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Текст книги "Womb Bloom"

  • Текст добавлен: 3 ноября 2017, 23:00

Автор книги: Alexandra Alma

Жанр: Жанр неизвестен

Возрастные ограничения: +18

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Текущая страница: 4 (всего у книги 14 страниц) [доступный отрывок для чтения: 4 страниц]

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Chamomile petals exercise


After each hip movement your body rotates slightly so that when you complete the eighth circular hip movement your whole body will have rotated fully around its axis and come back to the starting point. That’s one chamomile flower drawn. Carry on drawing as many as you feel like.


The figure of eight is a sign of life and infinity. You can surround your energy field with these symbols, making various movements. Draw figures of eight with your hips at different heights making sure your knees are involved in the movement. Draw vertical, horizontal and diagonal figures of eight in the air with your arms and hands.

Let’s begin with a horizontal figure of eight. Trace it before you with your left hand as shown on the photographs.

It’s not just your arm alone which draws the horizontal figures of eight; your whole body is part of the movement and follows your arm.

Try drawing the figure of eight with your other arm, then with both arms together, and one after the other. You can add gentle hip spirals to accompany your arm movements. Run wild with your imagination!

Go into squatting position and begin to slowly rise with each arm movement. This is a good exercise for your legs.

Vertical figure of eight. Now draw a vertical figure of eight with your body following the movement of your arm.

Change arms.

Draw figures of eight with both arms at the same time and then figures of eight in opposite directions – one arm draws a figure of eight going down while the other draws a figure of eight going up.

Then try joining horizontal and vertical figures of eight together; one arm draws a horizontal figure of eight while the other draws a vertical figure of eight. Do the same on the other side.

This technique harmonizes both cerebral hemispheres. Hands and arms act as the main instruments for the brain’s development and these movements develop both hemispheres.

This is a dance and dance always stands for freedom of movement. Close your eyes. Listen to the music and move in time with the rhythm. Don’t forget about the fluidity and smoothness of each movement. Your baby will help you feel how you should move.


One day I found myself with a group of pregnant women at an ethnic dance class. First I sat and observed for a long time how each woman was moving and birthing her dance; it would come to her body and light the spark of life in it. I didn’t think I would dance that evening until the drums started playing and my body raised itself off the floor. My baby girl was calling me to dance.

Mexican healers say that the drum is the voice of Mother Earth – an ancient instrument that has come to us from the depths of time which conveys the heartbeat of our planet and the heartbeat of a baby in its mother’s womb. That must be why my baby girl liked the drum rhythms so much.

I was standing among everyone and moving as I had never moved before. I had done ballroom dancing, gone to ballet at Todes dance school, done pantomime but this was nothing like any of those dances. It was the baby who had given me this dance as a gift – it had burst out of my body as a geyser shoots out of Earth’s bowels. I went into a trance. Everything around me started vibrating and became a unified web of shimmering energy. My arms were moving spontaneously of their own accord lifting Earth’s energy upwards and flinging it onto my body, my lower centres, stomach, chest, shoulders. My body was being nurtured by earthly maternal energy. This practice had been given to me, a future mother, by my baby and the Mother of all mothers – Earth.

Lotus unfolding on a lake

This is another beautiful movement (part of the Water Dance), which I would like to share with you. Wonderful flowers of life.

Imagine that you are the smooth surface of a lake on which a wondrous lotus is unfolding… You can do this exercise lying down, just after you have woken up, or standing up. Do it as part of your dance, your morning, day or even evening warm up sessions. Yes, a pregnant woman’s warm up sessions can start even after 6 pm…

And so, your hands are at heart level – on the centre of your source of love. Your hands are the petals of a while lotus cupped together with the left hand on top of the right as shown in the picture.

The petals start unfolding. Turn your wrists to touch each other and then raise your left hand up while bringing your right hand down. Breathe freely.

Rotate your wrists.

And begin the movement back to starting position – the lotus petals are closing.

