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Автор книги: Э. Фахрутдинова

Жанр: Учебная литература, Детские книги

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1. Read the following international words. Define their meanings comparing them to the meanings of the corresponding Russian words:

computer, distribution, form, international, monitoring, national, organization, passive, physical, program, radio, satellite, separation, standards, system, technology, transmission.

2. Complete the table using suitable forms:

3. Translate English words and phrases in column A using Russian words and phrases from column B:

4. Read and translate the given logistics terms below:

A. Transshipment is consolidation of shipments to one destination and reshipping from that destination.

B. Break-bulk is separation of a single consolidated bulk load into smaller individual shipments for delivery to the ultimate consignees.

C. Cross-docking is direct flow of goods from receipt at warehouse to shipping, bypassing the storage.

D. Order picking is selecting and assembling items from stock for shipments.

E. Tracking and tracing is monitoring and recording shipment movements from origin to destination.

F. Warehousing is receiving and storing goods.

G. Collection is picking up goods at a named place.

(1. перевалка; 2. разбивка; 3. кросс-докинг; 4. формирование заказа; 5. обнаружение и отслеживание; 6. складирование; 7. сбор).

5. Translate the sentences and give the English names for the noted logistics terms:

Cкоординированная по времени складская операция приема и отправки грузов клиенту без их хранения.

Мониторинг и запись передвижений груза начиная от места отправки и заканчивая пунктом назначения.

Отбор и сборка товаров в месте хранения перед отправкой груза.

Разделение груза на небольшие части и перемещение его по частям конечному получателю.

Сбор товаров в обозначенном месте.

Получение и хранение товаров.

Доставка груза через несколько точек до конечного пункта назначения.

6. Read and translate abbreviations below:

A. DC – Distribution Center: The warehouse facility which holds inventory from manufacturing pending distribution to the appropriate stores.

B. ISO – International Standards Organization: An organization within the United Nations to which all national and other standard setting bodies (should) defer. Develops and monitors international standards, including OSI, EDIFACT, and X.400.

C. EDI – Electronic Data Interchange: Intercompany, computerto-computer transmission of business information in a standard format. «Computer-to-computer» means direct transmission from the originating application program to the receiving, or processing, application program. An EDI transmission consists only of business data, not any accompanying verbiage or free-form messages.

D. LCL – Less-Than-Carload or Less-Than-Container Load: Shipment that is less than a complete rail car load (lot shipment).

E. RFID – Radio Frequency Identification: The use of radio frequency technology including RFID tags and tag readers to identify objects. Objects may include virtually anything physical, such as equipment, pallets of stock, or even individual units of product. RFID tags can be active or passive. Active tags contain a power source and emit a signal constantly. Passive tags receive power from the radio waves sent by the scanner / reader. The inherent advantages of RFID over bar code technology are: 1) the ability to be read over longer distances, 2) the limitation of requirement for “line of sight” reads, 3) added capacity to contain information, and 4) RFID tag data can be updated/changed.

F. GPS (Global Positioning System): A system which uses satellites to precisely locate an object on earth. Used by trucking companies to locate over-the-road equipment.

7. Give English equivalents for the phrases given below:

глобальная система позиционирования; международная организация по стандартизации; мелкая отправка; радиочастотная идентификация; распределительный центр; электронный обмен данными.

8. Translate the article:

Why the EU is worried about RFID

1. For a microchip that measures just a few millimeters across, RFID has already caused a fair degree of controversy. The radio tags – used on anything from pharmaceutical products to sea containers – have prompted campaigns by privacy groups, street demonstrations in continental Europe, and conspiracy theories a-plenty66
  зд. в изобилии

. The latest organization to step into the controversy is the European Commission, which this month held a series of workshops77
  зд. семинары

in Brussels as part of a consultation over the technology.

The EU expects the use of RFID tags to grow rapidly in the next few years, and believes a public discussion is necessary now about how they might be used, and how the data the tags provide might be protected. In part, the EU is responding to pressure from consumer and privacy groups, which have expressed concern that RFID tags could be used to build up huge databases of individuals’ shopping, leisure and travel habits. These databases could be exploited by unscrupulous businesses and also become a target for cybercriminals.

2. “Most business cases for RFID involve nothing that touches the consumer, but are based around back-end systems and the logistics chain. Most RFID tags will never reach the consumer but are on the pallet level,” says Jeroen Terstegge, corporate privacy officer at Philips and a moderator in the EU’s consultation.

