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  • Текст добавлен: 27 мая 2022, 04:37

Автор книги: Елена Глушенкова

Жанр: Иностранные языки, Наука и Образование

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- 100% +

7. How the European Union's statistical system is adapting to (requirements/values) in the 21st century is of importance (either/ both) inside (or/and) outside the EU.

8. Some part of (circulating capital/fixed capital), for example equipment, loses its value in the (cost of production /production process), another part of (circulating capital /fixed capital), for example land, may grow in value.

16. Замените подчеркнутые слова и словосочетания словом-заместителем one.

ОБРАЗЕЦ: Some businessmen think that older workers are more reliable than younger workers. – > Some businessmen think that older workers are more reliable than younger ones.

1. The firms prefer the factor of production retaining its old price to the factor of production that has become more expensive.

2. The new technology used now in less developed countries is taken from the developed countries.

3. It is necessary to replace this inefficient equipment with the new equipment.

4. The production cycle for manufacturing Coca Cola and some other drinks in Russia is not the same as the production cycle in West Europe.

5. Generally, the value of renewable resources is not so high as the value of non-renewable resources.

17. Составьте предложения из двух подходящих по смыслу частей.

1. Infrastructure equipment

2. Large Pakistani population living in many countries

3. Long-term-unemployed workers lose

4. Minimum wages

5. Like physical capital such as factory and machinery, human capital

6. It is required that all goods and services

7. Economists use the word «capital» for goods

8. The national labour force

9. Capital includes such non-renewable goods as

10. Efficiency is

11. Means of production are

a. the human capital and contact with the active labour force.

b. the relationship between factor inputs and outputs of goods and services.

c. the same as factors of production.

d. (roads, bridges, telecommunications) is often publicly owned and operated.

e. produced must be bought.

f. includes all people within the nation who are available for work, that is, the working population.

g. sometimes reduce the demand for labour.

h. raw materials and fuel.

I that are not entirely used up in the production process.

j. regularly transfers labour income to the home country.

k. is the result of past investment and its purpose is to generate future incomes.

18. Укажите, в каких предложениях инфинитив является подлежащим.

1. As productive equipment is referred to as physical capital, to buy new equipment is to invest in production.

2. To be effective a price ceiling must be imposed below the free market equilibrium price.

3. To value the US national income fully is impossible as the increase in accumulated durables is not usually counted.

4. To know the quantities of factors a firm will demand, we have to know the demand for the firm's output.

5. To keep the economy as close as possible to full employment is an important aim of the government.

6. To run an enterprise efficiently the manager must have industry-specif– ic knowledge.

7. To increase output with the fixed total cost of inputs means to reduce the cost of production per unit produced.

8. Fixed capital, that is, such durable goods as buildings and machinery, are bought in order to be used in the firm rather than to be sold to another business.

9. To include non-renewable goods such as raw materials and fuel as well as the funds required to pay wages in circulating capital is common practice.

Задание на дом № 3

19. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Trade union organizations vary with the country. Their activities vary from general protection to specific members' advantages for some jobs.

2. Unlike machinery or raw materials, workers can think. Machines can neither leave their jobs nor decide how much they would like to work for their owners.

3. Minimum wages may paradoxically result in youth unemployment because firms do not want to employ young workers receiving them.

4. In terms of percentage of employment the movement away from agriculture into industry and from industry into services is clearly seen now.

5. The European Union's economic policies have to be reformed to meet the changing requirements (economic, technical, political) of the new millennium.

6. It is important to reduce capital investments in the production process in order to lower the cost of production.

7. In the poor countries there is too little machinery relative to the size of the population to make labour efficient.

8. To use more fuel-efficient aircraft is the present-day trend with airlines.

20. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Важно производить конечный продукт на территории страны.

2. Трудовые ресурсы – это часть населения, участвующая в производстве.

3. Труд имеет следующие основные функции: производство сырья, промышленное производство конечного продукта, управление и услуги.

4. Основные факторы производства следующие: земля, техника, финансовый капитал и труд.

5. Предприятие – это единица производства и управления.

