Текст книги "Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus"
Автор книги: Дамир Хаматулин
Жанр: Биографии и Мемуары, Публицистика
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Delues & brodes septieme milli on
Lyon , Vlme a` Mau sol mort & tombe .
8-35 Dedans l'entree de Garonne & Bayse
Et la forest non loing de Damazan
Du marsaues gelees, puis gresle & bize
Dordonnois gelle par err eu r de mezan.
8-36 Sera commis conte oing dre aduche'
De Saulne & sainct A ul bin & Bell l'oeuure
Pauer de marbre de tours loing espluche'
Non Bleteram resister & chef d'oeuure.
8-37 La for rteresse aupres de la Tamise…
Everything came together very clearly, except for the name of the forest. The Author allocated a place for him, or simply discovered it – very close: " May + en + ne ". In order to better represent the probability of all the “coincidences” I am describing, I will cite the following fact: the consecutive combination of three letters “– may -” occurs only eight times in all ten Centuries. How many thanks to God should be given for the fact that one of them took place precisely in quatrain 8-40?
8-39 …Luy faillira ne refusant l'espouse.
8-40 Le sang du Iuste par Taurer la daurade,
Pour se v en ger contre les Saturnins
Au nouueau lac plongeront la may nade…
I remind you again: the disclosure of the meaning of the last two lines of quatrain 9-19 is described in the topic discussed earlier, related to quatrain 8-43, I think there is no need to repeat.
About trying to deal with the next quatrain 9-23 – indeed, the roof can be blown away.
9-23 Puisnay iouant au fresch dessouz la tonne,
Le hault du toict du milieu sur la teste,
Le pere roy au temple saint Solonne,
Sacrifiant sacrera fum de feste.
To the younger one, playing in the freshness in the shade,
The top of the middle of the roof – on the head,
Father is king in the temple of Saint Salonna,
Offering a sacrifice, the smoke of the holiday.
The first two lines of this quatrain, and, in part, the rest, describe the situation that has developed over a fairly long section from quatrain 8-45 with “ puis nay " to 8-55 with " tonne aux ". The rarity of words is obvious. There is probably no point in laying out the entire section here, I will give only one small segment. On it, in addition to explicit words, the words “ fre + sch ” and “ mi + lieu ” are added, and in the lower part of the segment two very compactly folded smokes are seen – FVM .
8-45 La main e sch arpe & la iambe bandee,
Longs puis nay de Calais portera
Au mot du guet la mort sera tardee, Puis dans le temple a` Pasques saignera.
8-46 Pol mensolee mourra trois lieu es du rosne,
Fuis les deux prochains tarasc destrois: Car Mars fera le plus horrible trosne, De coq & d'aigle de France fre res trois.
8-47 Lac Trasmenien portera tesmoignage,
Des coniurez sarez dedans Perouse :
V n despolle contrefera le sage,
Tuant Te des q de sterne & min nuse.
8-48 Saturne en Cancer, Iupiter auec M ars,
Dedans Feurier Chaldondon saluaterre,
Sault Castallon assailly de trois pars, Pres de Verbiesque conflit mortelle guerre.
8-49 Satur, au beuf iou e en l'eau, M ars en fleiche,
Six de Feurier mortalite' donra…
WITH the rest words situation this is the case so : «teste» in quatrain 8-50, " iou e(8-49) + Bis ant in(8-51)", "Te des q(8-47) + soubz (8-54)", " hault es(8-53) ”, “ to nneaux(8-55) + tra ict e(8-54)”.
The last two lines of quatrain 9-23 reveal themselves better in the section of the ninth century. A good connection is the word " Puisnay " at the very beginning of the site. Further, the necessary words are simply poured in, in addition to the explicit ones – “ sa + int ”, “ So + lon + ne ”, “ sa + cr + era ”, “ fe + ste ” are added here.
9-8 Puisnay Roy fait son pere mettra a` mort,
Apres conflit de mort tres inhone ste :
Es cri t trouue', soubson donra remort,
Quand loup chasse' pose sus la couchette.
9-9 Quand lampe ardente de fe u inextinguible,
S era trouue' au temple des Vestales:
Enfant trou ue' feu, eau pas sa nt par trible,
Perir eau Nymes, Tholose cheoir les halles.
9-10 Moyne moynesse d'enfant mort expose',
Mourir par ourse, & rauy par verrier, Par Fois & Pamyes le camp sera pose' Contre Tholose Carcas dresser forrier.
