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Текст книги "The person as the hologram"

  • Текст добавлен: 6 августа 2017, 00:20

Автор книги: Юрий Низовцев

Жанр: Философия, Наука и Образование

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Formation of objects of various forms according to the form-building abilities (matrixes), which are available for the living being, apparently, is carried out by the type of operation of 3D-printer known to us.

As a result, around the person (and in it) appear concrete objects in motion, i.e. the environment.

As you can see, both in a television receiver, and in the living being separate portions of information in the form of pulse signals owing to a delay when processing is converted into a visible, moving picture of objects in time.

Only you are watching movie at screen, separate from yourself, and movie hasn't a direct bearing on you, and own picture you form yourself, although automatically, like any other living being – in yourself.

However all living beings in their variety are connected among themselves anyway, and connected with the things surrounding them.

In the same way television receivers (computers) in themselves don't work. To receive the image on the screen, it is necessary to connect them to power sources and to catch by means of antennas the signals from the general radio space, in which signals (radio waves) come from transmitters.

For living beings this radio space is a wavy holographic projection.

Approximately much like the image on the screen of the TV "undertakes" from the radiation of the certain transmitter (TV program), chosen by the TV viewer through of ether, and the living being "chooses" itself, the adjoining living beings and things (own time, or own beingness) for itself by means of a holographic projection according to the available set of sense organs at this being with their opportunities and opportunities of the centers processing information, bound with form-building abilities this living beings.

However this choice is carried out not from the transmitter, so how outside space transmitter cannot be, but, nevertheless, this transmitter on call is a infinite Nothingness which potentially is Everything (Uniform).

Therefore the specified choice carries out the living being thanks to the form-building abilities which are available for it (they can't but be in the active, being at their absence as the passive owing to impossibility to exhibit itself) by means of own sense organs – by their "contact" through a holographic projection, similar to some extent to radio space for TVs and radio receivers, with this Nothingness, which is similar to some kind of transmitter containing potentially everything.

This nothingness makes sense to call by Uniform, since everything is merged in its infinity.

From this potential everything (Uniform) the active component (individual consciousness) of the living being produces the specified choice of own time (its surrounding), as well as single consciousness on the basis of all set of living beings produces the choice of global beingness in the form of universes with a network of the stars and planets creating as a result a favorable situation for existence of all live.

At this only living beings can be actors in this eternal performance of beingness, inasmuch all the rest in beingness has no the sense organs and the information processing centers, and therefore can't carry out the choice for its existence by determination of the corresponding forms (this choice in each living being correspond to its form-building abilities). The person, in addition, can carry out this choice upon own conscious desires.

Form-building abilities of each living being correspond to its sense organs, and their automatic action is controlled by single consciousness.

All this wouldn't be possible, if each living being in its basis wasn't part of the total hologram of a projection of the infinite Uniform and did not coincided thereby with it.

Exactly the holographic nature in the basis of living beings allows them to be separate, living every time by own life, having own time, own beingness, and along with that in the set – to be the single being who is eternal both in its singularity, and in each its separateness.

At this, life of a body of the living being comes to the end when the passive component of each living being loses the form, which provides the vital functions of a body unlike the active component of the living being which is capable to keep the own form (individuality), resulting the eternal individual consciousness should "shift" self into a new bodily form after each collapse of the passive components of the body.

Coincidence of everyone separate active in the living being with single active (single consciousness) in the hologram means their indissoluble communication and in beingness. In particular, for this reason single consciousness provides automatic functioning of an organism of each living being.

It must be assumed that the specified analogy will bring bigger understanding offered by us of the model of Creation and a way of functioning of Creation, as well as won't allow to equate this model to solipsism.

Confirmation of the fact of impossibility of self-generation of alive organisms on Earth is that relatively recently were found traces of organisms, at which could not but be a genome, in the most ancient on the Earth sedimentary rocks in the southwestern part of Greenland: it were traces of complex cellular structures whose age is at least 3.86 billion years.

So, most likely, the first forms of life could have arisen as a result of hitting to Earth with meteorites [5].

In other words, how many Creation exists, so much and life exist in development – from bacteria to mammals

As for a genome, then it is based on the program, copied by the active in a projection from Uniform on the molecular chains of a genome in accordance with the form-building abilities, which are available for it, for each case.