6. В начале 90-х годов 40 % трудовых ресурсов России было занято в негосударственном секторе экономики.

7. Повышение цен на нефть в начале 1970-х годов было достаточно сильным, чтобы вызвать немедленное повышение стоимости экспорта топлива.

21. а) Заполните пропуски словами из словарного минимума к тексту Factors of Production: Capital and Labour.

Part of human capital is firm– or industry-specific. This explains why workers are better paid when they have worked in the same… for several years. But when industries decline, some workers may have an industry-specific that has become of no or little… They cannot find…, and at the same time developing industries cannot find workers with the… industry-specific capital. This results in a high… alongside… vacancies.

б) Напишите пять вопросов к этому тексту.

Аудиторная работа № 3

22. Заполните пропуски следующими словами из словарного минимума к тексту Factors of Production: Capital and Labour в соответствующей форме: both… and, to contribute, to employ (2), employment, unlike, variety, purpose* machinery, available, various

1… physical capital, human capital does not belong to the firm that has invested in it.

2. Trade union restrictions do not allow… of youths in some industries and many service sectors.

3. The… of minimum wages is to protect young people from exploitation.

4. Natural resources research in the USA of the 1930s was based on gathering information from a… of sources.

5. The European Union's statistics are collected… at the union level… at national levels of member countries.

6. There are… forms of money.

7. The marginal product or labour shows how much each additional worker increases total output. The marginal product grows as the first few workers are… because it is hard for the first and second worker to handle all the… By the time the third worker is…, marginal productivity of labour starts falling. When all… machines are fully used, each new worker has less and less to…

23. Составьте предложения, используя слова и словосочетания из разных колонок.


It is (not)










employment and unemployment


students of economics


statistical systems


labour markets


1. to know that in Denmark young people below 18 cannot be trade union members.

2. to calculate changes in their marginal cost and marginal revenue.

3. to know the contribution of both industry and agriculture to the national economy.

4. to employ workers as long as the value of the product produced by them exceeds (превышать) their wages.

5. to change when political systems change.

6. to be more effective for workers to go easier into employment.

7. to be stabilized for labour markets to be in equilibrium.

24. Заполните пропуски парными союзами both… and…, either… or…. neither… nor… или словом both.

Profits are… paid out as dividends… held back as earnings.

Income differences between nations pose problems… for society… for economists.

Labour force does not include people who are…working… looking for work.

A person can be… employed… unemployed… out of the labour force.

The European Union's experts think that statistics should be available… on economic activities of fanners… on social aspects of rural (сельская) life.

Financial capital that will be used in a business may… belong to the business itself… it may be borrowed from a bank.

Unlike people, machines can… quit (прекратить, оставить) their jobs… decide how much they would like to work for their owners.

An increase in the price of a production factor will increase… total costs… marginal costs.

As their incomes grow, countries like people… spend a smaller share of their budget on food… allocate less to agriculture.

25. Прочитайте текст и озаглавьте каждый абзац.

Production Costs

Production costs are the costs of making factor input into higher value outputs of goods and services. The costs of manufacturing products include costs of raw materials, labour costs, depreciation of plant and equipment, rent, lighting, and heating of factory buildings.

It is important to say that factor inputs can be combined in a variety of ways to produce the same amount of output. One method which is technically the most efficient is the one which uses only small amounts of labour, while another method may employ large quantities of labour and only a little capital. In physical terms, the method which is technically the most efficient is the one that uses the fewest inputs. Economists, however, are more interested in the cost aspect of the input-output relationship, specifically the least costly way of producing a given output.

To achieve the highest efficiency, that is, the optimal relationship between factor inputs and outputs of goods and services, the economist analyzes the relationship between the cost of factor inputs and the cost of output in a firm. In order to determine the cost of producing a particular output it is necessary to know not only the required quantities of various inputs but also their prices. The factor prices a firm must pay in order to buy units of these factors will depend upon the interaction (взаимодействие) of the forces of demand and supply in factor markets.

