am.
Why am I drawn to the flame
Which extinguishes?
As black as ink and is not ink,
As white as milk and is not milk,
As soft as silk and is not silk,
And is a thief but does not know it.
Without hammer or hands
A house now stands.
A house of wood in a hidden place
Built without nails or glue
High above the earthen ground
It holds pale gems of blue.
Look closely and you will find
A home of a different kind,
For I'm built with stones or bricks
But moss, leaves, and broken sticks,
I'm found near banks, hedgerows too,
Or hidden high away from you.
Hoot! Hoot! Hoot!
I wonder if you know
This night bird's name
It begins with an O.
My first is in ocean but never in sea,
My second's in wasp but never in bee,
My third is in glider and also in flight,
My whole is a creature that comes out at night.
I hunt in woods and gardens
With black, beady eyes,
My young are hatched in nests,
Some say I'm very wise,
My beak is hooked, my claws are strong,
I sleep throughout the day,
With feathers that are soft and smooth
Quietly, I fly away.
I snack on my back,
Crack my dinner on my chest —
Bliss in the water.
I run very fast,
My legs are long,
When others are tired
I am still going strong,
My head is quite small,
My neck is stretched high,
I am the largest bird
But I cannot fly.
My first is twice in apple
But not once in tart.
My second is in liver
But not in heart.
My third is in giant
And also in ghost.
Whole I'm best when I am roast.
Gaudily feathered,
With nothing at all to say,
I can't stop talking
More eyes have I than I do need for sight,
A cry have I that is both sharp and clear,
A tail have I more fit for show than flight,
Admired am I wherever I appear.
Don't think about it —
Just leave the vicinity
If you hear my tail.
(Rattling Snake)
Long ears, cotton tail,
His name begins with R.
For a tasty, crunchy carrot,
This animal will hop far.
I prefer a bed of lettuce to any other kind,
And frolicking about is most often on my mind.
My ears are long, and short my tail.
If you try to catch me you will fail.
I nibble green lettuce
To make me grow strong,
My tail's soft and fluffy,
But not very long,
My ears listen out
As I race with ease,
Then rest in the cornfield,
Or play in the breeze.
Who is he that runs without a leg
With his house on his back?
Its belly is linen
Its neck velvet
Its mouth music
Its tail a fork.
My first is in fish and also in chips,
My second's in mouth but not in lips,
My third is ache but not in pain,
My fourth is my third all over again,
My fifth is in pupil but isn't in class,
My whole is a beast that feeds on the grass.
I move silently without wings,
Between silvery, silken strings,
And there stretched in the grass
You'll see my web as you pass.
I'm a busy active creature,
Full of mirth and play by nature,
Nimbly I skip from tree to tree,
To get the food that's fit for me,
Then let me hear, if you can tell,
What is my name and where I dwell.
I have a bushy tail
And bright, brown eyes,
My home is in a thee
I've built up high,
When snow is on the ground,
Before summer ends
My food I'll have found
I am slow I am.
Slowest of the slow I am.
In my tree I am.
When I raise my tail,
Expressing my displeasure,
Even wolves make tracks.
A squirrel has a bushy one.
It starts with a T.
My dog has a happy one.
She wags it for me.
He rows quickly with four oars
But never comes out from under his own roof?
I can not fly, I can not run,
I shelter from the mid-day sun,
Upon my back my house is placed,
I crawl along, but once I raced,
And now when danger lurks around,
Inside I pop, all safe and sound.
One where none should be,
Or maybe where two should be,
Seeking out purity,
In the kings trees.
Big and gray,
With so many teeth,
Searching all day
For flocks of sheep
And helpless prey.
This animal's name
Begins with a Z.
She looks like a pretty
Spriped pony to me.
I really come from Africa,
But can be seen in zoos,
I look like a horse
And a donkey too,
You really can't mistake me,
I am a funny sight,
I'm sure you will know
My black and white stripes.
Явления природы
High in the sky
I can see with my eye
White horses are grazing.
Isn't that amazing?
Full and heavy it hangs in the skies,
And feeds the earth as it cries.
Fluffy and light,
I live in the sky,
My shape ever changing
As I go by.
What can you catch but not throw?
The greater it is
The less you see of it.
It can not be seen, cannot be felt,
Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.
It lies behind stars and under hills,
And empty holes it fills.
It comes first and follows after,
Ends life, kills laughter.
I'm sometimes strong and sometimes weak,
But I am nobody's fool.
For there is no language I can't speak
Though I never went to school.
I am something that no one has ever seen,
But many have heard me,
And I won't speak unless I'm spoken to.
As long as I live I eat,
But when I drink I die.
Give it food and it will live,
Give it water and it will die.
I can be touched
But I hurt those who touch me
I move swiftly through a dry forest
But die in a mountain stream
Where I pass I leave a black shroud.
Goes over all the hills and hollows,
Bites hard, but never swallows.
