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Текст книги "Sentence Builder"

  • Текст добавлен: 25 января 2023, 14:22

Автор книги: Александра Егурнова

Жанр: Языкознание, Наука и Образование

Возрастные ограничения: +18

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Attributive Clause

Theoretical Part

1. An attributive clause is a clause which performs within a complex sentence the function of an attribute to the antecedent (noun or pronoun) in the principal clause. Attributive clauses are divided into relative (joined to the principal clause by means of connectives or asyndetically) and appositive (joined to the principal clause by means of conjunctions) ones.

He knows much who knows how to hold his tongue (relative).

Умён тот, кто умеет держать язык за зубами.

Let every man praise the bridge he goes over (relative).

Пусть каждый хвалит мост, которым пользуется. Не плюй в колодец, пригодится водицы напиться.

He started his speech in the hope that she would listen.

Он заговорил в надежде, что она выслушает.

2. Complex sentences with attributive relative clauses may be of two patterns:

a) restrictive (cannot be removed from a sentence without destroying its meaning). They are introduced by:

– relative pronouns (who, whose, what, which, that, as):

Believe not all that you see nor half what you hear.

Не верь всему, что видишь, ни половине того, что люди говорят.

– relative adverbs (where, when):

The only place where I feel safe is my home.

Once there comes the stage of life when you understand what is really important to you.

Единственное место, где я чувствую себя в безопасности, – это мой дом.

Однажды в жизни человека настает такой момент, когда он понимает, что на самом деле имеет для него значение.

– asyndetically:

The man I met yesterday is his brother-in-law.

Мужчина, которого я встретил вчера, – его шурин.

Note. Attributive relative restrictive clauses are never separated by commas.

b) non-restrictive or descriptive (can be removed from a sentence without destroying its meaning; give some additional information about the antecedent). They are introduced by:

– relative pronouns (who, which):

Dana’s sister, who lives in London, is a teacher.

Сестра Даны, которая живет в Лондоне, – учительница.

– relative adverbs (where, when):

London, where queen Elizabeth resides, is the capital of the UK.

Лондон, где живет королева Елизавета, – столица Великобритании.

Note. Attributive relative non-restrictive clauses are always separated by commas or dashes or brackets. However, if relative adverbs are not in between the subject and the predicate of the principal clause, the attributive relative non-restrictive clauses are not separated by commas:

They went to discuss the matter to the kitchen where the hostess gave them a tableful of excellent food.

Они пошли обсудить дело на кухню, где хозяйка накрыла для них стол, ломившийся от яств.

3. Complex sentences with attributive appositive clauses disclose the meaning of the antecedent expressed by an abstract noun and are introduced by:

a) conjunctions (that, whether, if):

Her strong doubts whether he would keep his promise were nagging her day and night.

Ее глубокие сомнения по поводу того, сдержит ли он свое обещание, изводили ее днем и ночью.

b) adverbs (how, why):

The inmates pondered on one and the same question how they were going to escape.

Заключенные обдумывали один и тот же вопрос, как им сбежать.

Note. Attributive appositive clauses are rarely separated by commas.

4. Attributive clauses starting with a preposition before connectives or conjunctions belong to the official style, while those having a preposition at the end are considered colloquial or neutral:

This is the man I was telling you about (colloquial).

Это тот мужчина, о котором я тебе рассказывала.

This is the man about whom I was telling you (official)

Это тот мужчина, о котором я говорила Вам.

5. There also exists the continuative clause, which is a variant of the attributive non-restrictive clause and is introduced by the relative pronoun which. Its antecedent is a whole clause (not only one word):

Kate’s parents went to the country, which was a perfect excuse for her to mix with friends all night (antecedent).

Родители Кейт уехали в деревню, что было прекрасным поводом для ночной тусовки с друзьями.

Language Focus

Exercise 1. In the following sentences find attributive clauses and explain а) what part of speech and what antecedent each attributive clause refers to; b) how attributive clauses are connected with the principal clause; c) which type of attributive clause is presented.

