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Книги жанра Фэнтези

  • 4 мая 2015, 18:17
Скачать книгу Джинкс автора Сэйдж Блэквуд

Жанр: Книги про волшебников, Фэнтези


Герой этой истории, мальчик Джинкс, вырос в Урвальде – сверхъестественном, первобытном лесу, полном опасностей. Главное правило жителей леса – не сходить со знакомой тропы, чтобы не попасть в лапы голодных троллей, коварных оборотней, ведьм и чародеев. Герою предстоят волнующие испытания, в ходе которых он взрослеет, закаляет характер и открывает в себе необычные качества. Новые приключения ждут читателей в книгах «Магия Джинкса» и «Пламя Джинкса». Трилогия «Джинкс» получила множество международных наград. Издается в России...

  • 4 мая 2015, 18:16
Скачать книгу Запечатленные автора Шелли Крейн

Жанр: Городское фэнтези, Фэнтези


Мэгги – обычная семнадцатилетняя девушка из маленького городка, и у нее полно проблем: родители развелись, а парень, который за ней ухаживал, уехал.

И вдруг все меняется – Мэгги встречает Калеба. Первое же его прикосновение обжигает ее, словно молния, а перед глазами начинают мелькать картинки из будущего… Так Мэгги узнает о таинственном мире, где люди обладают необычными способностями. Кто-то из них обретает дар исцелять от болезней, а кто-то – читать мысли, но только после встречи со своей половинкой… Шаг за шагом Мэгги меняется и становится частью этого мира – клана Калеба, которого она любит все больше и без которого уже не может обходиться.

Но их хрупкое счастье под угрозой – совсем рядом те, кто так жаждет его...

  • 4 мая 2015, 18:13
Скачать книгу Пантеон автора Евгений Гаглоев

Жанр: Книги про волшебников, Фэнтези


Не так представляла себе Катерина встречу со своим отцом, Александром Державиным, нынешним Императором Зерцалии. Девушка ощущает скрытую опасность, исходящую от него. Он, как и все в Зерцалии, считает ее Сестрой Тьмы и возлагает на нее особые надежды. С ее помощью Император и его приспешники хотят открыть портал на Землю и вернуться. А в это время друзья Катерины пытаются сорвать планы злодеев из Клуба Калиостро, которые намереваются собрать Трианон и тоже открыть проход между мирами. Кому же из них удастся осуществить свои замыслы? И через что на этот раз придется пройти Катерине?

Для среднего школьного...

  • 4 мая 2015, 18:08
Скачать книгу Морган: человек с тысячей лиц автора Екатерина Хаккет

Жанр: Боевое фэнтези, Фэнтези


В империи Согхат люди несколько веков не вспоминали про магию. Но на долгожданном празднике весны случилось непредвиденное – императора могущественной державы необъяснимым образом поразило молнией с небес, после чего обычная жизнь горожан превратилась в кошмар. Выжившие были напуганы, растерянны, измучены. Стараясь спастись, они стали скрываться в непроходимых лесах, убегая от идущих по пятам желтоглазых Охотников – слуг безумного мага, захватившего столицу. Непонятно, каким образом Альма Стивенсон из иного мира попала в гущу событий, но теперь она обязана сражаться за свою жизнь, как и все остальные. Девушке приходится мириться с неприязнью со стороны мятежников и надеяться на то, что никто не узнает о её истинном происхождении. Лишь вражеский Охотник Морган Кольят, решивший пойти против нового режима темного мага, может помочь ей во всем...

  • 4 мая 2015, 18:08
Скачать книгу Turned автора Morgan Rice

Жанр: Любовное фэнтези, Фэнтези


In TURNED (Book #1 of the Vampire Journals), 18 year old Caitlin Paine finds herself uprooted from her nice suburb and forced to attend a dangerous New York City high school when her Mom moves again. The one ray of light in her new surroundings is Jonah, a new classmate who takes an instant liking to her.

But before their romance can blossom, Caitlin suddenly finds herself changing. She is overcome by a superhuman strength, a sensitivity to light, a desire to feed–by feelings she does not understand. She seeks answers to what’s happening to her, and her cravings lead her to the wrong place at the wrong time. Her eyes are opened to a hidden world, right beneath her feet, thriving underground in New York City. She finds herself caught between two dangerous covens, right in the middle of a vampire war.

