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Автор книги: Юрий Низовцев

Жанр: Публицистика: прочее, Публицистика

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The United States against Russia. Whether everything is so obvious here?

Chapter 1

Who is right: Westerners or isolationists?

That's really for 300 years, since Peter I, Russia aims to become as the rightful European power, believing that if it is «wedged» into Europe geographically, it has right on this, forgetting that till XVIII century Russia was provincial east country and it didn't take part in any European affairs.

As a result, it didn't turn out anything at Russia, except visibility. Russia was only used: at first – by Germans and the Austrians, then – by British, and then – by all together, led by the USA. How many the Russian people were killed in wars absolutely unnecessary for Russia knows only one God.

I mean under the term "the Russian people" mix of Slavs, Ugro-Finnish, Turki and other nationalities formed during many hundreds of years on immense open spaces of Russia from the Carpathians to Kuriles and from the tundra to Central Asia, who have perceived not necessarily customs of the Slavs, but obligatory – Russian language and the Russian culture.

It seems, practice showed for a long time the full idiocy of aspiration of Russia to rightful cooperation with the Anglo-Saxon world assuming Russians as plebeians, gun meat, their highest layer – as selling and the despicable, but considering of themself – as inspired divinely, which are only capable to manage by the rest world. Only here the Anglo-Saxon world controls this world by means of promises, direct deception, enslaving loans, exclusive arrangements, an open robbery, gunboats, bribery of governors of other countries, inclined to corruption, etc.

But Russia still cannot calm down and realize the situation. She again recently made another attempt to join the "high" European civilization. This happened in 1991. The result we all know: Russia, as always, was deceived, its infrastructure largely destroyed, the population began to die out, the persons of administration turned into a vile compradors, exporting abroad accumulated over all the years of Russian wealth and natural resources, dividing it all together beforehand and decided to myself that if not the country, so at least we'll move with families with stolen money into "happy" West in any case.

By low literacy levels, they do not know that similar has happened near 1917: a lot of "smart guys" moved their capital abroad even before the October Revolution, and their capitals were no small, in terms of current dollars they were in many cases billions. However, with the minor exception, by 1929 all of these capitals disappeared somewhere, somewhere were being dissolved completely by legitimate way. The West does not recognize strangers and fleecing them as soon as possible, without sovereign support.

Some awareness of deeds came to the Russian authorities not so long ago, but whether late? And what the swindlers of all colors who sat down at all levels of control of Russia can make even something good, if only, in the manner of Peter I, not to beat them up to death for bribes?

Anglo-Saxons, having a higher level of consciousness than Russian, which they were accumulating for about the millennium in permanent development and what allowed them to create the most strong, technically equipped, educated civilization with the initiative population, nevertheless, strongly don't hold out to the level of consciousness in case of which it is a shame to plunder feeble for the sake of own short-time – private life is too short – prosperity. And this prosperity is rather doubtful, judging by the continuous degradation of Western society, completely having forgotten of precepts of Christ at the hypocritical church services and praise to the Divine stranger, replacing its own population by alien Arabs, Africans, etc. However, they claim that everything is correct because goes according to objective laws of social development, but in fact, they reduce the practical activities by the most primitive way to the right of the strong.

Naturally, false values couldn't but lead the West to process of degradation which was manifested in it in recent years by the most menacing way.

Individualism, aspiration to personal wellbeing by all means, up to deception of others, less developed peoples, the hypocritical democracy which is reduced not to creation of opportunities for implementation by people of really their free aspirations, but leading them to models in advance selected and prepared by elite which, for example, in the USA provide a choice only from two, in fact, for the people of identical candidates now, who, naturally, serve not to the people, but only to elite. Individualism, deception and hypocrisy always finally lead to crash the society infected with them.

Substitution of true values by the false makes senseless of each specific life, doing out of live, free under initial essence people, the dummies moving by certain rules: they are, however, sleek, protected, satisfied with it and they despise of all remaining, not entering in their circle. But such life doesn't allow to develop in them to truly free aspirations because liberty assumes, first of all, not independence, but, at least, respect, help, sympathy to the near and to the far without what the person is lost: assumes collaboration for the public goodness without exception.

The famous philosopher of the last decades Alexander Zinoviev wrote about this phenomenon, which he called as the Westernism, so: "The meaning of life of westernoids (citizens of the West) was reduced eventually to two points: 1) to achieve the highest standard of life or at least to retain the reached level; 2) to get the maximum personal liberty, independence from people around as well as personal security. The first aspiration does the person as the pragmatic, the second – pushes him on self-isolation … The problem "To be or to have?" the Westernism decided in favor "to Have" … Coldness and restraint, indifference to destiny of the neighbor, a deficit of "warm-heartedness", loneliness, feeling of uselessness …" is a consequence of superhuman relations [1].

