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Текст книги "Forever, Plus One"

  • Текст добавлен: 21 августа 2017, 18:40

Автор книги: Sophie Love

Жанр: Зарубежные любовные романы, Любовные романы

Возрастные ограничения: +16

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Текущая страница: 4 (всего у книги 14 страниц) [доступный отрывок для чтения: 4 страниц]

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Of course Roman’s house was in the nicest part of Sunset Harbor. Emily felt a little embarrassed as they pulled onto the curved driveway in Daniel’s beat-up, rattling pickup truck.

“We really need a new car,” she said, looking out the passenger’s side window and up at the huge, vast mansion.

Chantelle whistled. “This place is awesome,” she said.

There were pots containing styled topiary, creeping ivy and roses up the walls, a fountain, and Roman’s cream-colored Rolls Royce parked to one side.

The family got out of the pickup truck and went to the large, carved front door. Chantelle rang the bell and a few seconds later it was opened by a humongous security man wearing a dark suit and a very stern expression.

“I’m Emily Morey,” Emily explained. “This is my husband, Daniel, and our daughter, Chantelle.”

The man didn’t say a word but he nodded as though he’d been briefed on their arrival and stepped aside. They went through the door and into the foyer, which had vast ceilings and pristine tiled floors. The decor inside was far more modern than the outside would have suggested.

They were greeted next by a maid, a young East Asian woman dressed casually in a summer dress. She took their coats and slung them over her arm.

“Can I show you through to the drawing room? Mr. Westbrook won’t be a moment.”

They followed her into a large room with wooden floors, a bright red leather couch, a large patterned rug, a glass coffee table and matching glass liquor cabinet, and a very large abstract painting taking up one wall. Emily caught Daniel’s eye and they exchanged a glance.

“Chantelle, don’t touch anything,” Emily said.

Chantelle sat on the couch, her feet not reaching the floor, hands clasped in her lap, looking very intimidated by the surrounding room.

“This is insane,” Emily whispered to Daniel.

They sat also, the brand new couch squeaky under their weight.

“It looked like an old money mansion from the outside,” Daniel said, looking around. “But he must have had the place gutted and completely redone on the inside.”

Just then, they saw Roman descending the staircase, wearing his trademark fedora.

“You made it!” he grinned, bouncing exuberantly into the room.

They stood and he skidded to a halt, arms wide for hugs. Emily felt stilted embracing Roman Westbrook. She still didn’t know him very well, even though he’d gone all out by pulling some strings so they could have the fanciest hotel room on the whole of Martha’s Vineyard.

“How was the honeymoon?” he asked Emily as he let her go.

“It was wonderful,” Emily said.

Roman shook Daniel’s hand. “And your jazz band?” he asked. “They’re still doing the wedding circuit?”

“They play at the inn once a week now,” Daniel confirmed.

Emily was surprised that Roman could remember so much about them. She was rather touched.

“Chantelle,” Roman said, turning to the little girl. “How’s my little star in the making?”

Chantelle blushed and replied shyly, “Good, thanks.”

“Want to see the recording studio before dinner?” he asked.

Wide-eyed, Chantelle looked at Daniel and Emily for confirmation. They nodded.

“Okay,” Chantelle said in a timid voice. It wasn’t often that she was bashful these days.

Roman led his guests out of the room and into the foyer, then to a large door. He opened it to reveal a staircase heading downstairs.

“It’s in the basement, of course,” he said.

They all went down. It was very dark and because of the sound-canceling walls their footsteps were almost completely muffled. It was quite a strange experience, Emily thought. Like walking into the vacuum of deep space.

The recording studio was brand new, state of the art. The walls were dark and a large glass partition separated the recording area from the mixing area. There was an old-school 1940s microphone inside the recording room, a grand piano, a large double bass and a concert-sized harp. On the producer’s side of the glass was the soundboard containing a million knobs and buttons and screens that indicated noise levels. Chantelle’s mouth dropped open in awe.

“I’m going to speak to your school about having a choir on the background of my charity Christmas single,” Roman said. “What do you think about that?”

Chantelle was too stunned to even speak.

“I think Chantelle would be very excited to sing with her choir on your Christmas single,” Daniel confirmed, answering for her since she seemed too shocked to do so herself.

“Well, we can try it out after dinner,” Roman said. “What do you think about that, Chantelle?”

All Chantelle could do was nod her stunned head in affirmation.

