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Жанр: Юриспруденция и право, Наука и Образование

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Текущая страница: 31 (всего у книги 31 страниц)

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219. Linton P.B. The Legal Status of Abortion in the States if Roe v. Wade is Overruled // Issues in Law and Medicine. 2007. Vol. 23. № 1.

220. MacCormick A. The Prison’s Role in Crime Prevention // Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. 1950. Vol. 41. № 1.

221. Maier-Katkin D., Ogle R. A Rationale for Infanticide Laws // Criminal Law Review. 1993. № 12.

222. Maitland F.W. The Early History of Malice Aforethought / The Collected Papers of Frederick William Maitland / Ed. by H.A.L. Fisher. 3 Volumes. Vol. 1. Cambridge, 1911.

223. Martin J.C. The Criminal Code of Canada. Toronto: Cartwright & Sons Ltd., 1955.

224. Materni Mike C. Criminal Punishment and the Pursuit of Justice // British Journal of American Legal Studies. 2013. Vol. 2. № 1.

225. McBain G. Modernising the Law of Murder and Manslaughter // Journal of Politics and Law. 2015. Vol. 8. № 4.

226. McColgan A. In Defence of Battered Women Who Kill // Oxford Journal of Legal Studies. 1993. Vol. 13. № 4.

227. Mewett A. The Enigma of Manslaughter // Criminal Law Quarterly. 1992. Vol. 34.

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230. Mitchell B.J. Minding the Gap in Unlawful and Dangerous Act Manslaughter: A Moral Defence of One-punch Killers // The Journal of Criminal Law. 2008. Vol. 72. № 6.

231. Mitchell B.J. More Thoughts about Unlawful and Dangerous Act Manslaughter and the One-punch Killer // Criminal Law Review. 2009. Vol. 7.

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237. Mounts S.E. Premeditation and Deliberation in California: Returning to a distinction Without a Difference // University of San Francisco Law Review. 2002. Vol. 36. № 2.

238. Mousourakis G. Criminal Responsibility and Partial Excuses. Alder-shot: Ashgate, 1998.

239. Mousourakis G. Cumulative Provocation and Partial Defences in English Criminal Law // 291 Obiter 2007.

240. Mueller Gerhard O.W. Mens Rea and the Corporation: A Study of the Model Penal Code Position on Corporate Liability // University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 1957. Vol. 19. № 1. P. 23.

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244. Nourse V. Passion’s Progress: Modern Law Reform and the Provocation Defense // Yale Law Journal. 1997. Vol. 106. № 5.

245. Norrie A. Crime, Reason and History. Oxford: Butterworth, 2001.

246. Norrie A. A Critique of Criminal Causation // The Modern Law Review. 1991. Vol. 54. № 5.

247. Oates L. Life, Death and the Law // Common Law World Review. 2007. Vol. 36. № 1.

248. Oberman M. Mothers Who Kill: Coming to Terms with Modern American Infanticide // DePaul Journal of Health Care Law. 2004–2005. Vol. 8. № 1.

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250. Ormrod R.F.G. «Brain Death» and the Law // Poly Law Review. 1982. Vol. 7.

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252. Otlowski M. Active Voluntary Euthanasia: Options for reform // Medical Law Review / 1994. Vol. 2. № 2.

253. Pace A.N. Law and Ethics at the End of Life: The Practitioner’s View // Death, Dying & the Law / Ed. by S.A.M. McLean. Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1996.

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258. Perkins Rollin M. A Re-examination of Malice Aforethought // Yale Law Journal. 1934. Vol. XLIII. № 4.

259. Physician-Assisted suicide // New England Journal of Medicine. 2013. Vol. 368. № 15.

260. Pillsbury S.H. Judging Evil: Rethinking The Law of Murder and Manslaughter. N.Y.: New York University Press, 1998.

261. Pinto A. & Evans M. Corporate Criminal Liability. London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2003.

262. Pollock F., Maitland F.W. The History of English Law before the Time of Edward I. 2nd еd. Vol. I. Clark, 2008.

263. Pound R. The Spirit of the Common Law. N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 1999.

264. Price D.P.T. Assisted Suicide and Refusing Medical Treatment: Linguistics, Morals and Legal Contortions // Medical Law Review. 1996. Vol. 4. № 3.

265. Purvis Taylor E. Debating death: religion, politics and the Oregon Death with Dignity Act // Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine. 2012. Vol. 85. № 2.

266. Quick O. Medical Manslaughter and Expert Evidence: the Role of Context and Character / Bioethics, Medicine, and the Criminal Law: Medicine, Crime, and Society / Ed. by D. Griffiths, A. Sanders. N.Y., 2013.

267. Radha Krishna K.L., Kwek S.Y. The Changing Face of Personhood at the End of Life: The Ring Theory of Personhood // Palliative and Supportive Care. 2015. Vol. 12. № 4.

268. Reagan Leslie J. When Abortion Was a Crime: Women, Medicine, and Law in the United States, 1867–1973. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997.

269. Report of the Select Committee on Murder and Life Imprisonment (1989) HL 78-I.

270. Rich B.A. Postmodern Personhood: A Matter of Consciousness / Bioethics. 1997. Vol. 11. № 3–4.

271. Ristroph A. Desert, Democracy and Sentencing Reform // Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. 2006. Vol. 96. № 4.

