Текст книги "Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus"
Автор книги: Дамир Хаматулин
Жанр: Биографии и Мемуары, Публицистика
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9-76 …Yssu du peaultre de l'inhu main Neron,
Emmy deux fleuues main gauche militaire,
Sera murtry par Ioyne chaulueron.
9-77 Le regne princes le Roy conuiera…
And they really show up close. There are really three of them. Concealed, of course, fairly.
9-72 … Saturne deux trois cicles reuollus,
Dans Auril, May, gens de nouueau leuain.
9-73 Dans Fois entrez Roy ceiulee Turbao,
E t regnera moins reuolu Saturne,
R oy Turban blanc Bizance coeur ban,
S ol, Mars, Mercure pres la hurne.
9-74 Dans la cite' de Fertsod homicide,
Fait & fait multe beuf arant ne macter,
R etour encores aux honneurs d'Artemide
E ta` Vulcan corps morts sepulturer.
It is also worth noting near the words " perpetuelle " (9-75) and " captiue " (9-78).
The second line of quatrain 9-36 manifests itself in the eighth Centurion, around one of the three Paschas that are in the Centuries. Of course, the connection with the three brothers is again remarkable – « freres trois ".
8-45 Puis dans le temple a` Pasques _ saignera .
8-46 Pol mensolee mourra trois lieues du rosne,
Fuis les deux prochains tarasc destrois:
Car Mars fera le plus horrible trosne,
De coq & d'aigle de France freres trois .
Here with the third line – a hitch. Here is a suitable site found, despite some fragmentation of words – many details coincide: three " tro + is " friends, eternal captives – " per + pet captifs ", lightning – " fo + ul + dre ".
2-18 Nouuelle & pluie subite im pet ueuse,
Empeschera subit deux exercites:
Pierre, ciel, feux faire la mer pierreuse, La mort de sept terre & marin subites.
2-19 Nouueaux venus, lieu basty sans defence,
Occu per la place par lors inhabitable:
Prez, maisons, champs, villes, pren dre a` plaisance,
Faim, Peste, guerre, arpen long labourable.
2-20 Freres & seurs en diuers lieux captifz ,
Se tro uueront passer pres du monarque:
Les contempler ses rameaux ententifz, Despla is ant voir menton, front, nez, les marques.
2-21 L'embassadeur enuoye par biremes,
A my chemin d'incogneuz repo ul ses:
De sel ren fo rt viendront quatre triremes…
But I did not succeed in finding the binding of lightning to the mast – " husne " – in this section. Apparently, this is a separate story, and in this case, I still have an answer. The three brothers here, of course, are not particularly handsome, but there is lightning and a rare combination of “ hu + sne ”.
2-73…Nay de trois bras predict belliq image,
Par trois couronnes au grand Endymion.
2-74 De Sens, d'Autun viendront iusques au Ro sne ,
Pour passer outre vers les monts Pyrenees: La gent sortir de la Marque d'Anconne: Par terre & mer le suiura a` grans trainees.
2-75 La voix ouye de l'insolit oyseau,
S ur le canon du r es piral estaige:
Si hault viendra du fr oment le boisseau,
Que l'homme d'homme s er an Antropophage.
2-76 Foudre en Bourgongne fera cas portenteux,
Que par engin ne pourroit faire :
De leur senat sacriste fait boiteux ,
Fera scauoir aux ennemis l'affaire.
2-77 Par arcs feux poix & par feux repousses,
Cris, hu rlements sur la minuit ouys…
The murder – " murtre ", associated with the three brothers has already been recorded earlier, it remains to see them wounded – " blesse + ront ". Together with the explicit brethren, " fr + er + es " are collected here twice.
2-33 …Vn grand nauf fr aige, & non moins en Garonne,
Quant ceux de Gennes marche ront leur contree.
2-34 L'ire insensee du combat furieux,
F er aa` table par freres le fer luire:
L es d es partir, blesse , curieux:
Le fi er duelle viendra en Fr ance nuire.