Simple Russian people, though and has lagged behind in development of consciousness on some hundreds of years from Europeans because of medieval "hibernation" up to Peter I's era, but, nevertheless, owing to the reasons explained below, didn't lose conscience polls and, except of managers tempted with the power and its privileges with their spongers, don't allow itself to rob the weak and to scoff over the hapless under the pretext of the help as it is done by Europe together with America hourly with the remaining world.

At the same time, the constant aspiration of Russia to Europe wasn't completely fruitless. Russia much that borrowed at more developed and enterprising Europeans of the useful for all branches of the economy, military affairs, imbibed in itself the best achievements of the European culture and gradually reached level of the superpower, about what, for example, Germany dreamed, but "teeth broke off".

So that Russian Westerners, A. I. Herzen and P. Ya. Chaadayev are right regarding need of aspiration of Russia to the western cultural and technological values, but deeply are mistaken in the person of their liberal successors concerning reception of Russia as the equivalent partner in association of the leading countries of the world. Practice shows this daily.

Also and isolationists, successors of Slavophiles, supporters of a special Russian way, are partially right when claim that Russia in the root is not such as other countries, and can achieve alone much.

However, they don't understand, why it so, and their remaining ideas, as a rule, – a usual retrograde nonsense.

If you try to approve something, so you find the solid base at first, but don't slide on a surface.

For bigger clarity, we will estimate the main convictions of Westerners and isolationists concerning to Russia.

Westerners have considered national originality of Russia as its backwardness.

At first sight, apparently, this statement is too categorical and unfair.

It, really, is incorrect concerning national originality of Russia so as Russia strongly differs from other countries, and its main difference consists that it possesses by people with such unique properties saving for the whole world, that to surprise and delight of all remaining people of the world, exactly thanks to these properties both Napoleon, and Hitler were broken and trampled in ashes. These properties have not gone away and the Russian people will be able to assume care of a world and to rescue it again if it is necessary anywhere.

However the statement about backwardness of Russia is quite right regarding real temporal lag of Russia from Europe because of delay of development of Russia from the West on some hundreds of years.

P. Ya. Chaadayev, one of the first Westerners, spoke about it so: "Each people have a period of lively excitement, passionate concern, activities reckless and aimless… They are obliged to it by the brightest memories of heroic elements of the history, the poetry, all most strong and fruitful ideas; it is a necessary basis of any society … We don't have anything it. At first – wild barbarity, then – rough ignorance, then – furious and humiliating foreign dominion, which spirit were inherited later by our national power, – such is the sad side of our youth" [2].

This statement, of course, is insulting, but it accurately reflects, at least, temporal backwardness of Russia in institutional, technological, cultural and educational level from Europe for that time.

The general idea of Westerners is that Russia and Europe after reforms Peter I go by identical paths. Russia on this way should borrow experience of Europe and the educated minority in it should achieve release of the personality and create the state and society providing this liberty.

Here is correct only that Russia can borrow a lot of things on the way of development in more developed Europe.

However all remaining didn't happen still in spite of the fact that since appearance of first Westerners passed nearly two hundred years.

"The educated minority" of imperial Russia showed the full helplessness and insolvency in 1917, and was dispersed already as the Constituent assembly at the beginning of 1918. Less educated minority which was formed during the Soviet power, new in respect of liberate of the personality didn't invent anything. On the contrary, it emasculated even more and enslaved the personality within single and false ideology.

As for the thesis of Westerners, including here and Marxists, that Russia will catch up and will overtake the West, it is only possible to be surprised to their naivety and mechanicalness of their views.

Really can the unripe young man catch up and overtake by explosive way, for example, the mature man with his experience? The difference of unripe and mature, experimental consciousness remains practically invariable for the few years of this race. Read "Fathers and children" of I. S. Turgenev. Perhaps only that, the young man, having reached already maturity, at last, will understand thought and feeling, perhaps, already late father.

The modern domestic liberals-Westerners don't offer original anything, except the same aspiration to the blessed the West where don't wait for us as the equivalent partner at all.

