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cofweini vb to prompt

cofweinydd (-ion) nm prompter

coffa vb to remember ▶ nm remembrance

coffâd nm remembrance

coffadwriaeth nf remembrance, memory

coffadwriaethol adj memorial

coffáu vb to remember; to remind; to commemorate

coffi nm coffee

coffr (-au) nm coffer, trunk, chest

cog1 (-au) nf cuckoo

cog2 (-au) nm cook

coginiaeth nf cookery

coginio vb to cook

cogio vb to cog; to sham, to feign, to pretend

cogiwr (-wyr) nm pretender, swindler

cogor vb to chatter, to caw, to croak ▶ nm chattering

cogwrn (-yrnau, cegyrn) nm knob, cone; cock (of corn); shell

cogydd (-ion) nm cook

cogyddes (-au) nf cook

cogyddiaeth nf cookery

congl (-au) nf corner

col (-ion) nm awn, beard

côl nf bosom, embrace

coladu vb to collate

coledd, coleddu vb to cherish, to foster

coleddwr (-wyr) nm cherisher, fosterer, patron, supporter

coleg (-au) nm college; coleg chweched dosbarth sixth-form college; coleg technoleg dinasol city technology college

colegol adj collegiate

colegwr (-wyr) nm collegian

coler (-i) nfm collar

colfen (-nau, -ni) nf bough, branch; tree

colofn (-au) nf column, pillar

colofnydd nm columnist

colomen (-nod) nf dove, pigeon

colomendy (-dai) nm dove-cot

colomennaidd adj dove-like

coluddion npl (nm -yn) bowels

coluddyn nm gut

colur (-au) nm make-up, colour

coluro vb to make-up, to paint; to conceal

colwyn (-od) nm puppy

colyn (-nau) nm pivot; sting; tail

colynnog adj stinging; hinged

colynnu vb to sting

coll (-iadau) nm loss; failing, defect

colladwy adj perishable

collddail adj deciduous

colled (-ion) nfm loss

colledig adj lost, damned

colledigaeth nf perdition

colledu vb to occasion loss

colledus adj fraught with loss

colledwr (-wyr) nm loser

collen (cyll) nf hazel

collfarn (-au) nf doom, condemnation

collfarnu vb to condemn

colli vb to lose; to be lost, to perish; to spill, to shed

collnod (-au) nm apostrophe

collwr (-wyr) nm loser

coma (-s) nm comma

côma (comâu) nm coma

comed (-au) nf comet

comedi (-ïau) nfm comedy

comig adj comic, comical ▶ nm comic (paper)

comin nm common

comisiwn (-iynau) nm commission

comisiynu vb to commission

comiwnydd (-ion) nm communist

comiwnyddiaeth nf communism

comiwnyddol adj communist

conach vb to grumble

conclaf nm conclave

concro vb to conquer

concwerwr (-wyr) nm conqueror

concwest (-au) nf conquest, victory

condemniad nm condemnation

condemnio vb to condemn

confensiwn (-iynau) nm convention

conffederasiwn (-asiynau) nm confederation

conffirmasiwn nm confirmation

conffirmio vb to confirm

conifferaidd adj coniferous

cono nm rascal; wag; old fogey

consesiwn (-iynau) nm concession

consol (-au) nm: consol gêmau games console

consuriaeth nf conjuring

consurio vb to conjure

consuriwr (-wyr) nm conjurer

conwydd npl (nf -en) coniferous trees

cop, copyn (-nod, -nau) nm spider

copa (-âu) nf top, crest; head

copi (-ïau) nm copy; copy-book

copïo vb to copy, to transcribe

copïwr (-wyr) nm copyist, transcriber

copr nm copper

cor (-rod) nm dwarf (offensive); spider

côr (corau) nm choir; stall, pew; côr-feistr choirmaster

corachaidd adj dwarfish, stunted

Corân nm Koran

corawl adj choral

corbwll (-byllau) nm whirlpool; puddle

corcyn (cyrc) nm cork

cord (-iau) nm cord; chord

cordeddu vb to twist, to twine

corddi vb to churn; to turn; to agitate

corddiad (-au) nm churning

corddwr (-wyr) nm churner

Corea nf Korea

cored (-au) nf weir, dam

coreograffiaeth nf choreography

corfan (-nau) nm metrical foot

corff (cyrff) nm body

corfflu (-oedd) nm corps

corffol adj corpulent; physical

corffolaeth nf bodily form; stature

corfforaeth (-au) nf corporation

corffori vb to embody, to incorporate

corfforiad (-au) nm embodiment

corfforol adj bodily, corporeal, corporal

corgan (-au), côr-gân (côr-ganau) nf chant

corganu vb to chant

corgi (-gwn) nm cur, corgi

corgimwch (-ychiaid) nm prawn

corhwyad (-aid) nf teal; moorhen

corlan (-nau) nf fold

corlannu vb to fold

corn (cyrn) nm horn; pipe, tube; roll; corn; stethoscope; corn gwddw(f), corn gwynt windpipe; corn siarad loudspeaker