Ostradamus definitely knew that in December the bridge and mills would be overturned, but, as usual, he did not indicate the year. Whether such a prediction actually came true or will come true, I don’t know for sure, but something else is known.
9-37 Pont & molins en Decembre versez,
En si haut lieu montera la Garonne: Murs, edifices, Tholose renuersez, Qu'on ne scaura son lieu autant matronne.
The bridge and the mills are overturned in December,
And the Garonne will rise to such a high place:
Walls, buildings, Toulouse – will topple,
That they do not recognize their place, like Matrona.
Again, all attention is on the site of the second Centuria, literally following in the footsteps of the Author. Here is the bridge «pont» and mills «mo + li + ns».
2-19 Nouueaux venus, li eu basty sa ns defence,
Occuper la place par lors inhabitable:
Prez, maisons, champs, villes, prendre a` plaisance,
Faim, Peste, guerre, arpen long labourable.
2-20 Freres & seurs en diuers lieu x captifz
Se trouueront passer pres du mo narque,
Les contempler ses rameaux ententifz, Desplaisant voir menton, front, nez, les marques.
2-21 L'embassadeur enuoye par biremes,
A my chemin d'incogneuz repoulses: De sel renfort viendront quatre triremes, Cordes & chaines en Negre pont trousses.
Quatrain 2-25 is the perfect place for December – “ dece + mbre ” and the high Garonne – “ Gar + on + ne ”. Next to me process tipping .
2-25 …Espoir & v mbre de plus hault mariage,
Garde dece ue, fort prinse dans la presse,
Loyre, S on Ros ne Gar , a` mort oultrage.
2-26 Pour la faueur que la cite' fera:
Au grand qui tost perdra camp de bataille,
Fuis le rang Pau, Thesin versera …
The secrets of the remaining two lines of quatrain 9-37 are revealed in the section of the eighth Centuria. Garonne from quatrain 8-35 helped to find this place. Walls – " murs " in quatrain 8-38, building – " edifice " – at 8-29, two Toulouses – " Tholoze " at 8-30 and 8-39. Well, the matron – “ ma + tro + ne ”, how is it here without her?
8-31 Et mys a' ma l par plus ioyue Celin.
8-32 Garde toy roy Gaulois de ton nepueu,
Qui fera tant que ton vnique filz
Sera meurtry a ` Venus faisant voeu,
Accompaigne' de nuict que tro is & six.
-33 Le grand naistra de Vero nne & Vincence…
The main place for the development of events described in the next quatrain 9-38 takes place in the realm of the real Matrona Mishelievna of Centuria.
9-38 L'entree de Blaye par Rochelle & l'Anglois,
Passera outre le grand Aemathien: Non loing d'Agen attendra le Gaulois, Secours Narbonne deceu par entretien.
Entrance of Blaya Rochelle and the English,
The great Ematien will pass by:
Gallus will be waiting not far from Agen,
Help of Narbo, deceived by support.
The second and last Matrona is located in quatrain 10-61. It is near her that everything in this topic is revealed. The site is quite long, but I think it needs to be shown in full. Everything here is quite interesting. In addition to explicit words – here: “ Bla + ye ”, “ Ro + che + lle ”, “ Gaul + ois ”, “ Angl + ois ”, AGEN , “ Nar + bon + ne ”, “ Entr + ee ”.
10-53…Le nommera feu pelte bla n che ro utte.
10-54 N ee en ce monde par concubine fertiue,
A deux hault mise par les tristes nouu elle s,
Entr e ennemis sera prinse captiue,
Et amene a` Malings & Bruxelles.
10-55 Les malheureuses nopces celebreront
En grande io ye , mais la fin malheureuse,
Mary & mere nore desdaigneront, Le Phybe mort, & nore plus piteuse.
10-56 Prelat royal son baissant trop tire',
Grand fleux de sang sortira par sa bouche,
Le regne Angl icque par regne respire',
Long temps mort vif en Tunys comme souche.
