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  • Текст добавлен: 28 октября 2013, 01:21

Автор книги: Елена Музланова

Жанр: Учебная литература, Детские книги

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Текущая страница: 7 (всего у книги 12 страниц) [доступный отрывок для чтения: 3 страниц]

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Test 7. Fill in the correct prepositions to, about, at, from, for, in, into, on, with.

1. I want to talk ___ the group ___ their exams.

2. All last winter he suffered ___ coughs and colds.

3. When will you write ___ Bill ___ your plans?

4. If you don’t understand any of these words, you could refer ___ a dictionary.

5. The accident sadly resulted ___ the death of a man.

6. The police are appealing ___ witnesses to come forward.

7. It wasn’t his car, in fact I don’t know who it belongs ___.

8. Nurses are very badly paid, I think they should insist ___ higher rates of pay.

9. The poor driver. I really sympathize ___ him, it wasn’t his fault.

10. The buses are often late, so you can’t depend ___ them.

11. Do you qualify ___ a state pension when you are 55?

12. Keep enough money to pay ___ your ticket.

13. Have you heard ___ what had happened ___ him? Oh, I don’t care ___ it.

14. I said ___ you I was thinking ___ going to America. I actually dreamt ___ it.

15. She listened ___ me and then told me ___ her problems.

16. The bus ran ___ the wall of a house.

17. People started to shout ___ the driver.

18. Who was the boy you were all laughing ___?

19. I saw somebody staring ___ me from the other side of the road.

20. He was always arguing ___ his brother.

Test 8. Fill in the correct prepositions to, about, from, in, into, on, with, for.

1. I bumped ___ an old friend of mine the other day.

2. I agree ___ you that we should wait a bit longer ___ her.

3. She never apologizes ___ arriving late.

4. I thought we should look ___ someone else to do the job.

5. If you want to travel, that would be a good job to apply ___.

6. The land belongs ___ a rich man.

7. She then referred ___ the Minister’s report.

8. I congratulate her ___ her success in the exams.

9. The boss disagreed ___ me.

10. The match resulted ___ a draw.

11. His failure resulted ___ lack of attention to details.

12. Tonight I’m going to talk ___ my favourite books.

13. You can count ___ me.

14. You can rely ___ him to be polite.

15. They complained ___ me about the noise.

16. Mary turned her head to speak ___ him.

17. The daughters sided ___ their mothers.

18. Can I speak ___ Jane, please?

19. Can you explain this word ___ me?

20. Can you explain ___ me what you mean?

Test 9. Fill in the correct prepositions to, about, at, from, for, in, of, with.

1. He told me his name but I can’t think ___ it now.

2. This house reminds me ___ the one I lived in when I was a child.

3. We called the doctor because Nick was complaining ___ a pain in his stomach.

4. That’s a good idea. Why didn’t I think ___ that?

5. Look at this photograph of Ann. Who does she remind you ___?

6. She left Boston ___ Paris when she was 19.

7. If something is wrong, why don’t you do anything ___ it?

8. Peter likes his job but he doesn’t talk ___ it much.

9. I like to listen ___ the radio while I’m having breakfast.

10. Please don’t shout ___ me!

11. How often do you borrow books ___ the library?

12. Yes, you are right. I agree ___ you.

13. Cheers! Let’s drink ___ your success.

14. My brother is living ___ a French girl.

15. My children are looking forward ___ Christmas.

16. They arrived ___ the party at 8 p.m.

17. What time did you arrive ___ London?

18. I must introduce you ___ my cousin.

19. Something has happened ___ him.

20. Shall we ring ___ a taxi?


Test 10. Fill in the correct prepositions of, to, with, at, about, for.