Here your wrists aren’t touching yet. Now the fingers of your right hand are pointing upwards and the fingers of your left hand pointing downwards. A mirror movement begins. Your right hand goes up and your left down.

If you look carefully, you’ll see that your hands are drawing figures of eight in this lovely movement too. You can start by making small movements and increase the amplitude of the opening and closing lotus petals with each new movement until it reaches its maximum capacity and your lotus unfolds fully on the lake of your femininity…

Try doing this exercise for 5 – 7 minutes. You can choose the tempo according to your character but I would recommend that you don’t rush. Think of the gentleness and wonder of a bud unfolding and try to really go in to those sensations with your dance.

This technique is very good for stretching and relaxing the muscles in your arms, shoulders and back. The wrist rotations strengthen your ligaments. The exercise also synchronizes both cerebral hemispheres.

As well as being beneficial for your physical health, this technique is also energetically useful. Firstly, it helps remove emotional tension from your chest area, secondly, it can switch off restless thoughts in your head by focusing your attention on carrying out the movements correctly, and thirdly, by drawing sacred symbols such as figures of eight around yourselves you are surrounding your biofield with a strong protective layer.

Go, on try it yourself!

Pregnancy as steadiness

All my time is in my belly.

The film In time, where people live in different time zones made an impression on me. In one of the zones people are perpetually short of time. They rush around doing everything as quickly as possible but they still don’t have enough time. Others have tons of time and can do everything at a steady pace.

I started taking note of the pace of city life. We are constantly hurried around everywhere and taught to look forward to the end of the working day so that we can enjoy the evening, look forward to the weekend when we can rest from work, look forward to days off and holidays when we can at last relax, look forward to summer so that we can delight in the sunshine, look forward to the New Year, look forward to giving birth…

Yet when will we be able not to wait for anything and simply LIVE?

I can live, create, breathe and take delight in things right at this moment!

The whirlwinds of hustle and bustle of the megapolis constantly try to throw us off course from our natural rhythm. It’s like in Alice in Wonderland when Alice was always rushing after the white rabbit. Who then, has stolen our time? Our unhurriedness, fluidity, our water… And how can we go back to the place where time flows properly, in step with us?

Your child can take you back there. When a baby is born time begins flowing differently. You are no longer somewhere in ‘tomorrow’ or ‘later’. You are constantly in the process – a fascinating process which invites you to be in the flow. Go deeper into that process. Do not be afraid. This is genuine intensive reality which often flows straight past us.

You can watch a river flow or you can be in the flow.

Strength in relaxation

Have you ever managed to truly relax in your life? What do you know about relaxation?

Take off your clothes and look at yourself in the mirror. Observe your body. It will tell you a story of gentleness, curves, softness. You will realize that we should forget about the concept of tension. Take pleasure from everything that you do, whether it be talking to people, household chores, work, sport. As soon as you become tense you lose your true inner woman and harm your body. To be relaxed is a fundamental exercise for women.

Pregnancy helped steady the pace of my life. It was the baby that pulled me out of the mad rush. And I’m very grateful to her for that. Very interestingly, I started completing many more projects than I had managed to before the pregnancy, when I still lived in a rushed rhythm. My efficiency grew. Even though I started doing everything more slowly I was doing so more consciously than previously when I was flitting around from one thing to another.

Before, doing anything involved carrying out lots of different movements. Most of them turned out not to be necessary and in the end my energy went nowhere. Now I prefer carrying out one or two movements not just any movements, but movements of Power and I relax dancing in the flow of pleasure thereby allowing events to take place of their own accord.

Seek the depths of relaxation. One depth reveals itself after another, and there is no bottom point to be seen. It simply doesn’t exist. Allow yourselves to relax.

Being centred

When your belly begins to grow, usually in the 5th or 6th month of pregnancy, you begin to concentrate on it more and more. Your breathing becomes deeper and now your whole world spins around your belly which one way or another acts as your centre. This gives you the chance to become aware of many things. Constantly feeling what it’s like to be centered is a huge spiritual practice. The same goes for learning to use your energy correctly in the world through your actions, that is, to communicate, make decisions and also move from the belly your centre. Listen to yourselves, your centre carefully. Only it truly knows what you need right now. No doctors or friends, just your centre. It’s a key to wisdom.

