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  • Текст добавлен: 16 октября 2020, 11:46

Автор книги: Evgeniy Shmigirilov

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Chapter 4

Super Queen-Mother was committed to the requirement to be always accompanied by her guard. She visited different places only in her combat body, trusting it more than her security.

Her activity timetable was set up for months ahead.

Nevertheless, Super Queen-Mother found the time to carry her asteroids from the Moon to Earth, or, to be more exact, to one of the mineral separation plants situated far from the town. Its personnel worked on rotation.

The first tons of the enriched ore showed a concentration of diamonds amazing for Earth. The golden asteroid consisted of pure high-carat gold, without any additions.

Super Queen-Mother decided that her gold and precious stones would become the base for creation of the Earth’s Single Currency.

Before taking this important decision, she decided to ask for the advice of the specialists.

Super Queen-Mother understood that many important issues could just drown in numerous discussions and adjustments and decided to do as follows: to ask for advice from two groups of specialists, and, in case of the same opinion, to accept it.

When opinions differed she invited a third side to research the matter of argument and accepted the decision of the majority.

As a rule, this approach gave the best results, and she was not going to abandon it.

It was not long until everybody saw the results of her managerial activity.

War conflicts ended; mass construction of factories and plants, producing remarkable, fantastic devices and equipment for the sixth civilization, began.

The most important issues for Super Queen-Mother were the problems of hunger and insufficient accommodation.

Alongside with the production of food, the issue of the redistribution of the products that had been produced already was not less important. Many concerned parties tried to oppose her in this.

In such cases Super Queen-Mother acted very quickly and very sternly.

She had much work. A great deal of work.

An inexhaustible flow of information was gushing in from the Galaxy “Milky Way”. Super Queen-Mother at once split it in into small streams and passed it on to corresponding institutions.

In spare minutes of rest she monitored the construction of the complex “Island” and “Mountainous plateau”. It was growing very quickly.

The constructors started finishing work on the buildings. Numerous splendid rare trees and bushes were planted in the park. Fish were introduced into man-made ponds.

Super Queen-Mother was satisfied to see that her thoughts and wishes were put into effect.

The architects, managing the complex project, did not overlook her slightest requests and did an excellent job. Her main desire was that all parts of the complex had to be comfortable and convenient. All people who came there felt this, though the buildings were not finished yet.

As far as the construction was coming to an end, Super Queen-Mother decided to visit all countries of the world. She provided her security with the data about the time and the place of her stay in every country.

Super Queen-Mother decided to travel on Earth with her guard in short intervals; in space she would be protected by the guard of the Galaxy “Milky Way”.

The receptions took place in presidential palaces, but Super Queen-Mother always found time to meet popular representatives and came out to adjacent squares to talk to people.

The meetings were always emotional and were well-organized. People were glad to see Super Queen-Mother, who had saved them from ruin.

The sincere joy during such meetings was mutual. Super Queen-Mother, in high spirits, moved from one place to another to meet new people.

The countries were different, and the people were different, but now they all were one big family – the sixth civilization of Earth.

Super Queen-Mother did not get tired of the numerous meetings. On the contrary, they filled her with light energy and pride for what she had done.

Only direct communication could tell the truth about attitude to one’s deeds. It meant all her preparation work and sufferings were not for nothing.

People understood that very well and were proud of her.

Super Queen-Mother managed to visit twenty to thirty countries a day. She visited hot and cold, rich and poor countries, which had boundaries and their governments.

Soon her tour across the countries and continents came to an end.

Chapter 5

Super Queen-Mother returned to her place of work.

She checked the work of her department during her absence, made sure of the smooth functioning of all subdivisions and decided to take a day off. The official opening of her complex was the next day.

Super Queen-Mother imposed the internal order for her department to start arrangements for moving to their regular offices.

Each of her co-workers had already visited their future places of work and knew where his or her new office was. They needed only to have furniture and office machines removed.

Her day off began with a visit to her parents.

Nothing had changed in her house. The dogs started barking in unison, distrusting her combat body. Her parents had to take them away for a while.

Super Queen-Mother walked leisurely around the whole house, and only then sat down to table with her parents. They were silently eating, looking at each other from time to time.

After the meal, when they were sitting in the armchairs, her father asked:

“How are you? Tell us everything in the right order, starting from the moment when you had moved out of the house.”

Super Queen-Mother felt as if she was a child, coming back from a summer camp, and it was a pleasant feeling. Her story was not long and gave only the main details of her life during her absence.

