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  • Текст добавлен: 14 ноября 2023, 17:37

Автор книги: Дамир Хаматулин

Жанр: Биографии и Мемуары, Публицистика

Возрастные ограничения: +16

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The rules are the same as the third line of the quatrain says, but what is the wall and the prince for? The seventh day of Centuria is the section from the seventh " iour " to the eighth, i.e. from quatrain 2-41 to quatrain 2-71. On this interval, " mur " occurs twice (2-63) and once " prince " (2-43). I think it is they who should “fall out” of the count. Then the hecatomb will come true.


Hello , second Centuria, I'm back.

2-37 De ce grand nombre que lon enuoyera,

Pour secourir dans le fort assieges:

Peste & famine tous les deuorera.

Hors mis septante qui seront profiles .

Of such a large number that will be sent,

To help the besieged in the fort:

Plague and famine will devour them all.

Except the seventy who will be defeated.

Most likely, it's just almost a coincidence that there are seventy-two " qui " in the first seven Centuries, but given the Nostradamus ranking, it's just worth noting. But now is not about that. " Septante " – «seventy» – is present three more times in seven Centuries. One of these cases has already attracted particular interest, now his second entry into the arena. Yes, yes, I'm talking about quatrain 1-15, which foreshadows the seventy-time bloodshed. Near, in quatrain 1-19, – " grand nombre " – «large number», even closer, in 1-16 – «plague and famine» – " Peste , famine ". A huge " FORT " is assembled from the capital letters of the quatrain 1-20, and «besieged» and «defeated» are found in the close environment: " ass + ie + ge " and " prof + lige ".

1-18 Par la discorde neg lige nce Gauloise,

Sera p ass aige a` Mahommet ouuert:

De sang trempe' la terre & mer Senoise,

Le port Phocen de voilles & nefz couuert.

1-19 Lors que serpens v ie ndront circuir l'are,

Le sang Troyen vexe' par les Espaignes:

Par eulx grand nombre en sera faicte tare,

Chef fuict, cache aux mares dans les saignes.

1-20 T ours, Orleans , Bloys, Angiers, Reims , & Nantes,

Cites vexees par subit chan ge ment:

Par langues estranges seront tendues tentes,

F leuues, dards Renes, terre & mer tremblement.

1-21 Prof onde argille blanche nourrir rochier…


With the next quatrain, it turned out like this: in principle, then, at the very beginning of my research, I was on the right path, but I did not go far. Now there was some free time, so I will supplement this topic based on my current knowledge.

2-51 Le sang du iuste a` Londres fera faulte,

Brusles par fouldres de vinttrois les six:.

La dame antique cherra de place haute,

De mesme secte plusieurs seront occis.

The blood of the righteous in London will not take place,

Burned by lightning out of twenty-three six:

The ancient lady will fall from a high place,

Several from the same sect will be killed.

Well, first, my past entries…

The fact that "blood", especially the "righteous one", is completely absent in the quatrains with "Londons" is a fact. The numeral 23, mentioned in the quatrain, is present in one more single quatrain – 3-56. In it it is in the form of " XXIII ". The number of "lightning bolts" – " foudre , fouldre " before this quatrain, in the Centuries – six.

That's all. Of course, it is already good that the direction chosen is correct. It didn’t go further for only one reason that I didn’t catch then: it was impossible to tie the quatrain to only one section of the Centuries, sometimes Nostradamus cut through the waves of his “Prophecies” as he pleases.

Now my today's vision: regarding the first line, there is no need to go anywhere:

2-52 Dans plusieurs nuits la terre tremblera:

S ur le prins temps deux effors suite:

Corinthe, E phese aux deux mers nagera,

Guerre s'esmeut par deux vaillans de luite.

2-53 L a grande peste de cite' maritime,

N e cessera que mort ne soit vengee:

Du iuste sang par pris damne sans crime,

D e la grand dame par feincte n'outraigee.

2-54 Par gent estrange, & de R mains loingtaine…

The blood of the righteous did not take place in London literally in the neighborhood with quatrain 2-51. London – " LoNDRE " – did not gather fully. The word " plusieurs " is also highlighted, because it participates in the quatrain – the task.