They went back upstairs and the same maid who’d greeted them at the door explained that dinner was ready to be served. Roman led them into his state-of-the-art dining room, which was all marble and glass, a stunning room of opulence. Like in the living room, there was more artwork inside, in the same abstract style of bold colors and shapes. They sat at the peculiar dining table, which was made of glass held up by a large central steel pillar.

A door opened and a chef walked in. Emily could hardly believe that Roman had his own chef-in-residence.

“I hope you’re all okay with raw vegan food,” Roman said.

“I can’t say I’ve ever had it before,” Emily confessed. “But I’m happy to try anything!”

The chef placed a bowl of soup in front of her. Emily wasn’t sure how she felt about the prospect of raw soup. But when she took a spoonful, she was pleasantly surprised.

“It’s all about using herb combinations for the flavors,” Roman told them. “Different vegetables for the textures. Then sprouting seeds and beans for maximum nutrition.”

“I think it’s yummy,” Chantelle said.

Emily just hoped she wouldn’t get any ideas and start demanding similar food at home. She was certain it would be ridiculously expensive!

“This table is amazing,” Emily said. “In fact, your whole style is.”

“My interior designer created it,” Roman said. “She’s a phenomenal young woman from South Korea. Quite a talent.”

“We’re redesigning the house next door,” Emily explained. “Opening a restaurant downstairs and adding some family-sized apartments above.”

“I’ll give you her details,” Roman said. “Li Suh. She’s delightful. I mean she’s back in South Korea now but if you want to use her services she can always fly over.”

Emily felt Daniel kick her under the table and she knew exactly why. There was no way they could afford to have an interior designer flown over from South Korea! Roman moved in those realms of wealth where he’d completely forgotten what normal people’s lives and incomes were like. No wonder he’d been so extraordinarily generous when he paid for the drinks at the wedding and secured them the bridal suite for their honeymoon. He probably didn’t even realize how lavish his gifts had been!

“How did your recording session go in LA?” Emily asked, trying to extend the same level of thoughtfulness to Roman as he had to them.

“Fabulous, thanks,” Roman said. “We did a few weeks over there then we’ll be doing the rest here in this studio. The album should be ready for Labor Day. Then I’ll be doing a listening party for some fans. Hey, you should all come!”

“What’s a listening party?” Daniel asked.

“It’s when you do an intimate gig,” Roman said. “I’ll be playing the album in its entirety for some of my more hardcore fans. It’s a way to give back, you know, considering everything they’ve given me.” He gestured wide to encompass his whole home, his whole life, even.

“That sounds really fun,” Emily said.

Chantelle was looking more excited than ever. “Can I bring Bailey?” she asked.

Roman chuckled. “Of course. It’s going to be in Portland. Are you guys all right to travel?”

Emily thought of their beat-up pickup truck with a surge of embarrassment. “Sure.”

“I can arrange for some cars to take you, since you’re my VIPs,” Roman said. “What do you say, Chantelle? Would you and your friends like to travel for a few hours in a limo? I can get a bubble machine in there. Disco lights. Sodas in an ice bucket.”

Chantelle nodded, her eyes as wide as saucers.

Once again, Emily was bowled over by Roman’s generosity. It almost made her feel uncomfortable to accept his offers, but she could also tell that Roman just wanted to share his wealth and treat people. So she agreed to the family attending his concert.

They finished their meal and Roman stood. “Come on, Chantelle. Let’s go and practice in the studio! I want to hear that beautiful voice of yours again.”

Chantelle didn’t need telling twice. She hurried off to the basement studio as fast as a rocket. Emily and Daniel followed with Roman, both wearing the same bewildered expression. Emily wondered if Daniel was thinking the same as she was: that Roman’s support of Chantelle might one day lead to great things.


“I think we need a date,” Daniel announced to Emily that night.

They were in their bedroom, with Roman’s three-course raw vegan meal still settling in their stomachs and the electrifying memory of Chantelle in a glass booth singing into the recording studio’s microphone crackling through their minds.

Emily turned from her vanity mirror, midway through moisturizing, to look at Daniel lounging topless in bed. He looked gorgeous, his hair tousled just how she liked it.

“Oh?” she said with a lilt in her voice. “Are you telling me that a three-course meal at a fancy mansion doesn’t count as a date?”

Daniel laughed and reached for her. “You know what I mean. We’ve hardly had any time to ourselves since the honeymoon. It’s always chaos here. When was the last time we went out in the boat just the two of us?”

Emily stood and went over to the bed, taking Daniel’s hand. He tugged her down beside him and she giggled.