After they talked, Super Queen-Mother wished to be alone.

She went up to the terrace and got cosy into the chaise longue. Warm air, rich in the sea smells, surrounded her. The birds were twittering something on their own troubles, and Super Queen-Mother took a short nap.

She dreamt about two big thick clouds. One of them, on her right, was white, and the other one, on her left, was brown. They were spinning like two millstones, at an angle of 45 degrees, towards each other, and at the points of contact became like a waterfall, but they did not mix up. Super Queen-Mother was flying somewhere far above them.

Her short sleep was interrupted by a train whistle. Super Queen-Mother opened her eyes and, having remembered her dream, thought – what could it mean? Having not found the answer to her question, she easily got up, and went down into the yard.

A security officer reported to her about the state of affairs and asked for her further instructions. Super Queen-Mother wanted to have a rest on the sea; this was what she informed him about.

Chapter 6

The sun was lazily rolling in the sky dome, inevitably approaching the horizon, and losing big pieces from the pie, called a “sun heat”, on its way.

The convoy came to the sea. A developing evening breeze drove away the remnants of the stuffy heat from the shore front.

Super Queen-Mother came into a changing booth on the beach, put on her swimming suit and went to the sea. Small pebbles, mixed with the sand, warmed, but were not too hot for her feet.

Super Queen-Mother walked in the shallow water, along the beach strip for some time, and then came into the sea with great pleasure. She bathed near the shore a little, then turned onto her back and swam beyond the buoys.

In the distance she saw her dolphin. Super Queen-Mother wondered – how did it come to know that she was there?

She looked more attentively at the animal and noticed that it did not jump out of the water, did not utter any sounds, but was quickly rushing towards her. Super Queen-Mother thought:

“Maybe, something had happened to it?”

Suddenly, she understood that it was not her dolphin. Super Queen-Mother attentively looked at the approaching dolphin once more, and in support of her guess, the picture became yellowish-waxen.

The dolphin swam up quite close to her, and Super Queen-Motherу saw an apparatus fastened to it.

She intensified the color, swam aside and dove deep into the sea. From there she watched the dolphin with the apparatus coming into the zone she had just left.

A powerful explosion tore its body into small pieces, and only black flecks of the sea foam were swimming on the sea surface. Soon the sea dissolved them too. Nothing reminded her of what had just happened there.

Were it not for the alarm signals, which seemed to ring from all sides.

Boats with the teams of military swimmers were hurriedly put off from the ships.

Helicopters took off from the decks, blocking the whole perimeter.

Submarines started to move to the shore.

Planes formed a circle above the place of the incident.

The whole foreshore was instantly encircled by the military.

When Super Queen-Mother swam to the surface and saw all the arrangements of the military people, she thought about her friend-the-dolphin in the first place, who could be easily killed in this situation.

She quickly swam up to the nearest boat, came on its board and, having connected with the military commander of the sea group via the communication service, told him about the problem.

The commander did not readily agree with her. He was in rage because of the attack and wanted to sterilize the part of the sea, which Super Queen-Mother used, from everything alive in it.

The boat took her to the center of the closed zone, where Super Queen-Mother called her friend. She did not have to wait for long.

It swam up to her, and, as it seemed to her, quizzically looked at the pistol in her hands. Super Queen-Mother patted it and said:

“Bear with me. It’s your safety certificate”, and shot a radio beacon into its body. Then she again petted it and slightly pushed it off. It was not the right time to play with it.

Chapter 7

When Super Queen-Mother got home she:

– switched on the TV;

– shifted to an empty channel;

– put a coffee table with a switched on video camera on it in front of the TV and sank in the armchair.

She imagined her friend – the CLOUD – and mentally sent a powerful signal to it. The response came quicker than she expected.

The TV screen began to twinkle, then tuned and showed the explosion in the sea.

The action on the screen was set in from its end to the beginning, that is, the CLOUD was showing her everything in a reverse order. Nevertheless, everything was clear to her.

The dolphin was quickly swimming back-to-frontwards. When the episodes were insignificant the film was shown in quick motion. The shore was quickly approaching. The battle dolphin swam backside into a fishing net, held by two men.

They unfastened the special apparatus from the dolphin and, crab-wise, carried it to a lorry, standing on the upper road.

They opened the back door of the lorry and put the dolphin into a big basin, taking the whole cargo module. The picture stopped, and the CLOUD turned the car to her – its license plate number was clearly seen on the screen. Then it returned it to the previous position, and the film went on.

