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Текст книги "Sentence Builder"

  • Текст добавлен: 25 января 2023, 14:22

Автор книги: Александра Егурнова

Жанр: Языкознание, Наука и Образование

Возрастные ограничения: +18

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Текущая страница: 3 (всего у книги 7 страниц)

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1. Вот, кто я, а это – то, что я изучал, а это – то, что я надеюсь изучить в университете. 2. Вопрос не в том, как это произошло, а что нам делать дальше. 3. По подсчетам, каждый год в нашей стране похищают около 1000 несовершеннолетних. 4. Ощущение было такое, словно ты стал легким как перышко и можешь порхать как бабочка. 5. Никто не хочет умереть от голода. Поэтому люди работают на нескольких работах. 6. Бессонница – это когда ты не можешь заснуть или насладиться непрерывным сном. 7. Мыс Доброй Надежды – то место, где Наполеон провел последние дни своей жизни. 8. Причина высокого уровня разводов заключается в том, что среднестатистическая супружеская пара слишком молода для такого зрелого шага. 9. Дилеммой было, какую книгу следует прочитать первой: приключенческий рассказ или фантастику. 10. Я беспокоюсь по поводу того, что деньги закончатся через год, и что затем произойдет. 11. Возможно, то, что он задумал, – это то, что одобрит совет директоров. 12. Проблема в том, сократит ли правительство уровень безработицы, чтобы предотвратить восстание. 13. Суть в том, что у каждого человека есть свои обязанности, которые он должен исполнять. 14. Она температурила, поэтому у нее были заплаканные глаза. 15. Он ей не нравился. Каждый раз, когда он ее касался, она чувствовала словно лезвие бритвы полосует ее кожу. 16. Хорошая новость в том, что нам предоставят 50-процентную скидку на авиабилеты. 17. Дом на берегу реки – то место, где жители деревни видели разыскиваемого преступника. 18. Одно из возможных объяснений – у их мозга было больше времени для развития мыслительных способностей. 19. Тема сочинения – что такое счастье и как его достичь. 20. Переезд в другой округ – вот почему я так волнуюсь.

Exercise 9. Find two or three expressions that relate to some particular nation and provide a proper explanation, using a predicative clause, and translation for them. You may support your mini report with some historical background information.

Model: Many of the Dutch expressions heard in American English were first used in England in the seventeenth century. That was a time of fierce naval competition between England and The Netherlands. At that time, the British used Dutch as a word for something bad, or false or mistaken. Some of these expressions exist nowadays.

For example, Dutch courage is when courage is produced by the effects of drinking alcohol, but it is a false feeling. It corresponds to the Russian «храбрость во хмелю, пьяная удаль; ≈ море по колено.»

Dutch leave was what a soldier took when he left his base without permission. It is a synonym of the word «desertion» and is translated as «дезертирство; оставление поста.»

Dutch lunch/supper is when in a company/group of people (or on a date) eating together each person pays for his/her meal. We can render it as «угощение, при котором каждый платит за себя.»

Exercise 10. Write an essay of at least 250 words, which explains the meaning of one of the following quotations or proverbs. Find a proper place for at least 5 complex sentences with predicative clauses.

1 «If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.»

– Bruce Lee

2 «You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why you must sing and dance, and write poems, and suffer, and understand, for all that is life.»

– J. Krishnamurti

3 Handsome is that handsome does.

English Proverb

4 «Nobody gets to live life backward. Look ahead, that is where your future lies.»

– Ann Landers

5 «I grew up with six brothers. That’s how I learned to dance – waiting to get into the bathroom.»

– Bob Hope

6 «It is a ridiculous thought but it is only when you see people looking ridiculous that you realize how much you love them.»

– Agatha Christie

7 A man is not where he lives, but where he loves.

Latin Proverb

8 «In fact, it makes me mad when someone kills snakes or dogs or cats or horses. I don’t even like to eat meat – that is how much I am against killing.»

– Charles Manson

9 «The only time a woman really succeeds in changing a man is when he is a baby.»

– Natalie Wood

Object Clause

Theoretical Part

1. An object clause is a clause which performs within a complex sentence the same function that the object performs within a simple sentence (the recipient of the action of a verb) and answers the questions what? Object clauses fulfill the function of an object to the predicate-verb, to a non-finite form of the verb, or to an adjective of the principal clause.

She wanted to see how he was doing his job (what?)

Она хотела увидеть, как он справляется с работой.

I don’t know whether he will come or not (predicate-verb).

Я не знаю, придет ли он.

