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anafus adj maimed, disabled

anair (-eiriau) nm ill report, slander

anallu nm inability

analluog adj unable

analluogi vb to disable

anaml adj infrequent, rare ▶ adv rarely, seldom

anamlwg adj obscure, inconspicuous

anamserol adj untimely, mistimed

anap (anhapon) nmf mischance, mishap

anarchiaeth nfm anarchy

anarchydd (-ion) nm anarchist

anarferol adj unusual, extraordinary

anarfog adj unarmed

ancr nmf anchorite, anchoress

ancwyn (-ion) nm dinner, supper; delicacy

anchwiliadwy adj unsearchable

andras nm curse; devil, deuce

andwyo vb to spoil, to ruin, to undo

andwyol adj harmful, ruinous

anedifeiriol adj impenitent

aneffeithiol adj ineffectual

aneglur adj indistinct; illegible

aneirif adj innumerable

anelu vb to bend, to aim

anenwog adj unrenowned, ignoble, mean

anerchiad (-au) nm salutation, address

anesboniadwy adj inexplicable

anesgusodol adj inexcusable

anesmwyth adj uneasy, restless

anesmwythder, anesmwythdra nm uneasiness, unrest

anesmwytho vb to be or make uneasy

anesmwythyd nm uneasiness, disquiet

anewyllysgar adj unwilling

anfad adj wicked, nefarious

anfadrwydd nm wickedness, villainy

anfadwaith nm villainy; crime

anfadwr (-wyr) nm villain, scoundrel

anfaddeugar adj unforgiving

anfaddeuol adj unpardonable

anfantais (-eision) nf disadvantage

anfanteisiol adj disadvantageous

anfarwol adj undying, immortal

anfarwoldeb nm immortality

anfedrus adj unskilful

anfedrusrwydd nm unskilfulness

anfeidrol adj infinite

anfeidroldeb nm infinity

anferth adj huge, monstrous

anferthedd nm hugeness, monstrosity

anfodlon adj unwilling

anfodloni vb to discontent, to dissatisfy

anfodlonrwydd nm discontent

anfodd nm unwillingness, displeasure

anfoddhaol adj unsatisfactory

anfoddio vb to displease, to disoblige

anfoddlon see anfodlon

anfoddog adj discontented, dissatisfied

anfoddogrwydd nm discontentment

anfoesgar adj unmannerly, rude

anfoesgarwch nm rudeness, incivility

anfoesol adj immoral

anfoesoldeb nm immorality

anfon vb to send, to transmit, to dispatch

anfoneb nf invoice

anfoneddigaidd adj ungentlemanly

anfonheddig adj ignoble, discourteous

anfoniad nm sending, transmission

anfri nm disrespect, dishonour

anfucheddol adj immoral

anfuddiol adj unprofitable

anfwriadol adj unintentional

anfwyn adj unkind, uncivil

anfwytadwy adj inedible

anfynych adj infrequent, rare ▶ adv seldom

anffaeledig adj infallible

anffaeledigrwydd nm infallibility

anffafriol adj unfavourable

anffawd (-ffodion) nf misfortune

anffodus, anffortunus adj unfortunate

anffrwythlon adj unfruitful, barren

anffurfio vb to disfigure, to deform

anffurfiol adj informal

anffyddiaeth nf atheism

anffyddiwr (-wyr) nm infidel, atheist

anffyddlon adj unfaithful

anhaeddiannol adj unmerited, undeserved

anhaeddiant nm demerit, unworthiness

anhapus adj unhappy, unlucky

anhardd adj unhandsome, unseemly, ugly

anhawdd adj hard, difficult

anhawddgar adj unamiable, unlovely

anhawster (anawsterau) nm difficulty

anhepgor (-ion) nm essential

anhepgorol adj indispensable

anhoffter nm hatred, dislike

anhraethadwy adj unutterable

anhraethol adj unspeakable, ineffable

anhrefn nm disorder, confusion

anhrefnu vb to disorder, to disarrange

anhrefnus adj disorderly, untidy

anhreiddiol adj impervious, impenetrable

anhreuliedig adj undigested; unspent

anhrugarog adj unmerciful, merciless

anhuddo vb to cover (a fire)