You'll find me in the morning
And also late at night,
You need warm clothes when I'm about
So wrap up snug and tight,
I make patterns on your window,
I turn the grass white, too,
Now read the first two lines again
And then you'll have a clue.
What lives in winter,
Dies in summer,
And grows with its root upwards?
You spread this on cake.
It is something you eat.
It begins with an I.
Taste it – it's sweet!
Fire won't burn me,
Water won't drown me
Wherever I am it's cold all around me.
I am something
That makes everything visible,
But am myself unseen.
What can fill a room
But takes up no space.
It's up in the sky
With the stars, shining bright.
The first letter is M,
And it lights up the night.
Nearly bright as the sun,
Sometimes dark as space.
Like a pearl on black velvet,
With diamonds twinkling in a case.
My face is pale, and full and fair,
And round it beauty spots there are,
By day, indeed, I seem less bright,
I'm only seen sometimes at night.
And when the sun has gone to bed
I then begin to show my head.
What has rits as nobody sees,
Is taller than trees,
Up, up it goes,
And yet never grows?
Stronger than steel,
And older than time,
They are more patient than death
And shall stand even when the stars have ceased to shine.
Their strength is embedded
In riits buried deep
Where the sands and frosts of ages
Can never hope to touch or reach.
I am something that comes with a train,
Goes with a train,
Is of no use to the train,
And yet the train can't go without me.
Through wind and rain I always play,
I roam the earth, yet here I stay,
I crumble stones, and fire cannot burn me,
Yet I am soft you can gauge me with your hand.
Runs all day and never walks
Often murmurs, never talks.
It has a bed, but never sleeps?
It has a mouth but never eats.
I don't have feet
To skip or hop,
Yet I can run
And never stop.
Violet, indigo, blue and green,
Yellow, orange and red,
These are the colours you have seen
After the storm has fled.
Up high the ribbons descend,
Forming a colorful blend.
You'll find I'm very bright
And pretty too, they say,
But you cannot see me
Until dark clouds roll away,
And then I shall appear
When the sun peeps through again,
A bow to brighten up your day
As sunshine follows rain.
What is the thing which,
Once poured out,
Cannot be gathered again?
Me riddle, me racket,
Suppose I tell you this riddle,
And perhaps not,
There is something moves all day
And all night and never stops.
I stretch as far as you can see,
Sometimes I'm out when you want me,
I'm in and out every day,
And when I'm in you'll laugh and play.
In bright sunshine,
I'm always here.
But turn off the lights
And I disappear.
I am something
That has form and size
And can bee seen,
Yet I cannot be felt,
And I neither substance
Nor weight.
There is thing that nothing is,
And yet it has a name:
It's sometimes tall
And sometimes short,
It tumbles if we fall.
It joins our sport,
And plays at every game.
The part of the bird
That's not in the sky,
Who can swim in the ocean
And yet remain dry.
Each morning I appear
To lie at your feet,
All day I follow
No matter how fast you run,
Yet I nearly perish
In the midday sun.
They are Dark,
And always on the run.
Without the sun,
Would be none.
I'm as small as an ant,
As big as a whale.
I'll approach like a breeze,
But can come like a gale.
By some I get hit,
But all have shown fear.
I'll dance to the music,
Though I can't hear.
Of names I have many,
Of names I have one.
I'm as slow as a snail,
But from me you can't run.
I like to pay a visit
About this time of year,
And you are glad to see me
When I suddenly appear,
For if it's very cold
You can play with me all day
But when she sun shines brightly,
Quickly I'll go away.
High born, my touch is gentle,
Purest white is my lace,
Silence is my kingdom,
Green is the color of my death.
As beautiful as the setting sun,
As delicate as the morning dew,
An angel's dusting from the stars
That can turn the Earth into a frosted moon.
White bird, featherless,
Flying out of paradise,
Flying over sea and land,
Dying in my hand.
At night they come without being fetched,
And by day they are lost without being stolen.
Always quiet,
Always creeping,
Awake at night,
In daytime sleeping.
I'm like a garden
Of blossoms bright
That only blooms
In dark of night.
I daily am in France and Spain,
At times do all the world explore,
Since time began I've held my reign,
And shall till time will be no more.
I never in my life have strolled
In garden, field, or city park,
Yet all of these are sad and cold
If I'm not there and it is dark.
Inside a great blue castle
Lives a shy young maid
She blushes in the morning
And comes not out at night.
A golden treasure that never stays,
The coin whose face gives wealth to all.
Strands, nuggets, and dust of gold
Are all bought with its shining grace.
And all are more precious than any gleaming metal.
I rise up every morning,
I'm never up at night,
Children love to see me
When I am warm and bright,
But if I'm hot and strong
Each flower drops its head,
And gardeners complain
And wish for rain instead.
The snow is thawing,
The rivers start flowing,
The birds arriving,
When does it happen?
The rye fields are ripening,
The heavens are shining,
The birds are rejoicing.
When does it happen?
What is it
That makes tears without sorrow
And takes its journey to heaven?