9-11 Le iuste a`tort a mort lon viendra mettre,
Publiquement, & du millieu esta int :
Si grande peste en ce lieu viendra naistre, Que les iugeans fouyr seront constraint.
9-12 Le t ant d'argent de Diane & Mercure,
Les simulachres au lac seront trouuez:
Le fi gulier cherchant argille neufue,
Lui & les siens d'or seront abbreuez.
9-13 Les exilez autour de la So u lon g ne …
Everything worked out miraculously, except for an important element – smoke. In the Centuries, the word " fum " occurs only twice, one of them is the initiator of this theme, and the second is well located in quatrain 9-14. Comments, I think, are not required.
Nostradamus gives birth to new and new lines, relying on his early records, or looking out for useful information from the future. He has no equal in this prophetic art. And probably never will be.
9-25 Passant les pontz venir pres des rosiers,
Tard arriue' plustost qu'il cuydera, Viendront les noues espaignolz a` Besiers, Qui icelle chasse emprinse cassera.
Crossing bridges, passing near rose bushes,
Late arrived, earlier than expected
News will come – the Spaniards in Beziers,
So this pursuit will destroy the enterprise.
The word " Besiers " in Centuries is one more single time in quatrain 3-56. That's where you should look, especially since the Spaniards are already there. Here is such news – " no + ues ". Here is the obvious first bridge.
3-53 Trauerseront par Flamans iusq ues en Gale.
3-54 L'vn des plus grans fuira aux Hespaignes ,
Qu'en longue plaie apres viendra saigner: Passant copies par les haultes montaignes ,
Deuastant tout & puis en paix regner.
3-55 En l'an qu'vn oeil en France regnera,
La court sera a` vn bien fascheux trouble:
Le grand de Bloys son amy tuera,
Le regne mis en mal & doubte double.
3-56 Montauban, Nismes, Auig no n, & Besier ,
Peste,tonnerre & gresle a` fin de Mars:
De Paris pont , Lyon mur, Montpellier…
The second bridge – " Pont ife " – in quatrain 3-65. Pink bushes – "p ros cription (3-60) + t iers (3-59)", "re tard eront" – in quatrain 3-63, at 3-64 – “P ar the + t ri reme + Ioniq ue ”, “plus” – at 3-62, “ to ut + ve st ige” – at 3-63, at 3-64 – “ ch ef + cl asse ”, “ emp ire(3-59) + Rin (3-58) + se nile(3-59)”, “Carcassonne(3-62) + sera(3-63)”.
It was a rather dry presentation, but everything worked out, there is nothing to add.
How can the following quatrain be related to the word «prediction»? The words in it, of course, are vague, but if you work a little with them, you get a very interesting picture of what is happening.
9-27 De bois la garde vent cloz rond pont sera,
Hault le receu frappera le Daulphin,
Le vieux teccon bois vnis passera,
Passant plus oultre du duc le droit confin.
Because of the wooden guard, the round bridge will be closed to the wind,
Highly acclaimed will slay the Dauphin,
The old mallet will pass the smooth tree,
Passing farther and farther from the duke along the right edge.
For the translation, of course, I apologize. I’d better lay out the possible meanings of some words separately, then you can correct it yourself.
" Garde " – guard, part of the hilt of a bladed weapon that protects the hand.
" Teccon " ( tecon ) – a variant of " toquon " – a tool with which they push the ball (hit it), from " tocq " – club, mace (synonymous with " mail ").
Something more like an old sports game, an analogue of modern golf, than a combat battle.
The set of words in the first line of this quatrain refers to the distant past. The plot could have been shown in a shorter way, but I decided to show the real difficulty of composing the word " ve + nt ". Yes, modern French would have weathered this round bridge long ago – “ po + nt ” because of the word “ souvent ”, but those were other times, the times of “ souuent ”. Therefore, the guard – " garde " – coped with its task. By the way, the question to the Author is why it was necessary to build this round bridge – “ po + nt ”, when it was possible to save the mountain that suggests itself there, naturally present – “ mont ”, or even more than one? Conspiracy? A still-remaining fear of being exposed in your secret dealings too quickly? Humanity, of course, will never receive truthful answers to these questions.
1-65 Enfant sans mains iamais ve u si grand foudre,
L'enfant royal au ieu d'oesteuf blesse:
Au puy brises fulgures allant mouldre,
Trois soubz les chaines par le millieu trousses.