26. Используя текст, закончите следующие предложения:

1. The costs of manufactured products include…

2. The methods of combining factor inputs are as follows…

3. Economists are interested in achieving the least costly technology of producing output, that is, in…

4. The highest efficiency of production is…

5. To know the cost of producing a particular output it is necessary to know…

Unit 6
Factors of Production: Natural Resources and Land

Грамматика и лексика :

1. Конструкция «сложное дополнение»

2. Значение слова due и сочетаний с ним

3. Значения слова which

Задание на дом № 1

1. В разделе «Грамматика и словообразование» проработайте § 22.

2. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения, обращая внимание на конструкцию «сложное дополнение».

a) 1. We know many newly industrialized countries to have weak trade unions.

2. The developing countries want the rich countries to stop imposing tariffs on imports from the Third World.

3. Economists consider land to be the factor of production supplied by nature.

4. As the prices of fuels rise, we expect their production to expand.

5. Some businessmen think trade union regulations to result in fewer jobs.

b) 1. A rise in the price of a unit of labour will make the firm start using a more capital-intensive technology (капиталоемкая технология).

2. Higher prices for oil make research laboratories work at substitutes for oil.

3. The command economy does not let an individual make free economic decisions.

4. Increased output per worker in agriculture lets more workers be transferred from agriculture to industry.

5. Allocation of additional capital lets a high level of production be maintained with fewer workers.

3. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на слово due и сочетания с ним.

1. The growth of labour force due to growing numbers of women workers results in higher unemployment.

2. The increase in the value of fuel exports was due mainly to the rise in oil prices after 1973.

3. The Prime Minister says due steps will immediately be taken in order to control inflation.

4. Economists believe that all governments will pay due attention to economic problems caused by growing scarcity of natural resources.

5. Due to a wage increase, more capital-intensive technologies may become substitutes for labour.

4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на то, что слово which относится ко всему предыдущему предложению и переводится словом что.

1. Employment among young men is very low in Germany, which is due to the government's subsidies for education.

2. The government did not pay due attention to the economists' recommendations, which led to lower economic growth.

3. Some economists expect world population to reach 12–13 billion as soon as 2020–2025, which will require much more non-renewable resources than at present.

4. The consumer incomes have risen, which has resulted in lower demand for inferior goods.

5. Under conditions of food shortage a government might impose a price ceiling on food, which will let poor people buy adequate quantities of food.

5. Переведите текст Factors of Production: Natural Resources and Land и отработайте его чтение.

6. Найдите в тексте:

1) предложения с конструкцией «сложное дополнение»;

2) предложения, где слово which переводится словом что.


Factors of Production: Natural Resources and Land

Economists consider natural resources to be the third factor of production. They are a contribution to productive activity made by land (for example, a factory site or farm location), raw materials such as iron ore, timber, oil, water for crops and power production, forests and animals.

Some natural resources, wheat, for example, are renewable, others such as iron ore are non-renewable and will sooner or later be used up. Economists know reduced supplies of non-renewable resources to result in their higher prices, which provides an incentive to look for natural or synthetic substitutes for them.

The supply of land, an essential natural resource, is limited and it cannot be easily increased to meet an increase in demand except in certain cases. For example, the Dutch have been able to reclaim from the sea[11]11
  reclaim from the sea – зд. отвоевывать у моря.

some areas of low-lying land.

Another essential characteristic of land is that it is durable, that is, land is not used up in the production process, although it may be depleted by use.

Land is, in some respects[12]12
  in some respects – в некоторых отношениях.

, close to physical capital, though the former is supplied by nature and the latter is produced by man. But applying labour to kill weeds or fertilizer to improve the soil, farmers can «produce» better land and raise its price.

Price of or income from land, as well as from other natural resources, is called rent. Land itself has no cost of production, so rent depends on the degree of scarcity and on the demand for it.

The purposes for which land is used are due to its characteristics. Land can be used for housing or offices, for mining, or for building roads. Besides, it contributes to the production of crops, providing an environment that supplies water, air, and nutrients for plant growth.

Land is a unique agricultural resource, so a lot of management problems arise. In the first place[13]13
  in the first place – прежде всего.