anhunedd nm wakefulness, disquiet

anhwyldeb nm disorder, complaint, illness

anhwylder nm illness

anhwylus adj unwell

anhwylustod nm inconvenience

anhyblyg adj inflexible, stiff, rigid

anhydawdd adj insoluble

anhyder nm distrust, diffidence

anhyderus adj diffident

anhydrin adj unmanageable

anhydyn adj intractable, obstinate

anhyddysg adj unversed, ignorant

anhyfryd adj unpleasant

anhyfrydwch nm unpleasantness

anhygar adj unpleasant, unamiable

anhygoel adj incredible

anhygyrch adj inaccessible

anhylaw adj unhandy, unwieldy

anhynod adj indistinctive; uncertain

anhysbys adj unknown; unversed

anhywaith adj intractable, refractory

anial adj desert, wild ▶ nm wilderness

anialwch nm wilderness

anian (-au) nf nature, instinct, genius

anianawd nm temperament, disposition

anianol adj natural

anianyddol adj physical

anifail (-feiliaid) nm animal, beast

anifeilaidd adj beastly, brutish

anifeileiddio vb to animalize, to brutalize

anlwc nf bad luck, misfortune

anlwcus adj unlucky

anllad adj wanton, lascivious, lewd

anlladrwydd nm wantonness, lewdness

anllygredig adj incorrupt, incorruptible

anllygredigaeth nf incorruption

anllythrennog adj illiterate

anllywodraeth nf misrule, anarchy

annaearol adj unearthly, weird

annatodol adj indissoluble, that cannot be undone

annaturiol adj unnatural

annealladwy adj unintelligible

anneallus adj unintelligent

annedwydd adj unhappy, miserable

annedwyddwch nm unhappiness

annedd (anheddau) nf dwelling

anneddfol adj lawless

annefnyddiol adj useless; immaterial

annel (anelau) nfm trap; purpose, aim

annelwig adj shapeless, unformed; vague

anner (aneirod, -i, -au) nf heifer

annerbyniol adj unacceptable

annerch vb to salute, to greet, to address ▶ nm (anerchion) salutation, greeting

annewisol adj ineligible, undesirable, unwelcome

annhebyg adj unlike, dissimilar

annhebygol adj unlikely, improbable

annhebygolrwydd nm improbability

annhebygrwydd nm unlikeness, unlikelihood

annheg adj unfair

annhegwch nm unfairness

annheilwng adj unworthy

annheilyngdod nm unworthiness

annherfynol adj endless; infinitive, infinite

annhirion adj cruel

annhosturiol adj pitiless, ruthless

annhuedd nf disinclination

annhueddol adj disinclined, indisposed

anniben adj untidy, slovenly

annibendod nm untidiness

annibyniaeth nf independence

annibynnol adj independent

Annibynnwr (-wyr) nm Independent

annichellgar adj guileless, simple

annichon, annichonadwy adj impossible

anniddan adj comfortless, miserable

anniddig adj peevish, irritable, fretful

anniddigrwydd nm peevishness

anniddos adj leaky, comfortless

annifeiriol adj innumerable, countless

anniflanedig adj unfading, imperishable

annifyr adj miserable, wretched

annifyrrwch nm misery

anniffoddadwy adj unquenchable

annigonedd nm insufficiency

annigonol adj insufficient, inadequate

annigonolrwydd nm inadequacy

annileadwy adj indelible, ineffaceable

annilys adj unauthentic, spurious, insincere

annillyn adj inelegant, clumsy

annioddefol adj unbearable, intolerable

anniogel adj unsafe, insecure

anniolchgar adj unthankful, ungrateful

anniolchgarwch nm ingratitude

annirnadwy adj incomprehensible

annisgrifiadwy adj indescribable

annisgwyliadwy adj unexpected

anniwair adj unchaste, incontinent, lewd

anniwall adj insatiable

anniweirdeb nm unchastity, incontinence

anniwylliedig adj uncultured

annoeth adj unwise, imprudent

annoethineb nm unwisdom, folly

