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Автор книги: Дамир Хаматулин

Жанр: Биографии и Мемуары, Публицистика

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- 100% +

Le grand re gent sera lors plus contraire.

3-16 Vn prince Anglois Ma rs a son coeur de ciel…

The rest of the lines, confirming this prediction, Nostradamus gave birth in heavy agony already in the distant tenth Centuria. In its purest form, the word “ prime ”, the words “ sol + sti + ce ”, “ tem + pt + ee ”, “ ve + nt ”, “ esp + ouu + ent …” are prefabricated, the ending of the last word is in quatrain 10– 24: " It al les ".

10-26 …Occuper regne souz vmbre de ve ngeance,

Occis ostacle son sang mort vitupere,

Long temps Bretaigne tiendra auec la France ce .

10-27 Par le cinquieme & vn grand Hercules,

Viendro nt le temple ouu rir de main bellique,

Vn Clement, Iule & Ascans recules,

L esp e, clef, aigle, n'eur ent onc si grand picque.

10-28 Second & tiers qui font prime musicque,

Sera par Roy en honneur sublimee,

Par grasse & maigre presque demy eticque,

Raport de Venus faulx randra deprim ee .

10-29 De Pol MAN SOL dans cauerne caprine,

Cache' & prins extrait hors par la barbe,

Ca pt if mene' comme beste ma sti ne…

The last word " hy + em + al " I found a little lower, in quatrain 10-34.

10-34 Gauloys qu' em pire par guerre occupera,

Par son beau frere mineur sera tra hy :

Pour cheu al rude voltigeant traynera…


And because of salt and wine – troubles for the kingdom and the king of either London or England predicts Nostradamus.

9-49 Gand & Bruceles marcheront contre Enuers,

Senat de Londres mettront a` mort leur roy,

Le sel & vin luy seront a` l'enuers,

Pour eux auoir le regne en desarroy.

Ghent and Brussels will oppose Antwerp,

The Senate of London will put their king to death,

Salt and wine turn it upside down

The kingdom is in disarray because of them.

This time, it is worth paying attention to the site of the second Centuria for a start. In quatrain 20-16, “ Londres ”, “ Gand ” and “ Brucelles ” are noticed , from here the events begin to line up: “ mar + cher + ont ”, “ cont + re ”, “ En + uers ”.

2-16 …Force de Londres , Gand , Brucelles , & Suses,

Grand hecatombe, triumphe faire festes.

2-17 Le camp du temple de la vierge vestale,

Non esloigne d'Ethne & m ont s Pyrenees:

Le grand conduict est cache dens la male,

North getes fluues & vignes mastinees.

2-18 Nouuelle & pluie subite impetueuse,

Empes cher a subit deux exercites:

Pierre, ciel, feux faire la mer pierreuse,

La mort de sept terre & mar in subites.

2-19 Nouueaux venus, lieu basty sans defence,

Occuper la place par lors inhabitable:

Prez, maisons, champs, villes, prendre a plaisance,

Faim, Peste, guerre, arpen long labourable.

2-20 Freres & seurs en di uers lieux Captifz,

Se trouueront passer p re s du monarque:

Les cont empler ses rameaux ententifz…

The connection of the King of London with the Senate is captured in the tenth Centurion, far from here: SENAT , " mettr + ont ", " mo + rt ".

10-66 Le chef de Londres par regne l' A merich,

L'isle d' E scosse tempiera par gellee:

Roy Reb aur ont vn si faux antechrist,

Que les mettr a trustous dans la meslee.

10-67 Le tremblement si for rt au mo is de May,

S turne Caper, Iupiter, Mercure au beuf:

Venus aussi Cancer, Mars, en N onnay,

T ombera gresle lors plus grosse qu'vn euf.

The next section reflects the words of the third line of quatrain 9-49. Here wine and salt are VIN , SEL and the word " en + uers ".