, the farmer has to make a choice between buying and leasing it. The advantages and disadvantages depend on the farmer's financial position, on the availability of land for lease and purchase and some other factors.

Because purchasing land usually requires a larger capital, farmers with limited capital lease land and use their capital for machinery and other resources.

Economists consider a satisfactory lease to be the one that is profitable both for the landowner and the tenant. A fair lease compensates both parties in proportion to their contributions to the farm business.

Other management problems may arise due to differences in land profitability in various farming branches and other industries. Economists know different crops and classes of animals to vary in profitability. The farmer has to study thoroughly the conditions on his farm to make a correct choice between alternative uses.

Although the total supply of land is limited, its allocation between industries is not. If a government wants to stimulate, for example, either housing or afforestation[14]14
  afforestation – лесонасаждение.

, it offers a subsidy raising the rent received by owners of housing land or forests. This may create incentives for farmers to transfer land from farming to other industries.


due – надлежащий, соответствующий

due to – вследствие, благодаря

to be due to – объясняться, обусловливаться

* * *

…, which – что (относится ко всему предшествующему предложению)

Словарный минимум к тексту

ore и руда

iron ore – железная руда

oil n нефть; нефтепродукт

crop n сельскохозяйственное растение, сельскохозяйственная культура

supply n обычно pi. запасы, общее количество

supply v снабжать; поставлять; обеспечивать; давать

to supply a factory with raw materials снабжать фабрику сырьем

provide v снабжать, обеспечивать; предоставлять, давать

to provide industry with resources обеспечивать промышленность ресурсами

to provide resources for / to industry поставлять ресурсы для промышленности, предоставлять ресурсы промышленности

incentive n стимул

disincentive n снижение побуждений или стремлений(к повышению производительности, эффективности производства, получению работы и т. п.)

to look for (smth) – искать (что-л.)

essential adj обязательный, необходимый; существенный; важнейший

meet (met, met) v удовлетворять; отвечать; соответствовать

to meet the demand – удовлетворять спрос

to meet the requirement удовлетворять требованию; отвечать потребности

except prep кроме; за исключением, исключая

besides prep кроме, помимо; adv кроме того

area n площадь, пространство,

участок; район, область, зона

although cj хотя; несмотря на то, что

though cj хотя, несмотря на; все же;adv однако, тем не менее, все же

apply v использовать, применять, употреблять

fertilizer n удобрение

soil n почва

rent n рента, арендная плата; доход с недвижимости

so cj так что, поэтому; следовательно

degree n ступень, степень

to a great degree – в большой степени

housing n жилищное строительство

mining n горная промышленность; ведение горных работ, разработка(полезных ископаемых)

environment n окружающая среда

lease v брать в аренду, внаем, арендовать; (out) сдавать в аренду

lease n аренда, наем; сдача внаем

advantage n преимущество; превосходство

to get / have an advantage over / of smb – добиться / иметь преимущество над кем-л.

ant disadvantage и недостаток; невыгодное, неблагоприятное положение

to be at a disadvantage быть в невыгодном положении

purchase и покупка, закупка; приобретение

purchase v покупать, приобретать

profitable adf прибыльный, выгодный, доходный, рентабельный

profitability n прибыльность, доходность, рентабельность

tenant n наниматель, арендатор, съемщик

business n дело; предпринимательство; экономическая, хозяйственная деятельность; бизнес

to vary in – различаться по (какому-л. признаку)

thoroughly adv тщательно, как следует

thorough adj тщательный, доскональный

condition n состояние, положение; рl обстоятельства, условия

under good / bad condition(s) в хороших / плохих условиях

farming n занятие сельским хозяйством, земледелие

Аудиторная работа № 1

7. а) Запомните написание данных ниже слов и потренируйтесь правильно произносить их.

through – через, посредством

though – хотя

although – хотя(в начале предложения)

thought – прошедшее время от

to think – думать

thorough – тщательный

thoroughly – тщательно

б) Заполните пропуски в предложениях этими словами.

1… some farmers have enough money to purchase land, they prefer to lease it over several years to examine the conditions for farming in the given area….

