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Книги в оригинале на языке - русский

  • 25 мая 2015, 18:51
Скачать книгу Editorial Wild Oats автора Mark Twain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика, Зарубежная литература


Typical Mark Twain slightly caustic, complex humor. Six of Mark Twain's recollections his early experiences in newspaper work on topics such as his first editorship at age 13, the weaponry needed to edit a newspaper in Tennessee, a character study, and a couple of blunders he made along the...

  • 25 мая 2015, 18:51
Скачать книгу A Double Barrelled Detective Story автора Mark Twain

Жанр: Зарубежные детективы, Зарубежная литература


A Double Barreled Detective Story is a short story/novelette. The story is a delightful spoof of the mystery genre, then in its infancy, introducing the reader to Sherlock Holmes as he has never been seen before or since. Far from his usual elegant London haunts, the great detective is caught up in a melodramatic murder mystery of love, betrayal, and vengeance in a rough California mining...

  • 25 мая 2015, 18:18
Скачать книгу Сталинский социализм. Практическое исследование автора Клаус Хессе

Жанр: Зарубежная публицистика, Публицистика


Большинство западных авторов пишут о Сталине как о чудовище, диктаторе хуже Гитлера, построившем свое государство на трупах сограждан. Однако не все так однозначно. Многие современники Сталина – писатели и деятели науки – восхищались сталинским социализмом, сильным советским государством, единственным, которое оказалось способно противостоять нацистской угрозе.

Клаус Хессе – профессор Берлинского Свободного университета и сотрудник музея «Топография террора». Он много лет изучал нацистскую и сталинскую государственные системы. Серьезный анализ российских источников позволил автору доказать неоднозначность оценки сталинского социализма. Клаус Хессе убежден, что все книги о массовых репрессиях – это преднамеренная фальсификация истории социализма.

В результате книгу Хессе в Германии...

  • 13 мая 2015, 00:38
Скачать книгу Людвисар. Ігри вельмож автора Богдан Коломійчук

Жанр: Историческая литература, Современная проза


Дія роману відбувається у другій половині XVI сторіччя у Львові. На прохання бургомістра Якуба Шольца місцевий лікар Домінік Гепнер влаштовує… публічний розтин людського тіла.

А уночі обурений єпископ тягне бургомістра на Личаківський цвинтар, щоб вистежити того, хто розкопує могили. Бо є підозра, що займається цим сам лікар Гепнер… І це тільки початок таємничої, загадкової та містичної...

  • 13 мая 2015, 00:37
Скачать книгу Рак. Радикальная ремиссия. 9 ключевых факторов для полного выздоровления автора К. Банникова

Жанр: Здоровье, Дом и Семья


Изучение спонтанных излечений – не пустая трата времени. Наоборот, это приводит к потрясающим открытиям, которые сделала автор данной книги – Келли Тернер. Подробно изучив более 1000 случаев внезапных выздоровлений от рака, она выявила 9 ключевых факторов, которые использовались практически каждым больным.

Каждая глава данного издания содержит в себе удивительные истории выздоровления и практические шаги к действию.

Келли Тернер считает, что такие факторы, как питание, стресс, эмоции, духовность, напрямую влияют на здоровье людей, и убеждена в том, что рак можно победить даже тогда, когда ситуация кажется безнадежной.

Внимание! Информация, содержащаяся в книге, не может служить заменой консультации врача. Необходимо проконсультироваться со специалистом перед применением любых рекомендуемых...

  • 4 мая 2015, 18:23
Скачать книгу The Gift of Battle автора Morgan Rice

Жанр: Боевое фэнтези, Фэнтези


In THE GIFT OF BATTLE, Thor meets his greatest and final challenge, as he quests deeper into the Land of Blood to attempt to rescue Guwayne. Encountering foes more powerful than he ever imagined, Thor soon realizes he is up against an army of darkness, one for which his powers are no match. When he learns a sacred object may give him the powers he needs – an object which has been kept secret for ages – he must embark on a final quest to retrieve it before it is too late, with the fate of the Ring hanging in the balance.