10-57 Le subleue' ne cogn ois tra son sceptre,
Les enfans ieunes des plus grands honnira: Oncques ne fut vn plus ord cruel estre, Pour leurs espouses a `mort noir bannira.
10-58 A u temps du dueil que le felin mo nar que
Guerroyera le ieune Aemathien :
Gaul e bransler perecliter la barque,
Tenter Phossens au Ponant entretien .
10-59 Dedans Lyon vingtcinq d'vne alaine,
Cinq citoyens Germains, Bressans, Latins: Par dessous noble conduiront longue traine. E t descouuers par ab bois de mastins.
10-60 Ie pleure N isse, Ma nne go, Pize, Gennes…
Much indicates that the events of the next topic describe the situation that develops at the very – very end of the last Centuria. How Nostradamus brought this to life is known only to him alone. Such it is forbidden skip .
9-41 Le grand Chyren soy saisir d'Auignon,
De Romme letres en miel plein d'amertume,
Letre ambassade partir de Chanignon,
Carpentras pris par duc noir rouge plume.
The great Shiren will take Avignon,
From Rome letters in honey, full of bitterness,
Letter sent sent from Chanignon,
Carpentras captured by the black duke – red pen.
The first line almost takes you down the wrong path. Avignon (8-52) and Shiren (8-54) almost touch in the section of the text in the eighth Centuria. Shiren here (in 9-41) ends his glorious career, and no longer appears in the «common» form in the Centuries. Only Celine will live right up to quatrain 10-57.
However, the Author left a chance for a long and already carefree life for this difficult hero. The last, and complete, " Ch + yr + en Sel + in " will secretly live until quatrain 10-98 plus the first line 10-99, where it will appear. I don't think it's a coincidence. Too many cases in the Centuries happened with the participation of this character, he could not take the head of the world out of the arena so early (6-70).
10-94 D e N ismes, d' A rles, & Vienne contemner,
N ' obey tout a`l'edict Hespericque:
A ux labouriez pour le grand condamner,
Six eschappez en habit seraphicque.
10-95 Dans les E spaignes viendra R oy tres puissant,
P ar mer & terre subiugant or midy:
C e mal fera, rabaissant le croissant,
Baisser le s aesles a ceux du vendredy.
10-96 Religion du nom des mers vaincra,
C ontre la secte fils A daluncatif,
Secte obstinee deploree craindra,
Des deux blessez par Aleph & Aleph.
10-97 Triremes plein es tout aage captif,
Temps bon a` mal, le doux pour amertume : Proye
a` Barbares trop tost seront hastifs,
Cupid de veoir plaindre au vent la plume .
10-98 La spl en deur claire a` pucelle ioyeuse,
Ne lu yr a plus, long temps sera sans sel :
Auec mar ch ans, ruffiens loups odieuse,
Tous pesle mesle monstre vniuersel.
10-99 La f in le loup, le lyon, beuf, & l'asne…
Why is there a rather long section here? With explicit words – and so everything is clear: in addition to them and Shiren Selina, there is also a secret letter – “ le + tres ”. And here, from the capital letters of these quatrains, the words CARPENTRAS and DVC are compactly assembled .
Other wonders that did not enter the boundaries of this site, but are in close proximity to it: " noir " (10-91), " rouge " (10-86), " mi + el " (10-91), " Rom ( 10-91) + me (10-92)".
And now – attention! Letter sent by the Author from Chagnignon. It happened a very long time ago. Here, in addition to explicit thematic words, – " Le + tre " and " Ch + an + ign + on ".
2-21 L' embassade ur enuoye par biremes,
A my ch emin d'incogneuz repoulses:
De sel renfort viendront qua tre triremes,
Cordes & chaines en Negrepont trousses.
2-22 Le camp Asop d'Europe partir a,
S'adio ignan t proche de lisle submergee:
D'Art on classe phalange pliera,
Nombril du monde plus grand voix subrogee.
