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Текст книги "Sentence Builder"

  • Текст добавлен: 25 января 2023, 14:22

Автор книги: Александра Егурнова

Жанр: Языкознание, Наука и Образование

Возрастные ограничения: +18

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Текущая страница: 6 (всего у книги 7 страниц)

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Predicative Clause

Exercise 2.

Exercise 3.

1. as if 2. that 3. whether 4. where 5. how 6. when 7. that 8. why 9. what 10. when 11. where 12. which 13. if 14. how 15. who.

Exercise 4.

1-e, 2-a, 3-f, 4-g, 5-i, 6-h, 7-d, 8-b, 9-c.

Exercise 5.

1. Still not a very common situation is that a growing number of Kenyans get tattoos. 2. The predictability is what the older generation thinks about this skin taint. 3. A lot of Kenyan mothers would frown upon hearing that some people thought a tattoo was what they really needed. 4. In the past the attitude to the people who had tattoos was that they were considered very bad and accused of having an unpleasant character. 5. Nowadays the result of getting used to such a novelty is that more and more people are getting tattoos. 6. There are several reasons for getting a tattoo: one is that some people believe it is a form of embellishment or a status symbol; another is that Kenyan men think it makes the human body look more beautiful. 7. The rumor in the press is that at present the African men go to beauty salons. 8. Manicures and pedicures and beauty therapy in general are what some of them prefer today. 9. The interesting thing is that it seems such a development is increasing. 10. The question arising from such a ticklish state of affairs is why this is happening. 11. In fact, using beauty products and going for services, such as pedicures and manicures, was basically how women used to spend their free time. 12. Today you find men in a salon and the interesting experience is that many men seem to be accepting this.

Exercise 6.

1. One man who was there said it was as if a bright star had gone out of the sky. 2. Financial markets offer no guarantees. That is why the Securities and Exchange Commission exists. 3. Over time, the church grew, especially after nineteen eighty. That was when a clergyman named Lon Solomon became the new minister. 4. They say the main reason is that high school seniors are applying to more schools than in the past. 5. What he discovered was that lung capacity in these children was far weaker than in those kids who live at least 1500 meters away from a thoroughfare. 6. The good news is many measles wards have become empty in hospitals in Africa. 7. Blood transfusions can save lives. But they can also spread diseases. Researchers believe this is how at least two people in Britain became infected with the human version of mad cow disease. 8. They say the concern is that players might see the training room as not the place even for well-qualified women. 9. The main building is Independence Hall. That was where colonial leaders declared independence and later debated the creation of a government.

Exercise 8.

1. This is who I am and this is what I've studied and this is what I expect to study at university. 2. The question is not how it happened, but what we are to do next. 3. Estimates are that approximately 1000 minors are kidnapped in our country each year. 4. It felt as if you had become as light as a feather and able to flit like a butterfly. 5. Nobody wants to die of hunger. That’s why people take a succession of jobs. 6. Insomnia is when you are unable to fall asleep or to enjoy uninterrupted sleep. 7. The Cape of Good Hope was where Napoleon spent the last days of his life. 8. The reason of high divorce rate is that an average married couple is too young for such a mature step. 9. My dilemma was which book I should read first: an adventure story or a fantasy one. 10. My worry is that money will be gone in a year, and what happens then. 11. Perhaps, what he is up to is what the board will approve of. 12. The problem is whether the government will reduce unemployment rate to prevent the rebellion. 13. The point is that every person has his/her responsibilities to fulfill. 14. She was running a high temperature. That’s why she had teary eyes. 15. She didn’t like him. Every time he touched her, she felt as if a razor blade was slashing her skin. 16. The good news is that they will give us a 50 percent discount on air tickets. 17. The house at the bank of the river is where the villagers have seen the wanted criminal. 18. One possible explanation is that their brain had more time to develop thinking abilities. 19. The topic of the essay is what happiness is and how to reach it. 20. Moving to a new district is why I am so worried.

Object Clause

Exercise 2.