10-60 I e pleure N isse, Mannego, Pize, Gennes,

Sauone, Sienne, Capue Modene, Malte:

Le dessus sang & glaiue par estrennes,

Feu, trembler terre eau,. malheureuse nolte.

10-61 Betta, Vienne , E morte, S acarbance,

V oudront liurer aux Barbares Pannone:

Par picque & feu, en orme violance,

L es coniurez descou uers par matrone.

The last line of quatrain 9-49 also clears up in its individual section. There are two varieties of wine – " Vin " and VIN , salt – SEL , the king of London – " Roy ", " Lon + dr + es ", the kingdom – " regne " and the word " des + ar + roy ".

8-65 … I lp ar uiendra au chef de son empire:

Vin gt mois tien dr a le regne a` grand pouuoir,

Tiran, cruel en delaissant vn pire.

8-66 Quand l' es crite DM trouuee,

E t caue antique a lampe des couuerte,

L oy, Roy , & Prince Vlpian esprouuee,

Pauil lon Roy ne & Duc sous la couuerte.

8-67 PAR. CAR. N ER S AF, a`ruine grand discorde…


From the new moment has come to review the already familiar character – Mandosus. In this quatrain, he is not alone, and finds out his relationship with Norlaris. So what will be the result? All about it right now.

9-50 Mandosus tost viendra a` son hault regne,

Mettant arriere vn peu de Norlaris:

Le rouge blaisme, le masle a` l'interregne,

Le ieune crainte & frayeur Barbaris.

Mandosus will soon reach his high reign,

Slightly ahead of Norlaris:

Red pale, mature in interregnum,

Young fear and fright Barbarians.

The key goal, obviously, of both Mandosus and Norlaris is to achieve high kingship: " hault + regne ". There are only three more quatrains in the Centuries in which these two components coexist together: 3-54, 4-14 and 6-18. Extraordinary observation, the highest attentiveness of Nostradamus helped him fix this and allowed him to revive the above-named heroes.

The first section showed up " Mand + os + us ". " –os– " is taken from " t os t ". " Arr + ie + re " is also present here.

4-14 …Aura change & mis vn autre au regne :

Tost , tard venu a` si haut & bas aage,

Que terre & mer faudra que on le craigne.

4-15 D'ou pensera faire venir famine,

De la viendra le ressas ie ment:

L'oeil de la mer par aua re canine,

Pour de l'vn l'autre donrra huyle, froment.

4-16 La cite franche de liberte fait serue,

Des profliges & resueurs faict asyle:

Le roy change a` eulx non si proterue,

De cent seront deuenus pl us de mille.

4-17 Changer a` Beaune, Nuy, Chalons & Diion,

Le duc voulant a mand er la Barr ee

On another site " Nor + la + ris " was found. The word " ieune " also appeared here .

6-15 Dessoubz la tombe sera trouue' le prince,

Qu'aura le p ris par dessus Nuremberg:

L'Espaignol Roy en Capricorne mince,

Fainct & trahy par le grand Vvitemberg.

6-16 Ce que rauy sera de ieune Milue,

Par les Nor mans de France & Picardie:

Les noirs du temple du lieu de Negresilue,

Feront aulberge & feu de Lombardie.

6-17 Apres les limes bruslez les asiniers,

Constrainctz seront changer habitz diuers:

Les Saturnins bruslez par les meusniers,

Hors la pluspart qui ne sera couuers.

6-18 Par les phisiques le grand Roy delaisse',

Par sort non art de l'Ebrieu est en vie,

Luy & son genre au regne hault poulse'…

A little lower – in quatrain 6-21 – there are three more thematic words. From them one is compound : «Barbar + is».

6-21 Quant ceulx du polleartiq vn is ensemble,

Et Orient grand ef fraieur & crainte :

Esleu nouueau, soustenu le grand temple,

Rodes, Bisance de sang Barbar e taincte.

There is one more place in the Centuries that you should pay attention to. The words “ inter + regne ”, “ rou + ge ”, “ bla + is + me ”, “ ma + sle ” or MASLE are formed on this site .