The second line has already found its original source. There is no obvious lightning in quatrain 3-57, but it rumbles excellently there: “ tonnerre & gresle a` fin de Mars” – “thunder and hail at the end of March”. As you know, there is no heavenly thunder without lightning, besides, there were already six “lightnings” accumulated at that time, and this number is present in quatrain 3-57 itself. Those who are especially thirsty for the full truth – I inform you: the word “ Br + us + les ”, is not very compact, but is completed, thanks to quatrains 3-54, 3-57 and 3-59.

"Ancient Lady" is found in a completely different place. Here she :

5-65 … Et dame en braise plus ne sera en veue,

De peu a peu seront les grans faschez.

5-66 Soubz les antique s edifices vestaulx…

Further – about her «falling from a high place»:

5-68 … Le grand C hameau ne s'en repentira:

Trembler du Rosne & plus fort ceulx de loire

E t pres des A lpes coq le ruinera.

5-69 P lus ne sera le grand en faulx sommeil,

L 'inquietude viendra prendre repoz:

Dresser p ha lange d'or, azur, & vermeil,

Subiuguer Affrique la ronger iusques aux oz

5-70 Des regions subiectes a` la Balance,

Feront troubler les monts par grande guerre

Captifz to ut sexe deu & tout bisance…

" PLACE " and " ha + ut ". And finally, about the last line of quatrain 2-51. It is necessary to return to the site of the third Centuria near «thunder and hail» in order to see there «the same sect» – " mesme section ":

3-60 … Mesme s en Mysie, Lysie, & Pamphylie:

Sang versera par absolution,

D'vn ieune noir remply de felonnie.

3-61 La grande bande & secte crucigere…

Nearby is the killing procedure: " Occ + is "

3-63 …Son grand vo is in imiter ses vestiges:

Occ ultes haines ciuiles, & debats…

This is how everything depicted in quatrain 2-51 is found in the ocean of the Centuries. Today this is not particularly difficult for me, but once upon a time it was only timid attempts to smell the breath of the Author.


A lot of casus mysteries are fraught with editions of the Prophecies. Here, for example, quatrain 2-89, in it, in two versions of the editions of 1555 at once, in trifles differing from each other, contains the same “mistake”: at the end of the supposed word “iour” – “day” there is no “ r »:

2-89 Duiou seront demis les deux grandz maistres…

In the editions of 1557 and subsequent, this «mistake» is eliminated, and there are two options: " Du iour …” and “ Vn iour …”. Such a substitution itself indicates the “pulling out” of the first line. Something tells me that the Author did it on purpose, and here's why:

2-41 La grand' estoile par sept iours bruslera,

Nuee fera deux soleilz apparoir: Le gros mastin toute nuict hurlera, Quand grand pontife changera de terroir.

The big star will light up in seven days,

A cloud will cause two suns to appear:

The big mastin will howl all night,

When the great pontiff changes his place.

I will allow myself in this book to bring out a new dog breed – mastin, let it remain unchanged.

The statement that in seven days you can see a star will be miraculously fulfilled only on the condition that the “day” from quatrain 2-89 does not take place. Here are the quatrains with seven consecutive days: 2-71, 2-84, 3-22, 3-34, 3-65, 5-18, 5-59. In the last quatrain, a “star” is found – “ estoille ” … “Well, welcome to that site” – these are the words of me “today”:

5-53 La loy du Sol , & Venus contendens,

Appropriant l'esprit de prophetie: N e l'vn, ne l'autre ne seront entendens,

Par Sol tiendra la loy du grand Messie.

5-54 Dupont E uxine, & la grand Tartarie,

V n roy sera qui viendra voir la Gaule:

T ranspercera Alane & l'Armenie,

E t dans Bisance la ir ra sanglante Gaule.

5-55 De la felice Arabie contrade,

N aistra puissant de loy M ahometique:

Vexer l'Espaigne, conques ter la Grenade,

Et plus par mer a` la gent lygustique.

5-56 Par le trespas du tresvi eil lart pontife ,

S era esleu Ro main de bon aage:

Qu'il sera dict que le siege debiffe, Et long tiendra & de picquant ouuraige.

5-57 I stra du mont Gaulfier & A uentin,

Qui par le trou aduertira l'armee :

Entre deux rocz sera prins le butin,

De SE X T , man sol faillir la renommee.

5-58 De laqueduct d' V ticense, Gardoing,

Par la forest & mont I naccessible:

E n my du pont sera tasche' au poing,

Le chef N emans qui tant sera terrible.