1. I ventured on asking why he was in such a hurry…. 2. He says that tourists come and go, but it is up to the Dogon people to decide how they will adapt or not in the 21st century (on). 3. Anyone who wants to leave early may do so. 4. At this stage it is unclear if the program makers will have to intervene directly. 5. Young people agreed with Emerson that a person had the power within himself to succeed at whatever he tried. 6. He explains what brought him to this corner of Mali (had). 7. But with their «never say die’ attitude, you can be sure these ghost tourists will be back again. 8. But Lawrence Mishel notes that executive profits ultimately come out of the pockets of shareholders, workers, and consumers. 9. The symbolic timepiece measures how close mankind is to midnight, which represents total destruction of the Earth. 10. In spite of the impressive job growth figures, the Cuban-born secretary says one of the most pressing challenges for the US to continued growth is the shortage of high-skilled workers (what). 11. She was aware that someone else was there. 12. And so begins her perilous adventure, stealing away every moment she can to learn if her destiny is truly at the end of the dark staircase. 13. Didn’t you wonder why it never moved when the wind blew? 14. (Mummies had been shown at the Natural History Museum for many years, but for the past year they were in storage. The museum’s Melinda Zeder says the public demanded their return.) MELINDA ZEDER: «We had a real outpouring from our fans from across not only Washington, but the country, wanting to know when we were we going to bring the mummies back.» 15. BARACK OBAMA: «At last he is with them once more, leaving those of us who grieve his passing with the memories he gave, the good he did, the dream he kept alive, and a single, enduring image. The image of a man on a boat, white mane tousled, smiling broadly as he sails into the wind, ready for whatever storms may come, carrying on toward some new and wondrous place just beyond the horizon.»

Exercise 3.

1. that 2. whichever 3. how 4. if 5. who 6. what 7. that 8. why 9. when 10. what 11. how 12. who 13. whether 14. who 15. where.

Exercise 4.

1-c, 2-i, 3-b, 4-a, 5-d, 6-h, 7-e, 8-f, 9-g.

Exercise 5.

1. As a father of three children, Rock says life was rough without a car for the last two years. 2. Being the organization’s executive director, Schwartz claimed in the past seven years Vehicles for Change has awarded more than 2,100 cars to low-income families in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C. 3. Jason DeRavaniere, the District Manager of the Washington Sports Club, says that more and more people are becoming aware of the health benefits of exercise. 4. People are realizing that when they do work out and when they eat right, it’s been proven that they’ll live longer. 5. Rad, the busy consultant, says it does not have to take much time out of your schedule to go to the gym. 6. Susan Gallagher, who represents the private power firm Ameren in St. Louis, Missouri, says 3,000 workers are out in the field now trying to restore power, giving priority to hospitals, emergency centers and places that serve as shelters for people who have been forced from their homes. 7. Professor W. James Gauderman thinks everybody should be alarmed about this, and he thinks the real message is probably to those that are planning land use and schools, and housing developments – anywhere a child may be spending a lot of time near a busy road. 8. Senator Hillary Clinton, wife of former president Bill Clinton, announced that she was forming a presidential exploratory committee. 9. The National Retail Federation has proclaimed that Americans will spend on average about $120 for the holiday. 10. The U.S. Census Bureau calculates that 37 million Americans are living in poverty – on an income of less than $20,000 a year for a family of four, for example. 11. As Congress looks for ways to cut the federal government’s spending, advocates for the poor say, there should be no reduction in the government’s support for programs that combat poverty. 12. At Washington’s Central Union Mission, a shelter for the homeless, special projects manager Julia Smith says housing costs in the nation’s capital have tripled over the last five years – creating wealth for a few, but forcing many people below the poverty line. 13. There is no simple solution to ending poverty in America, but Catholic Charities U.S.A. say that task is a moral obligation for everyone. 14. Although Washington says the financial talks and the nuclear talks are not linked, most experts say in reality North Korea has succeeded in forcing a linkage between the two.

Exercise 8.

1. I don’t understand what you are driving at. 2. My girl friends call in on me at weekends to discuss what had happened during the week. 3. James always knows where it’s better to spend a vacation, and what you should pack; indeed, he is a travel agent. 4. He has two ways out of this situation: to give himself up to the police or to escape. I wonder which he will choose. 5. I believe whoever killed my parents will be found and punished in the nearest future. 6. Whichever fruit you take, I’m sure you’ll like it. 7. Nobody in the neighborhood approves of how you behave. 8. I don’t know what you are going to become, but successful graduation from the university will open many doors to you. 9. The customer insisted on it that the salesperson gave the money back, as the product was no good. 10. They are unlikely to accept your conditions/terms.11. She suddenly became conscious that the audience was staring at her. 12. Students majoring in Chinese wonder when the year of snake will begin according to the Chinese calendar. 13. How much time will you need to put on what your heart desires? 14. I doubt that Tom knows who was the first person to make a non-stop flight across the Atlantic. 15. Scientists have been discussing so far whether there is water on Mars. 16. They were not sure whichever friend (of theirs) was to fly to Leningrad. 17. In any situation Mark was aware when he should bring an end to the quarrel, and how he could avoid a conflict. 18. Grandmother has never seen what a computer looks like. 19. Do you know what time it is? 20. He laughed at what I told him, and didn’t believe a single word of mine.