Another noteworthy observation is that the triremes from quatrain 10-97 very clearly echo the triremes from quatrain 2-21.
The inexhaustible talent of the Author carries away further and further along the waves of the Centuries. Half of Europe took up arms against the barbarian fleet, the European Union is a force.
9-42De _ Barcellonne , de Gennes & Venise ,
De la Secille peste Monet vnis :
Contre Barbara class prendront la vise ,
Barbar , poulse bien loing iusqu'a _ _ Tunis .
From Barcelona, from Genoa and Venice,
From Sicily, the plague united with Monet:
Against the Barbarian fleet they will take the target,
The barbarian is thrown back very far, as far as Tunisia.
There is a very interesting place in the first Centuria, where the lines of this quatrain miraculously reveal themselves. In addition to explicit words – here " Se + ci + lle ", " Ge + nn + es ", " Barb + ar ", and the plague, where without it – PESTE .
1-73 France a` ci nq p ar s par neglect assaillie,
Tunys , Argel esmeux par Persiens :
Leon, Se ui lle , Barcelonne faillie,
N'aura la classe par les Venitiens.
1-74 Apres seiourne vogueront en E pire,
Le grand d secours viendra vers Antioche:
Le noir poil cr es pe tendra fort a`l' Empire ,
Barb e d'aerain se roustira en broche.
-75 Le tyran Sie nn e occupera Sauone…
The word " vise " is mentioned only four times in the Centuries. The last time – at 9-42, and the first three – in quatrains 1-78, 1-81 and 1-83, therefore – any of them will pass for the goal.
It remains to decide on the plague and Monet united. Everything develops in the area located a little higher: " Mon + et ", " vn + is " and the plague in two forms – " peste " and PESTE .
1-64 … Et bestes brutes a` parler lon orra.
1-65 E nfant sans mains iamais veu si grand foudre,
L'enfant royal au ieu d'oesteuf blesse:
Au puy brises fulgures allant mouldre,
T rois soubz les chaines par le millieu trousses.
1-66 Celuy qui lors portera les nouuelles,
Apres vn peu il viendra respirer:
Viuiers, Tournon, Montferrant & P radelles,
Gresle & tem peste s les fera souspirer.
1-67 La grand famine que ie sens approcher,
S ouuent tourner, pu is estre vn iverselle…
The line went up to quatrain 9-43. He haunted me for a long time. There was no way I could count ten galleys in the Centuries, well, there was no way there were so many of them. Now Just necessary With this understand .
9-43 Proche a` descendre l'armee Crucigere,
Sera guettee par les Ismaelites, De tous cottez batus par nef Rauiere, Prompt assaillis de dix galeres eslites.
Close to the descent of the army of the Crusader,
Will be observed by the Ishmaelites,
Beaten on all sides by Ravier's ship,
Rapidly attacked by ten galleys of the best.
Thanks to the convergence of the words " descendre " (9-88) and " armee " (9-86), the place of the beginning of the search was found, in which the CRUSADER was seen – CRVCIGERE .
9-86 Du bourg Lareyne paruiendront droit a` C hartres,
E t feront pres du pont Authoni panse,
Sept pour la paix cautelleux comme martres, Feront entree d' armee a` Paris clause.
9-87 Par la forest du Touphon essartee,
Par hermitaige sera pose' le temple, Le duc d' E stampes par sa ruse inuentee.
Dumont Lehori prelat donra exempl.
9-88 C alais, Arras secours a` Theroanne,
Paix & semblant simulera lescoutte, Soulde d'Ala brox descendre par R oane,
Destornay peuple qui desfera la routte.
9-89 Sept ans sera Philip. fortune prospere,
Rabaissera des Arabes l'effaict, Puis son mydi perplex rebors affaire, I eune ognyon abysmera son fort.
9-90 V n capitaine de la grand G ermanie
Se viendra rendre par simule' secours ,
Au R oy des roys ayde de Pannonie…
The words from the second line of quatrain 9-43 lead to another section of the ninth century. There are two shores on it – sides – " coste ", Ishmaelites – " Ismael + it + es ", and again CRVCIGERE .