cornant (-nentydd) nm brook, rill

cornboer nm phlegm

cornchwiglen (-chwiglod) nf lapwing

cornel (-i, -au) nfm corner

cornelu vb to corner

cornicyll (-od) nm lapwing, plover, peewit

cornio vb to horn, to butt; to examine with a stethoscope

corniog adj horned

cornwyd (-ydd) nm boil, abscess, sore

coron (-au) nf crown

coroni vb to crown ▶ nm coronation

coroniad nm coronation

coronog adj crowned

corrach (corachod) nm dwarf, pygmy

corryn (corynnod) nm spider

cors (-ydd) nf bog, swamp

corsen (-nau, cyrs) nf reed; stem, stalk; cane

cortyn (-nau) nm cord, rope

corun (-au) nm crown of the head; tonsure

corwg, corwgl (-yg(l)au) nm coracle

corws nm chorus

corwynt (-oedd) nm whirlwind

cosb (-au) nf punishment, penalty; cosb ddihenydd capital punishment

cosbadwy adj punishable

cosbedigaeth nf punishment

cosbi vb to punish

cosbol adj punitive, penal

cosbwr (-wyr) nm punisher

cosfa (-feydd) nf itch, itching; thrashing

cosi vb to scratch, to itch ▶ nm itching

cosmetigau npl cosmetics

cosmig adj cosmic

Cosofo nf Kosovo

cost (-au) nf cost, expense

costiad (-au) nm costing

costio vb to cost

costiwm (-tiymau) nmf costume

costog (-ion) nm mastiff; cur ▶ adj surly

costowci (-cwn) nm mastiff, mongrel

costrel (-au, -i) nf bottle

costrelaid (-eidiau) nf bottleful

costrelu vb to bottle

costus adj costly, expensive

cosyn (-nau, -nod) nm a cheese

côt, cot (cotiau) nf coat

cotwm nm cotton

Coweit nf Kuwait

cownter (-au, -i) nm counter

cowntio vb to count, to account, to esteem

crac (-iau) nm crack

cracio vb to crack

craciog adj cracked

crach npl scabs ▶ adj scabby; petty

crachach npl snobs

crachboer nm phlegm

crachen nf scab

crachfardd (-feirdd) nm poetaster

crachfeddyg (-on) nm quack doctor

crachfonheddwr (-wyr) nm snob

crafangio, crafangu vb to claw, to grab

crafanc (-angau) nf claw; talon; clutch

crafellu vb to grate

crafiad (-au) nm scratch

crafog adj cutting, sarcastic

crafu vb to scrape; to scratch ▶ nm itch

crafwr (-wyr) nm scraper

craff adj close; keen; sagacious ▶ nm hold, grip

craffter nm keenness, sagacity

craffu vb to look closely, to observe intently

craffus adj keen, sagacious

cragen (cregyn) nf shell

crai adj new, fresh, raw

craidd (creiddiau) nm middle, centre

craig (creigiau) nf rock

crair (creiriau) nm relic

craith (creithiau) nf scar

cramen (-nau) nf crust, scab

cramwythen nf pancake

cranc (-od) nm crab; y Cranc Cancer

crand adj grand

crandrwydd nm grandeur, finery

crap (-iau) nm hold; smattering

crapio vb to grapple; to pick up

cras (creision) adj parched, dry; harsh

crasiad nm baking

craslyd adj harsh, grating

craster nm dryness; harshness

crasu vb to parch, to scorch; to bake

crau1 (creuau) nm hole, eye, socket

crau2 nmf blood, gore

crau3 (creuau) nm sty; stockade

crawcian, crawcio vb to croak, to caw

crawen (-nau) nf crust

crawn nm matter, pus

crawni vb to gather, to suppurate

crawnllyd adj purulent

cread nm creation

creadigaeth (-au) nf creation

creadigol adj creative

creadur (-iaid) nm creature; animal

creadures (-au) nf female creature

creawdwr (-wyr) nm creator

crebach adj shrunk, withered

crebachlyd adj crabbed, wrinkled

crebachu vb to shrink, to shrivel, to wrinkle, to pucker

crebwyll (-ion) nm invention, understanding, fancy

crecian vb to cluck; to crackle

crechwen nf loud laughter, guffaw

crechwenu vb to laugh loud, to guffaw

cred (-au) nf belief; trust; pledge, troth

credadun (credinwyr) nm believer

credadwy adj credible

crediniaeth nf belief

crediniol adj believing

credo (-au) nmf creed, belief

credu vb to believe

credwr (-wyr) nm believer

credyd (-on) nm credit

credydu vb to credit

cref adj f of cryf

crefu vb to crave, to beg, to implore

crefydd (-au) nf religion

crefydda vb to profess or practise religion

crefyddol adj religious, pious

crefyddolder nm religiousness, piety

crefyddwr (-wyr) nm religionist

crefft (-au) nf handicraft, trade; crefftau’r cartref DIY, do-it-yourself

crefftus adj skilled, workmanlike

crefftwaith nm craftwork

crefftwr (-wyr) nm craftsman

cregyn npl (nf cragen) shells

creider nm freshness

creifion npl scrapings

creigiog adj rocky

creigiwr (-wyr) nm quarryman

creigle (-oedd) nm rocky place

creinio vb to wallow, to lie or fall down; to cringe

creision npl flakes, crisps

creithio vb to scar

crempog (-au) nf pancake

crensio vb to grind (the teeth)