Attributive Clause

Exercise 2.

1. is 2. them 3. in 4. gets 5. why 6. to 7. who 8. had 9. how 10. there 11. do 12. it 13. themselves 14. serve 15. concentrated in.

Exercise 3.

1. who 2. that 3. where 4. where 5. that 6. who 7. where 8. which 9. that 10. that 11. if 12. where, that 13. who 14. where.

Exercise 4.

1-e, 2-i, 3-f, 4-a, 5-l, 6-j, 7-d, 8-k, 9-h, 10-c, 11-g, 12-b.

Exercise 5.

1. … we are a little naïve about the vast amount of information that is being gathered about us. 2. Can you give us any examples of future technology that is going to be used to gather information about people? 3. … the information that is held within the phone can identify you, it can identify the types of things you’re interested in or maybe the type of coffee you like in the morning when you go to the café bar on your way to work. 4. One of the things (that) I would like to talk about is the graffiti scene that is emerging and has been emerging in Barcelona. 5. Winfrey, who referred repeatedly to her own impoverished childhood, said (that) the student’s stories are her own story and the opening of the school was the culmination of a lifelong dream. 6. The organizations that monitor the game population are now changing the rules to prohibit the use of certain technologies to make hunters rely more on what they used to rely on in the past, which would be skill and woods craft. 7. Born on May 11, 1904 in the town of Figueres, Spain, Salvador Dali loved his picturesque hometown, which was the frequent subject of his painting. 8. A survey, where we looked at 155 of our recipients, shows 75 percent of them had found a better job with an average salary increase of over $4,800 a year. 9. We can begin to tell radio stations that stream online what we like and what we don’t like. 10. People who like to bow hunt are more interested in getting closer to the animal and the techniques involved in the hunt. 11. Road crews are loading trucks with sand and anti-freeze chemicals, which they will apply to icy roadways as needed in the hours ahead. 12. It is going to help me with transportation, getting back and forth to work, and with my family chores that I need to get done and taking my son to basketball practices, swimming lessons. 13. Ivan Smith is another Baltimore man who is getting a car. 14. There is no other country that has allowed 46 or 47 million people to be uninsured.

Exercise 6.

1. object, attributive relative restrictive. 2. object, attributive relative restrictive. 3. subject, predicative. 4. attributive relative restrictive. 5. subject. 6. object, predicative. 7. attributive relative non-restrictive, attributive continuative. 8. attributive relative non-restrictive. 9. subject. 10. object, attributive relative restrictive, object. 11. predicative. 12. object, attributive relative restrictive. 13. object. 14. attributive relative non-restrictive. 15. object.

Exercise 8.

1. Guria is a dark-eyed little girl who lies in the shade of her house on a bed made of rope, waiting for her daddy to come home from work. 2. Guria can’t speak or walk. Her hands – if you can call them hands – are bent, and quiver. 3. Her father earns a pittance and says he will do all he can for Guria while he’s alive. 4. In many ways, a girl nextdoor is like Guria, save for the fact that she seems to be in pain. 5. Many children are in a similar condition the village of Jaduguda. The state-owned corporation responsible for the vast uranium mining complex which dominates the village insists it is not to blame. 6. Among the trees there stands a roadside shrine. It’s dedicated to the goddess, Rankini, a local deity whose realm encompasses Jaduguda alone. 7. The people who live in the village put their faith in their goddess – or else in witch doctors. 8. From the vantage point of the shrine, one can see the villagers who dig for water in the makeshift well. 9. Each bucket they bring to the surface is brown ooze. 10. Not far from this place there is a dam, behind which lie millions of tons of slurry and waste from the uranium pits. 11. And, in the river which runs past Jaduguda, you can see villagers washing their vegetables. 12. Upstream the river’s waters mingle with the murky outflow from the mine working, which has no signs to warn of contamination. 13. Just as there are no signs on the trucks which carry uranium ore from the mines or bring nuclear waste from across India for dumping. 14. Back in 1998, when India announced it had conducted tests of a thermonuclear device in its north-western deserts, the people who resided in Jaduguda came out onto the streets to celebrate this news. 15. After all, Jaduguda which has no touristic sights produces all of India’s uranium. 16. Many in the village, who have shown pride in their country’s nuclear achievements, now say it’s time their country started to do more for them; to offer them proper medical care and compensation. 17. People are wary of outsiders who are constantly asking questions. 18. A survey suggested that nearly one in five of all women who live near the mine have suffered either a miscarriage or a stillbirth within the previous five years. 19. A court case brought by local activists against UCIL – which is a subsidiary of the Department of Atomic Energy and of the government of India – failed, after the company insinuated they were the result of poor hygiene and diet, and alcohol abuse. 20. So now, you can see a lot of children like the boy who mends bicycles he’ll never be able to ride – because when he was nine his legs suddenly started to bend and break.