I am the black child of a white father,
A wingless bird, flying even to the clouds of heaven.
I give birth to tears of mourning in pupils that meet me,
Even though there is no cause for grief,
And at once on my birth
I am dissolved into air.
My mother has a sheet
Which she cannot double.
My father has so much money
To count it is trouble.
(Sky and Stars)
What can go through the water and yet
Not ever become the least bit wet?
You break it
Even if you name it.
What is always coming, but never arrives?
What eats rocks,
Levels mountains,
Rusts metal,
Pushes the clouds
Across the sky,
And can make a young man old?
Mountains will crumble and temples will fall,
And no man can survive its endless call.
This thing all things devours:
Bird, beast, trees, flowers,
Gnaws iron, bites steel,
Grinds hard stones to meal,
Slays king, ruins town,
And beats high mountain down.
Fatherless and Motherless,
Born without sin
Roared when it came into the world,
And never spoke again.
Voiceless it cries,
Wingless it flutters,
Toothless bites,
Mouthless mutters.
This stars with a W.
I like it! It's wet!
I splash in a tub of it.
Look how clean I can get.
I am something that can run
But can't walk.
Three lives have I.
Gentle enough to soothe the skin,
Light enough to caress the sky
Hard enough to crack rocks.
I run smoother than any rhyme,
I love to fall but cannot climb.
I tremble at each breath of air,
And yet can heaviest burdens bear.
Though it's close to toys eyes you'll have to admit
You never get more than a gimpse of it.
I tremble and shake at the least breath or breeze,
Yet I can take as much weight as you please.
The meadows are snowy,
The forests are frosty,
The north winds are gusty
When does it happen?
Round as an apple,
Deep as a cup,
All the King's horses
Can't pull it up.
The first letter is an X.
It's a picture of me.
It's shows all my bones.
For the doctor to see.
(X ray)
A tree has twelve branches
With four nests each the same.
Each nest has seven birds,
And each bird has a name.
(Year, month, weeks, and days)
I am something
That every living person has seen,
But no one will ever see me again.
If the rope is folded
It reaches the well,
Unfolded, it doesn't
What is it, pray tell?
(Arm and mouth)
I am something that is lighter that a feather,
And yet harder to hold.
The man who invent it, doesn't want it.
The man who bought it, doesn't need it.
The man who needs it, doesn't know it.
We are a pair,
We can dart here and there,
Though we always stay in one place.
We can smile or shed tears,
Show our pleasure or fears,
And you'll find us on everyone's face.
I am a window,
I am a lamp,
I am clouded,
I am shining,
And I am coloured,
Set in white,
I fill with water and overflow.
I say much,
But I have no words.
I'm double, I'm single,
I'm black, blue and grey,
I'm read from both ends,
And the same either way.
I am forever, and yet was never.
White and thin,
Red within,
With a nail at the end.
I am something that is often
Where I don't exist.
It's the part of your body
You put into your shoe.
It starts with an F,
And we each have two.
My second is performed by my first,
And, it is thought,
A thief by the marks of my whole
Might be caught.
The more you take
The more you leave behind.
In sand and in mud,
I'm easy to find.
You're always in front,
I'm always behind.
A father's child
A mother's child
Yet no one's son.
What have you that a pin has too?
And no doubt about it
You are both worse without it!
Can not be bought,
Can not be sold,
Even if it's made of gold.
Tell me now, what is it that
Is over your head and under your hat?
I am something that always increases
The more I am shared with others.
If you break me
I do not stop working,
If you touch me
I may be snared,
If you lose me
Nothing will matter.
I cut through evil
Like a double eedged sword,
And chaos flees at my approach.
Balance I single-handedly upraise,
Through battles fought with heart and mind,
Instead of with my gaze.
Who is a son of my father
And not my brother?
What creature, goes on four feet in the morning,
On two at noonday, on three in the evening?
Two little holes
In the side of a hill
Just as you come
To the cherry-red mill.
(Nose and mouth)
I am something everybody tends to overlook
No matter how careful he is.
I run, yet I have no legs.
This starts with an N.
You know it quite well.
It's right on your face.
You use it to smell.
Take away my first letter,
Take away my second letter,
Take away all my letters,
And remain the same.
I am something that is too much for one,
Enough for two,
But nothing at all for three.
Of all the different kinds of bowls,
The only one that's made with holes.
Without a bridle, or a saddle,
Across a thing I ride a straddle.
And those I ride, by help of me,
Though almost blind, are made to see.
I went into the woods and got it
I sat down to seek it
I brought it home with me
Because I couldn't find it.
Often held but never touched,
Always wet but never rusts,
Often bites but seldom bit,
To use me well you must have wit.
Twelve white ponies,
On a red hill,
Always moving,
But standing still.
A harvest sown and reaped on th same day
In an unplowed field,
Which increases without growing,
Remains whole though it is eaten
Within and without,
Is useless and yet
The staple of nations.
You must keep it
After giving it.
(Your word)
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