1. He was afraid ___ his enemies.

2. I’ve always been terribly fond ___ you.

3. He is unaccustomed ___ the heat.

4. They may feel jealous ___ your success.

5. I was terrified ___ her.

6. That was clever ___ you.

7. I turned the job down, which was stupid ___ me.

8. My problems are very similar ___ yours.

9. He was dedicated ___ his job.

10. I could never be bored ___ football.

11. He was very pleased ___ her.

12. He was shocked ___ the hatred they had shown.

13. She has always been bad ___ languages.

14. It’s difficult ___ young people to live on their own.

15. It was unusual ___ them to go away at the weekend.

16. It was rude ___ him to leave so suddenly.

17. She was rude ___ him for no reason.

18. She was still angry ___ the results.

19. They’re getting pretty fed up ___ him.

20. If you continue to support someone who is in trouble you are loyal ___ them.

Test 11. Fill in the correct prepositions of, to, with, at, about, for, from.

1. If two things are almost the same, one is similar ___ the other.

2. Someone who is a fine athlete is good ___ games.

3. I was proud ___ my brother.

4. I’m very surprised ___ you. I can’t understand the way you behave.

5. Life is very different ___ what it used to be.

6. Who is responsible ___ this mess?

7. I’m delighted ___ the result. It’s exactly what I wanted.

8. In the army, a sergeant is senior ___ a corporal.

9. If two houses are exactly the same, one is identical ___ the other.

10. If something makes you very unhappy, you are very upset ___ it.

11. If someone makes you very angry, you are furious ___ them.

12. If you feel that you do not trust someone, you are suspicious ___ them.

13. If you treat someone very well, you are being kind ___ them.

14. If you have agreed to marry someone, you are engaged ___ him/her.

15. Everyone was very critical ___ the way he behaved.

16. We were very happy ___ the way they treated us.

17. I was very displeased ___ the way they looked.

18. I feel sorry ___ Nick. He has a lot of problems.

19. I’m sorry ___ the noise last night. We were having a party.

20. That was not very polite ___ you.


Test 12. Fill in the gaps below.

Originally I worked ___ (1) a school teacher, but I applied ___ (2) a grant to study medicine ___ (3) university and was accepted. I specialized ___ (4) mental disorders and then started my present job. I believe completely ___ (5) what I am doing, I never take any time ___ (6) work, and I am totally committed ___ (7) my clients. I have ___ (8) listen carefully to what they say, and sometimes explain ___ (9) them what I think the problem is. Sometimes they start to depend ___ (10) me too much. What is my job? Oh, I forgot to tell you. I am a psychiatrist.

Test 13. Read the letter below and add the preposition which best fits each space.

Dear Mrs Jones,

I am writing ___ (1) reply to your advertisement ___ (2) secretaries to work ___ (3) your central offices. I have already heard ___ (4) you from a friend of mine, Jenny Mansfield, who worked ___ (5) you a few years ago ___ (6) the sales department. I would be interested ___ (7) applying ___ (8) a full-time post. I am quite experienced ___ (9) secretarial work, and would have little difficulty ___ (10) the duties the current job involves. I think I’m quite skilled ___ (11) wordprocessing. I also have wide experience ___ (12) handling members of the public.

I enclose a reference ___ (13) my previous employer and copies ___ (14) my certificates. I would be happy to come for an interview at any time which is convenient for you.

I look forward ___ (15) hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Anne Dale

Test 14. Read the text below and add the preposition which best fits each space.

Living a Long Time

It is often said that Japanese people, ___ (1) average, live much longer than Europeans. ___ (2) a large extent this must be due to the food most Japanese people eat since from the point of view of life-style, life ___ (3) modern Japan is no less stressful than ours ___ (4) the west. The Japanese live ___ (5) a diet largely made up ___ (6) fish and rice. ___ (7) lunch-time a typical Japanese family will consume ___ (8) least twice as many vegetables as we do in Europe. ___ (9) comparison with Europeans, the Japanese eat far less meat and fewer potatoes; ___ (10) the same time, they eat seven times more fresh fish than we do which makes their diet much healthier ___ (11) far. It would be fair to say that, ___ (12) general, the Japanese – frequent visitors ___ (13) Europe ___ (14) business or ___ (15) pleasure – are discovering the pleasures and dangers of western-style eating habits.

Test 15. Fill in the gaps in the following letter.