crepach adj numb ▶ nf numbness

crest nm crust, scurf

Creta nf Crete

creu vb to create

creulon adj cruel

creulondeb (-derau) nm cruelty

crëwr (crewyr) nm creator

crëyr (crehyrod) nm heron

cri1 (-au) nm cry, clamour

cri2 adj new, fresh, raw; unleavened

criafol, criafolen nf mountain ash

crib (-au) nfm comb, crest; ridge

cribddeilio vb to grab, to extort

cribddeiliwr (-wyr) nm extortioner; speculator

cribin (-iau) nfm rake; skinflint

cribinio vb to rake

cribo vb to comb; to card

criced nm cricket

cricedwr (-wyr) nm cricketer

cricsyn nm cricket

crimog (-au) nf shin

crimp (-(i)au) nm shin

crin adj withered, sear, dry

crino vb to wither, to dry up

crintach, crintachlyd adj niggardly, stingy

crintachrwydd nm niggardliness

crintachu vb to scrimp, to skimp, to stint

crio vb to cry, to weep

cripio vb to scratch; to climb, to creep

cris-groes nf criss-cross

crisial (-au) nm, adj crystal

crisialu vb to crystallise

Crist nm Christ

Cristion (-ogion), Cristnogion nm Christian

Cristionogaeth nf Christianity

Cristionogol adj Christian

Cristnogaeth nf Christianity

Cristnogol adj Christian

criw (-iau) nm crew

crïwr (-wyr) nm crier

Croatia nf Croatia

crocbont (-ydd) nf suspension bridge

crocbren (-ni) nmf gallows, gibbet

crocbris (-iau) nm exorbitant price

croch adj loud, vehement

crochan (-au) nm pot, cauldron

crochanaid (-eidiau) nm potful

crochenwaith (-weithiau) nm pottery

crochenydd (-ion) nm potter

croen (crwyn) nm skin; hide; peel, rind

croendenau adj thin-skinned

croeni, croenio vb to form skin, to skin over

croes1 (-au) nf cross ▶ nm transept

croes2 (-ion) adj cross, contrary

croesair (-eiriau) nm crossword

croesawgar adj hospitable

croesawiad nm welcome, reception

croesawu vb to welcome

croesawus adj hospitable

croesbren (-nau) nmf cross

croes-ddweud vb to contradict

croesfan (-nau) nf crossing; croesfan sebra zebra crossing

croesffordd (-ffyrdd) nf crossroads

croesgad (-au) nf crusade

croesgadwr (-wyr) nm crusader

croeshoeliad nm crucifixion

croeshoelio vb to crucify

croesholi vb to cross-examine

croesholiad (-au) nm cross-examination

croesi vb to cross

croeslinol adj diagonal

croeso nm welcome

croestorri vb to intersect

croesymgroes adj criss-cross; vice-versa

crofen (-nau, -ni) nf rind, crust

crog (-au) nf cross, rood ▶ adj hanging

crogi vb to hang, to suspend

croglath (-au) nf springe, snare, gibbet

Croglith nfm: Dydd Gwener y Groglith Good Friday

croglofft (-ydd, -au) nf garret; rood-loft

crogwr (-wyr) nm hangman

cronglwyd (-ydd) nf: tan fy nghronglwyd under my roof

crombil (-iau) nf crop; gizzard; bowels

cromen (-ni, -nau) nf dome

cromfach (-au) nf bracket, parenthesis

cromlech (-au, -i) nf cromlech

cromlin nf curve

cromosom (-au) nm chromosome

cron adj f of crwn

cronfa (-feydd) nf reservoir; fund; cronfa ddata database

cronicl (-au) nm chronicle

croniclo vb to chronicle

cronnell (cronellau) nf sphere, globe

cronni vb to collect, to hoard; to dam

cronolegol adj chronological

cropian vb to creep, to crawl, to grope

crosiet (-au, -i) nm crotchet

croth (-au) nf womb; calf (of leg)