5-59 Au chef A nglois a` N ymes trop seiour,

Deuers l'Espaigne au secours Aenobarbe :

Plusieurs mourront par M ars ouuert ce iour,

Quant en Artoys faillir estoille en barbe.

It was quite possible to limit ourselves to a smaller number of quatrains involved, because the «cloud» – " NVEE ", for example, is collected in quatrains 5-57 and 5-58, " MASTIN " – in quatrains 5-57 – 5-59, with "two suns '-' deux sol + eil "– the task is solved in quatrains 5-57 and 5-56, in the latter the «pontiff» is found, but, for some reason, in this case, I managed to «overfulfill the plan.» In the upper quatrains, I found another “cloud” – “ NVEE ” (5-53, 5-54), two more “suns” – “ Sol ” and “ Sol ” (5-53), and another “mastin” – " MASTIN " (5-54 – 5-57). It remains to designate the word " ter + ro + ir " (5-54 – 5-56).


I am rereading my old notes now and I understand that while a blind kitten wandered in search of a bowl of milk. Quatrain 2-7, interesting in its own way, and literally asking for the right answer, but I knew so little about it:

2-7 Entre plusieurs aux isles deportes,

L'vn estre nay a` deux dents en la gorge: Mourront de faim les arbres esbrote' Pour eux neuf roy nouel edict leur forge.

Among several, sent to the islands,

One will be born with two teeth in his throat:

They will die of hunger, nibbling the shoots of trees,

For them, the new king forges a new edict.

All I found out then was that there were nine words " plusieurs " in the first seven centuries. Considering that in this quatrain there is the word " neuf ", which has a double meaning, it is both «new» and «nine», it seemed to me that this was the main meaning. I didn’t go further, noting the fact that in quatrain 3-42 there is almost the same phrase “a` deux dentz a` la gorge…”. But in vain!

So much more useful information could be obtained from this topic. Now about everything in order. It just so happened that the place of useful search is again the middle of the fifth Centuria. Practically , then same place .

5-56 Par le trespas du tresvieillart pontife,

S era esleu Romain de bon aage:

Qu'il sera dict que le siege debiffe,

E t long tiendra & de picquant ouurai ge .

5-57 I stra du mont Gaulfier & Auentin,

Qui par le trou aduertira l'armee:

Entre deux rocz sera prins le butin,

D e SE X T , mansol faillir la renommee.

5-58 De laqueduct d'Vticense, Gardoing,

Par la for est & mont I naccessible:

En my du pont sera tasche' au poing,

Le chef Nemans qui tant sera terrible.

5.59 Au chef Anglois a` Nymes trop seiour,

De uers l'Espaigne au secours Aenobarbe:

Plusieurs mourront par Mars ouuert ce iour,

Quant en Artoys faillir estoille en barbe.

5-60 Par teste rase viendra bien mal eslire,

Plus que sa charge ne porte passera:

Si grand fureur & raige fera dire,

Qu'a feu & sang tout sexe trenchera.

5-61 L'enfant du grand n'estant a sa naissance,

Subiuguera les haultz monts Apennis:

Fera trembler tous ceulx de la balance,

Et des monts feux iusques a` mont Senis.

5-62 Sur les rochers sang on verra plouuoir,

Sol Orient, Saturne Occi dent al:

Pres d' O rgon guerre, a` R ome grand mal voir,

Nefz parfondrees & prins le Tri dent al.

5-63 De vaine emprise l'honneur indue plaincte

G all ot z errans par latins froit, faim , vagu es

Non loing du Tym br e de sang la terre taincte,

E t sur humains seront diuerses plagu es .

5-64 Les assembles par repoz du grand nom bre ,

P ar terre & mer conseil contremande':

Pres de l'Automne Gennes , Nice de l'om bre

P ar champs & villes le chef contrebande'.

Literally almost the entire quatrain was laid out on this site. The central figures, of course, are two «teeth» – " dent " – in the «throat» – " GORGE " (5-62 – 5-64). With explicit full words, everything is clear, others, not so obvious, I will list.