272. Roach K. Criminal Law. 2nd еd. Toronto: Irwin Law, 2000.

273. Robinson Paul H. A Functional Analysis of Criminal Law / Faculty Scholarship. Paper 610. Philadelphia, 1994.

274. Robinson Paul H. United States / The Handbook of Comparative Criminal Law / Ed. by Heller K.J., Dubber M.D. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2011.

275. Russell W.O. Russell on Crime. 12th еd / Ed. by J.W. Cecil Turner. London. Stevens&Sons, Ltd., 1964. Vol. 1.

276. Schulhofer S. Harm and Punishment: A Critique of Emphasis on the Results of Conduct in the Criminal Law// University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 1974. Vol. 122. № 6.

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278. Smith C.K. Safeguards for Physician-assisted Suicide: The Oregon Death with Dignity Act // Death, Dying & the Law / Ed. by S.A.M. McLean. Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1996.

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281. Smith and Hogan’s Criminal Law. 13th еd / Ed. by D. Ormerod. N.Y.: Oxford University Press, 2011.

282. Somerville M.A. Death talk: the case against euthanasia and physician assisted suicide. Montreal: McGill – Queen’s University Press, 2001.

283. Sorrell T. Moral Theory and Capital Punishment. Oxford: Blackwell, 1987.

284. Spetz N.S. Canadian Criminal Law. Toronto: Pitman Publishing, 1972.

285. Spinelli Margaret G. Maternal Infanticide Associated with Mental Illness: Prevention and the Promise of Saved Lives // American Journal of Psychiatry. 2004. Vol. 161. № 9.

286. Stacy T. Changing Paradigms in the Law of Homicide // Ohio State Law Journal. 2001. Vol. 62. № 3.

287. Steinbrook R. Egg Donation and Human Embryonic Stem-Cell Research // New England Journal of Medicine. 2006. Vol. 354. № 4.

288. Stephen J.F. A History of the Criminal Law of England. In Three Volumes.Vol. 3. London: Macmillan and Co., 1883.

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292. Stuart D. Continuing Inconsistency But Also Now Insensitivity That Won’t Work (1993), 23 C.R. (4th).

293. Stuart D. Supporting General Principles for Criminal Responsibility in the Model Penal Code with Suggestions for Reconsideration: A Canadian Perspective // Buffalo Criminal Law Review. 2000. Vol. 4. № 1.

294. Stuart D., Delisle R.J., Coughlan S. Learning Canadian Criminal Law. 10th еd. Toronto: Thomson, 2007.

295. Stuart D., Delisle R., Manson A. Towards a Clear and Just Criminal Law: A Criminal Reports Forum. Toronto: Carswell, 1999.

296. Tadros V. The Homicide Ladder // The Modern Law Review. 2006. Vol. 69. № 4.

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302. Young A.N. Canadian Criminal Law. London: Kluwer Law Int., 1999. 303. Vallillee E. Deconstructing Homicide // Western Journal of Legal Studies. 2010. Vol. 5. № 4.

304. Veatch Robert M. Transplantation Ethics. Washington: Georgetown University Press, 2002.

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306. Walker N. Crime and Insanity in England. Vol. 1. The Historical Perspective. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1968.

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308. Weir R.F. Selective Nontreatment of Handicapped Newborns: Moral Dilemmas in Neonatal Medicine // Reconstructing Criminal Law. Texts and Materials / Ed. by O. Lacey, C. Wells, O. Quick. 3rd еd. London: LexisNexis, 2003.

309. Wells C. Corporate Criminal Liability: A Ten Year Review // The Criminal Law Review. 2014. Vol. 12. № 12.

310. Wells C. Provocation: The Case for Abolition // Rethinking English Homicide Law / Ed. by A. Ashworth & B. Mitchell. N.Y.: Oxford University Press, 2000.

311. Wells C. The Decline and Rise of English Murder: Corporate Crime and Individual Responsibility // Criminal Law Review. 1988. № 1.

312. Whitfield A. Common law Duties to Unborn Children // Medical Law Review. 1993. № 1.

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315. Williams G. Intention and Causation in Medical Non-Killing. The Impact of Criminal Law Concepts on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide. London: Routledge, 2007.

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317. Williams G. The Sanctity of Life and the Criminal law. N.Y.: Alfred Knopf, 1957.

318. Wilson L.C. Beatty, J.F. ant the Law of Manslaughter // Alberta Law Review. 2010. Vol. 47. № 3.

319. Wilson L.C. Too Many Manslaughters // Criminal Law Quarterly. 2007. Vol. 52.

320. Wilson W. Criminal Law: Doctrine and Theory. 3rd еd. Dorchester, 2008.

321. Wilson W. Doctrinal Rationality after Woollin // The Modern Law Review. 1999. Vol. 62. № 3.

322. Wilson W. Murder and the Structure of Homicide // Rethinking English Homicide Law / Ed. by A. Ashworth & B. Mitchell. N.Y.: Oxford University Press, 2000.

323. Wisner K.L., Gracious B.L., Piontek C.M., Peindl K., Perel J.M. Postpartum Disorders: Phenomenology, Treatment Approaches, and Relationship to Infanticide: Psychosocial and Legal perspectives on mothers Who Kill / Ed. by M.G. Spinelli. Washington: American Psychiatric Publishing, 2002.

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