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Книги на языке - английский

  • 29 марта 2015, 13:24
Скачать книгу A Tramp Abroad автора Mark Twain

Жанр: Зарубежные приключения, Приключения


The book details a journey by the author, with his friend Harris (a character created for the book, and based on his closest friend, Joseph Twichell), through central and southern Europe. While the stated goal of the journey is to walk most of the way, the men find themselves using other forms of transport as they traverse the...

  • 25 февраля 2015, 13:27
Скачать книгу Romeo and Juliet автора William Shakespeare

Жанр: Зарубежная драматургия, Зарубежная литература


Romeo and Juliet is the world's most famous drama of tragic young love.

Defying the feud which divides their families, Romeo and Juliet enjoy the fleeting rapture of courtship, marriage and sexual fulfillment; but a combination of old animosities and new coincidences brings them to suicidal deaths.

This play offers a rich mixture of romantic lyricism, bawdy comedy, intimate harmony and sudden violence. Long successful in the theater, it has also generated numerous operas, ballets and films; and these have helped to make Romeo and Juliet perennially...

  • 25 февраля 2015, 13:26
  • 25 февраля 2015, 13:26
Скачать книгу The New Revelation автора Arthur Conan Doyle

Жанр: Зарубежная публицистика, Публицистика


"The New Revelation" is a firsthand account of investigation into the world of spiritualism. The treatise deals not only with the issue of physical versus metaphysical, but also considers the problem of death (and afterlife) and the question of communication with the spirit world. Conan Doyle's captivating prose and pragmatic, yet human, voice makes for an enlightening exploration of some eternally relevant questions-and possible...

  • 25 февраля 2015, 13:26
Скачать книгу The Mystery of Cloomber автора Arthur Conan Doyle

Жанр: Зарубежная классика, Зарубежная литература


This novel is narrated by John Fothergill West, who tries to discover why the tenant of Cloomber Hall, General Heatherstone, is nervous to the point of being paranoid. Why are his fears becoming stronger every year at the fifth of October? And why doesn't he let his children leave home? This is a great mystery novel with a sharp twist at the...

  • 25 февраля 2015, 13:26
Скачать книгу The Lost World автора Arthur Conan Doyle

Жанр: Зарубежные приключения, Приключения


Irish athletic reporter Malone narrates tale of bold squat quarrelsome Professor Challenger seeking remote Amazonian plateau where “the ordinary laws of Nature are suspended” with prehistoric creatures and ape-men. Other armed British whites are spare skeptic Professor Summerlee, and ginger dead-shot Lord John, supported by colored...

  • 25 февраля 2015, 13:26
Скачать книгу The Last Galley. Impressions And Tales автора Arthur Conan Doyle

Жанр: Зарубежная классика, Зарубежная литература


This volume collects a wide array of the author's short works of fiction, spanning virtually every literary genre. Detective stories are featured, but genres such as historical fiction, romance, and even nautical adventure are represented, as well. The Last Galley is an engrossing grab-bag of tales from the pen of one of the greatest nineteenth-century...

  • 14 января 2015, 14:42
  • 14 января 2015, 14:42
Скачать книгу The Unnamable автора H. Lovecraft

Жанр: Зарубежное: Прочее, Зарубежная литература


Carter, a weird fiction writer, meets with his close friend, Joel Manton, in a cemetery near an old, dilapidated house on Meadow Hill in the town of Arkham, Massachusetts. As the two sit upon a weathered tomb, Carter tells Manton the tale of an indescribable entity that allegedly haunts the house and surrounding area. He contends that because such an entity cannot be perceived by the five senses, it becomes impossible to quantify and accurately describe, thus earning itself the term unnamable. As the narration closes, this unnamable presence attacks both Carter and Manton. Both men survive and awaken later at St. Mary’s hospital. They suffer from various lacerations, including scarring from a large horn-shaped object and bruises in the shape of hoof-prints on their...

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