By the way, about it insightful, though inconsistent Chaadayev P. Ya., wrote actually providentially: "All people of Europe have the general physiognomy, some family likeness … In addition to the general character, each of these people has still the private interest, but also that and another wholly are weaved from history and tradition. They make successive ideological heritage of these people. Each certain person uses the share of this inheritance, without labour and excessive efforts he accumulates into himself in life stock of this knowledge and skills and derives from them the benefit. Compare and tell, whether much we find at ourselves in daily use of elementary ideas by which we could be guided barely in life?… Would you like know, what it for ideas? These are ideas of debt, justice, right, order. They were born out of events which have created society there, they enter as a necessary element into social way of life of these countries. It also makes the atmosphere of the West; it is more, than the history, more, than the psychology, it is physiology of the European person. Than do you replace it at us?" [2].

Really, it is impossible to join to the alien organism, and it won't accept you and will always reject you or will make you by its colony, as it happened actually to Russia when after 1991 it has given itself on mercy of the West, supposing by naivety of the young consciousness that the West is same noble and fair as itself. But the West was the indifferent and the calculating in the relations with "someone else's" nations.

So hopes of domestic liberals for merge to the West are vain. If they don't understand it, they are inadequate, but if understand and continue to insist on it, they are compradors and traitors of the homeland who are handing over it to the West which already joyfully has received from Russia, destroyed, in fact, by the same the West in case of their active involvement, the income in the amount of not one trillion dollars for the last twenty years.

The Russian State still continues "to feed" strenuously the West and own elite, retaining at this overwhelming part of the population in poverty, probably, in hope that the West won't forget the assistants in elite of Russia, and correctly understanding that it is easier to control and direct the poor population, throwing it sometimes pathetic handouts.

The difference of public consciousness of the West outstripping the level of development of public consciousness of Russia on some centuries under no circumstances won't allow Russia to interact as equals with the West.

Here Westerners and Marxists confuse technical achievements with institutional, cultural and educational values, with experience and traditions.

It is technically possible to catch up and even to overtake the West under certain conditions and tension, as the Soviet Union made it, having created by the first a hydrogen bomb, having launched the satellite, but the Soviet Union didn't manage even to approach close to creation democratic institutes which are similar of the western, to establishment of more or less real independence of different branches of the power, more or less democratic choices, quality of a general education of the population, quality of medical attendance of all segments of the population, etc. The value of life in Russia and in the West is different that is manifested everywhere in the current life in relation of the authorities to ordinary people. But – not only in it. For example, Europeans and Americans didn't throw and didn't forget about the perished fighters. They found and reburied or, at least, marked places of burial of all the soldiers who were killed in battles of World War II, but in Russia millions of perished Russian soldiers still lie thrown and not buried in places of fights. Anybody doesn't look for them, except sparse enthusiasts, doesn't mark and doesn't rebury with honor in spite of the fact that they perished for the homeland and it should be eternally grateful to them at least by memory of them, produced by honorary burial of them in graves with signs and should not spare expense and attention to the aid of families of perished soldiers if they need it. It should be the first duty of the state. And Soviet and then and the Russian authorities the perished fighters simply wrote off and forgot about them.

Approach as Westerners, and Slavophiles to a peasant community is primitive.

It is known that Slavophiles, nativist and Westerners-socialists consider that the community is a basis of Russia whereas other part of Westerners supposed that the community is a remnant that it will disappear just as it disappeared in countries of Western Europe earlier. Respectively the first stood up for full support of a community, others – for transition to individual economy.

It is dispute not about that at all. Of course, eventually communities should to be broken up and give way to individual farms or collective farming of other form, as practice showed.

The thing is quite different. Peasant communities have disappeared in Russia recently. Do not forget also about the collective farms in the USSR. For this reason the consciousness of the Russian people still keeps, acting for many centuries in mass of the population, spirit of collectivism, mutual, sympathy of neighbor, reinforced by the fact that during the Soviet power individualism in no way encouraged, while in developed countries this spirit long gone away, replaced by individualism of private owner, which thinks only of himself.

That is national originality of the Russian people consists not in the community as Slavophiles claimed, but in consciousness of the people which many generations until recently were absorbing in themselves spirit of collectivism, support of the neighbor, friendship with it, but not hostility.

Russian people still keep this noble spirit, disinterestedly helping all who asks about it and do not wait for special gratitude. All other people are surprised, and some even sneer under "stupidity" of Russians who do not ask anything for support which sometimes was by the decisive for other peoples. If to remember the Soviet Union, Russians invested in economy of other republics so much that those began to live better, than Russians themselves who, in general, and did not complain.

