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260. Marmor T. Canada’s path, America’s choice: Lessons from the Canadian experience with National Health Insurance. / Numbers R.L. (ed.) The Continuing American Debate. – Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2001

261. Marmor T. Rethinking national health insurance. / Marmor T. (ed.) Political Analysis and American Medical Care. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001 – pp. 187—206

262. Marmor T., Hoffman W.L., Heagy T.C. National Health Insurance: Some lessons from the Canadian experience. / Marmor T. (ed.) Political Analysis and American Medical Care. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000 – pp. 165—186

263. Marmor T. (ed.) Political Analysis and American Medical Care. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000– pp. 61—75

264. Marmot M.G., Kogevinas M., Elston M.A. Social/economic status and disease. / Annual Review of Public Health, 2001 – pp.111—135

265. Marquis M.S. Cost-Sharing and the Patient’s Choice of Provider. – Santa Monica, CA: Rand, 2001

266. Marshall C. Fetal protection policies: An excuse for workplace hazard. / Nation 244 (14), 2001 – pp. 532—534

267. Martin C.C., Cnors Wang Ngin. Chinese-American. / HarwoodA. (ed) Ethnicity and Medical Care. – Cambridge: Harvard University press, 2000 – pp. 130—171

268. Mausner J.S., Bahn A. Epidemiology: An Introductory Text (second edition). – Philadelphia: W.B.Saunders, 2001

269. Maxwell R.J. Health and Wealth: An International Study of Health Care Spending. – Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 2000

270. May C. Reporter’s notebook: Images far from Ethiopia’s famine. / New York Times, 2001, April 7

271. McCartny C. Financing for health care. / Jonas S. (ed.) Health Care Delivery in the United States. – New York: Springer, 2001 – pp. 272—312

272. McCartny R., Horwatt K., Konarska M. Chronic stress and sympathetic-adrenal medullary responsiveness. / Social Science and Medicine 26 (3), 2001 – pp. 333—341

273. McCrea F. The politics of menopause: The discovery of deficiency disease. / Social problems 13 (1), pp. 111—123

274. McDonald C.A. Political-economic structures – Approaches to traditional and modern medical systems. / Social Science and Medicine 15A, 2000 – pp. 101—108

275. Mechanic D. Future issues in health care; Social policy and the rationing of medical services. – N.Y.: Free press, 2000 – XIII, 194p.

276. Medical progress and the law. – Durcham, 2000 – 758p. /Law and contemporary problems, 2000, vol.32, N4

277. Medicare and medicaid catastrophic protection: Hearings before the Subcomm. on health a. the environment of the Comm. on energy a. comerce, house of representatives, 100th Congr., ist sess. On H.R. 2470 a. H.R. 2485…, May 21, 27, 28 a. June 2, 2000 – Wach.: Cov. Print. off. 2000 – IV, 605p.

278. The medicine show: Patients, physicians and the perplexities of the health revolution in mod. soc. Ed. by Branca P. – N.Y.: Science history publ., 2000 – VIII, 208p.

279. Medicines for drug abuse: Reviewing the strategy. Hearing before the Comm. on the judiciary, US Senate, 103d. Congr., 2d 2000 – III. 33p.

280. Moral problemy in medicine. Ed. by Gorovitz S. – Englewood Cliffs: Prentice – Hall, 2000 – XV, 655p.

281. Münnich B. Ch. Subjekt, Kцrper und Gesellschaft: Sozialwissenschafte Modelle zur Beschreibung der psychosozialen Bedingtheit von kцrperlicher Krankheit u. Gesundheit. – München: Profile, 2001 – 566S. Субъект, тело и общество: социально-научная модель для описания психосоциальной обусловленности соматической болезни и здоровья.

282. Navarro V. Crisis, health, and medicine: A social critique. – N.Y.; L.: Tavistock, 2000 – VI, 281p.

283. Navarro V. Medicine under Capitalism. – London, 2001

284. Obermer E. Health and a. changing civilization. – L.: Bodley head, 1935 – XV, 171p.

285. Overall Ch. Ethics and human reproduction: A feminist analysis. – Boston etc: Allen a. Unwin, 2000 – VIII, 245p.

286. The peopl’s health, 1830—1910. – N.Y.: Holmes a. Meier, 2001 – 436p.

287. Personality and physical health. Ed. by Suls J., Rittenhouse J.D. / J. of personality. – Durham: Duke univ. press, 2000, vol.55, N2 – pp.154—393