Mr. Bush went on to discuss other economic issues, saying once again that he intends to send Congress a spending plan next week (non-finite form).

Г-н Буш перешел к обсуждению других экономических вопросов, еще раз подчеркнув, что намерен отправить программу капиталовложений в Конгресс на следующей неделе.

He was not sure why he was still thinking of her (adjective).

Он не был уверен, почему он все еще думает о ней.

2. Complex sentences with object clauses may be of three patterns:

a) when an object clause follows the predicate of the main clause (the usual pattern):

They heard he was going to give away the names of the criminals to the police.

Прошел слух, что он собирается выдать имена преступников полиции.

b) when an object clause is preceded be the introductory object it:

I am aware of it that they are seeing each other behind my back.

Мне прекрасно известно, что они тайно встречаются.

c) when an object clause is introduced by a preposition:

You should keep your mind on what the teacher is saying.

Тебе следует сосредоточиться на том, что говорит учитель.

3. Subordinate object clauses are introduced in the following ways:

a) by means of the connectives what, whatever, who, whoever, which, whichever (conjunctive pronouns); when, where, how, why (conjunctive adverbs). Object clauses of this type cannot be joined asyndetically, as the opening words signal the subordinate status of the clause:

I will do whatever I want.

Я буду делать все, что захочу.

Nobody noticed where he put the case.

Никто не заметил, куда он положил дипломат.

b) by means of the conjunctions that, whether, if:

Time will show if you are right.

Время покажет, прав ли ты.

c) asyndetically:

He said there was nothing left in the house.

Он сказал, что в доме ничего не осталось.

4. In general, object clauses are not separated from the principal clause by a comma. However, there are two exceptions:

a) if the object clause precedes the principal clause and contains more than three words:

Where she spent last night, I’d like to know.

Где она провела прошлую ночь, я бы хотел знать.

What happened then I’m not aware of.

Что произошло после, мне не известно.

b) if we have two or more homogeneous object clauses coordinated with each other:

He can’t explain why he went to his ex-girlfriend’s wedding, or where he disappeared after it.

Он не может объяснить, зачем пошел на свадьбу бывшей подруги и куда затем исчез.

Language Focus

Exercise 1. In the following sentences find objective clauses and explain а) what part of speech and what part of the sentence each objective clause refers to; b) how objective clauses are connected with the principal clause.

1. In a speech to employees of Caterpillar Incorporated, Mr. Bush said those who advocate a more protectionist stance in the name of saving American jobs are wrong. 2. The temptation is to say, ‘Trade may not be worth it, let’s isolate ourselves.’ 3. I know it would be a mistake for Caterpillar workers to do that. 4. I know it is a bad mistake for the country to lose our confidence and not to compete. 5. The president said the United States is the largest exporter in the world, exporting a record $1.4 trillion in goods and services in 2006. 6. He said exports now make up about 11 percent of the U.S. economy, and that level can only rise as new free-trade agreements are implemented, and new markets open to American products. 7. That means 95 percent live outside of America. 8. I think it makes sense to do so. 9. His top trade negotiator, Susan Schwab, recently met informally with other trade ministers and is expressing confidence the Doha Round of trade talks may be back on track. 10. “We just want people to treat us fairly,” he explained. 11. Mr. Bush went on to discuss other economic issues, saying once again that he intends to send Congress a spending plan next week that could balance the federal budget in five years while keeping taxes low. 12. The new survey of children with autism … shows that about 560,000 children in the United States have the condition. 13. “I’m hoping that one in 150 is alarming enough to the government and our health care providers for them to pay a lot of attention.” 14. “It actually validates what we’ve been saying all along.” 15. More money on research is needed because very little is known about possible risk factors for autism, what causes it, or even how to recognize it biologically. 16. It is known that if an autistic child is identified before the age of three, intervention is much more effective. 17. California health officials say one fifth of the state’s residents have no access to adequate health care. 18. But Schwarzenegger says spreading around the costs would actually lower them.

Exercise 2. Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Mind there is only ONE mistake per sentence.