9-56 … E ta Maiotes laissera son enseigne:
C onuertira en instant plus de mille,
C herchant les deux remettre en chaine & legne.
9-57 Au lieu de D RV X vn R oy reposera,
E t cherchera loy changeant d'Anatheme:
Pendant le ciel si tresfort tonnera,
Portee neufue Roy tuera soymesme.
9-58 Au coste 'gauche a` l'endroit de Vitry,
Seront guettez les trois rouges de France: Tous assoumez rouge, noir non murdry, Par les Bretons remis en asseurance.
9-59 A la Ferte' prendra la Vidame,
Nicol tenu rouge qu'auoit produit la vie: La grand Loyse naistra que fera clame,
Donnant Bourgongne a` Bretons par enuie.
9-60 Conflict Barbar en la Cornere noire,
Sang es pandu trembler la d'Almatie:
Grand Ismael mettra son promontoire,
Ranes trembler secours Lus it anie.
-61 La pille faite a la coste marine…
By the way, one more coast " coste " – in quatrain 9-52, and in quatrain 9-62 – the word " croisez ", which also means «crusaders».
Further, I recommend paying attention to the site of the first Centuria with an old friend Palmerin. Here I did not find a link to the crusaders, but I saw another coast and Ravier's ship: " nef Rauie ."
1-28 La tour de Bouq craindra fu ste Barbare,
Vn temps, lon g temps apres barque hesperique:
Bestail, gens, meubles tous deux feront grant tare, Taurus & Libra quelle mortelle picque?
1-29 Quand le poisson terrestre & aquatique,
Par forte vague au g rauie r sera mis:
Sa forme estrange suaue & horrifique,
Par mer aux murs bien tost les ennemis.
1-30 La nef est estrange par le tourment marin,
Abourdera pres de port in co ngneu:
Nonobstant signes de rameau palmerin…
The words of the fourth line are connected again with the site of the ninth Centuria. Here, perhaps, I will do without comments. Everything is so obvious.
9-94 Foibles galleries seront vnies ensemble ,
Ennemis faux le plus fort en rampart :
Faible assaillies Vratislaue tremble ,
Lubecq & Mysne tiendront barbare part .
9-95 Le nouueau faict conduyra l'exercice,
Proche apame' iusques au pres du riuage:
Tendant secour de Milannoile eslite …
And here it is – the solution to ten galleys. Everything turned out to be simple. In quatrain 10-2 there is a galley and the numeral ten – " Dix ".
10-2 Voille gallere voil de nef cachera,
La grande classe viendra sortir la moindre, Dix naues proche s le torneront poulser…
Despite all the dispersion throughout the Centuries, the topic of ships, Ishmaelites and Crusaders seemed to me quite interesting and successful.
With the next theme and the next new hero. RAIPOS, highlighted in capital letters, will now reveal its secrets.
9-44 Migres, migre de Genefue trestous,
Saturne d'or en fer se changera,
Le contre RAYPOZ exterminera tous,
Auant l'a ruent le ciel signes fera.
Get out, get out of Geneva, all of you,
Saturn will change from gold to iron,
RAIPOZA's opponent will exterminate everyone,
Before this impulse, the sky will give signs.
Despite the scarce information, the first line was revealed rather quickly. Here is the piece of text where they leave – " mi + gre , mi + gres " all from Geneva. I also note Availability V German gold – «or».
4-42 Geneue & Lan gres par ceux de Chatres & Dolle
Et par Gre noble captif au Montlimard,
Seysset, Losanne par fraudulente dole,
Les trahiront par or soyxante marc.
4-43 Seront oys au ciel les armes battre,
Celuy an mesme les diuins enne mi s:
Voudront loix sainctes iniustement debatre,
Par foudre & guerre bien croyans a` mort mi s.
Regarding the disclosure of the secret of the second line of quatrain 9-44, I will show the place of a possible development of events, but I will still leave the question mark.