2.2. Information as the exclusive peculiarity of the active.

As is known, heritable information at bacteria is stored in the form of a DNA sequence of nucleotides that specify an amino acid sequence in protein. Its own gene corresponds to each protein, i. e. discrete site on DNA, different number and specificity of the nucleotide sequence.

The very same information in a general sense is data about the state of material objects that are identified by these or other means.

It follows from this that the grouping of these or those data (information) cannot be carried out by objects of lifeless matter.

To identify, to receive (to copy) and to use the desired set of data can only the being possessing, at least, form-building abilities (patterns, tracing, matrices, and so on), means of scanning of the environment, data from which are transmitted to processing centers of this being. This identified information is used in one form or another after decoding.

It means that information in the form of a code of a genome could be copied, compacted as coded program, and placed on the corresponding molecular chain only by a reasonable being, which is able to do it.

Though, of course, and without material objects-carriers including consciousness, information doesn't exist. Generally information arises only at allocation by the consciousness from general "noise" of those data which the consciousness is capable to recognize according to the form-building abilities.

Information arises only in the active (consciousness) thanks to the means which are available for the consciousness carrier – sensations for the person, – being the material copy of fragments of objects from Uniform, identified by consciousness, available to sense organs, products of which is processed by the relevant centers for forming thereby of the current time and things, which are moved in space.

Data about the respective recognized objects from Uniform in the form of separate portions-impulses consistently come through sense organs of the living being to the centers of their processing. Each impulse, thus, contains an information copy of the corresponding fragments of objects from Uniform.

This copy completely updates the previous copy in the course of its processing in the centers of the living being. At this, the existing gap or pause between the impulses, arriving one after another, falls out for consciousness of the living being due to certain duration of processing every portion of information, and of the delay arising thereby, doing for consciousness discrete process of receipt of information as continuous.

This delay (inertia of perception) is reflected in consciousness of the living being by perception by it consistently of separate portions of information which is processed by its centers in the form of ever-changing picture of things among which it is, and with which it can interact.

The living being is in this case as if in the changing picture, formed by its consciousness like the character of a computer game, but with that difference that it self "produces" this "game" by means of sense organs and the centers processing information. In other words, the current irreversible present time emerges for each living being – its "now".

Thus, information arriving discretely (by means of single consciousness) is converted automatically for each person into things, images, meanings, sensations which are also quite material components for each individual consciousness, which entails the subsequent actions of the carrier of consciousness.

On the basis of this changed information, together with personal and genetic memory and already in many respects consciously produced thoughts (process of knowledge), as well as experiences, aspirations, perception of separate objects and imagination, the person every moment of his present time interacts with environment which as beingness in general is formed by single consciousness whereas through available set of sense organs of each living being is formed its personal surroundings and, partly, the being with the hidden help of single consciousness.

In this regard "worlds", for example, of a birch, an earthworm, a cuttlefish and the person are absolutely various both in thingness, and in temporary manifestation, but they have as the general basis – beingness, which is formed by single consciousness.

All actions of the being, having consciousness, are carried out in this thru process only on condition of inflow in its consciousness of the corresponding portions of information, each of which is processed, putting in certain duration ("now"), making a number of consecutive moments from the birth to death of the carrier of consciousness.

So, eternal, but discrete update and keeping of beingness is produced through the finite living beings who are not only owners of sense organs, but also – owners of consciousness. This process results from interaction of a temporal holographic projection and timeless, infinite Uniform in the face respectively of the active (consciousness) and the passive from Uniform. At this, information is the bridge which connects them and forms eventually as the world, surrounding living beings, and self these beings. The infinite at this is expressed in the finite infinitely, but discretely.

The active in the form of living beings is essence of beingness and all Creation.

2.3. Two types of manifestation of the active in beingness.

However the active has, at least, two faces.

One of them – the lowest – is all beings, living their lives, not understanding ourselves. They live by sensations, instincts, reflexes and they don't go beyond their limits. The main property of the lowest form of the active in the living being consists in aspiration to individual survival.

Activity in a living being is expressed in adequate response to all influences of a surrounding medium for a survival, preservation and improvement. The last pursues the aim of increase of probability of the same survival in the offspring.

Adequacy of reaction is evolved by each form of the living being by long adaptation to the environment, inasmuch each disastrous deviation is postponed in patrimonial memory and becomes taboo, and each positive interaction is also fixed, remembered and used by this form of the living being taking into account all changes of the environment in time.