Dear Marjorie,

I’m having problems ___ (1) my studies at school. I find it difficult to get down to work in the evenings and I can’t concentrate ___ (2) anything at the moment. I spend most of my time listening ___ (3) records or watching TV instead ___ (4) doing my homework. The other students in my class are much better than I am and I have difficulty ___ (5) keeping up with them. I sometimes have problems ___ (6) following the lessons as well. I can’t always take ___ (7) the important things my teacher says because I write so slowly. She has told me that I’m falling ___ (8) with my studies. I’m not good ___ (9) writing essays and I usually hand ___ (10) my homework late because I put ___ (11) doing it until the last minute. So I often have to invent silly excuses to explain why I haven’t done the work. I’m sure I’m not going to get ___ (12) my final exams in June. I’m now so far ___ (13) that I don’t know how I’m going to catch up ___ (14) them. My teacher spent some time going ___ (15) my homework with me but she found so many mistakes that I felt even more depressed. What do you suggest I do?

Yours desperately,




Test 1. Fill in many, much, few, a few, little, or a little.

1. Most people in this city have jobs – there isn’t ___ unemployment.

2. I live in a small village. There is a church, a shop and ___ houses – that’s all.

3. How ___ apples are on the table?

4. We are late. We have very ___ time.

5. He spends too ___ money.

6. ___ effort had been made before the peace treaty was signed.

7. He needs to buy a lot of things but he hasn’t got ___ money.

8. There aren’t ___ chairs in this room.

9. This flat is small so there are very ___ rooms here.

10. I don’t know ___ about these people.

11. He comes here ___ times a week because he has ___ free time.

12. We are destroying ___ trees and forests.

13. We use ___ electricity.

14. We burn ___ coal.

15. People put ___ chemicals into the seas.

16. There is very ___ juice left. I must buy some.

17. There is ___ Coke in the bottle. Do you want some?

18. She hasn’t got ___ homework today.

19. I need ___ eggs and ___ butter to make a cake.

20. ___ people can’t find jobs nowadays.

Test 2. Fill in much, many, few, a few, little or a little.

1. He isn’t popular. He has very ___ friends.

2. Ann is very busy these days. She has ___ free time.

3. Did you take ___ photographs when you were on holiday?

4. I am not very busy today. I haven’t got ___ to do.

5. The museum was very crowded. There were too ___ people.

6. Most of the town is modern. There are ___ old buildings.

7. The weather has been very dry recently. We have had ___ rain.

8. Do you mind if I ask you ___ questions?

9. ‘Would you like milk in your coffee?’ ‘Yes, please. ___.’

10. This is a very boring place to live. There’s ___ to do.

11. Things are not going so well for her. She has ___ problems.

12. This town is not a very interesting place to visit, so ___ tourists come here.

13. Would you like ___ cake?

14. Would you like ___ apples?

15. There are lots of boys in our class, but very ___ girls.

16. Don’t eat too ___ sweets before lunch!

17. Eating too ___ fat is bad for your health.

18. I can’t do much I’m afraid. I have so ___ time.

19. Don’t buy any more cheese. We have ___ left.

20. How ___ cups of coffee do you drink a day?

11.2. SUCH or SO

Test 3. Fill in so, such or such a(an).

1. Helena has ___ good sense of humour.

2. She has ___ busy life that she always forgets my birthday.

3. You shouldn’t let ___ small child watch TV ___ much.

4. The weather is ___ nice today. Shall we go for a walk?

5. ‘Has he passed the exam?’ ‘Yes, I think ___.’

6. John is ___ interesting to talk to.

7. They said ___ nasty things about you.

8. Science is changing ___ rapidly.

9. I want to do ___ many different things.

10. He dressed ___ quickly that he put his boots on the wrong feet.

11. She got ___ shock that she dropped the bag.

12. I was ___ excited that I didn’t know it was him.

13. It all sounded ___ crazy that I laughed out loud.

14. They worked ___ quickly that there was no time for talking.

15. ‘Will you be home at 6?’ ‘I hope ___.’

16. The house was ___ untidy. I’ve never seen ___ mess.

17. I haven’t seen her for ___ long.

18. I haven’t seen her for ___ long time.

19. Why did you buy ___ much food?

20. Why did you buy ___ book?

Test 4. Fill in so, such or such a(an).

