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Книги в оригинале на языке - русский

  • 31 декабря 2013, 17:02
Скачать книгу Переяславська Рада. 1654 автора С. Швець

Жанр: История, Наука и Образование

Якщо спитати в пересічної людини, що вона знає про українсько-російське зближення 1653—1655 рр., то після того, як буде названо ім’я Богдана Хмельницького (зазвичай перша асоціація), одразу ж прозвучить: «Переяславська рада».

Насправді все не так просто. Протягом 1653—1655 років відбулося чимало подій, і Переяславська рада 1654 року не перша і аж ніяк не найголовніша з них.

Утім в історії України, напевно, немає більш суперечливої в оцінках істориків події, ніж українсько-російський союз 1653—1655 рр. Ще М. С. Грушевський слушно зауважував, що ніхто ні тоді, в XVII столітті, ні пізніше й гадки не мав про те, якого значення набуде з часом ця подія для...

  • 21 декабря 2013, 04:36
  • 21 декабря 2013, 04:26
  • 21 декабря 2013, 04:26
  • 21 декабря 2013, 03:54
Скачать книгу Ezoosmos автора Anastasia Novykh

Жанр: Зарубежная эзотерическая и религиозная литература, Религия

Hidden reality is present in people’s lives every day. Perception of its secrets helps one not only to gain experience of living in this world, but also to make a step in the investigation of one’s own self... Numerous of so-called people’s diseases, sudden depressions, suicide attempts, accidents, murders are the results of the hidden forces activity. In the past, there used to be those who actively opposed them, defending people from the other side of reality. The scales of Good and Evil are in hands of a human. Ezoosmos determines...

  • 21 декабря 2013, 03:54
Скачать книгу Birds and a Stone автора Anastasia Novykh

Жанр: Зарубежная эзотерическая и религиозная литература, Религия

People are like birds and stones. For some, just a hint, a single word is enough to be prompted to the spiritual height. And their awakened essence will soar towards perception of the infinite universe. While others… Well, a stone is merely a stone.

Three captivating stories of this book: "Duty", "Everything is so simple" and "Birds and a stone" tell about unusual people who reconsider their life values. All these people are united by a legendary personality of Sensei. Interesting facts about a human from the point of view both of modern science and ancient civilizations. Amazing information how thoughts are "born" and how to control them. Interesting information about "Jesus' Prayer", Saint Agapit, the Elder Antony. And many other useful things for those

Who are on the spiritual way and strive to become a...

  • 21 декабря 2013, 03:54
Скачать книгу Spiritual practices and meditations автора Anastasia Novykh

Жанр: Зарубежная эзотерическая и религиозная литература, Религия

Simple meditations from the books by Anastasia Novykh offered in this brochure are easy for everybody even for those who has never tried spiritual practices. Their effectiveness will be also interesting fro those who have been self-improving his phenomenal abilities for long and seriously. And of course these spiritual practices are a unique source for those who want to cognize themselves and to find their spiritual...

  • 21 декабря 2013, 03:54
Скачать книгу Sensei of Shambala. Book II автора Anastasia Novykh

Жанр: Зарубежная эзотерическая и религиозная литература, Религия

There is no hiding oneself from Truth, there is nothing that can be concealed from Wisdom. There is no secret on the Earth that would not be revealed some day. Human life and death is a stream of one process. To understand the past means to learn to overcome the dangers of the present. To come out of it is possible only by becoming Human!

This book was written based on the personal diary of a former high school senior girl reflecting events of the years...

  • 21 декабря 2013, 03:54
Скачать книгу Sensei of Shambala. Book III автора Anastasia Novykh

Жанр: Зарубежная эзотерическая и религиозная литература, Религия

Man longs for Light. Pure Light preserves the Primordial in itself, That, which man was created from. For he is the Emitting Light, proceeding from the Source. But man often perceives Reflected Light as Emitted one. Blinded by it, he thirsts for Truth, not understanding that it is merely a distortion of it. But only a true Eye is able to behold the...

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