1-66 Celuy qui lors portera les nouuelles,
Apres vn peu il viendra respirer.
Viuiers, Tournon, Mont ferrant & Pradelles,
Gresle & tempestes les fera souspirer.
1-67 La grand famine que ie sens approcher,
Sou uent tourner, puis estre vniuerselle:
Si grande & longue qu'on viendra arracher,
Du bois racine, & l'enfant de mammelle.
1-68 O quel horrible & malheureux tourment,
Trois innocens qu'on viendra a` liurer:
Po yson suspecte, mal garde tradime nt,
Mis en horreur par bourreaux enyures.
1-69 La grand mont aigne rond e de sept estades…
The «roundness» of this quatrain leads further. Already at the end of the second Centuria, a combination of the words “hault z ” (2-89), “ receu ra (2-94)” and “ frappe ” (2-92) is visible. And all this construction is observed by " rond " (2-91). Below is the appearance of the Dauphin to the public – " Da + ul + ph + in ". It was assembled a little earlier.
2-81 _ que Libra lairra son Phaeton . _
2-82 Par faim la proye fera loup prisonnier,
L'assaillant lors en extreme detresse:
Le nay aiant au deuant le dernier,
Le grand n'eschappe au millieu de la presse.
2-83 Le gros trafficq du grand Lion change',
La plus part tourne en prist in e ruine:
Proye aux so ulda rs par pille vendenge…
And here is the close place in which I saw an old club – a mallet: " vieux " – in quatrain 2-85, and " tec + con ". The word «circuit» is a circle than Not V topic ?
2-87 Apres viendra des extremes con trees,
Prince Germain dessus le throsne dore':
La seruitude & eaux rencontrees,
La dame serue, son temps plus n'adore'.
2-88 Le circuit du grand faict ruineux,
Le nom septiesme du cinquiesme sera:
D'vn tiers plus grand l'estrange belliqueux,
Mouton, Lu tec e, Aix ne garantira.
All these coincidences indicate that the Author's attentive gaze undoubtedly passed over them. “ bois seau ” from 2-75, “ passer ” from 2-74, the word “ oultre ” from 2-85 were left behind the scenes, leading further and further, to the next section of the Centuries, valuable for this topic.
All that is happening has really shifted the Author's gaze much farther from the places in question. Already at the end of the sixth Centurion, the requested duke appears – “ con duc teur ” (6-91) close to “ fen droit ” (6-93). Supports this situation, of course, another tree – " boys " (6-93). And, finally, the last word “ conf + in ”, which has not yet been considered here. His Can notice V himself end sixth Centuries .
6-98 … Leur grand cite' ta in cte, faict pestilent:
Piller Sol, Lune & violer leurs temples,
Et les deux fleuues rougir de sang coulant.
6-99 L'ennemy docte se tournera conf us…
“ With a holy place there is no empty place,” – this is probably how Nostradamus would have started his next quatrain, if he were not a Frenchman, but a Russian Ivan Ivanovich.
9-29 Lors que celuy qu'a nul ne donne lieu,
Abandonner vouldra lieu prins non prins:
Feu nef par saignes, bitument a` Charlieu,
Seront Quintin Balez reprins.
Then, when the one who gave no place to anyone,
He wants to leave a place occupied not occupied:
Fire ship through the bituminous swamps in Charliers,
Canten Bale will be taken back.
Yes, we have to work with such texts. Below is the section of the sixth Centuria, which confirms the events of quatrain 9-29. With “place occupied – unoccupied, fire”, I think everything is clear, regarding other words the situation is as follows: “ Ba + lez ”, “ Qui + nt + in ”, “ bi + tu + me + nt ”, “ sa + ign + es "," Char + lieu ".
6-12 … Flamans, Anglois, E spaigne auec Aspire,
Contre l' I talie & France contendra.
6 -13 V n dubieux ne viendra loing du regne,
L a plus grand part le vouldra soustenir:
V n capitole ne vouldra point qu'il regne,
Sa grande char ge ne pourra maintenir.
6-14 Loing de sa terre Roy perdra la bataille,
Prompt eschappe' poursuiuy suiuant prins ,
I gnare prins soubz la doree maille,
Soubz fainct habit, & l'ennemy sur prins .
6-15 Dessoubz la tombe sera trouue' le prince,
Qu'aura le pris par dessus N uremberg:
L ' Es pa ign ol Roy en Capricorne mince,
F ainct & trahy par le grand V vitemberg.