croyw adj clear, plain, distinct; fresh

croywder nm clearness; freshness

croywi vb to clear; to freshen

crud (-au) nm cradle

crug (-iau) nm hillock; tumulus; heap; multitude; abscess, blister

cruglwyth (-i) nm heap, pile

cruglwytho vb to heap, to pile up; to overload

crugo vb to fester, to vex, to plague

crwban (-od) nm tortoise, turtle

crwca adj crooked, bowed, bent

crwm (f crom) adj convex, curved, bowed

crwn (f cron) adj round; complete

crwner (-iaid) nm coroner

crwsâd (-adau) nmf crusade

crwst (crystiau) nm crust

crwt (cryts) nm boy, lad

crwth (crythau) nm crowd, fiddle; purring; hump

crwybr nm honeycomb; mist; hoarfrost

crwydr nm wandering; ar grwydr astray

crwydro vb to wander, to stray, to roam

crwydrol, crwydrus adj wandering

crwydrwr (-wyr) nm rambler; wanderer, rover

crwydryn (-riaid) nm vagrant, tramp

crwys nf cross, crucifix; dan ei grwys laid out for burial

crybwyll vb to mention ▶ nm (-ion) mention

crybwylliad nm mention, notice

crych adj rippling; curly; quavering ▶ nm (-au) crease, ripple, wrinkle

crychlais (-leisiau) nm trill, tremolo

crychlyd adj wrinkled, puckered

crychnaid (-neidiau) nf leap, gambol

crychneidio vb to skip, to frisk

crychni nm curliness; wrinkle

crychu vb to wrinkle, to pucker; to ruffle, to ripple

cryd (-iau) nm shivering; fever; ague

crydd (-ion) nm cobbler, shoemaker

crydda vb to cobble

cryf (f cref) adj strong

cryfder, cryfdwr nm strength

cryfhaol adj strengthening

cryfhau vb to strengthen; to grow strong

cryg (f creg) adj hoarse

cryglyd adj hoarse, raucous

crygni nm hoarseness

crygu vb to hoarsen

cryman (-au) nm reaping-hook, sickle

crymanwr (-wyr) nm reaper

crymu vb to bow, to bend, to stoop

cryn adj considerable, much

crŷn, cryn nm, adj shivering

crynder nm roundness

cryndod nm trembling, shivering

crynedig adj trembling, tremulous

crynfa (-feydd) nf tremble, tremor

crynhoad (-noadau) nm collection, digest

crynhoi vb to gather together, to collect

cryno adj compact; neat, tidy

crynodeb (-au) nm summary

crynodi vb to concentrate

cryno ddisg (-iau) nm CD, compact disc

crynswth nm mass, bulk, whole

crynu vb to shiver, to tremble, to quake

Crynwr (-wyr) nm Quaker

crys (-au) nm shirt; crys chwys sweatshirt

crysbais (-beisiau) nf jacket, jerkin

crystyn (crystiau) nm crust

crythor (-ion) nm fiddler, violinist

cryw (-iau) nm creel; weir

cu adj dear, fond, kind

cuchio vb to scowl, to frown

cuchiog adj scowling, frowning

cudyll (-od) nm hawk

cudyn (-nau) nm lock (of hair), tuft

cudd adj hidden, concealed

cuddfa (-feydd) nf hiding-place; hoard

cuddiad nm hiding

cuddiedig adj hidden, concealed

cuddio vb to hide, to conceal

cufydd (-au) nm cubit

cul (-ion) adj narrow, lean

culfor (-oedd) nm strait

culhau vb to narrow; to grow lean

culni nm narrowness

cun adj dear, beloved; lovely

cunnog (cunogau) nf pail

cur nm throb, ache, pain; care, trouble

curad (-iaid) nm curate

curadiaeth (-au) nf curacy

curfa (-feydd) nf beating, flogging

curiad (-au) nm beat, throb, pulse

curio vb to pine, to waste

curlaw nm pelting rain

curn (-au), curnen (-nau) nf mound, core, rick

curnennu vb to heap, to stack

curo vb to beat, to strike, to knock; to throb; to clap

curwr (-wyr) nm beater

curyll (-od) nm hawk

cusan (-au) nmf kiss

cusanu vb to kiss

cut (-iau) nm hovel, shed, sty

cuwch (cuchiau) nm scowl, frown

CV (-s) nm CV

cwafrio vb to quaver, to trill

cwar (-rau) nm quarry

cwarel nm windowpane

cwb (cybiau) nm kennel, coop, sty

cwbl adj, nm all, whole, total

cwblhad nm fulfilment

cwblhau vb to fulfil, to complete, to finish

cwcer (-au) nm cooker

cwcw nf cuckoo

cwcwallt (-iaid) nm cuckold

cwcwalltu vb to cuckold

cwcwll (cycyllau) nm hood, cowl

cwch (cychod) nm boat; hive; cwch gwyllt speed boat

cwd (cydau) nm pouch, bag

cweir (-iau) nm thrashing, hiding

cweryl (-on) nm quarrel

cweryla vb to quarrel

cwerylgar adj quarrelsome

cwest (-au) nm inquest

cwestiwn (-iynau) nm question

cwestiynu vb to question

cwfaint nm convent

cwfl nm hood

cwffio vb to fight, to box

cwgn (cygnau) nm knot; knuckle; joint

cwilt (-iau) nm quilt

cwlbren (-ni) nm bludgeon

cwlff (cylffiau), cwlffyn (cylffiau) nm chunk

cwlwm see clwm

cwlltwr (cylltyrau) nm coulter

cwm (cymau, cymoedd) nm valley

cwman nm rump; stoop; churn

cwmanu vb to stoop

cwmni (-ïau, -ïoedd) nm company

cwmnïaeth nf companionship

cwmpas (-oedd) nm round; o gwmpas about

cwmpasog adj round about, circuitous

cwmpasu vb to round, to wind, to surround

cwmpawd (-odau) nm compass

cwmpeini, cwmpni nm company

cwmwd (cymydau) nm commot

cwmwl (cymylau) nm cloud

cŵn see ci

cwndid (-au) nm song, carol

cwningar nf warren

cwningen (-ingod) nf rabbit

cwnsel (-au, -oedd, -i) nm council; counsel, advice, secret

cwnsela vb to counsel

cwnsler (-iaid) nm counsellor

cwnstabl (-iaid) nm constable; cwnstabl heddlu PC, police constable; prif gwnstabl chief constable

cworwm nm quorum

cwota (-âu) nm quota

cwpan (-au) nmf cup, goblet; chalice

cwpanaid (-eidiau) nm cupful

cwpl (cyplau) nm couple; tie beam

cwplâd, cwpláu see cwblhad; cwblhau

cwpled (-i, -au) nm couplet

cwplws (cyplysau) nm coupling; brace

cwpwrdd (cypyrddau) nm cupboard; cwpwrdd ffeilio filing cabinet

cwr (cyrrau) nm edge, border, skirt

cwrbyn nm kerb

cwrcwd nm stooping; squatting

cwrdd1 (cyrddau) nm meeting

cwrdd2, cwrddyd vb to meet, to touch

cwrel nm coral

cwricwlwm (cwricwla) nm curriculum

cwrlid (-au) nm coverlet

cwrs (cyrsiau) nm course; fit; prif gwrs main course; cwrs hyfforddiant training course