The two men closed the back door, and, crab-wise, came through the front door, to the driver, who was talking to somebody on a mobile phone.

A visible white thread appeared in the air; the camera quickly shortened the distance and showed whose telephone it was leading to. It was a man from her guard.

Super Queen-Mother saw as he, walking in the park back-to-frontwards, noticed the telephone number, written with chalk in the corner of the stone fence, and rewrote it into his pocket-book.

Then the plot developed in accelerated tempo. A new character showed up.

The camera showed who had been writing the phone number with chalk, and who gave him the order to write it down.

The man, crab-wise, came back to the car. The car moved on the road backwards.

The picture was again replayed in quicker motion.

Streets and buildings flickered one after another. The car left the town and in some time stopped at the entrance of an old villa.

The man, crab-wise, entered the house, went upstairs and came into a study.

Super Queen-Mother saw the person who gave the order to kill her. This organization was a commercial structure – a private military division, teaming up “wild geese” all over the world.

She understood this from the documents on the table. They differed from the signboard she saw on the villa’s entrance door.

The camera showed the leader of the organization. It also showed all who executed his orders.

At this event Super Queen-Mother decided to change the USB stick. The most interesting things began from this moment. She wanted to know – who gave the order to the leader of the gunmen to neutralize her?

The CLOUD showed everything as it was. The camera was relentlessly travelling around the world, connecting the people with a white thread. The status of these people was so high that nobody would have ever guessed who they were.

The camera showed her not only senior ranks of some states, but also bankers and the owners of enormous fortunes who instructed top executors what they had to do.

They always pulled the chestnuts out of the fire for somebody and never faced the music.

“But not this time”, thought Super Queen-Mother. “You all saw how I was fighting and who I was fighting with, and you still didn’t get it? It’s money and your insatiability!”

Super Queen-Mother made copies of each part of the film and thought over the situation.

Her image of a people person did not dwindle in her eyes; she just understood that there would always be people discontent with her decisions. It meant she always had to be on guard.

The only decision she could make was “all is fair in war!” Such things had to be stopped quickly and sternly. Super Queen-Mother had been taught to do this. Her teachers were very good.

She sent one more signal to the CLOUD with a request to check her security officer. The response came as quickly:


Super Queen-Mother thanked the CLOUD and, saying good-bye, wished it to be happy and healthy.

The security officer showed up without delay. She gave him two memory sticks – one with the executors of the explosion, for his deputy, and the other, with paymasters of the crime, personally for him.

All guardsmen had to be delivered to the stadium where she used to hold all her meetings by 20.00 the next day.

To prevent such situations in the future, he also had to carry out security investigation of all her personnel.

Chapter 8

The next morning passed quickly with work on the final acceptance of the new complex. The car convoy drove down the motorway to the road, leading to the island, and stopped on the bridge, which connected the island with the mainland.

The view of the island from this spot was fabulous. White yachts of different sizes and shapes, moored in the bay, were gently rocking on the waves.

A wide motorway circled the internal bay – marine – with seven-storey houses behind it, faced with white natural stone and decorated with plasterwork, columns and balusters.

The first floors hosted numerous shops and cafes.

Members of the construction committee got back in the cars, and drove to the island.

The external part of the island with residential buildings at the edge of it was also circled by a broad motorway.

Beaches of coarse white sand were behind the road.

A huge pier in the form of an arch stretched from the side of the sea, protecting the island from the sea storms. In front of the pier and behind it were strips of the beach. Between the pier and island beaches there was a wide strip of the sea.

The lift took the inspectors to the third floor of the railway station, and they got in brightly colored carriages.

A small locomotive whistled and started to move in the direction of the tunnel, muffled up with the steam.

Myriads of built-in lamps lighted the tunnel walls, which were painted with flowers, fish and animals.

The train exit from the tunnel was even more spectacular. It turned right and went onto the dam. The inspectors saw the man-made waterfall from it, falling into the beautiful gorge, stretching half a mile down the river.

The entrance to the railway platform came smoothly into the sightseeing ground, stretching to the steep. Below was a beautiful man-made lake with pure blue water.

The inspectors walked to the openwork metal bridge, hanging above the narrow part of the island and stretching to the upper picturesque canyon. They stopped at the middle of the bridge, admiring the beauty of the unique canyon.

Then the escalator carried them to the lower part of the complex. Everything they saw deserved a high praise. It was evident that the people put their hearts into their work, that’s why the favorable aura of that place was just palpable.

They finished the inspection of the complex about nightfall. Super Queen-Mother decided not to spin out time and move to the new place the next morning.