The formed algorithms of actions are stabilized and used by these or those local centers of the living being (the person has several such centers and the main center is considered the brain) for processing of the entering information in the form of standard programs.

According to these programs the living being acts in process which is called life. Any essential deviation from a sphere of these programs leads the living beings either to gradual correction and addition of the programs (evolution), or to disappearance of this form of the living beings.

Thus, each living being receives from own sensors (sense organs) only understandable (the useful to survival) to the organism in the grouping, as a result, data about the surroundings in the form of the phenomena. These data are clear to an organism not on sense, and upon their usefulness and need: they are acceptable for competitive functioning of an organism in its ecological niche.

These data in the form of the phenomena, if they are necessary for full functioning of the living being, more precisely, if they are selected by it, can be qualify as information after their processing in the relevant centers of an organism by the available programs.

In this regard, the living being reminds the computer, however, differing from it in the fact that programs on the basis, which is determined by single consciousness, are not put in it by some programmer, but sometimes they are formed millions of years gradually by corresponding modification of already available genome, covering all sphere of interaction of this type of the living being with surroundings and being transferred thanks to gradual modification of a genome to the offspring and by that being improved continuously up to the greatest possible limit.

Therefore each living being is bound genetically to all chain of ancestors. Its programs take into account all mistakes of ancestors, as well as they use all their achievements in the respective sphere of stay which is determined by a set of sense organs. In relation to this sphere each living being is almost ideal and any essential changes of the software having in it lead to loss of its viability in this sphere, being the actual failures of the main programs. Dogs perish or run wild without owners, i.e. they correct the algorithms of actions towards the return to previous programs.

In particular, in this regard any artificial (simulated) programs, changing this or that organism, for example, gene modification (engineering) lead to loss of operational stability of an organism in the sphere of its natural functioning and, therefore, to loss of ability to compete efficiently in it, i.e. loss of viability, which is determined by impossibility of single-step coordination of changes made and indigenous programs.

Therefore, as a rule, the gene-modified living being rather quickly perishes; it is also either not capable to have offspring, or its offspring becomes unviable.

Taking part in informational process, all living beings, everyone in own way, "weave" their own worlds as well as all Creation in their set whereas things are only material and tools (the same computer) for this eternal process.

If living beings, though not comprehending the process, but perceiving it by each cell, create the own worlds and the common world for all in which they live and develop, then all of them, certainly, participate in informational process.

Really, definition of information as procedures of obtaining data on state of the material objects, which living beings are capable to identify by means of sense organs and the centers processing these data for "immersion" into the environment which is acceptable for life, allows dividing all known objects on two parts.

Some objects are not capable to receive data, which are acceptable for the organization of own existence, i.e. information, inasmuch they do not have the necessary means for this purpose – sense organs and the centers processing information, operating, at least, for providing own survival.

These objects thereby, in principle, can have no life or personality, which is characteristic of the person.

Therefore, so to speak, lifeless objects are manifested only to provide life and subjectivity to other objects – to beings which are capable to allocate themselves and surroundings, suitable for the existence, by means of informational process during which all set of the living beings converts entering informational packages into the current "common" time, and each living being – in its own time, forming thereby beingness.

In other words, lifeless objects (things) have no independent existence, but are manifested by the living beings, forming for them habitat.

Imperishable activity of living beings in the form of their continuous updating at all levels not only provides their own existence, in particular, in the form of biological life, but also holds them and things manifested by them in the form of beingness known to us, without which Creation as a whole cannot be present, as such, i.e. Creation without living beings can be qualified as a non-existence.

If to tell about manifestation in beingness of the active in that form with which we are familiar then it is, first of all, the consciousness of ordinary living beings (ubiquitous flora and fauna). These beings do not realize themselves in own time though they form it through informational process. Nevertheless, they provide during this informational process both own existence, and existence of all else without exception.

In this regard the question arises: if there are the beings which do not understand themselves, live only by sensations, then why not to be and to beings which are capable to understand themselves on the basis of own sensations and thereby to use the flows of information more efficient, i.e., in fact, – own time of life.