“Is this about us or the boat?” she teased, knowing that Daniel had been hankering to get back out on the boat for days.

He shrugged cheekily. “Might be a bit of both,” he said with a wink.

Emily laughed and smacked his bare chest. Then she sunk against him, cozying into him, feeling his breath rise and fall and the heat coming from his skin.

“That sounds like a lovely idea,” she said. “Chantelle’s been on at me about having a sleepover at Bailey’s. I’ll call Yvonne in the morning and see if she’ll take her for the day.”

Daniel kissed her deeply and they slid down under the covers, holding one another. Emily felt a wave of relief. Daniel had seemed distant recently but now he was very much present. When his sole focus was her, she felt like there was nothing in the world to worry about. Maybe a date would be just what she needed to quell her fears.

* * *

Early the next evening they dropped Chantelle at Yvonne’s for a playdate with Bailey, then headed toward the harbor. Daniel carried a cooler filled with alcohol-free beers and sparkling juice, and cream cheese and watercress sandwiches he’d made himself that morning, jostling with Matthew in the kitchen for work surface space and elbow room.

Emily couldn’t help but think of the other dates they’d been on, the other times they’d taken the boat out together when they’d first started seeing each other. So much had changed since then. They were married now, they had a child, and what felt like a million local friends. Even her dad had returned! She really was already making so many beautiful memories in Sunset Harbor, already had months and years behind her. It made her feel like something of an old-timer but the thought was comforting. She could hardly remember any good times back in New York City, and yet in just the short time she’d been here her life had swelled with happiness.

Taking her hand, Daniel helped her step carefully aboard the gently rocking boat. Then he began to drive them across the ocean. Emily took a deep, content breath, marveling once again at the way her life had changed and the ways in which it was to change even more once the baby was born.

“I wonder if the baby will like coming out on boat rides,” Emily wondered aloud. “If he or she will like fishing as much as Chantelle.”

Daniel smiled, but it looked to Emily as though the smile didn’t reach his eyes. She realized then that he was preoccupied with his own thoughts once again. His mind was clearly elsewhere. She pined for that moment last night when he’d held her and made her feel like she was his whole world. What had changed, she wondered, to make him become more distant again? The mention of the baby? Emily could tell there was still something he was holding back, but she didn’t want to ruin their date by prying. She decided that today at least she was going to just let it go.

They took a new route this time, a longer journey in order to take in the whole of the sunset. The sky was a beautiful burst of pink, with orange streaks and puffy purple clouds, the sun a golden orb that sunk toward the horizon.

“Hey, look over there,” Daniel said, pointing across the sparkling waves. “I’ve never seen that island before.”

Emily squinted into the distance, taking in the sight of the land mass ahead of them. “I thought you’d explored every inch of the Maine coast,” she said.

Daniel smirked. “Do you have any idea how many islands there are in these waters? Thousands. Some have escaped my notice.” He chuckled. “So, can we stop there?” he asked.

He seemed excited and Emily wanted him to stay happy.

“Of course,” she said with a shrug. “Looks as good a place as any.”

Daniel set their course for the direction of the island and the boat sliced through the waves toward it. When they reached the rocky land, Daniel secured the boat and they both clambered out.

The beach was mainly shell and rock, overgrown by brush, giving it a wild and romantic feel. Just off the beach was a dense forest of spruce trees. Red squirrels scurried up their trunks.

Looking around, Emily saw there were signs of the remnants of an old fishing village, crude shacks and abandoned lobster trawlers.

“This is amazing,” she said, feeling awed by the island. It felt like a relic of a time gone by. “I wonder when people quit living here.”

“It looks like a really small island,” Daniel said. “A couple of acres at most. It was probably just an outpost for the fishing community, rather than a place anyone actually lived.”

They strolled around, hand in hand. It didn’t take them long to cover the whole island. Emily was charmed by its tranquility, its ruggedness.

“We’ll have to bring Chantelle back here some time,” she said. “I bet she’d love it. And the new baby.”

“Maybe when it’s older,” Daniel replied. “I don’t know how much I’d like to have a baby all the way out here. It’s pretty barren.”

It was a good point, and it made Emily glad to hear him thinking protectively over their child. He may not seem as thrilled about it as she was, but he certainly had a father’s mentality about the whole thing.

“Look at this sign, Daniel,” Emily said, spotting a wooden post with a faded rectangular board nailed to it. “The island is for sale!”