cwrt (cyrtiau) nm court

cwrtais adj courteous

cwrteisi, cwrteisrwydd nm courtesy

cwrw (cyrfau) nm ale, beer

cwrwg, cwrwgl see corwg

cwsg nm sleep

cwsmer (-iaid) nm customer

cwsmeriaeth nf custom

cwstard (-iau) nm custard

cwstwm (cystymau) nm custom, patronage

cwt1 (cytiau) nfm tail, skirt, queue

cwt2 (cytiau) nm hut, sty

cwta adj short, curt

cwter (-i, -ydd) nf gutter, channel

cwtogi vb to shorten, to curtail

cwthr (cythrau) nm anus, rectum

cwthwm (cythymau) nm puff of wind, storm

cwymp (-au) nm fall, tumble

cwympo vb to fall; to fell

cwyn (-ion) nfm complaint, plaint

cwynfan vb to complain, to lament

cwynfanllyd adj querulous

cwynfanus adj plaintive, mournful

cwyno vb to complain, to lament

cwyr nm wax

cwyro vb to wax

cwys (-au, -i) nf furrow-slice, furrow

cybôl nm nonsense, rubbish

cybolfa nf hotchpotch, medley

cyboli vb to muddle; to talk nonsense; to mess, to bother

cybydd (-ion) nm miser, niggard

cybydda vb to stint, to hoard

cybydd-dod, cybydd-dra nm miserliness

cybyddlyd adj miserly

cycyllog adj hooded, cowled

cychwr (-wyr) nm boatman

cychwyn vb to rise, to stir, to start; to switch on

cychwynfa nf start, starting-point

cychwyniad (-au) nm start, beginning

cyd adj joint, united, common; fellow ▶ prefix together

cydadrodd vb to recite together

cydaid (-eidiau) nm bagful

cydbwysedd nm balance

cydbwyso vb to balance

cyd-destun (-au) nm context

cyd-drafodaeth nf negotiation

cyd-ddigwydd vb to coincide

cyd-ddigwyddiad nm coincidence

cydfod nm agreement, concord

cydfodolaeth nf coexistence

cydfyned vb to go with, to concur, to agree

cyd-fyw vb to cohabit

cydffurfio vb to conform

cydgordio vb to agree, to harmonize

cydgwmni (-ïau) nm consortium

cydiedig adj adjoined

cydio vb to join; to bite; to take hold

cydletywr (-wyr) nm roommate, flatmate, housemate

cydnabod vb to acknowledge ▶ nm acquaintance

cydnabyddiaeth nf acquaintance; recognition

cydnabyddus adj acquainted; familiar

cydnaws adj congenial

cydnerth adj well set

cydol nmf, adj whole

cydradd adj equal

cydraddoldeb nm equality

cyd-rhwng prep between

cydsyniad nm consent

cydsynio vb to consent

cydwastad adj level (with), even

cydweddog adj conjugal

cydweddu vb to accord, to agree

cydweithfa (-feydd) nf co-operative

cydweithio vb to cooperate

cydweithrediad nm co-operation

cydweithredol adj co-operative

cydweithredu vb to co-operate

cydweled vb to agree

cydwladol adj international

cyd-wladwr (-wyr) nm compatriot

cydwybod (-au) nf conscience

cydwybodol adj conscientious

cydwybodolrwydd nm conscientiousness

cydymaith (cymdeithion) nm companion

cydymdeimlad nm sympathy

cydymdeimlo vb to sympathize

cydymffurfiad nm conformity

cydymffurfio vb to conform

cydymgais nm competition, rivalry, joint effort

cydymgeisydd (-wyr) nm rival

cyddwysiad (-au) nm condensation

cyddwyso vb to condense

cyfadran (-nau) nf faculty (in college), period (in music)

cyfaddas adj fit, suitable, convenient

cyfaddasiad (-au) nm adaptation

cyfaddaster nm fitness, suitability

cyfaddasu vb to fit, to adapt

cyfaddawd (-odau) nm compromise

cyfaddawdu vb to compromise