The Adverbial Clause

Exercise 1.

1. A time clause. 2. A concessive clause. 3. None. 4. A reason/ cause clause. 5. A place clause. 6. A result clause. 7. A purpose clauses 8. A reason/ cause clause. 9. None. 10. A clause of comparison. 11. A condition clause. 12. None. 13. A concessive clause. 14. A time clause.

Exercise 2.

1. as 2. when 3. due to the fact that 4. because 5. since 6. so that 7. such…that 8. although 9. until 10. if 11. in spite of the fact that 12. for  13. provided that; where 14. like.

Exercise 3.

1 i, 2 f, 3 a, 4 g, 5 c, 6 d, 7 b, 8 j, 9 h, 10 e.

Exercise 4.

1. Conjunction 2. Adverb 3. Adverb 4. Preposition 5. Adverb 6. Adverb 7. Conjunction 8. Conjunction 9. Preposition 10. Conjunction 11. Adverb 12. Conjunction 13. Adverb 14. Preposition 15. Conjunction 16. Conjunction 17. Preposition 18. Conjunction 19. Conjunction 20. Adverb.

Exercise 5.

Exercise 6.

1. It was until It was not until 2. before after 3. so such 4. where which 5. in on 6. Because While 7. where wherever 8. Due to As 9. Though After 10. as so 11. If While 12. As When 13. In spite of Due to 14. as if when 15. Since Even though 16. what where 17. when because.

Exercise 7.

1. …if you were more cautious. 2. … because the sky is overcast with rain clouds and a thunderstorm may break out any minute. 3. … while they are talking with their friends. 4. … as though it was made to her measurements. 5. … that I watched it up to the end. 6. … although the weather was hot and dry and it hadn't rained in months. 7. … with the result that she has an inflammation of the lungs now. 8. … for he won't even look for a job. 9. … until I was fifteen. 10. If we hadn’t decided to buy an off-highway vehicle for outings, …. 11. …do that she can enter a prestigious university. 12. … as she couldn’t afford to buy such an expensive thing. 13. … since I can’t speak Spanish. 14. … as long as they are experiencing unprecedented economic difficulties. 15. … wherever she was. 16. … as fluently as his mother speaks French. 17. … where he looked. 18. … unless I were extremely hungry. 19. Despite the fact that both are the bread and butter of recreational vehicles, …. 20. … that I can’t bring myself to complete all my chores.

Exercise 9.

1. He looked cheerful in spite of the fact that he had spent a sleepless night. 2. She talks about Paris as though she had been there herself. 3. They had such a fierce dog that no one dared to go near their house. 4. He told us to get into the back of the car so that we could talk. 5. After they had listened to the testimony, the members of the jury delivered their verdict. 6. While they were away on vacation, they allowed their mail to accumulate at the post office. 7. She wore a fur coat, even though it was a very warm day. 8. I had to bring the car to a halt for I couldn’t keep my eyes on the road anymore. 9. When they were told how much the trip would cost, they decided to stay at home. 10. You don’t know what you can achieve until you try to do it. 11. He sounds as though he’s got a sore throat. 12. The students liked that professor’s course because there was little or no homework. 13. As soon as calcium reacts with water, it forms hydroxide. 14. The people at the party were worried about Janet because no one was aware where she had gone. 15. Larry was so absorbed in his novel that he forgot about his dinner cooking in the oven. 16. Nothing could efface the people’s memory of their former leader’s cruelty although many years had elapsed. 17. Though the airline has increased air fares, most people still prefer to travel by plane. 18. My brother is in the Crimea on vacation, but I wish he were here so that he could help me repair my car. 19. The chemistry instructor explained the experiment in such a way that it was easily understood. 20. He can’t get this job unless he has five years’ driving experience.

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