I discovered the true meaning of to throw off balance i.e. to take someone out of their centre. When a person’s mind is troubled by external factors and their thoughts are darting to some faraway place, this person does not belong to themselves.

We women are very similar to butterflies. We flit from one flower to another without any clear direction. We are buffeted around and can be carried away by the impulsive wind of passing desires. Sometimes we don’t know where we will find ourselves tomorrow and what we will be doing. We’re prone to giving away our centre to our beloved men, and when they leave us they take away our sun, our strength, our centre with themselves. Pregnancy teaches us to hold our centre and protect it. Keep hold of your sun so that you can shine.

Only positive thoughts

There is advice coming from all sides for pregnant women to think positively and be joyful. But at times it is really not that simple, especially when there is so much stressful information around. What should we do then? My mentor Don Novarro said that being positive all the time is not at all easy, but we can learn how to come into that state and pave the way to getting there.

People are like radios, which can be tuned to the right wavelength. Our task is to learn how to tune ourselves. Start with your surroundings and the atmosphere you are living in. Paint the interior of your home, surround yourselves with beautiful and pleasant things, and most importantly, meet up with those who bring you joy and charge you with positive emotions… Don’t allow destructive thoughts into your field or anything that can impinge on your serene state and take you out of your centre of balance. Care for yourselves and your baby inside of you.

Below is a useful protective practice.

Imagine that you are in a protective sphere with a mirror-like surface. Whatever people send your way will be reflected back to them by the mirror. You can make the inside of the sphere as cosy as possible for yourselves e.g. picture a couch with soft toys or whatever your imagination comes up with.

Whenever I did this practice I really felt that I was in a huge, armed tank. I felt detachment. Pregnancy helped me to learn not to get too involved in external situations but to remain inside myself. I realized that I was now also surrounded by a protective layer, an energy placenta, just as my baby was. This protection is given to all pregnant women as a gift from the Universe.

My whole being turned inwards to seek out its deepest depths. It was as if rays of the sun which had previously been directed to the exterior, like antennae tuned to the outside world, had now changed their direction to shine inside me, into my very centre. Life in its entirety now bubbled inside me. The epicenter of all events was in my very belly.


Balance, harmony, equilibrium; let this be the air you breathe. For you are not alone now. Each day is important, each day lived is a new era for the baby inside of you. And each day has an effect on who you bring into the world, how healthy he will be, and what character and talents he will have.

The child’s future strongly depends on how she was conceived, how the pregnancy went and on her first years of life. Of these three pillars conception is most influential, since it is precisely at this moment that your child’s DNA is written. The second – pregnancy – is slightly less influential. During this period the main development of the foetus within you takes place. Finally the third – infancy – with all its vivid impressions, the very first experiences of your little one which will leave indelible impressions on her whole life, is least influential of all. The personality of the future person, their potential, health, psyche and energy level is built on these three pillars.

You need to invest as much as possible of yourself into these 3 periods. Invest all that you can! Keep reminding yourself of your responsibility again and again and that you are not alone with yourself anymore. Now you are pregnant. Being a mother and a wife is a divine gift. Not every woman is honored with this possibility. Women, do you want a spiritual leap? Give birth to children!

Week 4

For the first time in my life I started to think about someone other than myself. This was the start of discovering something vaster in scope than greed – LOVE. Totally sincere, not demanding anything in return, no “you owe me”. I hadn’t experienced such love before. With men it was somehow different. He’s an adult and so are you. Each of you are capable of looking after yourselves, feeding, dressing and washing yourselves. With a baby it’s a completely different story. It doesn’t make any difference whether you have the time, strength or desire or not; when the baby asks to eat you stop doing what you were doing and run to feed him.