3. European Commission officials are likely to be looking for evidence that the IT industry is taking such privacy and security considerations into account. And companies that are actively involved in RFID, including Philips, IBM and Accenture, are already working on privacy and security enhancement measures for RFID. Such measures could include limiting the range of tags – so that the reader would need to be in close proximity to the product, for example – encrypting the data on the tag, and providing consumers with the option to wipe the RFID chip once they have bought an item.

4. “We are seeing some push back on RFID plans, but it is because of technical not privacy issues,” says Duncan Brown, consulting director at analysts IDC. “We are seeing other areas where businesses are generating more and more information in a digital form, and some of this is potentially far more sinister data than what clothes you are buying”.

9. Give English equivalents for the words and phrases given below:

база данных; беспринципный; быть в противоречии; возврат назад; вопросы технического характера; губительная информация; затрагивать потребителя; информация в цифровой форме; кибер-преступник; кодирование данных; меры по расширению; потребитель; провести ряд рабочих встреч; радиометка; система с внутренним интерфейсом; соображения секретности и безопасности; стирать чип радиочастотной идентификации; теории конспирации.

10. Complete the sentences using abbreviations given below:

1. Computer-to-computer transmission of business information in a standard forma is called.........1.

2. The use of radio frequency technology to identify objects is............2.

3. ...........3 is shipment that is less than a complete rail car load.

4. An organization within the United Nations which develops and monitors international standards has the name.........4.

5. ...........5 is the warehouse facility which holds inventory from manufacturing pending distribution to the appropriate stores.

6. A system which uses satellites to precisely locate an object on earth is .........6.

11. Answer the questions:

1. Why have radio tags prompted campaigns and street demonstrations by privacy groups in Europe?

2. Why is discussion on RFID tags necessary now according to the European Commission point of view?

3. What concern have consumer and privacy groups expressed on RFID tags?

4. What kind of privacy and security measures for RFID are Philips, IBM and Accenture working on?

5. Why is there a push back to RFID plans according to Duncan Brown, a consulting director at analysts IDC?

12. Translate the sentences using the text “Why the EU is worried about RFID”:

1. Радиометки широко используются на фармацевтических продуктах и морских контейнерах.

2. Базами данных RFID-меток могут пользоваться беспринципные дельцы, они также могут стать мишенью для киберпреступников.

3. Потребители товаров выразили озабоченность по поводу того, что радиочастотные метки могут использоваться в целях построения таких баз данных, как покупки, времяпрепровождение и образ жизни индивида.

4. Компании, активно использующие радиочастотную идентификацию (Philips, IBM, Accenture), уже занимаются разработкой мер по усилению секретности и безопасности радиочастотной идентификации.

5. Мерами безопасности могут выступить кодирование данных метки; доступность для потребителей опции стирания чипа радиочастотной идентификации после покупки товара.

6. Европейская комиссия провела в Брюсселе ряд рабочих встреч-консультаций по вопросам радиочастотной идентификации.

7. Использование RFID-меток вызвало серьёзную полемику и критику.

8. В Евросоюзе полагают, что использование радиочастотных меток будет расти в последующие годы – необходимо проводить общественные дискуссии относительно того, как целесообразно использовать и защищать данные, которые предоставляют эти метки.

13. Use past simple or present perfect forms of the verbs given in brackets (See Language Notes):

1. Yesterday they .........1 (transfer) of structured data from one computer system to another.

2. Recently we .......2 (work) out a Continuous Replenishment Program.

3. Last year the company .........3 (implement) Advanced Order Management.

4. Since 2005 Enterprise Resource Planning ......4 (use) at the factory.

5. RFID already ......5 (cause) a fair degree of controversy and .......6 (prompt) campaigns by privacy groups.

6. Move to a true Just-In-Time strategy ......7 (change) the attitude: “We are doing alright, don’t risk it” .....8 (replace) “What we need to do and how do we make it happen”?

7. You ever .....9 (check) the stock-keeping unit?

8. The warehouse management system .........10 (implement) 3 months ago… 11 (help) the employees work effectively on all stages.

9. Collaborative Planning and Forecasting Replenishment .....12 (improve) the work of logistics provider.

10. Our project already.....13 (create) a network of sensors deployed at sites in the vicinity of applications that rely on the GPS signal.