annog vb to incite, to urge; to exhort

annormal adj abnormal

annos vb to incite, to set (a dog) on

annosbarthus adj unruly, disorderly

annuw, annuwiad (annuwiaid) nm atheist

annuwiaeth nf atheism

annuwiol adj ungodly, godless

annuwioldeb nm ungodliness

annwn, annwfn nm the underworld; hell

annwyd (anwydau, -on) nm cold

annwyl adj dear, beloved

annyledus adj undue, wrongful

annymunol adj unpleasant, disagreeable

annynol adj inhuman, cruel

annysgedig adj unlearned

anobaith nm despair

anobeithio vb to despair

anobeithiol adj hopeless

anochel, anocheladwy adj unavoidable, inevitable

anodd adj hard, difficult

anoddefgar adj impatient, intolerant

anogaeth (-au) nf exhortation

anolrheinadwy adj untraceable

anolygus adj unsightly

anonest adj dishonest

anonestrwydd nm dishonesty

anorchfygol adj irresistible; unconquerable

anorecsig adj anorexic

anorfod adj insuperable; unavoidable

anorffen adj endless, unending

anorffenedig adj incomplete, unfinished

anorthrech adj invincible

anrasol adj graceless

anrhaith (-rheithiau) nf prey, spoil, booty

anrheg (-ion) nf present, gift

anrhegu vb to present, to give

anrheithio vb to prey, to spoil, to plunder

anrheithiwr (-wyr) nm spoiler, pillager

anrhydedd (-au) nm honour

anrhydeddu vb to honour

anrhydeddus adj honourable

anrhydeddwr (-wyr) nm honourer

ansad adj unsteady, unstable

ansadrwydd nm instability

ansafadwy adj unstable; fickle

ansathredig adj untrodden, unfrequented

ansawdd (-soddau) nfm quality, state

ansefydlog adj unsettled, unstable; fickle

ansefydlogi vb to unsettle

ansicr adj uncertain, doubtful

ansicrwydd nm uncertainty, doubt

ansoddair (-eiriau) nm adjective

ansoddeiriol adj adjectival

ansyber adj untidy, slovenly

Antarctig nf; yr Antarctig the Antarctic

anterliwt (-iau) nfm interlude

anterth nm meridian, zenith, prime

antur (-iau) nfm attempt, venture; adventure; enterprise; ar antur at random

anturiaeth (-au) nf adventure, enterprise

anturiaethus adj adventurous, enterprising

anturiaethwr (-wyr) nm adventurer

anturio vb to venture, to adventure

anturus adj adventurous

anthem (-au) nf anthem

anudon (-au) nm false oath, perjury

anudoniaeth nf perjury

anudonwr (-wyr) nm perjurer

anufudd adj disobedient

anufudd-dod nm disobedience

anufuddhau vb to disobey

anundeb nm disunion

anunion adj crooked; unjust

anuniondeb nm injustice, iniquity

anurddo vb to spoil, to mar, to disfigure

anwadal adj unstable, fickle, changeable

anwadalu vb to waver, to vacillate

anwadalwch nm fickleness

anwar adj wild, barbarous, savage

anwaraidd adj uncivilized, barbarous

anwarddyn (-wariaid) nm barbarian, savage

anwareidd-dra nm barbarity

anwastad adj uneven, unstable, fickle

anwe (-oedd) nf woof

anwedd nm vapour, steam

anweddaidd adj unseemly, indecent

anweddus adj improper, indecent

anweledig adj unseen, invisible

anwes nm indulgence; caress

anwesog adj pampered, affectionate

anwesu vb to fondle, to caress, to pamper, to indulge

anwir adj untrue, lying, false; wicked

anwiredd (-au) nm untruth; iniquity

anwireddu vb to falsify

anwireddus adj untruthful, false, lying

anwr (-wyr) nm wretch, coward

anwybod nm ignorance

anwybodaeth nf ignorance

anwybodus adj ignorant

anwybyddu vb to ignore

anwydog adj cold, chilly; having a cold

anwydwst nf influenza

anwyldeb nm belovedness, dearness

anwyliaid npl beloved ones, favourites

anwylo vb to cherish, to fondle, to caress