2. A lot of countries are mixed economies… some are nearer to command economies and others are nearer to free market economies.

3… economic analysis is essential for good results.

4. Farming efficiency is raised… improved technology, fertilizers, crops, and livestock (домашний скот, животные).

5. If we want resources to be allocated efficiently, government intervention… environmental standards can be used.

6. In earlier days economists… rent only to be income received from land.

7… the firm is run by its manager, not its owners, profit maximization is the most essential aim of the firm's business.

8. Переведите на русский язык предложения с конструкцией «сложное дополнение».

1. When market conditions change, economists expect the price for land to vary.

2. Too high cost of imported cotton (хлопок) has made a lot of textile enterprises close down in Russia.

3. Economists believe the availability of labour to be an essential requirement for economic activity.

4. Private-sector producers consider profitability to be the most essential condition of their business.

5. Economists consider demand for non-essential goods to be particularly inelastic.

6. A decrease in prices for energy could let farmers improve technology rapidly.

7. High oil prices make consumers purchase substitute commodities.

9. Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово из предлагаемых в скобках вариантов.

1. (Provided / although) an economist knows of services which people (provide j purchase) not for money, he is not interested in these services.

2. On the labour market the seller may be (providing / looking for) a buyer as much as the buyer (provides / looks for) the seller.

3. Advanced economies may (be due / vary) greatly (to / in) the importance of their governments for economic development.

4. If an industry's demand for resources is (supplied j met) in (due / due to) time, we can expect the industry to develop at a rapid rate (быстрыми темпами).

5. The US economists expect agriculture (profitable /profitability) to grow rapidly in the near future.

6. The government feels housing in the (area / environment) requires improvement.

7. In the first years of perestroyka an enormous housing programme was adopted. The government pledged (торжественно обещать) to (provide / supply) a flat or house for each family by the year of 2000.

8. Trade unionists consider a minimum wage to be (an incentive / a disincentive) for employers to give jobs to workers with little human capital.

9. One knows firms to carry on (business /purchase) for the purpose of making profit.

10. а) Составьте предложения из двух подходящих по смыслу частей.

1. Economists believe the price of land

2. Economists expect the price of ore

3. We expect rising prices for mineral resources

4. Economists believe a low wage level

5. We expect farmers

6. We don't believe the rent in the area

7. Economists don't believe the present-day condition in mining

8. We don't believe cost of production in mining

9. Economists believe profitability of housing

10. We don't expect the farmer

a. to be a disincentive for potential investors.

b. to lease the land as he has enough money to purchase it.

c. to be high enough to scare off (отпугнуть) all potential tenants.

d. to meet the requirements of potential investors.

e. to be too high to make the industry profitable.

f. to change due to a change in its condition.

g. to rise as its supply reduces.

h. to apply fertilizers on this poor soil.

i. to be a disincentive for businessmen to look for capital-intensive technologies.

j. to be a strong enough incentive for people to look for their substitutes.

б) Образуйте предложения из частей А, В, и С. Вставьте в нужном месте глаголы make или let в соответствующей форме, образуя конструкцию «сложное дополнение».


1. The small rent

2. A large supply of raw materials and spare parts (запасные части)

3. Profitability of housing in areas near big cities

4. Used up supplies of mineral resources

5. An increased rent


the manager landowners tenant farmers the enterprise


work smoothly (зд. без остановок), make their farms profitable, transfer land from farming to housing, raise the price of the output.

transfer land from mining to other uses.

Задание на дом № 2

11. Объедините или измените следующие предложения по образцу, используя конструкцию «сложное дополнение».

ОБРАЗЕЦ: It is known to every economist that an increase in the price of a factor will reduce demand for it. – > Every economist knows an increase in the price of a factor to reduce demand for it.

The rate of unemployment in tourist areas is higher than in highly industrialized ones. Economists know this.

It is well known to economists that the motives for nationalization are political as well as economic.

As prices for fuel and electricity have risen, we expect an increase in all prices.

The degree of profitability in private enterprises is higher than in the public sector. Some economists think so.

Many experts think that the growing use of fertilizers and other chemicals presents a danger to the environment.