" Islands " – "ISLES" (5-56 – 5-58), two " trees " – "ar + bre" (5-64), "de + porte" (5-59, 5-60), "es +br+ot+es" (5-63), "for+ge" (5-56, 5-58). The situation with the word " edict " in the Centuries is as follows: it is reproduced in two versions, in the form of " edict " and in the form of " edit ". The " EDIT " variant is assembled from the capital letters of quatrains 5-57 and 5-58. The king himself – " roy ", however, went beyond this area. He is in quatrain 5-54.

One oddity, however, remains. Surprising lack of ability to put the word " neuf ". It turns out to be alien to this area, as if the meaning of its presence is in another. It remains to be hoped that it is precisely in the fact that I voiced at the beginning of this topic.


With following my past records, I decided to leave in the original form in which they were born. Peculiar tribute my past .

2-84 Entre Campaigne, Sienne, Flora, Tustie,

Six mois neuf iours ne plourra vne goute:

L'estrange langue en terre Dalmatie,

Courira sus : vastant la terre toute.

Between Campania, Siena, Flora, Tuscia,

Six months nine days not a drop will spill:

Foreign language in the land of Dalmatia,

It will sweep: devastating the whole earth.

The puzzle ideas in the Centuries seem to be inexhaustible. Moreover, one does not resemble the other. The common thing that unites them for the most part is a kind of “spiritualization” of words, i.e. their counting and ranking. Namely, based on this understanding, dates, time intervals, etc. start to work.

To prophesy a drought between four settlements for several months, up to a day, is cool! Today's "prophets" of the weather have learned to predict a maximum of two weeks in advance. And yes! For the period of years indicated by Nostradamus, up to the year 3797, such an event is very important and remarkable. All that remains is to sit and wait for this event to happen.

However, for those who do not know how to wait or do not want to wait for a long time, it seems that there is another option. Here I propose to deal with it thoroughly.

To begin with, it is necessary to find in the first seven Centuries all the toponyms indicated in quatrain 2-84.

"Campaigne" – yes at 3-52,

"Sienne" – at 6-6, 6-48, 6-58,

"Flora", "Florence" – at 3-74, 4-60, 5-3, 5-39, 6-36, 6-48, 6-77, 7-8, 7-32,

, " Tustie ", " Tuscie " – at 3-42.

All four toponyms are found on the maximum interval from 3-42 to 7-32, on which the number of months should be counted – " mois " or " moys " and days – " iour ", " iours ". The result is exactly the same as announced in quatrain 2-84.

"Months" – at 4-95, 4-100, 5-37, 5-81, 5-90, 6-52;

"Days" – at 3-65, 5-18, 5-59, 5-81, 6-25, 6-54, 6-85, 6-86, 7-18.

Rains in the specified interval, of course, occur, but where in quatrain 2-84 is it said about them? It only contains the phrase "not a drop will be spilled", " goute ". This word is not there.


In the next quatrain, Nostradamus again exalts His Majesty the Word.

3-2 Le diuin verbe donrra a` la substance,

Comprins ciel terre, or occult au faict mystique:

Corps, ame, esprit ayant toute puissance,

Tant soubz ses piedz, comme au siege celique.

The divine verb will give substance,

Containing heaven, earth, occult gold in a secret matter:

Body, soul, mind, having all power,

As under his feet, so in the seat of heaven.

There is nothing to add to this. Almost everything is out in the open.


" typical " quatrain 3-10 is literally crammed, as it should be, with the next predicted horrors and disasters.

3-10 De sang & faim plus grande calamite',

Sept fois s'apreste a` la marine plage:

Monech de faim, lieu pris, captiuite,

Le grand mene' croc en ferree caige.

From blood and hunger, a very great disaster,

Seven times prepared at the seashore:

Monaco from hunger, the place is captured, captivity,

Great dragged hook in an iron cage.

I will start with my old notes, which I will then add to in the light of my modern vision.

Blood – " sang " and hunger – " faim " coexist together in the seven quatrains of the first stage of the "Prophecies": in 1-55, 2-60, 3-19, 4-79, 5-63, 6-10 and 6-81 . In the latter case, the Author even coined a special term " frofaim ", which, apparently, is a combination of " froid " – "cold" and " faim " – "hunger".

If I had paid close attention to these quatrains, you see, I would have advanced faster in comprehending the mysteries of the Centuries, but no, I was satisfied with the result found, and moved on.

In addition, there is another interesting place that should be paid attention to.