anwylyd (-liaid) nm beloved

anwylyn nm favourite

anwythiad nm induction

anwytho vb to induce

anwythol adj inductive

anymarferol adj impractical, impracticable

anymddiried vb to mistrust, to distrust

anymwybodol adj unconscious

anymwybyddiaeth nf unconsciousness

anynad adj peevish, petulant; brawling

anysgrifenedig adj unwritten

anysgrythurol adj unscriptural

anystwyth adj stiff, rigid

anystwytho vb to stiffen

anystyriaeth nf heedlessness, rashness

anystyriol adj heedless, reckless, rash

anystywallt, anystywell adj unmanageable

apelio vb to appeal

apostol (-ion) nm apostle

apostolaidd, apostolig adj apostolic

apostoliaeth nf apostleship

apwyntiad (-au) nm appointment

apwyntio vb to appoint

ar prep on, upon, over; ar gau closed

âr nm ploughed land, tilth; ground

Arab (-iaid) nm Arab

arab adj facetious, merry, pleasant

Arabaidd adj Arab

arabedd nm facetiousness, wit

Arabeg nf Arabic

arabus adj witty

aradr (erydr) nm plough

araf adj slow, soft, gentle, still

arafu vb to slow; to quiet; to moderate

arafwch nm slowness; moderation

arail vb to guard, to care for, to foster ▶ adj attending, careful

araith (areithiau) nf speech

arall (eraill) adj, pron another, other; else

aralleg (-au) nfm allegory

aralleiriad (-au) nm paraphrase

aralleirio vb to paraphrase

araul adj sunny, sunlit; serene

arawd nf speech, oration

arbed vb to spare, to save

arbediad (-au) nm save, salvage

arbedol adj sparing, saving

arbedwr (-wyr) nm: arbedwr sgrin screen saver

arbenigaeth nf expertise; specialisation

arbenigo vb to specialise

arbenigrwydd nm speciality, prominence

arbenigwr (-wyr) nm specialist

arbennig adj special

arbrawf (arbrofion) nm experiment

arbrofi vb to experiment

arbrofol adj experimental

Arctig nf: yr Arctig the Arctic

arch1 (eirchion) nf request, petition; bidding

arch2 (eirch) nf ark, coffin; trunk, waist

archaeoleg nf archaeology

archangel (-ylion) nm archangel

archddiacon (-iaid) nm archdeacon

archeb (-ion) nf order

archebu vb to order

archen nf shoe; clothing

archenad nm shoe; clothing

Archentaidd adj Argentinian

archesgob (-ion) nm archbishop

archesgobaeth (-au) nf archbishopric

archfarchnad (-oedd) nf supermarket

archiad nm bidding

archif (-au) nfm archive

archifdy (-dai) nm record office

archifydd (-ion) nm archivist

archoffeiriad (-iaid) nm high priest

archoll (-ion) nf wound

archolli vb to wound

archwaeth nm taste, appetite

archwaethu vb to taste, to savour

archwiliad (-au) nm audit; checkup; inspection, examination; exploration

archwilio vb to examine, to audit; to explore

archwiliwr (-wyr) nm examiner, auditor; explorer

ardal (-oedd) nf region, district

ardalydd (-ion) nm marquis

ardreth (-i) nf rent

ardrethu vb to rent

ardystiad (-au) nm pledge, attestation

ardystio vb to pledge, to attest

arddangos vb to show, to exhibit, to indicate

arddangosfa (-feydd) nf show, exhibition

arddegau npl teens

arddegol adj teenage

arddel vb to avow, to own

arddeliad nm claim, avowal; unction

ardderchog adj excellent, noble, splendid

ardderchowgrwydd nm excellency

arddodi vb to prefix; to impose

arddodiad (-iaid) nm preposition

arddu vb to plough

arddull (-iau) nf style

arddulleg nf stylistics

ardduniant nm sublimity

arddunol adj sublime

arddwr (-wyr) nm ploughman

arddwrn (-ddyrnau) nm wrist

arddywediad (-au) nm dictation

aredig vb to plough

areitheg nf rhetoric