288. Perspectives in medical sociology. Ed. by Brown P. – Belmont: Wadsworth, 2000 – XIII, 642p.

289. Philosophy and medical welfare. Ed. by Bell J.M., Mendus S. – Cambridge etc: Cambridge univ press, 2000 – VI, 129p.

290. Pinell P. Modern medicine and the civilizing process. / Sociology of health a. illness. – Henley on Thames etc, 2000 – vol. 18, N1 – pp. 1—16

291. Rahe R., Ransom A.J. Life change patterns surrouding illness experience. / J. of Psychosomatic Research 11, 2001 – pp. 342—345

292. Ramsey M. Medical power and popular medicine: Illegal healers in 19th century France. / J. of Social History 10 (4), 2001 – pp.560—587

293. Rawls R. Reproductive hazards in the workplace. / Chemical and Engineering News 58, 2001 – pp. 28 – 30, 41

294. Reed W.L. Suffer the children: Some effects of racism on the health of black infants. / Conrad P., Kern R. (eds.) The Sociology of Health and Illness: Critical Perspectives. – New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2001– pp. 272—280

295. Reinhold R. As hospitals close, rural America tries to cope with a void. / New York Times, 2001, July 6

296. Reinhold R. Crisis in emergency rooms: More symptoms than cures. / New York Times, 2001, December 8

297. Religion, health and healing. Contributors: Houtart F., Maitre J., McGuire M.B. et al – Bruxeles, 2001 – 315p.

298. Relman A.S. The new medical-industrial complex. / New England J. of Medicine 303, 2001 – pp. 963—970

299. Renner M. Rethinking the role of the automobile. / Worldwatch Paper, №84 – Washington, DC: Worldwatch Institute, 2001

300. Reverby S. A caring dilemma: Womanhood and nursing in historical perspective./ Nursing Research 36 (1), 2001 – pp.5—11

301. Reverby S. Ordered to Care: The Dilemma of American Nursing, 1850—1945. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001

302. Richardson S.A., Goodman N., Hastdorf A., Dornbuch S. Variant reactions to psychical disabilities. / American Sociological Review 28, 2001 – pp.429—435

303. Ries P. Health care coverage by age, sex, race, and family income: United States, 2000. / Advance Data, 2001, Report №139

304. Riley J.C. Sickness, recovery and death: A history a. forecast of ill health. – Basingtone; L: Macmillan, 2000 – XVI, 295p.

305. Riska E. Power Politics and Health: Forces Shaping American Medicine. – Helsinki: The Finnish Society of Letters, 2001

306. Risse G., Numbers R.L., Leavitt J.W. (eds.) Medicine Without Doctors: Home Health Care in American History. – New York: Science History, 2001

307. Ritenbaugh Ch. Obesity as a culture-bound syndrome. / Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry 6 (4), 2001 – pp. 347—361

308. Robbins T., Anthony D. Deprogramming, brainwashing, and the medicalization of deviant religious groups. / Social Problems 28 (3), 2001 – pp. 283—297

309. Robinson A.A. The motor vehicle, stress, and circulatory system. / Stress Medicine 4, 2001 – pp. 73—176

310. Robinson E.T. The world’s worst social disease-hunger. / Whole Life Times, 2000, September-October – pp. 24—27

311. Rodwin V.G. The Health Planning Predicament: France, Quebec, England, and the United States. – Berkley: University of California Press, 2001

312. Roebuck J., Hunter R.B. Medical quackery as deviant behavior. / Scarpitti F., McFarlane P. (eds.) Deviance: Action, Reaction, Interaction. – Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 2001

313. Roemer M. L’organisation des soius mйdicaux daus le cadre de la sйcurity sociale. D’apres la situation existont dans huit pays. – Geneve, 2000 – VIII, 292p.

314. Roemer M.I An Introduction to the U.S. Health Care System. – New York: Springer, 2001

315. Roemer M.I. National Strategies for Health Care organization: A World Overview. – Ann Arbor: Health Administration Press, 2001

316. Roemer M.I., Roemer R.J. Health Care Systems and Comparative Manpower Policies. – New York: Marcel Dekker, 2001

317. Romalis Sh. Struggle between providers and recipients: The case of birth practices. / Lewin E, Olesen V (eds.) Women, Health, and Healing: Toward a New Perspective. – London: Tavistock, 2001 – pp. 174—208

318. Rosenberg Ch. E. The care of Strangers: The Rise of America`s Hospital System. – New York: Basic, 2001

319. Rosenhan D. On being sane in insane places. / Science 179, 2001 – pp. 250—258

320. Rosenman R., Brand R.J et al. Coronary heart disease in the Western Collaborative Group Study: Final follow-up experience of 9,5 years. / J. of the American Medical Association 233, 2001 – pp. 872—877

321. Rosenthal M. Dealing with Medical Malpractice: The British and Swedish Experience. – Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2001

322. Rosenthal M. Health Care in the People’s Republic of China: Moving Toward Modernization. – Boulder, CO: Westview, 2001

323. Rosett R. Doing Well by Doing Good: Investor-Owned Hospitals. – Chicago: Center for Health Administrations Studies, University of Chicago, 2000

324. Rurality, poverty, and health. Medical problems in rural areas. -Washington: Cov. print. off. 2000 – IV, 11p.

325. Sanders D., Carver R. The struggle for health: Medicine a. the policies of underdevelopment. – Bassingstocke; L.: Macmillan, 2000 – XIV, 232p.