In the meantime, she had to settle one more issue, concerning the people who had attacked her. The security officer reported that her order was carried out.

At 8 p.m. sharp Super Queen-Mother was standing on her usual spot – in the middle of the stadium. She silently looked over the arrestees.

Only the most notorious offenders were looking into her eyes; their own eyes were full with hatred. Well, it was familiar to her, and she smiled at them. Amplifiers delivered her voice through the stadium:

“Yesterday these people attempted to take my life.

The executors of this crime are sitting on my left, and their paymasters are on my right.

Now all people of Earth are looking at you and try to remember.

I won’t give your elimination order. You are already dead. But I will keep you away from the rest of the world.

You will be carried away to one of the islands on the archipelago of the Extreme North. Living trailers and work equipment will be waiting for you there. To live, you’ll have to work hard every day. You will never see other people.

It seems to me the executors of the yesterday’s crime will rule the island, and their paymasters will work there, just because they are weaker. It will be all the more pleasant to me. Farewell!”

Super Queen-Mother beckoned the security officer and ordered:

“Quickly arrange the delivery of all things necessary for the life on the island “R”, and only then send up the people there.

The arrestees have to be moved to the island in three days.

The island has to be well watched to exclude any possible escapes.”

She gave a hard glance over the audience and took to the exit. Distressing silence was the general answer to her words.

The situation was very unpleasant for Super Queen-Mother, but it was their action that brought forth her counteraction. She left the stadium and breathed deeply of the fresh air, then did it again.

She wanted to live a full-fledged life. There was so much to do!

Chapter 9

Super Queen-Mother did not forget to walk her body at the Earth Keepers’. They never showed up; sometimes it seemed to her they were not there at all.

She thought that she did everything in a right way, and, even if she made mistakes, she had to correct her mistakes herself, without anybody’s help.

In rare spare minutes Super Queen-Mother took a drive around the surroundings.

She liked to be in the mountains in particular, thirty miles from the shore, in one of the large mountain settlements. Its houses were situated down the slight hill slope to the mountain brow.

Farther, a short distance away, was a small settlement, stretching to the confluence of the rivers in a larger mountain stream.

Passing past the place, Super Queen-Mother imagined what activities she could develop there and how she could implement her ideas.

Down both the riverbanks, there might be several mountain tourist zones, including hotels, cafes and shops, a number of mountain lifts, carrying people to alpine skiing tracks, and various sports facilities to run winter competitions.

Super Queen-Mother clearly saw everything, including the details of future constructions.

At the point of the confluence of the two rivers she might build a big concrete-encased site, slightly rising above the water and decorated with balusters and sculptures.

It would be fine to place numerous tables on it, up to the glass walls of the winter hall of the café, around the nearest rock.

A waiting room would be at the foot of the rock, as one whole with the winter hall of the café.

Super Queen-Mother imagined lifts, carrying people from the hall to the top of the rock, up to a small castle-shaped restaurant. The windows of the castle would face wonderful sights of snow-covered mountains with flowing down waterfalls, turning into violent mountain streams.

One might also get to the restaurant by a mountain serpentine-like path, winding round the mountain up to the restaurant.

There might be some salt in this.

In the middle of the path, on the isthmus, joining the rock with the rest of the mountain, the path might run past cages with a bear, wolves and anacondas.

The front walls of the cages, made of bullet-proof glass (who of the people, passing past them, would know about this?) would be very close to the path.

So close, that one might go past the cages only sideways, touching the glass with his or her body, the beasts in which would only wait for a tourist…

The sensations would be unspeakable when the tourist’s eyes and the eyes of the beast, which was eager to have you for its dinner, would meet, and you knew that only a thin glass separated you…

The waiting room would have a tiny railway station; a small train with a dozen of coaches would go from it inside the rock. At the end, there would be an old, two miles deep mine gallery on recovery of semi-precious stones. All entrances to it had been destroyed and heaped up by the explosion long ago; they would be restored and widened.

Inside, in the direction of the train run, there might be dozens of stations, where all countries of the world might represent their wines and strong alcoholic drinks.

Those might be sampling halls, one hall for each country. Guests might taste not only different drinks there, but also company’s snacks, cooked in different parts of the world.

Galleries for storage of the products would go from the halls inside the rock.

The exit from the large sampling restaurant would be on the opposite side of the rock, where people could get on a bus or take a cab.

Outside, at the left tributary of the river, Super Queen-Mother would build a bridge, connecting the tourist zones on the right side of the right tributary with the summer site of the above mentioned café.