areithio vb to speak, to make a speech

areithiwr (-wyr) nm speaker, orator

areithyddiaeth nf oratory; elocution

arel nm laurel

aren (-nau) nf kidney; (pl) reins

arestio vb to arrest

arf (-au) nmf weapon; (pl) arms; tool

arfaeth (-au) nf purpose; decree

arfaethu vb to purpose, to intend

arfbais (-beisiau) nf coat of arms

arfdy (-dai) nm armoury

arfer vb to use, to accustom ▶ nfm (-ion) use, custom, habit

arferiad nmf use, custom, habit

arferol adj usual, customary

arfod nf stroke of a weapon, fight; armour; opportunity

arfog adj armed

arfogaeth nf armour

arfogi vb to arm

arfoll (-au) nm pledge, oath

arfordir (-oedd) nm coast

arforol adj maritime

arffed (-au) nf lap

argae (-au) nm dam, embankment; enclosed place

argeisio vb to seek

argel nmf concealment, refuge ▶ adj hidden, occult

arglwydd (-i) nm lord

arglwyddaidd adj lordly

arglwyddes (-au) nf lady

arglwyddiaeth (-au) nf lordship, dominion

argoed (-ydd) nm enclosure of trees

argoel (-ion) nf sign, token, omen

argoeli vb to betoken, to portend, to augur

argoelus adj ominous

argraff (-ion, -au) nf print, impression

argraffdy (-dai) nm printer’s, printing-house

argraffiad (-au) nm impression; edition

argraffu vb to print, to impress

argraffwaith nm print, typography

argraffwasg nf printing-press

argraffwr (-wyr), argraffydd (-ion) nm printer

argrwm, argrwn adj convex

argyfwng (-yngau, -yngoedd) nm crisis

argyhoeddi vb to reprove; to convince, to convict

argyhoeddiad (-au) nm conviction

argyhoeddiadol adj convincing

argymell vb to urge, to recommend

argymhelliad nm recommendation

arholi vb to examine

arholiad (-au) nm examination; arholiad mynediad entrance examination

arholwr (-wyr) nm examiner

arhosfa nf stop; arhosfa bws, arhosfa bysiau bus stop

arhosfan (-nau) nm = arhosfa

arhosiad nm staying, stay

arhosol adj abiding, permanent

arial nm vigour, mettle

arian nm silver ▶ coll n money, cash; arian breiniol currency; arian byw mercury; arian gleision silver; arian parod cash; arian pen exact money; arian treigl current money

ariandy (-dai) nm bank

ariangar adj fond of money, avaricious

ariangarwch nm love of money, avarice

ariannaid adj silver, silvern

ariannaidd adj silvery

arianneg nmf finance

Ariannin nf Argentina

ariannog adj moneyed, wealthy, rich

ariannol adj financial, monetary

ariannu vb to silver; to finance/fund

ariannydd (arianyddion) nm banker, investor, financier

arlais (-leisiau) nf temple

arlein, ar-lein adj, adv online

arloesi vb to clear, to prepare the way, to pioneer

arloesydd (-wyr) nm pioneer

arluniaeth nf portraiture, painting

arlunio vb to draw, to paint, to portray

arlunydd (-wyr) nm artist

arlwy (-au, -on) nmf provision, feast, menu

arlwyaeth (-au) nf catering

arlwyo vb to prepare, to provide; to cook

arlywydd (-ion) nm president

arlywyddiaeth nf presidency

arlywyddol adj presidential

arlliw (-iau) nm varnish, tint, shade, trace

arlliwio vb to colour, to tint, to paint

arllwys vb to pour out, to empty

arllwysfa nf outfall, outlet, vent

armel nm second milk

armes nf prophecy; calamity

arnofio vb to float

arobryn adj worthy, prize-winning

arofun vb to intend, to purpose

arogl (-au), aroglau (-euon) nm scent, smell

arogldarth nm incense

arogldarthu vb to burn incense

arogli, arogleuo vb to scent; to smell

arogliad nm smelling, sense of smell

aroleuadau npl: aroleuadau gwallt highlights

aroleuydd (-ion) nm highlighter (pen)

