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  • 29 мая 2015, 14:25
Скачать книгу На струе автора Дмитрий Факофский

Жанр: Документальная литература, Публицистика


Секс, наркотики, насилие, футбольные хулиганы и мир без иллюзий. Целое поколение людей, ставших чужими для прошлого, не нашедших себя в настоящем и лишенных будущего. Эта книга для тех, кто хочет правды, которая подчас бывает более грязной, чем мы того желаем. Вам нужна правда? Тогда читайте...

  • 29 мая 2015, 01:27
Скачать книгу The American Claimant автора Mark Twain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика, Зарубежная литература


"The American Claimant" is a comedy of mistaken identities and multiple role switches―fertile and familiar Mark Twain territory. Its cast of characters include an American enamored of British hereditary aristocracy and a British earl entranced by American democracy.Twain uses this over-the-top comic frame to explore some serious issues as well-such as the construction of self and identity, the role of the press in society, and the moral and social questions raised by capitalism and industrialization in the United States. A unique melange of science fiction and fantasy, romance, farce, and political satire, Twain's least-known comic novel is both thought-provoking and...

  • 29 мая 2015, 01:27
Скачать книгу Eureka автора Edgar Poe

Жанр: Зарубежная классика, Зарубежная литература


"Eureka" (1848) is a lengthy non-fiction work by American author Edgar Allan Poe (1809–1849) which he subtitled "A Prose Poem", though it has also been subtitled as "An Essay on the Material and Spiritual Universe". Adapted from a lecture he had presented, Eureka describes Poe's intuitive conception of the nature of the universe with no antecedent scientific work done to reach his conclusions. He also discusses man's relationship with God, whom he compares to an...

  • 29 мая 2015, 01:27
Скачать книгу Agnes Grey автора Anne Bronte

Жанр: Зарубежная классика, Зарубежная литература

At age 19 Anne Brontë left home and worked as a governess for a few years before becoming a writer. Agnes Grey was an 1847 novel based on her experience as a governess. Bronte depicts the precarious position of a governess and how that can affect a young woman. Agnes was the daughter of a minister whose family was in financial difficulty. She has only a few choices for employment. Agnes experiences the difficulty of reining in spoiled children and how wealth can corrupt morals. She later opens a school and finds...

  • 29 мая 2015, 01:27
  • 29 мая 2015, 01:27
Скачать книгу The Tell-Tale Heart автора Edgar Poe

Жанр: Зарубежная классика, Зарубежная литература

"The Tell-Tale Heart" is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe first published in 1843. It is told by an unnamed narrator who endeavors to convince the reader of his sanity, while describing a murder he committed. (The victim was an old man with a filmy "vulture-eye", as the narrator calls it.) The murder is carefully calculated, and the murderer hides the body by dismembering it and hiding it under the floorboards. Ultimately the narrator's guilt manifests itself in the form of the sound – possibly hallucinatory – of the old man's heart still beating under the...

  • 29 мая 2015, 01:27
Скачать книгу The Purloined Letter автора Edgar Poe

Жанр: Зарубежная классика, Зарубежная литература

"The Purloined Letter" is a short story by American author Edgar Allan Poe. It is the third of his three detective stories featuring the fictional C. Auguste Dupin, the other two being "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" and "The Mystery of Marie Rogêt". These stories are considered to be important early forerunners of the modern detective...

  • 29 мая 2015, 01:27
Скачать книгу The Pit and the Pendulum автора Edgar Poe

Жанр: Зарубежная классика, Зарубежная литература


The blackness of eternal night encompassed me. The intense darkness oppressed and stifled me so that I struggled for breath.Having been condemned to death by the Spanish Inquisition, the narrator descends into a kind of hell. Dizzy with weakness and fainting with fear, he experiences such torments that death itself would be welcome. What troubles him most is the eternal question: how will he die?Toledo Prison is notorious for the torture of the condemned. What minds have dreamed up the terror of the pit in the center of the cell? What is the significance of the painted figure of Time with his menacing pendulum? Why do the walls glow with heat?Experience with the narrator the intensity of his suffering when death seems inevitable but its form uncertain. Can anything, or anybody, help...

  • 29 мая 2015, 01:27
Скачать книгу Ligeia автора Edgar Poe

Жанр: Зарубежная классика, Зарубежная литература


"Ligeia" is a short story written by Edgar Allan Poe and first published in 1838. "Ligeia" is widely considered to be one of the top 100 greatest books of all time. The story follows an unnamed narrator and his wife Ligeia, a beautiful and intelligent raven-haired...

  • 29 мая 2015, 01:27
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