It would be an unusual bridge.

Its foundation would consist of metal honeycombs filled with colored crystal blocks.

Crystal balusters and wide railings would be crowned by crystal figures of animals, inhabiting the nearby conservation and made full size.

At night, it all would shine and sparkle with myriads of ceramic lamps – it would be a luminous, air-space crystal bridge.

Stone staircases, leading to the bridge and interrupted by small landings, would be guarded by two big bears, made of granite with a mirror-like polish.

At the other side of the bridge, the staircases would go to the café and would be guarded by the bears, too.

On the mountain, along its top, Super Queen-Mother would build a three-storied hotel, something like a mountainous Versailles.

In front of it a huge heated swimming pool would stretch full-length, along the right tribute.

At night, it would be illuminated, as a huge mountainous diamond, and the people, swimming in it, would enjoy the sight of the surrounding snow-covered mountains.

Super Queen-Mother pictured it to herself so vividly that, when she was going past this place, it seemed to her that all it had already been built.

Indeed, people would often have a rest there, and would always come back to this beautiful place.

She thought that many wild fine spots on Earth could be made even more beautiful, and how much it would cost to refine them.

Her trip ended at the mountain plateau, at her place of work, where everything was already functioning; a lot of work accrued while she was absent.

Super Queen-Mother understood that she had to place more confidence in her deputy, but they both needed some time to better understand each other and, as a result, to refer alike to evolving issues.

She was expending all her energy and time to bring closer the civilization of Earth to the level of development of other civilizations that inhabited the Galaxy “Milky Way”.

There was much work, and it was hard, though very interesting. Super Queen-Mother liked this hectic life, and she did not want another one. But this continued not for long.

Once, during her regular visit to the Earth Keepers, she heard the words, which she didn’t ever want to hear:

“The sixth civilization of Earth was the last one to join the United Civilization of the Galaxy “Milky Way”.

We did not want to tell you about this before the battle, because it could have been particularly difficult for you if you had known that. This information could do harm to you and thus to influence the result of the battle.

Now it’s time when we can and even must tell you why the representatives of the Galaxy display such negative attitude towards the earthly people and why they wanted to kill you at any cost, continuing the battle that long.

Now we can explain it to you.

The reason is: your joining the United Civilization endangered all civilizations of the Galaxy “Milky Way”.

They did not want to jeopardize their safety, or rather, life. Hence, their attitude to Earth is so negative.

You have changed the course of history.

Nevertheless, there were five destroyed civilizations, and hundreds of millions of years have been lost.

Only the civilizations of the Galaxy “Milky Way” are guilty that the earthly people are at such a low level of development now.

They understand this very well and take tutorship over the civilization of Earth to promote its development at a pace to be envied.

In one terrestrial year you will move forward for thousands of years.

The information will be given to you every day in a limited volume so that you will be able to process it.

All people and all countries must have equal access to it, so fair distribution of the information will be of great importance.

Now the only matter of public concernment for the Galaxy civilizations is – whether they will be able to preserve their existence in the battle with civilizations of the whole space. It’s another level of development and fighting.

The settlement of all other matters is temporarily suspended because of the new information about a forthcoming battle for the Galaxy’s joining the General Cosmic Civilization.

By contrast with earthly people, this will be their first battle. They had prepared many scenarios for others, but had never taken part in fighting themselves. We saw some of them in action – when they were deftly running away from you.

The time to a potential elimination of all civilizations of the Galaxy “Milky Way” is nearing, the clock is ticking.

It’s the main Galaxy-wide event.

Today, with final approval of fighters from our Galaxy, all the female part of the population voted for you. They believe in you. Your victory has inspired them, and now you are the SEVENTH FIGHTER.

Seven fighters will defend the Galaxy, on seven combat spaceships.

If one of the ships and one fighter survive, it will be enough for joining the General Cosmic Civilization.

We did not suspect that you would be chosen. Though you have successfully dealt …a… with the task.

You are familiar to everybody in the Galaxy, and are a household name every day.

Your enlarged, 3-dimensional portraits are everywhere across the Galaxy, and the recording of your pursuit of the admission board is at the top of all existing ratings.

But a battle is a battle. You have to urgently fly to the training sessions. You can’t refuse. Since this minute, you belong to the Galaxy “Milky Way”.

Though you have not had enough time to get to know closer the inhabitants of the Galaxy, we think that after the battle you’ll have it.

You have to give directions on all main issues to the Supreme Council of Earth. Good bye!”

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