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Автор книги: А. Алдашева

Жанр: Социальная психология, Книги по психологии

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This book is dedicated to word psychological mechanisms of managerial activity in the bank considering the recent developments in the monetary relations’ area.

Introduction: Different approaches for psychological problems wording connected with the banking activity are considered. Position that such point of view should be synthesis of formal analysis of the activity algorithm, the general theory of control in nonlinear nonstandard systems and data of psychological analysis of the activity content was proved. It was demonstrated that any, even the most perfect theory of management may not be transferred as it is into a concrete activity without its fundamental adaptation to such activity conditions under which it is carried out, psychological peculiarities of the team and team leaders and their interrelations.

The dual nature of the bank as an element of social and state structure and as a separate and independent organization with its own goals is shown. It requires continual compromise between the state, public, workshop and own interests. The sustainable development paradigm is considered as a base for such continual compromise approach. According to the authors’ opinion, under conditions of dynamic development and reorganization the scientific management ideology should be taken as a basis of a management and followed by the specific temporary recommendations.

As a base for management ideology, the authors laid the idea of satisfaction of material and spiritual needs through the public institutions as well as banks as regulators of monetary circulation that is realized under conditions of contradictions between free market and regulating influence of the government. Such ideology is the appropriate economic consciousness of the bank employees forming.

Chapter 1 is dedicated to the theoretical basis of psychology of the banking management. Relation of psychological characteristic with economic and philosophical basis of the monetary circulation was considered. From the standpoint of C. Marx and G. Simmel works, who formulated the philosophical concept of money, and the culture created by it. The idea is that the money as a general intermediary stipulates for origin of not only material stocks but also spiritual essence, ideas and valuables. The psychological properties are analyzed, which stipulates for the bank carrying out of different functions of money and control over the monetary circulation especially at intensification of financial capital role and tendency of fictitious capital forming capable to ruin the financial stability in the world. The thesis that the monetary philosophy is reflected in the bank employees’ consciousness causing subjective attitude towards the monetary circulation laws development.

Two principle trends of such reform of consciousness are considered: monetary fetishism and as an antithesis, seeing modern bank as a part of the system increasing the public welfare. It was shown that the banking management structure reflects this trend as the conflict of interests paradoxically coexisting with consent relations and conflict of valuables. There are also series of internal conflicts, for example conflict between needs and resources, conflict between the owners and managers. There are shown some approaches to management organization, existing in the world practice and the idea of necessity of foreseeing of possibility of selfrealization and self-affirmation of the bank employee. The authors put forward an idea on three types of management describing the particular qualities of the manager-political figure, manager as the head of the structural department, and manager on personnel resources including all problems of consideration of the human factors.

Analyses of psychological properties and peculiarities of their realization, which necessary for each of these types, were carried out. According to the authors’ opinion any of these forms of management should be based on initial building of conceptual system which include goals, objectives and strategy of the activity. The theory of reasonability of a decision and role of errors in the activity, especially deliberate, intentionally committed errors, are considered.

The special section is dedicated to provide for an activity of a manager – political figure in the form of available hardware for preprocessing of an on-line information, database, specialists-analysts, model bases and mechanisms for realization of global decision into consecutive directive information. Attention is accentuated on necessity to keep track of the development of science, technology and social structure of the society, searching of advanced, pioneer ideas.

Peculiarities of manager’s behavior in the bank under conditions of poorly organized information, where cause-and-affect relations are not obvious, were described. The authors analyze the similarity and different psychological content of the manager activity, who makes decisions and a manager, who realizes the decisions made by the upper authority, peculiarities of combination of creative work with the schedule in their activity.

Psychological peculiarities of activity on selection, choice and disposition of personnel, used methods are considered as well as the reasons of systematic errors, which underlie in the nature of selection. The methods used to form external and internal personnel reserves are analyzed and state of so called existential humanistic approach, role of motivation and experience is expressed. The correlation challenges of creative, critical and stereotype thinking are issued and the concept of professional route is introduced. The authors make a conclusion that the personnel problem-solving is in giving a chance for self-realization in the process of the professional activity.

Role of a manager as a leader, mentor and inspector based on the knowledge of psychology is considered as well as his (her) functions to form the role expectation and interiorized role.

The positive and negative aspects of the computer are described. The authors emphasize as the most negative feature the exemption of a person from doubt or responsibilities and within them the rights of option, i.e. freedom.

Role of psychological service is described, which is like a body realizing humanistic approach to organize the activity, i.e. demands of a person and demands put to the person.