326. Le santй des nations. / Reme intern des sciences sociales, 2000, vol. 29, N3 – pp. 391—612

327. Saucier K.A. Perspectives in family and community health. – St. Louis etc: Mosby– year book, 2001 – XX, 412p.

328. Les sciences sociales dans l’enseignement medical. Rapport d’un Seminare rйent par le But. rйg. de l’Europe de l’org. mondiale de la santй. Hanovre, 7—10 Oct 2000. – Copenhague, 2001 – IV, 34p.

329. Scott D. The psychology of work. – London: Duckworth, 2000 – X, 256p.

330. Sellier F. Dynamique des besoins – sociaux. / «Economie et humanisme». – Paris, 2001 – 256p.

331. Serange-Fonterme R. Les disparites sociales de consonmmation medicale. – Paris.: Economica, 2000 – XVI – 231p.

332. Sloan I.J. The right to die: Legal a. ethical problems. – Oceana, 2000 – IV, 146p.

333. Smith college. Northampton smith college studies in social work. Ed. R.R.Miller e.a. – Northampton, 2000 – vol. 25, N3, – VIII, 86p.

334. Smith college. Northampton smith college studies in social work. Ed. R.R.Miller e.a. – Northampton, 2000 – vol. 33, N3, pp.175—236

335. Smith college. Northampton smith college studies in social work. Ed. R.R.Miller e.a. – Northampton, 2000 – vol. 34, N1 – 87p.

336. The social context and health care. / Brearley P., Gibbons J., MilesA. et al. – L.: Robertson; Oxford: Blackwell, 2001– 202p.

337. The social meaning of death. Ed. by Fox R.C. – Philadelphia: Americ. academ. of polit. a. social science, 2000, vol. 447 – XII – 146p.

338. The social organization of health. Ed. by Dreitzel H.R. – N.Y.: Macmillan; London: Collier – Macmillan, 2000 – XVIII – 301p.

339. The social sciences in medical education. Rep. on a. Seminar convened by the Reg. office for Europe of the World health org. Hanover 7—10 Oct. 1999 – Copenhagen, 2000 – IV, 31p.

340. Sociological theory and medical sociology. Ed. by Scambler G. – L; N.Y.: Tavistock, 2000 – VII, 261p.

341. Sozialwissenschaftlicher Fachinformationsdienst: so Fid. Medizinsoziologie + Sozialmedizin. / Informationszentrum Sozialwissenschaften der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute e.V. – Bonn. Социально-научная служба специальной информации: медицинская социология + социальная медицина. Информационный центр социально-научного рабочего сообщества.

342. Staiano K.V. Interpreting signs of illness: A case study in medical semiotics. – B. etc: Mouton de Gruyter, 2000 – XVII, 284p.

343. Summary Report of the Graduate Medical Education National Advising Committee. DHHS Publication No. (HRA) 81—651. – Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 2001

344. Talo S. Psychological assessment of functioning in chronic low back pain patients: Model application in comprehensive rehabilitation. – Turku, 2001 – 200p.

345. Targowla O. Les medicis aux mains sales: La medicine du travate. – P.: Relfond, 2001 – 220p.

346. The therapeutic revolution: Essays in the social history of Americ. medicine. Ed. by Vogel M.J., Rosenberg Ch. E. – Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania press, 2000 – XIII, 270p.

347. Titmuss R. The gift relationship. From human blood to social policy. -London: Allen & Unwin, 2001

348. The underside of high tech: Technology a. the deformation of human sensibilities. Ed. by Murphy I.W. et al. – N.Y.: Greenwood press, 2000 – XIII, 218p.

349. The use of heman beings in research: With spec. ret. to clinical trials. Ed. by Spicker S.F. et al. – Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2000 – XX, 291p

350. Veatch R.M. The patient as partner: A theory of humanexperimentation ethics. – Bloomington: Indianapolis, 2000 – XIV, 241p.