11. We never .....14 (use) total quality management. Why shouldn’t we try?

14. Retell the article “Why the EU is worried about RFID” according to the plan:

A. The radio tags have prompted campaigns by privacy groups, street demonstrations in Europe, and conspiracy theories.

B. European Commission held a series of workshops in Brussels as part of a consultation over the technology.

C. Most business cases for RFID don’t involve the consumer, but are based around back-end systems and the logistics chain.

D. Work on privacy and security enhancement measures for RFID.

E. Collecting information in a digital form and in the form of RFID tags.


15. Make the dialogue about the necessity of using RFID-tags.

Useful language: Asking for opinions, making suggestions (see Unit 1)


1. Read the following international words. Define their meanings comparing them to the meanings of the corresponding Russian words:

category, complex, distributor, information, logistics, operational, physical, role, service, sub-contracted, terminology.

2. Complete the table using suitable forms:

3. Translate English words and phrases in column A using Russian words and phrases from column B:

1. Observe the words and phrases from the text “Logistics Service Provider”:

5. Read and translate the text:

Logistics Service Provider

Logistics service provider is a company performing logistics activities on behalf88
  зд. от лица

of a manufacturer or distributor. Depending on the complexity and the type of value-added operations carried out by the Logistics Service Provider, such categories can be defined:

The traditional logistics service providers carry out physical logistics operations (order processing and picking, transport and storage) and whose management system is limited to tracking shipments on behalf of the client company;

Value added service providers add a certain number of services to the traditional package ranging from managing complex operational handling (co-manufacturing and co-packing), to management of administrative operations (billing and ordering) and information management (trackingtracing, etc.) These two categories refer to Third Party Logistics (3PL). The manufactures use outside sources attracting outside specialist suppliers of transport or distribution/logistics services, usually under contract (e.g. transport/ warehousing or full-scale logistics service) replacing in-house facilities.

Benefits of Outsourcing:

• Improve company focus

• Access to world-class capabilities and new technology

• Accelerated reengineering benefits

• Share (pool) risks

• Free-up resources

• Cash infusion

• Reduce and control operating costs

• Resources not available internally

• Eliminate labor problems

Challenges of 3PL are:

• Development of appropriate and sustainable pricing systems

• Finding qualified people

• Development of systems which are flexible, adoptable and user-friendly

• Development of a global logistics infrastructure.

The third category: Logistics services integrators characterized by the quasi-absence of their own physical facilities. Their role is to integrate the services of different subcontracting companies (transport, storage, valueadded operations, etc.) and to coordinate and control them through management of the associated information flows.

Whereas a third party logistics (3PL) service provider targets a function, a 4PL targets management of the entire process. Some have described a 4PL as a general contractor who manages other 3PLs, truckers, forwarders, custom house agents and others, essentially taking responsibility of a complete process for the customer. The concept 4PL provider was first defined by Andersen Consulting (Now Accenture).

2. Give English equivalents for the words and phrases given below. Make up your own sentences with these words and phrases:

вливание капитала; восполнение; выписывание счетов; запись заказов; физические логистические операции; мнимое отсутствие; облегчать; розничный торговец; сторона-подрядчик; совместное производство и упаковка; склад; субподрядная организация.

7. Complete sentences using words and expressions given below:

managing; ordering; shipments; type; operating; contractors; third; comanufacturing; sharing; problems; forwarding; value-added; service.

1. Depending on the complexity and the .........1 of ............2 operations there are several categories of the logistics service provider.

2. The management system of the traditional logistics ...... 3 providers is limited to tracking ........... 4 on behalf of the client company;

3. .........5 party logistics providers offer value added services for their customers: ............... 6 and co-packing, billing and.........7, tracking-tracing, etc.

4. Among the benefits of outsourcing one can mention .........8 risks, controlling ............9 costs, eliminating labor ...........10, accessing new technologies and others.

5. The services of 4 PL providers include .........11 3 PL providers, custom house agents, .........12, as well as a range of valueadded services.

6. Fourth party logistics providers are general ............13.

8. Answer the questions:

1. What categories of logistics service providers can be defined?

2. What operations do the traditional logistics service providers carry out?

3. What services do value-added logistics service providers add to the traditional package?

4. Logistics service providers of what type refer to 3 PL?

5. What is the role of logistics services integrators? What does the “quasi-absence of their physical facilities” mean?

6. What are the benefits of outsourcing?

7. What kind of challenges of 3PL can you name?

8. What is the concept of 4PL?

9. Translate the sentences using the text “Logistics Service Provider”:

1. Существуют компании, которые выполняют только такие логистические операции, как транспортировка и хранение.