No compromises, agreements, concessions… This is serving another being without expecting any compensation. Children are completely pure. You will not be able to catch them out or bring them to account for being as slippery as a fish, no, children are faultless in this respect. Children give a women the chance to experience a unique spiritual practice which no other spiritual teacher or psychological seminar can give her. With the onset of pregnancy a woman begins to grasp the essence of giving. The more you share your energy, the more comes back to you.


I felt like a vehicle designed to transport a new life from space onto Earth. A feeding chamber and storage space, a spaceship for the newcomer inside of me. Earth cultivating her seed.

We went to play billiard. As I was breaking, my eyes unexpectedly caught sight of and became transfixed by the child’s corner to the left of our table which was filled with many beautiful, bright toys. I went into a meditative state as I observed them. Jonny had to call my attention back to the game.

Another time I clearly felt the baby’s wish to be in touch with her father and how she needed a balance between masculine and feminine energy. We are, after all, the two components that have given birth to one. She pulled her father’s hand to my belly with magnetic force.

The guest who had come to live inside me gradually began to take hold of my reason and take possession of my desires. I didn’t belong to myself anymore. My ego began to teeter. This someone inside of me looked at toys through my eyes, listened to music through my ears, touched the world through my fingers, put forward and carried out her desires which had now become utterly and completely mine…


My biofield grew with each passing day. I felt how female power with the potential strength of an avalanche was accumulating inside me. And milk from the Universe flowed into my body, filling it with youth and freshness. I was given a second spring in my life, a return to spring-like youthfulness.

The baby taught me how to pass large amounts of energy through myself. After childbirth this ability can be retained if you so wish. Your body comes back to its previous form, but your energy body remains as big as it was during pregnancy. Even after giving birth I still feel that I have a big energy belly. It has now become even bigger, big enough to fit my daughter into it even when she’s sleeping in the other room.

Observe attentively the ways in which your baby frees up your resources and activates new channels of energy inside you, which were hitherto in sleep mode. Learn from your baby and remember the unique lessons your baby gives you.

I always sensed a big difference between women who had given birth and women who still had this experience ahead of them. It’s a fundamental difference so obvious that it’s not possible not to notice.

A woman who has given birth has become a real Woman. She has fulfilled her earthly task and now she is ready for spiritual self-realization. A woman who has given birth and one who hasn’t are like an open flower and a closed green bud. An open flower gives off a particular aroma and each petal reaches for the light, is warmed by the sun. So many new possibilities abound! You feel like a tsarina.

Pregnancy awoke a new feeling in me, a vast sense of freedom from attachment to men. Now I felt meaningful in myself, self-sufficient and fulfilled on a deep feminine level.

The strong maternal instinct that pulses within each one of us makes us very dependent on men. Because only they can help us realize our desire to have a child. Listen to what young girls say: “He, he he”. All her thoughts only about him. But what about you, your life, your development? One minute about herself and then “He, he, he” once again.

This is a natural innate dependence which can reach dangerous heights and can even lead a woman to throw herself at the first man she comes across, so to say, so that he makes her a child. It causes some women to look at a man like a hungry cat gazing at her master who is holding a piece of fish in his hands.

When a baby appears, a woman is freed from this dependence. She feels that the search has come to an end and she is in a calm harbor rocking her child in her arms and breastfeeding her. Her attention switches to the child. But this does not mean that now a woman should lose all interest in her chosen one, no, on the contrary, now she will be able to love him as an equal partner, the father of her child. My baby was now showing me the meaning of vitality, succulence, energy. I madly wanted to live. Love’s flame for life was being kindled in me.

Week 5

I was going through one stage of evolution after another and experiencing different forms of life in sync with the foetus inside me. I felt that I was a tadpole, an amphibian, a reptile. Moreover I was learning how the cosmos and Universe developed. A cosmos was now developing within me.