6-16 Ce que rauy sera de ieune Milue,
Par les Normans de France & Picardie:
Les noirs du temple du lieu de Negresilue
Fero nt aulberge & feu de Lom ba rdie.
6-17 Apres les li me s brus lez les asiniers,
Constrainctz sero nt changer ha bi tz diuers:
Les Sa tu rn in s bruslez par les meusniers,
Hors la pluspart qui ne sera couuers.
6-18 Par les phisiques le grand Roy delaisse',
Par sort non art de l'Ebrieu est en vie,
Luy & son genre au regne hault poulse',
Grace donne ea` gent qui Christ enuie.
The main secret of this section is that on it, in quatrain 6-15, NEF is formed from capital letters , and it is possible to see two LIEVs – at 6-12, 6-13 and at 6-14, 6-15.
Each topic, of course, is strictly individual, and you can describe everything related to it for a long time, but you also need to move on. I will try to describe my observations regarding the next quatrain more briefly, highlighting only the main interesting points.
9-30 Au port de PVOLA & de saint Nicolas,
Perir Normande au goulfre Phanaticque, Cap. de Bisance raues crier helas, Secors de Gaddes & du grand Philipique.
At the port of PULA and San Nicolò,
Dying Normandy in Fanatic Bay,
Cap. from the Byzantine streets shouts: «Alas,»
Help from Hades and the great Philippic.
The name " Philip " and the word " goulphre " are brought closer together in the eighth century. The first word is in quatrain 8-81, the second is in 8-84. Seeing the port and Byzantium in quatrain 8-83, there is no doubt, hitting the very point. The name of the port " pu + ola ", while knowing that the consecutive combination of the last three letters in the Centuries occurs only thirteen times, is a very valuable gift from the Author in this section. «saint Ni + col + as», «Ph + an + at + ic + que» – ' this All Here exist .
8-81 Le neuf empire en des olation ,
Sera ch an ge' du pole aquilonaire:
De la Sicile viendra l'esmotion,
Troubler l'emprise a` Philip tributaire.
8-82 Ronge long, sec faisant du bon valet,
A la parfin n'aura que son congie:
Poignant poyson, & lettres au col let,
Sera saisi eschappe en dangie.
8-83 Le plus grand voile h ors du port de Zara,
Pres de Bisance fera son entreprinse:
D'ennemy perte & l'amy ne sera,
Le tiers a` deux fera grand pille & prinse.
8-84 P at erne orra de la S ic ile crie ,
Tous les aprests du goulphre de Trieste,
Qui s'entendra iusque a` la trina crie ,
De t an t de voiles fuy, fuy l'horrible peste.
8-85 E ntre Bayonne & a saint Iean
de Lux S era pose' de Mars la promottoire
A ux Hanix d'Aquilon Nanar hostera lux,
Pu is suffocque' au lict sans adiutoire.
8-86 Par Arna ni tholoser ville franque,
Bande infinie par le mont Adrian:
P as se riuiere, Hurin par pont la planque
Bayonne entrer tous Bihoro criant .
This site, as you can see, is three times “noisy” – “ crie ”. And this cry – HELAS (8-85) – is now known to everyone who has read up to this point.
All other words, of course, are also composed, but this requires a little expansion of the search area, but I, fulfilling my promise, will not do this at the moment. I think it will be much more interesting to note here one of my observations.
In the Centuries there are quite a large number of words written not quite according to the rules, probably even inherent in those distant times of the creations of Nostradamus. An example is the word " Secors " from quatrain 9-30. The only time such a form is used in the texts (That's right – " secours "), it is repeated in many copies of the 1568 edition, which inspires special confidence (the problem of their authenticity has not gone away). The question is why? Is this a mistake of the printers, or a manifestation of the "breathing" of the Author?
The answer is contained in the opening lines of quatrains 8-82 and 8-83. It was in this form “ sec + ors ” that the Prophet saw this word in this area, it gathered beautifully, he did not want to crush it more finely.
While working on the next quatrain 9-31, an interesting, rather revealing story happened to me. I want to share it.