She couldn’t believe it as she looked at the price for the two acre piece of land. “Forty thousand dollars. That can’t be right,” she said. “They must be missing a zero or two.”

Daniel looked surprised as well. “Maybe smaller islands like this sell for less. If you think about it, two acres is less ground than our lawn.” He peered closer at the sign. “Look, it says the water comes from a well. No electricity or Internet. I guess that’s why.”

Emily still couldn’t believe it. Even without running water the price seemed like a steal!

“Can you imagine if we bought an island?” she said with a laugh. “Everyone would think we were crazy.”

“We would be crazy,” Daniel confirmed. Then his eyes sparkled with imagination. “Although, how awesome would it be if we turned it into an adventure playground for Chantelle!”

Knowing Daniel, Emily knew that such a feat was within his grasp. If he could make a baby’s crib and a spiral wooden staircase he could certainly construct some monkey bars and a treetop trail.

It delighted Emily to see his more playful side coming back out, and so she joined in.

“We could make it into an exotic animal sanctuary,” she suggested. “Alpacas. Or, actually, we could turn it into one of those islands you get in Japan that are overrun with bunnies!”

Daniel laughed. “Or,” he said,” his expression more serious now, “it could be an offshoot of the inn.”

Emily smiled but frowned at the same time. “I was only joking,” she said. “We’re not really going to buy an island!”

“Why not?” Daniel said, and he seemed suddenly genuine. “It’s not like we can’t afford it.”

It was a good point but Emily shook her head. “No one would want to stay here without water and electricity.”

“Sure they would,” Daniel said, his expression turning more and more excited. “Especially if we filled it with yurts and made it a luxury camping experience.”

Emily’s eyes widened then. Daniel was actually being serious. He wasn’t quite suggesting they call the real estate agent up immediately, but he was certainly suggesting they consider it.

Could they do it? Open a camping offshoot to the inn? Her mind started to race with possibilities.

“We could build a jetty here,” Daniel continued, indicating a flat spot on the otherwise rocky beach. “People could row themselves over, or we could hire someone to do it for them. We could have some docks as well for people who want to moor. Buy some yachts that we could rent out for explorer types.”

Emily saw the glitter in Daniel’s eyes and admired his ambition. She wondered what had made him dream so grandly recently, and hoped it was something to do with him wanting to provide for their growing family.

“We could definitely consider it for the future,” she said. “We have so much happening at the moment with Trevor’s expansion, though, I don’t know if Doctor Arkwright would be happy with me if I told her I was also converting an island! Plus, I’m just not sure how to monetize it. We know nothing about opening a campsite. Is there really a demand for camping on an island with no running water? We’d have to do some research.”

Daniel laughed and his overexuberance calmed down. “Good point. But can we please keep it in mind?”

Though intrigued by the idea, Emily just wasn’t convinced that they could make it work. There was so much happening as it was, the last thing they needed was more homework, more bank meetings, more drawing up business plans. Still, she was always happy when Daniel was focused and excited about something so she didn’t want to dash his spirits.

“I guess,” she replied, finally.

They settled down on the beach and opened up the picnic. They had a bottle of alcohol-free beer each, and clinked the rims in celebration of finally having made it out on a date with just the two of them. As they sipped together, side by side, looking out at the ocean where the last rays of golden sunshine were extinguished by the horizon, Emily felt like everything was right in the world.



The sun had barely started rising when Emily jolted upright in bed. The now familiar sensation of nausea washed over her. She leapt up and rushed into the en suite bathroom, just making it to the toilet in time. She sunk to her knees and heaved.

The sound of footsteps came behind her and she knew that Daniel had been awoken by the noise. She felt his hands upon her back, rubbing her gently as she continued throwing up.

“Happy Fourth of July,” she heard him say.

Between gags, Emily could only manage a grunting noise of agreement.

She’d just reached the fourteenth week of pregnancy, the second trimester when everything was supposed to settle down, but her symptoms were worse than ever. The first trimester had been a piece of cake in comparison to now.

“Your morning sickness seems to be getting worse,” Daniel said gently, as his hand moved in circular motions between her shoulder blades.

Her heaving subsided and she sat back against the tiled floor. She rested her back against the wall and panted. Daniel handed her a glass of water.

“Thank you,” she murmured, taking the smallest sip.

Daniel swept the flyaway hairs from her face, smoothing them back behind her ears. Emily knew she must look a mess. In some ways she wished Daniel didn’t have to see her like this. In other ways she was desperately grateful for his support. Throwing up every morning alone would be awful.