1. Ghost tours also serve as an opportunity for those who want to share their own ghostly experiences or, like Beth Pierre, hear the stories of others. 2. It began as a promise Oprah Winfrey made to former South African President Nelson Mandela seven years ago, a pledge to build a school that would give poor girls a first class education. 3. During the same year, he met his muse and lover for life, Gala, who modeled and inspired Dali throughout the years. 4. All that’s missing, he says, is the financial commitment of an oil company. 5. I have to tell you this was one of the most dictatorial annual meetings I’ve ever seen in my life. 6. And shouldn’t we put ourselves in a position where we can sell goods and services to that 95 percent? 7. The imam’s Arabic sermon recounts the day when one of Islam’s prophets, Ibrahim, was willing to sacrifice his son for God, but then was given a sheep to sacrifice instead. 9. Each painting that is analyzed, whether it is real or fake, adds to the software’s capabilities. 10. Together with leaders of government we are setting aside one day in Washington to draw the spotlight where it rarely goes, to the starring role American film and television play in our nation’s economy – what we call ‘The Business of Show Business.’ 11. I believe that education is an open door to all life, a sustainable bridge to all that is possible. 12. It [painting] talked about very important and significant psychological dimensions of Dali’s life, which is that he did have a brother. 13. This 280 kilometer line is backed by Greece and Russia, which through Gazprom would own 51 percent of the pipeline. 14. Initially, the system is being used only on volunteers and on travelers whom officials decide require extra screening. 15. No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace as I have seen in one autumnal face (John Donne). 16. He was a marvelous lecturer in, not only that he could cover the entire length of technical detail, but also surround that with anecdotes and stories that really let you see the big picture about engineering and how you should pursue ideas. 17. There is something about the optimism of American movies that is so inspiring in every single country. 18. There are a whole variety of reasons why somebody would actually abduct the child.

Exercise 2. Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Mind there is only ONE mistake per sentence.

1. We’re going to be constantly watched and monitored, which is might not sound a good thing, but I feel that’s going to be the case. 2. Too many things I have heard about and people telling me things that they have seen them or experienced and I know that these people aren’t crazy. 3. Dali himself best captured the extent in to which his artistic passion goes when he said, “I am painting pictures which make me die for joy…” 4. The pipeline that get built first is going to win. 5. … and there’s the way why the hooves stomp around and kick up dust. 6. It is a non-profit organization that to repairs and provides donated vehicles to low-income families at a minimal price to help them stay employed. 7. … they identify the folks for us whose would get a car. 8. Red is an advertising consultant and, like many people, is in a position that has him had behind a desk for most of the day. 9. It gives you more energy, makes you feel healthier, and lets you eat more of the food how you want to eat without feeling guilty. 10. Seven Mexican nationals died on an icy road in western Oklahoma when the van they were in there was hit head-on by a large truck. 11. The biggest issue is particularly elderly people who does not want to leave their homes. 12. He confounded it in October 1999 with an auto parts distribution company that it is no longer in business. 13. Internationally, there are two major conventions that apply themselves to the wildlife trade: the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, commonly known as CITES; and the Convention on Biological Diversity. 14. She says 3,000 line workers are out in the field now trying to restore power, giving priority to hospitals, emergency centers and places that served as shelters for people who been forced from their homes. 15. … she mentioned several domestic issues, including healthcare, an issue she concentrated at during her first time as First Lady in the 1990s.

Exercise 3. Peruse the given abstract and select the word from the box below that best completes each sentence.

where     that     that     where     who    where    that   who

where     that     if     who     where   which   that

Pan’s Labyrinth: Child’s Fairy Tale Provide Refuge in War

1. “It is an ancient labyrinth” the housekeeper explains to young Ofelia … has wandered off and discovered the overgrown stone gate. 2. Her mother is too sound asleep to see the tiny fairy … alights on Ofelia’s shoulder. 3. Something beckons and she follows … into the labyrinth … a stone staircase has appeared. 4. She tiptoes down as it spirals into a deep chamber …, to her amazement, she finds herself face to face with a creature – half man, half goat. 5. “I have been known by many names,” he answers in an ancient, forgotten accent, “names … are remembered only by the trees.” 6. It all comes from the imagination of writer-director Guillermo del Toro, … hedges his answer to the question of whether the world within the labyrinth is simply Ofelia’s fantasy. 7. If I made it a happy ‘singing chipmunk, bluebird singing’ kind of place then, yes, you could say she escapes to that; but she’s actually finding a place … she can deal with the realities outside and within herself. 8. You can see the toughness of the civil war and the fantasy, … are two separate worlds. 9. Ofelia reads from the magical book … the faun gave her: “use the chalk to draw a doorway on the wall of your room.” 10. Beyond that doorway is one of the three dangerous tasks … he has set for her to prove that she is worthy to rejoin her father at the throne of the underworld. 11. The thing about ‘Pan’ was that we have the goat image to go with on that, so (director) Guillermo del Toro said it would be a good thing … I had a look at farm animals to see how their hind quarters move and the things like that. 12. There are a couple of times in the movie … you can see I do a kind of shudder … works its way up my back. 13. Jones also plays the ‘pale man’ … menaces Ofelia on one of her fantastic adventures. 14. I think this is a very intimate moment of humanity … we need to concern ourselves with this sort of spiritual questions.

Exercise 4. Match the parts of the given complex sentences and translate them.