6-58 Entre les deux monarques esloignes,

L ors que le Sol par Selin clair perdue:

S imulte' grande entre deux indignes,

Qu'aux I sle s & Sienne la liberte rendue.

6-59 Da me en fureur par rai ge d'adultere,

Viendra a` son prince coniurer non de dire:

Ma is bref cogneu sera le vitupere,

Que seront m is dixsept a` martire.

6-60 Le Prince hors de son terroir Celtique,

Sera trahy, deceu par inter prete:

Rou an, Rochelle par ceulx de l'Armorique,

A u port de Bla ue deceuz par moyne & prebstre.

6-61 Le grand tappis plie' ne monstrera,

Fors qu'a demy la pluspart de l'histoire:

Chasse' du regne loing aspre apparoistra…


For me, a particularly touching moment comes when the theme of the quatrain is reproduced in the very beginning quatrains of the first Centuria. I do not know why. Just now – one of these unique cases has come.

9-51 Contre les rouges sectes se banderont,

Feu, eau, fer, corde par paix se minera:

Au point mourir ceux qui machineront,

Fors vn que monde sur tout ruynera.

Against the red sects will strain,

Fire, water, steel, the rope will break because of the world,

On the verge of death, those who are conspirators,

Except for one who will destroy the world over everything.

All beauty begins to be created with the word " rouges " in quatrain 1-3. The word " sectes " picks up the theme a little later, in quatrain 1-7. It also contains a large segment of the word " contre " – " contr aire ". In this gap, the word " ba + nd + eront " and the word " paix " are formed.

1-4 …Qu'en paix & vie ne sera longuement:

Lors se perdra la piscature barque ,

Sera regie en plus gra nd detriment.

1-5 Chasses seront faire long combat,

Par le pays seront plus fort greues:

Bourg & cite' auront plus grand debat,

Carcas.Narbonne auront coeurs esprouues.

1-6 L'oeil de Rauenne sera destitue,

Quand a` ses piedz les aelles failliront:

Les deux de Bresse auront constitue,

Turin, Verseil que Gauloys foul eront .

The site was quite long, so showing its significant details, you have to shrink to reasonable limits so as not to waste paper. “ Fer ” – in quatrain 1-10, the rope – “ cor + de ” and others like it contains quatrain 1-11.

1-11 Le mouuemente de sens, coeur, piedz, & mains

Seront d'a cor d . Naples, Leon, Secille,

Glaifues, feu s, eau x: puis aux nobl es Romains…

And here is the action to break this rope, – " min + era ".

1-7 …Le vent contraire, lettres au che min prinses:

Les coniures. xiiii. d'vne secte,

Par le Rousseau senez les entreprinses.

1-8 Combien de foys prinse cite' solaire,

Sera s , changeant les loys barbares & veines…

The first two lines of quatrain 9-51 are excellent in this very early section of the first Centuria. Further, the Author leads far ahead, to the future tenth Centuria. It is in it that the continuation of this story is found.

In quatrain 10-17, the word " mach + in + eront " is formed.

10-17… Par vn regret dans l'esto mach encloz:

Crys lamentables s eront lors d'Angolesme,

Et au germa in mariage fort clos.

A little higher are the words " mourir " and " po + int ".

10-12 … Par trop bon doulx a` mourir prouocque',

Crainte esta int e la nuit de sa mort guide.

10-13 Soulz la pasture d'animaux ruminant,

Par eux conduicts au ventre herbi po lique…

This section itself is also notable for the fact that it contains the word “ blesme ” twice, in quatrains 10-14 and 10-17 – the word “ blaisme ” from the previous topic dressed in a more correct form.

The fourth line of quatrain 9-51 is inextricably linked in meaning with the third through the same word “ mach + ine + ront ” – conspirators. It is reassembled in three parts in quatrains 5-35 and 5-33.

5-33 … Qui tiendront _ fort pour liberte'rauoir :

_ _ Detrencher masles , infelice meslee ,

Crys , vrlemens a` Nantes _ piteux voir .