Woman as ancestral tree

We women are part of the spiral of life. Ancestors, parents, children, grandchildren… life moves forward like a whirlwind. It seems like yesterday that we were children and now we’re about to become parents. In ancient Indian, Egyptian, Vedic and many other cultures there was a cult of Mother Woman who was revered, protected and respected. Why was this the case?

First and foremost because it is woman who brings energy to the world. She is the Ancestral tree from whom spring forth branches of DNA the spiral of evolution. What kind of next generation there will be, whether there will be one at all, what our society, civilization and planet will be like is all up to her. A woman must be healthy herself for a healthy generation to be born. That means that she needs to have the time and possibility to take care of herself.

Osama, my mentor from Egypt, told me that according to ancestral tradition, when a woman has a child she focuses all her attention on the child’s development. She doesn’t disappear to spend days and nights on end in the office but concerns herself with her progeny, sowing seeds which will flourish when her child matures. After all, the foundation that is set in a child, with all the ideas and thoughts it includes, will to a large extent determine the child’s future course of life.

This doesn’t mean that a woman can’t do anything else apart from dedicating herself to her child. Though it must be said that the most wonderful opportunity for development is to observe a newborn and take heed of her purity.

Favourite pastime

Every woman has many talents which can sometimes even be a surprise to her, but for some reason men find it easier to find an occupation and be successful at that, while our favourite pastime does not bring us profit, and if it does, then not enough to support our family. Then we end up going to work not where we enjoy working but where they pay well, and we feel no joy from that.

Many women don’t even know what job they should be doing. Whatever they begin, they are good at and quickly lose interest. They move on to something else and something else again. And so it happens that sometimes we are everywhere and nowhere. We are being tossed about… What are we to do?

Yes, we are talented but each of us has something that we came with to this Earth, which differentiates us from others, and it’s important that we find out what this is. Isn’t it so? You need to locate one or two abilities that stand out the most from the thousands you possess; your strongest points, your thing, your unique trait as a person.

Begin this exploration by drawing up a list of what you like doing and what you do well. Do this with your hand on your heart. Open up your heart and be honest with yourself. Don’t hide anything. Before compiling the list I suggest you dance this special Dance of the Heart which I learned from my mentors. It is detailed in the chapter Dance of the Heart for relieving the emotional centre.

Energy Pie

Imagine that all our energy is an apple pie. When faced with the choice of how to cut it, what piece we will give to our family and work and what piece we will keep for ourselves? How much energy will we allocate to each of our tasks?

By grabbing onto 1000 tasks at the same time we divide the pie, our energy and attention into 1000 pieces, and in the end we don’t achieve much success in any sphere. Maybe it pays to concentrate on one or two things to then produce something staggering?

Everything depends on how we will divide the pie and how we will feed those close to us. Will we leave them feeling sated or hungry?

Woman as family resource

Woman is the family resource and that of society as a whole. If a woman is deprived of her power then the whole of society is also deprived of its power. The mistake that today’s modern women make is becoming so immersed in their work that they squeeze every last drop of energy out of themselves leaving nothing for themselves or their close ones. Once I chanced to hear a conversation between two women who were complaining to each other that with their new job they didn’t even have enough time to put their facial cream on in the evening…

When a woman heaps male tasks onto her shoulders she wears out her female resource and takes away a man’s stimulus to work. He simply begins to degrade. The point for a woman is to have energy, a lot of it at that, and to be a resource that she safeguards at the same time. Then a woman is able to give her family love, make her man strong and her child happy.

If a woman has energy no man will run away from her, on the contrary, he will hold onto her because she is the lake from which he drinks.

After a long period of abstinence, when I finally joined in union with my husband, he seemed like a hungry tiger which had been roaming the sweltering savannah for days on end and had finally found his water source. Clinging to it, he hungrily lapped up the water quenching the tormenting thirst, taking pleasure at every gulp, feeling alive and victorious.

Man is born from woman. This is why he idealises his mother. A dried up woman standing with her arm outstretched begging for alms is no good to him. He needs that very woman, a strong woman with a resource which she can feed her family with. A woman bearing a centre within herself, who understands what she is doing and why.