Gwendolyn keeps her vow to the King of the Ridge, entering the tower and confronting the cult leader to learn what secret he is hiding. The revelation sends her to Argon, and ultimately to Argon’s master – where she learns the greatest secret of all, one which may alter the destiny of her people. When the Ridge is discovered by the Empire, the invasion begins and, under attack by the greatest army known to man, it falls on Gwendolyn to defend, and to lead her people on one final, mass exodus.

Thor’s Legion brothers, on their own, face unimaginable risks, as Angel is dying from her leprosy. Darius fights for his life beside his father in the Empire capital, until a surprise twist prods him, with nothing left to lose, to finally tap his own powers. Erec and Alistair reach Volusia, battling their way upriver, and they continue on their quest for Gwendolyn and the exiles, as they face unexpected battles. And Godfrey realizes that he must ultimately make a decision to be the man he wants to be.

Volusia, surrounded by all the power of the Knights of the Seven, must put herself to the test as goddess and discover if she alone has the power to crush men and rule the Empire. While Argon, faced with his end of days, realizes the time has come to sacrifice himself.

As good and evil hang in the balance, one final, epic battle – the greatest battle of all – will determine the outcome of the Ring for all time.

With its sophisticated world-building and characterization, THE GIFT OF BATTLE is an epic tale of friends and lovers, of rivals and suitors, of knights and dragons, of intrigues and political machinations, of coming of age, of broken hearts, of deception, ambition and betrayal. It is a tale of honor and courage, of fate and destiny, of sorcery. It is a fantasy that brings us into a world we will never forget, and which will appeal to all ages and genders. THE GIFT OF BATTLE is the longest of all the books in the series, at 93,000...

  • 4 мая 2015, 18:22
Скачать книгу A Quest of Heroes автора Morgan Rice

Жанр: Боевое фэнтези, Фэнтези


From #1 Bestselling author Morgan Rice comes the debut of a dazzling new fantasy series. A QUEST OF HEROES (BOOK #1 IN THE SORCERER’S RING) revolves around the epic coming of age story of one special boy, a 14 year old from a small village on the outskirts of the Kingdom of the Ring. The youngest of four, the least favorite of his father, hated by his brothers, Thorgrin senses he is different from the others. He dreams of becoming a great warrior, of joining the King’s men and protecting the Ring from the hordes of creatures on the other side of the Canyon. When he comes of age and is forbidden by his father to try out for the King’s Legion, he refuses to take no for an answer: he journeys out on his own, determined to force his way into King’s Court and be taken seriously.

But King’s Court is rife with its own family dramas, power struggles, ambitions, jealousy, violence and betrayal. King MacGil must choose an heir from amongst his children, and the ancient Dynasty Sword, the source of all their power, still sits untouched, waiting for the chosen one to arrive. Thorgrin arrives as an outsider and battles to be accepted, and to join the King’s Legion.

Thorgrin comes to learn he has mysterious powers he does not understand, that he has a special gift, and a special destiny. Against all odds he falls in love with the king’s daughter, and as their forbidden relationship blossoms, he discovers he has powerful rivals. As he struggles to make sense of his powers, the king’s sorcerer takes him under his wing and tells him of a mother he never knew, in a land far away, beyond the Canyon, beyond even the land of the Dragons.

Before Thorgrin can venture out and become the warrior he yearns to be, he must complete his training. But this may be cut short, as he finds himself propelled into the center of royal plots and counterplots, ones that may threaten his love and bring him down—and the entire kingdom with him.

With its sophisticated world-building and characterization, A QUEST OF HEROES is an epic tale of friends and lovers, of rivals and suitors, of knights and dragons, of intrigues and political machinations, of coming of age, of broken hearts, of deception, ambition and betrayal. It is a tale of honor and courage, of fate and destiny, of sorcery. It is a fantasy that brings us into a world we will never forget, and which will appeal to all ages and genders. It is 82,000...