This opposition of the Russian type of behavior, religiousness to values of more progressive the West was the main mistake of Slavophiles. It is impossible to oppose a one whole to another whole so as and an one, and another contain various components. Silly to cling to old way of life, outdated managing if more effective new appeared.

It is impossible to reproach Peter I with his aspiration to Europe so as without military and economic strengthening Russia would be already divided between her aggressive neighbors and what then would be with the Russian people? The Russian people quite could die out or be dissolved simply in other peoples which would begin to manage on their earth. The case is not in the correct seemingly behavior of the Russians and not in their religiosity about what they forgot after 1917, being at war with each other and throwing crosses with domes of churches. The case is in their consciousness, in which they have accumulated and have kept during many centuries those properties which is absent in consciousness of other peoples. We will in more detail tell below about it.

Slavophiles, as and present adherents of isolation of Russia, didn't understand and respectively don't understand that comparatively quickly change only the material, i.e. conditions, life of society, but public consciousness of the people, which was being developed for thousands of years, is changed extremely slowly and if it owing to these or those reasons acquired such positive features as it happened to the Russians, these properties are not going anywhere even in case of current changes in life, and the Russians during any regime and in the case of any cataclysms will remain in their mass as the same noble creations which are taking care about all unfortunate and lost above and more, than about themselves.

Chapter 2

Russia and the United States as two antipodes.

Russia prior to reign of Peter I if and has evolved, then this development was occurring extremely slowly. Institutes of the power were archaic, the governing layer in the majority was semiliterate and population of Russia was almost completely illiterate and lived according to antiquated codes. Respectively both the public consciousness and personal consciousness at similar stagnant society practically didn't develop.

The history went differently ways in other countries. At the beginning of the second millennium of our era the Charter of freedoms was accepted in England. In Italy and France of the Middle Ages the urban population had actually the same rights, as nobility. Parliaments, municipalities, judicial authorities, executive authorities functioned effectively, being substantially independently, students were trained at universities. The population had opportunity to get polls least primary education. Respectively the public and personal consciousness evolved in Europe much faster rates, than in Russia.

In this case the task of an explanation of a similar phenomenon wasn't set, but existence of it isn't subject to doubt.

Since XVI-XVII century the number of contacts of Russia with Europe through Poland, Sweden significantly increased. The elite of the Russian state of that time had gotten an opportunity of comparing of own way of life and European. Approximately for hundred year information on life of neighboring countries was collected at a ruling layer of Russia in the volume sufficient for certain conclusions in favor of reforms, despite religious disagreements of Russia and Europe.

Stored information volume, arriving from neighboring countries, comparison of their level of development, their culture with a level of development of Russia and traveling Peter I across Europe led the upper governing country layer to the decision on reorganization of the power upon the European way as in civil, and military relation, without what Russia would remain as the unimportant, powerless state which would be divided further among themselves by more developed neighbors. From the formal point of view in many respects Peter I was successful in this reform, but it didn't affect a general population. Anyway, numerous representatives of ruling estate, and not only, were sent to Europe for education.

For several decades appeared in Russia, in addition to the lowest schools for the population, different educational institutions, including universities. However all of them trained practically only representatives of "noble" estate. Mass of the population remained in a full isolation from the European culture and was almost completely illiterate. Besides, the most part of the population of Russia was in the status attached to landowners, more precisely, serfdom has dominated in Russia that meant for consciousness of people not only humiliation, but also full stagnation, or absence of development. Nevertheless, in Russia as a result of familiarization to the European values arose, though and not numerous, but rather educated and in a certain degree a cultural interlayer. Thereby, the foundation for appearance further in Russia of representatives of brainwork or intelligentsia was laid.

In XIX century this interlayer increased with incorporating in it different representatives of not nobility. However in comparison with mass of the downtrodden population this interlayer in the numerical relation was insignificant.

Thus, it is possible to state, on the one hand, growth of public and personal consciousness in Russia since the end of XVII century on the beginning of XX century, but, on the other hand, – not mass nature of this growth, in difference, for example, from Europe, population which was educated rather quite good in the mass relation .

The main thing if to look more attentively, this is what for two hundred years in Russia between overwhelming part of the lower class of the population and an intellectual interlayer, more precisely, people of brainwork was formed an enormous gap.

These parts, heterogeneous on the level of consciousness, have represented in essence two different continents, more or less bonded by a stay place, language, some traditions and religion.