Experts expected that the Iran-Iraq war would cause a sharp rise in oil prices in 1979–1980.

12. Заполните пропуски следующими словами и словосочетаниями в соответствующей форме:

profitable, though (2), conditions (2), to meet the demands, although, lease, rent, advantage, disadvantage, purchase, to provide, besides

After the 1973 shock rise in oil prices firms tried to stay in business for some time…. they were given a new blow by the second sharp rise in oil prices in 1980-81.

Economic statistics have to of various potential users.

Industry-specific human capital has both… and experienced workers get higher wages, they may have difficulty in finding a job if their human capital has become of no or little value.

Economic… are constantly changing.

With risen prices for oil, producers find it… to do research on substitute sources of energy.

To analyze the labour market, an economist should first explain how and under which… people allocate their time to business, which means he should study the supply of labour…, he should decide how firms employ labour, which means he should study demand for labour.

Part of national income is spent on the… of imported goods and services… it should not exceed a certain share of it.

Transfer of surplus labour from agriculture to industry can… a source of economic growth.

… is a contract under which the owner of a building, machinery, land, etc. lets someone use his asset for a specified period of time in return for periodic payments of…

13. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги, где это необходимо.

The degree… which income is unequally distributed… a country will affect… the question of… whom goods and services are produced.

Higher prices… oil make the economy look… technologies requiring… less oil.

There is always an element… risk in providing… capital… new businesses.

Farming relies heavily… commercial energy sources.

There are different types… leases. With some of them the landlord is… an advantage… the tenant… terms… risk from a harvest failure, though with others, the risk is shared… the landowner and the tenant.

… conditions of overall environment pollution we can expect the greenhouse effect to gain power… a rapid rate… the near future.

The mayor said the population should not expect the local government to supply them… cheap housing.

Agriculture provides… raw materials… industry.

Agriculturists know soils to vary greatly… productivity depending… their structure and composition.

Present-day industry meets… the demand… farmers providing them… fertilizers and growth regulators… livestock and crops.

The housing… this part… the town does not meet… the requirements… the population.

… conditions… growing oil scarcity, investors hope to meet… future demand… oil buying new reserves. Paying now, they expect to provide themselves… sources… revenue… future.

Аудиторная работа № 2

14. а) Расположите вопросы к тексту на с. 78 в таком порядке, чтобы они могли служить планом текста, и ответьте на них.

Why is land transferred from one industry to another?

Why is land an essential agricultural resource?

When do farmers buy land and when do they lease it?

What natural resources are named in the text?

Can the supply of land be increased?

When do prices for non-renewable resources rise?

How can a farmer raise the price of land?

Why do fanners have to choose between alternative uses of land on their fanns?

Why is land durable?

For what purposes is land used?

б) Подумайте и скажите:

What other renewable and non-renewable resources besides the ones mentioned in the text can you name?

What advantages and disadvantages of land lease for a farmer can you think of?

15. Вставьте в предложения пропущенные слова except или besides.

It is impossible to fully value the US national income as the increase in accumulated durables is not fully counted… in housing.

As oil prices continue to grow, airlines look for more fuel-efficient aircraft…, coal generators become more widely used.

… energy, there is another factor raising farm productivity: chemicals, whose prices are growing with every year.

The prices of all goods in the market…. the price of this one, have risen lately.

The economists expect wages in all branches of mining…. coal mining, to grow.

Most farmers in the United States prefer to make their business on their own land… those ones who cannot purchase large enough plots (участок) and have to lease the land.

… land resources and climate, sufficient water resources are essential for successful farming.

16. Назовите номера предложений, в которых слово which относится ко всему предыдущему предложению.

The relative cost of using capital and labour in rich and poor countries affects the manner in which goods and services are produced.

In the 1980s, the Finnish government offered a subsidy to landowners for afforestation, which was a disincentive for them to go on using land for farming.

The land used formerly (ранее) for mining is being transferred to farming and afforestation, which is to improve the environment.

Profits are maximized at the output level at which marginal cost is equal to marginal revenue.

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