Saturn with gold – " or " in Mars. Mars is already a sign of iron in itself, but for greater confirmation – “ fer ” – “iron” is nearby.
1-83 … Saturne en Mars son regard furieux:
H or rible strage aux Tosquans & Latins,
Grecs, qui seront a frapper curieux.
1-84 Lune obscurcie aux profondes tenebres,
Son frere passe de couleur fer rugine…
I expected more from the mystery of RAIPOZA. After all, Nostradamus himself singled him out in the text. Everything turned out to be very simple, knowing, of course, the methods of the Cryptography Master.
It turns out that in the Centuries, the consecutive combination of three letters p + o + z occurs only three times: in 5-64, 5-69 and 9-44. There are slightly more combinations of the other three letters r + a + y – nineteen. It was necessary for the Author to try very hard to hide the place in the Centuries where he breathed life into this character. Here And opponents Raipose – "contre".
5-64 Les assembles par re poz du grand nombre,
Par terre & mer conseil contre mande':
Pres de l'Automne Gennes, Nice de l'ombre,
Par champs & villes le chef contre bande'.
5-65 Subit venu l'eff ray eur sera grande…
Probably obvious, and interesting, is the fact that two of the rarest "-poz– " endings are so close to each other. If the cramped first pair " ray + poz " hadn't come up , I'd be quite satisfied with the presence of the second one: « ray (5-65)+ poz (5-69)», why not? It is impossible not to take into account Saturn, which is again nearby, in quatrain 5-62 and gold – “ or ”, from the same quatrain 5-69. Everything here is no coincidence. A big addition to everything already expressed will be the word “ ex + te + rm + inera ” , made up of fragments-moments, in this section of the second completed pair “ ray + poz ”.
5-67 …Sens au couuert tout nud s' ex polier:
Seront prins sept faict Aristocratique,
Le pere & filz mors par poinc te au colier.
5-68 Dans le Dannube & du Rin viendra boire,
Le grand Chameau, ne s'en repentira:
Trembler du Rosne & plus fort ceulx de loire,
Et pres des Alpes coq le ru inera .
5-69 Plus ne sera le grand en faulx sommeil,
L'inquietude viendra prendre re poz :
Dresser phalange d'or, azur & ve rm eil…
This, the last word that took place here, leads to the last section devoted to this topic. " Exterminer " in Centuries occurs only four times: in quatrains 3-45, 4-70, 9-44 and 9-80. The first such case will emerge from the realm of miracles.
3-45 … D' vn qui viendra ses Loix exterminator .
3-46 Le ciel (de Plancus la cite') nous presaige,
Par clers in signes & par estoilles fixes…
The moment has come when the sky gives clear signs, it is only necessary to see them correctly and accept them in the form in which they exist. Above are the signs " signes " of the sky " ciel ".
But an infinite number of times I expressed my emotions about the meaning of Nostradamus's «Prophecies». All modern tasks for the mind are puzzles, crosswords, and many with them, and are not close to what was created by Nostradamus in the Renaissance. This is such a kind of big message to the future. Today, the present generation can already appreciate some of it in its true form. I try very hard to make it happen.
Greetings to Raipoz from Mendosus, Nostradamus apparently had an interesting time at that time. He looked out – invented strange names: unnatural, and therefore – inspiring fear.
9-45 Ne sera soul iamais de demander ,
Grand Mendosus obtiendra son empire :
Loing de la cour fera contremander ,
Pymond , Picard , Paris , Tyrron le pyre .
Will never be alone, having a need,
Great Mendosus will get his empire:
Far from the yard will give a counter-order,
Piedmont, Picard, Paris, Tirron – the worst.
Very soon, in quatrain 9-50, Mandosus will appear – " Mandosus ", this must be taken into account, since in the lines themselves there is a roll call of this name with the words " de mander " and " contre mander " .
For now, about Mendosus . “– Mend -” in the Centuries is a rare phenomenon, and this must be used. Second And unique «Mend + os + us» – your exit .