At this, the consciousness of the Europeanized highest layer of the Russian society, which joined to individualistic aspirations of the western society, captured it after an era of bourgeois revolutions in Europe, sharply contrasted with collectivist consciousness of the peasant population of Russia. Life of peasants was still patriarchal and mostly was based on communal housekeeping and collectivist aspirations. It, in particular, showed "walking in the people" of Russian intelligentsia to which "people" at best didn't react.

All this couldn't but make the state as extremely unstable, i.e. capable quickly to collapse in case of approach of these or those disastrous events.

Radical mismatch of level of consciousness of mass of the population and the ruling clique expressing in different interests, aspirations can't but lead to conflicts which are aggravated in case of resistance of confronting parties. It only remained to wait for these events which happened in the second decade of the XX century. Prolonged war led to counteraction of the people mobilized in army to a ruling layer and a fast collapse of the power, despite industrial rise, high culture, numerous force organs and considerable military capacity of the state.

All remaining causes of destruction of the Russian Empire, especially put forward by Marxists, with the emphasis on class fight, the leading role of the proletariat, don't withstand criticism.

They are, at least, as secondary because in the same way collapsed also the Ottoman Empire where, practically, there was no proletariat, and scrappy Austro-Hungary with its backward and heterogeneous distant regions in which approximately same gap between consciousness numerically of an insignificant elite, intellectuals and consciousness of the downtrodden mass of the main population was formed.

At the same time it is necessary to mark that Germany has not collapsed, despite defeat in war, attempts of revolutionaries to make changes to a political system, similar to Russian changes.

There was it because general consciousness of the population, its cultural and educational level during more than thousand-year history of more or less uniform growth of the general consciousness in the presence of operating democratic institutes had no essential gap from the cultural and educational level of a ruling layer of the nation.

All this shows the prevailing role of consciousness over material conditions of beingness which looks for a support in them and without finding, starts destroying this beingness, unsuitable for it. It also happened in Russia, the Ottoman Empire and Austro-Hungary, unlike Germany and other developed countries with more uniform public consciousness which population has not given in on temptation of revolution.

Consciousness changes extremely slowly. Therefore there was formed in Russia under a socialist flag after 1917, eventually, some kind of empire, which is similar Russian, but with a smaller gap in consciousness of a ruling layer which in the majority was out of the people, and of the population which cultural level for years of the Soviet power significantly increased.

The Soviet bureaucracy threw up all resources of the country not on rise of a standard of living of the population, not on uniform development of economy and culture, but on fight for world supremacy by means of a militaristic superpower – the Soviet empire.

However this empire which selected for itself under the slogan of socialism the transfer of all property to the possession of the state, i.e., in fact, state capitalism, couldn't withstand long competition with more effective competitive economies of the developed countries.

Extension of contacts with the countries of the West and rather low level of life of the population of Russia under the name USSR, the growing lag in science and economy, unreasonable costs for race of arms led, eventually, to events 1991, completed by ruin of the power.

The basic reason of decay of the Soviet empire was the following: in consciousness of the population and ruling layers of the state gradually took roots the idea that transfer of managing to rails to competitive economy, similar of western, will be enough for increase of a standard of living and finding of universal happiness.

Self-conceit of ruling elite of the country with rather low level of consciousness, dominance in it of aspirations to own material enrichment, but not to the benefit of the country and the people led to rollback of Russia to the level of the secondary state and up to transformation it in a raw appendage of the West.

Elite of Russia did not take into account that the world had been divided long by the western monopolies, therefore Russia, which was till recently as a world superpower, was out of work though its allegedly ineffective economy had been quickly destroyed by due to western tips.

As a result, Russia turned with the large supplies of raw materials actually into the semi-colony of the West, having lost both markets of sales, and production for sale, except some types of raw materials.

The ruling elite of Russia which imbibed in itself doubtful values of consumer economy of the West was being transformed to the compradors transferring the stolen richness of the country to offshores and western banks, governing structures of the country at all levels wallowed in corruption, like the most backward countries of the world. The population lost any perspectives on the future, there emerged outflow of its most competent and outstanding representatives into other countries.

There is already much written about all this. Therefore it is possible to state the following.

Lag of Russia from the West in level of development of consciousness on some hundreds of years does not allow it to become by the equivalent partner of the western countries. These countries will always despise it as the highbrow intellectual despises the plumber.

Whether there is an output from this of the subordinate and pathetic state?

The response can be one: the real output consists only in development of consciousness, in detection and cultivation in it its most valuable features which will allow Russia to refuse from consumer values.

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