We know the answer to this question, inasmuch, at least, primates on Earth were transformed somehow from the beings, which do not understand themselves, to the beings, understanding that each of them is the individual, i.e., understanding that it is subjectivity, separated of the environment, and to use this, arranging themselves more comfortable existence among artificial things, as well as trying to reorganize the world how they want and how they can make by means of existing tools, perhaps, and with the best intentions.

However, in the social plan these intentions do not work because of the various considerations of each person and owing to inconsistency of human nature which, on the one hand, wishes to take away all conceivable goodness only for themselves and own circle (the owner's instinct), and on the other hand, preaches aspiration to universal happiness and wellbeing.

As a result, the human community in the form of a civilization appears incapable to realize itself as the subject and cannot be manifested as independent formation with the uniform purposes and intentions – the civilization appears only as the convenient environment for acts of the person. It is formed by the living beings at coincidence of a number of conditions, the main of which is the readiness to formation at the living beings of self-consciousness is, and breaks up at approach of a point of a singularity – completion of own time of this finite formation [6, chapter 5].

Thus, people and the living beings, similar to people belong to the second face.

Their main difference from other live world is that they are capable to recognize themselves, i.e. – to understand own (individual) existence in time, and thereby to separate themselves from surroundings, receiving ability to targeted change it and themselves, accelerating development of own consciousness and acquiring in addition to sensations also desire to express themselves individually and collectively upon own understanding and in accordance with their projects both in the course of knowledge, and in the sphere of emotions and acts.

The main property of the highest form of the active in a living being is aspiration at least to the local harmony with the possible spread of it up to the general harmony.

Both of these active faces in the person – the lowest and highest consciousness – are opposite on the essence and their aspirations remain fruitless: each of them in the person does not reach respectively either immortality, or harmony in its finite expression.

Aspiration of the living being in its lowest consciousness to a survival does not give to this beings of eternal life as the finite, inevitably coming to the end both with disintegration of its body (death), and the termination as a result of existence of entire its sort.

Aspiration of the living being in its highest consciousness to harmony both individually and in patrimonial expression also comes to the end with the full breakdown for the same reason – its finite expression.

In the person both forms (properties) of consciousness are integrated (fused together), bringing in him an additional contradiction owing to their opposite aspirations: an egocentrism, on the one hand, and collectivism in its conscious expression, with another.

This contradiction significantly accelerates development of human community in comparison with other types of live communities. But the accelerated development of human community (civilization) rather quickly ends by disintegration as any finite. The question is only in terms.

Along with that is distinctly looked through, that beings with the lowest consciousness need no other type of consciousness for life, whereas the possession for life only by one highest consciousness (self-consciousness) is impossible in a separation from the lowest consciousness.

Besides, self-consciousness in itself doesn't fit into natural life at all, removing the being, which understands itself, from environment, and doing the beings in its finite expression not of this world, which ignores the survival problem, its extreme expression is suicide. Self-consciousness leaves the person in loneliness in front of horror of life where the relations of the living beings are reduced to devouring one another.

Therefore meaningless to speak about "production" by the nature during evolution of the beings which are conscious of themselves in time, but drop out of the natural "pot" in their self-conscious part.

Similar being in the highest part of own consciousness has no relation to the nature, inasmuch only at one this part it isn't capable to devour anybody, on the contrary, in this part it as a result always strives for the highest good for all, which is impossible for the nature as a whole and for the human race in particular.

So that any living being with the one lowest consciousness is not capable in itself to the detriment of own survival in the environment to be transformed to the being with self-consciousness, which in certain degrees deprives this being of the ability to survival owing to the separation from the environment.

Supplementing the lowest consciousness, self-consciousness automatically worsens and narrows action of the lowest consciousness of the living being in environment, on the one hand, but gives to the living being the chance to act in the artificial "atmosphere", created by this new being.

So, self-consciousness, which is not capable to exist in the person separately from the lowest consciousness, is required for other purposes, especially as if to compare by analogy the living being with the computer, whose sensors correspond to sense organs in the living being, and processors correspond to the centers of information processing in it, then this living being, as any computer, will not be able itself to transform of itself into formation for the solution of essentially new tasks without addition to the available programs of other programs with the help of someone.

Therefore the being, which is capable to understand itself in its separateness from the environment, can't do without program by means of which is formed self-consciousness, giving to the living being ability to realize itself in conscious target actions, aimed not only on achievement of one utility for an organism.