5-34 Du plus profond de l'occident Anglois,

Ou est le chef de l'isle britannique:

Entrera classe dans Gyronde, par Blois,

Par vin & sel, feuz cachez aux barriques.

5-35 Par cite' franche de la grand mer Seline,

Qui porte encores a l'esto mach la pierre:

Angloise classe viendra soubz la bru ine

A little higher – a picture of destruction over the whole world. «Ruyne + ra», «tout», «monde».

5-31 … Qui de present est la rose du monde :

Pont ruyne ', & sa g ra nd preeminence,

Sera subditte & naufrage des vndes.

5-32 Ou tout bon est, tout bien Soleil & lune…


A rather gloomy picture of the future for France is drawn by Nostradamus in the next quatrain 9-52.

9-52 La paix s'approche d'vn coste', & la guerre,

Oncques ne feut la poursuitte si grande:

Plaindre homme, femme sang innocent par terre,

Et ce sera de France a` toute bande.

Peace is approaching from one side, and war,

Never was a persecution so great:

The groaning of a man, a woman, the blood of an innocent on earth,

And this will be the case throughout France.

Since there are only six words “ coste ” – “side, coast” in the Centuries, it is easiest to start from it, especially since it will appear already in quatrain 9-58 along with France and in quatrain 9-61. And then three more thematic words will be highlighted: “ plain + dre ”, “ paix ” and “ guerre ”. Probably, it is worth noting the inconspicuous France in the quatrain with «war and peace»: " Fr + an + ce ".

9-63 Plainctes & pleurs crys, & grands vrlemens,

Pres de Narbon a` Bayonne & en Foix,

O quel horrible calamitz changemens,

Auant que Mars reuolu quelques foys.

9-64 L'Aemathion passer montz Pyrennees,

En Mars Narbon ne fera resistance,

Par mer & terre fera si grand menee,

Cap. n'ayant terre seure pour demeurance.

9-65 Dedans le coing de luna viendra ren dre ,

Ou sera prins & mys en terre estrange,

Les fruitz immeurs seront a` grand esclandre,

Grand vitupere a` l'vn grande louange.

9-66 Paix , vnion sera & ch an gement,

Estatz, offices bas hault & hault bien bas,

Dresser voiage le fr uict premier torment,

Guerre ce sser, ciuil proces debatz.

Although this place was found thanks to the “shore” – “ coste ” from quatrain 9-61, another one was found near “peace” and “war”: “ co + ste ”.

9-67 …De cha ste au neuf pierre late en donzere,

Contre le crest Romans foy assemblez.

The word " poursuitte " is also extremely rare in the Centuries, so quatrain 4-51 is issued against this background with the word " poursui ure ". The end of the word is in quatrain 4-54: “ a tte ntif ”. However, there is an opportunity to collect another great persecution – “ grande pou + rs + uit + te " right inside the section of quatrains 4-52 – 4-54, which has a lot of interesting things on this topic, including wailing – " pl + ai + ndre " of a man and a woman.

4-52 En ci te ' obsesse aux murs homme s & femme s,

Ennemis ho rs le chef prestz a` soy rendre:

Vent sera fort encontre les gens darmes,

Chasses seront par chaux , pou ssiere & ce ndre .

4-53 Les fugitifz & bannis reuoquez,

Peres & filz grand garnisant les haultz p uit s:

Le cruel pere & les siens suffoquez ,

Son filz pl us pire submerge dans le puits.

4-54 Du nom qui onques ne fut au roy Gaulois,

Iam ai s ne fut vn fouldre si craintif:

Tremblant l'Italie, l'Espaigne & les Anglois,

De femme estrangiers grande ment a tte ntif.

Regarding the statement about the blood of an innocent person spilled on the ground, I did not have an unambiguously correct answer. Three or four sections of the Centuries respond at once.