“Think you’re done?” Daniel asked.

Emily touched her abdomen to see whether the pressure would cause another wave of nausea. It did not. She nodded.

Daniel helped her to her feet. Right in the middle of the bathroom they embraced, him holding her closely against her chest. Emily felt so comfortable and cared for when they stood like this.

“Sorry for waking you up so early,” Emily said.

Then Daniel released her from his protective arms. “It’s fine. I wanted to get an early start on the spa today anyway. We should probably head down for breakfast,” he said.

“Do you have to work today?” Emily said. “It’s the Fourth of July. Can’t we just spend the time together?”

Emily knew he was only next door but there were times when her pregnancy left her feeling vulnerable and wanting him next to her. Daniel was so busy at the moment, with work at Jack’s and the additional time spent on the spa renovation she felt like she barely ever saw him anymore. Some days she would head up to bed alone, and only see him in the morning when she awoke to see him sleeping deeply beside her. He was exhausting himself with work and it worried her, since once the baby arrived they probably wouldn’t get a full night’s sleep for at least a year!

Daniel cupped her face in his hands. “We’ll be spending the whole time together tonight at the party. And you know we’re on a tight schedule. I want to get the work done in the outhouse as quickly as possible. I’m sorry. Will you be okay?”

Emily nodded. She still felt clammy all over from the sickness but knew the worst of it had now passed.

“It’s just next door,” Daniel added in a reassuring tone. “If you need me don’t hesitate to come over.”

While missing Daniel on one hand, Emily was also very glad that they’d decided on Daniel doing as much of the woodworking renovation as possible, because having him nearby was very reassuring on days such as these where she felt awful and completely wiped out.

Daniel massaged her shoulders as she brushed her teeth and washed her face with cool water.

“Let’s get out of this damn bathroom,” Emily said once she was done. “I swear I’ve seen the inside of that toilet bowl enough to last me for a lifetime.”

Daniel supported her as they walked out the room and down the stairs. As they passed through the foyer, Lois waved to get Emily’s attention.

“A call came in last night from Wesley,” Lois said, beaming from ear to ear. “Suzanna gave birth to a healthy baby boy at two in the morning. They’re calling him Robin.”

Emily squealed with delight. It thrilled her to know that her own unborn baby had a ready-made playmate in Suzanna and Wesley’s precious new son. She’d have to send a gift to her friends, get Chantelle to create one of her infamous gift baskets.

Emily and Daniel headed onward to the kitchen and saw that Chantelle was already awake and sitting at the breakfast bar, a coloring book spread open in front of her. She’d dressed herself in pink dungarees.

“How are you feeling today, Mommy?” she asked.

“Awful,” Emily said. Then she smiled. “But thanks for asking. Did Lois tell you the exciting news?”

Chantelle’s eyes widened. She shook her head.

“Toby’s baby brother was born during the night!” Emily told her. “They named him Robin.”

Chantelle looked delighted. “Fourth of July birthday,” she exclaimed. “He’s so lucky. It means he’ll always be surrounded by friends and family every year.”

Emily nodded as Daniel helped her onto a stool. “Do you want to make them a gift basket?”

Chantelle nodded eagerly.

“What do you want for breakfast?” Daniel asked Emily.

The thought of food made Emily’s stomach turn again. “Just some plain toast,” she said.

“That’s all? What about juice?”

She shook her head. The thought of orange juice disgusted her.

Daniel looked worried as he made her two pieces of plain toast. Even Chantelle looked concerned. Emily was just glad that they were both so loving and caring as to worry about her. Other than the sickness, she felt fine, and she was glad that the light-headedness Doctor Arkwright had warned her of had not come to fruition.

“I’d better go,” Daniel said, handing her the plate of toast. “There’s so much to get done. Will you be okay?”

Emily nodded and took the plate from him. “I’ll be fine. I’ve got my special helper here.” She smiled at Chantelle.

Daniel ruffled the child’s hair. “Take good care of Mommy. I’m just right next door if you need me.”

He left quickly, in a blur. Emily heard the sound of the front door clicking shut then began to eat her breakfast in the smallest bites imaginable.

“Did Matthew make you anything for breakfast this morning?” Emily asked Chantelle.

The little girl put down her pink pen and looked up. She nodded.

“I had cereal,” she said.

There was a despondency in her tone, Emily noted. Something was wrong.