The very first, perhaps, what I did after I realized that the book "Prophecy" requires close attention to itself, primarily in terms of counting the numerical components of words, or, in other words, their ranks, hierarchies, etc. . – this created an accurate text, as far as it was possible for me, for my further work. One of the difficulties at this stage was to correctly distinguish between the letters "ſ" and " f " in the texts. The first is the so-called long or middle “ s ”, – it is in this form that all the words of the Centuries are crammed with this letter. The standard for today's French everyday life " s " was present in those days in French writing only at the end of words.
The long "ſ" fell into disuse only in the 19th century, due to its great similarity with the letter " f ". It is this similarity that is the theme of my today's story.
The situation was as follows: in quatrain 9-31 there is a double word, as it seemed then, “ cassich ” or “ caffich ”. In the original source, the situation was very illegible, and then I just typed the text. The word was unfamiliar to me, and without going into details, I captured it in the text in the second version with "-ff– " .
Time passed, my work moved forward, and now, the time has come to penetrate the secrets of this quatrain. The alleged place of their disclosure has already been discovered, I have seen all the relationships, but the word “ caffich ” has become a stumbling block . It was absolutely impossible to somehow collect it, apparently – one of the key words on the site found. Such a dead end forced me to curtail all searches in this place and look for another, I didn’t hit, which means I hit the target.
Something, nevertheless, made me think that the problem could be in this uncomfortable word itself, I leafed through the texts of the Centuries in other books, I saw – “cassich”, even with attempts to interpret it .
Having eliminated this error, everything instantly fell into place, the theme sparkled with bright colors. Although my negligence played a cruel joke with me, in this case, but having corrected an unfortunate mistake and seeing the result, I am simply amazed at how harmoniously everything is arranged in the Prophecies.
Having shared my memories, I turn to the coverage of this quatrain itself.
9-31 Le tremblement de terre a` Mortara,
Cassich saint George a` demy perfondrez:
Paix assoupie la guerre esueillera,
Dans temple a` Pasques abysmes enfondrez.
Earthquake in Mortara,
St. George's Cassich is half buried:
The world is asleep, the war will wake up,
In the temple on Easter the abyss will open.
I will leave this fatal word untranslated. Quatrain 8-45 with the phrase «in the temple at Easter …» unequivocally draws attention to itself. Further, many other details appear: " tre + mb + le + me + nt ", " terre ", " Mor + tara ", the long-awaited word " Ca + ss + ich ", " pa + ix " and " guerre ", " de + my ", " per + fo + nd + rez ", " es + ue + ill + era ".
8-44 … A roy de longue & a my aumi hom.
Doit a Nauarre for rt de PAV prosterner.
8-45 La main escharpe & la ia mb e ba nd ee,
Longs puis nay de Calais portera,
Au mot du guet la mor t sera tardee,
Puis dans le temple a` Pasques saignera.
8-46 Pol mensolee mourra trois lieues du rosne,
Fuis les deux prochains tara sc destrois:
Car Mars fera le plus horrible trosne,
De coq & d'aigle de France freres trois.
8-47 Lac Tras me nien portera tesmoignage,
Des coniu rez sarez dedans Per ouse
Vn despol le con tre fer le sage :
Tua nt Tedesq de sterne & minuse.
8-48 Saturne en Cancer, Iupiter a ue c Mars,
Dedans Feurier Chaldondon salua terre ,
Sault Ca stalllon a ss a illy de trois pa rs,
Pr es de Verbiesque conflit mortelle guerre .
8-49 Satur, au beuf ioue en l'eau, Mars en fle ich e,
S ix de Feurier mortalite' donra…
Outside of this section are the words " saint " and " Ge + orge ". They are A little above , in quatrain 8-41.
8-41 … Faisant le saint public viuant pain d'or ge ,
Tyrannizer apres tant a` vn cop,
Mettant a pied des plus grans sus la gorg .
And in quatrains 8-42 and 8-43 the word " ass + oup + le " is collected.
8-42 … Pres saint Memire ass ault & resistance
Mort dans sa tante diront qu'il dort leans.
8-43 Par le decide de deux choses bastars,
Nepueu du sang occupera le regne, Dedans lectoyre seront le sc oup s de dars…
A lot of thematic was revealed on this site, an earthquake, peace and war, a temple for Easter, but there are no open abysses, at least one, here. Confirmation of the statement of the fourth line is located in another section, already in the future quatrains of the ninth Centuria.
9-87 …Par hermitaige sera pose'le temple ,
Le duc d' E stampes par sa ruse inuentee.
Dumont Lehori prelat donra exempl.