cyfaddef vb to confess, to own, to admit

cyfaddefiad (-au) nm confession, admission

cyfaenad nm harmonious song ▶ adj harmonious

cyfagos adj near, adjacent, neighbouring

cyfaill (-eillion) nm friend

cyfair1 (-eiriau) nm acre

cyfair2, cyfer nm direction

cyfalaf nm capital

cyfalafiaeth nf capitalism

cyfalafol adj capitalistic

cyfalafwr (-wyr) nm capitalist

cyfamod (-au) nm covenant

cyfamodi vb to covenant

cyfamodol adj federal; covenanted

cyfamodwr (-wyr) nm covenanter

cyfamser nm meantime

cyfamserol adj timely; synchronous

cyfan adj, nm whole

cyfandir (-oedd) nm continent

cyfandirol adj continental

cyfanfor (-oedd) nm main sea, ocean

cyfanfyd nm whole world, universe

cyfangorff nm whole, bulk, mass

cyfan gwbl adj: yn gyfan gwbl altogether, completely

cyfanheddol adj habitable, inhabited

cyfanheddu vb to dwell, to inhabit

cyfannedd adj inhabited ▶ nf (-anheddau) inhabited place, habitation

cyfannol adj integrated, integral

cyfannu vb to make whole, to complete

cyfanrwydd nm wholeness, entirety

cyfansawdd adj composite, compound

cyfansoddi vb to compose, to constitute

cyfansoddiad (-au) nm composition; constitution

cyfansoddiadol adj constitutional

cyfansoddwr (-wyr) nm composer

cyfansoddyn (-ion) nm constituent, compound

cyfanswm (-symiau) nm total

cyfantoledd (-au) nm equilibrium

cyfanwaith (-weithiau) nm complete composition, whole

cyfanwerth nm wholesale

cyfarch vb to greet, to salute, to address

cyfarchiad (-au) nm greeting, salutation

cyfaredd (-ion) nf charm, spell

cyfareddol adj enchanting

cyfareddu vb to charm, to enchant

cyfarfod vb to meet ▶ nm (-ydd) meeting

cyfarfyddiad (-au) nm meeting

cyfarpar nm provision, equipment; diet; cyfarpar rhyfel munitions of war

cyfarparu vb to equip

cyfartal adj equal, even

cyfartaledd nm proportion, average

cyfartalu vb to proportion, to equalize

cyfarth vb, nm to bark

cyfarwydd adj skilled; familiar ▶ nm (-iaid) storyteller

cyfarwyddo vb to direct; to become familiar

cyfarwyddwr (-wyr) nm director

cyfarwyddyd (-iadau) nm direction, instruction

cyfatal adj unsettled, hindering

cyfateb vb to correspond, to agree, to tally

cyfatebiaeth (-au) nf correspondence, analogy

cyfatebol adj corresponding, proportionate

cyfathrach (-au) nf affinity; intercourse

cyfathrachu vb to have intercourse

cyfathrachwr (-wyr) nm kinsman

cyfathreb (-au) nm communication

cyfathrebu vb to communicate

cyfddydd nm day-break, dawn

cyfeb, cyfebr adj pregnant (of mare, ewe)

cyfebol adj in foal

cyfeddach (-au) nf carousal

cyfeddachwr (-wyr) nm carouser

cyfeiliant nm musical accompaniment

cyfeilio vb to accompany

cyfeiliorn nm error; wandering, lost (person etc); ar gyfeiliorn astray

cyfeiliornad (-au) nm error, heresy

cyfeiliorni vb to err, to stray

cyfeiliornus adj erroneous, mistaken

cyfeilydd (-ion) nm accompanist

cyfeillach (-au) nf fellowship; fellowship-meeting

cyfeillachu vb to associate

cyfeilles (-au) nf female friend

cyfeillgar adj friendly

cyfeillgarwch nm friendship

cyfeiriad (-au) nm direction; reference; (postal) address; cyfeiriad ebost email address; cyfeiriad gwe web address