This is how, let's say, “ CROC ” (2-59, 2-60), “ CAIGE ” (2-60 – 2-63), “ Mar + ine ” (2-63), “ PLAGE or PLAIGE ” (2 -64, 2-65) – (there are two options in the Prophecies), " fer + re " (2-63), and everything else visible.

2-58 … Silene luit, petit grand em mene .

2-59 C lasse Gauloise par apuy de grande garde,

Du grand Neptune, & ses tridens souldars:

R onsgee Prouence pour soustenir grand bande,

Plus Mars Narbon. par iauelotz & dards.

2-60 La foy Punicque en Orient rompue,

Gang. Iud . & Rosne, Loyre, & Tag changeront:

Quand du mulet la faim sera repue,

C lasse espargie, sang & corps nageront.

2-61 E uge, Tamins, G ironde & la Rochele,

O sang Troien Mort au port de la flesche:

Derrier le fleuue au fort mise l'eschele,

Pointes feu grand meurtre sus la bresche.

2-62 Mabus puis tost alors mourra, viendra,

De gens & bestes vne horrible defaite:

Puis tout a` coup la vengence on verra,

C ent, main, soif, faim , quand courra la comete.

2-63 Gaulois, A usone bien peu subiuguera,

Pau, Mar ne, & Se ine fer a Perme l'vrie:

Qui le grand mur contre eux d re ssera,

Du moindre au mur le grand perdra la vie.

2-64 Seicher de faim , de soif gent Geneuoise,

E spoir prochain viendra au defaillir:

Sur point tremblant sera loy G ebenoise.

Classe au grand port ne se peult acuillir.

2-65 Le parc enclin grande calamite' ,

P ar l'Hesperie & I nsubre fera:

L e feu en nef, peste & captiuite' :

Mercure en l' A rc Saturne fenera.

It is possible to deal with “Monaco” a little lower, but it seems to me that its binding to this topic does not take place here, in another place: in quatrain 2-4:

2-2 … A utant de mal que France a` fai with t leur bien.

M ort a`l'anthenne grand pendu sus la branche,

Quand prins des siens le Roy dira combien.

2-3 Pour la chaleur solaire sus la mer,

De Ne grepont les poissons demis cuits:

Les habitans les viendront entamer ,

Quand R od. & Gennes leur faudra le biscuit.

2-4 Depuis Monech iusques au pres de Secile,

Toute la plage demourra desolee,

I l ny aura fauxbourg, cite, ne ville…

The beach of Monaco is formed in it, and the word “ MARINe ” is gathered around . The words “ faim ” and “ sang ( sang uanaire )” accompanying this theme are nearby, where would it be without them. In quatrains 2-6 and 2-9, respectively.


Well , I don’t know who will like it more in the next topic, learn something new from history, or review the new secrets of Nostradamus? By me so _ better And That And other .

3-14 Par le rameau du vaillant personaige,

De France infime par le pere infelice:

Honneurs, richesses trauail en son viel aage,

Pour avoir creu le conseil d'homme nice.

From the branch of the valiant character,

From tiny France from the unfortunate father:

Honors, wealth, work in old age,

For the sake of trusting the advice of a foolish man.

I'll start with the «valiant character branch», because this valiant character has been known to me for a very long time. Even at the dawn of my research, I found it quite easy that quatrain 1-30 was universally misunderstood. I can even say that, taking into account such a find, for the first time I believed in my strength in this matter. I couldn't believe I knew something no one else knew. And for this, just needed to delve into the history.

Here is that quatrain:

1-30 La nef estrange par le tourment marin,

Abourdera pres de port incongneu:

Nonobstant signes de rameau palmerin ,

Apres mort, pille, bon auis tard venu.

A foreign ship because of the ordeal of the sea,

Mooring near the port of the unknown:

Despite the signs of the palmerin branch,

After – death, robbery, good advice was late.

I have read many books about the «Prophecies» by various authors. Thank you very much to the authors for the fact that I learned something useful, but for the unhelpful, too. What was striking in this case: everywhere the word " palmerin " is associated with «palm trees». This is literally everything that I found, word for word, as in the «prophet» Cervantes, as discussed below.

The life of writers and readers was in fact already in full swing during the time of Nostradamus. The Renaissance is a glorious term that contains a lot. Speaking in modern terms, it is a time of complete "movement" and "startups", but, what is extremely important, created on the basis of a noble and respected past.