Chapter 2 considers social and psychological aspects of the banking management as a part of the theory of the state, which is described as Public Administration. Four models of management are described, which are known at present and the conclusion we have is that depending on the problem and the situation these four models may coexist in different aspects of management. The concept of bureaucracy as a rank of authority is analyzed, which is changed into independent force acting in personal or corporate interests. The authors arrive at an idea that bureaucracy roots as a phenomenon has its background in any management system and the main objective is organization of regular control preventing development of such qualities and processes that have tendency to bureaucracy.

The triple model of personality of the bank personnel is offered. One is based on an idealized model of the bank under ideal conditions. Second is based on understanding of his (her) position and responsibilities in the management structure and the third is based on the model of interrelations. Their combination forms clear idea of activity and its strategy. Role for logic change in decision making and necessity to solve for compromise is emphasized.

Chapter 3 is dedicated to the problems of high professional qualities of the bank personnel. Some elements of general theory, differences in the pattern of requirement and links with the style of bank activity are expressed. The concept of positive and negative qualities, their dependence on degree of contacts and activity dynamics are introduced. Concept of quality is connected with requirements put by the occupation to a person and requirements of the person put to an occupation. Importance of self-affirmation and self-realization and role of interest is emphasized. Two approaches are analyzed: approach of reductionism and system approach. Technical approaches are analyzed and the great importance of the method of free confidential talk is substantiated.

Chapter 4 considers psychological structure of main types of management in the bank. Three levels are considered here: in the first level, the principles of activity, goals and general policy are determined. The decision is made on realization of such policy, and the functions of the external representatives are carried out, i.e. contacts with authority structure, public organizations, clients, branches and partners. In such contacts, protection of a bank from using it in political games plays the great role. The psychological content of basic guidelines in the monetary policy and the role of some forms of banking facilities are disclosed. Role of such upper authority on making the financial forecasts for short, medium and long term is emphasized.

The second, intermediate level organizes realization of decisions and preparation of initial materials for such decisions. It chooses forms and methods of realization of a decision, selects staff for execution of it and the character of cooperation. Here the methods of educational policy, highs and lows of the methods of encouragement and punishment are analyzed.

Third level is the concrete executors, who realize the decisions with the help of appropriate documentation, contacts and so on. Here is given the list of necessary for them psychological qualities such as diligence, criticality, responsibility, participation in the bank interests, responsiveness, emotionality and necessary compliance of rationalism governed by the reason and the intellect. Some opinions connected with the concept of freedom as a norm for behavior are stated.

Chapter 5 is dedicated to express psychological requirements with respect to the activity of the bank’s top management under the model of the central bank, which upholds interests of the society and is entrusted with functions to conduct and regulate the monetary policy. Degree of conformity of the bank policy with the public interests is considered as a main indicator. It is determined by independence of the bank and its legal liability. The Board of the bank is considered as a psychological structure, distinctive collective individual with settled collective consciousness that carry out activity in compliance with the theory of cooperative management. The main requirement to the Board is community of principles and pluralism of opinions and approaches. The main role of the Chairman of the Board in forming of principles and their realization is described: he should present HIS principles HIMSELF, but not be assigned by the upper authority. This fact envisages the necessity of expression of responsibility, which should be shared by the members of the Board voluntarily.

Cases of individual decisions, decisions that considered as a temporary deviation and a compromise and as a guarantee of a progress in the society on whole, are considered. Abilities of the manager to become aware of falsity of his decision, rejection of it and making other decisions taking into consideration the decisions offered by the subordinates, and even consideration of decisions rejected formerly shall be considered advantages of a manager. Some types of intercommunication of a Chairman with subordinate personnel are described.

Analyzing the activity of the Board, the authors criticize the concept of «valuables common to all mankind» showing that these are valuables of a definite civilization structure on a proper level of its development. The role of sympathy, empathy, emotional tenderness, and tactfulness as well as such qualities as intuition and sense of modern know how is shown. The Board activity in different situations and the role of attracted experts advisors in such cases are shown as a sample.

Chapter 6 analyzes psychological aspects of some trends in the banking activity. Analysis are carried out on the basis of the model assuming the chaotic structure of free market, which should be influenced by the bank, and some reflexive (repayable) economy as well as the role of the public opinion are considered.

One after another, the peculiarities of the analytical trends, currency and securities transactions, activity of the bank supervision and license granting, operations on the market are considered. A special attention is drawn to the problems of interrelations with the government and budget making. The psychological problems, which connected with realization of the accounting activity and the concepts such as accounting science, art of accounting and accounting experience, are considered. The peculiarities of the accounting activity at transition process of trade market into services market as one of the trends of modern economy are expressed.

Chapter 7 expresses problems connected with psychological climate forming. The main attention is drawn to reason the possibilities of such factor control using exceptionally indirect methods.

Chapter 8 is dedicated to form managerial reserve, to requirements put to the nominees and candidates as well as so called «strategic vision».

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