arolwg nm survey

arolygiad (-au) nm inspection

arolygiaeth nf superintendency

arolygu vb to superintend

arolygwr (-wyr), arolygydd (-ion) nm superintendent, inspector; supervisor

aros vb to wait, to await, to stay, to stop, to tarry, to abide, to remain; aros ar ôl stay behind; aros gartref stay in

arswyd nm dread, terror, horror

arswydo vb to dread; to shudder

arswydus adj fearful, terrible, dreadful

arsylwi vb to observe

arsyllfa (-feydd) nf observatory

arsyllu vb to observe

artaith (-teithiau) nf torture, torment, pang

arteithio vb to torture, to rack

arteithiol adj racking, excruciating

artisiog (-au) nm artichoke

artistig adj artistic

arth (eirth) nfm bear

arthes (-au) nf she-bear

arthio, arthu vb to bark, to growl

aruchel adj lofty, sublime

arucheledd nm loftiness, sublimity

aruthr adj marvellous, strange

aruthredd nm amazement, horror

aruthrol adj huge, prodigious

arwahanrwydd nm uniqueness, individuality

arwain vb to conduct, to lead, to guide, to carry

arwedd (-au, -ion) nf bearing, aspect

arweddu vb to bear

arweddwr (-wyr) nm bearer

arweiniad nm guidance; introduction

arweiniol adj leading, introductory

arweinydd (-ion) nm guide, leader; conductor

arweinyddiaeth nf leadership

arwerthiant (-iannau) nm auction

arwerthu vb to sell by auction

arwerthwr (-wyr) nm auctioneer

arwisgiad nm investiture

arwisgo vb to enrobe, to array, to invest

arwr (-wyr) nm hero

arwraidd adj heroic, epic

arwres (-au) nf heroine

arwrgerdd (-i) nf epic poem

arwriaeth nf heroism

arwrol adj heroic, gallant

arwybod nm awareness

arwydd (-ion) nmf sign, signal; ensign; arwydd ffordd road sign

arwyddair (-eiriau) nm motto

arwyddbost nm signpost

arwyddlun (-iau) nm emblem, symbol

arwyddluniol adj emblematic, symbolic

arwyddnod (-au) nm mark, token

arwyddo vb to sign; to signify

arwyddocâd nm signification, significance

arwyddocaol adj significant

arwyddocáu vb to signify, to denote

arwyl (-ion) nf funeral, funeral rites

arwylo vb to mourn over the dead

arwynebedd nm surface, superficies

arwynebol adj superficial

arwyrain nmf praise, panegyric ▶ vb to rise, to extol

arwystl nm mortgage

arwystlo vb to pledge, to mortgage

arysgrif (-au), arysgrifen (-nau) nf inscription, epigraph

asb (-iaid) nf asp

asbri nm animation, vivacity, spirits

ased nm asset

aseiniad (-au) nm assignment

asen1 (-nau) nf rib

asen2 (-nod) nf she-ass

asesiad nm: asesiad parhaus continuous assessment

asesu vb to assess; asesu parhaus continuous assessment

aseth nf stake, spar, lath

asgell (esgyll) nf wing, fin; asgell fraith chaffinch

asgellog adj winged

asgellwr (-wyr) nm wing, outside-forward

asglod, asglodion npl chips

asgre nf bosom, heart

asgwrn (esgyrn) nm bone

Asia nf Asia

Asiad (Asiaid) nm Asian

asiad (-au) nm joint, weld

Asiaidd adj Asian

asiant (-au) nm agent

asiantaeth nf agency

asid nm acid

asidig adj acidic

asiedydd nm joiner

asio vb to join, to weld; to solder; to cement

astell (astyllod, estyll) nf plank, shelf

astroleg nf astrology

astrus adj abstruse, difficult

astud adj attentive

astudiaeth (-au) nf study; astudiaethau cyfrifiadurol computer studies

astudio vb to study

astudrwydd nm attentiveness

aswy adj left

asyn (-nod) nm he-ass

asynnaidd adj asinine

at prep to, towards; for; at; by

atafaeliad nm confiscation, distraint

atafaelu vb to confiscate

atal vb to stop, to hinder, to withhold ▶ nm (-ion) hindrance, impediment; atal dweud stammering