cyfeiriannu nm orienteering

cyfeirio vb to point; to direct; to refer; to address (letter)

cyfeirnod (-au) nm mark of reference; aim; direct (in music)

cyfeirydd (-ion) nm indicator, guide

cyfenw (-au) nm surname; namesake

cyfenwi vb to surname

cyfer nm: ar gyfer opposite, for

cyferbyn adj opposite

cyferbyniad (-au) nm contrast

cyferbyniol adj opposing, opposite, contrasting

cyferbynnu vb to contrast, to compare

cyfesuryn nm coordinate

cyfethol vb to co-opt

cyfiaith adj of the same language

cyfiawn adj just, righteous

cyfiawnder (-au) nm justice, righteousness

cyfiawnhad nm justification

cyfiawnhau vb to justify

cyfieithiad (-au) nm translation, version

cyfieithu vb to translate, to interpret

cyfieithydd (-wyr) nm translator, interpreter

cyfisol adj of the present month, instant

cyflafan (-au) nf outrage; massacre

cyflafareddiad nm arbitration

cyflafareddu vb to arbitrate

cyflafareddwr (-wyr) nm arbitrator

cyflaith nm toffee

cyflasyn nm flavouring

cyflawn adj full, complete

cyflawnder nm fullness; abundance

cyflawni vb to fulfil, to perform, to commit

cyflawniad (-au) nm fulfilment, performance

cyfle (-oedd) nm place; chance, opportunity

cyfled adj as broad as

cyflegr (-au) nm gun, cannon, battery

cyflegru vb to bombard

cyflenwad (-au) nm supply

cyflenwi vb to supply

cyfleu vb to place, to set; to convey

cyfleus adj convenient

cyfleustra (-terau) nm opportunity, convenience

cyflin adj parallel

cyfliw adj of the same colour

cyflo adj in calf

cyflog (-au) nmf hire, wage, wages

cyflogaeth nf employment

cyflogedig (-ion) nm employee

cyflogi vb to hire; to engage in service

cyflogwr (-wyr) nm hirer, employer

cyflwr (-lyrau) nm condition; case

cyflwyniad nm presentation; dedication

cyflwyno vb to present; to dedicate

cyflwynydd (-ion) nm compère, presenter

cyflychwr, cyflychwyr nm evening twilight, dusk

cyflym adj quick, fast, swift

cyflymder, cyflymdra nm swiftness, speed

cyflymu vb to speed, to accelerate

cyflynu vb to stick together

cyflyru vb to condition

cyflythreniad (-au) nm alliteration

cyfnerthu vb to confirm; to aid, to help

cyfnerthydd (-ion, -wyr) nm strengthener, booster

cyfnesaf (-iaid, -eifiaid) nmf next of kin, kinsman ▶ adj next, nearest

cyfnewid vb to change, to exchange

cyfnewidfa (-oedd, -feydd) nf exchange

cyfnewidiad (-au) nm change, alteration

cyfnewidiol adj changeable

cyfnewidiwr (-wyr) nm changer, trader

cyfnither (-oedd) nf female cousin

cyfnod (-au) nm period; cyfnod prawf trial period

cyfnodol adj periodic(al)