“Honey, you don’t need to worry about me,” she said. “It’s completely normal to be sick when you’re pregnant.”

“It’s not that,” Chantelle replied. She turned her attention back down to the elephant in her coloring book and carried on turning it pink.

“What is it?” Emily asked softly, wondering if Suzanna and Wesley’s news had stirred some latent fears to surface in the child. “You know you can tell me anything.”

Chantelle chewed her lip. Then she said, “It’s just that I prayed every night for Papa Roy to FaceTime us and he never did.”

Emily felt terrible for the child. She hadn’t yet had a chance to get used to being disappointed by Roy in the same way Emily had. Chantelle hadn’t been let down by him yet; this was the first time. It must be bitterly upsetting for her.

And Emily herself was worried about her father. She hadn’t received a response to the letter she’d sent, and wondered whether it had gotten lost in the mail. Or maybe Roy had read the news of her pregnancy and freaked out. Maybe he was out of touch again? Maybe something had happened to him? The more she thought about it, the more upset she felt. But she couldn’t let Chantelle see her worry, so she smiled.

“Papa Roy still doesn’t have a phone,” she explained. “And it takes a really long time for letters to reach England. They have to cross the ocean, after all.”

“But are we still going to have a vacation with him?” Chantelle asked, looking perturbed.

“Of course!” Emily said brightly, though she wasn’t sure herself and was in fact rather worried that the promised vacation wouldn’t happen at all.

Chantelle didn’t look convinced either. Emily decided that she needed a distraction.

“Are you excited about the Fourth of July celebrations tonight?” she asked. “We’re having a big party at the inn.”

“I forgot!” Chantelle exclaimed. “I still need to put up my decorations. It’s going to be sparkly stars this year and shiny streamers.”

“Sounds wonderful,” Emily said. Chantelle’s creative decorations of the inn were one of her favorite things. “When do you want to start?”

“Later,” Chantelle said with a shrug. She went back to her coloring.

Emily realized that the distraction technique had not worked. She thought more creatively.

“I was thinking of fixing up the baby’s room today. Do you want to help?”

This time, Chantelle couldn’t contain her excitement. She dropped her pen, immediately done with coloring the elephant on her page though it was only halfway completed.

“Yes, yes, yes!” she cried.

Emily beamed. “Come on then. Let’s get started.”

They went upstairs and along the hall to the room they’d decided would be changed from a guest room to the new baby’s nursery. Daniel had already moved the furniture out, selling some to Rico and repurposing other bits at Jack Cooper’s to sell in the future. Inside there were now only two things; Amy’s Scandinavian-style nursing chair, and Daniel’s hand-crafted crib.

“Daddy made this,” Emily told Chantelle. “Look.” She pushed it and the cribbed rocked back and forth.

“That’s clever,” Chantelle said, beaming with pride.

They got to work stripping the wallpaper and pulling up the carpet. Emily had decided to get a charcoal shag rug to match the nursing stool and to put in a cream-colored carpet beneath it. She didn’t want the room to echo and risk having her crying baby wake up the guests!

Removing the wallpaper was a tedious job and Emily half wished she’d hired someone else to do it. But she also thought it was a good bonding exercise for her and Chantelle, and Daniel when he had the time. This way it felt like they were all involved with the baby, and would all get a sense of accomplishment.

Chantelle was busy scratching paper off the wall with a putty knife. She was wearing a very serious expression as she worked. Emily smiled to herself, proud of how mature Chantelle had become recently.

“Do you think Sheila will have had her baby by now?” Chantelle asked Emily.

There it was, Emily thought, the surfacing of Chantelle’s concerns that she’d worried about. Suzanna’s baby news must have reminded the little girl of Sheila’s pregnancy because she’d learned about them both during the same period of time.

But Emily wasn’t sure what to tell her. Because Chantelle had never shown her the content of Sheila’s letter all those months ago there was no way of knowing for sure how far along she’d been when she’d broken the news initially. She’d sported a neat bump at the adoption proceedings, which could have indicated anything from a large four-month to a small six-month. If it had been closer to six months, it was certainly likely that she’d had the child by now.

“She might have,” Emily said. “If not, it will be very soon.”

Chantelle nodded and went back to scraping.

“How do you feel about that?” Emily asked, cautiously.

“I don’t know,” Chantelle confessed. “I thought I would feel sad. But now I have a different baby brother or sister on the way so I don’t think I really mind. It’s not like I want to be Sheila’s daughter anymore anyway so there’s no way I’d get to play with her baby.”

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