ataleb (-au) nf injunction

atalfa (-feydd) nf check; stoppage

ataliad (-au) nm stoppage

ataliol adj preventive

atalnod (-au) nf stop, point

atalnodi vb to point, to punctuate

atblygol adj reflexive

ateb vb to answer, to reply ▶ nm (-ion) answer

atebol adj answerable, responsible

ateg (-ion) nf prop, stay, support

ategiad (-au) nm affirmation

ategol adj confirming; auxiliary

ategu vb to support

atgas adj odious, hateful

atgasedd nm hatred

atgasrwydd nm odiousness, hatefulness

atgenhedliad nm regeneration

atgenhedlu vb to regenerate

atgno (-oeau, -oeon) nm remorse

atgof (-ion) nm remembrance, reminiscence

atgofio vb to recollect, to remember, to remind

atgofus adj reminiscent

atgoffa vb to recall, to remind

atgyfnerthion npl reinforcements

atgyfnerthu vb to reinforce

atgyfodi vb to rise, to raise again

atgyfodiad nm resurrection

atgynhyrchu vb to reproduce

atgyweiriad (-au) nm repair

atgyweirio vb to repair, to mend

atgyweiriwr (-wyr) nm repairer, mender

atig (-au) nmf attic

Atlantaidd adj Atlantic

Atlantig adj Atlantic

atodi vb to add, to append, to affix

atodiad (-au) nm addition, appendix

atodlen (-ni) nf supplement; schedule

atodol adj supplementary

atolwg, atolygu vb to pray, to beseech

atom (-au) nfm atom

atomfa (-feydd) nf nuclear power station

atomig adj atomic

atsain (-seiniau) nf echo

atseinio vb to resound, to echo

atwf (atyfion) nm second growth

atyniad (-au) nm attraction

atyniadol adj attractive

atynnu vb to attract

Athen nf Athens

athletau npl athletics

athrawes (-au) nf teacher, governess

athrawiaeth (-au) nf doctrine

athrawiaethol adj doctrinal

athrist adj very sad, pensive, sorrowful

athro (athrawon) nm teacher, master

athrod (-ion) nm slander, libel

athrodwr (-wyr) nm slanderer, libeller

athrofa (-feydd) nf college, academy, institute

athrofaol adj academic

athroniaeth nf philosophy

athronydd (-ion, -wyr) nm philosopher

athronyddol adj philosophical

athronyddu vb to philosophize

athrylith (-oedd) nf genius

athrylithgar adj of genius, talented

athrywyn nm mediation, intervention ▶ vb to mediate, to arbitrate

aur nm gold

awch nm edge; ardour, zest; relish, appetite

awchlym adj sharp, keen, acute

awchlymu vb to sharpen, to whet

awchus adj sharp, keen; eager; greedy

awdl (-au, odlau) nf ode

awdur (-on, -iaid) nm author

awdurdod (-au) nmf authority

awdurdodedig adj authorised

awdurdodi vb to authorize

awdurdodol adj authoritative

awdures (-au) nf authoress

awduriaeth nf authorship

awel (-on) nf breeze, wind

awelog adj breezy, windy

awen1 (-au) nf muse

awen2 (-au) nf rein

awenydd (-ion) nm poet

awenyddiaeth nf poetry, poesy

awenyddol adj poetical

awenyddu vb to poetize

awgrym (-au, -iadau) nm hint, suggestion

awgrymiadol adj suggestive

awgrymog adj suggestive

awgrymu vb to hint, to suggest

awr (oriau) nf hour; oriau hamdden spare time, leisure; oriau hyblyg flexitime; oriau ychwanegol overtime

Awst nm August

Awstralia nf Australia

Awstria nf Austria

awtistig adj autistic

awydd (-au) nm desire, eagerness

awyddfryd nm vehement desire, zeal

awyddu vb to desire

awyddus adj desirous, eager, zealous

awyr nf air, sky

awyrdrom (-au) nf aerodrome

awyren (-nau, -ni) nf balloon, aeroplane

awyrendy (-dai) nm hangar

awyrgylch (-au, -oedd) nmf atmosphere

awyriad nm ventilation

awyrlong (-au) nf airship

awyru vb to air, to ventilate

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