9-88 Calais, Arras secours a` Theroanne,
Paix & semblant simulera lescoutte, Soulde d'Alabrox desce ndre par Roane.
Destornay peuple qui desfera la routte.
9-89 Sept ans sera Philip. for rtune prospere,
Rabaissera des Arabes l'effaict, Puis son mydi perplex rebors affaire, Ieune ognyon abysme ra son fort.
9-90 V n capitaine de la grand Germanie
S e viendra r en dre par simule' secours,
A u Roy des roys ayde de P annonie,
Q ue sa reuolte fera de sang grand cours.
Everything is as usual. Great Easter – PASQVE – almost entirely, with the exception of the last letter, is collected in quatrain 9-90, and the nearest capital E is at 9-87, in the place where the temple is located. In the body of this site itself, there is finally an open abyss – « abysme en + fo + ndre ".
Atren 9-33 only looks like a single prophecy. In fact, his four lines are four separate stories. They reveal themselves all in different corners of the Centuries.
9-33 Hercules Roy de Romme & d' Annemarc ,
_ De Gaule trois Guion surnomme ',
Trembler l' itale & l' vnde _ _ de saintct Marc ,
Premier sur tous monarque renomme '.
Hercules – King of Rome and Denmark,
De Gaulle (From Gaul) is called by Guyon,
Trembling Italy and the wave of St. Mark,
The first over all the famous monarch.
The first story is found in the fourth Centuria. Here Hercules is the king of Rome: “ Herc + ul + es ”, “ roy ”, “ Rom + me ”.
4-22 … Dans vn mo me nt fera besoing au roy :
La foy p rom ise de loing sera faulcee
Nud se verra en piteux desarroy.
4-23 La legion dans la marine classe
Calcine, Magnes so ul phre, & poix bruslera:
Le long repos de lasseuree place: Port Selyn, Herc le feu l es consumera.
A little lower is another Hercules, here he is associated with Denmark: " He + rcu + les ". The fact that he is also king in this place is indicated by the capital letters R and O. The rarest for Centuries Y is also nearby, in quatrain 4-31.
4-27 O u est debout encor la piramide,
Viendront livrer le prince Dannemarc
Rachat honny au temple d'Artemide.
4-28 Lors que Venus du Sol sera couuert,
Soubz l'esplendeur sera forme occulte,
Me rcu re au feu les aura descouuert
Par bruit bellique sera mis a`l'insulte.
-29 Le sol cac he eclipse par Mercure…
The second line reveals itself in the second Centuria. De Gaulle in this area turns into Gaul. Apart from explicit words – here going to «Sur+no+mme».
2-72 … Romains fuis, o Gaule repoulsee,
Pres du Thesin, Rubicon pugne incerte.
2-73 Au lac Fucin de Benac le riuaige,
Prins du Leman au port de l'Or guion :
Nay de trois bras predict belliq image,
Par trois couronnes au grand Endymion.
2-74 De Sens, d'Autun viendront iusques au Rosne,
Pour passer outre vers les monts Pyrenees: La gent sortir de la Marque d'Anconne,
Par terre & mer le suiura a` grans trainees.
2-75 La voix ouye de l'insolit oyseau,
Sur le ca no n du respiral estaige,
Si hault viendra du froment le boisseau, Que l'ho mme d'homme sera Antropophage.
The third line is the third story. The author saw her in the very first Centuria. The site turns out to be more extensive, so I’ll just list the words I found: “ trembler a ” (1-57), “ Italie ” (1-60), “ vnde = onde ” (1-63), “ sainct e ” (1-53), " marc hera " (1-63).
And finally, the fourth story, the beginning of the ninth Centuria to the rescue. foldable Here the word is “re + nomme”.
9-5 Tiers doit du pied au premier semblera
A vn nouueau monarque de bas hault,
Qui Pyse & Lucques Tyran occupera Du precedant corriger le deffault.
9-6 Par la Guyenne infinite' d'Anglois
Occuperont par nom d'Anglaquitaine, Du Languedoc Ispalme Bourdeloys, Qu'ilz nomme ront ap re s Barboxitaine.
As you can see, there is no need to look for another meaning for the lines of the quatrain. All predictions, and so, perfectly come true.
The next quatrain is entirely devoted to the mysterious character Ferdinand. Something _ _ This Name hooked Nostradamus .
9-35 Et Ferdinand blonde sera descorte,
Quitter la fleur, suyure le Macedon,
Au grand besoing defaillira sa routte,
Et marchera contre le Myrmidon.