2. Некоторые компании к традиционному пакету логистических услуг добавляют дополнительные услуги с добавленной стоимостью: выписывание счетов и составление заказов, отслеживание и контроль.

3. Когда полный комплекс услуг по логистике – от доставки и адресного хранения до управления заказами и отслеживания движения товаров – передается на сторону сторонней организации, это называется «третья сторона в логистике».

4. «Третья сторона в логистике» – это, как правило, комплексный логистический посредник для промышленной или торговой компании.

5. «Общие подрядчики» – это компании, которые интегрируют услуги различных подрядных организаций, координируют посредством управления связанные с ними информационные потоки.

6. 4PL провайдер является интегратором всей логистической цепи предприятия.

10. Translate the text and give its main idea in English:

Логистический аутсорсинг В период 1970-1980 гг. сформировались так называемые технологии инсорсинга в сфере логистических услуг: 1PL (логистика одной стороны) – когда все операции выполняет сам грузовладелец – свой транспортный парк и водительский персонал – автономная логистика. 2PL (логистика второй стороны) – когда фирма сама планирует и складирует, но не имеет транспортного парка.

В период 1980 -1990 гг. появляется 3PL (или полный аутсорсинг) – логистика третьей стороны, при которой субподрядчики занимаются логистикой фирмы, фирма сама не занимается внешней логистикой.

В период 1990-2000 гг. сформировался 4PL (четвертая сторона в логистике), – когда фирма пользуется услугами генератора логистики, т.е. системного логистического интегратора, предоставляющего услуги по проектированию, интегрированному планированию цепей поставок компании.

Некоторые специалисты полагают, что в связи с развитием электронного бизнеса могут произойти изменения в логистике и возникнет следующий уровень логистических систем операторов – провайдеров – 5PL. Эти провайдеры – виртуальные интегрированные логистические операторы.

11. Translate the sentences given below using the Unit Vocabulary:

1. The use of the company’s inner resources is called “insourcing”.

2. The rising costs of offshore production have driven corporations to “insourcing”.

3. Adverse macroeconomic conditions accentuate the need for corporations to focus on cost containment in their supply chains.

4. “By 2010, the need for greater supply chain flexibility will overtake product quality and customer service as the major driver for improving supply chain strategy.” (Global Supply Chain Trends Survey, 2008).

5. “A lot of our supply chain design work was really developed in the 1980s and 1990s, when our capital spending was fairly high and oil was 10 bucks a barrel. I could say that the supply chain design is now upside down. The environment has changed.” (Keith Harrison, Procter & Gamble, Head of Global Supply Chain (Financial Times).

12. Complete each dialogue with the correct form of “going to”, “will”, the present continuous and the present simple (See Language Notes):

1. A: What are you planning to do now? B: We…sign the treaty with the contracting party.

2. A: We need to wait for the truck to come. B: Oh, don’t worry. I ...... (do) billing and ordering.

3. A: We’ve decided to add more services to our usual package. B: Really. What services … you (offer)?

4. A: What about your plans of a new sub-contracting company? B: Well, we..... (outsource) some kinds of production and distribution next year.

5. A: Have you made up your mind to use outside sources? B: Yes, the company ...... (outsource) transport and warehousing services.

6. A: Are you ready for leaving? B: Yes, the plane… (depart) at 7 p.m.

7. The following Monday the representatives of the logistics services integrator… (come) for the meeting.

8. A: What are your nearest plans? B: We all… (develop) appropriate and sustainable pricing systems.

13. Retell the text “Logistics Service Provider” according to the plan:

A. The traditional Logistics Service Providers;

B. The value-added Logistics Service Providers;

C. «Third-Party Logistics» Providers; benefits of outsourcing;

D. Challenges of 3 PL providers;

E. Logistics services integrators or 4PL providers.


14. Make the dialogue about logistics service providers:

Useful language: Asking for clarification

What exactly are you saying? What exactly do you mean? Are you saying we need to…? Sorry, I don’t follow you.

Can you explain in more detail?

What I mean is.........

What I’m saying is.......

No, I was thinking of......

To be more specific...... To clarify the matter…

They suggest.....The company proposes that.....

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