At the beginning of the sixteenth century, in 1511, the Spanish chivalric novel Palmerin of Olives was published – ( Palmerin de Oliva ). Authorship is attributed to Francisco Vasquez, a resident of Ciudad – Rodrigo, but this is not a fact. From that moment, a rather significant procession of this novel across Europe began.

It was reprinted dozens of times, was translated into several languages, and many fans, or rather, admirers of this genre, read it excitedly.

The protagonist of this novel is the grandson of the Macedonian king, the son of the daughter of the Emperor of Constantinople, (not knowing about it), – Palmerin – the noblest knight, wandering the seas and lands, conquering everyone and everything, winning the hearts of the ladies of that time.

Literally a year later, in 1512, a new novel was published, continuing the storyline of the first. It was called "Primaleon" – " Primaleon ", after the name of the son of Palmerin.

In 1533, the next novel appears, written, obviously, by another author – "Platir" ( Platir ). The main character in it is already the son of Primaleon.

This endless series is continued in 1547-1548 by the Portuguese author Francisco de Moraes, who wrote the first and second parts of the chivalric novel Palmerino English. In it, the main character is the son of one of the heroes of Primaleon.

The continuation of "Platira" – "Flotir" ( Flotir ), the hands of Mambrino Foseo, appears in 1554.

It is known that Cervantes in the work "Don Quixote" spoke badly of the "Palmerina of Olives" and well of the "Palmerina of England".

So – even superficially it is clear that Nostradamus was also impressed by such novels and, probably, expected further sequels. And were they?

Yes, in 1582 the third and fourth parts of the English Palmerina were published, called "Duardos from Britain" ( Duardos de Bretana ), handwritten again by another author – the Portuguese Diogo Fernandez. And in 1598, "Clarisol from Britain" appears – this is the fifth and sixth part of "Palmerina English". They were written again by the Portuguese, but again by another – Baltasar Gonçalves Lobato. Another book with an unknown publication date can be attributed to the same cycle – “ Dom Durados II ", another Portuguese writer D. gonsalo Coutinho .

Apparently, there were several other novels from this cycle. They are mentioned in various sources.

These are the passions that took place in the literary world of sixteenth century Europe. Many years have passed since then, and here it is – the effect of time. Today, in the twenty-first century, few people are familiar with these works. Everything has gone almost to oblivion.

Almost, because thanks to the creation of Nostradamus – manifested in this book.

This is where my old discoveries end, and the description of the modern vision begins.

It's time to return to the "valorous character branch" – the "Palmerin branch". The fact that it is Palmerina that is being discussed in quatrain 3-14 is confirmed by the words " infime " from quatrain 1-32 and " Fran + Ce " (1-34 and 1-33). The connection with the unfortunate father is elusive. Most likely, it appears in a different place: " pe + re ", " in + felice ", " PALMERIN " …, and possibly " PLATIR ":

2-10 A uant long temps le tout sera range'

N ous esperons vn siecle bien senestre:

L' estat des masques & des seulz bien change',

P eu trouueront qu'a son rang vueille estre.

2-11 Le prochain filz de l'asnier paruiendra,

T ant esleue' iusques au regne des fors:

Son aspre gloire vn chascun la craindra,

M ais ses enfantz du regne gettes hors.

2-12 Yeulx clos, ouverts d'antique fantasie,

L'habit des seulz seront mys a `neant:

Le grand monarque chastiera leur frenai sie,

Rauir des temples le tresor par deuant.

2-13 Le corps sans ame plus n'estre en sacrifice,

I our de la mort mys en natiuite':

L'esprit diu in fera l'ame felice ,

Voyant le verbe en son eternite '.

2-14 A Tours, Gien, garde seront yeulx pe netrans,

Desco uuriront de loing la grand se re ine:

E lle & la suitte au port seront entrans,

Combat, poulses, puissance souueraine.

It's funny that just below you can see another Palmerin, like this:

2-15 … Pise, Ast, Ferrare, Turin , terre interdicte.

2-16 Naples , Pal er me , Secille , Syracuses …

Is it possible, after all, to determine whether there really is a link with Platir? Seems yes ! Next plot will tell about this :

3-66 Le grand b ail lif d'Orleans mis a` mort,

Sera par vn de sang vindicatif:

De mort merite ne mourra, ne par s ort,

Des piedz & mains mal le faisoit captif.