1. I ventured on asked why he was in such a hurry…. 2. He says that tourists come and go, but it is up to the Dogon people to decide on how they will adapt or not in the 21st century. 3. Anyone which wants to leave early may do so. 4. At this stage it is unclear if the program makers have to intervene directly. 5. Young people agreed with Emerson that a person had the power within himself to succeed at how he tried. 6. He explains what had brought him to this corner of Mali. 7. But with their ‘never say die’ attitude, you can be sured these ghost tourists will be back again. 8. But Lawrence Mishel notes that executive profits ultimately coming out of the pockets of shareholders, workers, and consumers. 9. The symbolic timepiece measures that close mankind is to midnight, which represents total destruction of the Earth. 10. In spite of the impressive job growth figures, the Cuban-born secretary says what one of the most pressing challenges for the US to continued growth is the shortage of high-skilled workers. 11. She was awares that someone else was there. 12. And so begins her perilous adventure, stealing away every moment she can to learn why her destiny is truly at the end of the dark staircase. 13. Didn't you wonder if it never moved when the wind blew? 14. (Mummies had been shown at the Natural History Museum for many years, but for the past year they were in storage. The museum's Melinda Zeder says the public demanded their return.) Melinda Zeder: “We had a real outpouring from our fans from across not only Washington, but the country, wanting to know why we were we going to bring the mummies back.” 15. Barack Obama: “At last he is with them once more, leaving those of us who grieve his passing with the memories he gave, the good he did, the dream he kept alive, and a single, enduring image. The image of a man on a boat, white mane tousled, smiling broadly as he sails into the wind, ready at whatever storms may come, carrying on toward some new and wondrous place just beyond the horizon.”

Exercise 3. Peruse the given statements and select the word from the box below that best completes the sentence.

whether – that – what – how – when – where – what – who – why – how – if – who – who – whichever – that

1. Gallagher says … police and National Guard troops are sometimes deployed to convince elderly people to leave their homes and come to a shelter until conditions improve. 2. Some political experts say … candidate wins two of those three states will win the election. 3. Researchers also believe that state and local air-quality regulations will have to be adjusted to take into consideration … traffic patterns affect pollution. 4. It’s a great pleasure to push towards the unknown and see … you can go beyond the borders of what we know now (Amar Bose, Chairman of the Bose Corporation). 5. He [Robert Egger, director of “DC Central Kitchen,” which prepares free meals for the hungry in Washington] says, “If you ask the average American … is hungry, they are thinking it is a homeless person.” 6. I was pleased with … the prime minister said, but it is for the broadcaster to make sure that they intervene and prevent the broadcasting of prejudices to millions of people throughout this country (Keith Vaz, Labor Party parliamentarian). 7. Watson defended the Bush administration’s decision to stay out of the Kyoto regime, arguing … its requirements would cost an estimated $400 million a year and result in the loss of nearly five million U.S. jobs. 8. Dominic Moncada from the Regional Transit Authority in New Orleans explains … more cities are turning to streetcars. 9. What we are now doing very successfully on film, we had better know how to do and understand … it comes to the new media as well (Sid Ganis, president of the motion picture academy). 10. Dr. Eric Postma has spent more than three years on … he calls “the Authentic Project.” 11. Angelopoulos says a finding will help scientists know more about the threatening solar storms and … our planet’s magnetic field works. 12. Great movies, I believe, shape … we are as Americans, in our own eyes and in the eyes of the world (California Senator Diane Feinstein). 13. It all comes from the imagination of writer-director Guillermo del Toro, who hedges his answer to the question of … the world within the labyrinth is simply Ofelia’s fantasy. 14. “Portrait of My Dead Brother” was important for the museum to acquire because it was so pertinent to understand … Dali was as an artist (Pete Tush, the Director of Education of the tour of the Salvador Dali Museum’s collection). 15. They could not imagine … he had been on such a terrible night.

Exercise 4. Match the parts of the given complex sentences and translate them.

Exercise 5. Make complex sentences with objective clauses from the sentences below.


a) Brian Johnson is a police officer. The victim was abducted by her babysitter.

Police officer Brian Johnson believes the victim was abducted by her babysitter.

b) An economic impact report was released at the conference. The U.S. film industry generates more than 1.3 million American jobs, pumping $60.4 billion dollars into the U.S. economy.

An economic impact report released at the conference finds that the U.S. film industry generates more than 1.3 million American jobs, pumping $60.4 billion dollars into the U.S. economy.