4-43 … Voudront loix sainctes ini us tement debatre,
Par foudre & guerre bien croyans a mort mis.
4-44 Deux gr os de Mend e , de Roudes & Milhau…
Nearby, in quatrain 4-39, the same word is “ demander ”, the empire is “ empire ” and the court is “ cour ”.
4-39 Les Rodiens demander ont secours
Par le neglet de ses hoyrs delaissee.
L' empire Arabe revalera son cour s…
The third «Me + nd + os + us» is connected co the word «contremande'». Here it becomes obvious that it's time to change Mendosus to Mandosus .
5-64 … Par terre & me r conseil contremande ':
Pres de l'Automne Gennes, Nice de l'ombre,
Par champs & villes le chef contrebande'.
5-65 Subit venu l'effrayeur sera gran nd e,
Des principaulx de l'affaire caches:
Et dame en braise plus ne sera en veue,
De peu a` peu seront les grans faschez.
5-66 Soubz les antiques edifices vestaulx,
Non esloignez d'aqueduct ruyne:
De Sol & Luna sont les luysans metaulx,
Ardante lampe Traian d'or burine.
5-67 Quant chef Pero us e n' os era sa tunique…
The fourth line will reveal its potential already with him. “ Mand + os + us ” itself is formed at the bottom of the section, all cities: “ Py + mo + nd ”, “ Pi + ca + rd ”, “ Par + is ”, “ Tyr + ron ” – at the top. There is one more good news: in quatrains 9-6 – 9-9, one more capital letter is formed from capital letters, to choose from, MA ( E ) NDOSVS .
It ends in evil. PIRE develops in quatrains 9-6 – 9-8.
9-4 … Sac ca gee case qui premier maintie nd ra.
9-5 Tiers doit du pi ed au premier semblera,
A vn nouueau mo narque de bas hault,
Qui Py se & Lucques Tyr an occupera,
Du precedant corriger le deffault.
9-6 Par la Guyenne infinite' d' A nglo is ,
O ccupe ron t par nom d' A nglaquitaine,
D u Languedoc I spalme Bou rd eloys,
Qu'ilz nommeront apres Barboxitaine.
9-7 Qui ouurira le monument trouue',
E t ne viendra le serrer promptement,
M al luy viendra, & ne pourra prouue',
S i mieux doit estre roy Breton ou N or mand .
9-8 Puisnay R oy fait son pere mettra a` mort,
Apres conflit de mort tres inhoneste:
E scrit trouue', soubson donra remort,
Quand loup chasse' p os es us la couchette.
9-9 Quand lampe ardente de feu inextinguible,
S era trouue' au temple des V estales…
Another mystery exists in this area. From the capital letters of quatrains 9-5 – 9-9, the Author's signature is formed – NOSTRADAMVS .
The word “ cour ” has just been considered , and in the next quatrain there will be “ courges ”. It would seem – an insignificant observation, but already on the basis of it we can conclude that the Author started a game of words. AND such examples a lot of V Centuries .
9-46 Vuydez, fuyez de Tholose les rouges,
Du sacrifice faire expiation,
Le chef du mal dessouz l'vmbre des courges,
Mort, estrangler carne omination.
Tick, run from Toulouse red,
Make a sacrifice, make atonement
The head of evil under the shadow of pumpkins,
Dead, strangled – divination for meat.
The opening words of the first line of this quatrain draw attention to quatrain 9-2. It contains a call to escape and red ones. Nearby, the words “ fuy + ez ” are added, another red one is rou + ge , and a pumpkin is “ cour + ges ”, and in its entirety – the head and shadow.
9-1 Bourgne, roux , blanc, chanu tiendra de cours ,
Qui chan ge ra au nouueau connestable.
9-2 Du hault du mont Auentin voix ouye,
Vuydez vuyd ez de tous les deux costez:
Du sang des rouges sera l'ire assomye,
D'Arimin Prato, Columna debotez.