3-67 Vne nouuelle secte de Philosophes,

Mesprisant mort, or, honneurs & richesses :

Des monts Germains ne seront limitrophes,

A les ensuiure auront appuy & presses.

3-68 Peuple sans chef d'Hespaigne & d'Italie,

Mors profliges dedans le Cherrenosse: Leur duict trahy par legiere folie ,

Le sang nager par tout a la trau erse.

Here they are, honors, wealth and work, and a little earlier, " PLATIR " is going to:

3-62 P roche del duero par mer T yrrene close,

Viendra percer les grans monts Pyrenees L a main plus courte & sa percee gloze,

A Carcassonne conduira ses menees.

3-63 R omain pouuoir sera du tout abas,

Son grand voisin imiter ses vestiges: Occultes haines ciuiles,& debats,

Retarderont aux bouffons leurs folies.

3-64 Le chef de Perse remplira grande Olchade,

Classe trireme contre gent Mahometique

De Parthe, & Mede & piller les Cyclades ,

Repos long temps au grand port I onique.

It remains to decide on the fourth line of quatrain 3-14. Here it is already necessary to visit the site of the fifth Centuria. The two words of the line are found in quatrain 5-64. IN neighboring quatrain another " honor " – «honneur».

5-64 Les assembles par repoz du grand nombre,

Par terre & mer conseil contremande':

Pres de l'Automne Gennes, Nice de l'ombre

Par champs & villes le chef contrebande' .

Well, here's what you can see above:

5-55 De la felice Arabie contrade,

N aistra puissant de loy M a hom etique:

Vexer l'Espaigne, conquester la Grenade, E t plus par me ra la gent lygustique.

5-56 Par le trespas du tres vieil lart pontife,

Sera esleu R oma in de bon aage :

Qu'il sera dict que le siege debiffe, Et long tiendra & de picquant ouuraige.

5-57 I stra du mont Gaulfier & A uentin,

Qui par le trou aduertira l'armee :

Entre deux rocz sera prins le butin, De SEX T , mansol faillir la renommee.

5-58 De laqueduct d'Vticense, Gardoing,

P ar la forest & mont Inaccessible:

En my du pont sera tasche' au poing ,

Le chef Nemans qui tant sera terrible.

Again the same dilemma " PALMERIN " or " PLATIR "? Along with it, some familiar words appeared: “ in + felice ”, “ hom + me ”, “ vieil ”, “ aage ”.


In the past, I paid more attention to word counts. It is understandable. The game of capital letters has not yet been discovered by me. Now I don’t even know if I found simple coincidences – or, after all, that was the Author’s intention.

3-16 Vn prince Anglois Mars a` son coeur de ciel,

Vouldra poursuiure sa fortune prospère: Des deux duelles l'vn percera le fiel, Hay de luy, bien ayme de sa mere.

Prince of England – Mars in his heart from the sky,

He wants to prolong his prosperous luck:

Of the two duelists, one will pierce the bile,

Hated by him, very much loved by his mother.

“The coincidences are as follows: “Princes” in the first seven Centuries – 33, “Englishmen” – “ Anglois ( e )” – 9, in total 42.

"Mars" – 29, "hearts" – " coeur , cueur " – 13, in total – also 42.

And finally, everything is from the sky. There are also 42 words " ciel " in the seven centuries.

Could such correspondences have been formed by chance? I assume not.

And now a little fresh breath on this topic. Quite a bit, about maternal love and duels – “ duelle ”, of which there are only four in the seven Centuries. This one from them :

2-34 … Le fi er du el le viendra en F ra n ce nuire.

2-35 Dans deux logis de nuict le feu prendra,

Plusieurs dedans estoufes & rostis:

Pres de deux fleuues pour seur il auiendra,

Sol, l'Arq, & Ca per tous seront amortis.

Here is «pierced bile» – " per + ce + ra fi + el " number one, followed by the second:

4-90 Les deux copies aux murs ne pourront ioindre

Dans cest instant trembler Milan, Ticin:

Faim, soif, doubtan ce si fort les viendra poindre,

Chair, pain, ne viures n'auront vn seul boncin.

4-91 Au duc Gaulois contrainct battre au duelle ,

La nef Mellele monech n'aproche ra ,

Tort accuse', prison per petu el le,

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