The first of them: in quatrain 6-19 – " Innocens ", in 6-22 – " terre ", in 6-21 – " sang ", in 6-16 – the main guard – France – " France ".

In the second section – the applicant in the quatrain 6-37 – " Innocent ", at 6-36 – " terre ", at 6-38 – " paix " and " sang " (as many as three times), at 6-40 – " plaindre ".

innoce + nt " are compactly placed .

8-79 …En terre estrange fera si tout de taire,

Qui bruslera luy mesme & son enta nt .

-80 Des innoce ns le sang de vefue & vierge…

On a not too distant site – again «innocent», «blood», " Bande ", " ter + re " and " Fran + ce ".

8-85 … Aux Hanix d'Aquilon Nanar hos ter a lux,

Puis suffocque' au lict sans adiutoi re .

8-86 Par Arnani tholoser ville fran que,

Bande infinie par le mont Adrian:

Passe riuiere, Hurin par pont la planque Bayonne entrer tous Bihoro criant.

8-87 Mort conspiree viendra en plein effect,

Charge donnee & voiage de mort: Esle u, cree re ce u par siens deffait,

Sang d' innoce nce deua nt foy par remort.


Another dark prophecy. Nostradamus brings to the scene of the actions of the last Nero Michelevich of Centuria, which means the youngest of all Nerons.

9-53 Le Neron ieune dans le trois cheminees,

Fera de paiges vifz pour ardoir getter, Heureux qui loing sera de telz menees, Trois de son sang le feront mort guetter.

Nero young in three furnaces,

Will make the pages of the living, in order to burn, quit,

Happy are those who will be far from such events,

Three of his blood will set up a death trap.

I will try in this case to bring Nero to clean water, so that it would be disrespectful to frighten humanity with our cruel machinations. Nero, necessary for this situation, is in quatrain 10-55. Near him, in two misfortunes, I saw two happiness: " heureux " and the word " mene + es ".

10-54…A de ux haault mise par les tristes nouuelles,

Entre ennemis sera prinse captiue,

Et a mene a` Malings & Br ux ell es .

10-55 Les mal heure uses nopces celebreront,

En grande ioye, mais la fin mal heure use,

Mary & me nore desdaig neron t…

Nearby – in quatrains 10-52 and 10-57 – the words " ieune ". " Trois " – in quatrains 10-50 and 10-53. At 10-49 – stoves – " chemin + ees ", and at 10-48 – pages – " paig + es ".

10-48 Du plus profond de l' Espaig ne enseigne,

Sortant du bout & des fins de l'Europe, Troubles passant aupres du pont de Laigne, Sera deffaicte par bande sa grand troppe.

10-49 Iardin du monde au pres de cite' neufue,

Dans le chemin des montaignes cau ees

Life – “ vif ” – in quatrain 10-56, the word “ ardoir ” appears to be formed like this: “ Picard ” (10-51) + “ n oir ” (10-57) .

Having finished with the analysis of the first three lines of quatrain 9-53, you should move to the section of the eighth Centuria. In addition to explicit words, “ guet + ter ” is added here, its own oven is “ chemin + ee ”, and its Nero is “ Ne + ron ”.

8-43 … Ne pueu du sang occupera le regne,

Dedans lectoyre se ron t les coups de dars,

Nepueu par peur pleira l'enseigne.

8-44 Le procr ee naturel dogmion,

De sept a` neuf du chemin destorner:

A roy de longue & amy aumi hom. Doit a Nauarre fort de PAV prosterner.

8-45 La main escharpe & la iambe bandee,

Longs puis nay de Calais por ter a,

Au mot du guet la mort sera tardee,

Puis dans le temple a Pasques saignera.

8-46 Pol mensolee mourra trois lieues du rosne,

Fuis les deux prochains tarasc des trois :

Car Mars fera le plus horrible trosne, De coq & d'aigle de France freres trois .