351. Verbrugge L.M. From sneezes to adieux: Stages of health for American men and women. / Social Science and Medicine 22, 2000 – pp.1195—1212

352. Verbrugge L.M. Gender and health: An update on hypotheses and evidence. / J. of Health and Social Behavior 26 (3), 2001 – pp.156—182

353. Verbrugge L.M., Ascione F.J. Exploring the iceberg: Common symptoms and how people care for them. / Medical Care 25 (6), 2001 – pp.539—569

354. Verbrugge L.M., Wingard D.L. Sex differentials in health and morality. / Women and Health 12 (2), 2001 – pp.103—143

355. Vogel V. American Indian Medicine. – Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2001

356. Volicer B. Cardiovascular changes associated with stress during hospitalization. / J. of Psychosomatic Research 22, 2000 – pp. 159—168

357. Vovelle M. Mourir autrefois. Gallimard/Julliard. 1974

358. Vuori H.V. l’assurance de la qualitй des presations de santй. Consepts et mйthodes. / OMS, Burean rйgional de l’Europe. – Copenhague: OMS, 2000 – X, 135p.

359. Wagner M.B. Metaphysics in Midwestern America. – Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2001

360. Waid W. Sociophsychology. – New York: Springer-Verlag, 2001

361. Waitzkin H.B. A critical theory of medicine discourse: Ideology, social control, and the processing of social context in medical encounters. / J. of

362. Health and Social Behavior 30 (2), 2001 – pp.220—239

363. Waitzkin H.B. A Marxian interpretation of the growth and development of coronary care technology. / American J. of Public Health 69 (12.), 2001 – pp.1260—1268

364. Waitzkin H.B. Health policy and social change: A comparative history of Chile and Cuba. / Social Problems 31 (2), 2001 – pp. 235—248

365. Waitzkin H.B. Information giving in medical care. / J. of Health and Social Behavior 26, 2001 – pp. 81—101

366. Waitzkin H.B. Latent functions of the sick role in various institutional settings. / Social Science and Medicine 5, 2001 – pp. 45—75

367. Waitzkin H.B. The micropolitics of medicine: A contextual analysis. / International J. of Health Services 14, 2001 – pp. 339—378

368. Waitzkin H.B. The Second Sickness: Contradictions of Capitalist Health Care. – New York: The Free Press, 2001

369. Waitzkin H.B., Stoeckle J.D. The communication of information about illness. / Advances in Psychosomatic Medicine 8, 2000 – pp. 180—215

370. Waitzkin H.B., Waterman B. The Exploitation of Illness in Capitalist Society. – Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 2000

371. Waldron I. Sex differentials in human morality: The role of genetic factors. / Social Science and Medicine 17 (6), 2001 – pp. 321—333

372. Waldron I. Why do women live longer than men? / Social Science and Medicine 10, 2001 – pp. 349—362

373. Wallston B., Alagna S.W., DeWellis B.M., DeWellis R.B. Social support and physical health. / Health Psychology 2, 2001 – pp.367—391

374. Walsh D.Ch. Corporate Physicians: Between Medicine and Management.– New Haven: Yale University Press, 2001

375. Walsh D.Ch. Toward a sociology of worksite health promotion: A few reactions and reflections. / Social Science and Medicine 26 (5), 2001 – pp.569—575

376. Walters V. Company doctors’ perceptions of and responses to conflicting pressures from labor and management. / Social problems 30 (1), 2001 – pp.1—12

377. Ward M.C. Poor Women, Powerful Men: Americans Great Experiment in Family Planning. – Boulder, CO: Westview, 2001

378. Wardwell W.I. Orthodoxy and heterodoxy in medical practice. / Social Science and Medicine 6, 2001 – pp.759—763

379. Wardwell W.I. Chiropractors: Challengers of medical domination. / Research in the Sociology of Health Care 3, 2001 – pp. 207—250

380. Warner R. Hard times and schizophrenia. / Psychology Today, 20 (6), 2001 – pp.50—52

381. Warner R. Morality in medicine: An introd. to med. ethics. – Sherman Oaks: Alfred, 2000 – X, 142p.

382. Warnock J.W. The Politics of Hunger: The Global Food System. – Toronto: Methuen, 2001

383. Wolinsky F. The sociology of health; Principles, professions a. iss. – Boston; Toronto: little brown a. co., 2000 – XIV, 449p.

384. World health organization. Expert committee on environmental change and resulting impacts on health. Report of a WNO Expert committee. – Geneva, 2012– 23p.

385. Wright W. The social logic of health. – New Brunswick: Rutgers univ. press, 2000– XV, 215p.

386. Zivanovic S. Bolesti drevnih ljudi. Beograd 2000

387. Zola J.K. Culture and symptoms. / American sociological Review 31, 2000 – pp. 615—630

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