Exercise 5. Make complex sentences with attributive clauses from the sentences below.


Greg’s sister is a police officer. She is fond of comedies.

Greg’s sister, who is a police officer, is fond of comedies.

The only building founded here in 201 was an old church.

The only building that was founded here in 201 was an old church.

1. … we are a little naïve about the vast amount of information gathered about us today. 2. Can you give us any examples of future technology used to gather information about people? 3. … the information held within the phone can identify you, it can identify the types of things you’re interested in or maybe the type of coffee you like in the morning when you go to the café bar on your way to work. 4. One of the things I would like to talk about is the graffiti scene emerging and been emerging in Barcelona. 5. Winfrey referred repeatedly to her own impoverished childhood. She said the student’s stories are her own story and the opening of the school was the culmination of a lifelong dream. 6. The organizations that monitor the game population are now changing the rules to prohibit the use of certain technologies to make hunters rely more on what they used to rely on in the past – skill and woods craft. 7. Born on May 11, 1904 in the town of Figueres, Spain, Salvador Dali loved his picturesque hometown. It was the frequent subject of his painting. 8. We looked at 155 of our recipients. A survey shows 75 percent of them had found a better job with an average salary increase of over $4,800 a year. 9. We can begin to tell radio stations streaming online what we like and what we don’t like. 10.  People like to bow hunt. They are more interested in getting closer to the animal and the techniques involved in the hunt. 11. Road crews are loading trucks with sand and anti-freeze chemicals. They will apply them to icy roadways as needed in the hours ahead. 12. It is going to help me with transportation, getting back and forth to work, and with my family chores I need to get done and taking my son to basketball practices, swimming lessons. 13. Ivan Smith – another Baltimore man – is getting a car. 14. There is no other country allowed 46 or 47 million people to be uninsured.

Exercise 6. Find the clauses and define their types (subject, predicative, object, attributive). Support your choice with relevant arguments.

1. People need to realize that the face of hunger is a single woman, raising two kids, who has a job. 2. Professor W. James Gauderman says it can be hazardous for children who live and play close to the highway. 3. What these middle-aged men are doing is they are all shaving their heads and donning things like lime green jackets. 4. For these young adults, it is a great way to find love with someone who shares their heritage. 5. What makes it possible for Rock and Smith to have such confidence is a program called Vehicles for Change. 6. I suppose the whole point is that you can’t really switch your cell phone off. 7. Dali was outspoken, making outlandish statements, such as none of his teachers were competent enough to give him exams, which had him expelled from the San Fernando School of Fine Arts in 1926. 8. People can get married here in shopping malls that were built a few years ago. 9. What this bill would do would be to allow states to subsidize people through small businesses, and pay some of the premiums, and to improve public systems, such as Medicaid. 10. Winfrey hopes the school will change the way women are perceived in South Africa and that the young girls educated here will go on to be their country’s future leaders. 11. That same picturesque geography and sense of a separate world is what brings thousands of tourists to Dogon villages every year. 12. As Congress looks for ways to cut the federal government’s spending, advocates for the poor say, there should be no reduction in the government’s support for programs that combat poverty. 13. With their ‘never say die’ attitude, you can be sure these ghost tourists will be back again. 14. Cos-cha is one of the so-called “made cafes” where waitresses dress in scanty black maid’s outfits with white aprons, black net stockings and lacy white headbands. 15. People are too busy with paying jobs to perform the maintenance, she says.

Exercise 7. Give proper and full answers to the following questions.

1. Who was the first to shoot a movie? 2. Which is the highest mountain peak in Asia? 3. Whose prophecy was not believed in until Atlantis had sunk? 4. What do you call a process when the force of attraction moves bodies towards the centre of a celestial body? 5. Has there ever been a moment in your life when you longed for something? 6. Have you ever danced such a dance as Latino Americans perform? 7. Have you ever been to the places where famous people have lived, eaten or slept? 8. Do you feel resentment that nobody wants to talk to you? 10. Can you name any reasons why people are happy or sad?