1. Rock is a father of three children. His life was rough without a car for the last two years. 2. Schwartz is the organization’s executive director. In the past seven years Vehicles for Change has awarded more than 2,100 cars to low-income families in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C. 3. Jason DeRavaniere works as the District Manager of the Washington Sports Club. More and more people are becoming aware of the health benefits of exercise. 4. People are realizing they do work out and they eat right, it’s been proven they’ll live longer. 5. Rad is the busy consultant. It does not have to take much time out of your schedule to go to the gym. 6. Susan Gallagher represents the private power firm Ameren in St. Louis, Missouri. 3,000 workers are out in the field now trying to restore power, giving priority to hospitals, emergency centers and places that serve as shelters for people who have been forced from their homes. 7. Professor W. James Gauderman thinks a lot about harmful effects of highway air pollution. Everybody should be alarmed about this; the real message is probably to those that are planning land use and schools, and housing developments – anywhere a child may be spending a lot of time near a busy road. 8. Senator Hillary Clinton, wife of former president Bill Clinton, announced her move on her website. “I am forming a presidential exploratory committee.” 9. The National Retail Federation has published some statistics. Americans will spend on average about $120 for the holiday. 10. The U.S. Census Bureau makes calculations. 37 million Americans are living in poverty – on an income of less than $20,000 a year for a family of four, for example. 11. As Congress looks for ways to cut the federal government’s spending, advocates for the poor hold their ground. There should be no reduction in the government’s support for programs that combat poverty. 12. At Washington’s Central Union Mission, a shelter for the homeless, special projects manager Julia Smith is very concerned. Housing costs in the nation’s capital have tripled over the last five years – creating wealth for a few, but forcing many people below the poverty line. 13. There is no simple solution to ending poverty in America, but Catholic Charities U.S.A. hold a considered opinion. That task is a moral obligation for everyone. 14. Washington and most experts do not see eye to eye. The financial talks and the nuclear talks are not linked. In reality North Korea has succeeded in forcing a linkage between the two.

Exercise 6. Give proper and full answers to the following questions.

1. Do you know when the train for Moscow leaves? 2. Why is it difficult to decide which profession should be practiced? Is it difficult at all, in your opinion? 3. Can you forgive those near and dear to you for whatever they say in a bad temper? 4. How do you think whether it is fair to reduce the number of staff during a crisis? 5. Can we be absolutely sure that police officers are always able to make out who the real offenders are? 6. Where is it possible to find out why the electricity supply has been cut off? 7. Have you ever experienced what it feels like when you are kept in the air? 8. How often can you detect if a person is telling the truth? 9. Is it vital to be taught how a person can survive on a desert island? Why? 10. Can you tell where it is best to see the New Year in?

Exercise 7. Compose your own complex sentences with objective clauses from the words below. Ask your group to translate them.


Somewhere around midnight I saw a strange illumination coming from my window; I got up, groped my way to the light and noticed how the thief I saw yesterday on TV news was hijacking my neighbors’ car.

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Я не понимаю, на что ты намекаешь. 2. Мои подруги приходят ко мне по выходным, чтобы поболтать о том, что произошло за неделю. 3. Джеймс всегда знает, где лучше провести отпуск и что нужно взять с собой в поездку; он же – турагент. 4. У него есть два выхода из этой ситуации: сдаться полиции или бежать. Интересно, какой вариант он предпочтет. 5. Я верю, что кто бы ни был убийцей моих родителей, будет найден и наказан в ближайшем будущем. 6. Какой бы фрукт ты не взяла, я уверен, что он тебе понравится. 7. Никто из соседей не одобряет твое поведение (того, как ты себя ведешь). 8. Я не знаю, кем ты станешь, но успешное окончание университета откроет перед тобой многие двери. 9. Покупатель настаивал на том, чтобы продавец вернул деньги за испорченный товар. 10. Вряд ли они согласятся на выдвинутые тобой условия. 11. Она вдруг заметила (осознала), что аудитория пристально смотрит на нее. 12. Студенты, изучающие китайский язык, интересуются, когда наступит год змеи по восточному календарю. 13. Сколько времени тебе понадобится, чтобы нарядится в то, чего твоя душа желает? 14. Сомневаюсь, что Том знает, кто первым совершил беспосадочный перелет через Атлантику. 15. Ученые до сих пор дискутируют по поводу того, есть ли вода на Марсе. 16. Они не были уверены, кто же из их друзей летит в Ленинград. 17. В любой ситуации Марк понимал, когда ему нужно прекратить спор и как избежать конфликта. 18. Бабушка никогда не видела, как выглядит компьютер. 19. Ты знаешь, который час? 20. Он посмеялся над тем, что я сказала, и не поверил ни единому моему слову.

Exercise 9. Which connectives and conjunctions go with these words? Prove your point of view with examples.


Conjunction “That” goes with the verb “say” as in “He said that his boss expected him to work late that day.”

Exercise 10. Write an essay of at least 250 words, which explains the meaning of the following idiom in the story of your own: “There are no two ways about it.” Find a proper place for at least 5 complex sentences with objective clauses.

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