1. He’s difficult to understand because he speaks ___ quickly.

2. I like Tom and Ann. They’re ___ nice people.

3. It was a great holiday. We had ___ good time.

4. I was surprised that he looked ___ well after his recent illness.

5. Everything is ___ expensive these days, isn’t it?

6. I have to go. I didn’t realise it was ___ late.

7. He always looks good. He wears ___ nice clothes.

8. It was ___ boring film that I fell asleep while I was watching it.

9. I couldn’t believe the news. It was ___ shock.

10. They’ve got ___ much money, they don’t know what to do with it.

11. I didn’t realise you lived ___ long way from the city centre.

12. The food at the hotel was ___ awful. I’ve never eaten ___ awful food.

13. The weather is lovely, isn’t it? I didn’t expect it to be ___ nice day.

14. I think she works too hard. She looks ___ tired all the time.

15. I can’t decide what to do. It’s ___ problem.

16. It’s ___ hot here! Can’t we open a window?

17. She’s got ___ lovely hair!

18. We ate ___ delicious food.

19. There were ___ few people there.

20. We had to pay ___ high price for coffee in London.

11.3. DO or MAKE

Test 5. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate form of do or make.

1. Her job has something to ___ with marketing.

2. Girls ___ up half of the students in the school.

3. You’ll have to ___ without your dinner if you don’t get back in time.

4. She sits in front of the mirror for ages ___ herself up.

5. The government have decided to ___ away with the old tax law.

6. When the bell rang, the students ___ for the door.

7. Let’s ___ the store room into an extra kitchen, shall we?

8. Speak louder – I can’t ___ out what you’re saying.

9. ___ up your coat – it’s cold.

10. I was ___ out of ten pounds in the shop this morning.

11. They mugged the old lady and ___ off with her handbag.

12. If you ___ your best to explain the problem, I’m sure she’ll understand.

13. What did the robbers ___ off with?

14. It’s about time you ___ some exercise – you’re getting a bit overweight.

15. I don’t know what to ___ of Christina’s odd behaviour just lately.

16. I could have ___ it with more help.

17. I don’t believe him – he’s ___ it up!

18. How many times a week do you ___ the shopping?

19. You must ___ a decision now.

20. To ___ a fortune you have to ___ a lot of hard work.

Test 6. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate form of do or make.

1. I ___ an appointment to see the optician.

2. After he ___ his homework, he found he ___ a mistake.

3. This drug can ___ miracles for people with back problems.

4. They ___ a lot of changes in the town centre recently.

5. You ___ the right thing by telling the police.

6. He ___ an archaeological discovery.

7. After being ill for two weeks, he is now ___ an excellent recovery.

8. She ___ a lot of research in the field of medicine.

9. I ___ an arrangement to meet him at the cinema yesterday.

10. It is important that you ___ exercise in order to keep fit.

11. All that smoking ___ you harm.

12. He ___ an excuse and left the office in a hurry.

13. I always tried ___ my best, but she was never satisfied.

14. He ___ some research into ancient religions at the moment.

15. If you don’t ___ an effort, you won’t any progress.

16. If you pay in cash, we can ___ you a small discount.

17. Please let me know if you have any criticism to ___.

18. Tying a knot in my handkerchief ___ me remember what I have to do.

19. Your explanation simply doesn’t ___ sense.

20. I wonder if you could ___ me a small favour.

Test 7. Fill the gaps in the following text with one suitable word.

Overdoing It

‘OK, you can ___ (1) your shirt up now,’ said Doctor Hymes. He had just given me a thorough check-up and was ___ (2) detailed notes on a big sheet of paper.

‘What do you ___ (3) of it all, doctor?’ I asked anxiously.