It is clear that these programs, embedded in the genome of self-conscious being, – other, than at the ordinary living beings, and in themselves they doesn't arise due to the above contradictions between the lowest consciousness and the highest consciousness in the person.

Such target programs of self-consciousness are available for eternal single consciousness (the active of a holographic projection of Uniform) which has everything that it can receive from Uniform according to the form-building abilities, and these programs of self-consciousness can be applied by it, at least, in two cases.

First, it can occur at the peak of evolutionary process, when appear the beings, which are most advanced concerning potential abilities to recognition and processing of large and various volumes of information, potentially capable, besides, to purposeful information exchange among themselves and to target change of the environment (labor activity with use of the corresponding tools), for example, primates.

It is sufficient to complement existing programs by the program, which allows them to recognize themselves (additional form-building abilities) for gradual transfer these beings into self-conscious beings, separating and contrasting thereby themselves to surroundings, and, so, acquiring the ability not only to adapt to the environment, but also relatively quickly, effectively to change it in own interests and goals in accordance with beforehand constituted projects, learning on the go, but, losing largely own nature and setting themselves the unattainable goals.

Similar aspirations within the environment, which rejects them, lead the human community rather fast to crash due to the fact that the flows of information, the exponential growth which we are witnessing firsthand, all with great difficulty give in to adequate regulation.

This process is completed with emergence of chaos in the point of singularity (at confluence of an exponential curve with a vertical that means the informational collapse of own time of a civilization as finite formation.

Nevertheless, new abilities in the form of finding by the living being of self-consciousness to some extent compensate loss of purely native naturalness by it.

Secondly, on condition of existence on these or those planets of the environment, suitable for existence of the beings, similar to people, including flora and primitive fauna, the prototype of the person with the corresponding genome and programs can be copied and placed in this environment for gradual development in the designated framework.

The possibility of similar procedure finds confirmation in existence, in particular, on Earth of tens if not hundreds appearing and disappearing advanced civilizations, similar present civilization both during an era of dinosaurs and up to it, and after it, locally for hundreds of millions of years outside evolutionary development. Quite numerous artifacts, which remained from them, do not fit in the theory of Darwin and therefore are ignored [6, chapter 6].

The person – the most perfect, unique and completed representative of Creation as a whole, because he in own holographic basis combines the simplest frequency spectrum of things, the complex frequency spectrum of the living beings without self-consciousness (only sensing beings) and the most complex spectrum of the self-conscious beings.

If to recognize that the person is the hologram in his base, he, as well as any other part of the hologram, comprises everything, what is in this multiple infinite updating picture which consists from the finite changing formations.

At this combination (merge), each person is an image of Uniform, inasmuch he is equipped with everything that is only possible in Creation, – there is no only of eternity of Uniform. Anyway the person is the interaction of the lifeless, thingness components, the consciousness of the lowest level (the level of sensations) and the thinking, projecting, understanding itself consciousness which in its single expression "holds" all beingness in state of change, updating a projection of Uniform, and consciousness is a key link in dual system of Creation, doing it stable by means of removal from nothingness, into which without consciousness would turn everything.

The active (consciousness) in the person provides for itself the actual, though every time temporary life, which brings into consciousness the changes.

Consciousness in its individual expression, appearing in finite beings over and over again, keeps its active character, its main frequency basis due to actions in the resisting world, which consciousness seeks to change as soon as can, despite all obstacles arising before it.

Actions of the person, promoting restoration of frequency structure of individual consciousness, allow to each individual consciousness to be by eternal. Therefore, consciousness cannot be completely separated from the living beings and is compelled for preservation of itself again and again "to plunge" itself into the living beings. This way, i.e. – discretely, consciousness keeps itself eternally, as the active, through the finite in the form of the temporary worlds.

The stay of the active beginning in the person not only gives to the person as to a separate being, conscious life, higher which anything isn't present, but also each individual consciousness has an opportunity in actions of the person to be changed and along with that to keep own kernel from destruction, remaining, unlike things, as the eternal on the form and along with that, possessing individuality inherent only to it.

If on the monitor screen, like a human sleep, move only images of things, transformed from pulse radio signals, which aren't a "dense" matter, then in human consciousness (consciousness of any living being) in the course of consecutive coupling of packages-impulses of information, waves are converted mainly in the corpuscles, i.e. – into the changing world of things, apparently, according to the principle, close to the principle of operation of a 3D-printer.

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