It is at this moment that Caitlin meets Caleb, a mysterious and powerful vampire who rescues her from the dark forces. He needs her to help lead him to the legendary lost artifact. And she needs him for answers, and for protection. Together, they will need to answer one crucial question: who was her real father?

But Caitlin finds herself caught between two men as something else arises between them: a forbidden love. A love between the races that will risk both of their lives, and will force them to decide whether to risk it all for each...

  • 4 мая 2015, 18:08
Скачать книгу Loved автора Morgan Rice

Жанр: Любовное фэнтези, Фэнтези


Caitlin and Caleb embark together on their quest to find the one object that can stop the imminent vampire and human war: the lost sword. An object of vampire lore, there is grave doubt over whether it even exists.

If there is any hope of finding it, they must first trace Caitlin’s ancestry. Is she really the One? Their search begins with finding Caitlin’s father. Who was he? Why did he abandon her? As the search broadens, they are shocked by what they discover about who she really is.

But they are not the only ones searching for the legendary sword. The Blacktide Coven wants it, too, and they are close on Caitlin and Caleb’s trail. Worse, Caitlin’s little brother, Sam, remains obsessed with finding his Dad. But Sam soon finds himself in way over his head, smack in the middle of a vampire war. Will he jeopardize their search?

Caitlin and Caleb’s journey takes them on a whirlwind of historic locations – from the Hudson Valley, to Salem, to the heart of historic Boston – the very spot where witches were once hung on the hill of Boston Common. Why are these locations so important to the vampire race? And what do they have to do with Caitlin’s ancestry, and with who she’s becoming?

But they may not even make it. Caitlin and Caleb’s love for each other is blossoming. And their forbidden romance may just destroy everything they’ve set out to...

  • 4 мая 2015, 18:08
Скачать книгу Betrayed автора Morgan Rice

Жанр: Любовное фэнтези, Фэнтези


In BETRAYED (Book #3 in the Vampire Journals), Caitlin Paine awakes from a deep coma to discover she has been turned. Now a true, full-bred vampire, she marvels at her new powers, including her ability to fly, and her superhuman strength. She finds that her true love, Caleb, is still by her side, waiting patiently for her to recover. She has everything she could dream of.

Until it all, suddenly, goes terribly wrong.

Caitlin is horrified to discover Caleb with his ex-wife, Sera, and before Caleb has a chance to explain, Caitlin tells him to leave. Heartbroken, confused, Caitlin wants to curl up and die, her only consolation being in her wolf-pup Rose.

Caitlin also finds consolation in her new surroundings. She finds she has been placed on a hidden island in the Hudson River – Pollepel – amidst an elite coven of teenage vampires, boys and girls alike, 24 in all, including her. She learns that this is a place for outcasts, just like her, and as she meets her new best friend, Polly, and begins her training in elite vampire combat, she realizes that she might finally have a place to call home.

But a major vampire war is looming, and her brother Sam is still out there, kidnapped by Samantha. The evil Kyle, too, now wielding the mythical Sword, is still on the warpath, and he will stop at nothing to wipe out New York. Caitlin, despite her new home, and despite her finding a new love interest in the elusive vampire Blake, knows that she can only stay on this island for so long before her destiny calls. After all, she is still the One, and all eyes still look to her to find her father and the other weapon that might save them all.

Torn between her new friends and her lingering feelings for Caleb, she must come to decide where her true loyalties lie, and whether she is willing to risk it all to try to find Caleb and have him in her life once...

  • 4 мая 2015, 18:08
Скачать книгу Destined автора Morgan Rice

Жанр: Любовное фэнтези, Фэнтези


In DESTINED (Book #4 in the Vampire Journals), Caitlin Paine wakes to discover herself back in time. She finds herself in a cemetery, on the run from a mob of villagers, and seeks refuge in the ancient cloisters of Assisi, in the countryside of Umbria, Italy. There, she learns of her destiny and her mission: to find her father and the ancient vampire Shield needed to save mankind.

But Caitlin’s heart still pines for her lost love: Caleb. She desperately needs to know if he has survived their trip back in time. She learns that her mission requires her to go to Florence, but if she wants to pursue matters of the heart, she must go to Venice. She chooses Venice.

Caitlin is overwhelmed at what she finds. Venice of the eighteenth century is a surreal place, men and women dressed in elaborate costumes and masks, celebrating an endless, lavish party. She is thrilled to discover and reunite with some of her close friends, and to be welcomed back into their coven. And she is excited to join them in Venice’s Grand Ball, the most important costume dance of the year, where she hopes, once again, to find Caleb.