  • 4 мая 2015, 18:22
Скачать книгу A March of Kings автора Morgan Rice

Жанр: Боевое фэнтези, Фэнтези


A MARCH OF KINGS takes us one step further on Thor’s epic journey into manhood, as he begins to realize more about who he is, what his powers are, as he embarks to become a warrior.

After he escapes from the dungeon, Thor is horrified to learn of another assassination attempt on King MacGil. When MacGil dies, the kingdom is set into turmoil. As everyone vies for the throne, King’s Court is more rife than ever with its family dramas, power struggles, ambitions, jealousy, violence, and betrayal. An heir must be chosen from among the children, and the ancient Destiny Sword, the source of all their power, will have a chance to be wielded by someone new. But all this might be upended: the murder weapon is recovered, and the noose tightens on finding the assassin. Simultaneously, the MacGils face a new threat by the McClouds, who are set to attack again from within the Ring.

Thor fights to win back Gwendolyn’s love, but there may not be time: he is told to pack up, to prepare with his brothers in arms for The Hundred, a hundred grueling days of hell that all Legion members must survive. The Legion will have to cross the Canyon, beyond the protection of the Ring, into the Wilds, and set sail across the Tartuvian Sea for the Isle of Mist, said to be patrolled by a dragon, for their initiation into manhood.

Will they make it back? Will the Ring survive in their absence? And will Thor finally learn the secret of his destiny?

With its sophisticated world-building and characterization, A MARCH OF KINGS is an epic tale of friends and lovers, of rivals and suitors, of knights and dragons, of intrigue and political machinations, of coming of age, of broken hearts, of deception, ambition, and betrayal. It is a tale of honor and courage, of fate and destiny, of sorcery. It is a fantasy that brings us into a world we will never forget, and which will appeal to all ages and...

  • 4 мая 2015, 18:22
Скачать книгу A Fate of Dragons автора Morgan Rice

Жанр: Боевое фэнтези, Фэнтези


A FATE OF DRAGONS (Book #3 in the Sorcerer's Ring) takes us deeper into Thor’s epic journey to becoming a warrior, as he journeys across the Sea of Fire to the dragon’s Isle of Mist. An unforgiving place, home to the most elite warriors of the world, Thor’s powers and abilities deepen as he trains. His friendships deepen, too, as they face adversities together, beyond what they could imagine. But as they find themselves up against unimaginable monsters, The Hundred quickly goes from training session to a matter of life or death. Not all will survive.

Along the way, Thor’s dreams, along with his mysterious encounters with Argon, will continue to plague him, to press him to try to learn more about who he is, who his mother is, and what the source of his powers are. What is his destiny?

Back in the Ring, matters are getting much worse. As Kendrick is imprisoned, Gwendolyn finds it landing on her to try to save him, to save the Ring by bringing down her brother Gareth. She hunts for clues for her father’s murderer along with her brother Godfrey, and along the way, the two of them will become much closer, united in their cause. But Gwendolyn finds herself in mortal danger as she presses too deep, and she may be in over her head.

Gareth attempts to wield the Dynasty Sword and learns what it means to be King, becoming drunk with the abuse of power. He rules ruthlessly, becoming paranoid. As the noose tightens on the king’s assassin, the McClouds attack deeper into the Ring, and King’s Court finds itself in an increasingly precarious position.

Gwendolyn pines for Thor’s return, for them to be together, for their love to blossom. But with powerful forces in their way, it is questionable if that chance will ever come.

Will Thor survive The Hundred? Will King’s Court collapse? Will MacGil’s murderer be found? Will Gwendolyn end up with Thor? And will Thor finally learn the secret of his destiny?

With its sophisticated world-building and characterization, A FATE OF DRAGONS is an epic tale of friends and lovers, of rivals and suitors, of knights and dragons, of intrigues and political machinations, of coming of age, of broken hearts, of deception, ambition and betrayal. It is a tale of honor and courage, of fate and destiny, of sorcery. It is a fantasy that brings us into a world we will never forget, and which will appeal to all ages and...

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