To conceive and give birth to a healthy child we need to be very strong and healthy.

The best way of accumulating energy is to stop spending it. To do this we need to understand where it goes.

Take you phone and look at how many contacts you have in it? How many friends have you got in Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Instagram? How many people are you in regular contact with and most importantly, what does this contact give you?

I remember how before I used to give away all my energy for nothing to the wrong places and wrong people. I would lay myself out for practically every person I met. So much of my energy would go into communication; it would pour out of my mouth and eyes by the litre.

When we have a lot, it is so easy to spend everything in one go. And most interestingly of all, when we feel that our resources are running low we have so little love for ourselves that we don’t even give ourselves any time to recuperate but go on spending those last drops on others who are not even able to acknowledge and accept our strength.

In today’s world, where we meet large numbers of people on a daily basis and receive hundreds of phonecalls, we become superficial and fractured. This is how our nervous system protects itself from becoming overburdened by the endless avalanche of information coming to us from all sides; from the television, internet, mass media and so on. We become unable to feel deeply for our close ones because our attention is scattered onto a large number of people. And that is why our feelings grow shallower.

Pregnancy is that very time in our lives when we need to learn to set our priorities, review and even clean out some old contacts and protect ourselves from superfluous information and unnecessary communication. All this helps us immerse ourselves more profoundly into our inner world and the processes taking place inside it now, to become a wholesome, deep individual who is preparing for a serious transformation, and most importantly, to give this much-needed energy to our foetus growing within us!

Maybe today is that very day when you need to switch off the telephone, internet, put off all your meetings for another time and simply give this time to yourself and your baby and feel happy…


La naturalesa es lo mas importante

I touch the cool ocean,

To recognize my forgotten self.

And I am ready in this present moment,

To feel how alive I am…

To twirl in dance and in the tropical rain,

To run across the Mexican sand.

A dream comes to show you,

That I’m alive, breathing, I love and can…


We were canoeing on a wild lagoon called Manialtepec, ringed by tangled vegetation and ancient mangrove trees. With every splash of water, every rhythmical movement of the oar, the mirror surface of internal stillness erased more and more of the noise in my head; the restless thoughts, the neverending to-do list. It took my body into itself, sucking me into the swirl of reality and the here and now.

Our Mexican guide, don Margarito, unexpectedly asked: “Are you happy?” At that moment each of us was truly happy. We were meeting the sunrise in the centre of a jungle. And this sunlit path reaching our boat from the sky, paved the way to my tears. Toxins were coming out of my body. At last, I could cry like a child once again!

Don Margarito’s flute cleansed the soul and healed the heart with its song. It sang about being true to oneself, about what is truly important, about what we had been keeping silent for so long but what the body wanted to express.

Margarito stood on the canoe’s stern and began singing with his arms outstretched: “La naturalesa es lo mas importante”/ “Nature is the most important ”. It’s true, what else can charge us and nurture us in this way apart from virgin nature untouched by civilization? Especially when you are pregnant…

At sunset don Margarito drew a triangle in the air and said: “Look, this is a triangle of energy – water, trees, animals. We are in the triangle in the unshakeable equilibrium of these three elements”. Mother, father and child is the same triangle of energy within which there is a feeling of balance and harmony.

“Breathe deeper and with each inhalation absorb these pure vibrations into your stomach”.

Margarito threw a glance over the treetops which were now filled with numerous bird families that had gathered together to share their impressions of the day, tell each other about their discoveries and were all twittering away. “Here’s an example of this connection: birdsong is food for the trees”. Don Margarito became my guide into la Naturalesa. Who was he?

Like a bumblebee in search of nectar in each flower, Margarito was always in search of life’s juice, the taste of life’s fruit. He was free. He had no telephone, email or bank account. He preferred to live in a wild lagoon among iguanas, crocodiles, snakes, flamingoes, pelicans and eagles. He would say that he was immensely wealthy because he had the moon, stars, and a lagoon which he had called his home.

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