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Рис. 1.1

© Linda Bucklin | Dreamstime.com, 2548176

© Baloncici| Featurepics, 1492758

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Рис. 1.3

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© Anne Carlyle Lindsay

Рис. 2.1

© Theodor38 | Dreamstime.com, 4018738

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© Andrey Popov | Dreamstime.com, 28845666

Рис. 2.2

© Anne Carlyle Lindsay

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Рис. 2.4

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Рис. 2.6, 2.7

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Рис. 2.9

© Bernie Goldbach | Flickr

Рис. 2.10

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© Anne Carlyle Lindsay

Рис. 3.2

Dinges D.F., Whitehouse W.G., Orne E.C., Powell J.W., Orne M.T., Erdelyi M.H. Evaluating hypnotic memory enhancement (Hypermnesia and Reminiscence) using multitrial forced recall // Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition. 1992. Vol. 18. Fig. 1 (p. 1142). Copyright © 1992 by the American Psychological Association.

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Рис. 3.7

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Рис. 3.9

© Юрий Абрамочкин | РИА Новости, 359290 <RIAN_archive_ 359290_Mikhail_Gorbachev.jpg>

Рис. 3.10, 3.11, 3.12

© Anne Carlyle Lindsay

Рис. 4.1

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Рис. 4.4

Robert Herrick // R.P. Halleck. Halleck’s New English Literature. American Book Company, 1913.

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Рис. 4.5

© Shawn Rossi | Flickr

Рис. 4.6

© Dennis Owusu-ansah | Dreamstime.com, 2600906

Рис. 5.1, 5.3, 5.4

© Anne Carlyle Lindsay

Рис. 5.2

© Fertnig | iStock.com, 155135102

Рис. 5.5

Ellis J.A., Semb G.B., Cole B. Very long-term memory for information taught in school // Contemporary Educational Psychology. Vol. 23. P. 419–433. Fig. 1 (p. 428). Copyright © 1998 Elsevier.

Рис. 5.6

Bahrick H.P., Hall L.K. Lifetime maintenance of high school mathematics content // Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Vol. 120. P. 20–33. Fig. 1 (p. 25). Copyright © 1991 by the American Psychological Association.

Рис. 5.7

© Anne Carlyle Lindsay

Рис. 5.8

© Paul Jantz | Dreamstime.com, 19332724

Рис. 6.1

© Chris Hatcher / PR Photos, CSH-014840

Рис. 6.2

Chase W.G., Simon H.A. The mind’s eye in chess // Visual Information Processing / ed. by W.G. Chase. Copyright © 1973 Academic Press. Reprinted by permission of Elsevier.

Рис. 6.3

Chi M.T.H., Feltovich P.J., Glaser R. Categorization and representation of physics problems by experts and novices // Cognitive Science. Vol. 5. P. 121–152. Fig. 1 (p. 126). Copyright © 1981 Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Рис. 6.4

© Ajay Suresh | Flickr, Wikimedia Commons <Carnegie_Hall_-_Entrance_(48155558951). jpg>

Рис. 6.5

Ericsson K.A., Krampe R.T., Tesch-Romer C. The role of deliberate practice in the acquisition of expert performance // Psychological Review. Vol. 100. P. 363–400. Fig. 9 (p. 379). Copyright © 1993 by the American Psychological Association.

Рис. 6.6

Library of Congress LCCN92522136, Wikimedia Commons <Thomas_Alva_Edison,_head-and-shoulders_portrait,_facing_front_LCCN 92522136.jpg>

Рис. 6.7

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Рис. 6.8

Buswell G.T. Fundamental reading habits: a study of their development. University of Chicago, 1922. P. 120–121 <https://archive.org/details/fundamentalread00busw/page/120/mode/2up>.

Supplemental Educational Monographs, published in conjunction with The School Review and The Elementary School Journal. No. 21. June 1922. University of Chicago.

Рис. 7.1

© Jerry Coli | Dreamstime.com, 73756201

© Mike Morbeck | Flickr, Wikimedia Commons <Peyton_Manning_passing.jpg>

Рис. 7.2

© Anne Carlyle Lindsay

Рис. 7.3

© Anne Carlyle Lindsay

© SteveStone | iStock.com, 157311641

© matka_Wariatka | iStock.com, 144319964

Рис. 7.4

© Duard Van Der Westhuizen | Dreamstime.com, 1957809

Рис. 7.5

© Roadcrusher | Wikimedia Commons <Harvest_moon.jpg>

Рис. 7.6

© Daniel T. Willingham

Рис. 8.1, 8.2

© Anne Carlyle Lindsay

Рис. 8.3

Library of Congress LCCN2002725182, Wikimedia Commons <Darwin-Charles-LOC.jpg>

© Caroline Bondarde Ucci | Flickr, Wikimedia Commons <Keanu ReevesLakehouse.jpg>

Рис. 8.4

© Wild1/PR Photos, CWP-000396

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Рис. 8.5

Flynn J.R. The mean IQ of Americans: Massive gains 1932 to 1978 // Psychological Bulletin. Vol. 95. P. 29–51. Table 2 (p. 33). Copyright © 1984 by the American Psychological Association.

Рис. 8.6

© Anne Carlyle Lindsay

Рис. 8.7

© bonniej | iStock.com, 92497457

Рис. 8.7

© Timothy Salthouse

Рис. 9.1, 9.2

© Anne Carlyle Lindsay

Рис. 9.3

© Ken Koury

Рис. 9.4

© Terence Lee | Adobe Stock, 1844582

Рис. 9.5, 9.8

© Anne Carlyle Lindsay

Рис. 9.6

© Paul Gallegos / PR Photos, PGS-000161

Рис. 9.7

© Duncan Noakes | Dreamstime.com, 5149458

Рис. 9.9

© Ken Hurst | Dreamstime.com, 1810166

Рис. 9.10

© Darren Baker | Dreamstime.com, 1928951

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