9-3 La magna vaqua a` Rauenne grand trouble,
Conduictz par quinze enserrez a` Fornase:
A Rome naistre deux monstres a` teste double,
Sang, feu, deluge, les plus grands a l'espase.
9-4 L'an ensuyuant descouuertz par deluge,
Deux chef 's esleuz, le premier ne tiendra,
De fuy r vmbre a` l'vn d'eux le refuge…
Evil – " Mal " – in quatrain 9-7, Toulouse – " Tholose " in 9-9.
In the Centuries there are several quatrains on a fortune-telling theme, but clinging to each such quatrain, I could not find the string that would sound in resonance.
The most suitable place was found near the Toulouse Senate from quatrain 9-72. Here are going the words "expi+ati+on", "omi+na+ti+on", "car+ne".
9-70 … Dedans Lyon , le iour du Sacrement,
Ceux de Vienne seront trestous hachez,
Par les cantons L ati ns Mascon ne ment.
9-71 Aux lieux sacr ez animaux veu a` trixe,
Auec celuy qui n'osera le iour,
A Car cass onne pour disgrace propice,
Sera pose' pour plus ample seiour.
9-72 Encor seront les saincts temples pollus,
Et expi l lez par Sena t Tholo ssain,
Saturne deux trois cicles reuollus,
Dans Auril, May, gens de nouueau leuain.
9-73 Dans Fois entrez Roy ceiulee Turbao,
Et regnera moins reuolu Saturne,
Roy Turban blanc Bizance coeur ban,
Sol, Mars, Mercure pres la hurne.
9-74 Dans la cite' de Fertsod h omi cide,
Fait & fait multe beuf arant ne macter,
Retour encores aux h on neurs d'Artemide,
Et a` Vulcan corps mort s sepulturer.
9-75 De l'Ambraxie & du pays de Thrace,
Peuple par mer, mal & secours Gaulois,
Perpetuelle en Prouence la trace,
Auec ves ti ges de leur coustume & loix.
The word " estrangler " did not work out in this area. I think it is necessary to show one more small possible place of development of events. Collected word here – «car + ne».
1-39 De nuict dans lict le supresme estrangle ,
Pour trop auoir subiourne, blond esleu:
Par troys l'empire subroge exancle,
A mort e mettra car te, pacquet ne leu.
A large city of the sea ocean, surrounded by swamps in crystal … If someone other than Nostradamus wrote such lines, how would they react to them? That's right, they twisted their fingers at the temple. But this is the Prophet, his prophetic gaze could reach anyone. And now, from oblivion, glass skyscrapers on the seaside shores, similar to crystal, emerge. Conclusions are drawn about the amazing gift of the Author of such lines. And rightly so, by the way, are being done. Nostradamus really described what he saw and recorded in the book of prophecies.
9-48 La grand cite' d'occean maritime,
Enuironnee de maretz en cristal:
Dans le solstice hyemal & la prime,
Sera temptee de vent espouuental.
Big city of ocean sea,
Surrounded by swamps in crystal:
In the winter solstice and in the spring,
Will be tested by a terrible wind.
As is obvious – the events are really of an oceanic scale, therefore – all the main attention is on it. Here it is – the ocean city " mari + ti + me ". Here is the ending of the word " cri + st + al ". Beginning at _ quatrain 3-7 ( cri e).
3-9 … Tiendront autour la grand mer oceane :
Anglois, Bretons & les Flamans conioints,
Les chasseront iusques aupres de Rouane.
3-10 De sang & faim plus grande c al amite,
Sept fois s'apre st ea la mari ne plage:
Monech de faim, lieu pris, cap ti uite,
Le grand me ne croc en ferree caige.
3-11 Les armes battre au ciel longue saison,
L'arbre au millieu de la cite ' tombe…
Swamps – " ma + re + tz " – exist in close proximity, in lines of quatrains 3-15, 3-16.
3-15 De tous poin tz contre ayant son aduersaire:
Lors France enfance par mort Subiuguera,
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