‘Well, the first thing is that you could ___ (4) with a good rest. You’ve been overdoing it a bit, haven’t you?’ I admitted. I had been ___ (5) a lot of overtime recently. I had taken a lot on and had ___ (6) a bit of a mess of it all and was suffering from stress. He agreed that that probably had a lot to ___ (7) with it. I had also ___ (8) the mistake of starting to smoke again; in fact my diet was now largely made ___ (9) of coffee and cigarettes. The doctor then reminded me that coffee did a lot of ___ (10) to our nervous system and of course cigarettes ___ (11) a lot of damage to the whole system. He said I should try and ___ (12) without coffee for a few days and make a serious ___ (13) to cut out smoking altogether.

‘And make ___ (14) you have a proper meal every day,’ he warned. His last piece of advice was that I should find time to ___ (15) some jogging every day. I promised him I’d do my best.


Test 8. Say or tell? Choose the correct variant.

1. George couldn’t help me. He (said/told) me to ask Kate.

2. Kate (said/told) she had many pets at home.

3. Ann (said/told) goodbye to me and left.

4. Sam (said/told) me that Robert didn’t like porridge.

5. I asked him to (say/tell) the truth.

6. Don’t just stand there! (Say/Tell) something!

7. I (said/told) Jim not to shout.

8. Mother (said/told) her son to go to the dentist.

9. (Say/Tell) us about your holiday, please. Did you have a nice time?

10. My cousin (said/told) he could ski well.

11. She (said/told) us her knowledge of French was good.

12. I wonder where Sue is. She (said/told) she would be here at 8 o’clock.

13. Jack (said/told) me that he was fed up with his job.

14. The doctor (said/told) that I should rest for at least a week.

15. Don’t (say/tell) anybody what I (said/told). It’s a secret just between us.

16. ‘Did she (say/tell) you what had happened?’ ‘No, she didn’t (say/tell) anything to me.’

17. Please listen to me! I’ve got something important to (say/tell) you.

18. Fred (said/told) me that you were ill.

19. What did you (say/tell) the police?

20. He (said/told) he had just heard the news.

Test 9. Fill in a suitable form of a verb from the list: say, tell, speak, talk. You can use some verbs more than once.

1. Tom ___ ‘This is great!’

2. She ___ that she might be late.

3. He ___ us the answer.

4. I’m going to ___ something to the neighbours about the noise.

5. She ___ us about her travels around North.

6. ___ us about Africa.

7. I’m going to ___ something about my trip to Africa.

8. The clock ___ it’s five past ten.

9. The newspaper ___ there’s been a hijacking.

10. People ___ he’s a bit crasy.

11. ___ me what you need.

12. It’s impossible to ___ the twins apart.

13. ___ we do this, what would happen?

14. Have you ___ anything to in your defense?

15. She ___ them that she might be late.

16. The policeman ___ me to go with him.

17. I ___ you the reason why I was out late.

18. I’ve never ___ a lie in my whole life.

19. Let’s ___ about the problem.

20. She often ___ about her days as a student.

21. The lecturer is going to ___ about the modern art.

22. Let’s just ___ he doesn’t always ___ the truth.

23. The label ___ it was produced in America.

24. He ___ me to close the door.

25. ‘Close the door,’ he ___.

26. If you have something to ___, say it now.

27. ___ her how to do it.

28. The letter ___ we’ve won first prize.

29. I didn’t do it – somebody’s been ___ tales.

30. She ___ goodbye to her parents.

Test 10. Read the text and add the word which best fits each space: talk, give, say, turn down, persuade, tell, discuss, deny, refuse, convince.

A Friend In Need I can’t ___ (1) when I first realised that Billy was in trouble with the police. He had often ___ (2) to me about his problems and, as his friend, I had ___ (3) him the best advice I could. I also ___ (4) I’d let him come and stay with me but he ___ (5) my offer. I tried to ___ (6) him to stop spending so much money at his club and to sit down and ___ (7) his problems with me but he ___ (8) me to mind my own business. It was difficult to ___ (9) to him after this but I was ___ (10) he was getting into deeper trouble all the time. He had often ___ (11) having anything to do with the local gangs. But then the police came round and asked me to ___ (12) them information about Billy and I couldn’t ___ (13), though I avoided ___ (14) them anything that might do him harm. They asked me to ___ (15) them more details but I managed to convince them that I had (16) the truth.

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