In recent topics, I gave out information in a rather monotonous way. Yes, when you take on a separate quatrain, enthusiastically explore the nooks and crannies of the world of Centuries, find what you need, in the process you notice many more things that you leave behind the “frame”, I will call it the Author’s breath, – this is one thing, when you just read this report one by one with ready-made results, and, recently, quite the same type in essence, probably, the eye and the brain get tired. Some kind of discharge is required, something new, or the old put aside for a while.

I will do the same with the next topic. In quatrain 9-54 there is a last, rather remarkable line. I'll just deal with it, without touching the rest here.

9-54 Arriuera au port de corsibonne ,

Press de Rauenne , qui pillera la lady ,

En mer profonde legat de la Vlisbonne ,

souz roc cachez rauiront septante ames .

Will arrive at the port of Corsibonne,

Near Ravenna, whoever robs a lady

In the deep sea legate from Lisbon,

Seventy stolen souls are hidden under the rock.

But at the very beginning, you still have to be patient in this topic, you can’t get away from it. The number " septante " – seventy – is a rare guest in the Centuries. Therefore, its connection with the rock and the port should not go unnoticed. In quatrain 1-18 there is the word “ port ”, but the main thing is that here, in quatrain 1-15, there really are SOULS hidden from prying eyes – AMES .

1-15 M ars nous menasse par sa force bellique,

Septante foys fera le sang espandre:

A uge & ruyne de l'Ecclesiastique,

E t plus ceux qui deux rien voudront entendre.

1-16 Faulx a` l'estang ioinct vers le Sagitaire

En son hault AVGE de l'exaltation:

Peste, famine, mort de main militaire,

Le siecle app roc he de renouation.

I posted this small section here for another reason, very significant to me. From the solution of one of the mysteries of quatrain 1-15, I won’t even repeat which one, it all started. Such a kind of tribute to him, or rather, to his Author. There are still pleasant finds in the borders of this site, examined without a telescope, but I will keep my promise, not about them further.

The fact that seventy souls were found is excellent, but my craving, and perhaps, but constantly requiring additional evidence, and Nostradamus' craving for calculations, does not give me rest. Exactly seventy souls – "– ame -" in the Centuries will take place with the advent of quatrain 10-29. And this is the situation on that site: rock – ROC , hidden – " cache " – soul – "– ame -", and – stolen – " ra + ui + ront ".

10-28 Second & tiers q ui font prime musicque,

Sera par R oy en honneur sublimee,

Par grasse & maigre presque demy eticque,

Raport de Venus faulx randra deprimee.

10-29 De Pol MANS O L dans cauerne caprine,

Cache '& prins ext ra it hors par la barbe,

Captif mene' comme beste mastin,

Par Begourdans ame nee pres de Tarbe.

10-30 Nepueu & sang du sainct nouueau venu,

Par le surnom soustient arcs & couuert,

Seront chassez mis a` mort chassez nu,

En rouge & noir conuerti ront leur vert.

Perhaps all this is just a coincidence, like everything in this book, but how well the notes matched … In any case, this needs to be recorded.


I continue the usual description of the routine work of revealing the mysteries contained in the following, almost «standard» quatrain.

9-55 L'horrible guerre qu'en l'occident s'apreste,

L'an ensuiuant viendra la pestilence,

Si fort horrible que ieune, vieulx, ne beste,

Sang, feu, Mercure, Mars, Iupiter en France.

A terrible war that is preparing in the west,

The pestilence will come next year

So much terrible that neither young, nor old, nor the beast,

Blood, fire, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter in France.

All attention to the first section of the eighth Centuria. Here, in addition to the explicit ones, the necessary words “ gue + rre ” and “ bes + te ” are assembled from two parts.

8-56 … Ceux du hault lieu feront horrible s crys:

Le gros troppeau d'estre coin troublera, Tombe pres D.nebro descouuers les escris.

8-57 De souldat simple paruiendra en empire,

De robe courte paruiendra a ` la lon gue :

Vaillant aux armes en eglise ou plus pyre, Vexer les prestres comme l'eau fait l'esponge.