cyfnodolyn (-ion) nm periodical publication

cyfnos nm evening twilight, dusk

cyfochredd nm parallelism

cyfochrog adj parallel

cyfodi vb to rise, to arise; to raise

cyfodiad nm rise, rising

cyfoed adj contemporary, of the same age ▶ nm (-ion) contemporary

cyfoes adj contemporary, up-to-date

cyfoesi vb to be contemporary

cyfoeswr (-wyr) nm contemporary

cyfoeth nm power; riches, wealth

cyfoethog adj powerful; rich, wealthy

cyfoethogi vb to make or grow rich

cyfog nm sickness

cyfogi vb to vomit

cyfor nm flood, abundance; rim, brim, edge ▶ adj entire, brim-full

cyforiog adj brim-full, overflowing

cyfosodiad nm apposition

cyfradd (-au) nf rate ▶ adj of equal rank; cyfradd llog rate of interest

cyfraid (-reidiau) nm necessity

cyfraith (-reithiau) nf law

cyfran (-nau) nf part, portion, share

cyfranc (-rangau) nfm meeting; combat; incident; story, tale

cyfranddaliad (-au) nm share

cyfranddaliwr (-wyr) nm shareholder

cyfraniad (-au) nm contribution

cyfrannedd nm proportion

cyfrannog adj participating, partaking

cyfrannol adj contributing

cyfrannu vb to contribute; to impart

cyfrannwr (-anwyr) nm contributor

cyfranogi vb to participate, to partake

cyfranogwr (-wyr) nm partaker

cyfredol adj current, concurrent

cyfreithio vb to go to law, to litigate

cyfreithiol adj legal

cyfreithiwr (-wyr) nm lawyer

cyfreithlon adj lawful, legitimate

cyfreithlondeb nm lawfulness

cyfreithloni vb to legalize; to justify

cyfreithus adj legitimate

cyfres (-i) nf series

cyfresol adj serial

cyfresu vb to serialise

cyfresymiad (-au) nm syllogism

cyfresymu vb to syllogise

cyfrgolli vb to lose utterly; to damn

cyfrif vb to count, to reckon; to account; to impute ▶ nm (-on) account, reckoning; cyfrif banc bank account

cyfrifeg nfm accountancy

cyfrifiad (-au) nm counting; census

cyfrifiadur (-on) nm computer; cyfrifiadur personol PC, personal computer

cyfrifiadureg nf computer science

cyfrifiaduro n computing

cyfrifiannell nf calculator

cyfrifol adj of repute; responsible

cyfrifoldeb (-au) nm responsibility

cyfrifydd (-ion) nm accountant

cyfrin adj secret, subtle

cyfrinach (-au) nf secret

cyfrinachol adj secret, private, confidential

cyfrinair (-eiriau) nm password

cyfrinfa nf lodge of friendly society or trade union

cyfrin-gyngor (-nghorau) nm privy council

cyfriniaeth nf mystery; mysticism

cyfriniol adj mysterious, mystic

cyfriniwr (-wyr) nm mystic

cyfrodedd adj twisted, twined

cyfrodeddu vb to twist, to twine

cyfrol (-au) nf volume

cyfrwng (-ryngau) nm medium, means

cyfrwy (-au) nm saddle

cyfrwyo vb to saddle

cyfrwys adj cunning

cyfrwystra nm cunning

cyfrwywr (-wyr) nm saddler

cyfryngdod nm mediation, intercession; mediatorship

cyfryngiad nm mediation; intervention

cyfryngol adj mediatorial

cyfryngu vb to mediate; to intervene

cyfryngwr (-wyr) nm mediator

cyfryngwriaeth nf mediatorship

cyfryw adj like, such

cyfuchlinedd (-au) nm contour

cyfuchliniau npl contours

cyfundeb (-au) nm union; connexion

cyfundebol adj connexional; denominational

cyfundrefn (-au) nf system

cyfundrefnol adj systematic

cyfundrefnu vb to systematize

cyfuniad (-au) nm combination

cyfuno vb to unite, to combine

cyfunol adj united

cyfunrhywiol adj homosexual

cyfuwch adj as high

cyfweld vb to interview

cyfweliad (-au) nm interview

cyfwelydd (-wyr) nm interviewer

cyfwerth adj equivalent

cyfwng (-yngau) nm space; interval

cyfwrdd vb to meet

cyfyng adj narrow, confined

cyfyngder (-au) nm trouble, distress

cyfyngdra nm narrowness; distress

cyfyngedig adj confined, restricted, limited

cyfyng-gyngor nm perplexity

cyfyngu vb to narrow, to confine, to limit

cyfyl nm neighbourhood; ar ei gyfyl near him

cyfyrder (-dyr) nm second cousin

cyfystlys adj side by side

cyfystyr adj synonymous

cyfystyron npl synonyms

cyff (-ion) nm stock

cyffaith (-ffeithiau) nm confection

cyffelyb adj like, similar

cyffelybiaeth (-au) nf likeness, similitude

cyffelybiaethol adj figurative

cyffelybrwydd nm likeness, similarity

cyffelybu vb to liken, to compare

cyffes (-ion) nf confession

cyffesgell (-oedd) nf confessional

cyffesu vb to confess

cyffeswr (-wyr), cyfesydd (-ion) nm confessor

cyffin (-iau, -ydd) nfm border, confine

cyffindir (-oedd) nm frontier, march

cyffio vb to stiffen; to fetter, to shackle; to beat

cyffion npl stocks

cyffordd (-ffyrdd) nf junction

cyffredin adj common; general

cyffredinedd nm mediocrity, banality

cyffredinol adj general, universal

cyffredinoli vb to universalize, to generalize

cyffredinolrwydd nm universality

cyffredinwch nm commonness

cyffro (-adau) nm motion, stir; excitement

cyffroi vb to move, to excite; to provoke

cyffrous adj exciting; excited

cyffur (-iau) nmf ingredient, drug

cyffuriwr (-wyr) nm apothecary, druggist

cyffwrdd vb to meet, to touch

cyffylog (-od) nm woodcock

cyffyrddiad (-au) nm touch, contact

cyffyrddus adj comfortable

cygnog adj knotted, gnarled

cyngaf, cyngaw nm burdock; burs

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