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Гурия – маленькая девочка с темными глазами, которая лежит в тени своего дома на кровати, сделанной из веревок, и ждет, когда папа вернется с работы. 2. Гурия не может ни говорить, ни ходить. Ее кисти – если их так можно назвать – согнуты и дрожат. 3. Ее отец зарабатывает гроши и говорит, что он сделает все, что в его силах, для Гурии, пока он жив. 4. Во многом, соседская девочка такая же, как и Гурия, если не учитывать тот факт, что она выглядит так, как будто страдает от боли. 5. Многие дети в деревне Джадугуда находятся в подобном состоянии. Государственная корпорация, несущая ответственность за громадный уранодобывающий комплекс, который занимает бóльшую часть деревни, настаивает на своей непричастности. 6. Среди деревьев есть придорожная святыня в честь богини Ранкини, местного божества, чье провидение (realm) распространяется лишь на Джадугуду. 7. Люди, живущие в деревне, уповают на свою богиню – или на знахарей. 8. С возвышенности святыни открывается широкий обзор и можно увидеть жителей деревни, копающихся в самодельном колодце в поисках воды. 9. В каждом ведре, которое они достают на поверхность, вязкая грязь. 10. Неподалеку находится плотина, за которой лежат миллионы тонн шлама и отходов из урановых шахт. 11. А в реке, которая протекает через Джадугуду, видно, как жители деревни моют овощи. 12. Выше по течению вода из реки смешивается с грязным стоком добывающего рудника, у которого не установлено никаких знаков, предупреждающих о загрязнении. 13. Точно также нет знаков и на грузовиках, вывозящих урановую руду с рудников или ввозящих ядерные отходы со всей Индии на захоронение. 14. В далекий 1998 год, когда Индия заявила об успешном тестировании термоядерной установки в пустынях северо-западной части страны, люди, проживающие в Джадугуде, выходили на улицы, чтобы отпраздновать эту новость. 15. Ведь Джадугуда, в которой нет туристических достопримечательностей, производит уран для всей Индии. 16. Многие в деревне, кто гордился ядерными достижениями своей страны, теперь говорят, что пора стране начать делать больше для них; предоставить должное медицинское обслуживание и компенсационные выплаты. 17. Люди подозрительно относятся к чужакам, которые постоянно задают вопросы. 18. Опрос показал, что приблизительно у одной из пяти женщин, живущих рядом с рудником, за последние пять лет произошел выкидыш либо мертворождение. 19. В судебном производстве, инициированном местными активистами против UCIL – дочерней компании Министерства ядерной энергетики и правительства Индии, – было отказано после того, как компания инсинуировала, что причиной всему явились низкая санитарная культура, питание и злоупотребление алкоголем. 20. Поэтому теперь можно встретить много таких детей, как мальчик, чинящий велосипеды, на которых он никогда не сможет прокатиться – потому что в возрасте 9 лет его ноги внезапно начали изгибаться и ломаться.

Exercise 9. Compose your own complex sentences with attributive clauses from the words below. Ask your group to translate them.


It is not what he says that annoys me but the way in which he says it.

Exercise 10. Compose a short story to which one of the given proverbs will make a heading. Find a proper place for at least 5 complex sentences with different attributive clauses.

A man is known by the company he keeps.

Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know.

Drive the nail that will go.

He that is full of himself is very empty.

Everything comes to him who waits.

It is a long lane that has no turning.

Money often unmakes the men who make it.

None so deaf as those that won’t hear.

That which one least anticipates soonest comes to pass.

10 The mill cannot grind with the water that is past.

Adverbial Clause

Theoretical Part

1. An adverbial clause is a subordinate clause that functions as an adverbial modifier of the main clause. Adverbial clauses qualify the action, the process, the state expressed in the main clause (time, cause, manner, etc.).

Whenever I meet Amanda, she is always cheerful as a lark.

When is Amanda cheerful as a lark? – Whenever I meet her.

Когда бы я ни встретила Аманду, она всегда жизнерадостна и весела.

Когда Аманда жизнерадостна и весела? – Когда бы я ни встретила ее.

2. According to their meaning we distinguish the following types of adverbial clauses: time clauses, conditional clauses, purpose clauses, reason clauses, result clauses, concessive clauses, place clauses, clauses of manner and clauses of comparison.

3. The Adverbial Clause can be connected to the main clause in two ways:

a) by using conjunctions and connectives

b) asyndetically

Had we checked the equipment carefully, I’m sure the experiment would have been successful.

Если бы мы тщательно проверили оборудование, я уверен, что эксперимент бы удался.

4. It should be pointed out that a number of conjunctions are homonymous with prepositions, adverbs, and pronouns.

I haven't heard from him since we left school (a conjunction).

Я не получал от него известий с тех пор, как мы закончили школу.

Everything has changed since that time (a preposition).

Все изменилось с того времени.

The child had his last meal three hours ago and hasn’t had anything to eat since (an adverb).

Ребенок поел в последний раз три часа назад и с тех пор ничего не ел.

5. When an adverb clause begins the sentence, a comma is used to separate the two clauses. When the adverb clause finishes the sentence, there is no need for a comma.

Because attitudes shape behavior, psychologists want to find out how opinions are formed.

Потому что отношения формируют поведение, психологи хотят выяснить, как формируются мнения.

Astronomers do not have sufficient information to determine when the solar system was created.

У астрономов недостаточно информации, чтобы установить, когда была создана Солнечная система.

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