8-58 Regne en querelle aux freres diuise',

Prendre les armes & le nom Britannique: Tiltre Anglican sera tard aduise', Surprins de nuict mener a `l'air Gallique.

8-59 Par deux fois hault, par deux fois mis a` bas,

L'orient aussi l' occident foyblira:

Son aduersaire apres plusieurs combats, Par mer chasse au bes oing faillira.

8-60 Premier en Gaule, premier en Romanie,

Par mer & terre aux Angloys & Parys…

In quatrain 8-62 there is one of the six words in the Centuries «pestilence», which is a good sign, but in this case I have another interesting observation. Attention must be shifted about ten quatrains forward, where in quatrain 8-70 there is another word «horrible». This place is really a storehouse of small and old people. In addition, it is here, in quatrains 8-70 and 8-71, that “next year” is realized – “l' an ensu + iu + ant”, and in the section 8-67 – 8-70 the word PESTILENCE is formed from the capital letters of the quatrains.

8-67 P AR. CAR . NE R S AF, a`ruine grand discorde,

Ne l'vn ne l'autre n'aura election, Nersaf du peuple aura amour & concorde, Ferrare, Collonne grande protection.

8-68 Vieux Cardinal par le ieusne deceu,

Hors de sa charge se verra desarme': Arles ne monstres double soit aperceu, E t L iqueduct & le Prince embausme'.

8-69 Aupres du ieune le vieux ange baisser,

E t le viendra surmonter a` la fin:

Dix ans esgaux au plus vieux rabaisser,

De trois deux l'vn l'huitiesme seraphin.

8-70 I l entrera vilain, mesch ant , infame

T yrannisant la Mesopotamie,

Tous amys fait d'adulterine d'ame, Tertre horrible noir de phisonomie.

8-71 Croistra le nombre si grand des astronomes,

Chassez, bannis & l iu res c ensu rez:

L'an mil six cens & sept par sacre glomes…

Three lines of quatrain 9-55 showed themselves perfectly on this almost single segment of the Centuries, apparently – the fourth line will not be revealed here. Welcome to the site of the tenth Centuria. Here, in quatrain 10-67 there are three thematic words at once, in quatrain 10-65 – two more. In addition, you can see a big fire – FEV and France in two interesting forms, the second of them – FRANCE , assembled from the capital letters of three quatrains 10-65 – 10-67.

10-64 Pleure Milan , pleure Luques, Florence ,

Que ton grand Duc sur le char montera, Changer le siege pres de Venise s'aduance, Lors que Colomne a ` Rome changera.

10-65 O vaste Romme ta ruyne s'approche,

Non de tes murs de ton sang & substance,

L'aspre par lettres fera si horrible coche,

F er poinctu mis a`tous iusques au manche.

10-66 Le chef de Londres par regne l' A merich,

L'isle d' E scosse tempiera par gellee:

R oy Reb auront vn si faux antechrist,

Que les mettra trustous dans la meslee.

10-67 Le tremblement si fort au mois de May,

Saturne Caper, Iupiter , Mercure au beuf:

V enus aussi C ancer, Mars , en N onnay,

Tombera gresle lors plus grosse qu'vn euf.

This could have been put an end to, but perhaps it is worth showing the location of another “next year”. It is located nearby, in quatrains 10-72 and 10-73. I wonder for what topic this time Nostradamus made such a blank: “ L ' an en + su + iu + ant "? Point .

10-72 L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois,

Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy deffraieur: Re su sciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois,

Au ant apres Mars regner par bon heur.

10-73 Le temps pres en t auecques le passe',

Sera iu ge' par grand Iouialiste…


Judging by the lines of the next quatrain, what kings are not destined to do, it’s not even possible to relax normally, this is a difficult profession, I hope that at least it is paid normally.

9-57 Au lieu de DRVX vn Roy reposera,

Et cherchera loy changeant d'Anatheme, Pendant le ciel si tresfort tonnera, Portee neufue Roy tuera soymesme.