But Caitlin is not the only one who can travel back in time: Kyle soon arrives, too, and is determined to hunt her down and kill her once and for all. Sam, too, arrives, determined to save his sister before it is too late.

At the Ball, Caitlin searches everywhere, and finds no sign of Caleb. That is, until the very last dance. She dances with a masked man who takes her heart away, and she feels certain that it is him. But as the partners change, she loses him again. Or does she?

Caitlin soon finds herself torn between the two loves of her life, and discovers that she has to be careful what she wishes for. Her joy at finding what she wants might just come mixed with tragedy and heartbreak.

In a climactic, action-packed ending, Caitlin finds herself up against true evil, Rome’s ancient vampire coven, and the most powerful vampire coven that ever existed. Surviving will demand all her skills, as she finds herself battling for her very life. She will have to sacrifice more than ever, if she is to save the one she...

  • 4 мая 2015, 18:08
Скачать книгу Desired автора Morgan Rice

Жанр: Любовное фэнтези, Фэнтези


In DESIRED (Book #5 in the Vampire Journals), Caitlin Paine wakes to discover that she has once again traveled back in time. This time, she has landed in eighteenth century Paris, an age of great opulence, of kings and queens – but also of revolution.

Reunited with her true love, Caleb, the two of them finally have the quiet, romantic time together that they never had. They spend idyllic time together in the city of Paris, visiting its most romantic sites, as their love grows ever deeper. Caitlin decides to give up the search for her father, so that she can savor this time and place, and spend her life with Caleb. Caleb takes her to his medieval castle, near the ocean, and Caitlin is happier than she ever dreamed.

But their idyllic time together is not destined to last forever, and events intercede that force the two of them apart. Caitlin once again finds herself united with Aiden and his coven, with Polly and with new friends, as she focuses again on her training, and on her mission. She is introduced to the lavish world of Versailles, and encounters outfits and opulence beyond what she ever dreamed. With never ending feasts and parties and concerts, Versailles is a world of its own. She is happily reunited with her bother Sam, who is also back in time, and having dreams of their father, too.

But all is not as well as it seems. Kyle has traveled back in time, too – this time, with his evil sidekick, Sergei – and he is more determined than ever to kill Caitlin. And Sam and Polly each fall ever deeper into toxic relationships, which just might threaten to destroy everything around them.

As Caitlin becomes a true and hardened warrior, she comes closer than ever to finding her father, and the mythical Shield. The climactic, action-packed ending, takes Caitlin through a whirlwind of Paris’ most important medieval locations, on a hunt for clues. But surviving this time will demand skills she never dreamed she had. And reuniting with Caleb will require her to make the hardest choices – and sacrifices – of her...

  • 4 мая 2015, 18:08
Скачать книгу Betrothed автора Morgan Rice

Жанр: Любовное фэнтези, Фэнтези


In BETROTHED (Book #6 in the Vampire Journals), Caitlin and Caleb find themselves, once again, back in time – this time, in the London of 1599.

London in 1599 is a wild place, filled with paradoxes: while on the one hand it is an incredibly enlightened, sophisticated time, breeding playwrights like Shakespeare, on the other, it is also barbaric and cruel, with daily public executions, torture, and heads of prisoners impaled on spikes. It is also a time of superstition and grave public danger, with a lack of sanitation, and the Bubonic Plague spreading in the streets, carried by rats.

In this environment Caitlin and Caleb land, on the search for her father, for the third key, for the mythical shield that can save humankind. Their mission takes them through a whirlwind of London’s most amazing medieval architecture, through the British countryside’s most breathtaking castles. It takes them back into the heart of London, where they just might meet Shakespeare himself, and see one of his plays live. It brings them to a little girl, Scarlet, who just might become their daughter. And all the while, Caitlin’s love for Caleb deepens, as finally they are together – and as Caleb might just finally find the perfect time, and place, to propose to her.

Sam and Polly have traveled back, too, and as they find themselves stuck together on their own journey, their relationship deepens, as they each, despite themselves, can’t help feeling more deeply for each other.

But all is not well. Kyle has come back, too, as has his evil sidekick, Sergei, and they are both intent on destroying everything good in Caitlin’s life. It will be a race to the finish, as Caitlin is forced to make some of the hardest decisions of her life if she is to save everyone who is dear to her, save her relationship with Caleb – and try to make it out...

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