Текст книги "Memories of the future. An eyewitness notes"
Автор книги: Дарья Роснина
Жанр: Героическая фантастика, Фантастика
Возрастные ограничения: +16
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Without a second’s thought, the crap dragged closer to the Wolf and opened the valves of his shell. His processor in nano-silicone cover was on the top, gleaming with color impulses of various frequencies. Gradually, the light flashes started to fade out, and the processor itself now looked like a sphere made of transparent gray gel. Everything was ready for rewriting. The Wolf lied down and put his head on the cybernetic brain and launched the recording process. He lay that way for several minutes, then got on his feet and carefully examined the crab’s cyber body to make sure that he had done everything right. Finally, pleased with his work, he stepped aside from the motionless crab at a ten feet’s distance. A bright blue sphere-shaped flash emerged before his foreface and slowly moved over to the crab’s body. The sphere fully covered the scientist’s former shelter, and it started twitching frantically. At last, it stopped dead. The blue sphere gradually lost its power and went out. The Wolf had done his job. He cast yet another glance at the burnt out cyber body and walked off back to Alex.
At a distance of some hundred feet of the Mantis, the Wolf saw a glare of bright blue light. The source of light appeared to be in a saddle between dunes, exactly where he had left Alex!
The Wolf put on speed and climbed up on the top of a dune, ready to enter a battle. But the picture he saw made his stop. That was the last thing he expected to see: Alex was standing near her Mantis and looking at a ball of blue color, hanging right before her face.
End of Part 1
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