In the place of DRUX one King will rest,

And seek the law of change of Anathema,

At this time, the sky rumbles so much

The news is delivered, the King will kill himself.

The most famous DRVX passage in the Centuries is in quatrain 4-27. Now this royal residence has been declassified.

4-27 Salon , Mansol , Tarascon de SEX . _ l' arc ,

_ Oh est debout encor la pyramide :

Viendront _ liverer le prince Dannemarc ,

_ Rachat _ honny au temple d' Artemide . _

The king himself acting during this period is, however, at a distance from that place, in quatrain 4-22. This is where he rests: " repos + era ". This segment can also be called the place " dr + ux ". It is saturated with the words « change -». The word «Anathema» will be collected in this area from small two-letter parts, but, in this case, I think this is not the point.

4-19 D'Haynault, & Flan dr es, de Gand & ce ux de Liege,

Par dons laenees rauiront les riuages.

4-20 Paix vberte long temps lieu louera

Par tout son regne desert la fleur de lys:

Corps morts d'eau, terre la lon aportera,

Sper ant s vain heur d'estre la enseuelis.

4-21 Le change ment sera fort difficile,

Cite', prouince au change gain fera:

Cueur haut, prudent mis, chasse luy habile,

Mer, terre, peuple son estat change ra.

4-22 La grand copie qui sera deschassee,

Dans vn moment fera besoing au roy :

La foy promise de loing sera faulcee,

Nud se verra en piteux desarroy.

4-23 La legion dans la marine classe

Calcine, Magnes soulphre, & poix brusl era :

Le long repos de lasseuree place…

Earlier, I noticed that Nostradamus used capital letters not only for the beautiful placement of certain words in a compact area, but also as reliable guides leading to a certain place. In this book, I didn’t expand much on this method, tending to show more compact beautiful places for solving problems, but now you can’t do without it.

I explain in detail the essence of the method using the example of the task of quatrain 9-57. The king's resting place has been found. Right from here one should begin an attempt to collect the word ANATHEME from the capital letters of the following quatrains. It does not matter if such a process drags on for a long time, especially when the word literally strives to be assembled immediately, at the very start, but due to the lack of only one necessary capital letter, you will have to go further and further. So anyway, on many occasions I ended up in a place that explained everything. That's what I call the feeling of the Author's breath.

In this case, the ANATHEM will take place, due to the appearance of the second capital letter A , only in quatrain 4-33. And here it becomes clear what I was talking about. One quatrain before this, in 4-32, the word “ loy ” appears – the same “law” that was stated in quatrain 9-57. That's where the author led. Of course, before that, there was not a single “law” along the way.

4-32 … La loy commune sera faicte au contraire:

Vieulx tiendra fort puis oste du milieu,

Le Panta choina philon mis fort arriere.

4-33 Iupiter ioinct plus Venus qu'a la Lune

A pparoissant de plenitude blanche…

During this journey, by the way, a section with a rumbling sky was passed: “ ciel to + nne + ra ".

4-27 Viendront liurer le prince Da nne marc,

Rachat honny au temple d'Artemide.

4-28 Lors que Venus du Sol se ra couuert,

Soubz l'esplendeur sera forme occulte:

Mercure au feu les aura descouuert,

Par bruit bellique sera mis a `l'insulte.

4-29 Le sol cache' eclipse par Mercure,

Ne s era mis que pour le ciel second:

De Vulcan Hermes sera faicte pasture,

Sol sera veu pur rutilant & blond .

4-30 Plus vnze fois Luna Sol ne vouldra,

To us augmentes & baisses de degree…

It remains to reveal the secrets of the fourth line of quatrain 9-57. To do this, you need to move to the segment of the eighth Centuria. It is in it that you can see the delivered news – “ Po + rt + ee ne + uf + ue ", a king who will kill himself – " Roy ", " tu + era ", " soy + mesme ". The link to the same topic is provided here by the same place Drux – “ lieu dr + ux ".

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