And Ferdinand will accompany the light,
Leaving the flower, following the Macedonian,
In great need will end his journey,
And he will go against the Myrmidon.
Thanks to the blonde and the flower, the place of the first review of the earliest Ferdinand Michelevich of Centuria is revealed: " Fe + rd + in + and ".
2-67 Le blonde au nez forche viendra commettre
Par le duelle & chassera dehors:
Les exiles dedans fe ra remettre
Aux lieux mar in s commettant les plus fors.
2-68 De l'aquilon les effors seront gr and s,
Sus l'Ocean sera la porte ouuerte:
Le regne en lisle sera reintegrand,
Tremblera Londres par voile descouuerte.
2-69 Le roy Gaulois par la Celtique dextre
Voiant disco rd e de la grand Monarchie:
Sus les trois pars fera fleur ir son sceptre…
The next meeting with Ferdinand takes place in quatrain 2-97. Here " Fe + rd + in + and ", after all, still with a flower, but already with the Macedonian – " Maced + on ". Here same , on section 2-96 – 2-97, is going to the word «be + soi + ng».
2-96 Flam be au ardent au ciel soi r sera veu
Pres de la fin & principe du Rosne:
Famine, glaiue : tard le secours pourueu,
La Perse tourne enuahir Maced oine.
2-97 Roma in P on ti fe ga rd e de t'approcher
De la cite qui deux fleuues arrouse,
Ton sa ng viendras au pres de la cracher,
Toy & les tiens qu and fleur ira la rouse.
The next Ferdinand should be inextricably linked with the road – " routte ". Of course, there is one. The section of the future events of the «Prophecies» will reveal it in its entirety. Here, as expected, the irresistible " Fer + di + na + nd ", the road, and out of nowhere appeared " My + rmi + don ".
9-87 … Par he rmi taige sera pose' le temple,
Le duc d'Estampes par sa ruse inuentee.
Dumont Lehori prelat don ra exempl.
9-88 Calais, Arras secours a` Theroanne,
Paix & semblant simulera lescoutte,
Soulde d'Alabrox desce nd re par Roane.
Destor na y peuple qui des fer a la routte .
9-89 Sept ans sera Philip. fortune prospère,
Rabaissera des Arabes l'effaict,
Puis son mydi perplex rebors affaire,
Ieune ognyon abysmera son fort.
9-90 Vn capitaine de la grand Ge rm anie…
This could have ended, but the Centuries still keep so many secrets that now the hand of the pen will not rest yet.
There is a character in the "Prophecies" – " Aemathien " ( Haemathion ) – Emation. He is closely connected with Macedonia – this is its mythical founder. In this regard, attention should be paid to quatrain 10-7 and its environs. Here, the requested images " Fe + rd + in + and " and " Myr + mi + don " line up in an amazing way.
10-6 Sar don Nemans si hault desbo rd eront,
Qu'on cuidera Deucalion renaistre,
Dans le collosse la plus part fuyront,
Vesta sepulchre fe u esta in t apparoistre.
10-7 Le g r and conflit qu'on appreste a` Nancy,
L' aemathien dira tout ie soubmetz,
L'isle Britanne par vin, sel en solcy:
Hem. mi deux Phi. long temps ne tiendra Metz.
10-8 Index & poulse parfondera le front,
De Senegalia le Conte a` son filz propre,
La Myr narmee par plusieurs de prinfront…
For a long time I doubted whether to post my notes here on the next topic or not. Some finds are one hundred percent correct, others are questionable. In the end, however, I decided to leave everything as it is. Time All equals arrange All points over "i".
9-36 Vn grand Roy prins entre les mains d'vn Ioyne,
Non loing de Pasque confusion coup cultre:
Perpet. captifs temps que fouldre en la husne,
Lors que trois freres se blesseront & murtre.
One great King is captured by the hands of the Young One,
Not far from Easter – confusion, stabbing:
Eternal (s) captives, times when lightning in the mast,
Then, when three brothers wound and kill themselves.
The translation takes into account the inconsistency in the tenses of the words of the fourth line.
Everything went smoothly with the first line. In a small section of the ninth Centuria, the whole situation with a hit “between the hands of the Young” – this is a literal translation – manifested itself. Everything – as expected, two hands, a king and a clear fellow, even the word " murtry " is here, suggesting that brothers should be somewhere nearby.
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